#seriously the regressions thing but its the narrators that regress kills my orv rotted brain a little
always-a-joyful-note · 8 months
Honestly, the more I think of Performance (spoiler warning), the more unreal that story is. You have the perfect setup for them to try and stage the play Romeo and Juliet like they did in Shakespeare's time (all male cast to play characters of both genders) but they went "nah, they're all girls now." Wataru plays like....4.5 characters and sometimes in the same scene. The line "the capulets' daughter has awakened to homosexuality." The fact that they really isekai-fied Shakespeare (that seems to be a thing in webtoons these days, too). They discuss religion and politics and social issues unironically but somehow also ridiculously. Tomoya openly falling for Hokuto's acting. Hokuto using Anzu as his standard of what a girl is supposed to be like and obliviously acting super shady (she's probably used to it? idk). Underage (still can't tell if it's staged or for real) drinking on stage. Breaking the fourth wall. Did I mention they made Romeo and Juliet an isekai?
And somehow, somehow. I am told this is one of the best event stories that dissect Wataru's character and personality underneath his 2937 layers of theatre masks. And in my "has not read Romeo and Juliet but has read other Shakespeare plays" opinion, they actually offer some legitimately solid analyses of the play (yes, from a more modern perspective rather than a new historicism approach but that's just literary theory for you).
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