#sersi joins the cool kids
lovelyfanatical · 2 years
I Get a Sugar Rush Whenever I’m With You - Chapter 2.2
Good evening fellow Drukkari stans, or whatever time it is for you! I bring you the next mini-chapter of this fic: aka Sersi comes to dinner. If you missed the last mini-chapter, you can read it here or start over from the beginning if you're just joining in! You can also find me on AO3 now, though I'm updating here more frequently. Anyway, enjoy the next installment of Drukkari in the Great British Bake Off!
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Druig wasn’t lying about the extra copy of his recipe. As taken aback as he had initially been, he really was flattered that someone would want his recipe for anything. He was more than happy to pass it along and was even thinking of asking for Sersi’s rosewater macaron recipe in return. Fortunately, he was able to do just that at dinner, and Sersi agreed to send him a copy.
“Are we even allowed to do that?” Kingo asked upon witnessing the exchange.
“Definitely not before the challenge, but I don’t think the rules say anything about not sharing them immediately after,” Druig answered.
Good, because I want a copy, too! Makkari signed.
“I’m surrounded by delinquents,” Kingo sighed.
“I think it’s nice to see young people sharing recipes!” Ajak asserted. “These things need to be passed on, you know.”
“Sure, but I’m not getting kicked out for not waiting ‘til the end,” Kingo replied before getting hit right between the eyes by a flying crouton. “What the hell, Makkari!?”
We’re not getting kicked out either because you are not going to snitch! she signed forcefully.
“Okay, I won’t snitch,” he replied in exasperated defeat. “I don’t speak for everyone else here, though.”
“Of course we won’t tell!” Ajak jumped in.
“If Miss Makkari wishes it to stay a secret, I will not tell,” Karun added.
“Obviously I won’t,” Sersi said cheerfully. Druig and Makkari shared a celebratory high-five, and Kingo merely rolled his eyes before continuing.
“Okay, well now that we’ve all been sworn to secrecy, we may as well get to know each other better. Where is everyone from, and what’s your relationship status?”
“Isn’t that a bit nosy, Kingo?” Ajak asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes, but it’s more fun than asking what your job is. Besides, we’re all in this together now. Time to get intimately acquainted!”
“Very well,” she replied. As it turns out, Ajak lived in the countryside with her longtime partner. Meanwhile, Karun was married to his job, and Druig and Makkari were both single in the city. As all eyes turned to Sersi next, Druig thought he noticed the faintest bit of sadness behind her eyes as she announced, “I’m from London, and I’m currently single.”
“See? That wasn’t so bad,” Kingo said cheerfully. “And since I am also single and living in London, we can totally go out clubbing together and be each other’s wingmen!”
“Aw, thanks Kingo!” The sadness lifted a little.
“Although, it doesn’t seem like you need my help in that department,” he added with a wink.
What’s with the wink? Makkari signed with expertly feigned innocence. Druig did his best to follow suit.
“Oh, nothing! It’s just… she did seem quite friendly with Dane during the signature today.”
Sersi turned bright red. “Oh, well, Dane’s just really nice in general, I think.”
“And they did eat lunch together.”
Oh, that’s right! Makkari said, turning to Sersi with a mischievous grin. He hardly ever seems to take his eyes off of her.
“He’s not even the only one. You remember the guy from last week?” Kingo added.
“You mean Ikaris?” Ajak asked. At the mention of his name, Sersi’s eyes widened.
“Pretty sure he had his eye on her too. Too bad Dane got to her first.”
“Aw, then he got eliminated first!” Ajak added. “Now I really feel bad for him.”
On the other side of Makkari, Sersi had gone quiet. The hint of sadness Druig had seen earlier seemed to have returned as well. Makkari had noticed too, and she nudged Druig.
“Well, if Sersi doesn’t need you as a wingman, then where are our invitations?” he interjected, motioning to Makkari and himself.
Yeah, Kingo? she added, as she and Druig both stared Kingo down.
“Hey, it’s mutual agreement and I don’t trust either of you to talk me up to anyone! You’ve known me too long.”
“We’ve all known you the same amount of time,” Druig deadpanned, which prompted a few chuckles around the table and a small smile from Sersi.
“He has you there, sir,” Karun said.
“That may be, but this is me and Sersi’s first meal together. You’ve both eaten with me multiple times!”
“And me!” Ajak chimed it.
“Me, as well” Karun added.
“See? You’re all just proving my point,” Kingo claimed, rolling his eyes. “Sersi’s new to our group, so she hasn’t learned to gang up on me yet!”
“Well, if I officially join your group, won’t I also know you too well by next week?” Sersi asked with a sly smile.
Kingo merely put his head in his hands and groaned while the others giggled.
“That’s okay, I’ll still go clubbing with you, Kingo,” she continued.
“You promise?” he asked, looking up from his hands.
“Promise… as long as everyone else is invited, too!”
Kingo clutched his heart in mock hurt as he whisper-shouted, “Et tu, Brute?”
The table broke down in laughter.
After the others headed to bed, Druig and Makkari stayed behind to discuss their shared findings with Kingo.
“She’s guilty!” Kingo whisper-shouted. “She went completely silent when I brought up Ikaris.”
“I think that’s the natural response to being pressed about your love life in front of five new acquaintances,” Druig responded. “Besides, she doesn’t strike me as the vindictive type.”
Yeah. If anything, she seemed genuinely sad when you mentioned Ikaris, Makkari added. Maybe she still has a soft spot for him, in which case, she wouldn’t try to sabotage him.
“Okay, I guess that makes sense,” Kingo conceded with a sigh. “But what about Dane?”
What about him?
“Well, if I was getting close to someone romantically, I’d probably want to get their ex out of the picture if I could.”
How would he even know that Ikaris was her ex? We only found out after he was already eliminated.
“Outside of the people in this room, the only other person he could’ve found out from is Sersi herself, and she’s not exactly forthcoming about it,” Druig said.
He’s also been so busy paying attention to Sersi, he probably didn’t even notice Ikaris.
“Then who could it be?” Kingo asked, clearly exasperated.
“No one, because it wasn’t sabotage,” Druig asserted.
“How can you be sure?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” he asked. Kingo looked at him with raised eyebrows, still confounded. Even Makkari was looking at him curiously, waiting to see where he was going with this. “Ikaris shows up to a major competition, only to find out his ex is competing as well. On top of that, she starts getting close to someone new, and since he’s in the very back, he has the perfect view to watch them flirt the entire time. He’s so distracted, he makes multiple rookie mistakes, like using salt instead of sugar.”
They both looked at him for a moment, mulling over his words. Kingo was the first to break the silence. “Well, when you put it like that…”
Brilliant deduction, Dr. Watson, Makkari signed with a smile. Druig couldn’t help but smile back.
“Hey, I thought I was Watson!” Kingo interrupted.
No, he’s definitely Watson. And I’m obviously Sherlock.
“Then who am I?”
“You can be Mrs. Hudson,” Druig suggested, which made Makkari giggle and Kingo sigh.
And that concludes the mini-mystery arc of this fic! Unless I decide to bring it back :D Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this, and bonus points to you if you spotted my reference to another OTP. Likes, reblogs, and comments would be much appreciated!
Part 7
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sacredsorceress · 2 years
I’ll be honest, I’d love to request a Druig Halloween blurb…I just don’t know exactly what to request. All that I can think of is somehow having the reader be a librarian (it’s my favorite trope, seeing as how I am one myself). Maybe Druig volunteered to do a story time for kids at Sersi’s prompting and he was so popular, he was asked back to do a spooky Halloween one? Idk…I’ll leave it up to you.
PS: I love your work so much!!!
T’was Halloween Night || Druig
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a/n: i’m sorry this is so short and so last minute but i hope you enjoy this little halloween fic!
word count: 1k
warnings: none, fluff
masterlist || druig masterlist
A shiver ran through you as you stepped into the library, the door shutting behind you as the warmth from the inside welcomed you in. The lights had been dimmed by this time of night and the warm, orange glow of the halloween decorations you had expertly strung up two weeks before reminded you of what day today was: Halloween.
You unraveled your scarf from around your neck and noted the vacancy at the front desk. Despite your coworker’s disappearance, however, you weren’t alone. You heard a man’s voice carry from the children’s room and with it, the excited gasps of the kids who came for story time, thrilled by the tale at hand. As you hung your scarf on the hook, you followed the voice through the threshold and smiled.
On the colorful rug were a scattered group of children, dressed to the nines in their costumes with their parents by their side, and in the middle of them a man who looked much to out of place between them.
His dark hair was in his face as he read and his black leather jacket nearly distracted from the different accents he used for each of the characters in the story- his voice fluctuating with each line.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the way he sat in the wooden chair that was far too tiny for him, hunched over to find the words on the page. Despite his stature and admittedly brooding appearance, it was evident that the kids just adored him.
Without realizing, you smiled along with his story until the very last line when the kids erupted in pitter pattered applause.
And you couldn't help but join them.
As the applause fell and the parents escorted their kids out of the library and into the cool Halloween night to begin their trick-or-treating, you realized as the last child left that all that remained were you and the unnamed man.
With the room drowned in nothing but the “Halloween Party” playlist your coworker had left on, you watched as he shrugged on his leather jacket. Maybe it was the fact that you were spending Halloween alone, working or the way he had a magnetic energy towards him despite his demeanor, but you didn’t want to allow him to leave so easily.
“You did a great job.” You complimented him. “The kids loved you.”
Looking up from digging into his pockets, he shrugged and rolled his eyes.
“I think everyone just likes a good story.”
“Do you?” You asked.
“Do I what?” 
“Enjoy a good story.”
He thought for a moment.
Pushing himself up from the stool, he chuckled to himself.
“I’ve been a part of far too many to say.” He replied. “Ask me an easy question, Y/n.”
Your name slipping from his lips both flustered you and invigorated you. You both were hyperaware that you had never shared your name, but as shocked as you were, you hated to admit that you weren't as uneasy as you were intrigued.
“How do you know my name?”
The soft smirk that painted his face was both welcome and infuriating at the same time.
“I’m not sure what you mean.”
“Are you a ghost?” You asked, only half joking.
The laugh that erupted from his chest proved the side that was being truthful, wrong.
“In some places.” He said. “Though, not here. If that’s what you're worried about.”
He slowly crossed the room to you, his hands behind his back as he did. You straightened against the wall of the threshold, watching his every step and memorizing the way he walked over to you in pure confidence and cockiness. Usually you hated a man who exuded any of it, but you could tell every ounce of it was justified- far from the men built up by feigned respect you accounted usually.
“So you’re human then?”
He smiled.
“You ask a lot of questions.”
You were suddenly aware of how close he stood to you.
His chest was practically against yours and although you could see his face, you swore he was close enough that you could feel his breath against your skin.
“Naturally inquisitive.” You responded.
The lack of movement from either of you ushered the lights in the room to shut off, leaving the both of you basking in the warm, orange glow of the Halloween lights.
“Can I ask you a question?” He asked.
Choked up by his proximity to you, you nodded.
“Would you like to get get coffee?” He asked. “After your shift, of course.”
You had to admit that you had opened your mouth to respond as soon as he asked the question but shut it a moment later when he responded to your protests without a word. It was almost as though he could read your mind.
“You’d like that wouldn't you?”
Standing up straight, you stuck your nose up.
“Maybe I would.”
“Well,” He said, leaning in closer. “It’s a date, then.”
As quick as he leaned into you, he pulled away and shoved his hands into his jacket pockets.
“That’s what you humans say anyway, right?”
Glancing at his figure from his shoes to his eyes, you nodded.
“That’s right, Mr...?”
Knowing where you were headed, he chuckled and stepped backwards.
Watching as he, Druig, stepped towards the door, a part of you felt a breath that you hadn't;t even noticed you had been holding escape your lungs.
His stride was long and quick and before you knew it, he stood at the entrance with his back towards you. Druig’s face peaked over his shoulder as his hand met the handle.
“Happy Halloween, Y/n.”
And just like that, he left, with only the cool breeze that slipped in as the door shut behind him there to greet you. 
You found yourself wondering who he was, or, rather, what he was, but as a couple walked in behind him, you found peace in the fact that you would find out later that Halloween night.
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