haisuu · 2 months
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art by the.gauntlets
gofundme for the family
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haisuu · 4 months
I wanted to request charles, whit, xander and david with a crush that avoids them because rhe reader likes them to??
Of Course! Hope it’s worth the wait!
Did I Do Something?
OK SUMMARYY: You’ve always been someone who didn’t know how to deal with affection or attention, so a love life has been hard for you. There’s this guy you really like, but you’ve decided just to avoid him in order to protect your heart. How does he feel about this?
p.s: you’re the Ultimate Music Enthusiast (I was originally gonna do the ultimate simp but decided not too lol)
Charles Cuevas!
Your crush on him was instantaneous, but it led to you barely interacting with him, much to Charles’ dismay. His crush may have occurred slower, but it was a lot more intense!
He saw you, and he couldn’t stand you. If there was one thing he liked about you from the start, it was the fact you never talked to him. It was clear that he didn’t think that the Ultimate Music Enthusiast was a true talent.
But something about the way you talked so little with some people, yet were so outspoken with your friends drew him in. He saw how you always had something snarky to say to anyone who didn’t like you.
Eventually, he noticed the little things, how he noticed your eye bags, and how they hung no matter how noticeable or unnoticeable they were. When you waved to people by only using one finger, or the top half of your hand down to your friends.
Yet, when he actually wanted to get to know you, he found his efforts were in vain. Whenever he walked up to you, you’d always give him a specific look, one he didn’t see you give to anyone else. It wasn’t the warm, tired one you gave to your friends, or the disgusted, avoidant ones you gave to people you didn’t like.
This look, it was mixed with nervousness and something else, something he couldn’t place. Was it happiness? Terror? Disgust? He didn’t know and it killed him inside. He has observed you for so long yet can’t recognize a simple look on your face? He felt so stupid.
This cycle repeated for a few days. He would seek, you two would meet, then, you would fleet, and it would all repeat. It wasn’t until Whit told him the words he’d been waiting to hear for so long as you scurried away.
“They really like you y’know?” Whit told him. His heart stopping as he said that. But, he wanted to hear it from you, that was all he wanted. So, he stood up, and he walked to your room, his shoes clicking against the flooring. He knocked and you answered, he finally had the chance, and he wasn’t gonna miss it.
“..I really like you, do you like me back?” His confession was a lot like him, straight to the point, no shortcuts, just the truth. And by the way you looked, he knew that you liked him back. But when you nodded, it was like he just ascended into heaven. No, it was exactly like heaven.
Whit Young!
He always knew about your crush on him, how could he not? The way you immediately took your eyes away when he looked at you, or how your lips curved upwards if you ever heard his voice. He noticed those things, somehow. But he noticed them.
It was quite endearing, really. He’s had people crushing on him before, but, this was different. This time, he actually reciprocated the feeling. But, for some reason, he didn’t know what to do.
He’s technically never had a crush on someone before. He was always the one making sure couples were formed. He never wanted to be in a relationship, or rather, he never thought about being in one until now.
Whenever he looked at you, he saw someone who was the perfect blend of chaos and empathy. Someone he could admire from afar and up-close at the same time.
He thought he could just chatterbox his way up into your heart, but when you were nowhere to be found, he was heartbroken!
He didn’t want to just jump in on the conversation, he wanted to actually get to know you. To spend time with you, and only you. Something he wasn’t used to doing, he usually just talked and talked and he would become close with people at the drop of a hat!
He’d walk, and walk, and walk, but there was never a moment where you’d be alone. You always had someone tagging along with you. Not to mention, you had your room always locked, and were always “too busy” to open it up and let him in! Yet whenever one of your friends asked, they were let in right away!
He was so hurt! He just wanted to confess his undying love to you! He constantly ended up venting about this to Charles, much to his annoyance. (wow im sooo creative, using whit and charles in each others headcanons..)
“I just want to tell them that my love for them is larger than life! Is that really so wrong!” “Yes, absolutely.” “You’re not helping!” Was practically becoming a classic conversation between them.
After what felt like years, (it was only a few days), he finally got the chance to speak with you! With no one else around, he vent his heart out, laying everything on the floor.
“I love you! I-I don’t know how else to put it. But, I really want to be with you!” He did it..he finally did it. He confessed to you! When you accepted his confession, he hugged you with all his might, placing his lips on yours!
Xander Matthews!
As soon as Xander laid eyes on you, he felt a spark buzz around in his chest, he had to go talk to you!
At your first interaction, you were so jittery, and the conversation ended after only exchanging names and ultimates before you ran off somewhere else!
Xander was…disappointed to say the least. You seemed like such a sweet person! Especially in the following weeks when he saw you laughing like a maniac with your friends! If you were able to laugh with them so easily, why were you so nervous around him?
Then, it hit him…he was probably just startling you, right? Maybe if he just took off his brown coat, and spoke in a less energetic tone, you’d talk to him, right?
…No. It didn’t work, of course it didn’t! Because that wasn’t the reason you didn’t talk to him, but he didn’t know that, of course. He just thought he had to take a different approach.
After a few days of unsuccessfully trying to talk to you, he eventually took a moment to lie down on his bed, Teruko beside him. The brunette’s face was clearly annoyed at Xander’s efforts. “You’re acting like they’re the love of your life, y’know?” Teruko said.
Xander took a moment to think about her words. Then, he realized, she was right. He was acting like he was in love with you. “That’s because I am!” He said, his words flowing like water. “Why do you think I’m trying so hard to talk to them? There’s something so…beautiful about them.” He told Teruko, his words were completely serious. Something about you made his heart flutter.
Yet, he knew so little about you. He only knew your name, and your ultimate. Yet, if that was all he figured out about you for the rest of his life, he’d be at peace with that.
But that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to try. Xander stood up, and walked to your dorm. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on your door. When you opened it, his heart gave a flutter, but he didn’t dare utter a word (CAUSE THAT WOULD BE ABSUUURD BEHAVIOR). He immediately grabbed the door in order to keep it open. Especially since at one point, you slammed the door on him when he tried to talk to you.
“Y-Y/n! I want to talk to you!” He said, taking another deep breath as you stood there, hands behind your back due to nervousness. “I really, really like you. Like, more than I thought I would. And, I was hoping you’d allow me to be your..boyfriend?”
David Chiem
Oh, David…what a polarizing figure he was to you.. You could immediately tell something was slightly off with him. How could someone be so positive and uplifting their whole life?
As a result of this, you tended to avoid him, most of it was unintentional, but there were times when you’d purposefully avoid him. Something about his vibe was both…alluring yet also…unsettling? You just couldn’t explain it.
For David, meeting you was like a meeting your new pet rock. Something that was weirdly sentimental for no real reason. He just couldn’t stop staring at you, his eyes always glazing over your figure.
In his eyes, however, he saw something more…he saw a light. He saw someone he could trust, someone he could hold and cherish in his arms for all of eternity.
But, he couldn’t, the most he was spared was a glance across the hallway before you went on your day. It was insufferable, honestly. To watch your pretty face walk around for a few fleeting moments before you crawled up into your room for what felt like hours. He just could never confront you about this new sensation.
So, he waits, and waits, and waits for hours sitting at the dining table until you come out for your 3am snack. As soon as you do, his eyes widen and he jumps up. He immediately walks over to you, his eyes widening as he takes you in. You looked so beautiful, even if you were drowned in eye bags and groans, you still looked like heaven.
He finally spoke up. Although you made him question many things, he knew one thing for sure. He wanted to take this slow… “..Do you mind if I accompany you to the kitchen? I’m sure you’d like some company!” He said, the smile on his face clear despite the room’s dark setting.
Well…it’s been a bit! But I always do my best to finish any requests! I’ll open up requests A VERYYY LONG to be realistic, but nobody knows lol. But, anyways, I hope you enjoyed my comeback request! Remember that someone out there cares about you! Goodbye!!!
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haisuu · 5 months
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sorry for liking blond men
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haisuu · 8 months
Yesterday marked the 100th day of genocide. Please, do not get used to this. Our people, killed, bombed, kidnapped, stripped, executed and starved is not normal. Our kids in pieces, their body parts collected in bags is not normal.
Israel has killed 23,700 human. More than 10,300 child. We'd need 177 school bus to carry the Palestinian children killed by Israel in gaza. 10,022 fatherless child. 8,352 motherless child. The wounded have their wounds rot and die waiting in front of the crossing. Maggots seen inside alive people's wounds. 5,500 pregnant woman will give birth in the upcoming weeks. 100 Days of Genocide. 100 Days of the world watching silently.
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haisuu · 9 months
BROOO OMG IM FINALLY ON MY LAST REQUEST WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO only took me like 8 months to do like 10 requests..not that long, right?
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haisuu · 9 months
I have a request! What if the reader also has an eating disorder like Ace from drdt? Maybe they can both help each other go through it. I can't imagine how cute that must be :D
OOO I’ll try! This’ll take a while tho! Hope that it’s worth the wait!
Hard Times, No Lies
(i didn’t know what to put for the title lol)
A/n: I have no idea how to write ppl with disorders so pls spare me
Your disorder started as wanting your body to look the same as the people you saw online.
They were skinny, you weren’t, and you hated it. You ended up starving yourself in the hopes that you’d feel better, that you’d finally get the body that you always dreamed of having.
But you didn’t, and now here you are, trapped, left to your own devices, and constantly feared that you won’t wake up in your bed tomorrow.
Luckily, you met someone who you could relate to, Ace Markey, the Ultimate Jockey. You found out he also had an eating disorder, and you felt like there was finally someone you could talk to.
Admittedly, you didn’t like him at first, his cowardly attitude didn’t exactly make for a nice personality, but you did always think he was funny.
But finding out about his ED, felt like another layer of relatability had been added. And, once he found out about yours, it felt like you two had become attached to the hip at that moment.
You two would be able to vent to eachother about hardships, and would be able to help each other throughout the hard times. Eventually, you two had decided you were in this together, and no lies were in the relationship.
From making sure you were both eating happily, to crying in each other’s shoulders about literally anything. It was you and him until the end.
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haisuu · 10 months
Can you do more David dating head canons but like unhinged David please 😏
So….unhinged David huh…I’ll try!
David Chiem Dating HCS! (Chapter 2 Focus)
Summary: Dating David can be…a hassle to say the least. His maniacal nature along with his deep voice combines to make a partner who loves you dearly..! ..And is also littered with insanity! So fun..
a/n: whoop whoop! it hasn’t been a month and a new post?!?!?! Astonishing, I know.
Has the tiniest soft spot for you, but it’s barely noticeable by most people. (except whit lol)
Needs, and I mean NEEDS to be constantly holding your hand, wherever you two go, he just has to.
Occasionally starts rambling on about…something? Just smack him on the shoulder and he’ll stop, okay?
Is constantly making sarcastic jokes but can never tell when someone is telling one to him lol.
On top of that, you can also never tell if David is being sarcastic to you! ..Great!
Believes dates are essential in a successful relationship.
LOVESSSS Spooning while you cuddle! Whether big spoon or little!
Talks a little in his sleep! Usually it’s an endearing statement for you.
“…I love you..so much, my dear..” He’d say as he slept.
HEYYYYYY I ACTUALLY MANAGED TO POST AT A SOMEWHAT CONSISTENT RATE??? Ok anywaysssss love you guyssss make sure to take care of yourselves!
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haisuu · 11 months
Hello^^ May I request headcanons for Charles x reader, where reader comforts him after the first trial?
Sure thing! Here you go!
Comfort? Only For You
a/n: constant uploads? who is she? OK BUT FR THO SORRRRYYYYYY LIFE JS SUCKKSSSS
Summary: Charles could barely think about Xander’s body without throwing up. But watching Min’s execution? Too much to handle for him. You, who’s “friends” with him, try to comfort him to the best of your ability.
“Charles?” You said, peering into the chemist’s room. You could see him, sitting on the edge of his bed with his hands in his face, it wasn’t the most exciting thing to see to say the least. “You okay? You seemed pretty frazzled at the..well, trial and stuff.” He looked, still not looking at you, he probably wasn’t able to even look at someone without envisioning what happened.
“I’m fine, Y/n. I’m just..surprised.” He didn’t sound like himself, his tone was different, and his voice lacked the snarky attitude it usually held. “No, you’re not Charles, you’re not fine, I can tell.” You took a seat next to him, putting your hand on his back, rubbing it gently. You didn’t know how to comfort others that well, but you felt as if you needed to try. You could feel that he was very tense and stiff, understandable, considering the circumstances.
“Why do you feel so strong about being friends with me?” Charles asked suddenly. For a moment, you didn’t know yourself. Until you thought about it more. “Because I care about you. I want you to feel safe. Im sorry if that sounds weird, but that’s truly how I feel about you.”
You babysat Charles for the rest of the week, comforting him inside room, and making him food since he couldn’t do it himself.
As much as it was difficult for him, he tried to show his appreciation without directly telling you.
This was with his body language, as well as with the small smile that was on his face.
But, he felt like he had to say his appreciation outright, feeling guilty that you were doing this without a proper thank you.
“Hey, I truly do appreciate this. I couldn’t be more grateful for you, Y/n.” He would say, a smile tugging on his lips.
Hello! Thank you for your patience, by now you’ve likely forgot about your request..but I’d feel too guilty giving up now! Hope you have a great day! Remember I care about you! Bye!
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haisuu · 1 year
Can you do you write Hcs or scenarios with Arturo Ace Whit and Charles joining there lover father for a driving test just to get his blessing and this happen (Driving Test video is base on Phineas and Ferb Driving Test Watz)
I’ll Try My Best!
A (Driver’s) Test
Arturo; Ace; Whit; Charles x Reader (separate)
Summary: They’ve got to get your father’s blessing..shouldn’t be that hard right? Just a simple drivers test, and they’ll be done! But it turns out to be a bit more complex than expected…
a/n: I’m just trying to get back to a consistent posting schedule rn lol (it’s not happening)
Arturo Giles!
He must admit, your parents did not match up to your beauty at all! But he does need your father’s blessing…
When he hears about the idea of a drivers test, he becomes a bit skeptical though…
Oh, whatever! If they have any sense in them, then they should make it easy, right?
As soon as he saw the upcoming trip he’d have to endure, he instantly felt a sense of fear for a brief moment.
But, he’d do anything for you! So he’ll do it, just to get this over with and get your father’s blessing!
He was able to ace the test, flying colors! But he must admit, your family is quite..eccentric.
“Y/n, your family is..interesting, to say the least.” He said, as you chuckled alongside him.
Ace Markey!
He’s a scaredy cat, he’s not making it let’s be real..might as well try though, right? …right?
Yeah, before the test even starts he’s already muttering screaming at himself to get out of here..
But in the end, he can’t, he needs your father’s blessing and he’d do anything for you!
Yeah, he ended up crashing into the lake and had to be saved by your dad to make sure he didn’t drown..
Safe to say..he didn’t pass the test, but your dad still cut him some slack and gave him his blessing anyway, so..success?
On the way home, he rambled to you about how he both was not scared at all and how he felt like he’d piss his pants every single second that passed by.
“Your father practically tried to kill me, love! I don’t know what he’s thinking to be honest..”
Whit Young!
He’s..not too scared when he sees the following driving path. I mean sure he might die in the lake but he’ll be ok! Right?
He’s already met your father and he was a kind man, so it was perhaps unexpected to see a bit of a grueling task, but he wasn’t too worried.
I mean, he was sure he was going to pass, cracking a joke or too before the test started.
…he ended up crashing into the lake…he didn’t die though, so that’s good!
Your father decided to have mercy on him, recognizing the chemistry between you two!
And now, here Whit was, rambling over the fact he almost died, he seemed to have gotten over it quick though, since he was now teasing you as usual.
“Come on, Y/n! You totally were missing me while I was doing the test, weren’t you?”
Charles Cuevas!
To say Charles was skeptical about the test was understatement..he didn’t find the need for it quite frankly. It’s evident you two love each other, so there’s really no need, right?
Oh, but he’s absolutely head over heels for you, if he dies professing his love to you this way, he’ll die happy, so he’ll do it.
When your father first met him, he thought Charles was perfect for you in almost every way!
He was only concerned that Charles wouldn’t put in the effort or make you feel safe and comfortable in the relationship. Which is why he felt he needed Charles to take this test.
Charles had a few nerves going into it, mainly worried about the lake, and the sharp turns. But he knew he’d be able to do it.
Safe to say, he passed! He was very happy, but only let a small smile onto his face as he saw you smile with glee.
You two decided to walk home, your house wasn’t far anyway! And he needed a bit of a break.
“I told you I could do it, Y/n. Did you really doubt me?” He said in a both teasing yet serious tone to you.
Hey, Hey, Hey! Hope you enjoyed! Please know that I have huge mental/writer’s blocks when it comes to writing so please be patient! I do appreciate all the requests though! Please be safe, take care of yourself, and have fun! Bye!
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haisuu · 1 year
Please reblog if you think that “they/them/theirs” is a valid set of pronouns.
this post must be reblogged by everyone
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haisuu · 1 year
You're allowed to ignore this if you don't feel like writing it, but can I request Whit with a preferably male or gn reader who suffers from 'taboo' or otherwise considered disturbing intrusive thoughts? (can be either platonic or romantic)
Sure! (I’m desperately hoping I did this right)
Whit x Male Reader
You/Your and He/Him Pronouns
Summary: Socializing was always somewhat a struggle, mainly because quite often, you would for some reason think of something extremely disturbing, even if it didn’t necessarily relate to the situation or conversation! Even now, it’s still a problem you wish you could step on, but you can’t.
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Taboo, thoughts that are disturbing, violent, and/or extreme, something you’ve been dealing with for quite a while now.
And with this killing game in place, it seems that with every ticking moment, your brain seems to only be able to think of any kind of gruesome position to be dead in.
There was only one way to get rid of these thoughts, by drawing these scenarios out, even if it was just a bunch of scribbles on a page, and burning it with a lighter you had found on your person.
Although one person you could talk to, whether it be while you were drawing it out, burning it, or just needed to talk to someone about your thoughts, was Whit.
Whit would actively look for you, wanting to watch you draw, burn, and rant on repeat..definitely not to just admire you, nope, not at all. Whit would be asking Charles constantly about your location, and he was usually met with the same answer; “He’s in his room, as usual.” “Alright! Thanks Charles!” He said as he rushed towards your room, knocking on your door harshly. Once you opened it for him, he immediately entered and looked at the drawing you were working on as you sat in the seat and continued working on it. “So, Y/n! What kind of drawing are you working on now?”
Your answer surprised him, however. “It’s actually a drawing of you.” “Huh? Why?” “For some reason..I can only think of you being the one dead in my mind now. And it really makes me feel uneasy, more so than the thoughts focused around me. I hate it.” You said. Now, he’s normally say; “That’s wack.” Or something, but right no he couldn’t, he actually wanted to comfort you, but he didn’t really know how, so he put his hand on your back and rubbed it slowly.
“Hey, you ok? If not, you can always talk to me.” He told you, as he waited patiently. As you slowly told him about your struggles, the two of you grew ever so closer that day.
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Alright! Here you go anon! I hope this work was worth the wait! Have a good day, make sure to eat enough for your needs, farewell!
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haisuu · 1 year
ABAIJSJS OMG UR WRITING IS SOOOOO GOOD (I want to eat it) Is it possible for you to write maybe Xander (drdt), Whit (drdt), and Nikei (SDRA2) with a fem!reader (or crush? Idk) who ‘looks like a guy’, but doesn’t really bother correcting people whenever they misgender them (kind of like Haruhi from OHSHC). Specifically the unintentional reveal, but you could be a lil creative if you’d like.
Sort of bordering the gender neutral label ig? If this makes you uncomfortable feel free to ignore this request !! Have a wonderful day/night wherever you are :)
Why Is He- Wait, She?!
Xander; Whit; Nikei x Reader (separate)
Summary: You’re whole life, people have mistook you for a guy, it never really bothered you however, so you didn’t correct them. This also translated to the situation you’ve now found yourself in, how will they react when they realize?
Xander Matthews!
The possibility of you being a girl has never even crossed his mind!
Your vibe, clothing style, and everything else pretty much made an image in his mind, which was a guy!
You two have grown incredibly close during your time in this..well..”game.”
The two of you have worked out together quite a bit, and you’ve helped Xander keep track of his fitness, Xander wanted to check on yours! Even if you didn’t work out nearly as much as him. (mby not even at all lol)
He was going to ask you to take your shirt off in order to keep track…except when he opened the door, you were already changing.
I’m so original hahaha
Yeah..safe to say he wasn’t expecting that..he most definitely ran out the room blushing to cool off and to leave you alone for the time being.
“Hey, Y/n! I was just wondering if you…- Ahh! I-I’m sorry! I’ll leave now!”
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Whit Young!
The Ultimate Matchmaker loves spending time with you! You, him, and Charles, you guys are just the Ultimate Group at this point!
Even in this killing game, he still wants to have fun with all of you, so he wants to organize a miniature party!
But he doesn’t necessarily know what you like, so he books it to his nearby friend, Charles! He desperately asks some questions about your interests, and he notices something..
He realizes that Charles is addressing you as ‘She/Her,’ he doesn’t notice at first, and then it hits him like a truck! “WAITT! Y/N’S A GIRLL..?? That’s wack, in a good way!” “Yes, Whit…Y/n’s a girl…”
He runs over to confirm it with you, and it’s true! He’ll admit it caught him a little off guard, but in the end, it didn’t matter! He still loved you! Wait what?
yay yay you two kiss and fall in love, or not..idk whatever you want
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Nikei Yomiuri!
Because he is a part of Void, there’s a very high chance he knew before hand, and doesn’t care…But let’s ignore all that!
I think that he actually found out quite early on, mainly due to any interviews that he would do to learn about his peers!
When he initially interviewed you, he did indeed address you as masculine pronouns but as usual, you didn’t correct him because you didn’t necessarily care.
But a few days later, he would end up seeing Yuri grabbing your leg as you dragged him along, clearly uncomfortable from the situation.
After helping you get Yuri off your leg, he put two and two together and realized that Yuri would only attach himself to you if you were a girl!
“Aha! Y/n? Does this mean that you’re actually a girl? What a scoop!”
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Alright! At this point I’ll have an official schedule for 1 post a month..jk lol. But seriously, I’m very happy I’m able to get this out for you Anon, and also a little disappointed in my schedule. Oh well, anyways.. Have a good day and please take care of yourself!
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haisuu · 1 year
I’ve been f2p for like a year on genshin..and now I’ve just spent 100$ on Lyney…worth it
also writers block is so bad rn and I also feel so guilty abt it, so sorry to all who’ve requested and it hasn’t been done yet! Trying my best to get some out.
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haisuu · 1 year
Hey can you do head canons with Damon, Mark, Wolfgang, and Ulysses were their s/o is like a motive for killing
I’m not exactly sure I did it correctly, but here you go!
Killings, Motives, Love
Damon; Mark; Wolfgang; Ulysses x Reader (separate)
You/Your Pronouns, KM=Killing Motive.
Established Relationship
Side note: The motive in Damon’s section applies to each section.
Summary: You’re the brightest light in their life, what will they do when it’s put at risk? How far will they go? There’s only one way to find out.
Damon Maitsu With KM!Reader
When he hears the news that if you’re killed, five people may be released from this killing game, his first instinct is to protect you.
And while he does want everyone to escape, he values your life above everyone else’s.
He’s always staying in your room or by your side, worried someone would break in.
Constantly has his hand on your shoulder or around your waist.
And on the very few times he isn’t by your side. He’s always watching anyone who dares to walk to you. Rushing over to pull you away if he thinks your in danger.
Whenever you two hold hands, you can see that he’s clutching it harder than usual.
Sometimes, you do lightly tap his shoulder when he’s doing too much, and then he slowly takes his hand off you.
“I’m sorry, Y/n..but I care about you way too much to lose you.”
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Mark Berskii With KM!Reader
Holds your hand so hard sometimes that it turns red-
If you request some time alone, he will reluctantly but respectfully give it to you.
Makes relaxing beats in order to calm either of you down.
If his cuddles weren’t tight before, they were definitely tight now.
You may have to tell him to loosen his grip!
Needs a ton of reassurance before letting you go on your own.
He still keeps an eye on you to make sure you’re safe though!
“You are my lover, and I can’t ever imagine losing you…so please, stay with me.”
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Wolfgang Akire With KM!Reader
His mindset has been set on bringing justice to everything. But he can’t ever imagine a world without you in it.
When you two are alone, he triple checks if the doors are locked.
Can only leave you alone for two minutes before he’s running to you. (To make sure you’re safe, and so he can spend more time with you!)
Kisses you with more fervor, treating every kiss like it’s the last one he’ll experience with you.
Is willing to sacrifice himself in order to make sure you stay alive.
Occasionally, when you two are alone, you may find him silently crying over the fact that you two may not escape together.
“We’ll be fine..I hope. I’ll do my best to protect you…”
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Ulysses Wilhelm With KM!Reader
He already has a terrible sleep schedule, he’ll be pulling all nighters consistently without your help!
It’s the one thing that he thinks about at night, only your cuddles are able to soothe his mind.
Never breaks up apart from you, ever! (Unless you’re in the bathroom, I’m which you get your privacy!)
He looks at you sometimes and just cries softly, knowing that the chances that you’ll be here forever are very slim..
Has recurring nightmares of leaving you for a few seconds only to come back and find your corpse lying on the ground.
“Y/n…don’t leave me..I beg you, if I have to go through hell and back in order to be with you I’ll go through it.”
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I’m so sorry that this took so long! I’ve been very unmotivated and so this has taken so long..unfortunately other requests will probably take just as much time so please be patient!
All in all, I hope you have a good day, and take care of yourself!
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haisuu · 1 year
Can I have Nikei, Yoruko, Charles with a reader who’s oblivious to their affection?
Totally! Here it is!
Oh Oblivious, Oblivious..
Nikei; Yoruko; Charles x GN!Reader (separate)
You/Your Pronouns
Summary: Their crush is clearly obvious, right? Are you really gonna make them spell it out for you? (probably) Let’s see..
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Nikei With An Oblivious Reader!
The journalist is very persistent on not telling you his feelings. You’ll realize eventually, right?
Can’t you see his smile being ever so slightly more brighter whenever he’s talking to you?
Or the fact he always has your favorite drink ready to give you?
But your careless smile always leaves him weak in the knees…and he thinks your obliviousness is worth it to see you..
But one day, while you too are hanging out..you sneak a peak at one of his notebooks.
It just so happens to be one of the ones that he dedicates his love to you in..
He panics immediately when he realizes, until you say; “Why didn’t you say so..?” After you read one of his pages.
He stammers, blush rising to his face. And he realizes that his feelings were reciprocated all along.
“Y-You like me back..?! How unexpected! I love you too!”
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Yoruko With An Oblivious Reader!
Whenever someone asks the hostess on whether she has a crush on you..she always does the same thing…
Deny. Deny. Deny!
But deep down, she knows that she’s lying to herself, but could you blame her? (ofc not, ur hot asf)
She finds herself constantly looking for you for no reason..
Occasionally she asks you to hang out while making the “dates” as romantic as possible
But after all that, you’re still clueless!
So one day, she barges into your room and confesses on the spot!
“Okay..so…god this is so embarrassing, I like you!”
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Charles With An Oblivious Reader!
You believe that Charles and Whit are together, but Charles thinks that you and him are meant to be!
His attempts at confessing have usually been ruined by Ace, and partially ruined by Whit.
But, surely you’d realize that the blush on his cheeks isn’t from embarrassment and is from a crush, right? (no lol)
As he vents his frustrations to Whit about how he can’t understand how you could be so oblivious, Whit randomly shouts out that Charles has a crush on you!
As he stutters while trying to disprove Whit’s claim, he already finds your lips on top of his!
Blush arises to his face, and he kisses back, as you two soon pull away.
“…W-Wow..T-Thank you..!”
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Sorry for the wait! Hope you enjoyed! Remember that somebody cares about you! No matter how alone you may feel! Goodbye!
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haisuu · 1 year
OKAY I HAVE A REQUEST FOR.. Min, Eden, Teruko, and Hu forr dating hcs please? With gender neutral reader too please and thank you!
Alright! Thank you, and your welcome!
Dating HCS with Min, Eden, Teruko, Hu!
You/Your Pronouns
Implied Non-Despair AU
Summary: Pretty women, an amazing aspect of life..What is dating these people like? (Spoiler Alert: Love, Trust, And Cuddles!)
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Min Dating Headcanons!
Brews coffee for the both of you in the morning!
Loves helping you with your homework!
Huge deep sleeper, have fun cuddling for an extra hour unless you wake her up!
Probably cooks breakfast for/with you in the mornings. (it tastes perfect)
Has multiple of the same outfit not only for efficiency, but so you two can match!
Tells you random fun facts about anything every once in a while
“Did you know that brown recluse spiders made a school shut down?” “Min, I just saw one of those-”
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Eden Dating Headcanons!
Definitely celebrates even your smallest accomplishments.
Oh, you managed to get a C- on your test? Congrats! Let’s get ice cream!
You managed to not burn the house down? Let’s go to a 5-Star restaurant!
Occasionally likes to rewind the clocks an hour behind just to mess with you.
Probably steals your clothes from time to time-
“Oh! Sorry Y/n! Your clothes are really comfy!”
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Teruko Dating Headcanons!
This girl has a lot of trust issues, so please reassure her when she starts worrying.
Occasionally she tends to distant herself, afraid her luck will eventually hurt you as well.
When this happens, take the time to acknowledge her worries, and comfort her when she’s in this state.
It may a take a few days for her to come back, so please be patient with her.
She’s likes just settling down, and watching a calm, comfort movie with you!
“Um…thank you, Y/n..for staying with me.”
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Hu Dating Headcanons!
Remembers every single important event! Ranging from birthdays, to celebrations, she’ll remember!
She loves playing her zither for you to listen to! (and if you like playing music, she loves practicing with you!)
Likes taking you out on walks to peacefully chat and spend time with you!
Takes your health very seriously! Needs to make sure you’ve eaten enough for the day.
Always willing to listen to any of your troubles
“Dear, it’s clear something is bothering you..would you like to talk about it?”
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I’m sorry this took so long! I hope that it’s worth the wait! Make sure to eat enough, and have a good day!
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haisuu · 1 year
Alright Y’all, I’m closing reqs as of right now! If you have any, please put them on hold until I get the ones in the making done!
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