#sertimusthechao says
sertimusthechao · 2 years
Back, Sort Of?
Howdy all! Most of you probably weren't expecting me to update this blog again but I wanted to make a new post that expresses my future intents for this blog. To put it shortly, I'm back. With some caveats.
First off, I'm ditching the former username for my sona's likeness. As much as I'm attached to 'gameaddict30' as an alias it's also had some awkward and rough history around these parts, not to mention I feel more at home with a username that pretty much has me like *"Hey, that's me!" I've changed quite a bit since then too, so I feel like starting again on a cleaner slate.
Secondly, this isn't a guarantee that I'll be posting here often. I've come back here mostly after some realization about how a good handful of peeps I know are migrating to this site and how I... Well, pretty much want to stay in touch with everyone I know here, haha. With Tumblr possibly having ActivityPub on their roadmap, things could change in the future but I'll just have to play it by ear for now.
Furthermore, I'm going to comb through my Following list so it's tidier. Dead blogs and waning interests, mostly. Don't worry though, it's not like I've gotten tired of Sonic or the Dreamcast, heh. And please don't take it personally if I unfollow you out of the blue, just trying to have a less cluttered timeline.
Anyways, a lot of you following this blog probably remember when I posted the story about my DreamPi setup long ago! Some things have changed since then, as I've gotten not only a new computer desk + chair but a new media cabinet! More importantly, though, I've upgraded the USB modem to one that has a built-in Line Voltage Inducer. I thank pcwzrd13 of Dreamcast Live for providing this modded USB modem! No more having to swap out 9-volt batteries every now and then, heh.
Tumblr media
Finally, my presence outside of Tumblr. On the offchance that I stop updating this blog unannounced, I'll create a masterpost where I'll list all of my active socials and websites. I'll get around to that very shortly, but you should probably follow me on these sites aside from Tumblr! I'm a lot more active on some of them; lately Twitter, Mastodon and Cohost. Though some weird stuff has been going on with the former, so you may see me flock to the latter two a little more often.
Oh, and I nearly forgot! I'm retiring the CNAME records for this blog and my art blog, so now you will see the subdomain for both blogs with Tumblr's root domain, effective immediately. I currently do not have any future plans to reuse blog.sertimus.xyz and/or art.blog.sertimus.xyz.
That said, I hope you all are having a wonderful night tonight! Nice to see you all again. :>
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