#seth x yongsun
mournus · 6 months
Seth like vampire guys who wear maiden costumes and have questionable morals
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"Bold assumption." He scoffed with a sly smile. As if he'd give the certain vampire the satisfaction of hearing a compliment. "I hate blood suckers, and I only like guys in maid costumes some of the time." He's lying of course.
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mournus · 11 months
👀 (for all the muses we have threads with. Mine wanna know what's going inside their head lmao👁️👁️)
send 👀 for a dirty thought and/or fantasy my muse has had about yours.
Seth x Yongsun
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"You know... you'd look fucking hot in a little maid outfit." He smirked at the thought. "Down on your knees, bent over with your ass up, licking my fucking shoe. You beg and beg and beg for me and whine until I pull you by your hair and throw you on the bed and bruise you and scratch you and bite you and you're left whimpering and soggy and delirious." Yeah. That would be perfect.
Rak x Minsung
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"Hmmm... I think it would be fun to play some kind of game, but maybe we get more and more excited..." The game itself has been one Minsung told him about. It was nothing like he had heard before and had become extremely excited about it. "I like the idea of us... playing a game together, laughing together. We can just talk and have fun until the mood brings us closer and we hold hands and kiss." He made a noise of excitement and laughed, feeling all shy and embarrassed about the topic of conversation!
Kaili x Maew
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"Oh..." Kaili couldn't say it out loud... they're just going to run away. In fact, Kaili has had some fantasies. Just a few. Pretty innocent ones, he swears! It's just that Maew is so pretty and so cool, it made Kaili envision things. He'd likely never act on his desires but he thought about being with her by the sea, tucking her hair behind her ear. He fantasised about looking her in the eyes with confidence in a close distance, complimenting her gently and seeing her smile in response. Perhaps she'd even lean into his touch. In his wildest dreams he's the type of man she'd be interested in, or at a stretch the type she'd kiss.
Nachim x Azazel
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"Do I need fantasies? Won't you do anything I ask? That hurts, mi amor." Ha. "Azazel... you know what I want? The one thing we have never even spoken about? It might be a little weird even for you... but I want to do a little roleplay. I know that isn't that new, but I want to take you as my prisoner. I want to torture confessions out of you by teasing you while your wrists are cuffed and your freedom is mine."
Mai x Hwayoung
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"Why? You wanna get a little freaky?" Give her a second she had to think!! "Oh, babe! Ride my face. C'mon. That's like the ultimate fantasy of fantasies. I wanna feel your whole weight on my and I want you to be super super loud about it!" She's a simple woman...
Kaho x Earendill
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"Kawaii..." Kaho laughed, "Earendill-chan, you know what? Maybe I have a fantasy of you letting me paint your skin. I can paint a masterpiece on your back, gently touching you and stroking you, teasing you with the brush in all the places you're most sensitive. When you can't help it and turn to face me, offering me your soft lips, I will deny you a kind kiss. The night will go on and on like this, the two of us burning with need and the electricity between us growing larger and larger until we are both zapped by the static. Finally, at the end of the day, we will give in, and the painting will smudge and fade from your thick sweat."
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mournus · 11 months
“ why would you do this? why would you help me? “ (from Yongsun to Seth)
No longer accepting
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"Huh? Am I some fucking stranger? What kind of dumb question is that?" Seth knew he could be an asshole, but he did care about Yongsun! Why else would he spend so much time with him? That and... you know. The sex was great.
He fixed Yongsun's hair and petted his cheek. "Why? Want me to stop? Careful what you say, baby."
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