#meet seth
mournus · 6 months
Seth like vampire guys who wear maiden costumes and have questionable morals
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"Bold assumption." He scoffed with a sly smile. As if he'd give the certain vampire the satisfaction of hearing a compliment. "I hate blood suckers, and I only like guys in maid costumes some of the time." He's lying of course.
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fortheloveofexy · 7 months
@korakos said allichi rights and I may be a renison shipper to my dying breath, but this fic idea caught me:
"It may surprise you to know this," Ichirou says, his words slow and measured, "But I do not endorse the needless slaughter of innocent bystanders." Allison levels him with a cold look, if only to conceal her curiosity. Ichirou's expression is calm, but there is a flicker of feeling in his dark eyes. Something akin to regret. "You can't expect me to believe that," she bites out, "You're the head of the fucking yakuza. Needless slaughter is kind of your whole thing." "Incorrect," Ichirou says mildly, "My business is that of profit and enterprise, not senseless bloodshed." He pauses to sip at his whiskey, a hint of weariness settling around his mouth. "My father's second son did not understand this. It is why I killed him." Allison sniffs, taking a long draught of her own drink. The whiskey is fire down her throat, burning away the aching chill of Seth's absence. It hurts still, to think of him. The wound has never really healed. "I suppose you're expecting gratitude, then." "Far from it," Ichirou murmurs. Glass clinks softly against the marble bar top as he sets aside his drink and turns fully towards her, his knuckles brushing against the back of her wrist, "Though I may be foolish enough to hope for forgiveness." Allison swallows, her traitorous heartbeat picking up at the touch. She downs the rest of her drink all in one and rises to her feet. "You still have your room key?" Ichirou slowly nods, patting his suit pocket where the room key is undoubtedly hidden. Allison holds out her hand and waits until he hands it to her. "I don't need to forgive you," she says curtly, "Just to fuck you." She doesn't linger long enough to register his shocked expression, but the weight of his gaze follows her all the way back to the elevator in the hotel lobby. Soon, he'll follow her back upstairs. Soon, she will lose herself in him, burying her sorrow and her fury where it does not belong; in the arms of a man she should despise.
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ruslangazizov · 5 months
he’s so real for this
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elden-hicks · 2 months
kristen loste is everything jennifer pleasant could've been if comphet didn't exist
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mixsethaddams · 2 years
Modern coffee shop Steddie AU
Steve had been trying to talk to his favourite customer for months. Well, beyond the usual “and that’s a medium, right?”, anyway. His hair was the first thing Steve noticed. Big, curly, messy hair that seemed to have a life of it’s own. It had been pulled back into a bun one day and Steve thought he might never recover. He wore sunglasses one particularly bright day, and Steve spent the rest of his shift sulking at not being able to see those giant brown eyes.
Some of Steve’s coworkers thought this guy was a little rude, even though he always said please and thank you. He always wore headphones and only barely pulled one side out when he made his order and paid, putting it right back as soon as the transaction was over, and had started a new habit of leaving his scrunched up receipt at the collection point. Steve didn’t mind though, especially because sometimes when he picked up his drink he’d call Steve ‘sweetheart’.
No one in the cafe knew his name. He would give a fake one every time he came in (a particular favourite of Steve’s had been ‘Gizmo’) and he never accepted an offer to sign up for a loyalty card.
Steve had tried everything to interact with him. He’d offer all of the additional add-ons, he’d ask him about his day, talk about the weather, comment on his tattoos. He had even googled “How to start a conversation” one morning before walking to work. All any of it earned him was a two or three word answer and a small nod as he left.
For a few weeks now Steve had been subtly editing the warning label on the bottom rim of his cups to try and get his attention.
Be careful! The beverage you’re about to enjoy is extremely hot!
But it never worked. Steve deflated a little every time the cup was swiped up off the counter with barely a glance up as he said goodbye for the day.
So much so that one day he didn’t even bother to strikeout half of the warning. He figured it was pointless. There would be no Meet/Cute story that came from the attempts at flirting, no matter how heavy handed or subtle the approach.
Steve was on his own in the almost empty cafe to close up when the man came in and ordered his usual, decaf because it was so late, and took his usual waiting spot. Steve made the coffee with no attempt to strike up a conversation. He called out “Medium decaf latte, oat milk and lavender” and went back to getting his station cleaned up for the night.
“Hey,” came a voice from behind him.
Steve turned slowly to see the man standing at the collection, cup held up.
“Everything ok?” asked Steve.
“You don’t like me anymore or something?” he asked, a strange look on his face.
“I… what?” said Steve, not sure how to respond.
“Am I not hot anymore, sweetheart?”
Steve felt his cheeks flare.
“Didn’t think you noticed,” he mumbled, swatting the balled up receipt into the bin.
“Do you always throw those away?” the man asked, his eyes following the paper to the trash.
“The receipt? Yeah you always scrunch it up, why would we keep it?” said Steve.
“Maybe take a look at that one,” he said with a sigh, sitting his cup back on the counter.
Steve pulled the receipt back out of the garbage and unfurled it. His eyes widened when he saw what was scrawled across it in black pen.
Hope you had a great shift today, handsome!
Steve looked up with his mouth hanging open.
“You… Wrote… Everyday?” Steve couldn’t find the words make his question make sense, but the man smiled anyway.
“Uh, yeah, well ever since you started flirting with me through the medium of a coffee cup, anyway,” he said, wiggling the drink in his hand. “You always look too busy to talk so I thought it was worth a try,”
“But you never even tell me your name,” whined Steve, hating that he’d missed out on weeks worth of notes and the chance to actually talk to his crush.
“It’s Eddie,” he said simply, looking him dead in the eye. “And I always give a fake one because you always laugh at them,”
Eddie finished with a shrug and took a sip of his drink. Steve’s mind was racing.
“I’m not busy now,” he said, pointedly ignoring the fact he still had more than forty-five minutes left on his shift. “Can we talk now?”
Eddie laughed, just as the bell over the door rang and a group of four people talking loudly about a movie they’d just seen came in.
“You are though,” said Eddie, glancing towards them before taking out his phone and handing it to Steve. “But put your number in there. When do you get off?”
“I’ll be out of here in like, an hour,” said Steve checking his watch, fingers shaking as he typed his number in on Eddie’s screen and handed it back.
Steve felt his own phone vibrate in his pocket.
“Now you have mine too,” said Eddie. “I’m going to call you in sixty-three minutes, and maybe we can go grab a drink and talk for a while then?”
“Ok,” said Steve with a shy smile and a nod. The other customers were standing at the register now.
Eddie winked at him and walked towards the door.
“I’ll tell you what all those other notes said, too!” he called over his shoulder.
Steve practically floated over to the register to greet the group of customers, and thought that the next sixty-three minutes would never pass fast enough.
Find me on ao3 where I write soul crushing angst and occasional fluff! Remember to always read and heed the tags 😉
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Imagine the surprise sugarboo feels when they realize the guy that Al and Seth talked about is the same guy who was the tiny nerd who was/is smitten with their sibling LMAO
"THAT CHARLIE??? THE CHARLIE THAT IS IN LOVE WITH MY SIBLING???" Boo shouted as they looked at Alphonse and Seth, who looked like they wanted to die.
"Yeah, Sweets just embarrass our boys why don't you?" Casper said as they hid Charlie behind them. His face was bright red as he tried to hide himself, the siblings (minus Casper) was enjoying this.
"Holy shit Chuck didn't know you could bag dick like that!" The eldest patting him on the back as the others gave him some comments too.
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rollinsland · 3 months
They have arrived! ♥
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hey, your video compilation of 4chan post about shield is a great ressource for fandom psychology. Interesting to see another user who lurk the wrestling board and use tumblr. Did you ever work on compilation of the tumblr fandom during the peak of the shield era ? I did not research it yet. xoxo
glad someone liked that video, only in times when im super fixated on something will i end up searching through the 4chan archives for more content...unfortunately 4chan vernacular tends to get a laugh out of me (if it isnt absolute lowtier content, had to scrape through a lot of that). the shield stuff i tried to get from when it was at its peak and you'll see posts on there from 2013+, but i also got modern stuff now bc the boardspeak actually changed with it.
ironically it is way easier to deepdive and compile stuff from 4chan bc it has a much better archival system than tumblr; ive also looked for lots of old stuff on deviantart due to the crossover but i found that it has a pretty shitty way of archiving/sorting older posts (just like on here. ive been on tumblr since 13 so i know what sorts of areas to look for, but its still very hard to find it directly on here. i havent spent as much time as i did getting those posts for that video so i can try harder.)
fandom psychology is interesting to me too so im happy you saw my video with that angle. ive collected lots of old shield fangirl content off of sites like weheartit and pinterest (ironically those are often better at keeping images up for longer periods of time) too but i didnt know if i should make a comp, maybe i will. i also looked through random forums and places like lolcow dot farms (which only really granted one of the screenshots...not too much discussion over there for good or bad. i was hoping to find discussion abt shieldfangirls or wrestling rpf but surprisingly they didnt think to make a "point and laugh" thread abt those topics). i find it interesting how much shieldrelated psychosis was on both sides of the spectrum (tumblr vs 4chan)....i could talk more on it but im a little brainless and sleep deprived rn
heres some extras i had that didnt make the cut (plus just some of my favorites):
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and these were from a thread talking abt the modern stereotypical tumblr wrestling fan (specifically talking abt aedubs young bucks fans/the elite fans)
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(*fangirl in this is a term im using loosely of course)
#surprisingly there is actually LESS shield blingees than dx or cm punk blingees. that at least i could find. theres a large number of#desktop background edits from deviantart and content like the fanfic edits/“outfits i would wear to meet the shield”/ogflowercrown phone bg#collages. and the like. i could compile all this shit i just didnt think it mattered to anyone LOL#sorry for the long post everyone#the most interesting thing abt the shields hayday and eventual fall on 4chan was 1) how many guys unironically loved seth up until he#“turned shoot faggot”/or the first knee injury. he was a fan favorite on there even with the contrarian posters saying otherwise (most of#4chan is just being. the contrarian so that tracks). and 2) the huge divide between guys who hated ambrose (usually bc he was over with#female fans...theres still that divide with how straight men dont understand favs among women. also goes along w my noted difference in fav#among queer men/women etc etc - but they would mask this by saying they hated that he was a jobber (true) or his inring technique was slopp#) and guys who adored ambrose bc he was a promo guy...they loved his early promos/“he just like me fr”.. (and a large grouping of dudes who#would call him cute). i dunno just stuff i noticed#also. obviously a lotta mox hate due to dickriding cornette#the shields peak is interesting to me so i might continue to compile more shit like this when i get the time. i have the shield dvds too#and wanted to do a LONG journey of p1rat1n6 all their scenes off of pcock while i still have my sub. but it would take a while#also. love ur acc bc i too enjoy thinkin abt the fem versions of dude wrestlers#fleshclipstag#tactical-asks
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rozecrest · 1 month
li aixue has gotta meet kimbune
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arcadewonder · 11 months
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the tartosa garden society.
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mournus · 11 months
👀 (for all the muses we have threads with. Mine wanna know what's going inside their head lmao👁️👁️)
send 👀 for a dirty thought and/or fantasy my muse has had about yours.
Seth x Yongsun
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"You know... you'd look fucking hot in a little maid outfit." He smirked at the thought. "Down on your knees, bent over with your ass up, licking my fucking shoe. You beg and beg and beg for me and whine until I pull you by your hair and throw you on the bed and bruise you and scratch you and bite you and you're left whimpering and soggy and delirious." Yeah. That would be perfect.
Rak x Minsung
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"Hmmm... I think it would be fun to play some kind of game, but maybe we get more and more excited..." The game itself has been one Minsung told him about. It was nothing like he had heard before and had become extremely excited about it. "I like the idea of us... playing a game together, laughing together. We can just talk and have fun until the mood brings us closer and we hold hands and kiss." He made a noise of excitement and laughed, feeling all shy and embarrassed about the topic of conversation!
Kaili x Maew
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"Oh..." Kaili couldn't say it out loud... they're just going to run away. In fact, Kaili has had some fantasies. Just a few. Pretty innocent ones, he swears! It's just that Maew is so pretty and so cool, it made Kaili envision things. He'd likely never act on his desires but he thought about being with her by the sea, tucking her hair behind her ear. He fantasised about looking her in the eyes with confidence in a close distance, complimenting her gently and seeing her smile in response. Perhaps she'd even lean into his touch. In his wildest dreams he's the type of man she'd be interested in, or at a stretch the type she'd kiss.
Nachim x Azazel
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"Do I need fantasies? Won't you do anything I ask? That hurts, mi amor." Ha. "Azazel... you know what I want? The one thing we have never even spoken about? It might be a little weird even for you... but I want to do a little roleplay. I know that isn't that new, but I want to take you as my prisoner. I want to torture confessions out of you by teasing you while your wrists are cuffed and your freedom is mine."
Mai x Hwayoung
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"Why? You wanna get a little freaky?" Give her a second she had to think!! "Oh, babe! Ride my face. C'mon. That's like the ultimate fantasy of fantasies. I wanna feel your whole weight on my and I want you to be super super loud about it!" She's a simple woman...
Kaho x Earendill
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"Kawaii..." Kaho laughed, "Earendill-chan, you know what? Maybe I have a fantasy of you letting me paint your skin. I can paint a masterpiece on your back, gently touching you and stroking you, teasing you with the brush in all the places you're most sensitive. When you can't help it and turn to face me, offering me your soft lips, I will deny you a kind kiss. The night will go on and on like this, the two of us burning with need and the electricity between us growing larger and larger until we are both zapped by the static. Finally, at the end of the day, we will give in, and the painting will smudge and fade from your thick sweat."
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mollafer · 10 months
I graduated Military Intelligence School
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Well. About six years ago I made a post about wanting to be like Ben Tallmadge and become an intelligence officer. I completed four years of ROTC, I branched as military intelligence (MI) and I've been serving in the Florida National Guard for a little over two years now. I graduated intelligence school three days ago, and can now count myself among a select group of individuals that have been entrusted with the security of our nation and the preservation of our union. Who would've thought?
What's even crazier is that I've been working as a teaching assistant while being in the Guard, kinda like how Ben was a teacher before he was a soldier. Crazy to think how much our paths have intertwined.
And, just another update for fun, I got married in November 2022 to a field artillery officer. Kinda like my favorite female from history, Molly Pitcher. Life is funny sometimes, and it's cool to have Ben Tallmadge and Molly Pitcher as my guardian angels :)
If you take anything away from this post, I hope it's that you can achieve anything you put your mind too. I started off as a girl who wanted to be like Ben Tallmadge and couldn't do a push up, and now I'm a girl who is doing the SAME JOB as Ben Tallmadge and can do like 20 push ups XD anything is possible!
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cruisie · 5 months
I am so normal right now. I'm having a completely relaxed and normal day.
..... I'm gonna sparatically crawl up my walls if I keep thinking about the upcoming Bittersweet EP.
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robd-if · 3 months
The reason I’m sad Seth is romanceable by female MCs only is because he’s the only romanceable member of MC’s band and I imagine he’s going to get a lot of ‘screen time’. I just feel like the dynamic will be different and less tense than with other possible ROs if that makes sense.
uum it might actually be the other way around 😵‍💫 He might get a bit more "screen time" as in he'll just be there when doing band stuff, but other than rehearsals and preparing to go on stage, it's pretty even with the other ROs. They are all in the same bootcamp, in the same Mentor's house, on the same set. Chapter 1 might be the only one where it's uneven because you'll not meet Levi at all (maybe), River only gets a flashback and Alex is just mentioned in an article. But starting with Chapter 2, it should be equal time for all. If anything, Seth's route is one of the slowest (only kinda topped by Hazel) and angstiest (only toped by Alex) and him starting to "notice" MC, while still not over his ex and figuring his shit out (romance wise, but also career wise), will only make it more tense. I guess some ppl will be into that too... It's only chill(-ish) if you're not romancing him😅 Morgan, even if they are in a rival band, will be a looooot chiller and fluffier (and spicier) and Kai's too if you want the healthiest, least problematic route (still spicier) 😛
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corvidaedream · 10 months
back to planning my little 1773-boston-based point-and-click game (I still haven't done any coding since high school lmao)
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palmettoshitposts · 1 year
foxes post-canon twitter bios 🫶🏽 (2/2)
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