soldbymjenny · 7 months
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kjfrost · 1 year
Dylan’s Handlebar and Outdoor Patio -  9:50 PM- Saturday, April 22nd
You hear Dylan’s about a mile before you walk in to it. On this particular Saturday night, the entryway pulsed with the percussion and bass of a country cover band that had taken the stage. I unfortunately didn’t catch their name, and didn’t linger for their set. My friend’s and I were here for a singular destination: The dance floor on the patio. 
We managed to arrive with near perfect timing. The small gray square laid atop astroturf had a few women dancing, with a lively DJ playing mixes on the fly. A rare sight, as pre-made playlists and rented speaker systems to make a quick buck seem to be the norm for SETX. But skilled hands flew across a mixing table, with the occasional obligatory fist pump, as he actively watched the crowd, gauging their responses. Finding a wooden swing bench, across from a few strangers (of whom I only learned one name - Hi, David - wish you had danced!) who greeted us with open arms and made good on their word to watch our drinks and purses as we head for the dancefloor. I’m not sure which song led me to the DJ. I just know, beautiful women danced wild and free, and I knew all the lyrics. The bass had pumped through my chest, guiding my ungraceful limbs in seemingly whatever way the wind was blowing at that particular moment. A blonde ponytailed man, with an oversized button up shirt left unbuttoned, baggy pants, and gold chain made his way in front of me. He was clearly skilled, nimble, and encouraging. “I don’t dance!” I say, screaming over the speakers. “Sure you can! You’re dancing right now!” And he grabbed my hands, graciously letting me try to match his foot patterns, and calling “Spin!” on every 8th beat. I never learned his name, but learned a little bit more about dancing, and the power that a singular “never meet them again” person’s dance can have on oneself.
A photographer was making his way through the crowd, requesting pictures of various groups (with no bias - he seemed adamant on getting at least one shot of anyone willing!) He stopped to talk to me and my friends as we caught our breath back on “our” bench.
“Don’t pretend you don’t all look beautiful!” A flash, and the strange sensation of having been perceived in a moment that I felt selfless. That is to say, at this point in the night, I had ceased to exist as myself, blending into the vibrations of those around me, allowing myself to embody the energy of a good time.
The crowd and music at Dylan’s varies, but the food is delicious, and the drafts are never dry. One of the few places in SouthEast Texas with a true dance floor, its weekend atmospheres call to anyone at all looking to feel nothing but one with a crowd that searches for The Oneness alongside you.
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erdrea · 6 months
i need to fight the lady who did my bday nails
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brewscoop · 7 months
Calling all foodies and beer lovers! Dive into the heart of Southeast Texas at the SETX Craft BBQ Festival, where tantalizing smoked meats meet the finest craft beer. Don’t miss out on this ultimate celebration of flavors, community spirit, and the rich culinary heritage of our region. Ready for an unforgettable experience? 🍖🍺 #SETXCraftBBQFestival
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stastrodome · 2 years
Señor Viejo Esperanza
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As pretentious as a “water menu” As broken as Detroit I dare myself to never miss you And continue to disappoint
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aceofm0x · 3 months
Everybody freaking out about this storm about to hit around here. I hate living in SETX. 😫
I just wanna....
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topseo99 · 4 months
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You write a script to automate sending daily email reports using Python. We'll use the smtplib library to send emails and the email.mime modules to create the email content. Here's a step-by-step guide:
Step 1: Install Required Libraries
First, ensure you have the necessary libraries installed. You can install them using pip if they are not already installed.pip install smtplib pip install email
Step 2: Set Up Email Credentials
You need to have the credentials for your email account (e.g., Gmail). For security reasons, it's better to store these in environment variables or a configuration file.
Step 3: Create the Python Script
Here's a sample script that sends an email report daily:import smtplib from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText import os # Function to send email def send_email(subject, body, to_email): # Email credentials email_address = os.environ.get('EMAIL_USER') email_password = os.environ.get('EMAIL_PASS') # Create the email msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['From'] = email_address msg['To'] = to_email msg['Subject'] = subject # Attach the body with the msg instance msg.attach(MIMEText(body, 'plain')) # Create server object with SSL option server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('smtp.gmail.com', 465) server.login(email_address, email_password) # Send the email server.send_message(msg) server.quit() print("Email sent successfully") # Function to generate the report def generate_report(): # Implement your report generation logic here report = "This is a sample report." return report # Main function to send daily email report def main(): report = generate_report() subject = "Daily Report" body = report to_email = "[email protected]" # Change to the recipient's email address send_email(subject, body, to_email) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Step 4: Setting Up Environment Variables
To keep your email credentials secure, set them as environment variables. You can do this in your operating system or by using a .env file with the dotenv package.
Using Environment Variables Directly
Set your environment variables:
On Windows:
setx EMAIL_USER "[email protected]" setx EMAIL_PASS "your_password"
On macOS/Linux:
export EMAIL_USER="[email protected]" export EMAIL_PASS="your_password"
Using a .env File
Create a .env file with the following content:[email protected] EMAIL_PASS=your_password
Then, update the script to load these variables:from dotenv import load_dotenv # Load environment variables from .env file load_dotenv()
Install the python-dotenv package if you use the .env file method:pip install python-dotenv
Step 5: Automating the Script Execution
To run the script daily, you can use a scheduler.
On Windows
Use Task Scheduler to run the script daily.
Open Task Scheduler.
Create a new task.
Set the trigger to daily at your desired time.
Set the action to start a program and browse to the Python executable, then add the script path as an argument.
On macOS/Linux
Use cron to schedule the script.
Open the terminal.
Type crontab -e to edit the cron jobs.
Add a new line for the daily schedule (e.g., to run at 7 AM every day):
0 7 * * * /usr/bin/python3 /path/to/your_script.py
Install required libraries using pip.
Set up email credentials securely using environment variables or a .env file.
Write the Python script to generate the report and send the email.
Automate the script execution using Task Scheduler (Windows) or cron (macOS/Linux).
This setup will ensure your script runs daily and sends the email report automatically. If you have any specific requirements or encounter issues, feel free to ask!
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blaggards · 5 months
Blaggards at SETX Ren Faire in Kirbyville — Sat May 18
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View On WordPress
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i-bless-your-heart · 6 months
heyo i'm here to collect your info for the website! all are optional :3
Any names you use
Any corpverse relatives
Affiliation in the corp/gimmickverse (Such as browsers)
Occupation (Such as shitposter)
Your character's date of birth
Your character's place of birth
Your character's species
Character's Gender
Character's Height
Any major events within the corpversepersonalityappearanceany other lore
Any photos you'd like on your page! these r superhelpful for breaking text up
-@the-corporation-information-blog (@unity-real mod)
Bless your heart ill answer any questions you throw my way.
My name is Julia! You can also call me Jules! My pronouns are She/Her. If you want to refer to me as my blog then call me "Blessie". Its a spin off of a generic cow name "Bessie"! Besides pronouns are also She/Her.
As far as I'm aware I have no relatives.
I have no official close affiliation with any other blog at this moment. I interact with any blog that interacts with me.
I Bless stupid/weird peoples hearts.
Blessie was born on February 29th 2024
SETX In a rural town called Fred, TX. (yes this is an actual pace. Look it up. I don't live near it so it took forever to find a funny town name for the lore)
Blessie is a Southern Aunt.
She is Female
She is a modest 4'11
I currently don't have actual lore planned
Due to privacy risk I will not be sharing photos. It is very easy nowadays to track the location of where and when a photo was taken.
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roofrejuvenatorsofsetx · 10 months
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Soft Washing | Roof Rejuvenators of SETX
Clean your home's exterior with Roof Rejuvenators of SETX soft washing services. Our experienced team uses eco-friendly products to make your home look new without harsh chemicals. Let us help you make your home shine!
soft washing
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kjfrost · 1 year
Texas Rose Saloon - 6:50 PM - Saturday, April 22nd
Two men sat at the bar as I walked in, and my friend dipped to the ATM on the right to grab our cover - $10 per, cash only please. I recognized the bartender, and approached the Polaroid-covered bar, taking a spot to the left of two men. 
They greeted me - Shipwreck, and Reuben. "Firm handshake!" according to Shipwreck.
The band room is separated from the bar by an old wooden door with a plexiglass window and a hand written sign: "Please Keep Closed."
The first artist, Timmy Vigilante, was seemingly just starting his set. A light haired, glasses wearing, high waisted shorts with a mid thigh inseam, socks with sandals kind of guy. 
An electric mandolin hooked up to a small Fender amp, which he played with the skill of a natural musician, and the stage presence of a born entertainer. His music was wild, an impressive combination of genres that worked through the sheer power of his own charisma and the help of an enthusiastic crowd. The obvious "usuals" of the place sold me on the environment simply by enjoying whatever might show up on that small, dim-lit stage.
In fact, the Usuals, a group of middle aged folks, handlebar mustache-men in jean jackets and sunglasses indoors, seemed to have either brought or bought a bottle of Crown Royal. As I watched Timmy's set, a couple of my friends were pulling me back by the shoulders, off my chair - "Hey, free shots!". I found myself thinking it would be terribly rude to not accept.
A small group of women had maintained a steady dance in the front throughout the set. As the artists changed, Timmy remained, playing bass for one of the dancers now heading to the stage: FiFi Knife Fight. A tall woman, in a full checkerboard pattern bodysuit and high heels with an acoustic guitar and an incredible vocal range. I learned later, over another shot of Crown, she was trained in Theater, and moved from Boston to Austin. I basked in the fleeting but divine sensation of being immersed in the margins of someone else's story. I wondered, mulling over a Shiner Bock, where she'd go next, and what her next chapter might be.
Fifi's set ended, and a lone man with an acoustic guitar sat on the stool. "My name is David Rodriguez, and I'm stupid."  A line from his opening track - "Every day I go out of my way to prove to myself that I'm stupid." In an instant, I felt supreme clarity, allowing myself to be as raw as he was on stage. I finally got the courage, and asked the handful of people dancing if I could join them. Within minutes, my friends had peeled away from our table, joining me in this small cluster. I felt almost primal with the raw humanity in the atmosphere. No apologies needed for bumped shoulders as we swayed and spun. In fact, the opposite - the reward of a stranger's purest smile, lit by neon beer signs and in the haze of cigarette smoke.
Later, I leaned across a ledge to cling onto every word David Rodriguez Jr said. He went to his car, and came back with a thick stack of some of the most genuine artistic expressions I had seen in a long time. I used a whole page in my notepad just to write one note, repeating the hand-painted words on one of his pieces: 
In music, painting, and presence, I recognized I had met one of those rare, strange and intense people who embodied the Artistic Man. He told me, later, he hadn't been able to sell even one of his paintings for $20 in Austin.
I found it impossible, then, not to thank God for artists.
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dismyblog · 11 months
My vet telling me setx is where goats go to die already turned me off of ever having them but having to unstick my new neighbors' goats from our shared fence every day really sealed the deal
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bbabel346-blog · 1 year
27F/29M LF F in SETX/Beaumont, TX. PM for Kik
Hi there.  I’m in Kik with bbabel1212
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federicoemmanuel · 1 year
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Truco y mucho setso!
Trick and a lot of setx!
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stastrodome · 2 years
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The fideos are once again toothsome The Magoos can finally see The hammerheads are out of the kitchen The wasabi vodka’s on me
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dramaticunicorn82 · 1 year
Love & Pride
"That's what my heart yearns for now - love and pride. That's what my heart yearns for now - love and pride.
Start your journey early or maybe later get your boots on
Look for rainbows it's cloudy
Take your hairdryer blow them all away.
In you I've found a story I want to keep hearing. In you I see all colours not just black or white. In you I find a reason and hope for all dreamers
You are my fill you're my supply of love and pride. That's what my heart yearns for now - love and pride. . . ."
--- Mick Roberts/Paul King
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As I mentioned in a blog I wrote from June 1st, it's Pride month! June is Pride month and that means we celebrate the lives of LGBTQIA+ history, people, and events that have happened to lead us to where we are today. It can be a pretty complicated history but there is a great website for you to visit if you want to read more on it. Just click the link below if you would like to learn more.
Let me give you a brief history of my own experiences with Pride. I didn't even really celebrate it until I moved to the city known as New York. My first Pride parade was the summer of 2005 in between my junior and senior years of college and it was my first summer in NYC. I went to brunch with friends and waved my rainbow flag like the biggest queen you ever saw. I met a few guys and made out and got the number of a guy who never called me back. Yup. Sounds about right. LOL. While watching the parade I marveled at the floats and groups of people marching along the closed off streets of New York City. My first Pride was in NYC - a place home to one of the most infamous protests in all history, the Stonewall riots. I had a huge smile on my face the entire time. It was so crowded and hot but I didn't care, I was having the time of my life. It was also during this years Pride Parade that I took a glance at the group "Cheer NY." Cheer NY is a group of adults who are either part of the LGBTQIA+ community or at least allies, who are cheerleaders for different charity events and other events like LGBTQIA+ sports leagues.
They. Were. GAYMAZING! Anyone who knew me growing up knew I always loved tumbling and gymnastics. From an early age when my sister was a cheerleader in high school and taught me how to do a cartwheel, I have always been a fan. Took tumbling when I was little bit but I always wanted to do more. This group were doing all the things cheerleaders did - not just cheers but tumbling and throwing people in the air - doing flips, etc. I loved it! During the parade I was handed a flyer that advertised they were having try-outs. It's something I always wanted to do and so I tried out and made it and spent a little over a year on this squad. It was incredible. I got to meet other people in the community and made new friends and got to have so much fun while I did it. I loved it. I miss it. I still have my cheerleading outfit even though I know I'll never fit back into it. I payed a lot for it so I'm keeping as a memento for damn sure.
I bet you would still be amazed to now that I can STILL do a cartwheel, round-off, and (sometimes) a one-handed cart-wheel. I love doing it. :)
Anyways, since then I haven't always been to a Pride celebration but I always preached Pride because it's very important to me. Once I made way back to Southeast Texas I experienced Beaumont's first Pride in June of 2011 (I think it was 11) and then I started getting involved in the planning for their next Prides. When I returned officially back to Beaumont in 2016 I was a debutante for that years Pride ball (my second coming out so to speak) and I have had an active part every single year since then. The last few years I was the DQIC. Drag queen in charge.
This year is quite different. I am no longer involved in SETX's Pride celebration. It does make me sad, but I'm also okay with it. I was feeling major fatigue from last years celebration and mix that with the frustration of the place Pride was held (Jefferson Theatre...ugh...the city of Beaumont as a city DOES NOT support anything LGBTQIA+, but that's another story). I needed a break. Then I got let go from my job, then I lost my phone, then I had a mental breakdown, couldn't afford my rent, got a great job then slapped in the face with the realization that I would not actually work for about a year or so, had to go help take care of my sister and mom, sister dies, I have another breakdown and piss off my previous employer and my friends. Now I'm here. Not going to Pride.
Ya see, after this last breakdown. Breakdown might be too dramatic a term to use but they seemed like breakdowns to me. Oh well. My point is, I'm at this moment in my life where I need a break and I need to clear my head for a little bit. I'm exercising, currently not drinking alcohol, trying to get control of my money, working more, and just trying to welcome the positive and extinguish the negative. I'm trying to find new ways of handling my life and even though it's only been a couple of weeks, I'm doing pretty well.
I lost gigs and income by giving up Pride Beaumont but ya now, I really am okay with it. I miss it in ways but I KNOW it is what I need right now for my mental health.
I'm happy to see a lot of my friends taking the reins and trying to make Pride as good as ever. The fact that we can even have Pride in Beaumont and have had Pride in Beaumont for about a decade is pretty amazing. I am very proud of the people here who have made that possible for future generations. I am very proud of the work I did to help and will always cherish those memories.
Pride is also being held at BCP this year which I encouraged. I think it's a great place to hold Beaumont Pride. However, that really makes me uncomfortable even showing up (in drag or out) so this year I am avoiding it altogether. This Saturday, while a lot of my friends will be celebrating I will be relaxing by a pool with a mocktail and listening to music and working on my tan. And honestly....I'm looking forward to it. This year in particular, I do not miss having to get together outfits, putting music together, organizing a show line-up, being responsible for other performers, etc. I need this break for my own sanity and yes, I am sad I have to do it, but again, I HAVE TO DO IT. It's required and I know I'm not gonna regret anything.
So whatever you're doing this month to celebrate Pride, whether you're going out with friends or going to a party celebration or spending a quiet time at home alone, you do you boo. Enjoy it! I'm just as proud of myself this year for Pride as I have been for all my Prides before and I am working on finding myself again. :)
Until next time kiddos, this is Disco Donny signing off! Happy Pride everyone!
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