#sevastian x mc
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aquagirl1978 · 3 years
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Happy Birthday Sevastian!
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piamastea · 3 years
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Mc/Sevastian edit
So this isn’t like my best sc edit but it’s surprisingly ok? I’m not used to procreate completely so extracting the line art was very difficult! Still it turned out nice! Ish..
I used a sc from Castlevania! The second I started this show I was like.. TREVOR IS LITERALLY SEVASTIAN- so I had to do this😏 a lot of parts are still weird looking so hopefully I get better with time..
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The sc I used for the edit!
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alixennial · 3 years
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Sevastian x MC ✨
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distraughtlesbian · 3 years
they hated jesus because he told them the truth: sevastian is dull and charmless
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violettduchess · 4 years
Sevastian ❄️: a Lovestruck mini English Lesson 👩‍🏫
While reading Sevastian's 3rd season again, I came across this part and knew I wanted to point out a few things since I wasn't writing these when I read him the first time.
So here's some bonus Winter Prince.
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This is an example of what the right word choice can do to convey something sensory without describing it directly. "Velvet" is soft, sensual, luxurious. You instantly know he's implying something in a specific tone without needing any other cues.
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This is another really well-done sentence. Instead of using the ubiquitous term "afterglow", we're treated to a gorgeous description of a lingering flush under her skin, a remnant of what he did for her.
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A little bit of fire imagery never hurts when you're talking about making love. And alliteration to boot.
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Sentence structure can have a real effect on things. Here's an example of SVO really working. "I tell him and he gives me". The straightforwardness of the structure matches the way MC is being direct with him, and then at the end, when she loses herself, the sentence moves into a dreamy description of seeing stars dance. It's such a smart syntactical construction to express this moment.
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love-lace · 4 years
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Will never get tired of saying how much I love this man 🥰
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Congratulations to Gingerrose shippers
Gingerrose won with Sevastian x Reigning Passions mc in my one true ultimate shipping tournament and advanced to round two!
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Sevastian x Reigning Passions mc fans, don’t weep, because your ship remains awesome!
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aquagirl1978 · 4 years
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All the blushies
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calsloth · 3 years
i think im gonna replay sevastian bc im miss him and im sad
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alixennial · 4 years
Like Woolen Socks
A birthday gift for the wonderfully talented and gorgeous @aquagirl1978 with much love from @violettduchess @aallotarenunelma and @aliboo
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The Winter Quarter hadn't changed much since Krystal and Sevastian were wed. Except for the weather. Altadellys had been divided for so long into four quarters that, even though things had changed and the eternal winter had melted away, the names had remained. It had been a long day for her and Sevastian, filled with meetings, piles of documents to sign and decisions to be made. As Prince consort, Sevastian had kept trying his best to support his Queen, meaning with all his might, as he had never been known for doing things halfway. 
As they were silently strolling in the streets, Krystal looked at him. She couldn't help herself. She was ridiculously in love with this brave and loyal man who had gone to great lengths to show her how much he loved her. Something he was doing everyday. It was he who had suggested leaving the two remaining piles of documents and going to the Winter temple with him. More like taking the pen from her hand and tossing it over his shoulder because he knew that she wouldn't stop otherwise. Krystal had laughed and had called him jealous for not receiving enough attention from her. She had nonetheless agreed because this temple had been a favourite place of hers pretty much since her arrival in the capital. Besides, the idea of soaking with Sevastian in hot water after such a strenuous day was like putting woolen socks over frozen feet. 
Once they entered, the comforting warmth of the temple relaxed her instantly, like a cup of tea drunk to soothe the nerves. She noticed that Sevastian was drinking her in as well and she blushed a little bit, masking it by starting to remove her coat. She let it slide down her shoulders and returned Sevastian's gaze. He smirked and got closer, softly putting a hand on her cheek. She closed her eyes and leaned into it.
"Are you alright, my love?" 
"With you by my side, always." 
"Yet you’re hiding your pretty eyes from me." 
She opened them. Devotion was what she could see in his. 
"Is it better now?", she smiled. 
Krystal put her hand on his cheek and they stared at each other. Like they were seeing each other for the first time. Several minutes passed until Sevastian briefly closed his grey eyes and turned his head slightly to kiss her fingers. 
"You’re tense. Let's relax in the water." 
She nodded and they disrobed before slipping into the hot bath. She sighed and Sevastian chuckled while putting an arm around her waist. 
"Not thinking about these two stacks of papers, I hope?" 
"No, you were right. They can wait until tomorrow." 
He smirked and kissed her temple. 
"Come here, you’re feeling very stiff."
Sevastian gestured to her to move in front of him and once she was there, he massaged her shoulders delicately. It was amazing how he could anticipate her needs. Their bond was getting stronger the more time that passed. 
Once he was done, she was again by his side and snuggled against him. Within a few minutes, he started to feel her arm sliding down his torso, so he took a look at her and noticed that she was falling asleep. He cupped her cheek with one hand and caressed it with his thumb, while the other was keeping her afloat. 
"Krystal, are you sleeping?" 
"No, I'm resting my eyes. I'm fine.", she murmured almost unintelligibly, her voice thick with slumber. 
"My love, you are exhausted." 
He kissed her forehead, her cheek, her lips. 
"You’re so soft and so steady. I feel so safe in your arms. I never want to let you go.", she mumbled.
Sevastian laughed gently, the sound vibrating gently through the chest she had her head against.
“Now I know my Queen is tired when she starts speaking such romantic words”. Her lips curved up slightly at his teasing. He leaned forward, his mouth close to her ear. “Shall I tell you another sign that my love is exhausted?”
Krystal opened one bright aquamarine-colored eye as she tilted her head to look at him. “The fact that we’re both in the deserted temple, in the place where we shared our first kiss, with no clothes on, and neither of us has so much as lifted a finger to take advantage of it?”
The warmth of the water matched the warmth in his heart at her words. 
“No wonder you are such a wise leader.” 
She laughed, a small sound in the cavernous space. Her hands slid their way down his forearms, over where his own were holding her middle under the water.
“Sevastian, do you think we could-?”
“Say no more.”
In a movement much faster than she would have thought possible for the state of relaxation they were both in, Sevastian lifted her from the water. The cool air made the droplets of water on her skin sting for only a moment, chased away by the heavy comfort of her robe. Hugging the thick fabric to herself, she watched as he dried himself, her eyes following the long, lean lines of him that she knew so well but never failed to move her. Every movement of sinew, every flex of muscle, she had seen before. The knowledge that all of it, every part of him, belonged to her was still a heady thing.
As he finished dressing, he reached for her and in another unexpectedly gallant movement, lifted her straight off her feet.
Startled, she clutched at the damp back of his neck as he began walking towards their quarters.
“Sevastian I am tired, not impaired! I can manage walking!” But her voice was bright with amusement and she was smiling that smile that left him utterly breathless.
“Indulge me, my love.”
As they made their way into their quarters, past the Queensguard who merely averted their eyes, used to such antics, Krystal couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her, effervescent despite her fatigue.
“All the way to the bed, eh?” 
Sevastian carried her across the room, offering her a charming smile. “One does these things properly or not at all.”
“No”, she murmured as he set her down only a moment to turn back their blankets, “You are not one for half measures.” 
Gently sliding the robe from her shoulders, he leaned down, placing a kiss upon each one before settling her into bed and pulling the blankets up and over her. 
She sighed at the feeling of the soft material against her bare skin, snuggling herself deeper. Her pillow had never felt so good. Only one thing was missing….
...and it was only a matter of seconds before he was there, sliding beneath the blankets next to her, similarly bare. Ordinarily this would have brought visions of other things they could do to mind, but now it was comfort, trust, the knowledge that he was there, all of him, for her.
She rolled onto her side and her peace was complete when he curled up behind her, wrapping a strong arm around her middle, pulling her gently against him. Cocooned around her, he felt like he was guarding the world’s most precious treasure. 
“Thank you, Sevastian”. Her voice was already soft, languid with sleep. He could feel her breath evening out, slowing. “I love you.”
His arm tensed ever so slightly around her, emotion shooting through him. Those words. At times they still felt like they were part of a dream themselves. He tipped his chin, placing a kiss on the top of her glorious auburn hair.
“I know, my love”, he said with a soft smile. “I know.”
💝 💝 💝 💝 💝 💝 💝 💝 💝 💝 💝 💝 💝 💝 💝 💝 💝 💝 💝 💝
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Have the best day, ‘dreaming of Sev knowing his thoughts are with you’!!! 😉
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xeniaswife · 3 years
why is sevastian's route so goddamn good im losing my mind... the plot, the characters, the slow burn, the banter & chemistry btwn him and mc, and ofc sevastian himself!! everything is so well written and having to wait 2.5h every time to read the next episode physically pains me
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this breaks my heart for sevastian...can you imagine how terribly sad his childhood must have been like? he was never shown love or compassion. he existed solely to advance winter's interests. his mother, who should have loved and protected him, instead turned a blind eye and bent to ubel's wishes. and yet somehow, despite this cold upbringing, sevastian came out the better with a heart of gold and a beautiful soul. mc is the first person to see past all that sevastian hid behind, to see him for who he is and that he was so much more than just the winter prince. she saw his beautiful heart and claimed it.
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otomeloversunite · 4 years
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violettduchess · 3 years
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For @aquagirl1978 ❤️
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So Sevastian is really just walking around with long luscious hair and his titties constantly out even when it’s freezing..............................love his commitment to the Hoe Aesthetique
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