#seventeenf luff
animeniacss · 8 months
So Close Yet So Far - Mingyu x Reader - Chapter 13 - There's Nothing Worse Than Being Alone
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Synopsis: Your college friend, Kim Mingyu, has had a grip on your heart since the first day you met. Over the past few years, as you acquired more friendships and memories, those feelings only grew. However, recently, Mingyu has seemed a bit more distant, at least when it comes to any ideas of romance. It only gets worse when rumors fly that he's off to Japan to receive a marriage proposal! Unsure what to do, you wonder how you can keep Mingyu by your side without jeopardizing your friendship or your growing feelings. You never expected that waking up one drunken morning next to two hot angels would be your ticket into Mingyu's heart.
Genre: Romance, College!AU, Friends to Lovers, Modern Fantasy, Comedy, Angsty
Length: approx. 6.5k words
Chapter 13 - There's Nothing Worse Than Being Alone
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“Is he asleep?” you asked as Jihoon and Jeonghan stepped out of the room, closing the door behind them. Jihoon nodded.
“Yeah. He’ll be just fine.”
“What happened?” Minnie asked. “He was fine all day.” Jihoon and Jeonghan looked at one another.
“Heat exhaustion, probably.” Jihoon immediately stated. Despite the plethora of questions that would have left someone with, the group seemed content with the answer, knowing it was something fixable and that Joshua would ultimately be okay. That seemed to be enough for them. “Let’s not worry now, let’s let him sleep.” He motioned to Jeonghan, then to you. “Both of you. Come with me.” He said. You nodded, following Jihoon out to the back porch. Hoshi watched for a second as you all disappeared down the stairs, heading to the back porch.
With the rest of the group away, Jihoon sat you both down. “Okay.” He said.
“Is he really okay?” Jeonghan asked. “He dropped to the floor so fast and wasn’t moving.”
“I thought he died…” you choked out.
“He’s fine,” Jihoon assured. “He’s really lucky, though.” Jihoon sighed. “It seems to be more gradual with him than it was for me. The pain I felt was so intense it knocked me out right away. Since he hasn’t actually done anything to screw himself over yet, his body is still being affected but at a much more manageable pace. That won’t last, though, and if he keeps this up, he’ll end up stuck here.”
Wait… stuck here? “What do you mean?” You asked, worry in your voice.
“He won’t be able to reenter heaven,” Jeonghan said simply. Jihoon leaned back in his seat as Jeonghan motioned to him. “Like Jihoon.”
“Wh- Oh.” You blinked. “Oh!” your eyes widened in shock. “Oh…” they furrowed in sadness as Hoshi popped into your head.
“I think the next letter in the English alphabet is P,” Jihoon said. “I managed to peek at Joshua’s back when we got him into bed. Nothing is burned, nothing looks infected.”
“What is he doing that’s causing this?” You asked.
“He’s actively trying to sabotage both his and Jeonghan’s chances of getting into heaven,” Jihoon stated. The bluntness of the comment stunned you, and when you looked at Jeonghan, he only nodded in confirmation. You noticed he looked just as frazzled and confused as you did, if not more so as he chewed on one of his fingernails. “Well, kind of. He clearly doesn’t want to, but since he’s been on earth so long, he’s starting to experience more intense feelings of jealousy, anger, and lust. These are emotions you won’t typically find in an angel.”
“So he’s….what? Jealous of Mingyu?” When the duo only nodded their heads, your eyes immediately widened. Cheeks flush pink, you cover your mouth. “Oh my God. I confessed to him last night thinking it was Mingyu!”
“I know.” Jihoon snorted. “I saw.”
“Do you think that because of me, he-.”
“No, no, no.” Jeonghan immediately said, putting a hand on your back. While he did not have the power to calm your anxiety, the gentle touch he had was enough. “That’s not it. He would have to confess to you, or tell someone who he is not in contact with that he’s an angel. He hasn’t done any of that, but I guess since his feelings are so intense…”
“Then what about you?” you looked at him. Jeonghan laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck.
“I’m more into older women.” he grinned at his attempt to lighten the mood. It seemed to work when the tips of your lips curled up into a smile. “I’ve felt it too. The anger, at least. He and I have gotten into more arguments the longer we’ve been here. It’s hard to control after a while. That’s why we hoped this entire thing wouldn’t take very long.”
“Well, what do we do?” you asked.
“We can’t do anything,” Jeonghan said. “Joshua has to come to his own sense or face the consequences.” Jeonghan seemed pained saying that out loud, and you put a hand on his arm.
“That won’t happen.” You assured. “You both have done too much for me, and I won’t let it end up in vain.” Jeonghan seemed comforted by this, nodding his head.
“It better not, or he’ll be damned to a life to me saying ‘I told you so’.” Jihoon rose from the table. “For now, let’s get some sleep.” As both you and Jeonghan rose, Jihoon stopped you both with one last comment. “Oh, I totally forgot. If Hoshi mentions anything about you two being angels, deny it. He’s only seen me. He’s not stupid, so as long as you don’t reveal yourself or confirm it, you’ll both be fine. Probably.” Jeonghan had to scoff at Jihoon’s last choice of wording before everyone finally headed back inside. At the end of the kitchen archway was Mingyu, arms crossed as he seemingly waited for you guys to come back in. He immediately studied your expression to see how you were after what happened.
“Everything okay?” he asked.
“Yeah.” You assured. “Everything is fine. I’m sorry your whole event was cut short.”
“Sorry? Don’t be. I’m glad he’s alright. I might have to kick his ass later, though.” You laughed a bit, which relieved Mingyu. “Get some rest, then. You’ll be busy tomorrow.” A warm smile looked down at you, making your once anxiety-filled stomach calm down just a bit. “I’ll probably turn in myself soon.”
The group around you agreed, and you nodded your head. “Okay. Goodnight.” You said. The men watched you head upstairs, closing the door to your bedroom. Mingyu leaned back to look at the stairs, waiting to hear if there was any commotion coming from your room. He had to make sure you were asleep. Once the coast was clear, he clapped his hands.
“Alright, people, let’s go.” He motioned down the hall, where Minnie, Hoshi, and Seungkwan came scurrying down, boxes and balloons in hand. “We have to work double with Joshua out for the night. Let’s get this done soon so we can get up early tomorrow, before her.” He watched Mina stroll down the hall just as everyone began rummaging through boxes. He smiled. “Hey. Ready? I figured you could do balloons.”
“Uh, I’m kind of…” Mina was stopped when Mingyu, grinning ear to ear, handed her a few bags of balloons. She watched as he immediately stopped for a second, processing her face.
“You tired?” he asked. Mina took a deep breath, feeling Mingyu put a hand on her forehead. “You’re not warm.”
“No. I’m okay.” She assured. “I’ll go start these.” She motioned to the couch, walked over, and took a seat as she opened the bag of balloons. Mingyu watched her for a second, before turning his attention back to the boxes and getting to work himself.
Meanwhile, as Jeonghan was picking up a few banners, one of which was being hung over the stairs to immediately catch your eyes as you woke up, Hoshi approached him. He grabbed the other side, motioning to the steps with tape in his hand. As the duo walked over, Hoshi finally spoke up: “Is everything okay with Shua-Hyung?” He asked. Jeonghan looked over, nodding in reassurance.
“Yeah. He’s tougher than he looks.” He assured. As Hoshi watched Jeonghan try to hang up one part of the banner, he looked over to Woozi, who sat beside Mina and offered her a pump to make blowing a handful of balloons much easier.
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
You both have made a mockery of angels. You’re lucky you’re even being given another chance.
We’re sorry. Just-.
Junhui’s wings were almost completely burned off because of you two!
Seungcheol, come on.
Sorry, there’s nothing I can do.
When Joshua’s eyes opened, he saw himself staring at the ceiling of his bedroom. He blinked, trying to slow his heartbeat before he started moving around. After a moment, he slowly rose upright, rubbing the back of his head. He could see the sun just barely breaking through the trees. When he looked further down the room, he saw that Jeonghan was already long gone, his bed already made. What happened? The last thing I remember is being at the fireworks on the beach. His legs wobbled a bit, but he managed to make his way outside into the hallway. He saw that the doors were all open, except for one – yours. It was only a few seconds later that he heard rustling and commotion downstairs. “What time is it?” he muttered, before making his way downstairs.
“She’s up already?” He heard one person gasp.
“Shit, fuck, hurry up!” Another whispered. Joshua furrowed his brows, slowing his pace as he reached the bottom of the steps, his eyes immediately noticing the ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY’ banner dangling above his head.
“Right. That’s today…” he said softly. When he looked up, all eyes were on him. “It’s not my birthday.” He managed to say with a tired, yet amused grin on his face.
“You’re up earlier than I thought,” Jihoon mentioned as he rose from the couch.
“How do you feel?” Jeonghan asked.
“Fine.” He said. Approaching Jeonghan, Joshua reached down and picked up a balloon. “I was asleep all night?”
“Like a rock.” He said. “Does your back hurt?”
“No. Not really.” Joshua said. Just then, Mingyu hissed a sound that a dog could barely register, alerting everyone’s attention.
“I think I heard her wake up.” He said. Joshua felt Jeonghan and Seungkwan lead him behind one of the walls as everyone else shuffled out of view of the stairs. Joshua, still sleepy, watched as you padded down the stairs, rubbing your eyes and trying to smooth out your hair.
“Hm?” When you looked up, you also caught sight of the banner above your head, feet stopping at the bottom. Just as your eyes registered the scene around you of a beautifully decorated living room, your friends popped out and shouted.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” You gasped, looking around as everyone, led by the ever-boisterous Hoshi and Seungkwan, began singing you Happy Birthday. A grin formed on your face as you looked around.
“When the hell did you set all of this up?” You asked, looking around.
“While you were sleeping,” Minnie said. She hurried up, enveloping you in a tight hug as the song came to an end. You laughed a bit.
“Aw, that’s so cute. Thank you, guys.” You watched as Seungkwan hurried over, a plate in his hands with a set of chocolate chip muffins all set in a circle, a little candle placed on the one in the middle. “…Is this my cake?” you grinned.
“It’s seven in the morning, you glutton!” Seungkwan gasped. “Who eats cake at 7 in the morning?!”
“Me, on my birthday.” You replied, before giving in and quickly blowing out the little candle on your set of muffins. Taking the plate from Seungkwan, you motioned it to everyone. “Shall we?” You asked. Everyone shuffled forward, taking a muffin to eat for breakfast. You watched as Joshua approached. Immediately, you thought back to what you and Jihoon had discussed the night prior. For a second, your mind told you to be angry with him for his actions. However, seeing his lips press and mold together as if they were trying to form the right words before he spoke them, you couldn’t bring yourself to feel that way. Being angry will only make things harder. “How are you feeling? Did you sleep okay?”
“Hm. Oh yeah.” He smiled. “Just fine. I’m better now.”
“We were worried. Don’t do that again.” Joshua chuckled a bit, nodding.
“Sorry, I worried you…” he said softly. You took an extra muffin, l handing it to him. When he offered you a confused look, you smiled.
“You have to eat up after last night. Come on, now.” Joshua hesitated, but took the muffin with a ‘thank you’. Mingyu slithered up beside you, grinning.
“Are you excited for dinner tonight?” he asked.
“Oh, yeah.” You smiled.
“Our reservation is at 7:30. Is that okay?”
“That’s perfect.” You said. As Mingyu turned his attention for a moment, your eyes fell on the one person left who hadn’t come to have breakfast. Mina was still on the couch, a plastic balloon in her hands as she squeezed it tightly. You could see her brows furrow in frustration each time she pressed her hands together with the balloon inside. “What are the plans for the rest of the day?” You asked the group curiously, turning to them instead.
As if on cue, Hoshi and Seungkwan made their presence known again. Seungkwan was holding a volleyball in his hands, both of them grinning.
“Beach volleyball.” They said in unison.
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
“What do you mean I can’t play?” Joshua asked, eyes wide. He watched as everyone hurried out to the backyard, where a large volleyball net was perched up. Joshua leaned over the railing, then looked back to you and Jeonghan. “I’m fine.”
“You should take it easy for right now.” You suggested softly. “Jihoon said you got lucky yesterday with what happened, and it could have been worse.”
“But volleyball isn’t going to make it worse.”
“Yeah, but something else is.” Jihoon snorted, Joshua, looking over at the smug angel resting against the railing just a few feet away.
“Jihoon said he’ll stay back, too.” You added. Joshua looked at Jeonghan, who was getting some hair out of his eyes and putting on a pair of sunglasses.
“You’re just not going to say anything?” Joshua asked. Jeonghan lowered the sunglasses a bit down his nose, eyeing his friend.
“Keep score?” he grinned, putting his sunglasses back up on his eyes as he led you down the steps. Joshua could hear everyone cheering for you both to hurry up, you quickly apologizing as you did. Joshua sighed, resting his elbows on the railing and peering down. He heard footsteps coming from his left, and Woozi was quickly at his side, resting against the railing again and taking a drink of water.
“What are you doing here? Other than mocking me?” Joshua asked.
“I wanted to stay behind and check on you.” He said. When he saw Joshua look confused, Woozi shrugged. “You can kick the angel out of heaven, but can’t forget everything he learned while he was there, I guess.” He said.
“So, what do you want to check on me for?”
“Tch. Like you don’t know.” Woozi said.
“I don’t.”
Jihoon groaned in annoyance. “Jeez, you’re becoming more stubborn by the day.” He turned to Joshua. “Do I need to spell it out?! You, high-ranking angel Joshua Hong are head over heels in love with a human girl.” Joshua leaned forward, covering Jihoon’s mouth with his hands and hissing at him to be quiet. He could feel the slimy smirk under his hands, and he quickly pulled away. Jihoon pointed to you. “Specifically, that one,” Joshua said nothing, only averting his eyes away from the snickering fallen angel. “No need to even confirm it. I see it on your face. That must hurt, having to help her basically friendzone you.” With still no reply, Jihoon continued. “A word of advice?”
“Why would I take advice from the likes of you?” Joshua asked.
“I’m the closest thing you have to a warning. And it seems you still fucking need one. I saw you almost bare your chest to her on the porch Friday. In fact, I’ve only seen the two of you together for a day and a half, and that wasn’t even the last time you tried.” Joshua thought it over for a second, your eyes, glossy yet full of love, staring up at him as you bared your heart out the first night at the house. Even knowing it was dedicated to someone else, Joshua still felt flustered. Curiosity beating him, he looked over at Jihoon one last time. He was watching the scene below of teams being divided up, 4 to 3 at the moment. Joshua followed the fallen angel gaze to Hoshi, who was standing beside Jeonghan and you, waiting for the volleyball to be served. You were motioning him farther back on the court, and he did so, bouncing with every step. He saw Mingyu, Mina, Minnie, and Seungkwan on the other side. Mina stood by Mingyu’s side and smiled as they readied themselves for the game.
“Do you know the full story of what happened?” Jihoon asked to fill the silence.
“You showed yourself to Hoshi without a contract,” Joshua said. “Like you’re not supposed to. I’m not doing that.”
“True,” Jihoon said. “But you’re about to bare your entire soul to the girl you’re supposed to be helping. You’re about to actively prevent yourself and Jeonghan from finishing the contract for being selfish. Doesn’t seem very angel-like to me.”
“How do you know what I’m going to do?
“I did the same thing, idiot!” Jihoon snapped. Joshua flinched a bit, his frown still firmly on his face. “I did the same thing.”
---------- 2 years prior------------
“Hey.” A voice called, making Jihoon look up. He brushed some hair out of his face to see a man before him. His backpack was slung over his shoulder, and he had a beaming smile. “Mind if I sit here? All the other seats are taken.”
Jihoon looked around the bookstore. There were actually many other tables available for him to sit him. Why did he want to sit here? Just as Jihoon was about to turn and ask that question aloud, he was already sitting beside him.
“Wh- hey.” Jihoon frowned. “I didn’t say yes. There’s plenty of seats, you liar.”
Hoshi chuckled a bit. “I know.” He said. “I hate reading alone though, and I have a lot to study for. Please?” he batted his eyes and pouted in an overly dramatic fashion that made Jihoon’s cheeks tint a bit pink.
“Uh. Yeah, whatever I guess.” He muttered. Glancing back down at his book, he tried to block out the sound of the guy across from him setting his textbook down on the table. That is, he was able to until he spoke.
“I’m Kwon Soonyoung, but everyone I know calls me Hoshi.” Jihoon glanced back up and saw that smile again.
“…Jihoon.” He said.
A smile. “Jihoon? Do you have a nickname people call you?”
“Your friends. What do your friends call you?”
“We’re not friends.” Jihoon clarified.
“We will be when I know your nickname.”
Okay. Jihoon had to chuckle at that one. “Uh, Woozi, I guess.”
“Woozi, cool! It sounds mysterious yet still cute. Like you.” Now Woozi’s entire face turned a bright red. At least, he assumed it did, because Hoshi started laughing. “Oh jeez, did that make you blush?! Sorry, sorry! I just had to say it.”
“Uh-huh…” Woozi muttered.
Hoshi just ended up…being around after that. Whenever Woozi found himself nestled in the farthest corner of the bookstore, unbothered with a book in hand, Hoshi would pop in and rustle up his peace. He’d talk about the new adjustments to school, his part-time job, his friends, really anything. Especially tigers. He fucking loved tigers. How did Woozi know this? Because when he looked up one day at Hoshi during one of his ramblings, he had his hand up in a claw-like motion.
“…What on earth are you doing?” he asked, setting his book down.
“It’s my trademark.” He beamed. “Instead of a wave, I do this. Hehe~.”
“…It’s my trademark.” Hoshi simply repeated. “We should make you a trademark.”
“What? A trademark? No, I’m ok I-.”
“Put your hand on your cheek.” It was as if Hoshi wasn’t even listening. “…Go on. Like you’re making a heart.”
“Uhm…okay.” Woozi wasn’t sure what was convincing him to do this – it must be the eyes – but he pressed his hand to his cheek. Hoshi leaned forward, taking Woozi’s hand and adjusting it. He popped Woozi’s palm out a bit, so it resembled the shape of half of a heart. “There. Perfect.”
“I feel ridiculous.”
“You look kind of adorable.” He laughed. “Now we both have our trademark.” Hoshi held up his paw hand sign again. Woozi avoided his eyes, setting his hand down and standing.
“I’m leaving now.”
“Wh- hey!” Hoshi watched Woozi grab his things and head out. “I’m sorry.” He scrambled to get his things and followed behind. “Did I upset you?”
“No.” Woozi lied. When he went past the door, hoping it would close in Hoshi’s face, Hoshi simply pushed it back out and kept his pace with Woozi. “Soonyoung-.”
“Hoshi.” Hoshi clarified. Woozi raised an eyebrow.
“Hoshi.” Woozi corrected, though slightly annoyed. “Why are you following me?”
Hoshi shrugged. “We’re friends now,” Hoshi said. Woozi was silent, hoping for more of an explanation. “…When I saw you sitting alone for the first time….it looked like you needed a friend.” Woozi felt in that moment his heart began to speed up. What the heck was going on? He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. “Did I misread it?” Hoshi frowned a bit.
“Uh…no. No, I guess you didn’t,” he said, guilt washing over him as he tried to calm himself down. How could he, an angel trying to get back into heaven, abandon the pure innocence of this guy who just wanted to befriend him? What did he have to lose by spending more time with him? “…Why don’t we…I don’t know, go find something to eat. You hungry?”
“Starved,” Hoshi said. “I have a bit of time before I have to get back to campus for class. I know a few close places.” Woozi nodded, motioning his hand.
“Lead the way.” He watched Hoshi walk in front of him, rattling off a bunch of different places he had been to with his friends recently. Woozi trailed behind silently. He couldn’t help it, Lord knew, but the more Hoshi rattled off random lunch spots he had never heard of, the more it made Woozi smile.
The duo had settled into a pretty easy routine: meet at the bookstore every Wednesday, get lunch, and have Hoshi back at school by the time class started up for him. Woozi had no reason to deny it, he had nothing better to do at the time.
The duo were headed back to campus after a stop at their favorite burger spot. Hoshi was deep into explaining why he was late today, Seungkwan stopped him to complain
“He says I haven’t been hanging out with everyone recently.” Hoshi frowned. “But I told them I’ve been busy.”
“I’m sure they’ll come around. “Woozi said. “If not, forget them.”
“I can’t do that. They’re my best friends.”
“Best friends don’t monitor your life.”
“…You’re pretty negative,” Hoshi said.
“You know. Negative. ‘Glass half empty’ kind of guy.” Hoshi paused, then added: “It’s not bad. You’re just different than me. Have you been that way you’re whole life?”
“Uh, I guess so.” Woozi thought back to his time in heaven, and why he got punished to Earth in the first place. “My old friends told me I was so pessimistic for my own good.”
“I don’t think it’s bad sometimes. If anything, it makes you unique. Wouldn’t it be a lot to handle if both of us were the same?”
“I guess,” Woozi said. “I can barely handle just you.” Hoshi laughed a bit, eating a French fry before continuing.
“A lot of people have told me my whole life I’m too hyper for my own good. People can be so judgmental.”
Woozi’s ears perked up a bit. He had been talking to Hoshi for a month and a half at this point, each Wednesday feeling far away until it came. Then, gone in a flash. He was hoping Hoshi would share something he could use to guide them into a contract. Woozi was desperate to tell Hoshi the truth about him. But the consequences of such actions lingered in the back of his mind. He had to be careful.
“Who?” Woozi asked.
“My parents. My brothers. All of them told me I was…a bit different from everyone else.” He shrugged. “I guess I always knew that.”
“Oh, yeah?” he asked. “Maybe it’s because you use your hand like a tiger paw.” Hoshi laughed at the comment, and Woozi couldn’t help but smile.
“Yeeeeaaaaah. I guess.”
Woozi had to think of his next few sentences carefully. “Have you ever thought of trying to reconcile with them?”
“A few times.” He began. Woozi smiled more. “But then I decided there’s no point.” His smile dropped, but he said nothing. “If I didn’t have the home life I did, I wouldn’t be who I am now. There’s no point in changing what’s happened. I’m happy where I am.” Hoshi’s statement made Woozi feel a bit tense. The one thing Hoshi had shared with him thus far and he had no intention of getting help to change it. What was Woozi to do? As Hoshi continued to talk, now moving on to the idea of his final exams, Woozi sighed.
“I’m sorry your family was so hard on you.” He said.
“Hm? Oh, it’s ok. Like I said, most of my decisions in life were because of my family. I’m happy now, so it’s not all too bad.”
“Still.” Hoshi shoved Woozi playfully.
“Hey. No use getting upset over my problems, Woozi. I’ve made great friends like you. What more could I want?”
“Ahh. Nope. I want us to be happy when we hang out, okay?”
“Uh…” Woozi saw the campus coming up the skyline at the end of the road. “Okay.” He said.
“Maybe we can all hang out together. You, me, and my friends. They’re nice people. They’ll totally like you! Even if you’re a bit negative.” Woozi smiled again. It wasn’t long after that the duo had to part, another 7 days before they could see one another again. Hoshi flashed a quick tiger paw in the direction. Woozi reluctantly put his half-hearted hand on his cheek, and the facial response Hoshi gave alone almost put Woozi in an early grave. He beamed, waving Woozi off before disappearing behind the campus walls. Woozi watched him, rubbing his shoulder silently. “What the heck kind of hole have I dug myself into now?” he asked.
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
“The longer we hung out, the more I didn’t care about anything else. I didn’t care about why I was put on earth in the first place. For all I knew, for all I cared, I was put on earth to be with him.” Woozi motioned below them, and Joshua’s eyes followed. “At that point, I thought things would be so much easier if I just told him how I felt. Despite what could happen, I’d at least be happy here on earth with him.” He clicked his tongue. “I was thinking like a human.”
-------------20 months prior-----------------------
“Hey. Soonyoung?” Woozi looked to his left. Hoshi, as excitable as ever, was watching a TV show the both of them had been watching for hours. Multiple episodes, yet Hoshi looked at each one as if it were the first time he had ever seen it. It made Woozi smile. “Soonyoung.”
“Hm?” His eyes didn’t leave the screen. “Woozi, I told you to call me Hoshi. I prefer it.”
Woozi sighed. “Hoshi…”
“Yeeees~.” He cooed. When he did not get an immediate response, Hoshi looked over. He immediately sensed Woozi’s unease, and he frowned. “What’s wrong? Are you ok?”
“Uh, yeah.” He stammered. “Actually…no. I really need to talk to you.” Hoshi’s frown deepened.
“Okay. Now, I’m kind of nervous.” He tried to play the whole situation off, mainly to hide his own growing anxiety about what was happening.
“Well, before I say anything, I need you to understand something.” Hoshi nodded, quiet to let Woozi continue. “What I’m about to tell you, might sound really unbelievable at first. But I need you to trust me, okay?”
“Okay,” Hoshi said softly.
“And I need you to try not to freak out.”
“What? Are you some kind of a secret agent or something?” Woozi couldn’t help but laugh. He always admired how Hoshi was able to take a tense situation and bring some much-needed humor into it. It soothed Woozi a bit. Woozi looked up at the boy before him and received a reassuring smile in return that folded his eyes into gentle half-moons.
“Heh, no, not that.” He began. Woozi sighed. “Might as well just get it over with.”
“What do you me-.” Hoshi was immediately silenced by Woozi, who unbuttoned the buttons lining his grey button down, and shrugging the shirt off entirely, exposed his chest. Hoshi’s entire face froze. “Eh?” Realizing then what was happening, his eyes immediately darted away, heart racing as his cheeks got hot. “WOAH, WOAH! I had no idea this is what you meant by having something to tell me!” Woozi cocked a confused eyebrow as he looked at the flustered man sitting before him. Hoshi, unaware that Woozi had stopped moving, continued to blabber incoherent sounds of panic. “This is moving waaaaay too fast!”
“What? Soonyoung.” Woozi said gently, but it fell on deaf ears.
“You’re great and everything. It’s nothing against you, but-.”
“Hoshi,” Woozi repeated, feeling his back muscles twitch just a bit. “Please, I-.”
“I don’t even know if I like you like that!”
Silence. The room fell into thick painful silence. Woozi blinked, watching as Hoshi tried his best to catch his breath and steady himself, eyes still avoiding him at all costs. Woozi set his shirt onto his lap, blinking just a few times at what Hoshi just said.
Put your hand on your cheek like a heart. Cute! Now, we both have a trademark!
It’s mysterious and cute. Like you!
“…What?” Woozi’s question was swallowed up as a gust of air burst through from behind him, back flinching in every which way to make way for his two large, feathery wings to spread out behind him. Woozi didn’t move, eyes wide as he watched the wings cast a shadow over both his and Hoshi’s faces.
It took a second, but Hoshi blinked, looking back over at Woozi. Woozi immediately felt his back tighten, his heart clenched, and his brain stopped working as Hoshi’s eyes went wide.
“Wh-wh-wh- WHAT THE HELL?!” Hoshi shouted. He scrambled back in his seat. Unfortunately for him, the edge of the couch came sooner than expected, and he fell backward, cursing as he hit his head on the floor. Despite the plush rug underneath, his head was still ringing as it collided with the floor. “Augh!” He groaned, clutching the back of his head in pain.
“Hoshi.” Woozi crawled over to the edge of the couch, peering down as Hoshi began to sit himself up. “I can explain. I can explain, I just-.” It was then that those back pains he had been feeling, the chest compressions that were making it hard to breathe, all began to rev up ten times what they were a few seconds ago. As Hoshi sat back up, eyes readjusting to a normal view, he could hear a groan of pain. “Aw, fuck.”
“Woozi?” He murmured, standing back up to get a better view of what was happening. “Woozi, what’s wrong?” Woozi grabbed hold of his shoulder with one hand, fingers digging into his skin so hard it cut a wound. Hoshi expected there to be some blood, even just a bit. When nothing came out, his eyes widened in surprise. Woozi leaned forward, hair covering his face as beads of sweat formed along his ears and forehead. Hoshi, now completely unphased by the feathery sight before him, knelt down to help steady Woozi. “Hey. Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” Woozi managed to gasp out. “I’ll be fine. I just-.” With another grunt of pain, Hoshi looked up. The beautiful white feathers he had just seen glitter before him began to darken. Some fell off and scattered along the carpet and couch. Hoshi watched as the ones that remained tacked to his back turned black, darkening like a meal being left on the grill just a bit too long. “Shit! Shitshitshitshitshitshit.”
“Okay, let’s lie you down,” Hoshi said. He tried to look nearby for a blanket, not wanting to leave Woozi’s side. However, that proved not to be a problem, as before he knew it, Woozi fell limp in his arms, the pain most likely being too much for his body to handle any longer.
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
“Next thing I knew, I woke up on his couch,” Jihoon said, pulling a leg to his chest. “Hoshi was asleep on the chair next to me. It looked like he had been crying.” The memory alone sent a deep, somber chuckle through his lips, and Joshua remained quiet until he was done. “I never ever wanted to make him cry.”
“What did you do?” Joshua asked curiously. Jihoon sighed.
“I left.” He said. “I couldn’t stay and explain myself. The damage had been done. I broke the rules, and-.” He motioned to his back. “Lost my wings as a result.”
“Why didn’t you just make a contract with him? I bet you could have convinced him somehow.”
“What would that have changed?” he asked, eyes looking immediately at Joshua, it made him feel like he was being pierced with a dagger. Jihoon’s eyes still had so much hurt and guilt trapped inside of them, even two years later. “He didn’t want to change anything. He was already happy, what else could I have done? I could have made five, ten, a million contracts with him but nothing would have changed. I still would have ended up this way at some point. I couldn’t hide how I felt forever.”
Joshua nodded. When he glanced back down at you on the grass below, he saw you hurrying to follow the volleyball that Seungkwan had served. Jeonghan, mischievous yet determined as always, popped up behind you and grabbed you by the waist, making you shriek in surprise as he grabbed the ball instead, serving it back into the air. Joshua’s eyes looked to Mingyu, jealousy immediately felt as he called out to Jeonghan.
“CHEATER!” He shouted. Defeated, Jeonghan raised his hands in the air before Mingyu headed over. Joshua smiled a bit and rested his chin in his arms as you continued playfully, blissfully unaware of the conversation happening only a few feet above you.
Joshua was refocused when Jihoon began to speak. “You want to end up like me? Wandering around aimlessly – alone – because you thought you could be happy with a human?”
“Jeonghan won’t be able to stay forever. He wants to go back. And your girl down there...” He pointed. “Doesn’t even want you.”
The last part hurt Joshua more than he thought, though he knew it was the truth. “You can’t deny it anymore. If you do, you’ll only be damning yourself to an eternity of loneliness. I don’t think that’s worth it, and I would know…”
Joshua turned back to the group playing down below once again, watching as Mingyu held the volleyball above his head, way too high for you to reach. Both you and Minnie tried to get it, laughing through it all as Mingyu continued to tease you both on your height. When Mingyu finally threw it, both men watched the ball fly until it landed in the hands of a giggling man in a tiger tank top. Joshua looked over at Woozi, who ended by saying:
“There is nothing…absolutely nothing…worse than being alone.”
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
“Joshua!” You called when you saw him hurrying down to the court. “I told you to rest.”
“I couldn’t. I was bored. Let me play.” He said. Questioned glanced passed by the group, but Joshua only added: “If I get tired, I’ll stop. Promise.”
“Okay…Then you’re just in time for another round. You’re on our team.” Joshua nodded, followed by immediately taking your hand into his. You were shocked as you felt him pull you into a tight hug, shocking everyone around you. You were confused, but you reached up and offered him a hug back. “Joshua?”
“Sorry, just hold on.” He said. You blinked, eyes scanning the faces you could with what little motion your neck had. Minnie looked shocked, Seungkwan looked shocked, and Mingyu looked pissed. “He’ll say something in 3…2…1.”
“JOSHUA WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!” Mingyu shouted. Joshua’s laugh vibrated against you as he finally pulled away, looking at Mingyu and grinning. You weren’t sure what it was, but Joshua’s energy felt…different. Much closer to what it was when you first crossed his path.
“What does it look like? I’m taking my chance since you’re taking too long!” He saw Mina’s eyes widen in shock along with Mingyu’s.
“Wha- DID YOU MISS THE FIREWORKS DISPLAY I PUT TOGETHER!?” He shouted. Joshua immediately released you as Mingyu jumped over the net. He grabbed the volleyball, charging after Joshua until he hid behind Jeonghan, who also had a grin on his face.
“Don’t worry, Joshua. I’ll support you.” Jeonghan said, which only made Mingyu angrier.
“What a turn of events,” Seungkwan muttered behind a laugh.
“You two are traitors!” You heard Mingyu shout in annoyance, which only seemed to rile them both up more. Joshua once again reached out to take the ball, staring at Mingyu for a second, who was pouting like a toddler. Just then, Joshua tossed the ball in Mingyu’s direction. His quick reflexes allowed him to catch it, but he looked at Joshua with a confused eye rather than an annoyed one.
“….What are heck are you staring at?” Joshua asked, now completely deadpan and serious. He walked over, taking the ball back into his grasp. With his straight expression, he tossed the ball over the net. “I’m trying to play volleyball. What’s with all of these distractions?” You couldn’t control your laughter at his comment, pushing him away as he approached you once again.
“Oh, shut up.” You scoffed. Joshua smiled, before pumping a fist a you.
“Ready to win?.” He said. You nodded, pressing your fist against his as well. “Fighting.”
“Fighting!” You shouted.
As the game began, Hoshi caught a glimpse of another figure heading down the steps. He looked over to see Woozi walking over, plopping himself down on the chair beside the scoreboard.
He immediately thought back to the past few days, and what would happen if he chose to cause a scene. Gulping, he called out: “Are you playing too, Woozi?”
“Ah. No.” Woozi called, unable to hold back his smile. He motioned to the scoreboard. “I’ll keep score.”
Despite the clear tension between the two, Hoshi threw up two thumbs up that transformed into tiger paw hands in a show of support for Woozi’s choice, and for a second, Woozi got to remember what heaven felt like. 
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