#several speech and debate trophies from when I placed at tournaments for acting
sailor-aviator · 9 months
Okay, so just got home after seeing Anyone But You. My honest take.
I went into the movie expecting it to be HORRENDOUS, but I can admit when I’m wrong. It was actually a pretty solid movie overall. The side characters were so fucking funny (GaTa you have my whole ass heart) and they held their own against each other.
Sydney Sweeney can’t act. I’m sorry, she can’t. That was the consensus coming out of the theater from people who didn’t even know the drama. Her lines fell flat and half the time I couldn’t figure out what she was trying to convey. The other half she was making this face: :3
I genuinely believe that if this movie had had a better female lead, it would have been a smash hit. Sydney just fell flat. I will give her this, I haven’t seen her in anything else (I’m not watching Euphoria, you can’t make me dammit), but not everyone can do comedy. Comedy acting is super hard, and she’s one of the ones that can’t do it, and that’s okay. Maybe she’s better in other things, idk?
Glen was pretty good, but we know he can do comedy, so that’s not really a surprise. I think he fell a little flat in this movie, but most of acting is reacting, and most of his scenes were with Sydney….so.
Anyway, I would say go see it. Not for Sydney or Glen, but for the phenomenal supporting cast. They were the ones that had me laughing out loud most of the time. Glen had his moments, but I’m not lying when I say GaTa and Bryan Brown were the true stars of the movie imo
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