bllssie · 5 years
[ cisfemale, she/her, danielle campbell, 24 ] there goes BLISSIE DUVAL walking down center street ! i can’t believe they’ve been living in derry for TWENTY-FOUR YEARS. last i’ve heard, they’re UNAWARE of the existence of pennywise. i wonder if BLISS is going to stay and fight or watch the town burn to the ground. perhaps it’s because SHE reminds me of POETRY BOOKS STAINED WITH COFFEE RINGS & CIGARETTE ASH, FINGERS COVERED IN COLORFUL PAINTS, & FLICKERING NEON SIGNS, but i think they might FIGHT. either way, they’ll never be the same after this year. [ eli, she/her, 24, pst, na ]
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hey there demons, it’s me, ya boi!!
first thing’s first: unfortunately i’m busy today but i’ll be checking in on mobile and hopefully will be around later tonight if anyone would like to plot! feel free to send me a dm or like this quickly thrown together lil intro and i’ll send you a message! 
so without further adieu, here is a v v sloppy intro for blissie! i’m sorry! 
(this is legit maybe the worst thing i have ever written pls don’t judge)
born and raised in derry, blissie’s home life stood in stark contrast to the idyllic facade of the town. always a bit of a rebel rouser, blissie was a lesson in patience for her parents. 
her older brother was always seen as the golden child, and although throughout childhood, her relationship with her brother was good, she began to get jealous of how ‘easy’ his life seemed to be. he was the classic popular football player, he made good grades and generally just seemed to have an easy time navigating life. 
blissie, on the other hand, was the black sheep. she took an interest in art and the macabre from an early age. she kept to herself in her younger years and paid little attention to any class that wasn’t art related. she began to resent how her parents always seemed to compare her to her older brother, and she slowly started to remove herself from her family. 
in high school, blissie fell in with what her parents called “the wrong crowd.” while they were seen as ‘bad kids,’ blissie never felt more accepted than when she was with them. they made her realize that there were people in derry who would share and encourage her interests and like her separately from her brother. 
when her older brother turned 18, he was accepted into an ivy league school and left derry. although he came back for holidays occasionally, he began a career in the city after college and became a ‘success story’ - someone who made it out. 
blissie, on the other hand, stayed firmly planted in derry. when she was 17, her dad left the family unexpectedly. it completely blindsided them and blissie had no idea what had happened until a few months later. it turned out, blissie’s mom was pregnant and it had caused a huge rift between her parents that had been brewing under the surface for months. this time in her life was one of the darkest, but also best. even though her dad left, blissie felt a strong immediate love for her baby brother, elliot. 
after high school, blissie moved out and went to an art school in the area. but after two years or so, she had to drop out. her mom had slowly been slipping into a deep depression. when she was at her worst, blissie would go over to their house to take care of her mother and little brother. but soon, they were so frequent that she was missing classes and essentially had a full time job nannying. 
blissie has tried multiple times to get her mom help, and even though she has been prescribed medicine, she will sometimes unexpectedly stop taking it and slip back into a hugely depressive state. because of this, blissie has considered herself her brother’s primary caretaker for a while now. she got a job apprenticing at a tattoo shop and balances that with taking elliot (now 7) to school, picking him up, making sure he’s fed and taken care of, etc. 
personality traits: “rough around the edges, with a heart of gold” - brusque, abrasive, confrontational, sympathetic, loyal, protective.
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fearsfelt-blog · 5 years
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beep beep, heeeere’s bobby as penned & loved by kat ! take a look under the cut for his super snazzy intro and more 
[ cismale, he/him, jacob elordi, twenty-two ] there goes ROBERT KEENE walking down center street ! i can’t believe they’ve been living in derry for TWENTY-TWO YEARS. last i’ve heard, they’re AWARE of the existence of pennywise. i wonder if BOBBY is going to stay and fight or watch the town burn to the ground. perhaps it’s because HE reminds me of SINKING MELANCHOLIA FEEDING NOSTALGIA, DEEP PURPLE ON REPEAT, A PLATE OF HOMEMADE CHERRY PIE, but i think they might FLEE. either way, they’ll never be the same after this year. [ kat, she/her, 21, gmt, n/a ]
listen . . my creepy smol 6′3′’ and a bit tall child, i could ramble on for ages but i’m trying to stay focused. anyway, let’s start!
background -
true it stans probably already recognised his last name: keene ! as in norbert keene, the guy with big glasses who works as a pharmacist at the center street drug store and i’m pretty sure he owns it in the movie version so i guess i’ll go with that ! yup, mr. keene is his grandpa, still kicking it but he can’t really work anymore cause of old age so who does the job? ding ding, bobby here to help. 
now that makes greta keene, legend to call bev a ‘little shit’ and a ‘slut’ in the same breath, his mama! (FUN FACT: in the book she died at age 18 bc of drugs and booze and a car accident but in the movie she remained unsuccesful in life doing her father’s job at the drug store). greta might have peed rose water in high school and lived a great life in a pretty house, but instead of making it out of town and into a good college, she stayed. first, doing plenty of assistant jobs, shady jobs at the side. briefly, life started to look grand bc she started an affair with her boss, a well known attorney at the law firm she was working at, but things came to a quick end when she got pregnant at nineteen. his father, 25 at the time, didn’t love that, broke it off and well . . greta got fired and paid off to please keep quiet and raise the child on her own. thankfully, the keenes aren’t poor and were able to keep up a good life standard for their daughter. during the first years of bobby’s life, his mum was a good stay at home mum, really bored and cranky, but she at least loved the little bug. 
so he was raised by his mum at his grandparents house, a good house, a decent house, but not perfect. when bobby was put into kindergarten, his mum started looking for jobs again, eventually ending up as a waitress making poor money and choices, then as the right hand of her father as the drug store. surely not the life she ever wanted for herself. that was only the start of her manners growing frozen, cold, bored to death with no goals.
bobby had a relatively normal childhood despite his mother’s many adventures. he’s always been on the quiet side, a sensitive child who feels things that aren’t there to others. call it a presence, intrusive thoughts or simply tingly senses of something dark about to grow. though his interest in other kids , playing with them , never really developed. he was fully invested in what his mama called creep stuff, playing in the dirt, analysing roadkill, asking questions only an adult would ask. that kind of behaviour continued into middle school.
at the age of six, he got a younger sibling, yay ! not another baby tho, no, a three year old, the daughter of his mother’s best high school friends who had just passed away in a tragic manner. greta and the keenes took in her little girl and ever since then, bobby slowly started to grow to like company. he feels very strongly about his sister, despite not really feeling strongly about anyone ever.
around that time, the visions started: he sees, what it does. what it wants to do, wants to do with him, wants him to do. in a way he’s sort of the herald of clown, a bit of a vessel and before he knew what was going on, he thought he was a psychic or some kind of stuff. though already being a bit on the wacky side, he’ll eventually have to ask himself if the base of wanting to hurt people hasn’t always been there and derry’s famous presence isn’t just encouraging him. think dexter’s dark passenger ! that’s what it feels like.
during his second year of high school, grandma keene died, rip that good old woman ! he was sad to lose a constant in his life and things seemed to be shaken up a bit at home, as the sadness impacted everyone in a different way: his mum started going out again more, meeting shady men at shady bars, growing more and more distant from her kids. his grandpa, however, no matter how cynical or weird people found him, remained good with the kids. he’s taught bobby a lot of norms and morals of society he just never quite . . understood.
this guy wasn’t mr. popular in high school, think somewhat of a jughead jones type. he’s weird, he’s a weirdo, he doesn’t fit --- BUT have u seen his face?? pretty. so he always got a lot of attention from the girlies, even though it never really interested him beyond surface level. in fact, he ditched his prom date to go to burger king a town away with his best friends.
he graduated, decided to take over his grandpa’s position as a pharmacist and is now an apprentice learning as much as he can, y’know it’s not exactly his dream job but it’s fun and he gets a lot of the town gossip, which is a bonus. 
on the side, he’s already planning his escape, drawing pictures at night of things he’s seen that could be the clown. the most re-occuring one: a weeping bride, all black and muddy with rotten flesh, crying and asking for her husband and son. the stories of pennywise came to him during a tale of his grandpa, who’s been around for way longer and some final research on whether that could be. bobby’s often re-visiting places of brutal happenings in the dark, trying to make his tingly senses pick up anything. though 6′3′’, that boy is a little scaredy cat and will flee.
personality -
like i said, think jughead jones, john cleaver from i am not a serial killer or dexter morgan
he’s a scorpio sun with a virgo moon ! very distanced with emotions, analytical
a bisexual legend, sort of closeted as it’s a small town, but ! who writes straight charas in 2019
tw /// has a history of self harm, inflicted to distract him from bad thoughts
loves loves working out, obviously, bc it helps him channel his emotions and distracts him
is looking to move out but doesn’t want to leave his sister behind
doesn’t get if u flirt with him
how to win his heart? vintage music, homemade food, pie !!
i know that was semi long but i have soo much more i could write down regarding his family dynamics, darker self, etc, but maybe a bio? will come? stay tuned. anyway if u read all this ur braver than the us marines ! like this to plot and i’ll hit u up baby beans. or slide into my dms haha and then what.  BTW i already have wanted plots here and stats here.
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