#did everyone try the chicken
goddammit, fuck, shit -
hmm? no, ahaha, nothing's wrong, and i DEFINITELY know how i've been characterizing wars before now, ahaha -
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kennyomegasweave · 4 months
I just went into the 23.5 tag after catching up on the last two weeks and yikes.
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Personally, I'm still having a good time with this show. It's a standard GMMTV show and I'm not always fond of them, but I'm still liking this lesbian high school show more than almost all of their gay high school shows. So it's still a win for me.
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opendragon · 7 days
had a four hour dream where my ex and i were stuck in the same house and arguing there was tension and intrigue and bright colors and family and chickens and people playing irl minecraft and cats. it was wonderful
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youthmustfight · 8 days
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"Order up." Benji chuckles a bit to himself, ringing the bell prematurely. He shrugs to himself before looking around in the clearing of the woods where the son of Hebe had brought himself to. Along with the bell, Benji sets down the items he had brought with him. The son of Hebe had trouble finding a place where he felt comfortable enough to hold the ceremony and preform the ritual. Even his own cabin, while yes belonging to him, didn't feel like it was truly his home. What he knew from this timeline's Benji, didn't allow for him to rest easily either. It made him wonder if his karmic debt would somehow effect him in this ritual as well.
Most of the items joining the son of Hebe were in a box. Though he was sure he could have done without a couple things, but Benji thought probably better safe than sorry. He sets down the box for a moment onto a knoll of grass beside him, pulling out a folded up blanket. Taking a pair of corners, Benji shakes the blanket to nicely float and spread the blanket across the forest floor. Once laid flat, Benji brings the box with him to sit on top of the blanket. He blinks as he sees the blotches of dirt along the bottom of the box once he sets it down on the blanket. And with that, Benji decides to begin the ritual.
*"Divine Song within my veins, Hear my call beyond the planes.
He rings the bell lightly into the cool crisp air of the forest. Benji holds onto the bell as he begins to feel a soft breeze against his skin. His eyes look at the bell in curiosity, perhaps a trick of the light or the jet lag from his previous couple of quests. Benji could have sworn there was a bit of push back against his hand and the bell. There were loud choruses of crickets as the son of Hebe began to recite the next piece of the spell work.
I pronounce my intentions to thee, Appear for me now and equals we shall be.
He rings the bell once more, his attention refocusing on the items in the box. His free hand reaches inside and pulls out a laminated menu from a diner. He was surprised to find it when he had first moved back into the Hebe cabin. It had only ever appeared once in his past and even then, Benji wasn't as confident to talk the server that had given him the menu, let alone take it as a keepsake. A soft smile is brought out from the son of Hebe as he places the menu onto the blanket. As he does so, Benji feels that push on his hand again. Benji simply eyes the bells curiously once more. There's a slow and gradual blinking of many lanternflies around the godling as Benji continues on with the next piece of the ritual.
Not master and servant, nor collar or chain. But partner to partner, equals in name.
The bell rings again, but without the use of Benji's hand. Seems like whatever pushed onto Benji's hand wanted to ring the bell as well, apparently the promise of being equals exciting the entity. Benji returns his attention to the box, bringing out a black hoodie he had found in the Hebe cabin. Losing it in his timeline, Benji was more than excited to find his frog prince hoodie. The hood even had golden accents to mimic a crown as well. This new timeline, as confusing as it was, Benji did appreciate finding what he's lost before had come back to him. He'll admit to it being a an unconventional.
I call you forth, and bind together, An eternal bond that lasts forever."
The bell rings once more, the unseen weight joining Benji's hand as the son of Hebe welcomed whatever had ran the bell with him. The breeze had picked up around him and wherever the son of Hebe tried to catch a glimpse of the creature, the lanternflies were persistent in blocking his sight. Using his hearing the gauge the size and stature of the creature wouldn't do either, the chirping of the crickets seemed to have boosted in volume, drowning out any sound for the son of Hebe. The weight on Benji's hand had continued to be maneuvered oddly, ringing the bell until it stopped. Silence. Darkness. Both surrounded the son of Hebe until he could parse out the features in front of him, the creature in front of him…
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clairedsfield · 1 year
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UP HERE (2023) 1.04 'special'
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matineemonsters · 6 months
If you don't have enough frustration in your life I recommend leading a group of retirees through a class project as the only person in the group who can create a PowerPoint
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deva-arts · 1 year
Seraphina, a bit of a bird , a bit of a human . Maybe. But, my question. When she eats eggs, is it technically cannibalism?
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Long answer: no. Short answer, no.
#vincenttag#nathanieltag#soniasanderstag#amontag#let amon be croccy as a treat#Oc rambles in the tags tag#everyone but nate and sera is sitting on the floor. it's cozier in a pile i guess. they do this a lot.#nate is the only one interested in this all because he's a big nerd when it comes to people's inner workings#literally and metaphorically! dude loves biology and psychology. what a nerd. what a goof. someone staple a 'kick me' sign on his sweater.#vincent just eats raw things sometimes. for no reason. he thinks it's a way to quote 'learn food better' but then he does this sh*t#vince also thinks it's cool and edgy. it is not. no one is okay with this. just eat your meals cooked and stay in your lane vincent#sera hates the bird comparisons because she's heard so much of it. puns. jokes. gags. nicknames. getting birdseed for christmas.#Made an entire presentation only to confuse her friends further on the bird situation#sonia's three moods are “flirty” “happy” and “Ick”#Amon likes to nap in his other form since he doesn't use it and it gets uncomfy after a while. Woken up for this... He barely rests as is :#To answer the age old question#no it is not cannibalism. they are not birds and if they still have traces of bird DNA it is definitely not from chicken or fowl#birds eat other birds all the time too. from eating eggs to eating their own eggs to eating smaller birds- they're like fish in that sense.#Sera used to order chicken a lot when with her former partners to try and dispel the 'but bird though' thoughts before they manifested#It did not work.#vince has a tendency of ripping all of his shirt sleeves and backs off instead of. y'know. getting them tailored. Sonia sobs every time#sera gave nate a similar 'watch' to hers. when activated it becomes a handy dandy lethal weapon! he has to wear it to sleep 'just in case.'#sera strapped it to his wrist saying 'don't worry. it isn't dangerous. to us.' and he hasn't slept the same since. yay vigilante waifu!#ARK_SYSTEMA#Seraphinatag#art#artwork#digital art#my art#my artwork
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mjfass · 10 months
I was today's years old when I had the misfortune to learn about Shotzi selling her own poop to pervs on the internet when she was in Impact
Alright then. Every single day you learn something new.
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timeisacephalopod · 10 months
Lol out of curiosity I looked up my old job on Indeed and yes they ARE urgently hiring for the position and if I didn't get treated like dog shit for expecting a stress free work environment with reasonable expectations and not wildly cunty management who seemed to be under the impression they were doing THE most important job at THE most important store ever maybe I wouldn't have just not shown up one day 🤷🏻‍♀️ asshole thing to do to my poor coworkers but I didn't even have the energy to quit right after spending a month and a half feeling deeply surveilled at every aspect of my job lest I get another frivolous writeup no one else got for doing their jobs worse than me so fine. You want me gone enough to threaten my livelihood and SHRUG when I point out I have rent to pay, fine, but I wouldn't put up with that behavior from anyone in my life generally and I LIKE those people so my JOB pulling bullshit? Oh hell no, if I wouldn't take it from people I CHOOSE to be around on purpose I ain't taking shit from a fucking JOB. I refuse to be in a work environment that's unaware it's a GROCERY STORE, not a 5 star establishment frequented exclusively by world leaders or some shit. Like Sam, my job is cooking food at a fucking sobeys and you're acting as if I'm disarming bombs it's so important get reasonable priorities and standards for employees and then apply them equally to managers and not EXCLUSIVELY minimum wage staff 🙄
Which is funny because my new job everyone seems surprised with how fast I've caught on to stuff down to a coworker yesterday telling me he thought I worked in a shoppers prior to the pharmacy I'm in because Im catching on so quick. This isn't unusual for me either, some time in the last five or so years I've found every workplace I'm at I end up being heavily relied on because I'm good at my job, so fucking sucks to suck for sobeys because it took me some week or so to be consistently praised for being better at the job than the guy I replaced only for them to throw that out because they think management should be able to do whatever the fuck they want while they shove minimum wage staff under a fucking microscope to ensure they're doing their shit right and even that isn't consistent. They punished me exclusively because I did not lay down to be treated as a door mat and dished the treatment I got handed. If you treat me like shit I WILL treat you the way you treat me, no worse, and sometimes a little better because I don't lose my moral standards in that treatment either. Just because I'm being an ass doesn't mean I'm willing to do whatever the fuck, just enough to ensure that the person who's decided I'm their new plaything knows that'll be going both ways so fuck off. I've never had a job so willing to keep on shit management they had at LEAST a dozen meetings with regarding performance and I was the one who got punished for being frustrated about that. But I will take a new significantly less stressful job 🙌🏻
#winters ramblings#anyway theyre “urgently hiring” and if they listened when the fuck i told them i was so stressed i was clenching my fists#so hard in my sleep my hands would be DEAD STIFF and locked in place in the morning and required me to carefully massage them#and exercise the muscles and even then my hands still hurt. i told them ive been throwing up from stress AND i told them i was job hunting#because this was all bullshit. they KNEW where i was at and they should have listened but they didnt so fine#fuck me around 17 ways to sunday teo can play at that game and i didnt come here to be involved in a game at all#but force me onto that fucking biard then dont get mad when i flip it and walk away#im a grown assed adult i have no patience for workplaces that don't understand youre not a fucking slave#and the workplace isnt something Extremely Important And Special its a cucking GROCERY STORE and i wasnt even workinh#one if the jobs that DOES absolutely make a grocery store necessary i made fucking hot food everyone treated as Top Notch Shit#when ut was frozen boxed chicken strips and ut us INSULTING to me to teach me HOW to cook fucking BOXED FOOD#and NO i did bot take that “”“too personally”“' while they were trying to ”improve“ store standards#its fucking BOXED CHICKEN STRIPS guys why the fuck are we treating it like ROCKET SCIENCE??!?#i dont actually think its unreasonable to be angry your manager cannot even trust you to make food from a fucking BOX#without a chef coming in and treating you like some kind of idiot whohas never made a food in my LIFE despite#me cooking a lot more complicated shit at home on a regular basis. give me a fucking BREAK acting as if#it was StOrE sTaNdArD changes or whatever do YOU nit understand boxed food isnt HARD to make or do you need that explained#to you?? like i take shit too personally no YOU have unreasonable standards for EXCLUSIVELY your lowest wage staff#and im NOT bring held to a higher working standard than MANAGEMENT
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duckduckngoose · 1 year
Dear Tumblr today I am in utter misery (I'm actually fine), every act of creation has been an utter failure (that's a lie. My cooking has just been meh), and I think the only reasonable explanation is that I've been cursed by a wizard (no it isn't.)
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roaringroa · 2 years
to the beautiful girl dressed as juliet from the halloween party two days ago: i am still thinking about you
#she was crazy beautiful and we danced for so long#she was a friend’s friend so at one point we went to sit together with everyone else and there weren’t enough chairs#so she pulled me onto her lap and when i told her to be careful cause i’m heavy#she said not to worry cause she works out so she can handle hot women????!!!! whjsgjajakshs#should have kissed her then and there but we literally had just sat down in the middle of all of our friends so i thought later#and at one point i think before that she kighted me with a water bottle?? i can’t remember why but i kneeled in front of her#so she knighted me and then gave me a kiss on the forehead and then one on each cheek#should have kissed her then too but i think we did the knight thing as a demonstration to ppl so again all of our friends were paying atten#anyway after both the lap the knighting and dancing very closely for a while i took her somewhere else#like outside so i could find an excuse to kiss her#but there were other couples there and everyone was asked to get back inside#so we did and then we sat down somewhere#we were chatting and then she said something about the guy who was flirting with her and how she wasn’t sure she should kiss him#because (here i don’t remember exactly) something about her ex boyfriend and how that guy wasn’t sober#so after that i was like wait am i sober enough so i realized i was a little too drunk and didn't try anything again#anyway we continued to dance and flirt but nothing more#and then she left and all i could think of please can i see you again#cause i would really like to kiss you and now i'm still thinking about her#but i don’t use insta and even if i did i prob wouldn’t flirt with her via insta cause i'm too chicken#but if i don’t use insta how can i see her again since i don't see our mutual friend that frequently#ou mutual friend is my high school friend and her middle school friend#my high school friend group is planning to get together in like a month and a half ( we have to plan in advance lol)#so i might ask about her then 💀💀💀#might be a little pathetic to ask about someone you met once after 1 month and a half but honestly i really did like her a lot#and i AM a little pathetic so…#also just to be clear this is not the girl i kissed in the sonic costume lol i was dressed as wednesday addams and didn’t kiss her :(#also no hate to the girl i kissed in the sonic costume she was cute but juliette girl was so... asdjlkfsçad#my post
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youthmustfight · 1 month
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To say the Olympics were eventful for Benji would be more than an understatement. He got to meet and better understand not only his own demigods, but also those from other pantheons as well. He may not have won medals for their team, but he certainly garnered stronger connections. That was worthy of a gold medal in and of itself, right? [ the feed ] | | | | | | | | | | | |
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[post] Getup for the closing ceremony. I hate to see 'em go, but love watching them leave. 😉 🥇69 🥈420 🥉80085
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[ post ] About to take a dip into some strange waters. 🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️ 🌊69 🦀240
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[ post ] Cozy hoodie. Never returning it now. 🤭 🚿 96 ♨ 777
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bubmyg · 2 years
speaking of jk sightings im obsessed w hueningkai saying jeongguk made him try his dirt tea when he saw him in the hall after a schedule one day
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guinevereslancelot · 1 year
what if i ate something besides toast and saltines 🤔
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absurdist-void · 2 years
My discord friends and I started a Valheim server and I was chosen as mayor of our village through the spinning of a wheel.
I decided all decisions would be made through the spinning of the Wheel. Our patron goddess is Eris and the Wheel is her tool of discord.
If there is a disagreement, the Wheel must be spun. Everyone must accept the Wheel’s decisions or fight to the death in the underground fight pit. The weapon of each opponent is chosen by the Wheel.
Since then, there have been at least 3 major arguments between players in the span of 3 days. These arguments are unrelated to Wheel decisions, might I add.
I think I summoned Eris and destroyed the Valheim server.
My rule as mayor is going well I think.
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badcircuit · 3 months
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