#sexy naughty bitchy me plays in the background as ivan walks off
reivun · 10 months
“That is the role you seem determined to play. So, it seems I must play mine.“ :)
doctor who sentence meme
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the role he was ‘ determined ’ to play, huh. ivan allowed his amusement to show, it was better than the annoyance. he was previously under the impression that freed justine was intelligent. the old adage of assumptions is proving to be quite true which was another small annoyance. the predictability of people was a constant source of disappointment; even if it often came advantages.
there were different routes ivan could go with this; he could continue to play along in the song and dance but fairies were never not impulsive. he does have a meeting to get to in the next three hours. additionally — he has to make time to stop for coffee to survive the meeting. he could just walk off with no words but that felt too easy and cheap and a lot like running. and ivan has never run away, no, he’s been pushed away and forced away but never took it upon his own volition. he’d much rather deal with it.
if he’s late, ivan will forward the complaints from master bob to freed justine, then. 
“forgive me,” ivan said as he morphed his face away from an amused one to a more casual look, “i was a bit confused when you brought up roles and the like. you see, i never signed up for any play. though i do enjoy the arts, i’ve never partook in theater myself.” he paused. “the beauty of plays though are not the actors, but the work of those behind the scenes. and of course, the hard work of the director who enforces his vision.” another pause. “i wonder…what role do you think your director wants for us both? and how can one fully determine their own role if they lack the context to the script needed?”
ivan sighed and waved his hand. “forgive me, i am rambling. but think about it if you have the time. i encourage deep, critical thinking at all times.”
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