xcelestial · 11 months
It wasn't often that she found herself at the library, but here she was, and she regretted even coming here. She felt frustrated. Surely, she was smart, so how on Earth was she baffled by what she was reading? Maybe because you don't know this language, Lucy. A sigh, and she would be startled by the appearance of another out of the corner of her eye, visibly jumping a small bit, and she didn't find herself relaxing when she saw who it was. "Freed." She shouldn't be surprised. He seemed just to have a thirst for knowledge about as large as hers was, not that she would truly know given their history.
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nerdoographics · 9 months
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send  me  ‘  ✌  ’  and  i’ll  make  a  graphic  of  your  muse / ACCEPTING HOPE THIS WORK FOR YOU SEL WAS A LITTLE DIFFICULT FINDING THINGS FOR FREED BUT IT WORKED OUT SOMEHOW @freedthedark
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mirroredworlds · 11 months
@freedthedark (starter from Evergreen)
Evergreen would look at him from behind her fan, she'd close it before finishing her approach and tuck it away for the time being. She needed something and she felt that he was the perfect person to ask.
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"Would you be so kind as to accompany me to the mall? There's something I'd like to get but I want your input on the design."
He'd helped her before with some things for her kitchen, and this thing she was going to purchase was another kitchen gadget. She'd found it in a multitude of colors and designs but was at a loss as to which would match the décor she already had. There were three specific ones she was eyeing.
"I promise not to get you to try on any clothing if you come with me. It's for my kitchen."
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ryusxnka · 10 months
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   " Did you hear that? -- There's something in the house! "
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flamedwings · 9 months
❝ resentment is a trap of the heart into which everyone falls. ❞
twilight princess manga meme / open
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natsu nodded, looking a bit absentminded about it but he was listening! in fact, he was an excellent listener and if he really wanted too, he could listen to the sound of freed's voice before the words fully left his lips. but natsu only did that when he was bored and didn't want to pay attention to the details. which was not the case here!
still, the dragon slayer couldn't help but frown a bit. his arms moved of their own accord to cross over his chest, the stance seemingly more protective than closed off.
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"listen freed, i get it. live and let live, ' you are Not immune to propaganda' all that stuff. i do know some things!" natsu looked around quickly. it was to double check the others who have good hearing weren't here and neither was the master a quick confirmation and then he continued. "i just don't see why everyone couldn't have worked together from the beginning. sure. i was gone! and i had to leave." natsu drummed his fingers against his hand. "i mean, it all worked out. and i wouldn't say i resent the master. i just .... don't like the feeling of it all. we're a family, you can't just .... get rid of family like that."
again, natsu shrugged and he let his arms fall. "anyway freed, that's not what i'm here for — are you still interested in that giant fish? i can catch one by the end of the week."
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varietales · 10 months
♦️ for Ichiya pls <33 also Jenny and Kagura if you want <3
Send ♦️ for a headcanon I have for our muses // Accepting!
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Ichiya and Freed have quite a lot in common, and what they connected initially on was a love of music. The Blue Pegasus guildhall has a rather impressive grand piano, which Ichiya loves to play. He happened to be playing a rather complex piece one afternoon when Freed came by. Ichiya was surprised (but after a moment, not really) that Freed recognised the tune, and it was a welcome surprise at that. This began a conversation about music and instruments, and would later begin the pair discussing the topic over drinks on many occasions.
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Jenny conceals the fact that she's a huge nerd with a love of machines and engineering, as it doesn't fit with her 'persona'. During his time at Blue Pegasus, Freed happened to overhear Jenny ranting to Hibiki (one of the few she shares her brainy side with) about something she'd read in an engineering magazine that she'd taken exception to. Upon realising Freed had heard her, she was incredibly embarrassed and worried, not only because she felt Exposed but because ranting the way she'd been was quite unladylike (she'd used a lot of colourful expressions). Of course, Freed assured her there was nothing to be ashamed of and he would keep what he'd heard to himself.
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Mermaid Heel's guildmaster, Lady Evie, is a good friend of Master Bob's. The two of them often get together and discuss all sorts of things - sometimes their mages. During the time Freed was with Blue Pegasus, Evie had suggested to Bob that Freed and Kagura might be good sparring partners for each other, as they're both highly skilled with swords. Kagura was still processing what had been revealed to her at the GMG and was trying to rediscover the meaning of her life, so she initially declined her master's suggestion. However, as the year went on and she felt a bit more settled, she approached Freed on her own accord. Training with him helped her regain some shaken confidence in herself.
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laxusthelightning · 11 months
There's a prolonged hug as they met in the middle of the hall, eyes closed as he was finally engulfed in Laxus' warmth again. They were both more than capable wizards but there was no way in hell and heaven that he would be able to not worry about all the perils their profession brought along with it when they were away for a long time, on separate jobs, or one of them waiting for the other at home. Not when he loved him that much. And he didn't care how long the embrace lasted, for all he cared he'd stand here forever like this or make out with his husband right here and now with everybody watching. He didn't care. They were both safe, that's all that matters.
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It was a shared desire; finally returning after one of these jobs. The man that actually prefered to not show any weakness or emotion at all faltered – his strong arms got limp, slightly trembling by the sight, feel and – that smell... of this specific man.
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It was a craving that lingered for way too long. But now it was time. Time to embrace it, not letting go anytime soon. Finally – his grip gained more strenght, on again.
Laxus leaned over –"... I missed you... Freed..." the name had a slight specific undertone for a moment. The slayer kissed his man's forehead. Gently. Lovingly. Caring.
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kurogane-redfox · 10 months
@freedthedark asked: change is inevitable. you can't fight it. [Changes and Growth]
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"Watch me,"
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He refused to believe he was changing in such an obvious fashion. it was impossible not to mention improbable. Monsters didn't change. He was clearly living proof.
He certainly couldn't see any such profound change in himself that the other was seeing. Of course, he knew Freed was no liar... but he didn't WANT to believe the other male's words. It was literally impossible.
"I don't know what yer seein' but there's no fuckin' way I'm... THAT."
He couldn't even bring himself to utter the words. Freed would know exactly what he was talking about, but it was impossible since the Dragon wasn't even in a relationship at this point. He was utterly single there was no way he was 'smitten' with someone that was just too fucking weird.
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quiiscnt · 11 months
@freedthedark // ♡'d
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☂ ❚❙❘ ❝Oh hello!❞ Juvia spoke her greeting with a bit of surprise and confusion. Head turning to pan the guild hall looking for the rest of his usual companions.❝Juvia heard you guys took on a quest recently. Finished already?❞
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lovedmagic · 11 months
❛  would you please stop imitating me? it is starting to get very annoying.  ❜ [cries and jumps into YOUR ARMS]
❛ Would you ple- ❜ SHE STOPS HERSELF SHORT, cheeks puffed from contained laughter as she catches his eye. Her previously stiff shoulders begin to shake as she fails to maintain eye contact ; her shaky composure shattering entirely once. She knows he's not serious ( or at least she hopes ), but she knows it's in her best interest to reel it back ... if only for a moment or two. The thought doesn't calm her laughter however, and so she has to make a conscious effort to bring herself back down to reality.
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It won't do her well to piss him off entirely now, will it ?
❛ Freed please stop lying to yourself - ❜ She stammers out, wiping a stray tear. ❛ You find me A D O R A B L E, and you know it ! ❜
@freedthedark asked !
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xcelestial · 11 months
"We both know what this is really about."
"Don't--" Her words shot out like ice at him, and she'd avoided eye contact for much too long at this point. She'd look behind herself at him, her fists curling into balls. Oh, he had the nerve?! "Don't come at me with such an accusatory tone. You know nothing."
The ANGER that she had held in for so long, avoiding him in the guild hall, making sure she was gone whenever he was there, it had all taken a toll on Lucy and her mental health. Why should SHE be the one to be removing herself from the guild when she did nothing wrong? It should be HIM that removes himself from the situation. "Just because we had one moment of what could be considered friendship --" No, not friendship, "Acquaintanceship." She was, of course, referring to the library.
Certainly, he had helped her as much as he could, but one small moment doesn't undo as much hurt as he had caused. And she couldn't stomach it, how many people willing welcomed back not only him, but the entire Raijinshuu. How many people so quickly forgave them as soon as the Battle of Fairy Tail was over. It made her SICK TO HER STOMACH. Sick to watch them be all buddy buddy with each other, acting as if everything was okay when it WASN'T.
It was too much for Lucy to handle, so she had excused herself with a tone much akin to the one she was using towards him now. She hadn't expected Freed to follow her, though.
"You're nothing like that little boy I remember so fondly. Not anymore." And of course, she spoke of their past friendships. How many days had they spent playing together? Her only REAL friend, now turned into this MONSTER in Lucy's eyes. A monster that had harmed people he was supposed to care about, all in the name of LAXUS, of all people? Yet another person that should be held to a much higher standard, exclusively because of the fact that he was Makarov's grandson.
"You used to be so kind, what the hell happened to you?"
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deathfavor · 1 year
@freedthedark​ said: "nobody is interested in the truth right now." [ for Mard! 👀]
black fall sentence starters
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   Fingers rest calmly over the leather bound book that reminds ever present in his grasp. It is not that the demon possesses any concern of it being taken or damaged in any way. He is not. But nobody likes ants crawling over their possessions now do they? And this isn’t even his. The Underworld King is merely overseeing its location and ensuring it remains within possession of the demons of the book of Zeref. 
    “  Mard Geer is not surprised by this.  Humans like to think themselves all knowing, but they are, in the end, just humans. The same way that a fish is a fish, or a spider a spider.  “
   The children of dragons were like roaches. Persistent even in the face of a hopeless cause. This one human before him...does not evoke weak thread of DISDAIN that the children of dragons do. (At least, he’s fairly certain that is the name. But he had traded his emotions away so long ago that is was made only on theorization.) Humans with magic is an unpleasant matter, but one that won’t be around much longer.
    “  The truth does not care for interest, it remains unchanging. Whether humans can comprehend this is another matter.   “  He leans his free arm against the arm of his chair, palm resting against it.  It is a show that he does not consider this one a threat. He doesn’t even so much as tense or shift in his chair, much less rise or react.  “  It matters not to Mard Geer either. Mard Geer will share it for there is no harm in doing so, and it can be listened to or discarded. The plan will proceed regardless.  “
   A hand lifts as if to initiate something, only to pause for a brief moment.  “  You were one of the ones present when Tempester came, were you not?  It is a shame. I think he would be more inclined to deal with you. Shall I summon him?  “  An empty smile rests on the underworld king’s face for no reason other than the reaction it is to bring.  “  Mard Geer has no qualms with you. Nor any of the others. But in that same regard, Mard Geer has no problem removing those who are in the way.  “
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killrate · 9 months
‘ keep your eyes open. ’
♡ @freedthedark
She probably would have been feeling her muscles aching, had she not been overstimulated by the constant combat and running. 
Mary was an excellent ranged wizard, but made no claims to be practical. It’s hard to conjure up a game-plan when she was alone, and had never experienced war. 
So instead of staying in one area and helping, Mary had kept moving constantly. Her pattern was simple: incapacitate entire squads - dropping them to their knees as they doubled over in pain, and let the various other mages do the rest. She was being more conservative with her magic than with her stamina - but there was no way for her to think about how tired she was. There was hardly any time to process it. Which is probably why it didn’t occur to her that her thighs and calves were beginning to throb by now. 
She spotted a group of Alvarez’s mages from a distance, and instantly cast Virus - focusing their bowels ( as usual ) - but there was one who didn’t go down as the others did. 
Oh, he’s resilient. 
Under less stressful circumstances, Mary may have been intrigued. This was not the time for it, however, and her lip curled up into a snarl as she decided to instead target his eyes. Evidently that did the trick, because his hands came up over his face in distress, and very likely, in agony.
A decision which she may have regretted, had a much taller mage with pale green hair not been close enough to quite literally save her life. 
Mary didn’t actually see the spear coming for her - but she heard what almost sounded like some type of energy barrier right behind her. 
She turned her head wide-eyed, just in time to see what looked to be a weapon made of shadows, evaporate.
It was obvious to her that the man had somehow blocked it for her.
“Keep your eyes open,” he told her. 
“Hah. That’s ironic,” Mary mutters mostly to herself - because she didn’t realize she’d said it out loud.
His words remind her of an old lecture that she really shouldn’t need to be reminded of. 
She’d tunnel visioned. 
“Right,” Mary’s voice is quiet. Unlike her, but she takes criticism bitterly. She was yet another example that too much power at a young age breeds a sore loser. 
However, it wasn’t uncalled for. 
When he turned to face her, Mary was mildly surprised to have actually recognized him. His name was Freed - though his surname escaped her. Truthfully, she may not have remembered him, were it not for her shocking collection of magazine clippings of Laxus Dreyar. 
Mary had to take care not to appear mortified at her own train of thought. Honestly, the fact that she’s nearly twenty years old, and still collects those…!
Thankfully, her expression didn’t give her away. She merely straightened up, and fixed the cuff of her sleeve - the bruises on her own knees not going unnoticed. 
“I’ll keep in mind that I should expect projectiles to come my way,” She jokes, in a far less lively tone than was common for her. “Thank you. For the save,” She specifies, “And good luck.” Then turns her attention back to her original target - only to see him out cold, and another next to him, petrified by some strange magic, which no doubt had been cast by the young woman standing over them. 
As Mary was about to turn to keep moving, the atmosphere around her shifted, her legs not recognizing gravity anymore - and she fell over. 
For a moment, she considered that perhaps she had stepped into a black hole of some kind, and that she would slowly be turned to flesh spaghetti, in slow motion as a cruel joke by the gods. Or maybe she was already dead! Maybe this was death - and it felt a lot more anxiety-inducing than—
Before the dramatics going off inside her mind could finish that thought, she was thrown into dirt, landing roughly with her face against the grass prickling her cheek. That was going to swell, she could already tell. In other news, she was very much alive ( she supposed ).
Once she regained her balance, she pushed herself up carefully, only to see that… Freed, and the other mages that she’d been just 30 feet away from seconds ago, were gone. Or perhaps, she had gone. The terrain, the location was completely different, and as she looked around frantically, she could no longer see any buildings ( damaged or otherwise ). 
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She had no gods-forsaken clue where she was now, but she did take Freed’s advice. She kept her eyes peeled, expecting that she had stepped into some type of spatial rift or.. something. 
And landed in a heavily wooded area. Alone, for the moment, but she can still hear the sounds of metal clanking, and the sounds of piercing light produced by sorcery.
“U-uhh… ah, shit…”
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ignis-venenatus · 11 months
❛ can’t sleep? ❜ [for natsu!]
an assortment of dialogue
Natsu would let out a slight yawn and rub his eyes. He was really tired but sleep seemed to be evading him for some reason or another. It wasn't too cold, nor was it hot [not that he really felt the heat that much honestly], but there was some reason he was awake in the middle of the night as he was. Green eyes would look up and over at Freed as the other male spoke. Freed was easily one of the people he respected the most. The other male was absolutely incredible with his magic control, his runes, and his barriers.
"Yeah... not sure why though. I'm really tired. I guess it's just too quiet for me?"
He'd grown so accustomed to noise when sleeping. Be it from Happy snoring or something else, but house had been almost eerily quiet recently and he hated it. Music didn't seem to work either. Which made him sad because he liked music. He'd play with a small lacrima he had in his hand for no other reason than it was there as he pursed his lips.
"Oh, I forgot. I made you and Laxus something to commemorate your wedding. It's at my house though so I'll have to drop it off with you or him later on."
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It was a painting the younger male had done. It had taken a few months for him to get the lightning and everything on it right but he was proud of how it'd come out. Freed was one of a very small amount of people who knew he drew and painted, and the even fewer who knew he read.
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wolfkcst · 11 months
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             ❝Not one step closer.❞      Warns the warrior, hand gripping their axe tightly and raising to level with the stranger before them. Is he part of the fatui? They are uncertain, but they know that the blood staining their clothes are from them. 
SC. || @freedthedark​
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withachanceoflaxus · 10 months
📜 lwnld
Send in 📜 and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse.
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Freed: Remember when you didn't try to solve all your problems with attempted murder? Laxus: Stop romanticizing the past.
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