#seyloy smut
melusine0811 · 10 months
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I wrote this after I saw @sangoundercover 's gorgeous illustration last week HERE (NSFW) and my brain shorted out so I had to pause my huge multichapter fic to spin out this little oneshot.
Read it on Ao3 here.
A stray patch of sunlight is what rouses her ultimately, this morning. 
One single, wayward fleck of the aurora piercing through the cavern— and of course directly on Seyka’s eyelid. 
She pulls in breath slowly, grasping at it, welcoming it with open lungs, and the same thing that happens every morning occurs—  her senses become full of Aloy. Not a bad way to wake up, if she says so herself.
Right about this time of the day is when she remembers how lucky she is. Lucky to lay here, reveling in the warm press of her body, lucky by the way she must have automatically sought refuge in Aloy’s arms sometime in the night— lying half on top of her, with her ear pressed to her chest, lulled in sleep by the steady cadence of her heartbeat. 
She listens to the throb of that heart, as she often does. It’s sure, steadfast, and never fails her. She knows it will be there just as she knows the sun will rise— every day, always, her own personal chronometric bulwark. Aloy’s soft fingers are threaded in Seyka’s loose hair, and she can feel her breath on her forehead, her lips pressed to her hairline. 
This is her favorite way to sleep, undoubtedly, even as Aloy remains pretty much dead to the world, snoring lightly in the midst of all this.
Seyka smiles, squeezing Aloy’s body tighter, just laying there, blinking slowly like a sleepy fox. Breathing along with her, synchronized. There is a deep peace, a quiet energy this morning and the snap of  slightly chilly early-autumn air is a welcome rush to wake her senses.
She’s also reminded of the fact that the two of them had fallen asleep fully clothed, the majority of their armor still on last night after they’d spent the whole day hunting and gathering supplies they’d become low on. They’d found that they’d wandered too far from the Base to get back there after the sun had set, and they were exhausted, so Aloy had suggested this little cave she recalled from another time she had passed through. They both felt much more at ease sleeping in the wilds, anyway, unsure how the Old Ones could stand being indoors most of the time.
The cave faces East, with a beautiful little waterfall cascading in front of the entrance, emptying into a pool under a considerable rock overhang, vines dangling from either side of the waterfall. The light coming through the water and between the leaves is like something from out of a dream, and creates the perfect haven for rest.
Last night they’d fallen asleep almost as soon as their heads hit Seyka’s rolled-up cape they’d shared since they hadn’t brought a bedroll, curled into one another for warmth, if not for the reason that neither slept well these days without the other.
Seyka stretches, wiggling her toes and then all at once the soreness hits her. Her feet are still burning, and her arms and legs ache, and she has to muffle herself from whining in pain at the sensation. She decides that the hard, lumpy cave floor probably isn’t doing anything for her either.
She lifts her head again, looking up at a sleeping Aloy. Her chest is rising and falling with the hypnotic quiver of her breath, her eyelashes still. That little fleck of sunlight has slid up Aloy’s throat and is now on her cheek, illuminating her features like she’s something celestial. Seyka’s chest tightens, emotion stinging at the corners of her eyes, her insides liquifying. A frequent occurrence these days.
Just about the time she thinks she could not possibly contain any more love for this woman in the confines of her ribcage, she just falls in love with even more deeply, pulled in and held fast by her words, her tenacity, her resolve. Her selflessness and her passion.
And the way Aloy returns her love, like a tidal wave, crashing over her, and soaking into her skin from her head to her toes. No…like molten ore, flowing into the cracks of Seyka’s pain and fears, mending her back together with her mutual need for Seyka.
And the ways she expresses it, without even intending to, in all that she is and everything she does.
She’s made from flame, Aloy. 
But Seyka has always been able to wield fire.
She decides ultimately to let Aloy sleep, and that it might be nice to go find some eggs and maybe some fish for breakfast, so she scoots up, kissing her softly on the cheek, whispering “I love you” over Aloy’s skin, and slowly rises, tiptoeing out past the waterfall and to the other side of the pool.
She is still dirty and sweaty from the grind last night, so she decides that a soak wouldn’t hurt her, so she strips down, removing her pants and undershorts, along with her shirt, sighing when the cool water hits her skin. She reaches over to her discarded belt piled with her other armor last night, and pulls out a small cake of soap from her pouch, and gets to work scrubbing herself down, rinsing her hair and body clean when she’s done, then sitting and drying herself on a rock as she combs out her hair. When she’s finished, she pulls her hair back up into a simple ponytail, securing it with a red ribbon.
She puts her chest wrap and soft linen shirt back on when she hears movement stirring from within the cave. A very drowsy-looking Aloy emerges, blinking in the sunlight, and Seyka smiles at her, saying nothing because she knows that it takes Aloy some time to process and even produce words just after waking up. Aloy joins her on the rock, immediately leaning into her, giving her sleepy kisses that don’t lack in intensity, both intaking air deeply just at the contact.
She’s pretty sure it will always be like this, and despite Aloy’s difficulty doing much other than bump into things when she first wakes up, the one thing she responds to is this.
Seyka kisses her several times, cradling her neck and the back of her head, slow, gentle. Letting gravity pull them in. Aloy kisses her back with a quiet intensity that causes goosebumps to break out across her skin that has nothing to do with the chilly water and the breeze.
Aloy backs away, looking at her.
“Hi,” she says, yawning and stretching. “I guess I better join the clean club. I am still gross.” 
Seyka smiles.
“I don’t think you’re gross.”
“I’m still all sweaty and I have volatile sludge in my hair.”
“Okay, maybe a little gross.”
She kisses Aloy again, who then stands, stripping down, and she slides into the pool, slipping under the water, rising again, skin drenched and shining in the sunlight.
She catches Seyka staring, and asks “What?”
“You. You’re beautiful, that’s all. Every day I think to myself you couldn’t get more beautiful, but you continue to surprise me.”
Aloy still has trouble taking compliments, since she has never known how to process them and has spent her life unwanted by virtually everyone, so she deflects.
“Even though I’m the sludge monster?”
“Even though you’re the sludge monster.”
Seyka suddenly feels the urge to touch her, to care for her, so she tugs her arm, pulling her over and takes the soap, and starts scrubbing her hair while sitting on the ledge. There is a sharp grade and the knee-deep water plunges down to almost six feet within four strides.
It’s usually about this time that Aloy’s same instinct to care for her comes out, and then inevitably things…escalate. The embers of it are already blooming low in Seyka’s belly just being near her, touching her, seeing the curves and defined lines of the shape of her body.
Aloy scrubs down the rest of her body, then steps over into deeper water to rinse herself again, then returning to where it’s to her knees. Seyka steps down from the rock, joining her, and she pulls her into her arms, kissing her neck gently as Aloy quickly arranges her hair in her rows of twists and braids, then she frames Seyka’s face, kissing her back thoroughly, catching her mouth with her own like something magnetic. Seyka nothing short of melts into her touch as Aloy wraps herself around Seyka, probably getting her shirt wet, but Seyka doesn’t much care.
The heat is there immediately, and she’s shivering, sighing—a throb building in Seyka’s heart at the sound of Aloy’s breathy hum of pleasure as she draws her in more tightly, kissing her more deeply, tiny sounds emitting from the back of her throat. The embers start to burn hotter, as she slides her tongue along Aloy’s lip, and Aloy groans, now, pulling back but staying close and pressing her forehead to Seyka’s, needing a moment to just take her in, equalize her before she's overwhelmed with need. 
Aloy is breathing in through her nose and squeezing her eyes shut, apparently overcome with emotion. She husks out "I love you," and then she places her hand on the back of Seyka’s head and kisses her again, in slow motion, with a raw passion that sizzles so hot, Seyka nearly can’t stay upright as she pulls images of the ways she wants to absorb her from the liminal edges of her imagination. Everything becomes touch, and ache, as their shadows merge on the backdrop of the rock wall.
Seyka’s stomach drops in desire as fire rages through her.
They press their bodies together, and the firm pressure of each slow, feverish, heart rendering kiss disconnects and comes back together with such potency it has each one of them begins shuddering in euphoria, and is catalyst to the next one as hot breath pools on lips and they’re struggling against gravity, bodies already flexing and swaying against one another.
Aloy’s mouth returns to Seyka’s neck, giving her breathless, open-mouthed kisses, charting the constellations of freckles down her throat, grazing her skin with her teeth, and her hands slide under Seyka’s shirt, beneath her chest wrap, reaching her breasts. Seyka inhales sharply, even though she knows Aloy’s touch like she knows her own mind, along with the reaction unfurling across her chilled skin.
Aloy lifts and cups both of them softly, the motion of their hips synchronized by breath and the swell of a far-off ocean, as they’re each dragged further into the undertow, deeper into each other.
Aloy then wraps one arm behind Seyka to pull her into the pressure of her other hand, caressing more firmly as Seyka begins keening, sucking in air as though there’s not enough oxygen in the atmosphere. Aloy kisses her, tongue hot and sliding against hers, then cupping both breasts again, as Seyka places her hands overtop Aloy’s, holding her hands firm to herself as Aloy grasps her flesh, causing her to feel that delicious ache.
Seyka doesn’t want to leave Aloy out, so she takes it upon herself to slide her hand between them, down Aloy’s belly. Aloy vocalizes even before Seyka touches her. She’s slick and warm, anticipating her and Aloy finally cries out at the full contact of Seyka’s fingers slipping through her heat. By the way she’s reacting to her, Seyka knows that Aloy’s not going to last, and she needs to give this to her. Needs to watch her, to her hear come apart as she breathes in great gasps in Seyka’s ear. She slides two fingers within her as Aloy leans heavily against her. She loves that she has this effect on her and at the same time wishes that when Aloy gets like this— addled with need—that Seyka could hold her off just slightly.
But she’s sure that will be something that will develop in time. Aloy’s resting her forehead against Seyka’s, now, her hips moving against the drive of her hand, and Seyka goes back to concentrating her touch on her slick center, moving in circles. Aloy at this point puts her hand on top of Seyka’s, driving her touch, showing Seyka exactly what she needs, harder and faster as the moments go on. Before Seyka even expects it, Aloy is taking tiny sips of air into lungs that can’t contain them, and throwing her head back and crying out as she shudders in climax, her hips moving relentlessly.
Before her tremors even seem to stop, Aloy is all of a sudden crouching, dropping to her knees in the water, the sudden loss causing Seyka to rest her hand on the nearby ledge for support.
Aloy pulls her close, mouth seeking skin, tongue sliding between her breasts as she lifts Seyka’s shirt and chest wrap up. Seyka leans down then to kiss her mouth, cupping her cheek, slow and gentle like slipping down below the surface in the deeper end of the pool, pulling back to look into her eyes, and kissing her again. Her mouth glides over Aloy’s until the latter slides her hands up again, covering Seyka’s breasts, then taking one of them into her mouth, tongue moving over her, pulling on skin and tugging lightly, opening her mouth further. When she releases, she teases Seyka’s nipple with the tip of her tongue, circling, maddeningly slowly.
She then begins to work her way down Seyka’s stomach, painting it with kisses and with the tip of her tongue, all while Seyka is realizing where she’s heading…and she’s  attempting to somehow stand upright holding onto nothing but the rock ledge. Aloy’s hands slide over the curve of Seyka’s bottom, massaging, pulling her close. She then crouches and moves over and begins kissing her hipbone, her tongue peeking out to taste every point of contact her mouth has with her skin. 
She works her way down diagonally…slowly, languidly following the line where Seyka’s thigh meets her torso.
Seyka needs more stability so she slides her fingers into Aloy’s hair with her free hand, gripping the back of her skull for dear life as Aloy’s mouth finally reaches its mark…and she lifts Seyka’s leg, wrapping it around her shoulder as her lips begin to move, her tongue sliding within her folds as Seyka aches and throbs, needing her touch. Her flesh sears on contact.
No matter what time of day it is, it seems, they seek one another, whether actively or in the back of their minds, just waiting for the moment they’ll be free to fold back into one another. To this. To them, wrapped in each other, whether like this, or just enveloped in the other’s quiet presence. 
Aloy draws Seyka’s flesh into her mouth, sucking fixedly as Seyka is already crying out, long and low, voice echoing off of the rock walls and the back of the cave. All of a sudden it’s too much for Seyka, she can’t stay upright. Aloy senses this and lifts her up on the rock, Seyka scrambles backwards, and she quickly pulls off her shirt and chestwrap, pulling Aloy on top of her. 
Seyka props herself up on her elbows and watches her, Aloy pushing her legs as far apart as she can get them, then returns her mouth to where Seyka is aching for her…deep and wanton, her skin feeling like it’s made from paper and she’s translucent, the shine from within her body growing brighter with each spectacular stroke of Aloy’s tongue, eventually making her feel like she’s made of heat.
Seyka’s breaths squeeze her already hammering heart against her ribcage as Aloy wraps her arms under and around Seyka’s thighs, bringing herself closer as Seyka watches her, grasping uselessly at words. She finally chokes them out.
“That’s so good…Aloy. I love you. Please, don’t stop…” 
The pressure within her womb is unfed and boundless, every square millimeter of her skin feeling like it is throbbing with pleasure as this person…this beautiful person who she loves more than she even thought was humanly possible translates her love and her desire for her in the slide of her tongue and the movement of her lips. The bowstring within her draws tighter, tighter, and Seyka closes her eyes, letting her head drop back as her hips start to move without her actually doing anything to control them.
She picks her head back up, watching Aloy, completely bare and sleek with water from the pool, with the dappled pattern of leaves filtering the sun through the trees, causing rays to dance across her skin as though Aloy herself is made from motes of light. Seyka’s head is hazy as it starts, slow due to the skill of Aloy’s tongue…she won’t let her go over too fast…she wants it to last, as pleasure flares—intense ache about to drag her under, each breath coming closer than the last.
Finally, Aloy slides two fingers within her, pushing in as she moves her mouth urgently.
It’s only about ten seconds later when the coil snaps, and Seyka keens, so loud she can hear the reverberations all the way from the back of the cave. Everything is moving, twisting, as Aloy doesn’t stop moving her mouth despite the uncontrollable movements of  Seyka’s hips, and Aloy looks up, locking eyes with her, Seyka’s entire body trembling as yet another wave of pleasure washes over her.
She doesn’t muffle her cries as her legs shake like a newborn animal.
Aloy crawls up, Seyka bringing her in to kiss her, tasting herself on her mouth. It’s languid and sublime and hot, and then Aloy tucks her forehead into Seyka’s neck, mouth still needing her, so she sucks on skin between breaths as they equalize themselves again. Aloy then lays her head on Seyka’s chest, listening to the pounding of her heart.
When Seyka is able to speak, she looks down at her.
“I was…doing that with you, earlier. Listening to your heart.”
Aloy picks her head up, resting her chin on her hand against Seyka’s breast.
“Oh? What did it say?”
“It said we should stay here for the whole day and again tonight, it thinks we earned it.”
Aloy smiles at her.
“Now that might be the best idea you’ve ever had.”
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horizonslut · 1 year
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read it, consume the seyloy content, relish in it
rating: explicit
basically summed up in this tag:
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detailed tags after the break vvv
tags: pwp (kinda), resolved sexual tension, making out, dry orgasm, takes a little while to get going, shitty writing
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foibles-fables · 1 year
summer remote work for the rest of the week, what should i work on 👁️👁️👁️
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melikochan · 1 year
Get to know me
I was tagged by both @wykart and @foibles-fables, thanks you two!
Favorite color: I just love colors y'all, I can't choose in a vacuum. Uhh lets say a vibrant green to blue gradient! But really any color can be breathtaking in the right circumstance. That said, when it comes to fashion, I mostly wear earth tones, heather grey/black, and colorful shorts.
Currently reading: Nothing because my brain is like a slippery eel, but I have @mehoymalloy's "Mutually Assured Destruction" queued up on my phone just waiting to be devoured as soon as I can slot my brain into the right hole.
Last Song: I'm currently working on a Seyloy playlist and listening to the latest ordering. "Cake by the Ocean" by DNCE is playing currently! Hoping to finish this up soon and share. The playlist is a romantic, poppy summer jam.
Last Movie: Honestly can't remember, we don't watch a ton of movies currently. Maybe Glass Onion?
Last Series: We're watching Forged in Fire and Next Level Chef during dinner, and currently have one episode left of Queen Charlotte that we'll hopefully watch tomorrow night. I've also been watching Bob's Burgers and Animal Control on the weekends.
Sweet, Savory, Spicy? All of the above please! I have a wicked sweet tooth, though.
Craving: 8 hours of restful, uninterrupted sleep.
Tea or Coffee: Cold brew or, since the weather's nice, espresso tonics. I'll happy drink iced tea too, if I want less (or no) caffeine.
Currently working on: A black and white portrait of Silga from Horizon Forbidden West, and some Alvaloy smut.
I'm gonna tag... @niftybottle @mr-jaybird @franklywhelmed @bipridemoth @ryelle
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melusine0811 · 4 months
Just a little Seyloy lovin'...from chapter 20 of The Space Between the Stars because I felt like sharing this bit😏
Seyka blushes, and she smiles at everyone, still a bit shy.
“Thank you all, for welcoming me. I am glad to be here with you. We will see you all in the morning.”
Aloy takes her hand, and they walk as casually as they can back to their room, somehow managing to do this without sprinting.
However, the second the holo-lock closes, all bets are off. Thank goodness for these rooms being pretty much soundproof.
Seyka pushes Aloy up against the wall, her own desire building to the point where she can think of nothing but getting them both out of their clothes so that she can feel Aloy’s skin against hers. She captures her mouth with her own, giving her soundless kisses that are nothing but rushes of breath, glide of mouth, the force stripping her bare while fully clothed. 
Her hands go directly under Aloy’s shirt, sliding under the chest wrap, and beginning to massage her breasts with delicious pressure that causes Aloy to emit a loud groan in a half-choked sigh, fire erupting between her legs in a heavy, pulling sensation deep within her.
Seyka is quite…direct this evening. Might be the ale, might just be them, drunk on one another as usual. Whatever it is, Aloy isn’t complaining at all as Seyka whispers, words tumbling from her lips into Aloy’s open mouth, their hot breath melding and coming out in puffs as Seyka rolls her hips sharply into Aloy causing the blood in her heart to rush down low and throb.
“Just in case I wasn’t clear back there…I want you…”
She drags the tip of her tongue across Aloy’s lower lip, but pulls away, Aloy nearly sobbing at the loss.
“…just like I want you every second of every day, for the rest of my life.” 
She swallows, needing to re-process the words in her mouth, finding once again that they just aren’t enough. She says them anyway, quiet, barely above a whisper as her eyes glaze over even more, her trembling hand coming to touch the side of Aloy’s face in words that nearly break her.
“Aloy Sobeck, I am SO in love with you…” 
Her other hand, equally shaking, frames the other side of Aloy’s face. The next lines are said through stinging tears at the corners of her eyes as she allows herself to be overtaken, drowning in her love.
“…I never knew that this…could exist.”
Now it’s Aloy who is spurred into action as words fail her yet again, left facing an inferno lit within her. She pushes Seyka backwards, slow enough to ensure she doesn’t trip, and she begins removing her clothes as Seyka removes her own with each successive step, stopping for kisses in between, fingers fisting in whatever scraps of fiber are leftover. 
Until there’s none.
Before Aloy pulls off her Focus, she uses it to switch off the overhead light, leaving nothing but candlelight. Their silhouettes merge as Seyka pulls her towards the bed, navigating around the long curved desk. Seyka turns Aloy so that she can collapse on top of the Nora on the mattress, skin searing and pressed together, finally.
And they’re home, bodies moving against one another, chilled yet feverish and shifting with delicious friction already, tangled together as though it had been etched into their grey matter. They’re known to one another. Every plane of skin, every freckle, every place they agonize for the other’s touch. 
As though this has been going on for a thousand years…but each time is still like the first time.
It’s too quiet in here…inside the Base. There’s no wind, no rain, no crickets. No ocean waves and no nighttime sounds muted by heavy snow. No machines lumbering past. Just the whirr of the systems running the Base itself…and them, their bodies flexing against one another, the whisper of sliding skin, mouths roaming, hands grasping. Can’t get close enough. Can’t reach into the other’s soul and touch her essence, so this will have to do.
Aloy slides her hands down to Seyka’s backside, squeezing and pulling her tightly against her, encouraging Seyka to grind into her as they each navigate that hazy, viscous feeling of the all-consuming need raging through their bodies. Seyka can feel Aloy drag her callused hands up and down the tapestry of her skin as though they’re blots of pigment—clarity with which she can now see herself in color.
As Seyka hovers over Aloy, the latter takes the opportunity to give Seyka’s chest some attention, as Seyka leans forward Aloy captures one of her breasts in her mouth, pulling Seyka closer, sucking gently, her tongue circling as her hand slides against the other one. Seyka groans, giving in to sensation, but then she needs her mouth against her own.
Seyka kisses her then, hard, and Aloy’s hands sink into Seyka’s hair as their breaths turn ragged, fraying further by the second, and Aloy makes more deep hums and sighs of pleasure in her throat. This spurns Seyka to her next action. Her pink mouth starts working its way down Aloy’s chest, sucking on skin, tongue sliding and tasting, excruciatingly slowly. 
Seyka looks up at Aloy, making eye contact as she reaches her breast again and draws her rosebud tip into her mouth, Aloy gasping, already moving her hips, seeking relief. Seyka is more than willing to give it to her…but it will take time…she’s drawing this out. 
She moves over to the other breast, her tongue circling her nipple, tip brushing against it and causing it to pebble even harder than it already is, as she draws it into her mouth, letting her breath pool over her in heated rushes of air, unfurling from her lungs onto Aloy’s puckered skin.
Her tongue moves in slow circles, then she moves to the middle, in between her breasts. She slides the tip up the line right in the middle, slow…and then up the middle of her throat, her breath causing all of Aloy’s skin to prickle on contact.
She kisses her lips again, sliding one leg in between Aloy’s so that they can lazily grind against each other, skin already becoming slick with sweat and arousal as their bodies slide rhythmically together.
Seyka’s mouth seems to have an agenda of its own, as it frequently does, whether or not it’s attached to Aloy. But this time she’s brushing away her flame-dusted locks so that she can kiss her way to Aloy’s ear again, and husk out words.
“What do you want me to do to you…?”
Aloy pulls back, looking at her, stroking her cheek, her eyes flitting from Seyka’s eyes to her lust-bitten mouth, which she craves to be back on her own urgently. 
But she responds.
“I…just…love me. Make love to me. Just don’t stop…don’t ever stop…”
Seyka smiles gently, eyes twinkling and half-lidded, causing Aloy’s heart to nearly swell out of her chest. She’s not whispering anymore, but speaking softly.
“I already am. But this is about you, now. It was about me in the shower earlier…now I want to give you what your body wants. What your body…needs from me. Now tell me…what do you want?”
Aloy’s eyes dart, just for a moment, and she draws Seyka in, breathing in her ear.
“Put your mouth on me…”
Seyka smiles even bigger, tongue then pushing into Aloy’s mouth for a deep kiss. She pulls back, and whispers back, “I was hoping you’d say that…”
Then she begins her descent down Aloy’s body.
She lays herself down once again on Aloy, pressing her skin to the Nora’s, savoring the scent of her skin. Soap from their shower earlier, and something else that’s unique to her. 
Seyka has stopped again at Aloy’s breasts, reminded of how seeing them…touching them…even the thought of them lights that fire in her, and even if Aloy is showing a tiny bit of skin, the slightest curve, she needs to get air.
Seyka takes in her presence…wanting to absorb her into her very skin, keeping her safe forever. She feels the hard lines, and the soft flesh where Aloy melts on contact when touched. Her lean muscles flex, and the sheer power in this remarkable woman causes a desire to rage within Seyka’s body that she never knew existed.
Aloy still cannot fathom how she has this woman in her life…how she deserves to have her. How she deserves her love and the things she’s doing to her body. Seyka slides her thumb over Aloy’s first nipple as she draws the other into her mouth, taking in as much skin as she can, sucking harder, and Aloy’s hips buck up hard, seeking relief.
Aloy is still stroking her hair, the side of her face, and then she links her fingers with Seyka’s, squeezing as Seyka’s tongue drags over her skin to the center of her breastbone…and down. 
And then down further.
Taking her time to make sure no part of her chest or abdomen goes unkissed.
She stops at Aloy’s navel, circling it , then sliding her tongue over the fine white fuzz that trails down…down…
She lets her breath linger over this patch of skin just above her auburn curls, and by this time Aloy is whimpering, hips grinding relentlessly. 
Seyka looks up at her, meeting her eyes once more.
And she descends.
She doesn’t take her eyes from Aloy’s as she lets her hot breath linger where Aloy needs her so badly she’s breathing in shallow gasps, her chest rising and falling fast.
So she gives it to her.
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foibles-fables · 4 months
okay brief state of the WIPs address because they're getting out of control
these ones already have a solid base and are well on their way towards completion, likely will be picking them off one at a time:
soft hawk&thrush smut
hawk&thrush scar angst
HZD era aloy solo funtimes
burning shores missing scene/seyloy noodlings
greddie first-time smut
script for a certain fun comic collab ;]
some that are a constant active undercurrent of my brain processes, waiting for words to form, at any point they might hijack the controls and move to the category above:
hawk&thrush strap smut
sickloy two-parter
hawk&thrush desk smut (there's a trend here. i can see it you can see it)
hawk&thrush first-time smut
aylin/isobel first-time smut
ideas i need to develop more:
Yarraloy angst
lots of hawk&thrush familyverse stuff
some milu POV fun
ideas that keep me up at night
at least, if not more than, two (2) hawk&thrush canon longfics
so like!!! send me a lifesaver and some encouragement, lmao. and if i start anything new please have me drawn and quartered
(i will definitely start something new)
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foibles-fables · 10 months
WIP Poll!
Tagged by the wonderful @strangefable!!!
Rules: Make a 24-hour poll with the names of your wips, let it run, then write one sentence for every vote the winner received.
I might twist the rules and write a sentence on all of them for each vote each receives...
Since I'm not sure who out there is working on multiple WIPs, I'm leaving this as an open tag!!! If you wanna do it, steal it from me and tag me as your tagger so I can vote!
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melusine0811 · 1 year
tagged by an amazing human being @nico-demons
post the names of the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title of what most intrigued them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it. if you want, tag as many people as you have wips (I'm not doing this lol)
SOOOOO Doctor Who:
My very first multichapter fic "The Dream of Atlas," Tentoo x Rose. It was in my very early days of writing so it's a bit of a train wreck but I'm too nostalgic to pull it down. I do plan on writing another post-JE fic about them at some point because I already started working on the first chapter several months ago. Rated E
A Ten x Rose reunion involving a sensory deprivation tank, and trying to contact each other, may or may not involve the Dimension Cannon. He keeps seeing her. He ends up back at Torchwood Estate, and spooky stuff happens. Angsty but happy at the end. Rated E eventually
"Causal Nexus" my current DW wip, centering on the episodes The Stolen Earth and Journey's End. I only have a few chapters left. It's a Ten x Rose reunion AU where the Dalek that ruins their moment is removed from the equation. Still rated T but soon will be rated E.
A Ten x Rose fluffy fic where they visit Disney together
A Thirteen x Rose long oneshot fic where they crash into each other, Rose from the Dimension Cannon and Thirteen in the TARDIS. Lots of telepathic smut at the end, rated E
Mass Effect:
A Femshep x Liara post- destroy ending reunion multichapter fic. It's 4 years later and the Normandy gang are still stranded on an outlying planet waiting for the Mass Relays to be fixed. Liara knows Shep is not dead because she's her bondmate, she'd feel it. EDI lives and so does Legion and the Geth. Shepard has been cared for somewhere in the Arctic, where this part of the Citadel has broken off and landed. Her caretaker is a Keeper, now free of Reaper control. She's suffering from amnesia but slowly remembers Liara and they feel each other's presence. Eventual reunion and lots of emotional telepathic smut
Horizon Forbidden West/Burning Shores:
-Aloy x Seyka fic "The Space Between the Stars" where Aloy returns to the burning shores and they begin an actual relationship while dealing with trauma and the aftermath of what happened with Londra. They will eventually head east towards Nora territory and north to The Cut. Rated E, already lots of emotional smut.
-Aloy x Seyka fic "Orpheus" where Aloy turns around and stays one more night after the kiss, and they go on an adventure to find the dinosaur figurines. T right now, eventual E.
Tagging my BFF @elialys, @drayna who better not bite me, more amazing Horizon friends and my personal Seyloy instigators @katiemcgrathisdaddyaf, @despite-the-nora, @contrivedchaos, My friend and Ten x Rose AU reigning Queen @lastbluetardis, my friend and Doctor x Rose amazing fic machine @thirdeyeblue, Tentoo x Rose mascot and queen @cersxisbitch, the awesome @flamesandpages, Doctor x Rose fandom Queens and dear friends @lizann5869 and @tenroseforeverandever, gorgeous gorgeous Ten x Rose fic writer and friend @loupettes, the wonderful @sunniebelle, If I didn't tag you and you want to participate, go for it! And ask me any fic related questions you'd like.
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