#sf9 scenarious
lost-inthedream · 4 years
I'm so excited for your new writing event! Can we get a reaction to sf9 walking in on their s/o practicing a *spicy* solo choreography and not realizing they walked in? Thank you!
Yes!! I’m excited too
The text below is only suggestive
SF9 walking in on you practicing a spicy choreography
Our leader actually finds it cute. He doesn’t want to interrupt your moment because he believes it is very personal. He even covers his mouth in order to not call your attention with a sound he might let escape. He feels way too pleased by your muscles working to make the right moves. Your thighs, back, hips... Your body’s completely perfect to him. So many questions pop up in his head He tries to recognize the choreograpy by himself but eventually he would get out and let you finish your routine. Later when you’re together he won’t let it pass though “When were you planning to tell me about that sexy dance?”
This guy’s mouth will fall open right away. He saw you throw it back right in front of him. (Error message in his brain) It doesn’t matter how skilled you are, the choreo is sexy and he feels it, his body feels it. You know what I mean. He looks you for a while and his heart beats really fast, he gets nervous. That’s why he  drops his cellphone on the floor, making you turn. He starts to laugh to get the awkwardness away, but he’s actually more angry than embrassed. If he wasn’t that clumsy he would be still spying you. 
Unlike the other two, Jaeyoon will not act like a spy. It’s simple: he enters the room, figures the scene out and immediatly take an action.”Why didn’t you tell me that you would practice a choreography?” He pretends he’s hurt so you apologize, but he caresses your face, wiping the sweat and says that he will only accept your apologies if you danced the entire song in front of him. Bold of him to assume he would be able to stay and only watch for almost four minutes. 
Dawon stares at you in silence for like one or two minutes, because he’s thinking about what infamous pick-up line would be more fun. When you slid your hand on your forehead and made your sweat drop from your fingers to the floor, he thinks about the perfect one. “Hey, if you can't take the heat, get out of your clothes.” He would even took his t-shirt off just to inspire you. Maybe you have to stop and continue a little later. He won’t leave you alone.
He’s so surprised but immediately feels proud of you. He likes the way you move in general, but seeing your body moving in the rhythm of the song in a provocatibe way makes him specially pleased. He wouldn’t interrupt you, that’s why he doesn’t take much to leave the room. But be sure that when you’re tired and searching for him wanting some cuddles, he will mention your dance practices and ask you to dance in front him before anything.
He stops completely immobile by the door and follows your every move, specially your butt. At the moment you finish your routine, all exhausted and puffy, you hear claps from behind you. “Are you having a break now?” Even if it’s not the time yet, it actually becomes, because your boy won’t let you continue without showering you in compliments and kisses all over your sweaty and sticky shoulders, back and neck. He likes it messy ooops
Do I need to say that Tae will cut your practice off and speak over the song in excitement. “Oh my gosh! You look so confident. How long have you been rehearsing these moves?” You get so overwhelmed, he speaks as you were some professional dancer or something. “Do you think you can teach me?” You show him the entire choreo and the most he learns the most he inspires you with some coments over how you could move your hips more precisely. Wait for him to touch your body here and there to show EXACTLY how to do.
He won’t say a thing neither even move before you notice him there. “Hwi? Why didn’t you call me? He enters slowly and answers dramatically “I think I’m hypnotized.” You find he’s kidding but, man, he’s serious. He’s just too shocked that among milions of dance routines you chose one like that. The boy already knows that the image of you sliding your own hands down through your body will get stuck in his mind.
Damn Chani is the one who will judge your dance skills. I don’t think he’s able to be impartial about it even though he strongly believes he is. He enters the room but signs you to not stop your practice. He just finds a place to sit and keep there with attentive eyes until you’re done. It’s complicated because you make a lot of mistakes due to his fierly eyes. You’ll beg this little shit to stop watching or better... You’ll beg him to make more than just watch.
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dat-town · 5 years
the boy who bled gold
Characters: Taeyang & You
Setting: post-apocalyptic-ish world, gods au
Genre: angsty but not really, mostly psychological rambling
Summary: The Sun had disappeared from the sky and he found his way to you.
Words: 1.4k
Author’s note: Taeyang means Sun in Korean
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The world's end was nearing, the shamans of your village claimed, that's why, for starters the Sun had disappeared from the sky.
It happened from one moment to another, as if a cloud had covered the shining orb completely like when heavy wind extinguished a candle's dancing flame. Ever since then there had been darkness only lit by farther stars and by the fire people made. There was no day and night anymore, there was only eternal greyness.
However, it wasn't even the lack of light and warmth that scared you the most actually but that something that you were so used to, something that was supposed to be forever, was suddenly gone. Times had turned gloomier, everybody seemed either more scared or more vicious. Nobody knew what was going to happen next. Not even the elders. The deities didn't answer questions nor prayers this time.
You were out in the woods, collecting firewood to keep you warm a big longer, when you saw him.
He lay there unmoving and you almost thought he was dead until you saw his chest rise and fall. He was a stranger, you should have kept your distance but there was something about him, something about the way his clear skin glowed under the stars or that he looked so out of place. You stepped closer, wondering whether he was wounded, attacked or merely too worn out to move on. You didn't expect to see him in a white robe – white like the colour of gods – looking as if he was just sleeping. Despite his calmness however, he bled from multiple wounds and the blood on his hands staining the tan skin was gold like the first rays of Sun.
You should have run. Far.
But your limbs refused to move and instead you crouched down next to him, touching the skin around the wound with trembling fingers. You heard the boy suck in a hoarse breath. You looked up at his pained face and saw his sweaty dark hair stick to his forehead, mouth forming words you knew but didn't understand – it was the language of gods.
The boy must have had fever. Otherwise he wouldn't have dared to speak it.
You put your lantern down and searched for herbs to treat his wounds at least. You cleaned them first, still astonished at the golden colour of his blood. Because it had to be that, there was no other explanation of his open wounds and the goldenrod coloured patches on his skin. He swam in and out of consciousness as you cleaned the visibly torn skin and put menthol herbs over them to soothe him. The expression of the boy softened as he went back to sleep once you finished.
You stared at your hands covered in gold and at the boy's face in awe. Then you stood up and rushed to a stream to wash the blood and dirt off your skin and dip a cloth into the cold water. Then you went back but the boy was nowhere by then. You looked everywhere, making sure that yes, you were at the right place but you had found no traces of him. Almost as if you only dreamed of him. Golden blood, huh? It did seem like a dream.
You couldn't sleep that night. Not that anything would have indicated the arrival of night time other than the way the village quieted down. Only the big fire in the middle was aflame and only the guards were awake. And you, apparently, as you sat by the fire, looking up at the stars, missing the greatest one of all, the Sun.
Not knowing that he was only a few yards from you.
Your village believed in all kinds of deities but people's perception of gods was very much wrong. They didn't sit on high thrones and watched over humans. No, gods were just as shallow and proud as mortals could get. They had pitiful debates over silly little nothings. And even if they were right and wronged, sometimes it cost them a lot more than one would have dared to imagine.
This one god walked on Earth as if he was just coming home and despite his youthful features he had been one of the eldest deities out there. But there were younger and more ambitious ones by then and as a lot of mythology had already written about it, a new generation of gods always had to force the earlier one to its knees in order to rule. And in all honesty, the old god had enough of constantly fighting, so descending onto Earth didn't sound that bad. He had always liked humans after all, even after they had become so desperate and rouge after the floods. People had an interesting way of grieving and overcoming loss. It was very much foreign to him who knew that change was constant and natural.
He had seen empires rise and fall. He had seen people live and die, the ups and downs, the heartbreak and the sorrow followed by laughter. It was the eternal circle of life and change was inevitable. Whether it had been for the worse or for the better. Sometimes it was the gods who controlled the events and sometimes they were just victims of the time that rushed by. Centuries, millenniums, what it meant for them as they were thought to be immortal?
However, the old god knew his time was up soon and he was on a quest. He needed to found a special someone to his place because Earth couldn't have stayed without its Sun for long. Because even when gods died, life had to go on.
He had chosen to take this route, to walk on Earth one last time. To spend the last of his long long life on the planet he cherished so much. His bare feet walked on the harsh ground smoothly and quietly and he couldn't feel pain nor cold as he crossed the forest in the dead of the night.
"It's you!"
The sudden voice made his steps halt even though he wasn't surprised to hear it. He had already known he was being followed. He had heard your light footsteps over the withered leaves. He turned towards you who stood behind him with a lantern in your hands, doe-like eyes wide in surprise and awe.
"I knew I wasn't just hallucinating," you murmured under your nose checking him from head to toe, looking for scars or wounds but you found none. You couldn't know that he healed inhumanly fast, that he was only hurt because his human body could barely take his godly self. The human body wasn't made to be a shell for a deity.
"Where did you go? And where did you come from?"
You couldn't help your questions as you were wary of the stranger but he knew he couldn't give you the answers you wanted oh so desperately.
"You're too young to understand," he said. Meaning the universe, the gods, the force of life that was above all. It made you furrow your brows.
"You aren't that old to speak like that."
At your retort the god couldn't help a smile.
"I'm older than I look," he argued gently but he didn't blame you. All you saw was a twenty-something boy with flawless tanned skin and pitch-black hair, eyes bright like stars. You couldn't have known his true self.
The Sun was him and he was the Sun. But he saw you had sunshine in you as well, its small flames lit up in your eyes whenever you set your fierce, curious gaze on him.
"What's your name then? You should at least tell me how to call you if you keep showing up around here," you carried on, not too caught on the earlier topic and he soon learned that you weren't one to give up. Not on things like this, nor on people.
"Call me Taeyang," the god's youthful figure smiled and he told ó you that he intended to stay. It took quite a while till gods died a natural death after all.
So your shamans were wrong: the world wasn't ending. It was just changing from the form you had known as. A new era was coming. But you weren't afraid in the sunless world. Not with the boy who bled gold by your side.
Your Taeyang.
Your Sun.
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Moon on the Bridge (Bias x Reader) Pt.7
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B/N joins his hands together, elbows resting on his knees as he sits forward, “Well, we could start with last night,”
“Okay,” your knees are pressed together tightly, squeezing your fingers together. Your body is extremely tense. The day before yesterday, you and him were just old lovers who didn’t speak a word to each other, and now after last night.. You don’t even know what to say to him. 
“My actions weren’t entirely impulsive,” he confesses, “But, I realized it wasn’t fair considering our history. And I’m sorry for how I did it,” 
You weren’t sorry how it happened. 
“Especially with Eden,” you add in.
His eyebrows furrow for only a moment before he shakes his head, “She isn’t my girlfriend,” 
“Oh,” Slight relief at his response? Maybe.
“It seems B/W wasn’t pleased either, with how he was acting,” 
You might as well tell him since he said it first, “He’s not my boyfriend either,” 
“Looks like something’s there though,” 
“Yeah, same with you and Eden,” 
He doesn’t say anything to that and you sip your hot chocolate to avoid eye contact. 
“But yeah, that’s pretty much it,” he says awkwardly. 
That’s not it.
You take the plates and cups to the kitchen, needing this time away as an excuse. So much to say but no one’s saying anything and you know why. 
You should be speaking. You’re the one that broke up with him. It’s clear to him that your feelings haven’t all vanished and it’s very clear to you that he still has feelings for you, for reasons beyond your comprehension. 
You grip the counter to stabilize yourself. What do you even say? Where do you start? The thought of speaking to him about the past has your stomach in knots. Can’t you just avoid this like you’ve avoided everything else?
You smooth your hair back, massaging your neck as you turn around. B/N is standing behind you with his hands in his pockets. You open your mouth to speak but nothing comes out.
He steps towards you cautiously, eyes holding your own. 
You don’t know what he’s doing, but he takes your hand, gently placing your arm around his waist. 
“Don’t,” Already you’re resisting him, stepping back and trying to pull your hand away.
He embraces you with his other arm, pulling you against him. You gasp. 
He’s hugging you.
You’re stiff, but he seems to have no intention of releasing you. 
“Please, let go,” you whisper. 
It’s about to happen. Your throat is choking up, eyes burning hot. You don’t want to cry but you can’t stop it. 
You try not to make a sound as the tears seep into his sweater, but your chest heaves. He rubs your back, his arms getting tighter. 
Why is he doing this? Too many conflicting emotions. You push against his stomach, removing yourself from his embrace while his hand still holds yours, “Please, don’t fight me,” his voice is gentle. 
“Is this what you wanted?” your voice is barely above a whisper, “Are you glad to see how I turned out after all this time?” 
“No,” he responds immediately, moving towards you. But you don’t believe him.
“Is this your way of revenge?” 
“Revenge?” his eyebrows furrow, “Do you hear yourself?” 
“Who gives a shit if we kissed,” you pull your hand away, angrily wiping those pitiful tears from your face, “If we fucked it wouldn’t have made a difference.” 
The look on his face is grave, his lips tight. You look away, regretting your choice of words but it doesn’t stop you.
“So that’s how you’ve been handling it,” he eyes are glossy. 
“Yes. Are you disappointed in me?” you step towards him, “Do you see me as unworthy now? I’m not the same girl as before,” 
He’s silent, looking in your face and for the life of you, you struggle to maintain eye contact.
“It seems the one who’s disappointed or sees them self as unworthy is you, Y/N,” he says carefully. 
His response catches you off guard. 
“I never wanted this for you, as hard as it may be for you to believe me. Your wellbeing is all that I wanted for you,” he sighs, “I never hated you for leaving me. If it meant your happiness, that’s all that mattered to me.” 
Everything that he’s saying is like a blow to the walls of your mind. 
“If I knew that this is how you would’ve ended up...” he shakes his head, dismissing his statement. 
“What?” you feel a bit defensive. 
“I wouldn’t have left you alone,” 
You feel all the fighting energy in your body leave you with that statement.
He looks up with a sigh. 
"Why do you care? It’s not your job to worry about me anymore,” 
“I never considered it to be a job.” 
You can’t think of anything else to say but you feel something you hadn’t felt ina long time. Remorse. 
He walks to the living room, putting on his coat. You don’t follow him and he doesn’t wait for you. He walks out your door without another word. 
B/N takes a taxi home, since he’s unfamiliar with the bus route, but stops halfway near a bar. He can’t be home with his mind racing like this. He’s feeling too many things at once, unable to find stable ground. 
He knew when he spoke to her those weeks ago that she wasn’t the same person. Something about her eyes just didn’t seem familiar to him. She would smile and her eyes wouldn’t reciprocate the emotions she was trying to convey.
He’d be lying if he said that her sleeping with other people to handle her distress didn’t bother him. The fact that she felt the need to or thought she had no other option...he shared the blame in this. 
She was his best friend. He felt the loss of losing not just his lover, but his friend also. He was alone during that time, but he had people he could turn to, talk to. He knew Y/N wasn’t like that. She wasn’t open to sharing her feelings or depending on anyone. 
So why did he allow her to sever contact with him 3 years ago? In a way, he couldn’t have stopped it, but he could’ve persisted. 
He swishes the alcohol in the glass, having only taken three sips. 
His phone vibrates and he doesn’t know why but he checks to see if it’s Y/N. Despite the words that she said tonight, he understood. 
But it’s not Y/N; it’s Eden. He puts his phone back in his pocket, sighing as he brings the glass to his lips. 
I shouldn’t have left you. 
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lost-inthedream · 4 years
Short ★dreamy☆ scenarios
f = fluff, s = suggestive, m = smut
☆ Youngbin
 A refreshing surprise (f)
Him being a soft dom to his girlfrind on her birthday (s)
Youngbin thinks you are pregnant (f)
Threesome with Youngbin + Chani (m)
Cute and nasty bath (m)
Sexting army!Youngbin (m)
All I want for Christmas is (m)
Coming home early for horny Youngbin (m)
“Show me how you do it when you touch yourself.” (m) - with unexperienced partner
☆ Inseong
Laying in bed with his pregnant wife (f)
Bathtub night (f)
Cockwarming (m)
“I got you.” (m) - with unexperienced partner
☆ Jaeyoon
Yayaya (s)
Watching TV together (f)
“I never thought you could make such sweet noises.” (m) - with unexperienced partner
“I want you to teach me.” (m) -  with unexperienced partner
☆ Dawon
Aftercare after first time with virgin reader
Make Love (s)
Heaven (m)
I guess I need you (s)
EDM + enemies to lovers
French kiss (s)
☆ Rowoon
Practicing lines for his current drama with him (f)
Post-match (m)
Needy Rowoon x female reader on her period (m)
☆ Zuho
 A short blurb to cheer you up. (f)
A second blurb to cheer you up (f)
walking naked challenge in his studio (m)
taking care of each other in the bathtub (f)
Dive (m)
Aphrodite (m)
R&B + smut
Office au (only one paragraph)
You, him and the kittens (f)
“I’m worried I won’t be good enough.” (m) - with unexperienced partner
☆ Yoo Taeyang
Just you showing Taeyang your new lingerie (f)(s)
Tae x shy s/o in public (f)
Sleepy cuddly Tae (f)
How to politely ask Tae to suck him off?? (m)
Move (s)
Pop-rock + fluff-fantasy
Chill day + cooking together
Painting Taeyang’s body
☆ Hwiyoung
You wakes Hwiyoung up with kisses (f)
Erode (s)
Grunge + angst-fluff
Rock singer + road trip 
Against the wall (m)
Am I going to fast (m) - with unexperienced reader
☆ Chani
Threesome with Chani and Youngbin (m)
Often (m)
Jazzy night (f)
Thoughts on perv Chani (m)
“Makes me want to wreck you.”(s) -  with unexperienced reader
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lost-inthedream · 3 years
I'm in a mood for poetry today. This is so nostalgic 🌌
Who would you like to read you some poetry? Or who you would like to read poetry for?
Give me details. I love em
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dat-town · 7 years
mobile masterlist for my tumblr works. personal faves marked with ★
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Han Seojun (True Beauty)
⇨ not gonna miss this chance || fluff
Cai Xukun (solo, ex-Nine Percent)
⇨ poison like you || angst, historical fantasy, royalty au
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⇨ what the hearts wish for || pirate au
⇨ beyond the horizon || star wars au
⇨ a war forgotten || historical au
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⇨ The day after tomorrow  || fluff, angst, paranormal abilities au ⇨ 7 ways to fall in love drabble || fluff, boyfriend au
⇨ Carpe Diem || fluff, paranormal abilities au ⇨ wish you were here || humour, wish dragon au ⇨ dude, but like romantically ★ || fluff, college au, friends to lovers
⇨ 7 ways to fall in love drabble || fluff, boyfriend au
⇨ 7 ways to fall in love drabble || fluff, boyfriend au
⇨ 7 ways to fall in love drabble || fluff, boyfriend au
⇨ 7 ways to fall in love drabble || fluff, boyfriend au
⇨ 7 ways to fall in love drabble || fluff, boyfriend au
⇨ 7 ways to fall in love drabble || fluff, boyfriend au
⇨ bound to you || humour, exes-to-lovers au
⇨ cry wolf || werewolf au, enemies-to-lovers au
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⇨ To all the boyz you’ve loved before drabble || fluff, boyfriend au
⇨ To all the boyz you’ve loved before drabble || fluff, boyfriend au
⇨ To all the boyz you’ve loved before drabble || fluff, boyfriend au ⇨ jealousy, burns like ice || fluff, arranged engagement au
⇨ bad attitude ★ || boxer au ⇨ throw me to the wolves || historical au, rebellion au   ⇨ musical over horror shenanigans || fluff, halloween party au  
⇨ To all the boyz you’ve loved before drabble || fluff, boyfriend au ⇨ fallen kingdoms + rising courts || fae au
⇨ love passes by ★ || summer love au, friends to lovers
⇨ catch me if you can || spy au, gang au
⇨ To all the boyz you’ve loved before drabble || fluff, boyfriend au
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⇨ give me fever (burn me) || fluff, soulmate au
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⇨ colour the world with you || fluff, witch shop au
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⇨ When the stars are gone || angst, greek myth au
⇨ Hearts in the foam || fluff, coffee shop au
⇨ A burning heart || angst, dark fantasy, fairytale au
⇨ cut me open (take my heart) || angst, dark fantasy, siren au
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⇨ Beautiful & Stupid + Bold & Stubborn || adventure, percy jackson au ⇨ Forget-Me-Not  || angst, hanahaki disease au ⇨ Running out of time (m) || angst, implied smut, in time au ⇨ Bowling date || fluff, high school au ⇨ Of Laundry and Boyfriend Things ★ || fluff, boyfriend au ⇨ The lie he tells / the secret he keeps || fluff, bad boy au ⇨ Between shadow and soul ★ || angst, dystopian mutants au ⇨ Destiny trilogy ★ || multichaptered, angst, beauty and the beast au ⇨ Love you like a love song baby || fluff, best friends to lovers au ⇨ untitled halloween drabble || fluff, harry potter au
⇨ In love with colours ★ || fluff, canon verse ⇨ The Bonnie to my Clyde ★ || dark, bonnie and clyde au ⇨ Coffee taste (m) || fluff, implied smut, canon verse ⇨ Kiss the cold away || angst, the snow queen/frozen au ⇨ My heart leads to you || fluff, soulmate au, sleeping beauty au ⇨ bed warm, hearts cold + love black, lips red ★ || angst, hades and persephone au ⇨ interlude; dream, reality || fluff, slice of life, canon verse     ⇨ untitled halloween drabble || horror ⇨ a lie written with blood || angst ⇨ a trick to falling ★ || angst, inception au
⇨ Study date || fluff, high school/college au ⇨ Destined to fall ★ || multichaptered, angst, fallen angel au ⇨ In the black sea ★ || angst, peter pan au, pirate au, mermaid au ⇨ If there’s a gun, it must be fired || angst, gang au 
⇨ Definition of Beauty || photographer au, fluff, slight angst ⇨ The Picture of Kim Seokjin || angst, dorian gray au ⇨ Genie for your wish ★ || fluff, (aladdin) genie au ⇨ Love sonnets || romance, slight angst, friends to lovers ⇨ The edge of light where Darkness begins || horror, lidérc au ⇨ Mirror mirror on the wall || angst, snow white au  ⇨ untitled halloween drabble || humour, incubi au
⇨ Mermaid Memories || fluff, little mermaid au ⇨ Under the same stars ★ || fluff, winter olympics figure skating au ⇨ second star to the right || angst, neverland au ⇨ untitled halloween drabble || fluff 
⇨ Cliché love songs after midnight || fluff, college au ⇨ amor deliria nervosa || dystopian, delirium au ⇨ Monsters in the woods || dark, red riding hood au ⇨ Heartbleed Rhapsody ★ || angst, witch hunter au ⇨ How do you define love? ★ || writer au
⇨ Dressed like a daydream ★ || fluff, cinderella au ⇨ Too bad, too sweet (m) || smut, demon au (seven sins) ⇨ Tug on heartstrings || fluff, slice of life, boyfriend au  ⇨ The gravity of Him || fluff, humour, space au
⇨ Once upon a fairytale collection: masterpost ⇨ The Mandela effect || parallel universe au, based on BTS concepts ⇨ Code Z3ro || futuristic au, thriller
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⇨ All the things I didn’t say || angst, post-break up au
⇨ Charm me ★ || fluff, hogwarts au ⇨ What kisses dream of || fluff, radio host au ⇨ Oops I stole your heart || fluff, blind date au ⇨ untitled halloween drabble || fluff ⇨ (best friend) girlfriend does my makeup || fluff, youtuber au     
⇨ Chance encounters || slice of life, college au feat. Dowoon ⇨ Made of stardust and moonlight || space au, angsty fluff
⇨ Chance encounters || slice of life, college au feat. Sungjin
Young K
⇨ Waiting for autumn to pass ★ || angst, fantasy au ⇨ Waiting for spring to come || angst, fluff, fantasy au ⇨ Wish upon the sea || dark fairytale au
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⇨ You love him, don’t you? || angst feat. Krystal
⇨ A love forgotten || angst, delirium au ⇨ Reason & Love || fluff, theatre au
⇨ the law of conservation of momentum || angst, gang au ⇨ see no evil, hear no evil || horror/thriller, siren au ⇨ (we are all someone’s) monster || action, gang au
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⇨ In chains of the Crown || angsty, royal au feat. Yanan ⇨ untitled halloween drabble #1 || horror   ⇨ untitled halloween drabble #2 || fluff, harry potter au
⇨ Fall for me || fluff, roller derby au ⇨ untitled halloween drabble || horror-ish
⇨ ink stains, big dreams || traveller poet au ⇨ untitled halloween drabble #1 || horror-ish   ⇨ untitled halloween drabble #2 || guardian angel au
⇨ untitled halloween drabble || humour
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⇨ From favours to dates || fluff, neighbours au
⇨ Sunday mornings || fluff, boyfriend au, canonverse ⇨ No Speed Limit || action, street racer au, multichapter  
⇨ No such thing as too sweet || fluff, enemies to lovers au
⇨ Renaitre de ses cendres || angst, immortal au
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⇨ A love story to tell the kids || fluff, slice of life ⇨ Touch of Midas ★ || angst, mythology au
⇨ Oh it’s a harness || fluff, slice of life, canon verse
⇨ The 7 kisses mission || fluff, best friends to lovers, soulmate au ⇨ untitled halloween drabble || humour ⇨ the case of a borrowed leather jacket || fluff, slice of life, college au  
⇨ you can steal my leather jacket || fluff, rocker au
⇨ untitled halloween drabble || humour
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⇨ In chains of the Crown ★ || angsty, royal au feat. Mark ⇨ love burns and fades || angsty, myth au
⇨ Something’s fishy || fluff, merman au
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⇨ Baby we are meant to be || humour, enemies to lovers au
⇨ Cemetery of flowers || angst, hanahaki au
⇨ untitled halloween drabble || humour
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⇨ Dreamcather || magical realism, paralel universes au ⇨ Starboy ★ || soft angst, star au
⇨ How to fall in love 101: break a nose || fluff, shadowhunters au
⇨ Rule no.3 || angst, dystopian au
⇨ the boy who bled gold || angst, sun god au
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⇨ Out for blood || angst, dystopian au ⇨ his kiss tasted like death || angst, gladiator au
⇨ Busan drift || comedy, racer au
⇨ Until marriage do us part || comedy, friends to lovers au
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⇨ Once upon a love || angst, fantasy au
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⇨ How to un-break a heart || angst, slice of life
⇨ Colour me bright || angst, broken artist au feat. rosé
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