sgnhyunjae · 4 years
god’s menu;
       with @sgnwooseok
upon joining the cooking club, hyunjae had little to no intention of properly participating in the club activities. he popped in for them, once or twice, if it involved cooking something new that he’d never tried before and he needed assistance with, otherwise he’d rather be on his own. ultimately, he signed up for the cooking club so he could use the kitchen without questions, other than when he spent too long in them and night comes sooner than he thought.
wooseok seemed to share the same sentiment. he doesn’t see the other attend club activities either, only popping in to use the kitchen like he did. eventually, wooseok became his official taste tester, and hyunjae was more than happy to try out whatever combination of experiments wooseok shoved into a tray of muffins. it has been a while since he had seen his taste tester in the kitchen though, and hyunjae knew why, but that doesn’t mean he couldn’t be bitter about it!
another session of cooking was complete without anyone there for him to feed. this time around, he followed a youtube video and made chicken alfredo pasta. he took a picture of his newest creation and sent it to wooseok.
(  ✉  )     outgoing   →   wooseok  !
sent: [image] sent: see what you’re missing? sent: ditch your bf’s kitchen sent: ditch your bf
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sgnyideun · 4 years
tag me
the thing is, while he knows @sgnwooseok and for all intents and purposes wholly and unequivocally tolerates him (which is really high praise, seriously), he doesn’t actually hang out with him much. yideun doesn’t hang out with anyone much if he has anything to say about it, but wooseok in particular seems especially respectful of how intent yideun is on doing 100% his own thing 100% of the time. 
that being said, wooseok is a “””””friend””””” and also seungwoo’s—who is also a “””””””””friend”””””””””—boyfriend, so his integration into yideun’s life is kind of seamless, easy, and doesn’t leave much room for yideun to protest. 
so, yeah, sometimes they hang out. and most times the hangouts are at the campus cafe for ten minutes before yideun realizes he’s supposed to be in class (haha “realizes”), but sometimes they’re not on campus—sometimes they’re in the most nature-y of places that one could possibly find in seoul’s sprawling urban metropolis. sometimes a friendship is just two boys at the base of ansan, one standing on the ground and the other trapped up—yes, up—a fucking tree because he tried to help a very capable cat down.
“it’s fine,” yideun says, and it is. the breeze is really great from up where he is. he probably can’t jump down without spraining an ankle or two, sure, but maybe he can take the day off from crippling pessimism to try to look for the bright side. “monkeys are in trees all the time. humans are basically monkeys. darwinism. natural selection. evolution. science.” 
this is a fucking disaster. 
yideun looks down at wooseok, who is probably rightfully concerned. the cat, too, is now in wooseok’s arms—and at least yideun has that single positive to this otherwise terrible day. one tree for hwang yideun, one safe cat for mankind or whatever. 
“should i just jump,” he deadpans, and it’s mostly to himself more than anything. it’d be stupid. would wooseok catch him? would he not simply turn into a wooseok pancake instead? maybe seungwoo’s spidey senses would be alerted and he’d run over and save the day or something. “or should i just become one with this tree. be zen or some shit.” 
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sgnchanyeol · 5 years
✦ ; love yourself
          chanyeol doesn’t pretend to know all of the details   —   he couldn’t possibly know, even if he’s heard some of it from hwiyoung, even if he’s seen the aftermath with his friend, his next-door neighbor technically, which is great but it means he experienced more than a few awkward moments. he shakes around the existence of wooseok and he’s just not that type. if anything, chanyeol’s always been more of the overly friendly, in-your-face, why-does-everyone-know-of-him type. it’s his brand, he jokes, so it feels odd to be put in situations where he’s constantly around or bound to be around wooseok without knowing what to do. he doesn’t like it, doesn’t feel right, and so he dances around the chance he gets, knowing perfectly well he’s usually the idiot that’s first out on the dance floor looking like he’s about to break some bones. 
          what throws him the most is that wooseok is a friend of the vice president he so preciously admires. a role model within helio and one of the first people chanyeol felt a kinship to simply because of a smile and a major. any friend of a helio member is a friend of his, that’s been his philosophy since joining and yet . . . he clears his throat this time around, glancing over at wooseok before gesturing at the cooler a few feet away. “ would you like anything to drink? i was feeling thirsty myself and thought, ah, two birds with one stone, as crude as that phrase is? have you ever thought about it? birds are tricky too, how do you get two at once? ”
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sgnyibo · 5 years
an untitled starter for @sgnwooseok
hours have already shifted deeper into the night by the time yibo finds himself back at the dorms. oil licked, slightly smudged in grease and admittedly, both exhausted and still slightly pissed off. on nights like these, he forgos his academic responsibilities and trades them for cramped spaces underneath motor vehicles, and it’s like the closest thing to the feeling of home.
tonight though, work had been less liberating and more headache inducing. customers, tight-lipped and breathing down his neck, eyes scrutinizing. but when they do open their mouths, they bleed near ridiculous demands filled with ill-concealed scorn. he learns to pay them no heed and absorbs a facade of unbothered ataraxia. yet even then, stupidity is like a constantly pulsating vein on his forehead.
pulled out of his thoughts by the sweet smell drifting in the air and the only source of light illuminating otherwise dark dorm floor, yibo stops on his tracks, the curiosity and emptiness of his stomach prompting him to approach the kitchen. the light is a little too bright and the figure in the middle of the room, both a stranger and an acquaintance–- sort of. but not really. still more a stranger than anything else, which is why his presence here and now, is rather questionable.
“ah!” he exclaims, surprised and confused at the same time. “you...” he hesitates. traces back his steps; there is no possibility for him to have entered the wrong building. seongnam is still like a corn maze during nightfall, but his sense of direction can’t be that bad. “what are y o u doing here?”
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sgnshin · 5 years
          cooking was never his thing, and it probably never will be. but as a somewhat functioning human being, shin still needed to eat in order to fuel the will to keep surviving. and so, every day he comes into the cooking clubs room with his microwaveable pizza, and throws them into the microwave hoping they would turn out just edible enough that he won’t need to walk all the way across campus to get some proper sustenance. a chore he found rather mundane and time consuming. 
          he throws in his pizza, and pushes the buttons to match the instructions at the back of the pizza box. five minutes. he leans up against the counter as he stares at the microwave, apparently it’s not good to do so, radiation or something of the like. but he didn’t mind going blind, it was a small price to pay if he could get the chance to just forget what everyone looked like because he was certain half the people at snu hated his guts, or mainly just his outwardly demeanour. he lets out a sigh, averting his gaze elsewhere, as he catches a glimpse of wooseok entering the club room, and if memory serves correctly, the other was a part of the cooking club, something shin... tried to avoid. 
          wooseok was not like the other’s, he had something about him that made shin think otherwise about his current friendships. shin was seen him go through things that shin, himself empathised with. dark times that called for even darker conversations, and shin has seen and heard all of it before. he greets the other with a nod, ❝ i’m just microwaving pizza. the usual. ❞ he points at the microwave as he speaks, ❝ the oven is too complicated for me, i don’t want to risk burning down the university over some pizza. ❞
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sgndoyoung-blog · 5 years
⚠️ a scared text.
( sms ! ) [ ✉︎ ] seokkie
↬ I accidentally deleted my research paper due in 12 hours ↬ anyways i’m brewing coffee with red bull 
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sgnxgikwang · 5 years
&& on fire
one thing that troubled him in winter was the overheated rooms in every institution he visited. no matter if it were lecture halls on campus, shops or public transportation, wherever he went he started to sweat. gikwang was definitely not the type who would say no to a warm and cozy blanket (comfortable movie nights were just simply awesome), but with all sports he did he was also the type of guy who rarely felt cold. so he tended to rip open his jacket whenever he got inside, especially in crowded places like the university.
he quickly glanced on his phone to check the time, before looking up and searching the hallways for his friend with his eyes. since they weren’t students from the same subject, they were supposed to meet up at this particular spot to grab lunch together. gikwang was leaned against the wall, his bag containing a notepad and his laptop at his feet, while countless people passed by. faces he had never seen before went by, and even though it was already past their meeting time, his friend hadn’t approached him yet. the hunger made his stomache growl, so he decided to write the other a message, just to receive a short reply how he would be late a few minutes because of something important coming up all of the sudden.
as it seemed like he needed to wait for a few more minutes, and he could already feel the heat rising within him, gikwang decided to rid himself of the pullover since he still wore a shirt underneath. grabbing the sides of his pullover he pulled it above his head, realizing a tad too late how he had pulled half of the shirt underneath as well, which resulted in him revealing half of his abs in public. his ears turned pink at once, as he fumbled on the cloth, noticing how most people just walk by without even paying attention to him. until his gaze meet the eyes of another person, probably someone who had seen it all.
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sgncolin-blog · 5 years
💤 a half-asleep text.
txt → kim wooseok : [ link ]
txt → kim wooseok: no that’s not it hold on
txt → kim wooseok: [ link ]
txt → kim wooseok: if you make this i promise i won’t take out my phone next time u tutor me 🙏🙏🙏
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sgnyeogeum · 5 years
🤔 a nonsensical text.
🤔 + a nonsensical text
( kakaotalk )
msg* woo(f woof)seok >>   retcarahc emina etiruovaf ym si adoy wonk uoy msg* woo(f woof)seok >> yrgnuh m’i ,yaw eht yb msg* woo(f woof)seok >>  stxet eseht daer ot elba eb lliw elpoep trams ylnomsg* woo(f woof)seok >> have you ever been to germany before???
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sgnjongin · 5 years
@sgnwooseok || you ain’t never had a friend like me
To trick to a fun play is the set-up, as any good magician will tell you. There needs to be sufficient distraction, agency, surprise, and preconceived notions made by your audience before you even begin. Jongin has no pretty assistants, but he does have agency in the form of the night’s already built up pressure, the whole campus quieter than usual, clustered in groups of studying students, all stressed and marinating in their own anxieties. There are big exams this week.
There are also preconceived notions as well, particularly about himself, particularly about his behavior, about his tendencies to do more bad than good, more lawlessness over collaboration. Jongin is a whirlwind, a maelstrom, a pillar of fire that never breathes out, never cools in the weather no matter how cold winter comes. Jongin is a villain— everyone knows, and those who do not, those who plaster their eyes with sand and the lies of good intentions or misunderstood reasoning, only help to fuel his pyre.
His subversion trick: tonight, to be the good guy.
he manages somehow (through the mighty powers of satan perhaps) to knock on wooseok’s door without dropping any of the six cartridge containers he’s holding in his arms, each one filled with four individual triple espresso coffees, a few of different flavors and even more caffeine in them, and a bag of chips. When the door swings open, he hits his prey with a wide smile that cuts his face in two, half gleeful, half seething. “Hey man!” he says, friendly-like. “It’s the night before our exam and i thought… study date?”
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sgnhayoung · 4 years
Tumblr media
hello!! yes i am late and my excuse is that i was lazy to write an intro ahead of time despite knowing that i would be accepted early in my timezone ;; ANYWAYS this is my baby hayoung, and i also play @sgnwooseok​ :) i’m going to do a quick little intro about her underneath the cut and also some plot ideas! 
thank you everyone for the welcomes though!! i will be getting to them asap and also please LIKE THIS if u wanna plot and i’ll im you! 
about hayoung: 
97 line so she’s probably older than most juniors tbh but she doesn’t care
took a gap year straight out of high school
has taken 2 leaves of absences since then
she’s majoring in communications! and her focus is public relations
nerine social chair
she’s in the fashion and gardening club
and does cheerleading, basketball, gymnastics and yoga
is a youtuber/tiktoker with a good 800k subs -- her videos are usually vlogs or fashion videos, loosely based off imjennim 
she’s not known for doing well in her classes (a lot of people probably think her parents pay off the profs/school to pass her every semester) but is probably known for being VERY ACTIVE around seongnam
her dad is on the board of directors for snu but doesn’t work at the seongnam branch
her mom is a small time actress who acts in more local plays and whatnot though she was in some older movies in hollywood, with mostly uncredited rolls 
her parents are still together but are rarely together yanno
likes to party/drink, could be found doing this most nights actually the last two years but has decided to try a bit harder this semester
drinks regularly, even like ... when she shouldn’t be. not to the point of being an alcoholic but she definitely has her ‘one a day’ -- is an avid supporter of the “it’s 5pm somewhere, baby” line
she’s a gryffindor!!
catch her walking into class 20 minutes late with a smoothie
also is absolutely down for any shenanigans if she can film it :)
oh yeah @sgnseungwoo​ is her cousin on her mom’s side
some wanted plot connections
a best friend!!! pls!!!! this (obviously) needs more plotting but a girl gang would kinda be coooool
cousins!! on her dad’s side so the last name has to be oh but it could be a mom’s last name?? her dad’s sister or smth!!
any ex flings/ex boyfriends/ex hookups/random people she’s kissed on a dare at a party that keep in touch, you know [waves hand vaguely]
other youtubers/tiktokers to collab with??? 
people who know of her channel and like it/her?
people who know of her channel and dislike it/her/ think she’s a fake bitch bcimeanlowkeysheis
people who know of her channel and think she’s too extravagant for posting a video called “i went on a shopping spree without looking at the pricetag!”
sentence starters
“why are you awake right now?”
“can you shut up for once in your life?”
“nobody’s seen you in days!”
“he’s so pretty i think i’m going to faint?”
“if i die, i’m haunting you first.”
“i’m too sober for this.” “you didn’t even drink!” “maybe i should start.”
“sharing a single strand of spaghetti is not romantic. stop asking.”
“you set the fire alarm off making mac and cheese!!”
“you think drawing a mustache on their picture will make the situation better?”
“why are you always dressed so fancy? we’re going to get croissants, not go to a ball.”
“i will take my sock off and beat you with it if you keep talking shit.”
this got way longer than i thought it was going to but here’s a cookie for anyone who read to the end LOLOL pls lmk if anything catches ur eye!!! 
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sgnwendy · 5 years
@sgnwooseok     //  tw: minor blood mention
humiliation covers her pink, a curse on her tongue as she stands from her sudden fall. there's a sting on her knee that she knows she's scraped, a grimace on her face at the twinge of pain from the red splotted injury. she huffs as she pushes herself to stand, leg buckling before she catches herself with a hiss. she stumbles back, collapsing into the bench nearest, her purse knocking against it loosely as it dangles from the crook of her elbow.
"mortifying." she mutters to herself, casting a glance around with a small, sheepish smile as she meets eyes of the people around her as they pass by. there's a heavy feeling in her chest from the embarrassment, one that she quickly pushes away as she grabs at her purse with a frown. she sifts through it, looking more and more irate as she can't seem to find a single bit of plaster to cover it. sighing harshly as she pouts fot a moment. looking around, she catches sight of the walking form of wooseok. straightening up, she moves to stand, staggering slightly before she catches herself. "wooseok-ssi," wendy calls out to his approaching form. "do you happen to have a bandaid or something? i tripped, ah...how silly of me." she chuckles, standing up straighter to rub the back of her neck.
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sgnchanyeol · 4 years
dj, drop the beat
ba dum tss   —   yes, i’m aware how lame that is and it might or might not have been me instead of chanyeol being that lame. this is a general drop list!!! i figured it’d be easier to put it all together in one post than . .. . . . making three separate ones because they’ll each be getting their own plotting post in general and for the spring event! 
love yourself @sgnwooseok
mysteries on our way @sgnxgikwang
you’re my boo @sgnxhwiyoung​
the eve @sgnyoohyeon *** FIN
white flag @sgnsian *** FIN 
(geo)cache me outside @sgnchangkyun
in & out, playing with fire @sgnxseungah
wall we’re here @sgnhoetaek *** FIN ?? 
✧ — 𝙇𝘼𝙍𝘼
in your father’s favor @sgnxgikwang
cold blooded @sgnwooyoung
sudden invasion @sgnyoohyeon
니 𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙏𝘼𝙂𝙍𝘼𝙈 속에서 @sgnxseungah *** FIN ?? 
currently none but let me know if anyone wants to drop sgn:valentines or older threads!
if anyone wants to keep a certain thread and you’re okay with me replying them at a snail pace compared to newer threads, just let me know!!!!!!!! 
i love all my threads but i want to be able to focus on newer threads and i know i’ll keep pushing to reply to everything and fall behind if i hold onto too many. if i’ve dropped our only thread, let’s please plot for the new event!!!!!!!!! i’ll try to track people down myself too. also, sorry if anyone has already dropped some of these, i’m mostly listing these all for my own records too! rpthreadtracker is acting up and i’m gONNA LOSE IT anyway hi new people if u read this for some reason, i’m behind on welcomes and following bUT I’M COMING FOR YA TOO 
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sgnjisung · 5 years
🌑 a late night text.
🌑 ; late night
 ( outgoing … wooseok hyung )✦  hyung how do you know if people like you✦  like, as a person and not just an idea? 
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