#sh;; tell me of something softer than the tenderness with which i hold you (tadashi&&yukako // ymagishi)
pridewon · 2 years
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@ymagishi​ said:  nodding off… for tadashi<3 (nodding off meme)
Tadashi has always liked travelling by train. Even for short distances, even for a day walk in the countryside with his parents or Tsukki’s family; youthful hazel eyes catch on the landscape flying by with the easse of sand slipping through clumsy fingers. The late afternoon’s warm glow ripples at the surface of soaked rice fields, and it seems as though the whole coach has fallen under the moment’s spell. The gentle rumble of the train has lulled some of the passengers to sleep; and Tadashi peels his eyes off of the window when a light weight gently bumps into his shoulder.
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Yukako is asleep on his shoulder, and Tadashi asks himself if he has ever seen anything moe beautiful than the way the fading sunlight gets caught in the waves of her hair. Probably not. Colour spreads to the tip of his ears, lights up a small smile across his lips -- the day has been a long one. Tadashi has been exploring universities in the area, in anticipation of next year, and Yukako had accompanied him to today’s open day (to prepare for the inevitable? to try and picture what it would be like, if he were to attend a university a bit further away from their usual treading grounds?); and gratitude and affection had bloomed in his chest every time she would ask the professors and staff and students questions he had not even thought of, and gratitude and affection blooms in his chest still, as he slowly moves his hand to lace their fingers together (hoping not to wake her, not before they reach their home destination). 
It doesn’t hurt to think about it, but --- Next year is not quite there yet. Next year can wait a little longer, while they nod off on a train at dusk.
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