#(yamaguchi; interactions)
hinata-boke · 9 months
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captain and vice captain
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levbolton · 2 years
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I think they would do good as a friends group
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amethystsoda · 1 year
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finally catching up on Blue Period and!!! Yuka-chan’s instagram really does exist!!
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pridewon · 2 years
“(don’t reblog!) i found more light novel translations so here are some details i’m stealing and keeping forever in my heart:
- iwaizumi spent an entire day prompting a film crew to edit out things that would make oikawa look like an idiot during a tv interview and somewhat succeeded. somewhat. - when said film crew arrived, seijoh’s players were nervous about being/not being on tv... iwaizumi was concerned about oikawa coming across as a petty asshole on regional tv. - during nekoma’s journey to miyagi on the shinkansen, kuroo was relieved it was a (bank?) holiday because it meant their team wouldn’t attract angry stares from tired office people commuting on the same train bdjhvfvb self-conscious kuroo is still real after all these years my guys. - not one of my muses but kai is a giant nerd who knows every model of shinkansen and takes pictures of them and i need the world to know that. - TRAINING CAMP YAMAGUCHI ASKED HINATA AND LEV IF HE COULD JOIN THEIR SERVING PRACTICE AND HE WAS SO NERVOUS ABOUT IT BLESS HIS HEART I WAS RIGHT HE DID ASK OTHER PLAYERS TO PRACTICE WITH HIM. - asahi and tanaka joined them and kuroo watched from the sidelines and picked up on the fact that asahi and yamaguchi were pracising jump serves and how it was more impressive than tanaka’s standing serves  👀 - kuroo called yamaguchi “skinny guy” i’m vbdjfhvbdhfv - wait asahi and yamaguchi are actually hanging out and being serve practice buddies and asahi asks him if he’s okay when he looks worried about tsukishima, my heart  🥺 - okay yamaguchi is full on fanboying over asahi’s powerful serves and honestly, mood. - oh no he’s also feeling bad because asahi being awesome reminds him that he still sucks. - HOLD NOW UP SUGA COMES UP TO YAMAGUCHI AND APOLOGISES FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO HELP HIM?? - “you even had to go to shimada senpai yourself, looks like we have been too dependent on your will to learn.” I’M LOSING MY FUCKING MIND KARASUNO REALLY SAID ‘welp we can’t help you but it looks lke you’ve got it so we’ll leave you to it” WHAT? - suga actively acknowledged that no one on karasuno could help yamaguchi do what he wanted to do and encouraged him i’m weeping. - suga best senpai CONFIRMED. - wow yachi really flat out told yamaguchi “you’re WAY taller than i thought and i didn’t realise it until now” BRUTAL and now he feels bad.  - and now yachi feels bad for making him feel bad and he feels bad for making her feel bad about making him feel bad and it’s turning into an apology contest and pURE CHAOS. “I’M A WORTHLESS WORM” YACHI NO. - asahi is getting second-hand anxiety just from watching them from afar god bless. - during the watermelon break tsukishima disappears and yamaguchi starts getting anxious and feeling the need to talk to someone but his social anxiety makes him feel like he can’t join the second years and third years in their conversation even though they’re right next to him, thanks light novel i’m highlighting that three times over.  - omg he flat out left to have lunch on his own because he was too overwhelmed.  - he’s practiced his serves so much, his hands actually got stronger and rougher. - yamaguchi is perfectly aware of when he pisses off tsukishima vbdhfvb.  - “Tsukishima is staring at me, his face clearly saying I’m annoying and irritating. He’s doing all these to chase me away, in order to run away from me, run away from Hinata, run away from volleyball, and run away from himself.” so yamaguchi can read tsukishima’s confirmed, thanks i didn’t need my feels anyway. - ooooh fun bit of tokyo training camp trivia: the captains and vice-captains have a kind of meeting room just for them! - akaashi speaks on fukurodani’s behalf instead of bokuto because bokuto can’t be bothered vfbjdhvbh ffs bokuto - bokuto plays cards with ubunaga’s captain at every camp apparently. - ubunaga’s captain already left so now bokuto is trying to convince akaashi, kuroo, kai, daichi and suga to play with him. akaashi is trying to give them an out... - ... but of course kuroo wants to play. - and suga flat out volunteers daichi what a menace i love him. - akaashi is very tired. - omg kai is 100 times more of a conman than kuroo when it comes to card games and kuroo is finding it hilarious.  - for exactly three seconds, daichi convinced himself that kuroo could read minds. - akaashi didn’t want to lose the second game because the loser would have to massage bokuto so he emotionally blackmailed kai into losing aND IT WORKED. - and now kai is purposefully making it painful for bokuto and everyone is scared of him. - kai is officially haikyuu’s best character y’all. - suga and kai left and akaashi fell asleep and daichi/kuroo/bokuto continued playing until morning and hinata found them, bless.  - iwaizumi @ oikawa “ “Your very existence is the root of our sadness.” VBJHBVJF - there is no difference of experience, skill and stamina between shiratorizawa and the college teams they practice against, no wonder seijoh never won against them hot damn. - USHIJIMA FORGETS TO EAT WHEN THERE’S A GAME COMING UP AND HE’S TOO ABSORBED IN VOLLEYBALL WHAT. - oh no that’s twice already that yamaguchi works himself past exhaustion and feels unwell my heart - suga is looking after him  🥺 - bokuto is forcing his teammates and nekoma into a game of dodgeball befoe the other teams of the shinzen camp get there and it’s glorious. the nekoma players are just “maybe he’s right we can learn something about volleyball from dodgeball.......” but the fukurodani players are 100% done already.  - kuroo “motivates” the fukurodani gang by taunting them hvbdjhvb what a champ. - komi instinctively receives, akaashi instinctively sets, bokuto instinctively spikes, great this is now volleydodgeball. - yaku wants to use lev as a human shield but lev refuses because it hurts but kuroo forces him and tells him he expects a lot from the future ace so of course lev willingly becomes a human shield, someone save this child from his demon senpais. - yamaguchi IMMEDIATELY catches on michimiya’s crush on daichi and forcibly drags away hinata and kageyama who are very loudly commenting on the whole charm gifting thing, best kouhai ever. - my boy konoha is FINALLY making an appearance and getting teased by saru when he goes along with one of bokuto’s antics.  - oh no bokuto misunderstood something akaashi said, and akaashi turns to his senpai for help, BUT NOW EVERYONE MISUNDERSTANDS HIM - “ Akaashi is shaken by the change in attitude of his trusted third years. “ thsi is the single most heartbreaking sentence i’ve read in any haikyuu content. - everything is chaos and now konoha wants to pick a fight with akaashi’s grandmother, please don’t ask. - TSUKISHIMA IS AFRAID OF HEIGHTS, I REPEAT, TSUKISHIMA IS AFRAID OF HEIGHTS. - yes this is just a commentary now not just my muses anymore i’m sorry but not sorry. - there is a whole thing about bokuto struggling to name his feelings and comparing them to a balloon he’s trying to hold back with his hands but that slips away and floats to the ceiling and disappears before he can catch it, and i’ll be thinking about this all night. - spring tournament time, bokuto buys the “way of the ace” t-shirt every year because he’s scared of outgrowing it. - bokuto is kidnapping tsukishima into his shopping spree and someone from fukurodani is telling him “it’s okay to ignore bokuto you know” and i’m deciding it’s konoha. - “ “Bokuto, don’t mess with other school’s first year.” “I get it though, Tsukishima is the type you just want to mess with, right?” “True, he’s like Akaashi in some way.” “Eh?” “Kidding, kidding. Don’t mind it.” “I do mind.” “ I’M WHEEZING AKAASHI’S SENPAIS ARE THE WORST. - oh no kuroo has joined the fray and tsukishima is sandwiched between him and bokuto and he’s contemplating his entire existence in agonising distress. - oh shit kenma, akaashi and tsukishima gave bokuto a judging glare and they BROKE HIM, those three apparently have a lot of power together. - okay the light novel says the miya twins at the very least still have their mom in addition to their grandmother *mumbles mumbles my poor headcanons* - atsumu can smell mochi from very far away but not osamu, i was not expecting this and therefore declare the era of “atsumu has a very astute sense of smell”. - the twins helped some old people pound rice to make mochi, and now they’re shaping them, and osamu is making some very nice ones with a bunch of little girls who came to watch, whiel atsumu makes mochi monsters with a bunch of little boys who came to watch, and the girls sympathise with osamu having a brother like atsumu, i’mvbfjvhbh. - the twins making mochi with children is actually really wholesome stop it. - their mochi adventure made them forget that they initially went out to distribute new year’s cards and their mom is Not Happy about it. - Mama Miya sounds like a tough and cool lady. - ATSUMU NEVER STUDIES AND SLEEPS IN CLASS. - he flunked his midterms and was only allowed to compete in volleyball because aran convinced the teachers and apologised on his behalf, my god atsumu is a disaster why does anyone put up with him ever. - atsumu flat out admitted he sometimes puts on a “good boy face” so aran will let him off the hook when he gets scolded. - woah atsumu really doesn’t give a shit about school, good for him good for him. - iwaizumi, matsukawa and hanamaki went on an onsen trip during winter break after losing to karasuno I HAVE NO WORDS. - iwaizumi stays in saunas longer than any normal human being. - iwaizumi and matsukawa are having an eating contest and hanamaki is so confused and the iwaizumi/mattsun friendship is filling me with so much dumb joy. - aaaaand just as i was wondering where on earth oikawa was during this little trip, iwaizumi drops a “… If only he had come.” IWAIZUMI HAJIME SIR. -  “If you say ‘him’ there’s no one but him.” okay then i guess hanamaki and matsukawa are confirming that iwaoi is canon. - the schweiden adlers won four consecutive games against the tachibana red falcons (aran’s team).  - omg akana has to interview ushijima and kuroo told him she was a very promising sports journalist and ushijima is accidentally super nice and encouraging to her i’m crying. - akane describes ushijima’s way of answering questions as “clear and strong, with no hesitations” just like his playstyle and this will now live rent free in my head. - ushijima says playing with his team in shiraorizawa enriched his life and that the players there weren’t just strong  🥺
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snoozefm · 1 year
you bitches will never rest. God forbid GOD FORBID WOMEN DO ANYTHING
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jomteaaa · 2 months
when it comes to you, tsukishima finds himself being protective of you without even trying.
he hears your worries about the same friend for maybe the hundredth time, about how they got mad at you for something incredibly harmless and for you being you. he rolls his eyes at your friend's overbearing insecurity and their lack of taste in people as he seemingly reads his book. he had suggested you find a better friend, but you insist they make you happy. he scoffs at that. he himself already makes you happy, why would you need someone else who can't even give you half the joy he does? he doesn't say that though, instead he insists in turn that he comes along with you the next time you two meet. he can already imagine yamaguchi surprised at him for volunteering to go to a social gathering.
"you won't scare them off?" you make him promise and as much as he wants to make them feel sorry for ever hurting you, he sighs and promises. on that day, he stands right behind you, keeping an eye out for every single interaction you have with your friend. you introduce kei, and his looming expression doesn't change. he sees their uncomfortable smile and avoiding of his gaze, and couldn't help but smirk. you nudge him with your elbow, and tsukishima ruffles your hair. "don't worry, pipsqueak." he says, keeping his voice low.
tsukishima isn't a fan of any sort of pda, but throughout the entire time, he makes sure to have some sort of physical contact with you. it could be an arm around your shoulders, or just rubbing soothing circles on the back of your hand. the last thing he wants is you feeling anxious about your friend, despite you assuring him you were perfectly ok. you know his well intentions, and at the end of the day when your friend has left, you treat him to strawberry shortcake.
"what's this?" he asks as he digs his fork into the cake. you intertwined your fingers with his free hand.
"just for you being, well, you." you grin and he melts like he always do when you smile at him. he gives you the first bite.
"you're gonna be the death of me, love."
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stawbeemilk · 2 months
⤷ when they're jealous – hq
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✩ characters: various
✩ warnings: none
✩ a/n: sorry for being so inactive lately, i've been busy working on my ac island hehe
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⭑ gets possessive
this guy is definitely the jealous type. as much as he tries not to, he always ends up letting his emotions get the best of him, and whenever he happens to catch someone else hitting on you he can't help but become all possessive over you. once he notices them getting a little too close for his liking he won't hesitate to approach the two of you, immediately interrupting the conversation by asking you who they are, and making sure to refer to you by a pet name as a not so subtle way of letting the other person know exactly who you belong to. gets super clingy with you afterwards, refusing to leave your side and making sure everyone around you knows that you're his.
⤷ kageyama, yaku, kuroo, yahaba, semi, futakuchi, atsumu
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⭑ acts unbothered
pretends he doesn't care, but on the inside he's furious. he can't help but narrow his eyes at the other person, watching as you erupt into laughter at one of their jokes— even though it wasn't really that funny. once the interaction is over he'll try his best to keep up the act, finding himself becoming more reserved than usual as he attempts to hide the fact that someone else flirting with you made him far more irritated than he’d like to admit. it isn't until you call him out on his obvious jealousy that he gets all embarrassed, shocked that you noticed so easily because he genuinely believed that he was being subtle. he will probably try to deny it, but deep down he knows it's pointless as you somehow manage to always see right through him.
⤷ tsukishima, kenma, kunimi, sakusa, washio, suna, shirabu
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⭑ ready to throw hands
will definitely try to fight anyone who dares to hit on you, to the point where he's basically your own personal guard dog. not only will he refuse to tolerate anyone flirting with you, he won't let them get away with looking at what's his either. as soon as he realises someone has been staring at you for a little too long, he'll be quick to wrap an arm around your waist and pull you into him, all while glaring daggers at the person who had the nerve to shamelessly check you out like that. he might get a little defensive about it afterwards, especially if you start teasing him, but whenever someone starts eyeing you up and down like that he just can't stop himself from getting protective of you, simply because he hates the thought of anyone making you uncomfortable.
⤷ kyotani, iwaizumi, tanaka, konoha, aran, nishinoya, matsukawa
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⭑ feels insecure
it's not that he believes you would ever be unfaithful, because he trusts you completely— it's just that deep down he thinks you're too good for him and that you could do way better. when he sees someone else trying to flirt with you he can't help but feel a little nervous, insecure thoughts plaguing his mind as he begins worrying that he's not good enough for you. he probably won't say anything to you about it afterwards, but you don't miss the sad look in his eyes or the way he appears to be trapped in his own thoughts. you know by now that he needs a lot of reassurance due to his tendency to overthink, and so you always remind him that he's good enough at times like these when you know he needs to hear it the most.
⤷ akaashi, koganegawa, asahi, hanamaki, tendou, yamaguchi
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⭑ super touchy with you
whenever he gets jealous he finds himself unable to keep his hands off you. he's definitely the type to wrap his arms around your waist when you're in the middle of a conversation with someone else, hugging you from behind and leaning his head on your shoulder. it always manages to catch you off guard, wondering why he's being so affectionate with you all of a sudden, but with the way he scowls at the other person and pulls you into him it doesn't take you long to figure out that he's jealous. he won't be able to keep his hands off you for the rest of the day, asking you for cuddles or wanting to hold your hand, and pouting when you start making fun of him for it.
⤷ bokuto, oikawa, sugawara, osamu, hinata, lev, daishou
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⤷ please do not repost my works on any other sites!
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4unnyr0se · 2 days
❥ tsukishima plays the waiting game
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warnings: fem! reader, pre and post timeskip! tsukishima, tsuki gets slapped, reader is a sweetie, yamaguchi and hinata mentioned, tbh its mostly fluff
MDNI | No 18+ content here, I just don't want minors interacting with my blog
word count -> 785
part two
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Kei Tsukishima wasn’t the best at showing affection at all. He only liked and respected Yamaguchi, but apart from that, there wasn’t really anyone he thought merited his honest and most sincere loyalty and trust. Sure, he respected Daichi when he was still in high school, but Daichi was his captain. It was different.
Then, you moved to Miyagi and enrolled in Karasuno in mid-April. You were placed in the same class as Yamaguchi and Tsukishima. Apparently, you had scored in the top 1% in your old high school, much to Tsukishima’s chagrin. He assumed you would be just another one of those academic bitches (like himself) who only cared about what directly affected them. 
That was the first time Tsukishima was wrong. 
You were sickeningly sweet, so much so that many people thought it was just an act. Tsukishima first thought this, too, that a wolf was hiding under that fluffy sheep wool. But no, there wasn’t. You were genuinely nice without ulterior motives, always volunteering to tutor students after class. You even helped Yamaguchi with his English vocabulary and grammar. He didn’t even have to ask! That’s how sweet you were, and Tsukishima hated that. Well, only at first. 
He knew he liked you the second you snapped at him, calling him an asshole in front of the entire Karasuno team. He was practicing serves and missed completely, the volleyball slamming into your torso as you walked by the practice gym. Instead of apologizing, he blamed you for being in the way. 
Instead of you apologizing for having dared to be in the way of a rouge volleyball, he was met with a cold smack in the face. Vulgar words left your mouth, your face heating up in anger as you called him out for being a stuck-up prick who didn’t care about anyone but himself (and maybe Yamaguchi.) The Karasuno team stood in shock as you screamed at him, your usual friendly and kind demeanor long forgotten. Hinata thought that Tsukishima was absolutely going to murder you, but instead, the lanky blonde just stood there with the tiniest blush on his cheeks. You called him out; you slapped him. The sweetest girl in Karasuno slapped him and humbled him in front of his teammates. You weren’t just an innocent little lamb, you bit. And Tsukishima liked that. 
Tsukishima never acted on his urges in high school; he was too busy with class and volleyball and Hinata’s bullshit to worry about romantic relationships. But he caught himself sneaking glances at you throughout high school, no matter where he was. You two were always in the same class, weirdly enough. Graduation eventually came, and lo and behold, the two of you went to Sendai. He was on a semi-volleyball scholarship, and you had a full academic ride because you did. And to his horror, or perhaps delight, you both had the same entry-level statistics class.
He first noticed that you had a sense of personal style that he approved of. Tsukishima had only ever seen you in the Karasuno girl’s school uniform before, so it was a pleasant surprise to see you wearing a spaghetti strap tank top with a wool cardigan and loose jeans. It was…cute.
Tsukishima was taken aback when you walked up to him after class, bowing your head slightly to apologize for screaming at him when you were in high school. He smirked and accepted the apology, pushing your head down further. 
“You also slapped me and called me an asshole, remember?”
You became flustered and started apologizing even more, tilting your head with sparkling eyes.
“I know, I’m really sorry. I don’t want any bad blood. How can I make this up to you?”
“Go on a date with me.” It came out of his lips so fast that Tsukishima didn’t have time to cover it up with a cough. How could he let that slip from his lips, he always thought before speaking. He thought before doing anything! He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, looking away in embarrassment. “Go on…just go on a date with me, please. I’ve liked you since high school, moron.”
You smiled and hugged him, squeezing his torso with all your might. Of course, Tsukishima thought this was adorable, he was a foot taller than you. “Of course, I’ll go on a date with you! Where?” You asked as you looked up, the prettiest smile plastered across your shining face. Fuck, Tsukishima was totally screwed. He’d give you the world right then and there if he wasn’t so proud. 
“My dorm? Yamaguchi is out with friends for the weekend.”
“Yamaguchi has friends other than you? Damn, he really grew up.”
Tsukishima’s side of the dorm was immaculate. Spotless, organized, and decorated with dinosaur posters. It was cute and nerdy, making you smile. Maybe deep down inside, he wasn’t such a jerk.
part two??
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hyeque · 2 years
messenger [tsukishima kei]
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synopsis: you and yamaguchi are best friends with tsukishima. nearly everyday girls come up to the two of you to ask about the blonde and you both have had just enough. little do you know that yamaguchi has a plan of his own to get the chatting to stop...
notes: based off the sole fact that it's canon that girls only go up to yamaguchi to ask him about tsukki, which obviously means he's popular with girls. this was originally written as a stand-alone but i decided to submit it for lexi's @suckerforsugawara first time for everything collab! i apologize for how late this is, writer’s block got the best of me.
warnings: reader is very much in their head, angst at first but eventual fluff with good ending
word count: 4kei
for as smart as tsukishima kei is, he sure is oblivious to how girls flirt with him.
everyday a good number of girls around campus whisper and talk about how they find the blonde middle blocker attractive. about how much a good boyfriend he would make. it amazes you to no end how much the tall and silent type attract people. you could probably end up rich with how much you hear about him, because there's seriously not one day where you don't hear his name.
at first, most of the comments make you laugh. over time though, you begin to roll your eyes and scoff. you don't understand why so many people like him. half the time you see how tsukishima interacts with hinata and kageyama and it isn't in the nicest or most pleasant way. it just looks like a complete circus act. you truly feel sorry for daichi and suga.
tsukishima is just...mean. if you had a boyfriend who treated you like that, you'd dump him on the spot.
but maybe you are a hypocrite because while you think of all these things, you're still friends with him.
...if you can even call it that—you're sure tsukishima just 'tolerates' you. but the fact that you and yamaguchi are the two he spends the most time with obviously means something. he also begrudgingly helps you with your homework and walks you home from class all the time.
it means something...right?
today is no different from many other days as you watch hinata and kageyama get into a heated screaming match about god knows what. tsukishima is on the side snickering to yamaguchi. everyone else is helplessly by standing.
but you, on the other hand, are in your own little world. you're one of the managers for karasuno university's volleyball team. currently, you're filling up water bottles for the team. being in the role as manager, you've become a master at zoning out hinata and kageyama's bickering.
but you did not expect that this skill would one day work against you.
"hinata, kageyama! watch out!" ennoshita shouts, but it's already too late. you feel the unruly force of a volleyball hit you, making you drop the bottles you're filling up and spill water on the ground.
"are you okay?" yamaguchi rushes to help you to your feet, shooting the offending people a small glare. kageyama and hinata shiver at tadashi's gaze and begin to profusely apologize.
"i'm okay, yams. thank you." you dust off your clothes and laugh, "it's nothing i can't help when those two get carried away."
"we are so sorry!" hinata cries, nearly tripping over himself to get to you. kageyama sheepishly let's out a 'sorry' before his face flushes a bright red.
you open your mouth to assure them you're fine, but a certain voice beats you to it.
"are you two that incompetent that you'll take out our manager in the middle of one of your childish games?" the voice hisses. "i knew the two of you were stupid, but you both surprise me every day. i have to start lowering my bar more."
you don't have to turn to know who it is.
tsukishima turns to you, a displeased look on his face. if you squint, you can see his concern. "and you really need to work on watching your surroundings. i'd rather not have to take you to the hospital." he scolds, picking up the bottles from the ground. he swats your hand away when you reach out for them and you puff out your cheeks, frustrated.
he always does this, where you can't tell if he cares for you, or if he's just being mean. maybe you’re reading into things too closely.
you watch his eyes scan your figure intently and you flinch when you feel him touch you. your breath hitches at how close he is, close enough to see the specks of gold in his eyes from behind the lenses of his sports googles.
his hand gently turns your face to either side, "are you hurt anywhere?"
at the feeling of his hand on your arm, you feel it burn at the source of his touch.  you quickly recover and answer that you're fine. he studies your face for a moment longer to detect if you're lying but doesn't prod for any more answers.
not too far away does yamaguchi note the gesture between you two, but doesn't say anything.
the rest of practice runs by smoothly and you have practically forgotten that you were hit with a volleyball. before you know it, it's over and everyone calls it a day before filing out to the lock room.
tsukishima announces that he has to go somewhere after practice and for you and yamaguchi to not wait up for him. neither of you question him on his whereabouts because chances are he won't even tell you anyways.
as punishment for hitting you with the volleyball, kageyama and hinata are responsible for cleaning up the gym and locking up, which gives you the advantage of getting home early. down to two, you and yamaguchi start your trek home, the convo floating between school, volleyball, and other interests.
the two of you turn at the sound of a girl. she looks anxious and nervous and holds a pink envelope in her hands.
"hi! what can i do for you?" he smiles, green eyes bright and inviting.
the girl seems to gain confidence at yamaguchi's smile. "i have this confession for tsukishima-kun...but i don't know how to give it to him, so i was wondering if you would give it to him for me?" the girl explains shyly. her eyes shift to you and widen. "you're not dating tsukishima-san are you?"
your eyes widen at the accusation and you bust out a laugh, hard. maybe too hard.
"me? date him? i could never!"
after your embarrassing and short-lived laughing party, yamaguchi reluctantly agrees to take the letter to give to tsukishima. a strange feeling wells up in your chest at the sight, and you don't know why you felt disappointed in him doing so.
as soon as the girl leaves, you see yamaguchi's shoulders sag and his smile fades. 
"what's wrong, yams?" you nudge your best friend in the side, noting the way he picks at the skin on his hand anxiously.
"nothing," he answers, "we need to get going now."
you pull him back. "it's not 'nothing'. come on, what is it?"
you watch as he takes a moment to gather his thoughts before he replies, "i appreciate and care about tsukki and all, but it really sucks that girls only talk to me about him." he pouts, puffing out his cheeks.
"it's probably because you're much more approachable than mr. blonde beanpole." you suggest, shrugging your shoulders. "frankly, I don't know why or what people see in him. he's not very people-friendly. plus he always walks around with a scowl on his face. but i too wish they would stop asking us about him. what did suckyshima do to get so many confessions all the time..."
your freckled faced friend raises his brows, amused by your passionate rambling. "are you jealous?" he asks, head tilting in inquiry.
"w-what? no! why would i be?" you scoff, feeling your heart race in your chest. "the only thing i'm jealous of is that beanpole blonde's attention." you say. "i would very much like to be confessed to as often as he gets!"
"you would hate it," yamaguchi chuckles, "you don't even like getting attention. especially from guys."
you click your tongue, not knowing how to disagree with him. "maybe, but it wouldn't hurt to have it happen once in a while, you know?" you sigh, "i can't go my entire life without experiencing a confession!"
you must've had a terrible past life to have such an unlucky dating experience. you've never had a guy ask you out. and while you don't like to be arrogant you consider yourself cute and a decent person—more so decent than glasses-kun.
"well, more guys would approach you if it wasn't for tsukki." yamaguchi says, and immediately upon speaking covers his mouth.
you raise a brow at your friend, "eh? what do you mean by that?"
before he can answer, you huff, "you're telling me blondie is messing up my love life? what does he gain from doing that?" you huff, feeling irritated that the number of cute boys you could've encountered is very little due to the fact that they were being cockblocked by the most annoying person on the planet.
yamaguchi would never tell you, and god bless your soul, but he's forever thankful for how oblivious you are at times. his skin is saved from having to explain to tsukishima why his crush on you has been outed.
but on the other hand, he desperately wants these confession shenanigans to be over with and for the two of you to confess to each other. to him, it's painfully obvious that there are shared feelings but neither one of you want to acknowledge the fact that there's something going on. he'd rather take the risk of tsukishima biting his head off if it means you two will end up together.
"let's just say that the two of you complain about each other too much for there not to be something going on between you two." yamaguchi says. "i just wish you'd both make out with each other or something."
panic swarms you, at the meer thought of locking lips with blondie. "tadashi, i would never be caught kissing him. i'd rather be dead." you say sternly, although an itch in your throat tells you otherwise.
"yeah, i totally got the vibe of that earlier when he came over to see if you were okay." he laughs, rolling his eyes.
"it didn't mean anything, he was just oddly nice..." you argue, the rapid beating of your heart mocking you.
the sudden silence could be cut through with a knife as you two walk. your knuckles grip your bag tightly as you focus on your feet in front of you.
"your crush never went away, right?" yamaguchi stops walking and looks at you intently.
when you don't respond, he knows his answer.
"that's another reason why i don't like getting these confessions. i don't want to see you get hurt by all of this." he reveals, his hand gripping the pink envelope he was given earlier.
"it doesn't matter, though. what i feel is irrelevant.” you shrug.
yamaguchi perks up, a light bulb going off. he presses the envelope to your hands. "you give this to him. you can find out what he says about the letter and how it makes him feel. he might act differently. that way, you can also decide if those feelings for him are still there, or if you've moved on. if you haven’t, then confess."
you turn away, not taking the envelope. your feet then move briskly. "what makes you think that he would accept my confession? there's no way he would."
"what's stopping you?" he presses, following you. "you don't know that unless you try."
a sharp exhale of air escapes you, your nerves taking your own words out of your mouth. "because i don't want to make a relationship awkward possibly. besides, he'll just make fun of me for having a crush on him and then reject me. so no way is tsukki going to accept it."
"he wouldn't do that. and you know he wouldn't. look, we both know tsukki better than anyone else does. i'm surprised at how blind you are to how he feels about you. or maybe you're denying it?"
before you can reply, you realize you've reached your apartment.
"just think about telling him? it'll ease your mind somehow, won't it? at least you'll have your answer and you can stop letting this eat at you the way it has for years." yamaguchi says, concern written on his face.
you sigh. "sure, tadashi. i'll think about it."
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you don't get a wink of sleep that night. and despite you wanting more time to think, you are meeting up with tsukishima and yamaguchi to hangout the next day. so even if you want to put off your thoughts about the situation, you can't.
"you look like shit," tsukishima says once you sit down at the cafe the three of you always meet up at. "like a zombie with the life is sucked out of them.”
“wow, how did you guess?” you say, response dripping with sarcasm.
a guilty look appears on his face before he changes it to a softer expression. "here, i already ordered for you." he says, pushing your favorite order across the counter.
"oh, thank you. you didn't have to." you reach into your bag to pay him back, but he pushes your hand away, a grimace on his face.
"yeah, well i did anyways." he says, turning away. a faint hue of pink can be seen across his cheeks. “you should really try not to over exert yourself. we can’t afford to have our manager collapsing.”
you stare at the drink, mind rambling. “right…”
tsukishima distracts himself with the time, noticing how late yamaguchi is. it isn’t like him to be late. once the male checks his phone, everything clicks into place.
"tadashi says he won't be able to make it to the movies." tsukishima tells you, slipping his phone back in his pocket.
"really?" you go to pull your own phone out of your bag to check, but something else catches your eyes first.
the pink envelope.
you gasp, gritting your teeth. "tadashi, you bastard..." you hiss, wondering when he slipped it into your bag.
"yeah, something about feeling sick..." the tall man's eyes slide down to look at you, and as attentive as he is he asks, "what are you grumbling about?"
you eyes glance between him and the letter, panic washes over you as you try to improvise a lie.
tsukishima leans over, peering into your bag. “what is that?” he asks.
solemnly, you hand him the pink envelope. cotton has lodged itself in your throat but you manage. "this...this is for you."
“from?” he questions, but he already knows it’s not you. you don’t dot your i’s like that.
“the usual. some girl with a crush on you.” you answer, “she didn’t know how to give it you directly.”
opening the letter, his brown eyes scan the contents carefully, silence overcoming him as he drinks in each word.
meanwhile, your heart races rapidly. you can feel yourself beginning to spiral in your mind, thinking of all the possibilities of what could happen next after he finishes reading the letter. instead of hearing anything, the blonde simply puts the letter back in the envelope.
“let’s go.” he says, standing up to leave.
wait...that's it? you watch him leave the cafe and scramble after him, confusion trailing you.
when you catch up to tsukishima, your eyes glance at him, trying to gauge anything. something.
"well?" you ask, brow arching up.
"'well' what?" he replies, staring at you expressionless.
"are you...going to accept?" you prod, leg bouncing.
the man seems to contemplate your question, not answering for a moment. the anticipation is killing you. swallowing you whole. you have to say something before you’re buried alive.
"don't accept that confession." you blurt.
"huh?" the blonde slips the envelope in his pocket. "and why not?"
you shift uncomfortably in your spot. "b-because."
"'b-because', isn't an answer. i hope you're aware." he mocks before stepping closing to you, a sly smirk on his face. "why do you look like you're about to throw up? is the thought of me getting a confession that repulsive to you?"
"shut up!" you hiss, the burning in your cheeks spreading like wildfire now. "i never said that."
"you didn't have to. your face said everything that i needed to know." he replies, "why are you so eager to know anyways?"
you shrug, "i mean, we're friends right? why wouldn't i be curious?"
a soft chuckle leaves him. it's pretty, and pretty looks very good on him. how annoying for your nerves. "right, and let's say i do accept the confession. what would you do then?"
you blink, your hands clammy, body scorching at this point. "dunno, maybe throw a party with a sign that says 'congrats kei, you're lovable after all'."
"you're a horrible liar, you know. it's very annoying." tsukishima scowls, grabbing your wrist and turning you to look at him.
"who said i was going to accept the confession?" he tilts his head to the side, leaning in slightly. "hmm? i think you put that idea in that pretty head of yours all by yourself."
you huff, irritated by his teasing manner."it's not funny to joke like that."
he blinks. "when did i make a joke?"
"you always do...i don't understand you, tsukishima." at this point you can feel your face burning up. you look away from the blonde, frustrated and also internally panicking. when you go to walk away, his large hand catches your wrist, pulling you back.
"so now we're back to tsukishima?" he asks, distaste in his tone.
you bite your lip, too scared to say anything.
he clicks his tongue. "listen, i didn't have to read the letter to know my answer. i didn't even need to receive one. i've already had my mind made up."
a soft 'oh' leaves your mouth. "is that right?"
"yes, because i already have feelings for someone." he confesses, and your heart nearly stops.
you weren't expecting this at all. you bargained for more than you wanted, but it’s your fault and your fault alone. you start to yell in your head about how wrong yamaguchi is, about how you're too late to confess now, because someone else has already stolen—
"this is for you." tsukishima hands a eerily similar pink envelope to you with a small plushie. your eyes widen as you look at the plush, recognizing that it's your favorite animal. you remember talking about how you still sleep with stuffed animals and made the mistake of having tsukishima overhear you. the teasing that day never ended.
when squeezing the plush to you, you're surprised to hear it play your favorite song. reading the letter, you recognize the handwriting as his immediately. you're familiar with how he loops his y's and g's. you recognize the eloquence in his words. but you feel alien reading how he pours his emotions—about you—into words. words that are a lot kinder and sweeter than his usual moments.
"why would i joke about my feelings?" he answers, pulling at his hands, fingers fidgeting. "if you don't reciprocate them—"
"no! i-i mean, yes! yes, i do!" your face is on fire at this point. "i'm just shocked, i-i wasn't expecting—"
"for someone to be into someone like you?" he finishes.
you blink, stunned by his response. "well, yeah."
and tsukishima kei does what tsukishima kei does best.
he flicks your forehead.
he rubs the spot where he flicked your forehead and his gaze becomes soft as he stares at you, his large hands not pulling back from how it gently cradles your face.
"i've been into your annoying ass since you yelled at those bullies for picking on tadashi." he mumbles, a fond look in his eyes.
your eyes look over him rapidly. "i don't get it. how? why?"
he pinches your cheek, rolling his eyes. "you keep saying that and it's really annoying." he continues, "it's simple. you're...you're a much better person than i am. you're smart...and funny. and you understand me even when my words don't always say what i mean. you've pushed me to be a better person." he tries to make himself smaller, wanting to escape his vulnerability, but it's hard when you're a walking lamppost.
"i can't stand the sight of other guys looking at you. at thinking they have a chance with you. call me a hypocrite because i know i'm the last person who deserves a chance with you, but—" he cuts himself off, fiddling his his hands.
"but what, kei?" you push, heart pounding.
"but i want one anyways. i've never felt like this with anyone before and i don't want to stop now. i...i'm willing to take the chance to ask to go out with you...even if i know you deserve better than me." he explains, head bowing low.
this time, you reach up and flick his forehead.
"ow? what the hell, dumbass?" he scowls.
"it's annoying when you do that, too," you say, teasing, "you always undermine how brilliant you are and it has to stop. you may be an asshole, but you're also perceptive, and caring, even if you don't really know how to show it in conventional ways."
he doesn't say anything because he knows you're right.
you speak again. "for the record, i think that you're pretty amazing. and a lot of other people think so too. learn to give yourself more credit, kei."
"i can say the same about you." he says, brushing hair back from your face. his eyes shift down to your lips before looking away just as quickly. his single strand of vulnerability left snaps.
"c-can i kiss you?" he stutters, and you're shocked to see the snarky blonde asshole you know in such a shy state.
"yes," you breathe, "please."
he can’t resist when you ask so nicely and look so pretty right in front of him.
and what you learn is that kei's kisses are sweeter than any words that can come out of his smart mouth. how that is possible, you don't know. but you surely don't mind at all.
he tugs you close to his body, his scent overtaking your senses. he smells like mint and whatever cologne he put on today and it's easily your new favorite aroma.
you pull away and can't help but note how pretty kei looks after kissing. hair disheveled, swollen lips, glossy eyes, and glasses nearly falling off his face. you quietly laugh and push the frames back up his face.
"i love you, you know." you say, holding his face.
he leans into you, kissing your palm as he reciprocates the words in a quiet voice. a quirk in his lips and he adds, "i would hope you do. i don't want to be seen having to return to build-a-bear for a second time to return a bear."
you grin, holding up the bear teasingly. "this plush?"
"oni-chan said i should give you something...that you'd appreciate. it's yours as long as you don't replace me with it." he answers, red creeping up his neck. "if you do, i'll return it."
"don't worry, kei. i promise not to replace you with a stuffed animal when i need cuddles." you latch onto his arm, clinging to him easily. he tugs you impossibly closer.
sending yamaguchi a text thank you and a picture of you with your new bear—now named tadashi—with an annoyed tsukishima holding you tight in the photo. 'new family photo! you were right!'.
yamaguchi only grins at the message, laying back on his bed as he smiles. his work as cupid is over. he'd figure out the third wheeling issue later.
for now, mission accomplished.
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do not copy and or repost. likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated though! (c) 2022 hyeque
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pparadiselost · 1 year
various (haikyuu) x fem reader how they like to make you cum warning(s): nsfw minors do not interact.
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on their mouth!
Nothing riles them up more than pushing your thighs back with their big hands, nose prodding at your drooling slit while they use their tongue to tease your fluttering hole. They could keep you there for hours, hips pinned back and tongue flicking in and out of you, lapping up your cum and rubbing slow circles into your swollen clit. They’ll tease you endlessly: licking up and down suggestively, using the broad of their tongue to press up against your leaking cunt, chin drenched with your juices while you tug at their hair. The possessive gleam in their eyes is unmistakable when they glance up from between your legs, your body trembling violently from the relentless overstimulation, cooing about how they know you can give them one more. 
HINATA, tsukishima, yamaguchi, nishinoya, asahi, iwaizumi, osamu, SUNA
on their fingers!
They love planting you down on their laps and coaxing your legs apart, two fingers spreading apart your puffy lips while they murmur about how wet and pretty you are for them. They’ll prod at your desperate cunt with one finger, circling your soaked hole while you squirm and beg for them to push their fingers in and stretch you out, and it’s only when you look up with teary eyes and slurred words that they’ll oblige. Pumping two fingers in and out of you slowly, they swear they’re utterly addicted to the way your pussy squeezes and clenches up around their fingers. It’s like you’re begging to be edged and fucked—cumming all over their fingers until you can’t even remember who you are. 
kageyama, ennoshita, sugawara, DAICHI, kenma, OIKAWA, akaashi, terushima, sakusa
on their cock!
You feel heavenly, all wet and stretched out around their thick cock. Nothing beats being able to thrust in and out of you slowly, hips meeting and watching the way you squirm and arch your back. Isn’t this the ultimate act of love: a mimicry of procreation? All they want to do is shove you down onto their bed and split you in half on their dick, hearing you mewl and whimper about how good it feels, how good their cock feels, how you’re gonna cum all over their cock—they can’t get enough. They’re going to keep fucking you senseless, until their cum is dripping down your thighs and that sweet cunt of yours is stuffed to the brim with their semen. They can’t help it. It’s what they love doing most.
tanaka, UKAI, kuroo, lev, yaku, bokuto, ushijima, kita, ATSUMU
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its-weeping · 11 months
𝐏𝐨𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 ! ‧ ₊˚ ☆
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𖥻 summary: a small argument results in long-term consequences.
𖥻 warnings: light angst, insecurities, ooc, suggestive stuff towards the end
𖥻 pairing: tsukishima kei x popular!reader
notes: did you guys know tsukki is actually really insecure about himself?
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why did you ever think dating an outwardly rude guy was such a great idea?
there you were, sobbing into your pillow because the both of you had an argument. the whole thing was just idiotic in a sense; the argument started out with a discussion about something stupid but turned heated as you both went on and on.
of course, the two of you had had arguments before but they weren't to the extent that you had to press pause on the relationship.
that was the exact reason you were currently sobbing.
it was never excepted that this argument would have tsukishima impulsively pause the relationship.
you didn't get to cry for long as your eyelids felt heavy and before you knew it, you had fallen asleep.
the next day was hell because you had to act like nothing was wrong—like everything was perfect in your life. the most popular student shouldn't have a flaw nor problem in her life. that was the standard you set for yourself to follow.
so with that, you put on a charming smile and proceeded to behave as though nothing was wrong.
it irritated tsukishima when he watched you interact with others in such a normal way, even he was acting more impolite than usual because of your fight. you, on the other hand, were acting as if everything were fine and dandy.
and he didn't like that.
"you know, you can go apologize instead of just watching from a distance like a stranger."
yamaguchi suggests but tsukishima only tells him to shut up, which the green haired boy happily complies to.
how would i even begin to apologize if she's treating things like normal?
the taller male doesn't voice these thoughts, though, as he feels it would be useless to get advice from yamaguchi.
even at practice he notices you're more chipper than usual. it was the calm before the storm, tsukishima concludes finally.
the first few hours of school you hadn't talked with your boyfriend and it was fine, but when the last hours of school ticked by you grew worried.
you knew tsukishima was a stubborn and prideful guy, and so it wasn't a problem when you two wouldn't talk for a few hours. but he would never go to the extent of straight up ignoring you for eight days.
at this point, you were close to breaking down in public because of this. other students have already began noticing your extremely happy mood these past few days.
friends would ask if you were alright and that you seemed off.
you denied answering any of these questions and only resumed with whatever you were doing because you didn't want to worry them.
in light of this, you reacted strangely and this caused students to be more attentive of you.
well, not everyone.
your boyfriend still ignores you—even if you make the effort to try and talk to him.
"oi, tsukishima."
tsukishima looks up from his seat on the floor of the gym and sees kageyama with that serious expression of his.
the blonde only raises an eyebrow at his sudden appearance.
"what did you do?"
kageyama asks which shocks tsukishima slightly, the king would never talk to him about anything other than volleyball—unless accompanied by the ginger.
"to my sister."
not even about his own sister.
the raven points at you in the distance. you looked awfully gloomy—actually you've been gloomy all week, but you hid it with a deceiving smile.
tsukishima was annoyed at that, annoyed because you were behaving as though everything was fine, and annoyed because of your fight.
but why was he even angry with you?
"i would never do that."
it wasn't your fault to begin with.
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you say, tears threatening to fall from your eyes. tsukishima scoffs at the answer you give him.
"i saw the messages, so don't lie to me!"
"what texts?!"
"the one with that friend of yours! that– that stranger you always text."
it was your turn to scoff at the ridiculous accusation.
"your just misunderstood, kei."
you try to explain the situation but tsukishima wouldn't have it, he was rambling at that point.
"i don't even know why you chose me. you could have chosen anyone at your disposal but you chose me out of what? pity?"
those tears feel hot against your cheeks now.
"no! i don't pity you, kei. why would i?!"
"i don't know, maybe because i asked you out in front of your classmates? maybe because i looked pathetic doing it so you just had to say yes as to not damage your reputation?"
you were shaking in bitter laugher.
"what reputation?"
"you know what i'm talking about! you're popular, you've always been so popular, perfect, likable.. so why? why, out of everyone, would you choose me?"
"because i–" i love you.
the words stumble in your mouth.
"because you're who i want, who truly sees me as me, who i can be myself around. that's why i chose you."
"well you chose wrong."
it felt as if a sword pierced through your heart when you heard those words.
"i need time to think."
the blonde distinctly remembers you leaving his home with red puffy eyes because of the argument.
"kei, wait please!"
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"that's none of your business."
he finally answers, but it only makes kageyama more infuriated.
"you better fix it, fast."
is all he says, however, as he didn't want to make a scene.
tsukishima stands and steps to tower in front of the shorter student as he says,
"it's still none of your business."
you were watching the interaction happen with a glum look until yachi taps your shoulder. the gesture makes you turn towards her with a forced smile.
"what's wrong?"
the female student says before any words are spoken between you two.
"nothing, i'm just feeling a bit down today."
"i suppose you've been down for the past week as well?"
her words surprise you and, immediately, you glance at where tsukishima was in nervousness.
yachi also looks toward his direction and 'ah's knowingly—something she began doing instead of reacting loudly ever since you all became second years.
"relationship problems?"
"it's complicated.."
"tell me about it."
the events from that night taunted you, but you desperately wished to vent to someone—luckily it had been hitoka as she already knew about the relationship.
the second year sits on the polished wood floor and pats the space next to her.
you sigh, following her actions and sat on the floor.
"it was a fight. kei, he accused me of cheating and i tried to explain that it wasn't like that but he changed the topic to why i was even with him. he told me that i pitied him, and that i was only in a relationship with him because i didn't want to damage my reputation."
your thoughts become incoherent, unclear, and hard to follow so you pause to try and collect yourself.
"but i don't, i don't pity him– i wouldn't. i just care for him so much and i don't want to lose him. i don't know how to make this right, i don't know how to apologize because this wasn't even my fault! i just.. i just want everything to be ok between us again."
tears form in your eyes but don't spill, the agony of having to hide the frustration seemed to be reaching closer to the surface everyday.
yachi, who had been quietly listening, extends her arm for a hug.
"it's going to be alright, he'll come to you when he's ready to apologize."
"i hope it'll be soon because i don't know how much longer i can put on a fake smile."
you laugh sarcastically and stand up, holding your hand out for hitoka to take.
that was tsukishima's queue to leave the area. he overheard the conversation you had with the second year, and it made him realize it doesn't matter if his insecurities were giving him doubts.
"my duty is my heart."
he would always hear you say. he thought it was stupid, who would make their heart their duty? it was idiotic to follow your heart, that mindset would only get you hurt in the end.
but maybe, just this once, he would follow his heart.
he would follow his heart all the way back to you.
you were bidding some school friends goodbye as it was the end of school when tsukishima approached you.
the tall male looks at you and gestures to a more private place to talk.
"what do you need, kei?"
you ask. you already knew why he needed to talk, but having been ignored for a week straight, you wanted to hear him apologize.
tsukishima hesitates before speaking.
"last week i reacted poorly and irrationally. i accused you of things i know you didn't do, and i.. i'm sorry. can you forgive me?"
you cross your arms over your chest in annoyance.
"you're an asshole, you know that?"
the blonde clenches his fists at the comment as he stares at you in slight desperation. the annoyance in your expression fades as you smile brightly—which confuses tsukishima.
"you're an asshole, but i forgive you. i forgive you, tsukishima kei."
you watch as your boyfriend sighs in relief and relax at your answer.
"you aren't mad?"
"oh, i'm very mad. you ignored me for a whole week and accused me of something i would never do. of course i would be mad."
tsukishima tenses again, but you hold his hand to reassure him.
"but, i still forgive you. i care for you, kei, a lot. i don't even think i could go two days without a good morning or goodnight from you, that's how much i like you."
"i care about you too, so much. i was just feeling insecure and seeing you with other people much better than me.."
you shut him up with a squeeze of his hand and a gentle smile.
"you have every right to be insecure but trust me when i say you are more than enough for me. sure, you may be an asshole but you're my asshole, and i'm not going to replace you with anyone else for as long as i live."
"so you'll get together with someone else in the afterlife?"
kei jests and you lightly punch his arm in response, a smile growing on both your faces.
"i might if you keep talking like that."
"good luck finding someone who's more of a pain in the ass than me."
arrogant as always, you roll your eyes at the comment jokingly.
"it won't be hard."
the words come out as a whisper as you pull him towards you and lean in close.
"that's believable."
tsukishima replies in a sarcastic tone, moving closer until your lips touch.
it was light and soft, like a feather brushing your arm, but soon it felt like a fireplace's heat as the desperation for each other seeped into the gentle kiss.
it had only been a week but that seemed like one week too long for the both of you without each other's touch.
the next day you were layered with familiar purple bruises around the upper part of your body. it was a joy tsukishima decided not to cover your jaw or areas on your neck that were visible.
after all, he was quite generous with them yesterday.
still, your body ached from the fast and needy pace your boyfriend had marked you in—that same boyfriend who was currently eyeing you down.
"what?" you ask in suspicion.
"maybe we should have heated arguments more often if i get to do this to you."
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© its-weeping — do not plagiarize or translate.
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this was taken from my main!!!
yandere! stalker who didn’t start out as depraved as they are now. they just couldn’t stand all the people you were interacting with.
yandere! stalker who just wants to keep your innocence intact. there are bad people in this world and you’re too trusting !!
yandere! stalker who placed cameras in your home while you were out with one of those vile people you call ‘friends’.
yandere! stalker who watches as you cook dinner and clean the house. you’d make such a perfect house(wife/husband/spouse)!
yandere! stalker who (if you have female anatomy) can’t wait to have children with you!! your kids/ adopted kids would be so cute!!
yandere! stalker who is literally planning out your life together before you ever met them.
yandere! stalker who thinks that you love them already/ will love them either way/ doesn’t care if you love them.
yandere! stalker who steals your things to put in the safe room they arranged for you.
yandere! stalker who kidnaps you in the middle of the night and takes you home with them.
yandere! stalker who lives in a fantasy world and thinks you guys will make the perfect family someday.
yamaguchi tadashi, mikey sano, kokonoi hajime, ran haitani, kazutora hanemiya, sugawara koshi, shoyo hinata, oikawa tooru, kinda iwaizumi hajime, bokuto kotaro, akaashi keiji, ayato kirishima, shuu tsukiyama, kuroo tetsuro, tanjiro kamado, gyutaro, rengoku kyojuro, kai chisaki, midoriya izuku, todoroki shoto, zero kiriyu, shimizu kiyoko, mitsuya takashi, hakkai shiba
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mellowmin · 1 year
Walk him like a dog sis
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Disclaimer: this is only MY PERSONAL OPINION and my own takes on these characters, please do not interact if you don't like or agree with this 💜
Inspired by the tiktok sound and some of the videos I saw on there 🤭
Content warnings: toxic relationship dynamics on some of these, very girlboss-ish hc's, ooc in the last one (just a what if scenario), mentions of mommy kink, masochistic traits & praise kink. Also last group has a very prominent "men are disposable" mindset/subtext, not to be taken literally or seriously at all.
Fem reader implied all throughout.
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𑁍 Trained puppies:
Will happily follow you around, grabbing onto you by your sleeve, the back of your shirt or your belt loop.
Wide eyes look at you like you hung the moon and the stars, will not hesitate to jump from their seat to get you anything you need, though they will at times use the puppy eyes to their advantage and it's very hard to say no to them.
Mommy issues? Maybe? Mommy kink at the very least lol, also praise kink. Baby them!! They love that shit and will eat up any attention from you.
When you're at a party, you'll pull them to you by their tie and they'll absolutely melt while letting you guide them to the dance floor like you have them on a leash.
The type to send you pictures of any cute or pretty thing they find because any sort of beauty makes them think of you.
Super needy, they'll wait in bed fighting off the sleep until you finish your skincare routine because they can't sleep well without you :(. Textbook definition of puppy love, they have eyes only for you and will hate to be separated from you for ANY amount of time. - Hinata Shoyo, Goshiki Tsutomu, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Azumane Asahi, Bokuto Kotarou, Nishinoya Yuu, Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Togata Mirio.
𑁍 Guard dogs:
They spoil you like crazy, princess treatment is real when you're with them.
The type to kneel in front of you and untie your shoes while looking up at you like you're doing them a favor for letting them. When I say these men WORSHIP YOU I mean it.
Super protective, they know and live by the sidewalk rule; and lord have mercy on the poor soul if they think someone is bothering you. WILL NOT TOLERATE anyone talking shit about you in any way. Also "dress however you want, I can fight".
As soon as they get the slightest suspicion that your feet hurt you are up on their arms. Don't even think about carrying anything heavier than your phone. Consider them your personal handbag. Will spoon feed you if you allow them too, gently dabbing your face with a napkin after every other bite.
They refuse to let you pay for anything, as soon as the cashier asks 'cash or credit?' They're rushing to get their wallet out. They sometimes will give you their credit card and ORDER you to buy anything you want.
WOULD absolutely carry you on their shoulders the whole day if they could, but they need to work to earn the money to keep giving you the life you deserve :')
You know those kinda cringe videos that go "my hands look like this so that hers can look like this"?? Yeah that's them lol - Iwaizumi Hajime, Kuroo Tetsurou, Miya Atsumu, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Sawamura Daichi, Ukai Keishin, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Bakugo Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Iida Tenya, also Kirishima lol.
𑁍 Bratty Lap dogs:
Stink eyes to anyone that tries to approach either of you. They're not interested in anyone else and they'd rather die than stand by and let someone steal your attention from them.
Their favorite activity is to cuddle you and snack and they WILL voice their displeasure if your little sessions are interrupted. Will stay hours with their head buried in your neck if you let them. Will leave hickeys on you if you're not careful enough!! They'll do it in places that you won't easily see but others will see clearly too.
They're super needy and sometimes have a hard time understanding your need for personal space like wym we can't go to the bathroom together 🤨. On that note, you never have to ask them to come with you anywhere, as soon as you grab your keys they're putting their shoes on. They never give you that "u can come if u want" bullshit, they let you know that if you're not going, they aren't going.
Talk shit about anyone that you don't like to them, they act like they don't care but they love the gossip and will say things to keep you talking. They trust your gut and your criteria for liking or not liking people; if you tell them you don't like someone you don't even have to give them a reason, they'll drop that person in a second.
They will tease you and clown you anytime they have the chance, but it's like they forget they're the biggest simp ever lol. Try to give them the silent treatment, they won't last longer than 6 hours.
Will check your friends if they seem disloyal. As soon as they get sent a 'hiiii :)" from one of your friends, they're warning you about them. They will encourage you to cut off toxic people from your life, whether it's friends or family but they'll never force you to stop talking to someone on their account.
They will support you in ANYTHING, they're your ride or die and they will defend you until they die no matter what you do. "Oh, (y/n) killed someone? Well I'm sure that person did something to deserve it." They will make a fool of themselves to protect your honor lol.
- Sakusa Kiyoomi, Oikawa Tooru, Miya Osamu, Suna Rintarou, Tendou Satori, Tsukishima Kei, Sugawara Koushi, Kozume Kenma, Kageyama Tobio, Shinsou Hitoshi, Monona Neito, Sero Hanta, Aizawa Shouta, Takami Keigo.
𑁍 Domesticated Hound dogs:
Heavily toxic relationship dynamics, unrealistic representation of a fuckboy, kinda mean reader.
Former fuckboy turned into a begging mess by the bad bitch he shouldn't have messed with.
He tried to play it cocky from the start and play you like all the girls before you, but you knew his game and played him like a fiddle.
When several girls messaged you to warn you about your new boytoy -the man paying for your groceries every week in hopes that you'll give him two hours of your weekend- you knew that you were given a chance by the heavens to do some good karmic work, for every girl whose heart he played with, you'll make him your bitch. Every time you leave him on read is a win for the girls.
At first, he thought you were just playing hard to get and considered you a 'fun challenge' but soon enough he's only answering your texts, all other girl's numbers are forgotten and he finds that hooking up with random girls only makes him think about you more. He found himself becoming more vulnerable when talking to you, actually sharing parts of him in an honest way instead of doing it in order to get sympathy points from you.
This man used to be a professional at ghosting and you got him answering your texts in 0.5 SECONDS. In the beginning he was all like "im not looking for anything serious tho lol" and you were like "yeah I could tell, not like you'd be good for anything serious lol" LMAO HES LEFT STARING AT HIS PHONE FOR 7 MINUTES STRAIGHT AFTER THAT.
Like YES BE MEAN TO HIM. He's gotta be a masochist; every time he gets a mean response (or no response at all) he becomes more desperate for having you praise him and coddle him like all the other girls used to do in order to keep him to themselves.
Lmfao meeting you was a humbling experience, you got him getting into his car at 2 am to see you for 15 minutes as long as he pays for your next nail appointment. You are true poetic justice coming into his life to ruin his bad boy persona.
At some point he tries to get cocky again and acts like he's back to his old ways, but you drop him so fast and so coldly that he gets whiplash. You show this man that you won't hesitate to dump the trash if he doesn't make something good of himself. You teach him really fast that you won't deal with his nonsense, and you WILL find him a replacement if he displeases you. The withdrawal he gets from you giving him radio silence is insane.
In the end though, you end up whipping him into a decent man and dare I say a good boyfriend who by this point is absolutely addicted to you. - Oikawa Tooru, Suna Rintarou, Miya Atsumu, Togata Mirio, Monoma Neito, Shinsou Hitoshi, Sero Hanta, Takami Keigo.
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Comment or add in tags if you want me to add any characters! I probably missed a lot lol.
Comments and reblogs are appreciated!
mellowmin - do not repost
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pridewon · 2 years
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@ymagishi​ (starter call)
“Ah, Yukako - just one second, we’re almost done...” Perhaps it speaks to Yamaguchi’s character, that even in the midst of chaos, he would try to keep up a smiling facade when his girlfriend makes her way into Karasuno’s gym (they had agreed to go back to his house and study together - but practice is running late); alas, try as he might to focus on her, high voices cut him short in his endeavour. A frustrated sigh is repressed behind closed lips and gritted teeth; with an apologetic gesture, he leavs Yukako to return to his current mission: resolving yet another conflict between Tsukki and Kageyama... which was almost working - until it doesn’t, and Kageyama raises his voice a bit too much... and Yamaguchi loses his patience. “Okay, I think we - shut up, Kageyama, I’m talking!” Kageyama’s maw snaps shut; but Tsukishima starts to snicker... “You too, Tsukki!” 
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... now everyone’s mouth is shut, and Tsukishima looks at him with the same shocked expression as he did in that bathroom, over a year ago, when Tadashi had called him an idiot. Well. This isn’t great, but... still a little satisfying. “Sorry about that.” Five minutes later, and Tadashi can finally make his way back to Yukako. “... please tell me they’re still too shocked to look like they’re gonna be at each other’s throats again when we leave?”
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noireainsworth · 1 year
What annoys me in Haikyuu fanfiction written by cishet girls:
Yes, I really enjoy fanfics and a lot of cishet women write amazing things but I've been noticing something for a long time that really annoys me and that's how often fanfic writers completely change the "bottom" into degrading stereotypes. This is even more annoying when you keep in mind that:
-Hinata always fought to grow as a player and stand as an equal to Kageyama while never letting him treat him as worthless or inferior. So no, he's not going to let himself be overpowered or intimidated by Kageyama.
-Suga is a completely chaotic and outgoing type but also a very observant and emotionally mature guy who is always the first one to notice something about his teamates, not a blushing teen, thank you very much.
-Nishinoya is a ball of energy and an absolute fighter who's without a doubt one of the most determinated characted in the show and he was always the first to speak out to Asahi when it was needed.
-Yamaguchi's entire arc is about becoming more confident and letting go of his insecurities. Also let's not forget that he literally yelled at Tsukishima to get his shit together so no, he's not a shy boy who can be walked over by Tsukki.
-Oikawa is one of the most talented player of this show and a fucking tease who always opens his mouth and annoy the shit out of everyone. He is also a literal monster on the court who can crush your hopes and dreams with a single service.
-Kenma is a teenage boy with literal social anxiety who happens to be a brilliant strategist, sarcastic as fuck, brutally honest and even a little mean when he is confident enough. So reducing him to a UWU sOft SHy BaBy ~~ is probably the thing that angers me the most, especially when we have a lot of moments where it's explicitely shown that he has a very strong personality underneath his deep social anxiety. (Yes, I'm a sucker for Dom!Kenma or any fanfic that portrays him as a little sadistic fuck).
-Akaashi is also very sarcastic despite his pokerface and he's always the one who deals with Bokuto's mood swings so I can't help but roll my eyes when he's portrayed as completely submissive to Bokuto who often embodies the big strong alpha male stereotype (that doesn't fit him at all but that's another problem about Haikyuu "tops".)
Now, with all these characters who are strong and complex, all in their own way, WHY do so many fanfics protray them as shy UWU boys? Yes, they are mainly associated with bottoming but that doesn't mean they have to fit the stereotype of the inexperimented baby who blushes and stutters all the time! It's just degrading to represent queer relationships like that, where one is always feminised and the other changed to be a "big and strong and very dominant masculine top"
I love the fanfics where they bottom but aren't completely passive, where they have real or funny interactions with their partner, where they let their personnalities shine. I want more of these stories where they are described as real, relatable characters with more nuanced sexualities where bottoming isn't necessarily equal to submitting; and where submitting in bed doesn't imply being a defensless shy boy. Basically good written fics that portrays healthy and nuanced queer relationships.
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