savior-of-humanity · 3 years
“ It’s freezing out here! ” (- @shadowandsubstance , the Handler for Kratos?)
"That is merely the effect of Fimbulwinter upon the world."
The way he had met this person was... incredibly unusual, to say the least. After her appearing from literally out of nowhere and a very brief yet tense confrontation, he'd come to realize that she would be mostly harmless towards him and Atreus, if not rather.. cheerful.
Frankly, Kratos didn't know very much about her - only that she was certainly from somewhere else beyond Midgard and Greece. Perhaps an entirely different realm, much like the 8 other realms that were connected to Midgard.
Currently they were on the trail of some beast that was also from wherever she had come from - something called an "Elder Dragon." Velkhana, to be more precise. From what his companion had told him, this creature was something truly powerful, able to command ice and hoarfrost as swiftly and effectively as he could the magic that was imbued in the Leviathan Axe. The only reason they were even hunting after such an animal was that there was the possibility that it may, somehow, have clues as to how they had both arrived here - and how to bring the Handler back to her own realm.
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"...That, or the frost is a sign that the one we seek is close by."
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altsmultimuse · 3 years
Random starter for @shadowandsubstance for Soos, from Mothman!
He has been curious about this building for a while. Being so far from his home, Mothman took to the familiarity of tall trees and dense bushes. There is a small group of people who frequent this particular shop, specifically some children ( Mothman is fond of young ones since they are usually very nice ). When he is relatively sure they have left for the day, he decides to squeeze in through a conveniently-open window. Unfortunately, this causes a low shelf to fall over, has he hadn't noticed it before entering.
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reverxnce · 3 years
|| Continued || 
Balljointed hands encased in pink lace lifted up the priest's shivering frame. The Doll knew not this man, nor what had lead either him or herself hither. What she did know, however, was that her purpose-- which she ought to fulfill even here, banished from her home, the Dream-- was to embolden the sickly spirit of humans, of hunters.
It came to her entirely naturally, then, without thinking for a moment, to take this man up and carry him bridal-style (though the naive Doll did not know this was how humans referred to that style of carrying one) to the closest makeshift shelter which she could find. All the while as she walked utterly unaffected by the torrential rain's tempest, there came to her hands a bright white glow; through them, through the human, there would be a feeling of warmth, of any and all wounds being mended, strength restored.
The closest thing to shelter which she could find in haste was an abandoned old hut. Part of the roof was broken and leaking, but half of its single room was properly covered by roofing and thereby dry, and it was the side with the bed. She lay the man upon it, and asked a soft, "Good Sir? Are you alright?" She paid no mind to her own sopping clothes and bonnet and cloak, for, you see, the animate, uncanny, six-foot-tall Doll could not feel such sensations as heat and cold, hunger and sickness.
Ezekiel was pretty out of it by the time this other being had found him. Too numb to feel anything and the intense cold having brought him to a state of confusion, a state in which his brain couldn’t process any thought exceeding a second in length, he barely even clocked that he was being carried away. That was until the hands beneath his incessantly shuddering pressed into him what was possibly the most blissful feeling of warmth he had ever felt. He felt his mind coming back to him, his body present again.
He sat up slowly after a moment of laying on the make-do bed, pale, breathless and drained - physically restored but mentally exhausted, unsure of how he had gotten there. He shivered from the press of the wet clothes against his body, noting the other presence with bleary eyes.
“Who are-? Where am I-? I was in the rain a second ago - how did I-? O-Oh God, I’m so cold-!” Staggered speech coming to a halt, he instinctively crossed his arms tightly over his chest, body tensing as he again began to shudder uncontrollably. Thanks to Doll’s prior gift of warmth, his presence of mind had been revived enough to understand what was happening - he had to get these drenched clothes off!
He turned a desperate gaze to whom he assumed to be his rescuer, as well as the owner of wherever it was they were.
“I-I’m sorry, I- I know I don’t know you but d-do you have anything I could borrow as a garment? Anything at all, even just a blanket...?
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lanternfading · 3 years
"Men leave as hunters, and return as beasts." a grimace washed over Father Gascoigne's face. "Beasts all over the shop...!" ( - @shadowandsubstance ! )
Gilbert recognized Gascoigne's scent... But there was something different about him. A foul, pungent smell.
There was an ominousness to his voice. It set him on edge it did. Made the hairs on his arm stand on end.
"... I do not know what brought you here," the sicky man started, trying to maintain a voice of calm. "But I would ask that you leave... Please."
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recklessinventor · 3 years
@shadowandsubstance​ | continued from here
The man’s response leaves Jeff in silence for a minute, looking out at the landscape. The question was an interesting one, and one that the young boy mulls over for a time, watching the smoke from the other’s cigarette curl around and eventually vanish into thin air. 
When he’d mentioned coincidences, he’d meant that the stars had metaphorically aligned so perfectly for things to turn out as well as they had in his and his friends’ war against Giygas. He’d assumed at least part of it was luck, sheer chance, but... the stranger had a point. Was there really such a thing?
“...Well, I suppose there’s something to be said for that,” he finally replies, taking off his glasses to polish them, to give his ever-fidgeting hands something to do. “Of course, I’m not saying everything is up to luck, that’d be foolish to assume no one’s actions had consequences...
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But Chaos Theory states that the approximate present does not approximately predict the future. What variable is there other than chance?”
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This is a callout post for Mark/Raven/Mabel/Manus/Saturn/Mercury/Merc.
This person has bullied many people in the roleplay community, guilt tripped people by threatening suicide when called out on their actions, force their friends to choose between their other friends when Raven/Mark,etc. has a falling out with someone who they are mutual friends with, block evaded while claiming other users have done the same when many of us have just checked our blocklists to see if they have changed their url, stirred up drama by sending hate on anon to RPH help blogs about users who have criticized their actions,policed what content other roleplayers can write, screenshotted users easily identifiable rules to make into PSAs on their roleplay help blog, was associated with someone who took the url of someone who criticized them to call them a drama mongering idiot, bullied numerous people off of tumblr and victim blamed to avoid responsibility and garner sympathy.
They are now known to make blogs in order to get "revenge" on people who speak out against them, stalking anyone who speaks out against them to follow everyone they interact with in order to get their victims to lose roleplay partners / friends, only to deactivate / block the people they followed after they realized that no one would believe them.
The document includes screenshots of the incident on their ravenrpresources blog where they threatened suicide and claimed that they could do no wrong as they were autistic after taking a screenshot of a roleplayers rules and made it into a PSA for the RPC. The document also includes various experiences other users have had with this person where they have blame shifted, stalked, harassed and block evaded.
Known urls are: ravenrpresources, ravenrph, rp-promo-source, rp-meme-source,fluffernuttermemes, markedmuses, lavendermarker, blazkowicztm, bellbeckoned, goldgraft, shadowandsubstance,daatyiichud,unhollowedsouls,summoningsign,blazkoandco,resistandbite,everythingdealt, planetaryrph, mercuryrph,pikminrph, 
Known aliases: Mark, M-Mun,Raven,Mable,Manus,Saturn,Mercury,Merc.
If anyone has experiences please share. I want other people to know they aren't alone. If you want to be anonymous, you can make a sideblog and reblog/reply this post or I will open dms.
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spellsandpixiedust · 3 years
What kind of villain are you?
Repost. Don't reblog.
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Tagged by: @shadowandsubstance​
Tagging: @bullshituberalles , @frozenandhandsome , @hand0fgod , @obsessionsarenotforheroes , @brendan-block , @moltementi , @promussecreta​ & anyone who wants to give this a shot. feel tagged <3
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savior-of-humanity · 3 years
@shadowandsubstance​ -- continued from here
For some time since Steven had regained consciousness within his prison cell, there’d been naught but deathly silence; the only sound that he could register was his own breathing, slow and shallow.
Then, something broke the silence; a voice. Slightly garbled, like it was coming from a radio. But who...?
Slowly, he opened his eyes, and he couldn’t help but let out a weak gasp of surprise at what he caught sight of; a man, a human, dressed in black-and-white. Wait, no, he was black and white; like he’d just stepped straight out of one of those old colorless films he’d catch glimpses of on TV, complete with the ‘fuzziness’ of television static and all.
And in his hand was...
Steven couldn’t believe what he was witnessing. He blinked; once, twice, trying to figure out if this was just some kind of vivid vision caused by him being oh so near to Death’s clutches, or if this was truly real. But regardless of how much he might have tried to convince himself that this was a hallucination, the fact that the stranger was offering him his gem was very much a reality.
After a brief moment he mustered the last of his strength to reach out, his hand grasping at the bubble that encased the precious, diamond-shaped gemstone; the transparent ‘shell’ would quickly dissipate at his touch, and his arm would slump back onto the floor. Fortunately, it didn’t take long for his gem to react. For it would begin to glow, gently floating up and out of the colorless man’s hand; almost immediately afterwards did it begin to take form, an amorphous blob of pink-hued light spreading out from the gemstone before taking on a familiar silhouette. And in a matter of moments, in front of the stranger was Steven - or rather, the other half of Steven.
The pink-hued copy of the dying teenager stared at the strange man, a blank yet generally neutral expression on his face. The gem cocked his head ever so slightly before turning to scoop up his human half within his arms - easily lifting him bridal-style as though he weighed absolutely nothing.
“Thank you.” Steven’s gem spoke, in a gentle, monotone voice. And then the two of them were engulfed in light - globules of light that were quick to merge until finally, he was made whole once more. And before the stranger stood Steven - just Steven. He grasped at himself, bewildered at his revival from near-death, before he’d look back at the stranger that had saved his life.
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“You.. you saved me. I... why?”
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altsmultimuse · 3 years
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@shadowandsubstance asked: 24 for Antonius on @shadowandsubstance , from whoever you'd like? If that's ok? ➥ In honor of SPOTIFY WRAPPED iTunes,  send me a number 1-100 and I’ll write you a starter based on the song. 🎵 Red Stars — The Birthday Massacre
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     "...and I'm not good by any means, but some people put their faith in me. It was like I was... stealing all their glory. I was an imposter. Do you understand what I'm saying? Who am I kidding, you don't even know what the heck I'm TALKING about."      Where he currently lacks in lasting friendships, Zelos has seemingly taken to conversing with the locals about his woes. Starting over as a no one has its perks. He can simply be the local weirdo rather than keep up appearances.
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reverxnce · 3 years
‘ swept away ‘, for the Doll of @shadowandsubstance to find Zeke weak, cold, and exhausted on the bank of a river, after he's fallen in and been carried by the stream :'>
send me ‘ swept away ‘  for your muse to find mine weak, cold, and exhausted on the bank of a river, after they’ve fallen in and been carried by the stream…
Despite having come from an island nation, Ezekiel had grown up mostly in the confinement of four walls. As a result of which, learning to swim had never really happened for him and despite now living in a land-locked area, every now and then this would come back to bite him. There were bodies of water other just the sea, after all - some of which were deep and fast and had currents...
Quite how he had managed to pull himself out, he wasn’t too sure. Survival instinct, maybe.? Or just dumb luck...? 
Hands red-raw, covered in mud and roots from where had grappled at the side of the water’s edge, he managed to drag himself a mere few inches from the bank before he felt his body start to seize. The battering he had taken from the rough current and onslaught of water in his lungs had really done a number on him. It also didn’t help that said water was completely ice cold, almost dangerously so. 
Too numb to feel the ground beneath him, he collapsed onto his side the moment he assumed to be a safe enough distance from the water and curled up into a fetal position atop the damp grass; drenched, shuddering, no energy left to call out for help and certainly none to get up and go looking for it. 
If he didn’t move soon, the dangerously cold temperature his body had reached was more than likely to take him. Yet he found himself battling the overwhelming urge to shut down and drift away to sleep...
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spellsandpixiedust · 3 years
build an outfit and i’ll tell you what song from the 80s you are
Repost. Don’t reblog.
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Tagged by: no one. I nicked it.
Tagging: @huntresscaraquinn​ , @promussecreta​ , @frozenandhandsome​ , @bullshituberalles​ , @obsessionsarenotforheroes​ , @shadowandsubstance​ , @brendan-block​ & everyone else who wants to do this
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savior-of-humanity · 3 years
OUGH... I have a bunch of love for a bunch of blogs, even if I haven't interacted with them much (whether it's IC or OOC) ghjgjh
Soo I'll just list off a couple of blogs from the top of my head;
@osacommand - your characters give me SO MUCH FUCKING SEROTONIN!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE hearing you info dump abt lore for your characters and us brainstorming all kinds of AUs together.....
@blazkowicztm - I LOVE your portrayal of BJ so much... your headcanons for him.. just.. MWAH (also bonus shout-out to your sideblog @shadowandsubstance because your Handler + the Observer ALSO gives me a big fucking dose of serotonin GHJFAGHJWJH)
@monster-or-man - I LOVE seeing you write Achim being a huge fucking bastard... and I also love bullying the shit out of Achim :3c
@egyptiandeathgod - ANUBIS MY BELOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the dynamic between John and Anubis so fuckign much....... just a tired mf going from "Why the fuck is there a literal deity watching over me" to "damn bro he's kinda caring about me in a way like only a handful of other people have, I think I'm falling for him???? 😳" GOOD SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@the-world-spear - We haven't interacted much yet and that's mostly bc I need to reply to stuff but I LOVE your writing.. I love your doom muses + your portrayal of Davoth SO much my heart physically cannot contain this love I have for yall!!!!!!!!!
@mxchineandnerve - YOUR PORTRAYAL OF JOHN + YOUR OTHER MUSES ON YOUR OTHER BLOGS (ESPECIALLY JORGE + KURT) GIVES ME A FUCKING THERMONUCLEAR MELTODWN OF ADORATION......... i know we haven't written all that much and thats mostly my fault but GOD FUCK UR SO TALENTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't think of any other blogs to mention atm but YALL ARE TALENTED!!! AS FUCK!! WITH BOTH YOUR WRITING AND CHARACTER PORTRAYALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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