tlusquotes · 7 years
Aryn the Zoroark
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OC fact: Even though she can't swim, Aronn likes water and can be seen sitting in shallow streams or ponds on hot days. Yourturn
My turn indeed.
Orpheus is infamous among the vanguard for using magic for otherwise mundane utilities. Like keeping his drink cold, or cooking. Most of the other mages look down on him for this, but Michael (the angel in charge of his division) sees this as the mark of a good mage, since it shows great control (localizing a spell to a small area, instead of the usual tendency to blast things outright) and since Orpheus displays it so casually.
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solarcitrus · 8 years
Toiletries (shampoo and toothpaste are ideal if in smol containers to save space), clothes, UNDERWEAR, socks, extra shoes, swimsuit (ya never know ok), band-aids, and whatever meds you might need is a good start
I ALWAYS seem to forget my toothpaste so thank you for reminding me!!!
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cheesecakeremix · 9 years
It be Aryn’s Birthday
Go give this dork birthday wishes!!
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☁ : Describe how they would spend a stormy, overcast/rainy day.
Asriel would most definitely spend his time reading books, either alone or with Toriel if not spending some time with Asgore in the throne room (Mainly taking a long nap on the flowerbed)
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jimborg · 9 years
ART- You show Jimborg a drawing you made. He is gobsmacked! His DEF decreases!
AURA- You focus your power. ATK increases!
LIFT- You pick up Jimborg. He spazzes out! His ATK increases! His DEF decreases!
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miimibun · 9 years
shadowedformlovingheart replied to your photo:!!!!!  MY COSPLAY IS ALMOST DONE??????
Mimi is best Blake
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shiiftgear-a · 9 years
wrenchmxster liked your post
shadowedformlovingheart replied to your post
do eeeeeet.
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Witch? :D
Witch: If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
The whole “we have very limited resources” thing. Would solve a lot of problems.
That or our lack of dragons.
Either one would be cool.
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a-gay-cat · 9 years
My nana and papa used to live in this adorable house in Kennewick, WA, and they had a proper tree in their grassy yard out back that had a tire swing! When I was real little, my brother and I used to love swinging on it. 
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digitalvalkerie · 9 years
List 5 things that make you happy. Then, put this in the ask box of the 10 people who last reblogged something from you
Ah, crap, okay XD hmm lets see
1. Shadow the hedgehog, especially when hes adorkabley embarrassed, or when hes paired with a cute annoying kid and is trying his very hardest not to maim or abandon because “he’s just a kid Shadow, hes just a kid.”
2. Sweet sugary treats and sodas! =D I love love love yummy nummy treats and snacks and mountain dew. The one way to my heart is through food.
3. Kittens. Who the fuck doesnt like kittens? people alergic to cats thats who. or and Puppies are near the same level, but with kittens its… i guess its just a lot easier to relate with a cuddly kitten than a large ball of “I’m 110 pounds but im still a lap dog! .w.”
4.Video games. I’m rather selective with the type, although Name is usually how they get me to try. like with pokemon, i love pokemon, i will usually try anything with the name pokemon in it. Pokemon, duh, pokemon rumble, yep, pokemon mystery dungeon, yes yes yeeeees! But i also like Sonic the hedgehog, little big planet, and LoZ
5. When people say my art is good, that they like it. it always makes me smile when some one, especially those who arent my friends, makes a heart felt comment on my art. even just a “lol thats too funny”. it makes my heart glow!~
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ds-arts · 9 years
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That ironic moment when Digimon’s OST(flaming ice) inspires you to draw a Mega Lucario.
So, here’s a sketch of shadowedformlovingheart‘s (Mega) Aronn the Lucario.
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tlusquotes · 8 years
Aryn: I know part of being a woman is having blood on every pair of jeans you own but JFC
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G and Q!
G - Grade I hated?
Sixth grade was utter hell.
Seventh grade wasn’t much better.
Q - Question you're always asked?
Used to be some equivalent of “What’s with the hat?/What’s the hat say?” but these days it’s slowly becoming “Oh did you make that?” while pointing to some piece of handmade craft thing I’m wearing.
The other one is “What does ‘ace’ mean?” when it comes up around new people (which is becoming more common what with my new habit of saying “I’m too ace for this” in response to most gratuitous sex-related stuff)
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generally-gaius · 9 years
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shadowedformlovingheart replied to your post: “Guys  AU Idea: Instead of General Gaius  Dr. Gaius  but not like a...”:
I can see him having a doctorate in Egineering. ... Actually that's a terrifying thought and not because of what he could build send help
Oh my god
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galvaniccatalyst · 9 years
shadowedformlovingheart replied to your post:Make me cringe in four words.
Idk how this is gross, bugs are delicious. You da man Gunnar.
This fella knows what’s up!
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