#shaggy and scooby-doo get a queue
kichimiangra · 7 months
So last weekend I saw the fnaf movie with my sibs and tbh I only had 2 problems with the movie.
1.) Career placement guy acts like a fucking cartoon character in one scene and then is never seen again and what the fuck was up with that? That gets stuck in my brain waiting for some kind of return or pay off that just didn't happen!
2.) The William Afton reveal kinda came out of nowhere. Like he is barely brought up by Vanessa for one scene and then he's there and he rips his bunny head off and it's just some guy under there. Like who the fuck is this guy? This is like Kylo Ren taking his helmet off and the imperial March sound queue plays and who the fuck is THIS guy??? This is like Lex Luthor in the flashes body unmasking himself like "I don't know who this is." Like wtf why do this?
You should all know I'm a bit face-blind so it took until the credits said they were played by the same guy for me to realize what was going on. Also that guy is Shaggy from Scooby Doo.
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Scooby needs a monstah to clobbah dat dere Kirbeh!
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redhoodssweetheart · 3 years
Things That Go Bump In the Night
Genre: Paranormal/Supernatural AU
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Requested: Yes @im--multi--fandom--trash​ (This is apart of my 1.5K follower celebration, requests are now closed)
Word Count: 1.4K
Warnings: Swearing
Description:  You, Jason, Dick, and Kori got to what’s supposed to be one of those stereotypical Halloween haunted houses, but you all have bit off more than you could chew.
A/N: I’m not gonna lie I kinda got the idea of an actual haunted house from Scooby Doo: The Goblin King.  Scooby and Shaggy find out monsters are real and the character of Mystic in this is based off the dude who runs that shop Scooby and Shaggy go to (except Mystic is more of a dick).  Anyway, enjoy!
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Halloween was Jason’s favorite time of year.  Given that you lived in Gotham that was surprising to you.  “Don’t you get enough of the costumes and scary things as it is?”  You had asked him once.
His response, “Okay, but that’s work, this is fun.”
This year you, Jason, Kori, and Dick had all decided to go to one of those fake haunted houses and be scared by the likes of Freddie Krueger, Jason, Mike Myers, and all the other horror movie legends.  You had researched and found a house on the outskirts of Gotham that looked like a good place to go and the four of you had hopped in the car and headed to the location.
Kori had never gone to a haunted house before and was excited to experience it for the first time.  “Just remember not to blast anyone,” Dick was telling her, a teasing look on his face.
She rolled her eyes at him, “I am not that bad.”
“Kori, I watched you almost fry the toaster one time because you weren’t ready for the toast to come out,” Jason said with a smirk.  “Try to remember these aren’t bad guys that need to be shot down.”
“All right everyone, place your bets now on who you think is going to crack first and be the most scared,” you said as you placed a cup on the center console.  “Last person to crack or get scared takes everything.”
Money was dumped into the cup and you hid it from sight so no one who passed your car would notice it and try to break in.  Even though you weren’t in Gotham proper you were still in Gotham.
The four of you climbed out of the car and toward the ticket counter.  The older gentleman behind the counter smiled at you and said, “Welcome to Mystic’s Halloween Mayhem, just the four of you?” 
Dick nodded, “Yep!”  And handed over the money for the tickets.
“Have a good evening and enjoy the thrills and chills of my haunted house!”  The man said with a flourish letting them walk up the little dirt path toward the house.  He watched them a chuckle escaping him, “They’re in for the scare of their lives.”  Then he and the ticket counter disappeared.
The house was your stereotypical haunted house.  You were pretty sure you’d seen it on an episode of Scooby Doo once.  “It’s like someone built this place specifically to be used as a haunted house,” you said as you began to step up onto the rickety old porch.
“Yes, I agree with Y/N,” Kori said.  “But something does not feel right,” as if on queue a gust of wind blew past time and caused each of them to shiver.
“Well that wasn’t odd at all,” Jason remarked.
The front door opened of its own accord and Dick hid behind Kori and said, “This place is really pulling out all the stops.”
“Come on,” you tugged them inside and just as you all made it through the door slammed shut behind you causing you to jump.  You had known it was gonna happen, but it still got you anyway.
Candles lit by some unseen force and showed you the path you were supposed to follow.  The four of you shared a look, but moved forward.  At first everything was fine and then a shadow slithered up the wall causing Jason to jump since he was the closest one to it.  “What that fuck?!”  He looked at the three of you, “Did you see that?!”
Dick and Kori shook their heads, but you were eyeing the wall.  “You okay there, Jaybird?”
He turned back to where he had seen the shadow and said a bit absentmindedly, “Yeah… yeah I’m all right.  Let’s go.”
You all started to move again, but a new sound had you freezing again.
You felt the hairs on your body stand at attention and Jason’s hand tightened around yours.  Kori stiffened, “What was that?”
“It sounded like a… like a--”
“Werewolf,” Jason finished for you.
A low growl came from behind and when the four of you turned you saw somewhere wearing the best werewolf costume you had ever seen.  It was on two legs and there was saliva dripping from its mouth.  “Run,” you said, your voice shaking as your adrenaline and fear spiked.
They didn’t need to be told twice and you all bolted down the hall, you heard the werewolf chasing you, but when you made it through a doorway the door slammed shut and the body of the werewolf hit it.  “That felt too real,” Dick said as he bent over to try and catch his breath and calm down.
“Did you hear the way it slammed into the door?”  Jason shivered.  “I’ve got a bad feeling about this place.”
“We need to look for an exit,” you chimed in.  “I don’t like this either.”
“Do you think it’s fear toxin?”  Kori asked.  “Could this be a trick, someone altering our minds?”
Dick and Jason shared a look, “This doesn’t feel like Scarecrow’s fear toxin.  We would be seeing things with each other as well.”  
Something glowing caught your attention and you saw a corporeal form of a woman watching you from around the corner.  You patted Jason on the arm and pointed toward her.  He jumped slightly, a hand covering his heart when he realized that it wasn’t another werewolf hellbent on eating them.  “Do you think she can lead us out of here?”  You asked him as the four of you huddled together.
“What if the innocent façade is just an act?”  Dick asked as he glanced over toward you.  “She could turn into some hideous monster and chase us.”
“She is currently blocking our only path of escape,” Kori chimed in.  “Unless you want to risk it with the werewolf.”
“Forward it is,” you said, and you cautiously took a few steps toward the glowing girl.  “Um excuse me?  Could you possibly show us the way out?”
She let out a terrifying wail at your words and leapt back just as Jason let out a terrified scream.  “Man fuck this place!”
You walked over to the lone window in the room and tried to pry it open.  When it wouldn’t budge you turned to Jason and asked, “Jay sweetie do you have your gun on you?
“You told me no weapons!”
“The one time we need your trigger happy ass to have a gun and you don’t have one,” Dick sighed.
“Y/N said that we wouldn’t need it!  It was supposed to be a normal date night, not trapped in the house from Hell!”
“I may be of some assistance,” Kori stepped up and used her powers to try and burst through the window, but it bounced off the glass and hit the wall.
It was then that you all realized you would have to make your way through the rest of the house to get out.  If you could get out…
There were a few more jump scares and you were chased by some sort of demon.  Jason was practically dragging you through that house and when you reached a door that led back to where you had come in at.  Dick was the one that tried it and when it swung open without any problems the four of you bolted out of there quicker than the Flash, the door slamming shut behind you.
All four of you were bent over trying to catch your breath and thank whoever was watching out for you that you had managed to get out of there in one piece.  When you turned back to look at the house it was gone.  “Uh guys, look.”  Everyone turned.  “It’s gone.”
“Next year,” Jason said as he stood up straight.  “We’re staying home and passing out candy.”
“Deal,” you all agreed.
“What do you guys say we go buy some candy and go back to the manor to watch some comedies for the rest of the evening?  I could use something happy.”  A round of agreements once again rang through your small group as you made your way back to the car.
In the shadows of the night Mystic watched the group leave and laughed to himself.  “Another year, another successful scare.”  He patted the werewolf on the back, “Come on buddy, we’ve got a whole year to prep before our next opening.”  The werewolf growled in response and the two of them disappeared into the astral plane.
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plush-anon · 3 years
SCOOB! Stream of Consciousness Review
Here we are folks - I finally review the originally cinematic, fully CGI animated Scooby Doo Movie (one year later... I did not queue this as I thought I had last June - damn you, Tumblr. I’m not changing much here, so enjoy as it was intended).
Created by a team who have professed their affection for this mystery team and their meddling dog too, will this be a lush experience fit to satisfy any Hanna-Barbera fan? Or will it be a hot garbage cash-grab, littered with Easter eggs and references that do nothing to hide a meatless mess of outdated memes and shallow character development?
Below this cut is my entire stream-of-consciousness review on the SCOOB! Movie, as experienced. SPOILER warning here - I’m digging into everything, no plot points spared. 
Here we go~
And we start off with a decent shot of the California coastline (looks like the kids backstory is front and center), some 90s hip-hop synthwave song about California, and OH SWEET JESUS THESE MODELS LOOK TERRIBLE
Yeah, this is a problem right off the bat - some of these people in the opening shots look remarkably unfinished - think three shades above “Rapsittie Kids: Believe in Santa” level - and the animation on them is less than stellar. 
On the plus side, we do see a fantastic variety of ages, sizes, and races - there’s a brief blink-and-you’ll-miss-it Sikh man on roller skates playing a sitar - but when the designs look rushed in the opening shots, it’s not a fantastic sign. At least they’re brief, but it’s hard to see if this is a lower level of the film’s style due to rushed animation, or if they didn’t care to polish it up as much, given that it’s maybe a 30 second scene. 
Still, kudos to actually going for variety in the crowd shots. Minus kudos to making most of the clothes look like Play-doh draped over a Barbie doll. I’m not even kidding on that one, the clothes are super basic and barely have any sign of texture or creasing or even fabric/cut variety. Almost reminds me of the first Toy Story movie’s design for human clothes, yeesh. 
Ahh, our first introduction to Scooby Doo at a Greek gyro food stand. That’s foreshadowing right there folks! 😉
Sadly, he is really weirdly animated in his run sequence - he looks out of proportion as he’s running on his hind legs, and the human animation has really bad consistency - some background characters are really janky, while others actually move really nicely. The characters we immediately focus on seem to be pretty smooth at least, but that’s still very strange.
On a side note: Ruby and Spears Sub Sandwich shop. Nice 😁
They are reaaaally pushing the super over-the-top dramatic music for a bike cop chasing a dog that stole gyro meat
It’s not even interesting chase music, just generic super-hyped-up chase music
And now we finally get to see a young Shaggy, standing next to a tie-dye food stand called Casey’s Confections that… sells meat. Hm. Guess WB hasn’t learned after all these years 🙄
Unfortunately, I’m not a huge fan of the kid they got to play him, Iain Armitage. He’s not a bad voice actor by any means, but he just doesn’t sound right for Shaggy. I know that as a kid he’d be much less likely to have a cracking/squeaky voice, but he sounds… it’s hard to pin down a word, but - precocious? Darling? Either way it doesn’t quite match, especially given how Shaggy sounds when he grows up via Will Forte. Just… no connection there. 
I tie it down to the particular vocal twangs and nuances the gang usually has. I’ll touch base on that note later I think, once we hit the teenage versions of the gang, but for now I’m just not feeling it. 
On the one hand, I empathize deeply with Shaggy and his Spotify’s unsettling ability to pinpoint his insecurities with song choices, and also deeply enjoy that one small gesture where his fingers kind of shake & tighten around his phone while he takes a deep breath to calm himself- it’s a very nice, subtle sign of frustration
On the other hand we just passed two guys with no nipples and an unerring likeness to a Ken doll in those Barbie movies, so I’m distracted by that now
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(between this and Fred’s no-nipples in Happy Halloween SD!, is WB just terrified of giving men nipples in animated movies now? what gives?)
Also distracted by the thrifty lesbians who bought those two shirts that come together to make a heart in the middle, on the store’s 2 for 1 day
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happy pride y’all!
Finally got context for the two sand piles!
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Very, very sad context, but still! Progress!
Basically Shaggy’s practicing talking to people in order to learn how to make friends, since he either has no idea how, or has never had a friend before. So he’s trying to learn the right way to do it since his own attempts have failed
And him talking to these sand piles not only counts as practice, but he’s using them so that his mom thinks he’s spending time with friends like he told her
Ow :)
So ketchup leather is apparently a thing that exists
I’m learning so much today!
Given that Shaggy has no friends at this stage, but he’s still called Shaggy, I’m kind of wondering if that was a mean nickname that everyone called him, but he was just grateful for the interaction/pretended it was from friends, so he kept it 🤔
Actually, take it back, his mother is calling him that. Family nickname, maybe…?
Shaggy has Blue Falcon (classic) and Dynomutt funko pops
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Oof, you can reaaaaally hear the age in Frank Welker’s Scooby voice. Can we get Scott Innes back? He sounds almost identical to his performance 20+ years ago :/
Also talking waaaay too much - even SDMI Scooby wasn’t this wordy, and he NEVER shut the hell up 
Okay wait
So Shaggy met Scooby on Halloween day - then met the rest of the gang hours later?
Huh. And here I was thinking it would have been a few weeks minimum 
Although I have to say there is a lot here to work with, if it paces out how I think it does
Shaggy meets Scooby. Bare hours later, he buys him a collar (instead of his mom? weird) and asks him to stay with him, despite not really knowing him. Then, only a couple hours after that, he finally makes some friends… but only when Scooby is with him. 
Given that it looks like the gang are all around the same age in the same neighborhood, there’s a solid chance that they’ve taken classes together at the same school. If none of them met/knew/made friends with Shaggy then, but only did so AFTER Scooby came into the picture, that might lead to the argument we know about later when they split up; afterwards, S&SD go to the bowling alley, then get abducted by the Blue Falcon, plot continues. This could make it seem like they were only friends with him at the start because he had a dog. 
And the brief scene earlier with the music device shows that he tries to tamp down on his anger/doesn’t really address it - could lead to something more later 
hmmmm 🤔
Wait what
These two kid bullies just came out of nowhere, stole Shaggy’s candy… and then started on about how Halloween is only a marketing ploy to get companies to rot your teeth and go to the dentist more, before throwing the bag through a window and telling the two that ‘your blood sugar will thank us for it!’
Are - are these the brainwashed children of a Karen? Is that what I’m seeing?
I mean we could have had a Red Herring cameo, but apparently informing children about candy conspiracy theories is more important :/
Daphne: It’s Halloween - no one should go home without their candy
FD&V: *none of them have candy/candy bags*
(Wouldn’t it make more sense if the bullies had stolen their candy too? What the hey man)
I do find it neat that we actually get to SEE the wires the ‘ghost’ uses to fly in full effect - that’s actually pretty cool, and not really something we get to see up close in older Scooby shows. Most of those just have the bad guy randomly flying about, and the wires revealed after the fact 
Actually, given how FD&V react to this ghost almost immediately… have they already been solving mysteries? It seems like it, given how smoothly they move together to capture him
That’s kind of odd in kids. Like, even in PNSD they weren’t perfectly in-sync on stuff
This then leads to the gang solving mysteries together… in spite of the fact that all Shag and Scoob did was hide in the wardrobe that had the stolen goods, while FD&V captured the dude 
Granted, they do ask Shag and Scoob if they wanna join in and say yes, but that seems like an strange jump after what could have been a one-time deal
I just find that a touch odd - esp when they could have had a five minute scene or so of them wandering around the house, touching on some old SDWAY traits. Heck, show that they’re SCARED in some way, and don’t immediately move to tackle what looks like a murderous spirit at age 8-9 or so. Even just showing the kids learning about each other would be enough, but what do I know. I’ve only watched Scooby Doo everything since I was 4 🙄
Ahhhh, and now for the updated rendition of the theme song
Where they’re all still kids doing everything the teenage gang did in the theme song
It doesn’t look as good as the OG, though - kind of like a computer game simulating the SDWAY intro using the PNSD kids in CGI. It’s honestly strange to see, and a little jarring - especially when we then transition to the older teenage gang right in the middle
Like, we don’t get to see you guys age through the song as you’re chased by/catch different monsters? That could have been pretty neat honestly - shows how long they’ve been doing this
Tho I gotta admit, seeing the Spooky Space Kook with his OG sound effects is pretty awesome, brief as it waoH MY GOD FRED WHY ARE YOU HAVING A ROMANTIC BEACHSIDE DATE WITH THE MYSTERY MACHINE 
Huh, looks like Ruby & Spears gave up their subway sandwich shop for a coffee shop
That apparently the gang goes to in order to eat malt shop food
Ah, and here’s where we finally look at the voice acting of the older teenage gang. Buckle up folks, cause I gotta lot to say
We’ll start with Fred, bc honestly? I think Efron actually fits him pretty dang well. He’s got a different cadence from Welker, true, but as far as an update goes? I think he’s a solid fit. Very much in line with the all-American kid that Fred’s kind of been slated as for the past 50 years or so, but updated more for the modern perspective. I call it solid (and possibly a replacement for whenever Welker decides to retire). 
Next? Oof. Velma is, IMHO, the weakest casting. Velma, no matter her voice actress, has ALWAYS had some form of nasal twang to her voice - that’s part of what makes her Velma to begin with, and helps her stand out. Nicole Jaffe, Pat Stevens, BJ Ward, Christina Lange (PNSD), Mindy Cohn, Kate Micucci, Linda Cardellini -heck, even Haley Kiyoko from ‘The Mystery Begins’ and Sarah Gilman from the ‘Daphne and Velma’ movie understood this! They all had that nasal twang to their voice - differing between actresses, of course, but still recognizable as Velma. Gina Rodriguez though? Honestly, it just sounds like she’s acting it straight. Not bad acting at all, by any means - she just doesn’t sound like Velma, and doesn’t seem to be trying to. (Honestly wondering if she was only hired bc she voices Carmen Sandiego in the reboot cartoon for the lolz fun reference! type connection) 
Daphne is sort of similar in voices, but hers is more of a pitch her voice hits - Heather North, Mary Kay Bergman, and Grey Delisle Griffin all have that pitch they hit naturally when speaking. Amanda Seyfried? Does not - in fact, her voice is actually deeper than I was expecting - but it’s not quite as big a difference as it is for Velma. It fits her character type okay, and she does well with it overall.  
And finally, the most controversial one: Will Forte’s Shaggy. 
I’ll go ahead and say this: he’s not Scott Menville levels of bad Shaggy voice acting. If I were to place him on a list, I’d probably put him around Billy West level - kind of sounds similar via vocal tics (voice cracking, likes and zoinks, etc), but his own voice just overtakes the impression he’s seeking to hit. When I hear him speak, I don’t really hear Shaggy; I just hear Will Forte trying to do an impression of Shaggy. 
In comparison: when Scott Innes took over for Shaggy, it was like Casey Kasem’s, just a touch more of a twang to his voice and just a dash over-the-top - but it was still Shaggy, and you didn’t doubt that for a minute.
Same thing for Lillard, but maybe moreso - he was pretty much the most perfect casting for a live-action Shaggy there could be at the time Scooby Doo (2002) was made. Him taking over for Kasem from there made perfect sense: he was honestly the best cast Mystery Inc member of the live-actions, and a lot more recognizable to the general public as Shaggy than Scott Innes was. He could also do different emotions with Shaggy that not a lot of the other voice actors had the chance to do (mainly bc script), so for future stuff they have that flexibility, if they wanted to play around a little more. 
With any luck Forte will get better over the course of the movie, but honestly the casting could have been so much better with Matt Lillard and Kate Micucci. 
Shaggy Rogers, evading taxes since 2020
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Also he’s there as a potential investor in Mystery Inc as a detective agency
A music industry professional… is interested in funding a detective agency.
Like… did he miss out on Josie & the Pussycats? Is that why he’s here?
Wait a minute
Oh noooooo
I know why he’s here
I remember this spoiler
And once again, here is your reminder to tell Simon Cowell a great big fcuk you
Only this time it’s for making Shaggy and Scooby feel worthless and saying that friendship is worthless and cannot be counted on for anything worthwhile
Simon Cowell: Professional Dickhead
Welp, at least this gives a solid reason why they leave: Simon Cowell was being a professional dickhead, and the gang didn’t really say anything against him or interrupt him on his whole ‘Shag and Scoob are worthless spiel’
Or, well... Daphne stepped up some, but more to say ‘they’re our friends!’ rather than ‘that’s entirely wrong, our friends aren’t worthless!’ Better than nothing, but yeesh
Ahhh, Takamoto Bowling - the emptiest bowling alley in the evenings this side of Coolsville 
(no seriously, the past few times my dad has taken my sister and me bowling pre-pandemic, no matter the day or time? it’s ALWAYS got more than 6 lanes of people there, what the heck)
Also Scooby wears three bowling shoes, which honestly makes more sense than I thought it would - that pup goes spinning and sliding every which way on a normal floor, bowling alley floors would be like ten times worse
here’s a nice little detail - when Scooby sees one of the bowling pins peek out with red eyes and he yells that to Shaggy, Shaggy actually squints and walks closer to see if it actually does have eyes
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Huh, okay 
Panicked Will Forte Shaggy actually sounds more like a good Shaggy voice than normal talking Will Forte Shaggy
I can dig it
Still kind of underwhelmed by the Shag and Scoob disguise scene - wouldn’t it make more sense to have them like, dish up hot sauce or something on a plate that nonsensically makes the robots overheat before they discover their ruse?
Idk, maybe they’re off their game after Simon ‘Dickhead’ Cowell
Carlton Way - must be named after Fred’s only other voice actor, Carlton Stevens of PNSD
Also Hanna’s Barber Shop is next to Barbera’s Pizza! Cute.
And… Pitstop’s Pink Perfume ad. Wait, who is that? *assorted googling noises*
...ahhh, Penelope Pitstop from Wacky Races! Who, according to Wikipedia, was revealed to have Greek ancestry in the 2016 Wacky Raceland comic book, having been born on the island of Aegina
Now I’m wondering if we’ll see her in this too, given Cerberus...
Honestly kind of fascinating to see the gang with a police radio in their van
Also fascinating to see that only main characters are allowed clothing variety and texture/creases/folds
it’s actually really sweet to see Fred, upon hearing that Shag and Scoob are likely in danger, immediately makes a 90 degree turn in traffic
It looks like they changes Dee Dee’s name a hair - now it’s Dee Dee Skyes, instead of Sykes
It works well for the Falcon aesthetic, so that’s cool
Shaggy, after Dee Dee tells them that Dastardly’s trying to kill them: Scoob, someone thinks we’re important enough to *mimes slitting throat*!
Scooby: It’s nice to be wanted.
Excellent! This movie has captured Shag and Scoob’s blasé attitude towards death! Now we’re onto a solid Scooby film :D
Dee Dee: Hmm, I hear that!
And they even have a friend to share in their attitude! Splendid!
Christ, I can work photoshop better than Blue Falcon can, and I don’t even know how to use photoshop
I will give major kudos on his costume tho - it maintains the important elements of the OG Falcon, while still updating it with more bird-related aesthetic, like the feathered appearance of parts of his costume, the split cape resembling the tail feathers, and the talon gauntlets & boots. neat!
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Yooo, Dynomutt, I thought secret identities were still a thing with Superheroes, what the hey are you doing giving it out to a duo you literally just picked up behind a bowling alley
Ngl, I’m kinda hoping we get some scenes where Dynomutt messes up a little like in the OG cartoon - this one feels really serious, which is kind of strange
Okay now I want to see older!Blue Falcon come in for a cameo
Mainly bc I’m getting the feeling that this one is a major dumbass, and not in the fun and friendly himbo kind of way 😑
Wait, THAT’S our first look at Dastardly? That’s a bit abrupt, isn’t it?
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Also his ship must be pumping thousands of gallons of toxins into the air, that smoke cloud looks hideous. Forget logging into his mom’s Netflix account like the trailer said, EPA should probably be hunting him for sport with a laser cannon, jesus fcuking christ
Honestly kinda want a plane you can pilot like a motorbike now
Welp, it looks like we have a fun, mustache-twirly, puns-aplenty, loves-to-be-bad kind of villain on our hands folks! This is gonna be FUN AS HECK
Eurgh, this scene - the super-stiff-but-stretched-out ‘yeeurgh’ faces really squick me for some reason, but I can’t really pinpoint why
I have decided I highly dislike the Brian Blue Falcon, or Brian Falcon for short, and would like to see Dastardly tie him to some railroad tracks
North St for Heather North, and… wait… Funland Carnival? Like where Charlie the Robot hung out?
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Apparently that’s in Romania.
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A very yellow-greenfilter Romania at that.
 Like, I’ve seen blue washes on movies trying to portray evening in the middle of the day so they don’t actually have to shoot at night, but yellow? That’s normally used for deserts and hot days and uhhh 
NOT for evenings in a country with landscape like THIS
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(I mean I guess they got the mountains and trees right, but still. Yellow filters make a place look arid, which Romania is Not, to my knowledge)
Dude, Brian Falcon is such an idiot even Shaggy and Scooby, commonly portrayed as the idiots of Mystery Inc, look at him like he’s a moron.
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(They are Not Amused.)
Also Brian Falcon is an absolute coward. That’s new. Even Shaggy and Scooby face off against the robots directly in a Whack-a-Mole game and destroy some. Dude, get your head in the fcuking game already, yikes
Woah, Laff-a-Lympics, Wacky Races, Hex Girls, The Banana Splits, Penelope Pitstop, Space Stars, Posse Impossible, and Hong Kong Phooey easter eggs in one shot
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Another nice moment: when cornered by Dastardly, Shaggy moves to stand in front of Scooby to protect him
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Dastardly (to Shaggy): I don’t care about YOU. You’re not REMOTELY important!
*proceeds to shoot Shaggy THROUGH the ceiling and up into the highest car on a Ferris Wheel where Brian Falcon is hiding like a man baby*
Welp, so much for a fun and zany villain. Time for this Plush Anon to kill a bitch *cocks shotgun*
I will, too - kudos to the animators for hurting me so badly with the face Shaggy made right before being shot because
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Ehehehhehe, yess, the infamous ‘Dick’ scene
Dastardly: No, I’m a DICK. With a D!
You sure are, you sack of dildos with a D!
This scene had to be put in on purpose - if this had been released in theaters, I just know the adults would be dying in laughter 🤣🤣🤣
Shaggy: Brian, do something! 
Brian Falcon: Like what?
Shaggy: Like, drop some F-Bombs!
love it 😂
Is it like movie law now, that if there’s an action scene with a Ferris Wheel in the background, it has to fall off and roll down a mild incline like a wheel? Because it kinda feels like it
Aha! Dastardly said his drats! Perfection.
Now to shoot him through a ceiling to make them matter even more :D
Well that hurt. 
Poor Shaggy - basically internalizing now that he’s the worthless one and weak link of the group now that Scooby is considered more important
Holy fcuk I’m crying
Shaggy just broke Brian Falcon down to his deepest insecurities without even trying while talking to him
He even used the words ‘imposter syndrome’ 
Shaggy hon, you’re the best
Oh hey, Fred, Daphne, and Velma! It’s been a while since we saw you guys again, what are you doing?
Arguing about the metric system and realizing that Shaggy and Scooby reminding them to eat periodically helped them keep a clearer head...
And using the word ‘hangry’.
But then looking through a ridiculously cute photo album of the two and a video the gang took together (the video is honestly really heckin’ cute, 10000/10 would recommend)...
And then getting pulled over so Fred can have a brief ‘oo-la-la’ montage about the pretty blonde cop who honest-to-gods looks like a Barbie doll.
Where Daphne then describes how ugly Dastardly is...
Right before the petite blonde cop who’s maybe like 5’7” at best rips off her outfit to reveal it was Dick Dastardly this entire time, all 7ish feet of him.
And then kidnaps them all along with the Mystery Machine while he makes terribly fun dorky puns
...where Scooby is making kissy faces in the mirror while wearing his Blue Falcon uniform
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Hrm, that’s not really better is it
We actually see Shaggy reading (OG) Blue Falcon’s autobiography, and making hurt but snide comments about Scooby’s ego
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Which are actually pretty clever tbh
Cooooooongratulations, Fred Jones! You are now officially a full-on himbo!
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Alas, poor Daphne. While your knowledge of the tropes of your show might have served you well in other places, this was to be a theatrical release once upon a time, and so such knowledge falls to ruin.
You know, I just realized - we’re never really told HOW the Cerberus skulls work, both in how each skull can be used to find the others,  and, presumably, in releasing Cerberus itself. We’re given a brief glance-over of Scooby’s ancestry (and I mean REALLY damn brief), and a quick mention that these are supposed to be Cerberus’ skulls being stolen, but… that’s it. Nothing else is given. 
Now, I read the first few chapters of my SCOOB! Junior Novelization, and it actually went into further detail about the skulls themselves and what Dastardly’s initial plan was early in the book - open the gates of Hades and obtain the seas of treasure therein. It acted as an introduction both to the climatic endgame we’ll face at the end of the movie, and to Dastardly, who uses the same disguise trick he used as the Barbie cop when he stole the first one in South America. 
(They actually DID plan to use this as Dastardly’s intro, but cut this… 3 minute scene for time. Yeah. See below video for the details - honestly think they should have kept it in. Saves time later and definitely more show than tell, compared to what we got)
I feel like that would be a better introduction to him than the one we got - hell, it would have fit in quite neatly after the revamped theme song montage. They could have the scene with Dastardly finding/stealing the first skull as an introduction (as above), then have him answer a call or something. Exposit openly “You found the key! Excellent! Now where are we going next?” 
THEN cut to the diner/coffee shop scene we had earlier. We still wouldn’t know exactly what the key was/entailed off the bat, and they could still have FD&V find out on their own - maybe by hacking the little robot instead? IDK.
The final skull is on Messick Mountain.
On a side note, I do love how Dastardly’s ship interior looks - very dieselpunk
Velma just hacked into Dynomutt… somehow, and I finally get my wacky Dynomutt shenanigans!  Hazoo!
...sadly that was really dang brief. Realistic, yes, but still too brief. 
Eyyyy, we finally get the whys of why Scooby is needed! … really dang fast. 
Also Fred says Jinkies. 
Hey, Muttley popped up! In a shrine… to his demise… that we find out he reached when Dastardly pushed him forward into the Underworld to steal the treasure of Alexander the Great in a portal he rigged up… only for both of them to find out it was a one-way deal unless they used the key to be able to come back. The key, of course, being Scooby Doo, descendent of Peritas, Alexander’s dog. 
Eh, workable enough-ish. It’s interesting to see that Dastardly, despite how much he disliked Muttley in the older cartoons, still cares about him to a certain extent. 
Pfff, Fred’s a poor man’s Hemsworth XD
Sweet, we’re in ‘Journey to the Center of the Earth’ now!
You guys really had to do the ‘me or them’ thing with Shaggy and Scooby… and tHeN hAvE sCoObY cHoOsE tHe FaLcONs?!? Just because they said he was important as “the key” and gave him a spandex costume.
Over at least 7 years of friendship. 
actually no I’m Not Done Yet
This whole scene is a mess.
Shaggy’s turn was really dang fast… but I can still see how he gets to it. It’s at least a day between Scooby being chosen as a pseudo-sidekick and the island arrival, during which Shaggy’s talk with the main adult (who has taken up the mantle of his favorite superhero) essentially confirms his feelings of worthlessness and leaves him to stew for HOURS on end (on top of another adult, Dastardly, who also calls him “not even REMOTELY important” at the carnival before freaKING SHOOTING HIM THROUGH THE CEILING NO I AM NOT OVER THIS). Tie that to a teenager who also believes his only friends have come to think he’s meaningless baggage, and suddenly his entire support system is vanishing underneath him to one of his former idols without ANY sign of hesitation from Scooby’s part (with the exception of the collar scene, but I don’t think that that means the same to Scooby, given how quickly he bounces back)
Scooby tho… hrm. It could be that he’s clinging to the good feelings Brian Falcon inspires in him (by choosing him as the next possible Dynomutt), as a way to overpower how FD&V hurt him, while also building on how he came to love the duo because SHAGGY loved them so much. But the movie doesn’t frame that up… at all?? At least compared to Shaggy. 
Idk, maybe I’m missing something, but this scene is a mess through and through
Scooby: *tries to leap into Brian Falcon’s arms like he did with Shaggy but falls*
Brian: Uh, what are you doing?
Scooby: Rhaggy never missed. 
Damn straight he didn’t
oh hey, it’s Captain Caveman
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I was wondering when we’d see him.
It’s that blink-and-you’ll-miss-it scene from the trailers I sobbed over - the one with Shaggy holding Scooby’s collar
Oh No
Fred is here, alone, after that whole scene with Dastardly saying he had a use for Fred
...while that’s likely Dastardly in a Fred suit (that sounds creepy just typing it), I’m still going to enjoy this brief but absolutely lovely hug Shaggy and Fred share...
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(seriously tho, look at this, it’s a genuinely close, squish-your-lungs-out kind of hug, I love it)
...as well as Shaggy, who's still hurt from his fight with Scooby, immediately gearing up to go help him after hearing Dastardly’s trying to kidnap him.
Brian Falcon and Scooby Doo now have to take on Captain Caveman in gladiatorial combat in order to claim the final skull of Cerberus
I love cartoons sometimes
Captain Caveman just put the smackdown on Brian Falcon and punched him into the ground up to his CHEST
Then smacked him so far into a wall he cracked the stone around him!
GodDAMN is this satisfying 😆 altho minor question here: how did he gain the rank of Captain? Do cavepeople have a naval force?
He just whirled Scooby around his head, then spun him so fast his costume broke off
I may have to look into some Captain Caveman stuff now, that’s fantastic
Shaggy and Fred - sorry, “Fred” -  just smashed through to the colosseum in the Mystery Machine
And Dynomutt just fired missiles at Captain Caveman to smash him into an Amigara-shaped hole of himself
I REALLY love cartoons sometimes
Oh No
Just as Shaggy starts trying to apologize, “Fred” kicks him in the back, rips off his disguise to normal Dastardly self, and kidnaps Scooby atop the skull, before revealing he destroyed the Falcon Fury jet
New tagline for this movie? Shaggy Rogers and the Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day
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...at least the rest of the gang is back together?
Brian Falcon: *Immediately tries to blame Shaggy for inadvertently leading Dastardly to them, while storming up to get in his face*
Fred: *upon realizing BrianF is blaming Shaggy for everything, without a SINGLE moment’s hesitation, immediately leaps in to defend Shaggy and physically push back Brian Falcon several feet*
We stan one Himbo, theydies and gentlethem
Velma (sneering): What kind of hero blames other people for his problems? *Walks over to comfort Shaggy with Daphne, while Shaggy looks dumbfounded they’re defending him bc he also blames himself for Scooby’s kidnapping*
This. This right here, is the kind of Mystery gang content I wanna see.
I don’t care how the rest of this movie goes now, this scene right here is ambrosia to the Scooby fan’s soul, and therefore makes this entire movie worth it, outdated memes, lingo, and all
Cackling rn - Fred and Brian Falcon are in a point-off a la the Spiderman meme 😂
or, more specifically, the post-credits sequence of Spiderverse where they’re arguing about who started pointing first
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It gets better when Velma and Daphne try to pull each other off of their pushing fight, and Velma grumbles “Toxic Masculinity” I’m crying
More super Shaggy stuff here (apart from being flung through a building roof without a scratch) - he pushes apart both groups effortless, and even knocks them back several feet
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If we estimate Dynomutt as… we’ll say 450 since he’s made of metal, Falcon at 220, Dee Dee at 160, that’s about 830 lbs on one side
Then Fred, Daphne and Velma on the other (hmm, 180, 150, 130?) would be around 460 lbs
Dang boi
Oh honey no, it’s not your fault
But dang if he didn’t get a good message from it, one I’ve done my best to transcribe here:
“I was afraid that... things were gonna change. And they did change. But like, that’s okay! People can grow. But it doesn’t mean that we’re growing apart. Because the one thing that will never change is that Scooby Doo is my best friend! Ten years ago, a little boy made a promise to a stray puppy that he’d never leave him no matter what. And I’m gonna keep that promise! Now it’s time we stopped that mustachioed menace from opening the gates to the {underworld} and letting loose that fearsome {Cerberus}. So what do you say we get out {of here}, and go get my always-snacking, never-lacking, often-napping dog back? Who’s with me?”
Honestly not a bad message for kids. Things will change, people will change, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop being friends. (Obvs real life exceptions apply, but that’s not a bad note honestly)
...shame that that conclusion comes right the FUCK outta nowhere
How, exactly, did he come to this conclusion? WHEN? What inspired him to realize this, what was the impetus for this specific line of thought, that it’s okay for friends to change?
It kinda feels like this should have been either the happy ending speech given after they’ve saved the world, or one at the start of the third act, like if Shaggy arrives when Scooby thinks he’s chased him away and ruined everything, and Shaggy & the gang still save him. And Scooby asks him why he did that - when Scooby tried to change himself to fit what Brian Falcon wanted, instead of treasuring the friend he still had, or maybe why Shaggy reacted the way he did. THEN Shaggy gives the speech we hear, a la:
“I yelled at you because… like, because I was scared. I was scared that... things were gonna change. And they did change. But like, that’s okay! People can grow. But it doesn’t mean that we’re growing apart. Because the one thing that will never change is that YOU’RE my best friend! Ten years ago, a little boy made a promise to a stray puppy that he’d never leave him no matter what. And I mean to keep it!” 
At least that would make a little more sense to me. Again, not a bad speech, but a little rearranging would help to really hit home. 
Okay, now we’re back with Dastardly in Greece, and suddenly the background people all look MILES better than the ones at the start of the movie. Did they just forget to polish the first two minutes of film, what the heck?
Also, Dastardly’s ship is literally the entire length of the Greek ruins presented o_O
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They’re also colored a very atmospheric neon arrangement that’s surprisingly quite tasteful ^.^
The Mystery Machine can fly now!!! eeheeheeeheeheeheeheeee
And so we finally see Cerberus, a massive, towering figure with sharp teeth and pffffffhahahhahaa why are all three heads wearing Spartan helmets
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To its credit, they’re also wearing basic body armor, wrist guards, tail spikes, etc, but the helmets are killing me 🤣 who thought to stick that onto the dog? Did Hades forget to remove the armor after winning the Gods’ Pet Costume Contest, or was it like that horse in the ATV costume - it felt safer so it didn’t let anyone take it off?
Or was this a precaution against Herakles coming back? These are questions - hilarious, hilarious questions 😁
Awww. Scooby immediately runs to the battered Mystery Machine to rip the doors open for the gang!
And… wait. THIS is where that wonderful hug was in the trailers? I thought that was at the end of the movie when everyone was safe!
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This now does not bode well. But we’ll worry about that later. Time to enjoy this gorgeous wonderful hug of the entire gang, and Shag and Scoob apologizing to each other for fighting 🥰
Yet another scene to make the rest of this movie worth the rest
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(halfway wanna frame this shit and put it on the wall, it’s that lovely)
Fantastic! Dastardly is now in Hell, where I’ve been wishing him this entire movie! :D
And dang… he actually apologizes to what he believes is a dead Muttley. Who is, naturally, snickering at all of this. The two bicker predictably, but eventually hug and make up, too happy to see each other to resort to old habits. Honestly a nice little scene, all-in-all. 
Back to the gang and they’re doing the glowy eyes in the dark bit! I actually haven’t seen that in a Scooby movie forever, it’s neat.
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Also Fred is now going full Liam Neeson over his van, war paint and all, using the tire cover as a shield and… holy shit. 
THE ASCOT IS BAAAnnnnnd it’s gone. Boy, that was… short. 
Fred just ran full-tilt at Cerberus, screaming like a mad man, before getting flicked away by its big toe, and losing the ascot and makeshift shield. It punched so hard his facepaint came off
It was fun while it lasted y’all
Heyyy, Shag and Scoob just came up with the plan, and it’s actually solid! I’m so proud, and so is the rest of the gang! Also willingly going to distract Cerberus while the rest figure out how to close the gate and stuff Cerberus back in
I love my boys 😊
Annnnd there goes Brian Falcon like the coward he is
To… call his dad? And admit he isn’t a hero.
Only for Dynomutt to point out Shaggy and Scooby are taking him on and are terrified. 
This then cuts to Shaggy and Scooby running around in a chariot and gladiator wear, running back and forth a la the door gag from Cerberus to the OG SDWAY theme
I think I love this movie
(although they’re hinting at Dynomutt being resentful of OG Blue Falcon essentially abandoning him to his incompetent son, and I really wish it had been touched upon more
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that’s actually rather heartbreaking, when you stop to think about it, and there’s a lot that could be done with an additional two minutes of screentime) 
Huh, another good message for kids: it’s okay to fail and be scared, so long as you keep going and try to do what’s right.
Two good messages for kids in one movie. Not too shabby, on the whole. 
Brian Falcon just flew in and punched the three-headed dog, then jumped into its mouth as it tried to eat Scooby, resisted the MASSIVE JAW STRENGTH, and got them out of there safe and sound
Finally, something heroic!
I was wondering where Dastardly and Muttley got off to - apparently they’re off to take a money bath.
Shag and Scoob have now convinced the Rotten Robots to turn into bowling balls to knock Cerberus off their feet a la the classic marbles pratfall back into the underworld
That is a sentence I just wrote
I mean i know its a kids film specifically Scooby Doo so happy ending but what the literal FUCK
“Buddy, back when we were kids, you saved me. Now, it’s my turn.”
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Shaggy: I yelled at my dog, got him kidnapped, and ended up helping the bad guy to open the gates to Hell. Guess I’ll die. 
Dee Dee: Well actually, this is more Dastardly’s fault because -
Shaggy, yelling as he slams his hand against the lock: GUESS I’LL DIE!!!
Ah, so the writers wrote themselves into a corner, and the only way out was a Deus Ex Machina (at least, I think I’m using that term correctly…) 
Because to get Shaggy back, a giant statue of Alexander the Great and Peritas appears out of nowhere - literally, since it definitely wasn’t there before - with an inscription Scooby has to read to get Shaggy back.
This would have been a lot more effective if we’d seen it when Dastardly arrived in Greece - maybe even as the marker for where the gate to the Underworld was. Have Alexander facing one way, and Peritas facing the other. You open the gate on Alexander’s side, and come home on Peritas’ side. Having this unfold into the gate gives it more purpose than “magically appears right the fcuk outta nowehere” and you could have a pun with the “backdoor” escape. Everybody wins!
And if that’s too good for ya, how about a brief lingering shot by it at some point as Dastardly flies into Greece, behind where the gate materializes, or directly across from it on the plaza? Maybe have one of the gang kick it after Shaggy leaves, and say ‘This is all your fault! Why would you make something like this?’
It’d still be a magical contrivance, but at least it would make some fcuking SENSE.
(Granted it DID lead to this hilariously ominous shot, so maybe I shouldn’t complain:)
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Velma: I finally figured out what you guys are! You’re the heart of Mystery Inc.
Shaggy: *rips off Dastardly’s face to reveal…*
Me, choking on food: I’m sorry WHAT?!?!?
Velma: *takes off mask again to reveal*
Dastardly: Drat! No one ever goes for the double unmasking. 
So I was right all along - Simon Cowell truly was a Dick this entire time.
And so we close on the gang unveiling a Mystery Machine paint job on their official detective agency building, Brian Falcon living the good life as the DJ at their party, the Falcon team gifting a sleek new Mystery Machine to the gang (which honestly looks pretty unique - it’s not the classic, but it is something new that isn’t awful, so kudos there), and the gang on their way to another mystery.
So, at the end of the day is this a good Scooby movie? 
Meh? *waves hand in meh motion* But it definitely had its moments. 
This Scooby film is flawed as heck, no doubt about it - the plot has a MAJOR problem with telling instead of showing, some parts feeling out of order or WAY too short, and of course the deus ex machina ending. I honestly would have loved some more time for their first mystery as kids, where we actually got more character moments/bonding from Fred, Daphne, and Velma as they solved it the more traditional route, as well as not framing FD&V as super duper mystery solvers right off the bat??? 
The stuff with Blue Falcon isn’t AWFUL, per se, but it is ridiculously satisfying to see him get smacked around. Captain Caveman was honestly one of the funniest bits in the movie, same with Dynomutt. 
As far as the character stuff? It all felt fairly natural, progression-wise. Shag and Scoob don’t have this big break-up with the gang - they’re hurt by the literal Dickhead’s comments the gang don’t speak up against, and go to blow off some steam together. Shag and Scoob don’t have this giant blow-up argument - it builds over the film into a hurt spat they both recognize they overreacted to almost immediately. The gang (FDV) go looking for them almost as soon as they leave, and, upon hearing they’re in danger, turn and head towards them to save them, realizing how important the two are to Mystery Inc along the way. They defend each other, help each other, have some of the Best Dang Animated Mystery Inc hugs I ever did see - THIS feels more like the Gang I’ve been waiting for forever to come back to DTV (and in a rough sense, did). While I do wish we’d gotten more screen time of FD&V, what we got wasn’t too bad. 
Weirdly enough, at the end of the day, I’ve actually grown more accustomed to Forte’s Shaggy - it feels like it fits this different style a touch more than I originally thought, and holy hell if I didn’t come close to tears at that ending gate scene, he knocked that one out of the park.  Velma still doesn’t feel much like Velma, but I did get used to it by the end. I kept cracking up at Efron’s Fred, and no complaints on Seyfried’s Daphne.
Jason Isaacs as Dick Dastardly absolutely killed it. Blue Falcon Crew was okay (excepting Mark “The Racist” Wahlburg - it was just him talking, no real effort. You could recognize Wahlburg right off the bat, acting as a goofy douche) and freaking Captain Caveman was awesome. Apparently they combined both Billy West and Don Messick’s recordings for Muttley (awesome!!!), so this may very well be Don Messick’s final role in a Scooby Doo film. 
It got off to a rough start, but ended well enough. The animation was solid, the writing has some unexpectedly clever and funny moments sprinkled throughout, with some pretty fun action sequences on the side. Watching this, I really do believe that the people working on it love Scooby Doo and all things Hanna-Barbera… at least in their own way. 
I ended up buying this instead of just renting it ($5 more, why not) and I am honestly glad I did so. Despite its flaws, it has some great moments with the gang as friends, and I have been Craving That Shit for DECADES
And if these writers/directors ever did another Scooby film? I think I’d be up for giving them a chance - at least so long as we got some more absolutely BEAUTIFUL hugs with the gang
I hope you enjoyed this stream-of-consciousness reaction to SCOOB! (2020)... a whole ass year LATER, admittedly (I didn’t switch my Save Post to Queue, curse my hubris), but hopefully y’all’ve been entertained. Good night everybody!
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ttgpics · 4 years
You know when I was a kid I wanted a crossover special between the Teen Titans and the Scooby gang. But with the 2003 version of the Teen Titans. I really hope they actually do that with Scooby Doo and Guess Who. Will you post pics of the episode crossover?
(Once again, apologies for not getting to this sooner)
Ooh a teen titans scooby doo crossover wouldve been so fun. It would make for a good light hearted episode right before the end of season gut punch. I guess scooby and shaggy would’ve got along well with bb and cy. Robin and Fred might bump heads a little but I think overall Fred’s a little chiller than serious 03 robin.
The crossover ep for ttg was cartoon feud right? Sorry I didn’t get to this before hand but i guess you already saw we posted a couple back when the ads for that ep were up.
Edit: just realized I saved several images but only posted one, very on brand of me. They’ll be in the queue right away
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alexcutlersblog · 3 years
Let’s Talk About Theme Park Queues
For those who missed my last article on Japanese theme parks check it out here!
So this week on Queue-ality Assurance I thought I would live up to my name and talk about some of my favorite theme park queues. Waiting in lines in a theme park can be the absolute worst, which is why I really appreciate when theme parks go out of their way to go in and the queues as interesting as possible.
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First off, I want to talk about a Nostalgic favorite of mine, from good old King's Island. Scooby-Doo's Haunted Mansion (now called Boo-Blasters on Boo Hill) was really the first themed queue I remember being in. When looking at it now, it may not seem like much but back in the day I loved it. The creepy haunted house aesthetic, the little LED eyes that would show through the fake windows, it just screams spooky. Not to mention that Shaggy and Scooby used to come out and entertain the audience every once and awhile, before the renovation.
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Another childhood line I remember enjoying, also from King's Island, is the 1996 launch coaster known as Flight of Fear. This ride is literally just themed off of the X-Files. Flying Saucers, secret military base, conspiracies, it's obvious. Keep in mind that this show also used to be loosely based on the 90's version of The Outer Limits, which amounted to little besides a references in the preshow. Speaking of which, the fact that a non-Disney or Universal park actually had a video that played before the ride was awesome to me as a kid. Speaking of the video, it's actually like super cool. It's like a mobius strip, where the end and beginning feed into each other. While a little cheesy, I think that it is definitely worth a watch.
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Okay now time for the big boys. Disney and Universal. Now I don’t really want to mention the super new or modern ones, because that would be lame (and I am not lame). So instead I am going to mention Peter Pan’s Flight. This queue blew my mind as a kid because it did something no other line I knew did, it was interactive. There was a ton of fun little minigames you could try out, and it was so cool. It always has a special place in my heart, even if some lines are objectively better.
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Okay I want to mention one more because it is just super cool. Skull Island: Reign of Kong is a mediocre attraction that has one major get. It has one of the most impressive facades I have ever seen. I have this vivid memory of walking down the path at Islands of Adventure only to see this gigantic wall stand before us, I was honestly blown away, it’s truly massive. And it doesn’t stop once you get inside, because the indoor queue is actually super awesome as well. It actually has an animatronic, one of those robot looking things they have in rides, in the line itself. This super well-animated priestess chants forebodingly about Kong, and it really sets the tone of the ride. There’s also these terrifying creatures in the line, like an animatronic worm monster that looks really lifelike. Man, if only the ride itself lived up to waiting in line for it.
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0 notes
sohannabarberaesque · 6 years
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Postcards from Snagglepuss: So it's back on the road, but cautiously
Anyhow, that storm which forced me and Huckleberry Hound--and, as luck would have it, Scooby-Doo's crew--into an "old-school" motel of Walensburg, Colorado blew itself out. But not before word came around that travel delays on I-25 might remain likely up to, and through, Raton Pass and into New Mexico as road crews from The Centennial State and The Land of Enchantment worked constantly to clear the path, apply sand and road salt even, considering I-25's importance as the key route connecting El Paso, Albuquerque, Colorado Springs, Denver and towards Yellowstone Park, joining I-90 near Sheridan, Wyoming, and getting traffic to and from the Pacific Northwest besides.
Soon after lunch, at the innkeeper's expense--hot tomato soup and grilled-cheese sandwiches essentially--the manager got some news from the Colorado State Patrol: I-25 will be reopening up to near Raton in a couple hours, what with breakthrough of drifts through Raton Pass expected. But low speeds were advised, considering the slickness of the roads, the sharp temperatures and the likelihood of long traffic queues throughout towards Raton ("So don't try to rush it out to the Interstate," he added).
Such news was enough to quicken the hearts of as much myself and Huckleberry Hound as Scooby-Doo's crew ... so, as precaution against possible prolonged delays in the traffic through Raton Pass and into New Mexico, we stopped at a decent little convenience store and stocked ourselves up on a vacuum bottle of hot coffee (and rather strong such, at that) and some cheese danishes. And considering Shaggy's legendary fondness for "the munchies" (which, mind you, has no drugs-related associations, contrary to what you may be thinking), several boxes of donuts and snack cakes were picked up as well. Not to mention plenty of gas.
... and so, under Colorado State Patrol escort, we were out of Walensburg and back onto I-25 southbound not long after. And considering the treacherous conditions still likely going into Trinidad and Raton Pass, the speed limit was advised as being only about 50 miles per hour. With several over-the-road trucks as well, the speed was essentially only 35 mph tops. Which was essentially the distance between Walensburg and Trinidad on I-25, for the most part. And you could still sense highway crews here and there making sure the highway was clear; you dodn't want to get caught dead with a jack-knifed semi trailer in the median, or otherwise caught on the railroad tracks close to the freeway as Raton Pass approached.
Hot convenience-store coffee couldn't have tasted better in such conditions wrought by a Major Winter Storm, come to think of it, even going through Raton Pass and into New Mexico. Understandably, the downgrade is rather steep, and in the wake of salt and sand being applied, making the going a bit slick, caution has to come into the equation somehow. Especially in a Mini Cooper like that of yours truly.
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Isla's trip from Summer Bay to Hollywood
New Post has been published on http://funnythingshere.xyz/islas-trip-from-summer-bay-to-hollywood/
Isla's trip from Summer Bay to Hollywood
Isla Fisher
Isla Fisher and her husband, comedian Sacha Baron Cohen
Isla’s trip from Summer Bay to Hollywood
The idea for Tag, Isla fisher concedes, “is one of those high concepts that can either completely work or completely not work”.
The idea for Tag, Isla fisher concedes, “is one of those high concepts that can either completely work or completely not work”.
Based on a true story, it features a group of men in their 40s (including Jon Hamm and Jeremy Renner) who play… well, a long-standing game of tag, with each other, traversing time zones and wedding ceremonies, as they are profiled by a (mostly silent) journalist from The Wall Street Journal. There are special effects, rapid fire jokes, toilet humour aplenty and a heartwarming story of lasting friendship.
It’s the type of action-comedy kidult fare you half expect to involve Adam Sandler – but one key difference is that the women here are not the disapproving foils, but instead hold their own in the jape stakes. Fisher says she took on the role because she already knew Jon Hamm and when she met director Jeff Tomsic (whose debut feature this is) he seemed to have a great vision for the story.
“A lot of what I did here is improvised. I based my character on Joe Pesci in Goodfellas and I got to sort of be him and think about what he would do. I’ve been doing my bit about having tiny ginger balls for years for instance. I have a puerile sense of humour and I love being silly and making people laugh.”
Isla Fisher and her husband, comedian Sacha Baron Cohen
Fisher has a solid record of making successful comedies, including Confessions of a Shopaholic and The Wedding Crashers, and says her natural comic timing stemmed from a peripatetic childhood.
She was born in Oman to Scottish parents and when she was a child her father’s work with the United Nations took them to live in Perth, Australia.
“It’s really hard to make friends when you’re the new girl with red hair, giant ears and a funny accent,” she says. “We’d travelled to a different school every year because of my parents’ work and making a fool of yourself really ingratiates you with people, and I think that was when I really learned the power of being silly.”
Fisher made her first on-screen appearances in ads on Australian television at the age of nine, and made her professional acting debut in 1993, with two guest-starring roles in children’s television.
At 18, with the help of her mother, she published two teen novels, which would themselves foreshadow a later career; in the past few years she has published a number of successful children’s books. But she yearned, most of all, to be an actress. “My parent helped me with my first head shots and drove me to auditions but they’re not stage parents”, Fisher recalls. “There wasn’t a huge (entertainment) industry in Perth, so it seemed like an unusual thing to be doing.”
Isla says growing up in a house of brothers helped her deal with the rough and tumble of the audition process.
“I grew up in a house full of rambunctious teenage boys. I was a bit hardier. My brothers prepared me for a bit of harshness.”
Fisher was best known to Irish 1990s kids as Shannon Reed, a bisexual young woman who develops anorexia, in Home and Away. Fisher says her time on the series was formative.
“I never cringe about it, I loved my time on Home and Away, I made lifelong friends there,” she says.
“It was a wonderful work experience. The turnround for those shows is so quick, the writers are constantly churning out new scenes. And because there are so many new writers on a soap you can sometimes feel like your character isn’t really all that consistent. So you learn how to deliver terrible lines, and trust me that stands to you.”
Fisher transitioned to Hollywood in 2002, with the part of the love interest of Shaggy in the live-action film Scooby-Doo. In common with some of her biggest movies, the film was a commercial but not a critical success, but that was enough to open some doors for her when she moved to America.
“I joined the very end of the queue when I came to America. The only small advantage I had was because I had appeared in Scooby-Doo I was able to get an agent straight away but I feel like during that time I was terrible in audition. I was always not funny enough, or too short or something.”
At the time she was frequently mistaken for Amy Adams, to whom she bears a fairly uncanny resemblance and, like Adams, she says she sometimes struggled with the jocular tone on certain film sets.
“In comedy there can be a type of frat boy humour and it can feel a bit alienating. You have to sort of learn to hold your own.”
She segues into a comment about the Me Too movement and I wonder aloud if she ever had to deal with awkward situations herself?
“Well of course, but I don’t think this is the right time to discuss them. I think there has been a bit of a change in that way though and it’s been amazing to see what the Me Too movement has done in such a short time. People should be paid the same for the job they do regardless of the fact that they have a vagina.”
She’s been married to comedian Sacha Baron Cohen – he of Ali G and Bruno fame – for eight years and they’ve been together for nearly two decades. They have three children together, daughters Olive (born in 2007) and Elula (2011), and a son, Montgomery (2015).
Isla and Sacha met at a party in Sydney and she tells me that it was his sense of humour that first caught her attention.
“I think my husband is the funniest man in the world so that was really what attracted me to him.”
Given that theirs has been one of the more enduring showbiz marriages, I cannot help but wonder what she thinks has been the secret to their longevity as a couple?
“I don’t want to stand on a soapbox and talk about what makes great relationships because I feel like we live in a world where everything is posted on Instagram and it’s nice to have something private just for us. In general, I would say it’s a great idea to have a date night.”
She and Cohen are good friends with Bono and have spent time with him and his wife, Ali, on their yacht, Kingdom Come.
“I’ve been very lucky to spend a bit of time with Bono. He’s been a huge inspiration just personally and professionally and I think he’s an amazing man,” she says. “He also has a great sense of humour.”
All of which means he might enjoy Tag. “Well, it’s a light-hearted and fun film,” Fisher says. “And when the news is so dark and serious I think films like that are even more needed. I hope people love it.”
‘Tag’ is showing in cinemas nationwide from June 29
Sunday Indo Living
Source: https://www.independent.ie/entertainment/movies/movie-news/islas-trip-from-summer-bay-to-hollywood-37015780.html
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