#shakes you: seri and reigen love textile crafts you need to understand the vision
fiendishartist2 ยท 1 year
ok hc list bc i dont want to go to sleep yet:
-reigen likes to crochet and esp likes to make stuff for other ppl. mob's gotten mountains of mittens, hats, coasters, and even the occassional cardigan or sweater. reigen also has mountains of unfinished projects he put down and never picked up again- he bounces from project to project, moving on when his motivation dries out. likes it better than knitting bc its faster and he thinks the variety of stitches is interesting
-serizawa likes to sew, but specifically for cosplay. when halloween rolls around, he makes costumes for the kids and himself. one year, he offhandedly mentioned to reigen a zelda cosplay he never got to wear, and thats how he and reigen ended up accidentally doing a link and zelda couples costume...
-mob has tried to learn both crochet and knitting, but doesn't really get either. crochet is too complicated, and everytime reigen's tried to teach him, it ends up with mob inexplicably tangled up in his own yarn. however, mob does really like videogames, esp life sims and the occasional fighting game. ppl underestimate him bc normally his reflexes aren't great, but he can play competitive level smash bros. his mains are jigglypuff and pikachu
-ritsu likes journaling but absolutely hates drawing. he also doesn't particularly like creative writing. he only really plays games with mob, but occassionally he'll pick up the odd rpg or anything shou wants to play with him (usually minecraft). he's a big pokemon fan but he's a little embarrassed by it, so he doesn't talk about it outside of shou and (after a very surprising conversation) serizawa
-shou didn't really have any hobbies growing up in claw, but now that he can, he wants to try everything. he picks up drawing again after his dad is arrested and, eventually, tries other mediums like oils and spray paint. he doesn't like how long it takes for normal paints to dry but he loves spray paint almost as much as he loves his sketchbook (which was a gift from ritsu; he won't admit it, but he hand-binded the book himself just for shou). likes to play any type of game, but only when with friends. otherwise, he thinks they're kinda lonely. ritsu is his favourite person to draw
-teru loves fashion, but is abysmal at sewing, so his favourite place to go for weird items is the thrift store. he loves the mall, but only ever goes if mob tags along, saying its more fun that way. the only thing he likes more than dressing up, is dressing others up- esp if that person is mob, since they share a style. he likes rhythm games and karaoke a lot and can play the guitar. has a not-so-secret obsession with vocaloid
-tome tries lots of hobbies but never really sticks to one thing. she likes researching aliens and other supernatural phenomena. has thought of starting a podcast, but isn't sure if she could commit herself to it enough. reigen thinks she needs to stop being so much like him if she wants to get anywhere in life... aside from that, she's really into retro games and takes up any chances she can to play with her friends. she cried once, the first time she saw serizawa's videogame collection
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