#shalnark imagines
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•Feitan is not very affectionate
•So cuddles are only on a very rare occasion
•But when you two do cuddle, he doesn't care whether he's the big or little spoon
•He secretly prefers being the little spoon
•He usually falls asleep when you cuddle seeing as he feels safe with you
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•Shalnark lives for cuddles
•He loves it when you're both on your sides, with your head in the crook of his neck
•Although it tickles him, he loves feeling your breath against his neck
•It's a reminder that you're safe with him
•He practically never lets you out of his arms when he comes back from missions
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•You both rarely cuddle
•He's always the big spoon no doubt about it
•He likes to have his arms placed under your neck, and the other hugging your waist tightly
•Once you're in his arms you're staying there for a while
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•Nobunaga is somewhat affectionate, but not overly
•He prefers to cuddle you at night, especially after a long day
•He has his arms pressed against you, while he's holding you closely
•That's the best way to get him to sleep
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•Uvo is overly affectionate
•He wants to cuddle you all the time
•He likes it when you lay on top of him with your arms wrapped around him
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•Chrollo likes to cuddle alot
•He loves it when your leg is across his stomach
•With your head on his chest
•That way he can kiss your forehead and play with your hair
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•Machi is a very affectionate gal
•She likes cuddling in any position
•As long as she's holding you she doesn't care
•But she always has to hold you at night
If you would like headcannons for other hunter x hunter characters cuddling you, please ask! I didnt know which phantom troupe members you would all prefer, but I almost reached my hashtag limit so I stopped with machi.
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