ttoca · 1 year
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Liu Bei’s Army
A gathering of itinerant warriors, scholars and oddballs who flock to the mysterious Han loyalist roaming across the land, gathering support against Cao Cao. Liu Bei is quite the enigma and despite officially holding no land, rank or title, his charisma is quite resounding and he emerges wherever Cao Cao’s influence wavers with legions at his back.
(Back Row) Guan Yu, Zhang Fei
(Upper Row) Zong Deyan, Deng Fang, Shamoke, Yi Ji, Du Pu
(Middle Row) Pang Tong, Jian Yong, Zhuge Liang, Huang Yueying, Liu Weishuo
(Lower Row) Chen Zhen, Zheng Xuan (Seated), Sun Gan, Gan Xiadan, Liu Bei, Mi Qianqi, Mi Zhu, Mi Fang, Fu Shiren
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mayymurderr · 10 months
Why in rehab are they focused on intestines and triggers if this whole world is backed on aa and na just so fracalossi Schwartz and litchko Klinger can have the power to make anyone relapse at anytime Fairmount in Philly . You're using Muslims to do this shit to American citizens with telaviv and telemed because youre all so scared of the whole Danville river rat process. How many overdoses can you call different county coroner for only certain ones. And keep certain people out of certain counties their charges are originally in. So sacavahe and facers aa na brothel just like the Victorian house next to the k9 unit In Gordon just still worried about little girls or what ? Shamoking worried about people claiming they are in love with them to monitor girls and now I'm being directed by Alyssa's fanfic friends from shamokin and wherever else to do this and I hope you all were involved with this and abusing my kids over this schoppy shit or Delano shit or whatever rat hole people are left that dont like people from out of state. Apparently phills bitches in shamokin on your cheerleader teacher cop government conference in Philly are scared to get in trouble for manipulating jealousy some more for the knarr fight club while all of you are supposed to be protected by coal miners and fire works but all we see is abuse and false accusations by the guilty and their kids to keep themselves out of trouble. So no one's stopping anything because all of you have skipped fate and just fucked the fountain of youth program up for all the cardinal brennan kids by lying about the holy Spirit kids being raped and molested at Catholic school so you guys wouldn't get in trouble for getting a 4th grader pregnant now your all voting kids on kid s and just have mccandrew in 2015 threaten my kids lives and been following me around because youre all scared of what people told the doctors and if youre all trying to still erase more medical records and get in the government you all have been involved in some teen challange get discovered porn perlis farm ebarassment or deeath at bush parties arson with fires overdoses and you are all in everyones face saying you have to use and cant do amything but what you eant just like youve always done. Straight edge pagan and warlocks and whatever backs slip and slevas same dead leaves entertainment halestorm and breaking Benjamin icp psychopathic bullshit entertainment war because youre all still recruiting kids and not for the better tempting them to try to sort them. Look at all the cheerleaders around Candice that do the seduce daddy trick so I donr think ange rice is going to be able to take the blame unless you guys wanna black ball her or go after her with kheler more but either way we are doing and saying whatever we can for mentap claritt since like dave horsefield i was denied any psych help and I'm trying to figure out if it wad just for you guys to prove a point or you all have been the one doing this to kids this whole time since people had to trust any believe. Because I technically could have had a mini stroke hitting my head when I was pregnant that got me my aneurysm diagnosis . Talking about cleft palate and miscarriages in Philly walking through making movies in Kensington and still threatening people with fires to remind us you're all alive is crazy when there's been a copy cat from ranshaw somewhere for a long time if we put this shit down and you're all freaking out because you miss what Lordfear used to do for you and gather using twmpest and all the girls you guys have they said forced, cause thats why i had to.
Justing duck bro making up real heavy uh original hardcore uh synthesized not scene hipster uh mainstream fucking names for all the fake facebooks in Pottsville isn't going to help if they have been watching Schwartz unless it's all of you and pirates aa and na doing this stupid tell us how to live life shit and not worry about triggers . Pappy I want that master manipulator shit up for good. Crawford Bob. Please and thank you. Nothing was supposed to repeat to keep blaming and if we are that in everyone's face saying no for hollenbush so the dare program doesn't get blamed for my addiciiom over me cutting myself in mt Carmel in fourth grade by all of you standing around me bullying me in class I got put on psych meds for it. So now I'm being denied medical treatment and brii bailey is trying to find out why everyone's using or it's other strippers escorts and prostitutes that just stripper shamed me in Kensington and took advantage of someone on IOP for behavior and psych my whole life . All throughout Philly you guys did this shit to diver too around the time he went to California. When I was pregnant with my oldest he had put my name in a song and I really feel like they were all involved in this Phill Boyle's making me jealous qnd then working mw up so much i have a baby 3 weeks early qnd the same shut with mccabdrews and strohwcker qith me cutting myself. Because I was the reason nameless fear quit for being born while all the daughters they rejected at skate r way happened at votech to thw boys by rhe same teacher schwartz and strohwcker. So I literally need people to give me time and space to think this through cause the game you all lose ita a different time now . Time to think about what the fucks going on and I can't do this uh reality ghb uh make it seem like it was all a dream or my imagination shit while you're all just loving this . Makes us question how many people you've done this too and the reasoning behind it is ? So for everyone to feel like this right before they die like there is no way out or before they get the fuck it's and quit and relapse.
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💙 Stella x Shamoke 💚 GxB2 x Vlinder Doll
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siumerghe · 8 years
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Romance of the Three Kingdoms characters in Peking Opera
Part III - Shu 2:
Ma Su, Shamoke Jiang Wei, Meng Da
Part I - Wu Part II - Shu 1 Part IV - Wei 1 Part V - Wei 2
Image sources:    1    2
See also:  Meaning of Colors in Peking Opera Masks
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the-archlich · 4 years
Uncle archlich can you tell us the story of the battle of Yi Ling. Was there an actual maze? Or was that something added into DW, and if so why?
Yiling is one of those things where probably 50% of what you heard is true and 50% is total bullshit.
Liu Bei gathered a large army to retake Jing in 221. He achieved initial success in the field, taking the key cities of Wu and Zigui. Lu Xun commanded the defense and eventually halted Liu Bei’s army at Yiling. There was a stalemate for several months, but Lu Xun eventually broke Liu Bei’s advance with a fire attack and inflicted heavy casualties on the retreating army.
Fiction/folklore adds a whole other section of the campaign just to make Zhuge Liang look good. I forget exactly how the Stone Sentinel Maze story goes, but it’s entirely fictitious. So are stories like Shamoke killing Gan Ning (although Shamoke was a tribal leader who assisted Liu Bei in the campaign thanks to Ma Liang). These stories are much older than Dynasty Warriors, and they make for a fun game mechanic even though it’s not true.
I kind of forget what the other fictions about the campaign are.
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newb-rpg · 4 years
o plot ai
Tempo - contemporâneo. Vão existir 2 grupos diferentes em dois locais do mapa diferentes. Vocês pode ter quantos personagens quiser, não se esqueça de descrever em qual grupo você quer estar.
GRUPO 1 - quarto do panico. Se passa na capital de Shamoke, Aspergia. 
Você está participando de um reality show chamado “quarto do panico”. E está entre os finalistas. O jogo começou a alguns meses e está na reta final.  A dois meses e meio você não vê a luz do sol, nem interage com nenhum ser, além da voz computadorizada que te da direcionamentos sobre as provas que devem ser realizadas.
O jogo: Você fica preso em um quarto que não contem nada além de uma cama muito simples e duas portas. Uma delas da acesso a um lugar fechado que não aparece nas câmeras mas ainda sim é monitorado aonde você pode tomar banho e fazer suas necessidades. A outra porta da para um quarto adjacente exatamente igual a este porem sem a cama e é aonde as provas ocorrem. Não existe sistema de votação, quem for pior nas provas é eliminado. Quem for o vencedor ganha alguma regalia, como um prato de comida melhor, uma cama boa por uma noite, ou uma muda de roupa.
Fora isso, suas roupas são macacões justos pretos com detalhes na sua cor favorita e um zíper na parte de trás. Luvas e sapatilhas combinando que são opcionais.
As provas geralmente ou são de logica, ou são de resistência ou puramente sorte. Você entrou nesse programa procurando não só a quantia em dinheiro, mas um emprego de grande prestigio. Você integrará uma equipe de operações especiais investigando acontecimentos misteriosos. São protegidos do governo e podem fazer o que for necessário para obter respostas. A ideia dos testes e do confinamento é testar os limites e separar apenas quem tem o que é necessário para integrar o esquadrão. Além disso, outro fator de interesse para alguns: Quem integrar o grupo tem todos os crimes perdoados e recebe total imunidade e proteção do governo, as leis não se aplicam mais a você.
Você não conhece nenhum dos outros participantes e não recebe noticias de sua família.
Restam apenas duas provas quando o robô te acordando usando aquela frase de sempre sem muita emoção e você sente que algo está errado. As luzes do quarto não se acenderam como de costume. E alguém bate a porta. 
Lá fora o GRUPO DOIS - velhos amigos -  se passa em uma vila na ilha adjacente a Rarlica, chamada de Tigrinha. A vila se chama Vila Prímula.  
Coisas estranhas estão acontecendo a sua volta, e só não vê quem não quer, um grande volume de naves está deixando o planeta e indo para sabe-se lá onde, porém apenas naves de elite com passageiros exorbitantemente ricos e que preenchem alguns quesitos podem embarcar e deixar o planeta. Isso abre brecha para algumas interpretações. As hipóteses mais populares da mídia são expansão territorial, ou o medo do planeta estar sendo devastado de forma irremediável ou ainda uma teoria sobre criar uma colonia que não acolhe todo tipo de pessoa.
Mas falemos de você, na sua infância você teve o melhor grupo de amigos que poderia desejar, alguns se deslocaram para longe, passaram mais de 20 anos, você se sente distante deles, todos criaram suas próprias vidas e perderam contato, mas vocês estão retornando para se encontrarem novamente, em sua cidade natal, para o baile tradicional que ocorre de 50 em 50 anos, a vila em que vocês nasceram não mudou nada, é o que você descobre ao chegar. Mal pode esperar para reencontrar seus amigos, que você sabe que estarão lá pois vocês fizeram um tipo de pacto. Prometeram estar lá não importa o que acontecesse.
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spiritsncrystals · 5 years
adrian gecko?
What I like/dislike about them. : Tbh i liked his early motives, the ones before He decided to team with yubel. It was just kinda interesting. And then there's his backstory. Going from Just an orphan stranded in the dessert to then becoming the heir to one of the worlds richest company's it starts out like a bit of an Annie tale for amon, a home,a friend, love. A definite Annie like tale. Until he gets that news. His adoptive parents are having a baby that will Become their true heir. Its like they were taking away what he got right before him. It was no longer he got it, it was now he had to work for what he wanted. And thus things started going downhill. Also I hate how he took advantage of echos feelings just so he could used exodia.
What I like about Their design.: I like the necklace he has. I think it's supposed to be like a shamok necklace??
Do I prefer their dub names or original names?: I don't mind his dub name. But I call him amon more.
OTP-NOTP OT3: If I had to ship him it would be with echo but. We all know how that went. I don't exactly have a notp but a ship I've seen on the early fanart tag of judai on pixiv is amon and him. It's not my NOTP but rather, just a ship I can't really see how it works\find the connecting point. And I have no OT3
favourite card they used: Ik I missed this with the last two but honestly I didn't know with the last two,this one it's obviously exodia (despite the fact he killed edo w him)
Favourite scene they were in: HIS DEATH. (ok if it weren't that it'd be the muscle fight between him and cobra)
Would I fuck marry or kill them? I'd let yubel kill him again. Just not in johan's body this time.
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gao-rar · 6 years
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Still low-key haunted over what the character designers meant when they said Xun You's default outfit in Dynasty Warriors 9 was 'ethnic', or that's how it was translated into English at least. Like non-Han Chinese ethnic? Like hufu, the terminology they used for the clothing of the peoples surrounding them in the northwest that they uh, often didn't have a very high opinion of???
It admittedly doesn't look exactly Han, but at the same time the devs have never been super duper concerned about historical accuracy in their character designs, and I'm by no means an expert on that sort of thing.
This is the fun of having to try and figure out something through not one, but two language barriers, between the devs speaking Japanese and their source supposedly being in Chinese. Trust me, trying to garner meaning out of written Japanese when you only know Chinese is like trying to make a stone building out of some fun little pebbles you found.
I would probably be able to dig through the document personally if I could find it, but it's a source I only know supposedly exists (it's claimed to come from Cao Cao's written description of Xun You) and haven't been able to find for myself, so who knows. I wouldn't be surprised if it's never even been translated into English.
If you're wondering why on earth I care, I just think non-Hans need to be included in the conversation more. I know Ma Chao had some Qiang heritage according to the sgz, and Dong Zhuo supposedly spent some of his youth among the Qiang and Xiongnu. The Nanman are obvious, and Liu Bei aligned with Shamoke, who was the king of uh...
Some non-Han group. It doesn't seem like anyone ever bothered to mention which one, exactly. And I think that perfectly illustrates how hard it can be to find reliable sources on them, since Han historians often weren't terribly concerned about what was going on with the peoples surrounding them if it didn't directly involve the Han. It's the ethnocentrism, you know.
I have been tempted to ask my sister since she knows some Japanese, but a lot of the time I'm reluctant to do so for reasons that I won't get into.
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linuxgamenews · 4 years
Total War: THREE KINGDOMS bring the The Furious Wild to Linux
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The Furious Wild expansion pack releases now for the Total War: THREE KINGDOMS game on Linux and Mac with Windows PC. Thanks to developer CREATIVE ASSEMBLY and Feral Interactive for the port. Now available for all to experience via Humble Store, Steam and the Feral Store. The Furious Wild brings the first ever map extension to Total War: THREE KINGDOMS. As well as new, unique units. The expansion pack also sees a distinctive culture, the Nanman. While they emerge from the dense and dangerous jungles of southern China. Looking to spell an end to the reign of the arrogant northern warlords. Four new factions are playable, each with distinct warlords, strategies and mechanics. Ferocious tigers and thundering elephant mounted warriors. All among over 25 new units available to players. As you work to terrorise enemies. The Furious Wild has you command the might of the Southern tribes. All while exploring new areas of the Total War: THREE KINGDOMS map. Letting you game on Linux and Mac now. So, can you unify the tribes and take on the mighty Han? Or will the unrelenting jungles reclaim your crumbling ambitions?
Total War: Three Kingdoms – The Furious Wild out now
A New Culture Rises; The Nanman THE FURIOUS WILD introduces four new warlords from the Nanman tribes. All as playable factions within the THREE KINGDOMS campaign. Since this features Meng Huo, Lady Zhurong, King Mulu and King Shamoke. Likewise, each of these peerless warriors have unique story arcs and mechanics. As well as victory conditions and units to experience. Separated they are vulnerable, but together, they might just be unstoppable.
More Than 25 New Units With the might of the tribes and nature at their fingertips. The Nanman force back the unrelating expansion of the Han Empire. While including a host of unique units available for recruitment. From Elephant Riders and Tiger Warriors to the Followers of Flame & the Shields of the South. THE FURIOUS WILD also represents a truly unique addition to warfare in ancient China.
Expanded Campaign Map The verdant jungles of southern China are a beautiful. Even more, they are a deadly extension of the THREE KINGDOMS campaign map. This expansion includes new territories to explore and conquer. As well as a rework of the entire THREE KINGDOMS campaign map. Since this better represents China and adds greater tactical depth to gameplay.
Game Update and Free Content included
Free Content All players of THREE KINGDOMS will be able to gain access to a brand new character. Doing so in the form of Shi Xie. This influential member of the imperial government sits far from the imperial capital. Due his learning how to make the most of the power he exerts in his remote province. As as a result manipulates Han and Nanman alike to increase his reach.
Game Update The Furious Wild also welcomes in the next update for all THREE KINGDOMS players. Patch 1.6 certainly grants access to several new features. Which should also be included in the game. Such as gate battles and flame firing Juggernaut artillery. Due to a front end rework and much more. Additional details on the accompanying patch can be found here.
The Furious Wild expansion pack releases for the game on Linux and Mac along with Windows PC. Now available for all to experience via Humble Store, Steam and the Feral Store. Due note, Steam does offer a 10% discount off the $18.99 USD / £14.99 / €18,99 price.
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combogamer · 4 years
La expansión The Furious Wild llega a 'Total War: Three Kingdoms'
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The Furious Wild, que saldrá a la venta el 3 de septiembre, es el primer pack de expansión de Total War: Three Kingdoms que introduce cuatro facciones nuevas y una ampliación del extenso mapa de la China del siglo III. Explora las peligrosas selvas del sur, hogar de las temibles tribus Nanman. Su historia te espera. Ve el nuevo tráiler aquí: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cB46ve7p40E En las exuberantes selvas del sur de China, unas fuerzas hasta ahora desconocidas para muchos comienzan a despertar. Las dispares tribus de los Nanman han permanecido divididas durante siglos, pero ha llegado la hora de que se alce un nuevo líder que las unifique, cueste lo que cueste...  Juega con los formidables señores de la guerra tribales —Meng Huo, el rey Mulu, Lady Zhurong y el rey Shamoke—, y utiliza mecánicas y armas de guerra únicas contra aquellos que amenazan tu tierra, desde mazas llameantes y unidades con cerbatanas, hasta elefantes y tigres venerados. Read the full article
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askroahmmythril · 7 years
(Part 2) Then Lu Lingqi has Xing Cai Sword and Shield weapon. (More sadness). I thought giving My Lingqi her father's weapon from dw6 was clever and it made her a force to be reckoned with!! Other characters with those weapons have not been revealed so idk if those other characters will have their latest corresponding weapons again? Xun You is a new character revealed. (Sorry, no Shamoke, yet)!! He's another Wei strategist? Wei looks to be the kingdom with the over all strategist then Wu.
Wow, really?  Going back to cloned movesets?  That’s.... super disappointing after how good 8 was...
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jobscircularbd · 5 years
Fire Service Govt BDJobs Circular F2020
Fire Service Govt BDJobs Circular F2020
পোস্টটি পড়ুন ও শেয়ার করুন । শেয়ার করার জন্য অগ্রিম ধন্যবাদ।
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seemabtechno · 6 years
Newspapers from Bangladesh: Here is a list of the dominant free online Newspapers, Magazines, news websites, online television and radio channels from Bangladesh having access to the current news on local and international affairs.
o        Al Ihsan
o        Amader Protidin
o        Amader Shomoy
o        Bangla Times24
o        Bangladesh Sangsbad Sangstha
o        Banagladesh Sun
o        Bangladesh Today
o        BD 64
o        BD News 24
o        BD News Every Day
o        BD View 24
o        BD Web News
o        Bhorer Kagoj
o        Blitz
o        Daily Manab Zamin
o        Daily Star
o        Destiny
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o        Financial Express
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o        Inqilab
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o        Naya Diganta
o        New Age
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o        News from Bangladesh
o        News Net
o        News Today
o        Prothom Alo
o        Real Time News Network
o        Sangbad
o        Sangram
o        Shamokal
o        Taranga News Service
o        The Daily Jugantor
o        United News of Bangladesh
o        Purbanchal
o        The Sylhet Times
       New York Times Bangladesh
o        Bangla Report
o        Bangladesh News Online | Dhaka Insider (EN)
o        Bangladesh Sun (EN)
o        BartaBangla (BN)
o        Daily Inqilab (BN)
o        Daily Janakantha (BN)
o        Daily Naya Diganta
o        Manabzamin
o        New Age (EN)
o        Prothom Alo (BN)
o        The Bangladesh Today (EN)
o        The Daily Amader Shomoy
o        The Daily Bhorer Kagoj
o        The Daily Ittefaq
o        The Daily Purbanchal
o        The Daily Sangbad (In Bengali only)
o        The Daily Sangram
o        The Daily Star (EN)
o        The New Nation (EN)
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valothakun · 6 years
মিরপুর ইনস্টিটিউট অব সায়েন্স অ্যান্ড টেকনোলজি (এমআইএসটি) নিয়োগ
মিরপুর ইনস্টিটিউট অব সায়েন্স অ্যান্ড টেকনোলজি (এমআইএসটি) নিয়োগ
Job Location: Dhaka
Published On: 19 May, 2018 Salary: Negotiable
Source: Daily Shamokal Application Deadline: 03 Jun, 2018 Applicant must enclose his/her Photograph with CV
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the-archlich · 4 years
What do you mean? He was literally chosen because he's the only Nanman tribesmen that has a connection to the Han Chinese. "But one of the factions is King Shamoke – he fought for Liu Bei quite a lot during the later periods of the Three Kingdoms, and was known to be split between the Han and his own people. He’s the only Nanman that actually can become the Emperor."
Again, I’m trying to treat these like they are legitimate inquiries so for anyone who is confused:
Lu Xun’s biography (the only one I know that references Shamoke 沙靡柯 directly) just calls him a “barbarian king” 胡王. Ma Liang’s biography says that he was sent to the commandery of Wuling 武陵 to recruit the Wuxi 五溪 tribes and others who previously submitted to Liu Bei. Shamoke is thus assumed to be the leader of the Wuxi, although it is possible he led one of the other tribes Ma Liang recruited.
Either way, the peoples of Wuling have never been considered to be part of the same group that lived in Nanzhong. They were an entirely different culture, with a different history and different traditions. They probably shared similarities with the tribes of the Ba region, but not with those of Nanzhong. There’s no definition by which Shamoke should be considered part of the same group.
Regardless, many of the leaders in Nanzhong did have close ties to the Han Chinese. The powerful families of the region (like the Yong, Meng, Li, and Cuan) were descended from Han settlers and many tribal leaders (like Gao Dingyuan) had their authority recognized by Han.
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