#shampoo plays ffxiv
shampoohamandcheese · 6 months
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3.26.2024 | Quests to do and my invertory. I wish there was a way to see it all listed up like a excel or just text list so you can keep tabs on things you own and in the choco bag too.
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yappingespurr · 2 months
Cass: My WoL
This Au’ra is a literal menace to society yet also the hero… Somehow.
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Yeah, I’m in the FFXIV scene. I’m a Square nerd and my friends pulled me into 14 like it was a normal Wednesday afternoon.
Cassahn Drache is the little brother to Alyssa Drache. He’s my warrior of light canonically, but he isn’t exactly… happy about it. It’s not that he doesn’t enjoy adventuring. He just hates having to fight for everyone’s safety.
However, being the WoL doesn’t mean he can’t have fun with it. He’s been causing chaos since he was a young lizzer.
How may you ask? Allow me to give you some examples.
As a small child, he would literally bite anyone’s ankles. ESPECIALLY ones who would get too close to his older sister
He would also: Attack said people with a tiny lance that could and would make you bleed. Gods know how many times Alyssa tried to get it off of him
Cass would consistently and always sneak out of the house even if Alyssa would lock the doors. Turns out he atuned to an Aetheryte to get out of the house and always left a window slightly cracked open to get back inside. Arashi(bf oc)and Alyssa are still trying to figure out how he got the gil (It was Mother Miounne)
As stated in the PJ post: You run the risk of walking in on him sleeping ass crack naked in bed. Along with that he would potentially walk down to get a drink in said nakedness.
He torments Erenville with a hum in his voice. You would think they’d get along? Especially when Cass almost hears his old name. And I quote: “WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR NAME ERENSMERIN?!”
He has threatened to blow up Camp Dragonhead multiple times and has started fires on purpose to “scare” Haurchefant…. He actually only does it to get the noble’s attention because he sees him as an older brother.
He was the child who would go out into the wilderness of Gridania. Find some form of a raccoon. Bring it home and let it loose in the house. He was that type of feral
Cass would intentionally put something you’re allergic to into your drink or food and make it look like it isn’t in there. Arashi has been a victim of this. The au’ra was then sent on a mission as punishment
He would regularly be picked up by the Wood Wailers. Not arrested of course, just taken home. Dropped on the door step with; “Miss Drache… We found your brother again.”
If there was an FFXIV equivalent to Nair… Only the gods could protect you from this man. Hide your shampoo and conditioner.
Estinien and Cass are great friends surprisingly. DRG to DRG type friendship… Cass did insult the elezen with all of the poor gil choices.
He would sneak out of Camp Dragonhead with a boombox. WHILE EVERYONE IS ASLEEP. Hide in a tree and play dragon sounds. Asshole
Cass has stolen a precious stuffed animal before and held it hostage. It was not a fun day for anyone
The au’ra will in fact blackmail someone. He is not opposed to it. If he figures out dirt on you, you’re fucked.
Mans literally gives zero fucks. He is a “Get it done NOW” person. The waiting game is his worst enemy.
That’s only some of the examples.
Cassahn is just a menace to society despite being the WoL. That fact does not change even though some traumatic events happen.
He does care: He just doesn’t enjoy showing it. When hi s sister went missing it was as if a part of him died. He never really recovered.
He still causes chaos. Still torments people, but at the end of the day.. As much as he hates being it. He understands his purpose and his duty, and does his job.
….That doesn’t mean he does it right all the time
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winged-void · 2 years
multiples of 6 :3
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Because I'm a silly funny typea gal ok. I do the silly funny things :3
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Hopefully good! Yesterday was shitty and bad but I watched anime with my wife this morning and soon I'm gonna go play ffxiv and maybe watch anime with one of my best good friends
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Shampoo and conditioner? I use mane and tail which is apparently funny to many people but it's the only thing that makes my lil hairs behave. Used to be soooo painful for me to brush but now it's ok
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Eating something yumnie before going back inside where we both damned belong <3
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Prombly. My wife and I tend to make ourselves tea to drink in bed, which means the mugs don't go to the dishes immediately which means sometimes they stay a lil while. We're not clean people.
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For this blog only like twice. I don't remember the original but it was once fairly-local-regional-at-best when I was into twenty one pilots before they totally sold out, and eventually I got embarrassed and made it this, just based on my current universal username.
In total is more complicated. My first blog I made in middle school was actually a Canon url, albeit a cringe one. "dr-whooves". I changed that around a couple times but I don't even have the login for that anymore. And then my actual main blog on this account is now rellysshamefularchive, which used to be my long time league of legends rp blog, which was how I met many of my long time tumblr friends.
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I mean discord for talking to the girlies but also like. Tachiyomi for manga. I am pretty out of arknights rn which happens fairly often. I've been playing a distracting little dice game on my phone called slice and dice. That's preddy good
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
5k Survey LX
Is it true that you... 3051. are politically correct? >> I don’t know what this actually means and I’m not inclined to try and figure it out. 3052. are too nice to say how you feel? >> I don’t say how I feel not out of niceness but because I don’t comprehend why anyone would want that information. 3053. don't think the world government affects you? >> The “world government”? What on earth is that? 3054. think that all people who are fat are ugly? >> False. 3055. think all people who are thin are shallow? >> False. For the record, I don’t think of people in general terms like this often at all.
3056. think you are getting solid information from advertisements? >> I don’t pay attention to advertisements. They have nothing to offer me. 3057. don't research the products you use? >> No, I don’t. Not unless I’m given reason to. Otherwise, that’s a lot of time and energy to spend for little return. 3058. believe that the lives of the people you love are somehow more important than the lives of the 6 billion other peeople in the world? >> Of course they’re more important -- to me. That’s how it works. I don’t comprehend how it could work any other way, tbh. 3059. believe that the lives of your country men or woman are somehow more valuble than the lives of people from other countries? >> I don’t care about people based on what country they’re in... it’s about their connection to me, like I just agreed a question ago. 3060. believe your ideas are somehow worth more than the ideas of others? >> Worth more in what sense? Like, my ideas are important to me because... they’re mine. Other people’s ideas can be interesting. Sometimes I adopt them and other times I ignore them and yet other times I’m just neutral to them. I don’t know what else to say about this. 3061. repress things rather than deal with them? >> I try not to repress things. It’s a long-standing habit and I’m working on it. 3062. mindlessly self indulge? >> I don’t mindlessly do anything. 3063. think there is only one right way? >> To what? 3064. think that this one right way could possibly be right for ALL of the 6 billion people on this planet? >> --- 3065. Decide something is UNTRUE just because you don't AGREE with it or you don't LIKE it? >> If I don’t like a fact, then I just don’t like it. I’m not going to declare that it’s not a fact, I’m just going to complain about it. 3066. What do you think of the out-dated chinese custom of foot-binding (tieing a baby girl's toes under her foot, even if you have to break the bone, making her walk with her toes under her foot(or hobble) because chinease men like small fett)? >> What am I supposed to think about it? I don’t think I need to have an opinion about this. 3067. What do you think of plastic surgery? >> Nothing? Like, it’s a thing that exists and people have it done sometimes. What of it? 3068. Is there a difference between foot binding and plastic surgery? What? Are there any similarities between foot-binding and plastic surgery? What? >> The similarity is that they’re both body modification. The differences are everything else, I guess. 3069. Would you be likely to continue reading a book that began: 'It was a bright, defrosted, pussy-willow day at the onset of Spring, and the newlyweds were driving cross-country in a large roast turkey.'? >> Probably not. 3070. If I don't quit smoking then I will sing a song. If I sing a song then I either play an instrument or run a mile. I do not play an instrument or run a mile. Therefore I quit smoking. Is this a valid argument? >> I cannot parse this. 3071. What came first, the acorn or the tree? >> I guess the acorn did. Who knows. 3072. What is surrealism? If you were putting together a surrealist work of art, what would you do? >> I’m sure Wikipedia has a great breakdown on the surrealist movement. I have no interest in being a surrealist artist. 3073. What did you do on Halloween? >> Last Halloween I was in New Orleans on my honeymoon and we went out in ostentatious goth outfits and had a great time. 3074. Some bees have made a comfortable nest for the winter inside your air conditionar. How would you remove the air conditioner from the window? >> The air conditioner is built into our unit, I doubt it’s removeable by the average tenant. The maintenance crew can take care of the bees. 3075. Why is quiet contemplation important? >> I consider it important because it’s a way to sort out my thoughts without having my attention fractured or monopolised by the rest of the world (especially the digital part of the world). It’s important to me to be acquainted with the colour and expanse of my interior life. 3076. Do you spend lots of time in quiet contemplation? How about any time? If not, what distracts you? >> Not lots of time, no. Some time, sure. 3077. What is the lowest you have ever felt? >> Er, low enough to plan suicide? I don’t know how else to answer this? 3078. Who has changed your life dramatically for the better? >> Can Calah. 3079. Is all you christmas shopping done? >> I don’t do Christmas shopping. 3080. Who is the greatest writer you can think of and why? >> --- 3081. Are people either good or evil? >> --- 3082. Can people be BOTH good an evil? >> --- 3083. Is there good in a rapist or a murderer? Is there evil in Mother Thereasa? >> --- 3084. You are in a classroom setting. A teacher has asked for a surrealist project. One person comes in with cards. Each card has a picture. Some of the pictures are a breast, a penis, a urinal, open heart surgery, a woman sucking on a vaccum tube, etc. On the back of each picture is a phrase like 'Fuck you and all of your lesbian fish eating friends' or 'people who speak in metaphors oughtta shampoo my crotch'. The artist asks each person to take a random card, go around the room and at their turn hold up the card with the picture side out and read the phrase on the back. Would you do it? >> This... is legitimately making no sense to me. What the fuck is this. How would you feel about it? What do you think the artist's intent is? 3085. Are you satisfied? >> With what? 3087. How fast do you drive? >> I don’t drive. 3088. What do you want that you don't need? >> All the time in the world to play FFXIV to my heart’s content. 3089. What do you have that you wish you didn't? >> Bills. 3090. What does it mean when someone suggests that you don't own your possessions, they own you? >> As I understand it, they are speaking of the pitfalls of consumerism and placing too much value on acquisition for acquisition’s sake. Or they’re just zealously anti-stuff and probably run a minimalism channel on Youtube. 3091. Where do you get motivation? >> I don’t bother with the nebulous concept of motivation. I just figure out how to work with my brain to get things done without making myself feel like shit in the process. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don’t. That’s just the way it is. 3092. Did you ever wanna get with one of your teachers? Did you ever actually get with one? >> Considering my fucked-up social development, I don’t think I actually understood what I wanted when I thought I wanted to be intimate with a teacher. Or any adult who showed me positive (or “positive”) attention, at that point. 3093. Have you ever had this happen, where one day you completely believe one thing and the next day you don't believe it anymore? If yes, do you lie about your change of beliefs in order to appear consistant? >> I mean, maybe. Not sure if it happened quite that dramatically; sometimes I don’t notice my own views shifting and it might seem like I just “woke up one day and believed something different” but in reality it was a gradual process that happened behind the scenes. I usually just go along with it and if someone has a problem with me changing my mind then I know damn well that’s their problem, not mine. 3094. Do you hide things about yourself from others? If so why? Is it because you are afriad they will be scared? Or because YOU are scarred? >> I hide things about myself from others because I have trust issues and intimacy issues and have a major problem with vulnerability. 3095. Do you recognize that some part of you is evil or do you feel like you are all good? >> --- 3096. If everyone were flying flags and putting up yellow ribbons in honor of the people who died in a war and someone put up black bows and ribbons all over the top of therir house what would you think? Would you want them to take it down? Why? >> I wouldn’t think anything. I don’t understand why this would even warrant my attention. 3097. Is a foot massage meaningless or does it have implications? >> Yawn. 3098. Are you sick of technology yet? >> No? 3099. After tattoos and piercings, I believe the next big thing will be implants (horns, metal plates, etc) and after that will come genetic alteration (wings, purple skin, etc). Would you have any of this done to you? Would you let your kids have it done? What do you think the next big thing in body modification would be? >> I doubt any of this stuff would be accessible to me (financially, particularly), first of all. I also don’t trust humans enough to let them mess around with my whole ass genome even if it was accessible to me. 3100. What's the most insulting thing you could come up with to say to someone? >> *shrug* I think insults are most effective when they’re tailored to the individual, not just a generic pejorative word or phrase.
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shampoohamandcheese · 10 months
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12. 8. 2023 | Collected a new mount!
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shampoohamandcheese · 10 months
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12 .8. 2023 | Some nice glamours
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shampoohamandcheese · 10 months
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12. 4. 2023 | I looked good but lost.
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8. 28. 2023 | Nice glamour spotted.
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8. 28. 2023 | My new suit!
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Aug.14.2023 | Got the 100 score!!
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shampoohamandcheese · 2 years
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1.16.2023 | Update on character!
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shampoohamandcheese · 5 months
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4.17.2024 | Summer Outfit, for now!
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shampoohamandcheese · 6 months
I got more photos coming. Also I need to tell someone's FC that one of their memebers was rude.
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shampoohamandcheese · 10 months
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12. 8. 2023 | My Holiday Outfit!
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shampoohamandcheese · 10 months
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12. 8. 2023 | Sky
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shampoohamandcheese · 10 months
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12. 8. 2023 |
I liked this dungeon as well.
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