#shani Dosha
courtcaseastro · 1 year
Is Shani Good or Bad in your Kundali?
Saturn's impact is often felt in career and ambitions, where hard work and perseverance lead to success. It can impose limitations and restrictions, making individuals highly sensitive to their responsibilities. Saturn also symbolizes karmic lessons if you want the solution, How Saturn influences a person. Overall, its influence varies based on its position in the birth chart and aspects of other planets, shaping an individual's life experiences.
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subir-astrologer · 2 years
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abroadastrology · 1 year
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Shani dhaiya dosha calculator
Discover the impact of Shani dhaiya dosha calculator with Dr. Vinay Bajrangi's expert calculator. Input your birth details to reveal the intensity and duration of this malefic period. Gain valuable insights into its effects on various aspects of life and receive personalized remedies to alleviate its influence. Embrace celestial guidance for a brighter future. If you are looking Kundli matching for marriage content us. For more info visit: https://www.vinaybajrangi.com/services/online-report/mangal-dosha-calculator.php
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vindelllas · 2 years
the femininity of shani (what we can learn from pushya) 🌷
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🌷 monica bellucci: pushya chandra
🌫️ The mystical tundra of Shani is often overlooked by its restricting feminine complexity and misconstrued for the nature of Buddha (the tantalizing serpent of Ashlesha). While their indirect submissive natures are similar in comparison, it is often natives of Mercury who use this explicit behavioral pattern for more materialistic, perhaps conniving, matters at hand. In this exploration of Shani’s ancient connection to divine femininity, I want to purposefully disclose that their submissive, seemingly “neutral” expressions are not the same. Buddha is the snake of binding to the collective for the intent of freedom and entangling or ensnaring their victim for the purpose of disempowering. Shani is the snake of binding to the contemporary nature of society for the intent of cooling the darkness of ego and empowering the higher collective. Buddha bestows the intelligence of the material aspects of the subversion into the intellect of worldly matters. However, Shani is the intelligence of the occult undertones which control the very essence of the material plane and the union of what is to come after we conquer the very shadows of the tenth house (the rashi of capricorn who will be the awakening of the realm, once we are released from Kali Yuga) to the hidden truths of the eleventh house, the supposed house of personal ties and fulfillment.
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🌷 jessica lange: pushya lagna
☔️ There is a specific air of mystery around Shani and the graha’s corresponding nakshatras, bhavas and rashis. Much of the information provided is rather repetitively regurgitated from varying sources and of surface nature. My goal with this exploration is not to specifically delve in the expressional aspects of Shani, but to focus on the graha’s distinct involvement in the path of divine femininity. My hope is this exploration will awaken the serpent of knowledge within you, to explore the more niche archetypes within the vata umbrella that is Saturn.
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🌷 miranda kerr: pushya lagna
⛩️ Vata dosha is most synonymous with cold, bereaved individuals who search this earthly plane longing for sustenance. It is the cold hands that seek to grasp the tangibility of spiritual words, it is the homeless widow who was once filled with wanderlust now bereaved, it is the drowsy feeling that surmounts when you look upon the rain beating down on your window pane. It is the dosha characteristic of the feelings we most disdain and wish to shy away from and simultaneously the realm of Shani, Chandra, and Rahu. We have heard the tales of the greedy, insatiable spirit of Rahu; the forgetful, lusting of Chandra; and the forever dried and cold spirit of Shani. Having repeatedly heard the rhetoric of these respective deities, a certain air of weariness has surrounded them respectfully. But you must continue to remind yourself of the necessity of attaining equilibrium and leaning into each graha’s meanings, teachings, and significances. If you are dominant in either of these vata grahas, know that you are more than the sterile or greedy archetype that has been placed upon you, as Kali (Shani) was equally as ferocious as she was creationist, Chhinnamasta (Rahu) was equally as violent as she was self-sacrificing, and Bhuvaneshvari (Chandra) is equally as intimidating as she is the supreme being of the earth, atmosphere, and heavens.
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🌷 paris hilton: pushya chandra
🩸 In a similar fashion, the ethereal air of vata is equally as destructive as it is light, cool and dry. It governs all movement and processes in your mind and body (such as blood flow, breathing, and the coagulation of thoughts in your mind). This rulership of movement is why Shani is so astute and articulate within the realm of femininity. Shani is able to manipulate the vata element to attract and constrict around those we long to unite with. These elements of constriction are often associated with Ashlesha/Buddha, but significantly vary from each other.
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🌷 gisele bundchen: pushya surya
🐍 Think of the Pushya nakshatra, the “Kula” star, resembling the flower of the snake gourd. Similar to Ashlesha, Pushya is also associated with serpentine movement. It is the maternal snake before it enters the stage of selfishness. It is focused on laying its cosmological eggs, whereas Ashlesha is the mother after this stage that abandons the cosmic eggs of Brihaspati (carefully crafted in Punarvasu) to never return or protect her young again. Ashlesha is leering into the gandanta knot spirituality of disempowering the collective, coiling up to rest in preparation for the spiritual shedding that awaits in Magha. Pushya is leering into the birthing of the collective itself. With the knowledge of vata dosha, Pushya is able to tap into previous experiences of destruction and coldness to relate to others. Using those previous experiences to further divulge into the mystified unknown that often longs to be hidden.
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🌷 kate moss: pushya lagna
💒 This is why the cancer rashi is essential for developing cosmic energy and harnessing/wielding it. The cancer rashi is ruled by Chandra, of which is correlated to the Kamala Mahavidya (the vata being whose symbolism is comparable to that of Aphrodite or the Christian Mary). The primary “devastating” nature of vata is what sprouts fertility and purity, as the dirtiest mud will produce the freshest lotus. It is recommended in order to celebrate her, devotees engage in eating spicy, hot foods, as they ignite passion. These spices may include cinnamon, garlic, saffron, or chili peppers due to heavily spiced foods having the ability to bear this Mahavidya’s luscious energy. These same foods are associated with the vata Shani, in a similar fashion, Shani and Chandra are considered enemies but respectfully hold the cosmic keys to one another through the likes of Pushya and Shravana. The metaphor for the consumption of extreme vata spices that one earns the ability to celebrate and veneer the Mahavidya in her idealistic form is comparable to the narrative of sacrifice one must engage in to witness beauty (spiritually and physically). Aphrodite was offered sacrificial doves (bird’s being Shani’s primary vahana: vehicle) and smoky incense (smoke being ether in nature which is of vata dosha) in an attempt to receive love, fertility, and union. Whereas, the Virgin Mary was deemed pure due to her great sacrifice when she offered up the life of her Divine Son Jesus using her “Immaculate Heart” (similar to Kamala’s abundance in the anahata/heart chakra). In “A Prayer of Praise to the Blessed Virgin Mary” by St. Ephrem, he sang: “….Thou indeed art our only hope, most sure and sacred in God's sight, to whom be honor and glory, majesty and dominion, for ever and ever, world without end. Amen.”. Similar to Kamala, Aphrodite, and the Virgin Mary, so too must the masses work to earn the right to witness Shani’s femininity due to its premiere selectivity. This is why Pushya births the highest grossing models and revolutionary actresses in history [e.g. Halle Berry, Twiggy, Marlene Dietrich, Selena Gomez (who is now the most followed woman on Instagram) etc.], as the masses find pleasure in working to witness the mysticism vata bestows.
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🌷 selena gomez: pushya surya and lagna
🍷 This mysticism is often deemed “odd”, “exotic” or “unique” and this is exactly where we can learn from the Mahavidya Kali. The darkened Mahavidya Kali breaks conventional stereotypes of feminine beauty and sexuality in Hindu goddess mythology. She serves as the dominant sexual partner straddling the prone Shiva (the master of poison and medicine, the great yogi, overlord of time, the cosmic dancer) and the wild warrior goddess drinking demon blood. She is originally depicted as a symbol of uncontrolled fury emerging from the fair, beautiful goddess Ambika (goddess of supreme power, energy and invincibility), in the battle with the demons in older Vedic texts. Thereafter, she gains independent existence both as the dark, mysterious and sexually demanding version of the more benign and auspicious Parvati and the primordial goddess power pre-dating the Hindu trinity of male gods, the Universal Mother Force which embraces both good and evil, gods and demons in the Kalika Purana. Unlike other texts which emphasize Kali's role in the battle against the demons, the Kalika Purana's focus is on her sexuality and her darkly sensual beauty. Equally it is on the heterodoxical rituals associated with her worship involving blood and flesh offerings, wine and the use of sexual intercourse as opposed to Vedic rituals.
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🌷 dakota fanning: pushya chandra
❤️‍🔥 In Kalika Purana, Daksha’s daughter Sati, born fair, assumes the fearful visage of Kali and the other Mahavidyas to terrify Shiva into submission. At Daksha’s yagna, her father attributes her dark color to constant proximity to the wild-mendicant Shiva, causing her to give up her life in sorrow and humiliation. In the second portion of the Purana, she takes the dark and beautiful form of Parvati, similar to the appearance of a blue lotus. She was born to serve the gods’ purpose of luring into domesticity the stern, austere hermit-like Shiva to preserve the cosmic cycles of creation, preservation and destruction. It is only later, piqued and jealous of Shiva’s propensity towards fair-skinned goddesses that she emerges from her kosa (sheath) of darkness to become the golden-hued Gauri. Yet her darkly alluring and compelling sexuality is highlighted in the text as opposed to the prototype of a domesticated wife and mother like Candi in the Candi Mangal Kavya. John Stratton Hawley in his Prologue to “Devi: Goddesses of India”, noted that Kali in a strange way mediates between the transcendent goddess, the generic Devi who has supremacy over all forms of life and the consort goddesses like Lakshmi and Radha. Hawley wrote: “On the one hand, Kali unquestionably manifests herself as supreme—whether as a mother demanding submission or as an uncanny, uncontrollable force—but on the other hand, her supremacy is paradigmatically measured by the power she exerts over her consort the great god Shiva”. He detailed an example of her sexual dominance, the iconic representation of Kali dancing wildly on the prone, ithyphallic corpse of her husband Shiva. The Kalika Purana initially projects her as the manifestation of the universality of divine femininity, Mahamaya, who is Visnumaya and Rudrani consort of both Visnu and Rudra (Shiva). She is Savitri, Saraswati, through the power of her maya (illusion), incomprehensible to all who are ensnared in her power of illusion. She is Visnu’s Yoganidra, his state of cosmic sleep or stasis. She is Yogamaya/Mahamaya, who ensnares the cosmos in her web of illusion, she is Mahamoha, the fatal enchantress and the Supreme Trinity itself is not immune to her mysterious lure. Another goddess text, the Sri Lalita Sahasranama calls her Mahabhoga and Bhogini implying her rajasik-rupa (dynamism, also material grandeur) of being steeped in worldly luxuries. Yet she is the path to mukti (salvation) for beings trapped in the worldly and materialistic which is all part of her cosmic illusion. The Sri Lalita Sahasranama also states that she is Mohanasini, destroying the moha (bondage) of her devotees and Pasu-pasa-vimocini, releasing them from the inferior, coarser earthly bonds. She is Vidya (knowledge) for the householder who desires mukti (salvation), and Avidya (ignorance) who binds the universe in bonds of material desire. She is the primeval Demi-Urge, the Adyasakti that activates the inert maleness of Shiva into the dynamism of the Shiva-Sakti or Purusa-Prakrti union for without Sakti, Shiva is but a sava (corpse). Among the Sakta devotees it is Kali amongst the many manifestations of the divine feminine who is recognized as the Adya-murti, the original goddess manifestation. In the text, Kali alone can awaken the virility within Shiva, for on the one hand, she is a yogin to participate in his yoga and on the other, it is her eroticism, wild and uncontrolled, which is the perfect counterpart to his dominant sexual urges.
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🌷 marlene dietrich: pushya chandra
🦶 Kali is feared in Hindu mythology as the negative stereotype in goddess cults and paradoxically revered as the Universal Mother. In a similar fashion, Pushya natives serve as the nourishing udder they are symbolized as, flowing with the golden knowledge of Brihaspati; yet their propensity for awakening occult knowledge and powers within their partners is hidden within the little knowledge the public has on this nakshatra. Kali’s iconic delineation, girded and garlanded with skulls and limbs while her hand is raised in the abhayamudra (gesture of reassurance from fear) indicates both chastisement and benediction. As a dark, complex, mysterious and alluring figure, she breaks conventional stereotypes of feminine beauty and sexuality, combining the beautiful with the fearful. Thus, explaining Pushya’s propensity for both embodying and challenging feminine stereotypes in the media (such as Paris Hilton’s hyperfemininity, Marlene Dietrich’s well-known portrayal for characters challenging the submissive standard of the 1900s, Halle Berry’s intimidatingly complex “Storm” character). In a traditionally patriarchal society and an androcentric religious order, Kali emerges as a rebel; dominant in marital and sexual relationships, ferocious, and bloodthirsty on the battlefield. Existing on the fringes of the dharmic value system and Vedic ritualism, the Kali-centric myths teeter dangerously on the extreme peripheries of social and moral acceptability in the iconic projection of her black nudity, voluptuous breasts, bloodstained, her foot on the prostrated corpse-like body of her consort Shive, and the sacrificial blood and flesh rituals associated with her worship.
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🌷 angelina jolie: pushya lagna (note her films are wonderful examples of the nature of Pushya, from her Maleficent character’s sheep-like creature (the yoni of Pushya) to her dominatrix role, symbolizing the dark sexual subcultures of Shani in B*SM)
🍒 Kali conveys maya as seen from the “other shore”. She illustrates what the world of appearance looks like to the one who has seen beyond her overall presence (which is described as frightening) and her dwelling place lying within the cremation ground mocks the ultimate significance of a world grounded in the ego. In her “mad dancing, dishevelled hair and eerie howl, there is made present the hint of a world reeling, careening, out of control”. In conclusion, Kali, in integrating absolute binaries of the terrifying and the beautiful, the compassionate Mother and the blood-thirsty demon destroyer, the consort of Shiva and the sexually dominant partner draws a more comprehensive image of non-duality that is beyond the reductivist social and religious definitions of what is acceptable or what is heterodox. So too Pushyas embody life as it is in all its wild and abundant complexity, not as it is selectively made out to be within social and religious peripheries. They embody divine femininity in all its complexity; serving as the slivering synthesis of both the auspicious and benign goddesses, the wild, and uncontrolled. Like the Adyasakti, the primeval cosmic force, they represent both the good and the evil, the godly and the demonic of which the cosmos is composed, all of which arise from the intersection of the nakshatras in cancer rashi (as detailed above).
👄 It is important to note that the dominant female sexuality, the prolonging of intercourse in the Shiva-Shakti union, is not an exercise of power associated with the sexually dominant partner. Its ultimate purpose is the awakening of the dormant kundalini shakti (vital energy), which rises up the spine through the various chakras within us to culminate in the sahasrara (the thousand-petalled lotus) on the top of the head, the psycho-spiritual center. It envisages the path from pravritti (intense activity) to nivritti (cessation of desire) in this act of sacred sex. It defines a path of realization through indulgence without bondage (associated with Shani) to the senses (that of rahu/chandra), rather than through deprivation and denial of the sensory experiences. The myths and the cults of worship associated with Kali therefore strip life of its absolutes to envisage a more comprehensive and all-inclusive vision.
* all of these placements were found using astrotheme/.com and/or astro-charts/.com. it is important to note that some chandra (moon) placements may be off by up to 6 degrees and lagnas (ascendants/rising signs) as well, due to the fact that many websites do not have 100% accurate birth times for the given celebrities.
xoxo, angel 💋 (the beauty of ashwini is coming soon lovelies)
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blessed1neha · 2 years
What is the Meaning of Saturn and Moon Conjunction? Vish Yoga in Astrology
Saturn and Moon combination implies when both Saturn and Moon are in Same Sign of your Horoscope. This Conjunction in Horoscope isn't Considered Good for Materialistic Success and gain. A few Astrologers likewise call it as Vish Yog and if this Yoga Occurs in 7th House or Moon/Saturn has any association with 7th House, it is otherwise called Punarphoo Dosha. It is otherwise called Shani-Chandra Yuti. It is a troublesome Yoga like Saturn-Sun Combination in any Horoscope.
According to many people this Name-Vish Yoga is somewhat deceptive or Wrong. Since this name shows that it has a wide range of Negative Result and makes a sort of Fear inside the psyche of Normal People which isn't correct. The Saturn-Moon mix likewise has a great deal of good outcomes. The outcomes that we will examine here will likewise be appropriate if there should be an occurrence of Moon and Saturn Sign trade or Moon and Saturn Mutual viewpoint too.
Prior to Discussing the impact of Saturn and Moon combination, Let me give you some data about the Nature of Saturn and Moon. This will help you in understanding the outcomes Easily.
Nature of Saturn
Saturn is a cold and incredibly lethargic Planet. It addresses discipline,structure, Hard work and so on It addresses Air Elements and work class individuals or unprivileged individuals of the Society. It is a Strict Teacher who educates through Punishment and causes one to understand the motivation behind Life. It is likewise characteristic of Philosophy and Spiritualism. Saturn rules over the Karma. It gives us aftereffects of our Past deeds. Nobody can escape from the Hands of Saturn, not even God. It additionally implies vocation. So a solid and unaffiliated Saturn will assist with having a decent advancement in Career.
Nature of Moon
The Moon is an Emotional Planet. It is the Queen of the Planetary Kingdom. It Rules our Mind, Emotions, Feelings and so on It is completely different in Nature from Saturn. It is innovative, Sensitive and flighty leaning. So when Two totally various planets conjunct in a Chart, it makes it very hard for the two planets to work appropriately.
Impact of Saturn and Moon Conjunction or Vish Yoga
Saturn has been viewed as Most malefic. There could be no other planet which is however Cruel as Saturn may be. Saturn makes a sensation of separation from the common undertakings and makes interest in mysticism. Saturn has consistently delivered genuine holy people like Ram Krishna Paramhansa. Saturn makes agonies with the goal that the local might be segregated from the fringe delights and marvelousness of life and may continue towards the way of genuine fulfillment. Any planet, related with Saturn, will either make him a ruler or hobo, contingent upon their situations in the horoscope.
On account of Saturn and Moon combination, This blend keeps You stressed and without bliss. In any event the genuine joy is missing. You Will confront incalculable tragedies all through and stay upset even in the greatest days of your life.
The blend of the Moon with Saturn is consistently antagonistic for Mental harmony yet the afflictions won't be high, if combination happens in Libra or Capricorn or is aspected by Jupiter. Regardless of whether the blend of Moon – Saturn is propitious in any horoscope, it will give mental misery, despairing and stress, except if unequivocally aspected by Jupiter.
Be that as it may, if common trade of Moon and Saturn happens, in regard to Kendra and trikona, the Raja yoga is shaped and may elevate you to Very High Level. For Libra ascendant, the master of the 4th and 5th house is Saturn. If it possesses the 10th house and the tenth ruler Moon if Occupies the 5th house, there will be common trade between the masters of the tenth and 5th house , and that will result in an exceptionally high expert and monetary height of the local and You may have a royal existence. If Saturn and Moon conjuncts in 10tu house Cancer, it Will likewise make a Raj Yoga. Also, for Scorpio ascendant, the shared trade of the fourth master Saturn and the ninth ruler Moon will make the local prosperous and upbeat.
So both Scorpio and Libra Ascendant this Yoga is profoundly Beneficial and will give a great deal of Auspicious Result.
The Moon is the Natural Significator of Mother. So the Saturn-Moon mix isn't useful for relationships with mothers. Regardless, the local doesn't have smooth relations with his mom. The local gets poor and has a hopeless existence. If a child's hostility towards mother is more noteworthy, Saturn is more grounded than the moon. This yoga is more successful till 14 years old for the locals.
Be that as it may, Saturn and Moon combination is Very Good for Spiritual Progress and Metaphysical Life. Master Vivekanaanda had this blend in his Horoscope. With this Combination, One gets slanted towards mysticism, in the wake of confronting unlimited concerns and driving a daily existence brimming with trouble and Hurdle. A period comes when Saturn gives a feeling of separation to the local, from every single common association, double dealings, insatiability, bogus charm and sins. He turns into a wise or a genuine preceptor in mature age. Yet, We should Remember that the Saturn-Moon combination should get the Support from Jupiter and Ketu for this Spiritual Progress.
The Moon and Saturn Yoga is useful for Success Away from your Birth place. If you have this Yoga in your graph, you will have a ton of movement in your Life. It can likewise Help you in getting Success in Foreign Land. It is additionally Good for Business identified with Liquid items like Wine, Mineral Water, Oil, Chemical and so on
The Moon is likewise an Indicator of Government Specially State Government. Saturn is the Indicator of Profession. So When both of these Planets are Associated it will help you in finding a Govt Line of work. Yet, recollect , with this just a single mix you Should not anticipate Government occupations. You can peruse our Detail Article on Government Job blend.
Impact of Saturn-Moon Conjunction on Marriage
At the point when this blend happens in the 7th House, it is Known as Punarphoo Dosha. The combination of Moon and Saturn in the 7th House is hard to pass judgment. The antagonistic effect of the 7th House on intimate relationships, scrutinizing the demeanor of one another's families and contrasts of assessment and squabbles on trivial issues. This blend can likewise defer in Marriage and even you can deal with Some issues in getting Married. Commitment can equal the initial investment in the wake of concluding everything.
Since Saturn is a sluggish planet, the contrasts among a couple develop for one explanation or the other gradually and consistently. With this mix both of the families intercedes in the issues to bring bargain. Be that as it may, now and then this mediation doesn't take care of the issue rather adds poison between the two, a definitive consequence of which is detachment and separation. A profound investigation of horoscopes of both would give a thought regarding the ultimate result in the debates.
Saturn helps the house involved by it, and harms the house on which it has an immediate viewpoint. Subsequently the 7th House is for friendship with the other gender, and Saturn helps in getting it and helps in its duration too. But since Saturn in the 7th House by and large has an immediate viewpoint on the 1st house, which administers the character, it hurts the individual himself. You can peruse the impact of Saturn in the 7th House on Marriage in our Detail Article.
These are Some Broad Result about this Widely Discussed Vish Yoga or Saturn and Moon Conjunction. The Results will differ according to Ascendant, Strength of Saturn and Moon, Lordship of both these planets and so on The Result of the combination will be more noticeable when it will be tight. At the point when the level of two planets is in excess of 10 degrees, Such conjunctions just give powerless outcomes.
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I hope this message finds you well. Firstly, I want to express my gratitude for the insightful interpretation you provided for my previous chart. Your expertise has been truly valuable in my journey of self-discovery.
I'm writing to let you know that I have finally come across the missing information related to D9 chart. I understand that you have already graciously interpreted one chart for me, and I truly appreciate the support you've given to your blog and content.
Considering this, I don't want to burden you with another interpretation request. Your work is truly inspiring, and I wholeheartedly wish for your blog and content to continue thriving and growing. Your insights have been invaluable to many, and I am confident that your dedication will lead to even greater success.
Thank you once again for your guidance and support. I wish you all the best in your endeavors, and I hope that your work continues to flourish.
D9 chart
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D1 chart (as a reminder)
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Hey Dear,
Again thank you so much for your kind words and support ❤ much needed.
And i am really happy that previous interpretation of your chart helped you in a way😊
So as for d9 interpretation here you go my dear,
First of all i am not a professional i am still learning and please take what resonates there are few things in your chart which is tend to be not so positive and i don't want to be sugar coated about anything.
You have venus in 1st house in both D1 and D9 chart. You Are blessed with sensuality and magnetism. You may enjoy surrounding yourself with beauty and you may have talent for creating Aesthetically pleasing Environments.
You may possess venusian qualities in you as for career you may be naturally skilled in being beautician, business related to beauty, entertainment industry etc.( some celebrities have placement as venus in 1st house).
You may be creative and Artistic when it come to mindset. You may have qualities of being creative, talented and skillful in your work.
you have jupiter Exalted in cancer sign it will give sound financial position to you, Especially as age increase. Intelligent, wealthy and well-Read Dignified Person.
You have moon debilitated in scorpio sign and Mercury debilitated in pieces sign. Two or more planet in debilitation in your chart you might face many difficulties and issues in life.
Moon and Mars Conjunction in Navamsa Chart Indicates Gynecological problems in women and Blood related problems in Men.
Moon debilitated in scorpio you may feel isolated from your parents.
With Rahu and Saturn Conjunction you may succeed in foreign lands because Rahu represents Foreign Culture Or Different Culture and Saturn Is planet of separation, so you can easily Separate From Your Home land and can get Success in Foreign Lands.
Saturn Rahu Conjunction in Navamsa also known as Shani-Rahu Yuti In Navamsa (shrapit yoga) or shrapit dosha Gives Problems in stability that never comes in life.
This shows some past bad deed this yoga came in this birth and sometimes this yoga gives Paranormal experiences also.
You have 7th Ruler in 1st house and your d1 Darakaraka is also in 1st house of Navamsa so you may marry someone you may know from childhood.
Your Navamsa Darakaraka is Moon and its sits in 8th house you may meet your fs unexpectedly or when you lost something in your life.
Saturn-Rahu conjunction in navamsa indicates foreigner spouse.
Hey dear please take only what resonates i am still learning and in the end Karma plays big roles in our lifes Be kind to others, help who in needs, stay humble, trust universe, be patient and always love yourself.❤🧿
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astrologyindia · 2 years
Sadesati Dosha Calculator Vedic Astrology Service
Sadesati dosha is 7.5 years of the long period of Shani, which impacts signs for this long duration. These astrological phases will impact most people, but you can get the way to get relief from the impact of the sadesati dosha as per Vedic Astrology. Generally, this phase comes with many challenges, but for some, this duration gives excellent achievement and recognition. Before jumping to the remedies, you should use the sadesati dosha calculator available on Dr. Vinay Bajrangi. Get your horoscope analyzed from Dr. Vinay Bajrangi now and know Vedic Astrology can help you relieve the ill-effect of this dosha from the birth chart. 
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mybharatguru · 3 days
Shani doshas like elaraichani, ashtamachani, kandhachani, jenmachani, ardhashtamachani etc. will get rid of Bhairava…
It is widely believed by devotees that worshipping Lord Bhairava can remove various planetary afflictions associated with Saturn, such as Sade Sati (seven-and-a-half years of Saturn’s influence), Ashtama Shani (Saturn in the eighth house), Kantaka Shani (Saturn’s troublesome transit), Janma Shani (Saturn in the birth sign), and Ardhashtama Shani (Saturn in the fourth house). According to legends,…
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pnsm · 23 days
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Shani Dosh Nivaran Puja
Experience relief from the challenges of Shani Dosha with the expert guidance of Pandit Nidhi Shrimali. Specializing in Shani Dosh Nivaran Puja, she brings years of Vedic astrology knowledge to help you overcome obstacles. Visit her official website at https://panditnmshrimali.com/ to explore personalized consultations and arrange powerful rituals for positive cosmic influence. Trust in Pandit Nidhi Shrimali's expertise to bring harmony and spiritual balance to your life.
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astroanuradha · 2 months
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billeyshah · 3 months
Astrology Solutions by Vashikaran Specialists for a Happy Love Marriage
In today's fast-paced world, where relationships often face numerous challenges, finding harmony and happiness in a love marriage can seem elusive. This is where astrology solutions offered by vashikaran specialists can play a crucial role. Whether you're in Noida, Dehradun, or anywhere else, these specialists are sought after for their expertise in guiding couples towards a blissful married life.
Vashikaran specialists in Noida are known for their profound knowledge of ancient Vedic astrology and powerful vashikaran techniques. They offer personalized solutions tailored to the specific issues faced by couples. Whether it's resolving misunderstandings, overcoming parental objections, or dealing with compatibility issues, these specialists provide effective remedies through vashikaran.
Similarly, vashikaran specialists in Dehradun bring years of experience in using vashikaran to foster love and understanding between partners. Their methods are not just about influencing the thoughts and actions of individuals but also about restoring positivity and mutual trust in relationships. This makes them invaluable for couples navigating the complexities of modern relationships.
Understanding Vashikaran for Love Marriage
Vashikaran is an ancient Indian practice rooted in the Atharva Veda, known for its ability to control the thoughts, feelings, and actions of others positively. Contrary to misconceptions, vashikaran is not about coercion or manipulation but about harnessing positive energies to bring about desired outcomes, such as a happy love marriage.
For couples facing challenges in their love marriage journey, consulting a vashikaran specialist can provide clarity and effective solutions. These specialists analyze the birth charts of both partners, identifying astrological factors that may be causing discord. By understanding planetary influences and using vashikaran techniques, they can mitigate negative influences and enhance positive energies conducive to marital bliss.
Role of Astrology in Love Marriages
Astrology serves as the foundation for the services offered by vashikaran specialists. It provides insights into the cosmic influences shaping individuals' lives and relationships. By studying the positions of celestial bodies at the time of birth, astrologers can foresee potential challenges and opportunities in a person's romantic journey.
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In the context of love marriages, astrology helps identify compatibility between partners, potential areas of conflict, and suitable remedies. It guides vashikaran specialists in recommending personalized rituals, mantras, and gemstone therapies to strengthen the bond between couples and foster long-term harmony.
Personalized Solutions Offered by Vashikaran Specialists
Vashikaran specialists approach each case with empathy and discretion, understanding that every relationship is unique. They offer a range of services tailored to address specific concerns:
Love Problem Solutions: Resolving misunderstandings, communication issues, and emotional barriers that hinder relationship growth.
Marriage Approval: Assisting couples in gaining parental consent and support for their love marriage through persuasive vashikaran techniques.
Enhancing Love and Understanding: Strengthening emotional bonds, trust, and mutual respect between partners.
Overcoming Obstacles: Mitigating astrological doshas (flaws) that may affect marital happiness, such as Mangal Dosha or Shani Dosha.
Finding a Reliable Vashikaran Specialist
When seeking astrology solutions for a happy love marriage, it's essential to consult a reputable vashikaran specialist with a proven track record. Look for practitioners who adhere to ethical practices and prioritize the well-being of their clients. Reviews, testimonials, and recommendations from trusted sources can help in identifying a reliable specialist who can provide effective remedies tailored to your specific situation.
In conclusion, vashikaran specialists offer invaluable support to couples striving for a blissful love marriage. Through their profound knowledge of astrology and powerful vashikaran techniques, they help navigate the complexities of relationships, foster harmony, and pave the way towards a fulfilling marital life. Whether in Noida, Dehradun, or beyond, their expertise continues to positively impact countless lives, making them trusted allies in matters of the heart and soul.
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courtcaseastro · 2 years
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subir-astrologer · 2 months
In Vedic astrology, Saturn ( Shani Dev) is considered a strict but fair teacher who brings lessons and hardships to individuals based on their past actions. This is seen as a form of discipline to help individuals learn important lessons and grow as individuals. Saturn ( Shani Dev) is known for promoting hard work, responsibility, integrity, and patience. By facing challenges and difficulties during Saturn transits, individuals can learn valuable lessons and make positive changes in their lives.
However, whether or not Saturn ( Shani Dev) is considered a "good" teacher is subjective and depends on one's personal beliefs and experiences. Some may view Saturn's lessons as difficult and unpleasant, while others may see them as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. It is important to remember that Saturn's lessons are not meant to be punishing, but rather to help individuals become their best selves.
Lord Shani rules the planet Saturn and has strong influence on everyone’s life as per astrology. Hindus from all communities worship Lord Shani to avoid malefic influence of the God, in their horoscope. Especially devotees who have sade sathi or Saturn cycle in their life fast and pray on this day to Lord Shani.
The purpose of fasting and doing Shani dev puja is to please Lord Shani with prayers and visiting Shani temples, so that luck and fortune are received by individuals. It is believed that position of Shani in the horoscope along with other navgraha should be nice so that one’s hard work is paid off in this life.
People also perform special puja on Shani Jayanti, which comes once in a year devotees perform ‘Shani Shanti puja’. Shani homam or yagya are also conducted by the people in the presence of acharya or purohit to protect themselves from all wrongs and black magic. To avoid witchcraft, people wear horse shoe rings in their fingers and also hang the horse shoes in their houses.
Performing Shani puja has lot of significances in the Indian culture. People strongly believe that by worshipping Lord Saturn, all the hurdles and problems in one’s path are eliminated. It is considered very essential to get free of Shani Dosha before starting a new venture.
In conclusion, Saturn ( Shani Dev) is often seen as a teacher who brings lessons and hardships in order to help individuals learn important lessons and grow as individuals. Whether or not Saturn is considered a "good" teacher is subjective and depends on one's personal beliefs and experiences.
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vaikunth · 4 months
Top 5 Dangerous Doshas in Kundali and Their Powerful Remedies
Discover the 5 dangerous dosha types in Kundali that can impact your life: Mangal Dosha, Kaal Sarp Dosha, Pitra Dosha, Nadi Dosha, and Shani Dosha. Learn effective remedies, including mantras, rituals, and lifestyle adjustments, to mitigate their effects and restore harmony and balance.
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Read more: 5 Dangerous Dosha Types in Kundali and their Remedies
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livepujayagyain · 4 months
What is Grah Shanti Pooja & Its Benefits?
Are you suffering from unwanted losses? Facing obstacles in each step in your life? Lacking peace at home? Relationship issues are getting bigger day by day? Have you ever thought about why all these are happening to you? These all could be for planet-related problems in your horoscope. Yes, you have heard it right. To get rid of such malefic planets, you can go for grah shanti pooja online. The puja rituals and customs will be the same. However, when you perform online puja, you will do it remotely and take part in it through live puja streaming.
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Why is Grah Shanti Puja Performed? 
Grah Shanti puja is performed to appease planets and to get rid of their malefic effects. So, if the benefic planets in your chart like Venus, Jupiter, Sun, Mercury, and Moon are in affliction due to Rahu or Ketu, Grah dosha is indicated. Even, if a planet like Rahu, Ketu, Shani, or Mars takes place in the prime houses in your chart including 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, and 11th, and somehow restricts the flow of your life, astrologers sometimes advice to perform grah shanti puja.  
Benefits of Grah Shanti Puja
Anyone who has grah dosha can perform grah shanti puja at his place or online. Certain benefits that you receive from grah shanti puja are
Peace of mind and peace in life
Your health will no longer suffer from ill planetary effects
You will receive benefits from planetary transits 
The benefic planets in your chart can provide you with positive results without any obstacles
You will be successful in your endeavors
Your hard work will pay off
You can find a sudden flow of opportunity and happiness 
You can live life without fear and evil effects
So, if you are undergoing difficult situations due to any negative planet, don’t wait any longer. Consult with an astrologer and perform the grah shanti pooja online at your convenience. The earlier you do the puja the faster you will get rid of malefic.
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blessed1neha · 1 year
Naisargika dasha System
Is it possible to use Naisargika dasha to describe the three main stages of life - childhood, youth and old age? Yes, and it is quite an effective tool in combination with other period systems.
Read on to find out how to apply it.
Three periods of life - understanding
Maharishi Prashara, as well as many others, including Jaimini, spoke about the importance of the three types of houses in the horoscope:
kendra (1 aka kendra and trikon, 4 kendra, 7 aka kendra and marak , 10 aka kendra and upachaya)
Panafara (2 aka Panafara Marak , 5 Trikon and Panafara, 8 Paranafara Trik, 11 Panarfara and Upachaya)
Apoclima (3 aka upachaya and apoclima, 6 apoclima, upachaya, trik , 9 aka trik and apoclima , 12 aka apoclima and trik)
The corner houses from the first house or Lagna are called kendra houses. (1, 4. 7, 10)
The corner houses from the fifth house are called panafara houses.
The corner houses from the ninth house are called apoklima houses.
Thus, considering the natural succession of Naisargika dashas according to Bryhat Parashara Hora Shastra
life can be divided into three parts:
1. Early stage - kendras from Lagna (givings of the Moon, Mars, Mercury and Venus),
2. The middle stage is the kendras from the fifth bhava or panafara house (dashas of Jupiter and the Sun),
3. Late stage - Kendras from the ninth bhava or apoklima house (dasha of Saturn).
It is noteworthy that if four grahas- the rulers of Naisargika dashas are responsible for the first stage, then 50% of their number is responsible for the second stage, i.e. two grains. And for the past period of life, 50% of number of grahas that affect second stage i.e.There is only one planet Saturn.
The scheme of dividing life into three stages is another confirmation of why Shani is the giver of longevity!
The first stage of life is childhood
Kendras govern early life (0-32 years).And it covers the first four Naisargika dashas -Chandra, Mangala, Budha and Shukra.
If the planets located in the kendras or the rulers of the corner houses are evil malefics or damaged, then there can be a lot of anxiety in childhood.
The most important beneficiary of the four lords of the Naisargika Dashas in the first stage is Shukra. One must evaluate the strength and position of Venus in order to determine how much happiness is expected in childhood.
It is also known that Mangal in Lagna can indicate a difficult birth and the first years of life. That is why this position of Mars is called Mangalika dosha.
It is important to evaluate the position in the Kendras of benefics and malefics, the presence of Shubha Yogas or Duryogas in order to draw a conclusion about the degree of auspiciousness of the first stage of life. Powerful beneficial yogas in the Kendra houses will show a successful period of life in childhood and adolescence.
For example, finding Jupiter in Lagna can not only protect against all adversity, but also guarantee a meeting with a spiritual mentor at the age of 32.
The second stage of life - youth
Guru and surya are responsible for period of life from 32–70years. This is a time of youth, the most productive stage
The condition of panafara houses and in particular the strength of the fifth house are extremely important in assessing the level of happiness and good fortune in the middle period of life.
If a malefic is in the fifth house, he will create many problems in the period of 32-70 years.
The fifth house is responsible for the future. That is why malefics, including Surya in this bhava, make it difficult for him to see, destroy plans, negatively affect the future in the person of children, followers, and students.
Jupiter, on the contrary, promises a wonderful future for both the native and his offspring, followers.
The third stage of life is old age
For the last period of life from the age of 70, the giver of ayush Shchani is responsible.
It is important to evaluate the ninth house and the kendras from it for the success of the final stage.
If malefics or foolish yogis are in the ninth bhava of the Rashi card, then old age can be associated with many worries. Rahu or Saturn in the ninth house can bring suffering after 70 years.
We have seen how the Naisargika dashas open up a new understanding of the three main periods of life. Thanks to them, you can conclude at what stages success will accompany, and when you will have to face obstacles.
Only by taking a quick look at the birth chart and evaluating the trikons(with kendras from each of them), one can make an initial assessment of the three life stages!
Once you know these basic concepts, which include Naisargika dasha, Jyotish becomes very simple. By itself, the "natural" system of periods does not guarantee accurate predictions, but it gives excellent results when combined with other dasas.
Whenever analyzing Vimshottari dasha or any other known period system, it is important to keep the Naisargika dasha in the background.
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