#shaving your head for charity is so brave hhh
maydayitsgod707 · 6 years
Can I request the RFA reacting to their MC which shaved her hair off for charity? I did this about a month ago and it would be cool to see my babes reacting to this 💓 thank you in advance! Take care 💖
Hey! Rei here! I hope you aren’t disappointed that it’s always been me posting the last few weeks, but Kimu is away for this week and is unable to complete any requests, so well… I’m uploading again!
Thank you so much for the request! I think it’s an incredibly brave thing - to shave your head for charity… I really admire you! This being the first time I’m writing headcanons that aren’t relationship headcanons, I hope you enjoy this, and that you have a great day ahead!
Note: When I wrote things like how the members would love you more, I just meant that they’d realise how much they actually love you. It doesn’t mean they love you any less if you didn’t do anything of the sort!
~ Rei
- He would be shocked. Incredibly so. To think that you’d do such a thing…
- As you sheepishly rubbed your head and explained your new appearance to him, he’d just blink rapidly and wide-eyed at you, countless of feelings swirling in his chest. It takes him more than a second, but he finally sorts them out and realises that they’re all of admiration and respect.
- But while he sorts them out he’s just staring at you, and uncertainty would creep into your expression, at which he’d immediately balk at and pull you into a tight hug.
- “Don’t cry…! I was just.. amazed at your bravery.” Cue the blush materialising slowly on his cheeks as he stumbles out his next words. “I- I love you, you know, not in spite of what you did but even more so because of it.”
- Out of all the other RFA members, he’d miss your hair the most, even if he doesn’t voice that out. Though, don’t get him wrong! He didn’t love your hair because it made you look prettier, like what you believe, but he loved it because he always felt much closer to you in the moments where he’d run his fingers through your hair, deftly braiding it before you go to work - meeting up with party guests to maintain healthy relationships with them.
- His first reaction would be the same as Yoosung’s - to blink wide-eyed at you, surprised that you’d do such a generous act. And then he rethinks and realises that he shouldn’t be surprised at all - it’s just like you. 
- He’d let out a small laugh and pat you on your head, gently scolding you for thinking he’d ever think you less beautiful.
- “I never thought it was possible to love you more than I did, but apparently I can.”
- She’d be surprised, for sure, but a gentle smile would immediately spread across her face, and she’d probably ask why you didn’t tell her about the event and what you were going to do.
- “I don’t know if Mr Han would have let me, but I would have loved to do it with you.”
- She’d be super accepting - in fact, she’s supportive - of it, and though it might seem unlike Jaehee, she would totally gush to her friends about how brave you were (and are) to be willing to do so. And every time someone blinks twice at you, she’d be proudly telling them about how you shaved your head for charity before you can open your mouth to explain yourself. You blush every time, and that only makes her think you’re cuter.
- Conclusion: Jaehee would be the most supportive girlfriend if you ever shaved your head for charity? She’d sing countless of praises about you.
- Not gonna lie, for a long time, this guy probably wouldn’t understand why you’d do it. I mean, if you wanted to help those who needed it, why didn’t you just go to him and ask him to donate to them?
- But ultimately he wouldn’t mind what you did. If it’s what you want, then he wouldn’t question it. He doesn’t look at you any different, and if you voice out worries about whether he found you less attractive because of your new appearance, he’d only sigh and tell you that he doesn’t like you for your appearance.
- It’s only when he watches you smile while telling him about your act that he realises the joy that doing such an act had brought to you. And it might take awhile, but he’ll come to realise that maybe giving money isn’t everything you can do to help others, and then he’ll support what you did.
- He’d bring it up as a passing comment on the RFA chat that he was considering doing the same, but Jaehee brought up concerns about how it’d affect his work and unfortunately, the idea was shot down.
- He’d cry.
- Honestly though, he’d be touched beyond words that you were willing to do such a thing to help others. Being someone who once needed that help - someone who’d reach out to him and offer him support - he finds himself reaching out to tug you into his arms, resting his chin on your head.
- It feels weird without your hair acting as a barrier, so you shy away, but he only holds you tighter.
- “You’re just too amazing… I just want to make sure you really exist, so let me be for a while.”
- You let out a gentle laugh, albeit relieved, and find your arms curling around him too.
- He’s smiling the entire time he watches your hair fall. This is V, the person who takes pictures and sells them to donate to charity, and he’d likely be the one who told you about that charity event anyways.
- Much to your displeasure, he’d take a picture of you right after you shave your head, while you were probably still unconfident of your new appearance. You scold him afterward, trying to snatch the camera from him to delete it, but he holds it high above his head and insists that you’re beautiful.
- You’d probably find that picture printed and sent to your apartment later.
- There’s a small handwritten message at the back of the picture that you don’t notice until much later: “I’ll say it a thousand times until you believe it, but you’re beautiful.”
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