#mysme reactions
ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Using this prompt and considering the fact that there’s a small cast of characters for Mystic Messenger, I just had fun doing all the characters! I hope you’ll enjoy!
The character wakes up next to you in the same bed after a night of drinking. What is their reaction?
So, I’m going into all these reactions assuming that you’re either a complete stranger to the character or you’re a friend who they are not in a relationship with, because if you were in a relationship, the characters would be largely unbothered. Going with that assumption, I feel like it would be insanely rare for this to happen to Jumin and, if it did, he’d be horrified when he woke up to find another person in his bed and really disgusted with himself, especially so if it was a complete stranger. Regardless of how he’s internally feeling though, he would push down those emotions and would be a complete gentleman about it. He’d immediately get dressed and leave if the bed wasn’t his own, and if you were a friend, he would apologize to you afterwards and would put some distance between the two of you for a little while afterwards, just until he could sort out his emotions regarding what happened. If it was his own bed, I feel like he’d still get dressed right away and probably head right into a shower. He’d offer you Tylenol and breakfast if you wanted it when you woke up and would arrange to have you driven home afterwards. If you were just a complete stranger, I think he’d want little contact with you afterwards, just because he is feeling that shame in his actions, and if you were a friend, I feel he’d behave very much as mentioned above.
Zen has gotten drunk and found himself in this situation at least once before in his life. It isn’t a completely new experience to him and he’s more casually cool about it. He’s never thrilled about it, because he does feel like he might have potentially taken advantage of a drunk person, regardless of the fact that he was also drunk. He’d definitely have some weird healthy juice concoction he makes to take the edge off the hangover and he’d probably scour the kitchen of either his or your place to try to make it for both you and him. He’d never just leave and pretend it didn’t happen because that isn’t okay in his mind so he would stick around and wait for you to wake up if it was your bed. He’d need to check to make sure you were okay with what had happened the night before and he’d probably check to see if there was any connection with you if you were a stranger, to see if there might be an opportunity for this to develop into more than a one-night stand. If you were already his friend, he’d definitely feel the need to make sure that you were okay with whatever had happened the night before. He might even apologize for whatever had happened right off the bat, just because he feels a little guiltier about the situation if it happens with someone he does know and already cares about in some form. I could also see him, with someone who was already a friend, being really open to seeing if there is potential for a relationship to come out of a drunken one-night stand.
Saeyoung is disturbed. Like, the boy is not at all mentally okay with this, no matter who you are to him. He doesn’t drink often, and he already hates the fact that he got drunk, since he’d always promised himself he wouldn’t do that, wouldn’t risk turning into his mother. The fact that he’d probably had sex with either a complete stranger or one of his friends after getting drunk makes him feel sick, to be honest, and I think the mixture of that guilt, self-loathing, and the hangover might send him right to the bathroom to throw up. He’d either be really short and curt with you or would be tossing out bad jokes but either way, he’s going to try to leave the situation as quickly as he could. He wants out of wherever he is, he doesn’t even care if it’s his own place, just as fast as his legs could carry him and he’d probably ghost you completely or at least for a few days and he’d do everything he could, if you were his friend and when he got back to talking to you, to pretend it had never happened.
His brain breaks. So hard. He’s already got a terrible hangover, because he’s a quick drunk and gets really plastered easily, and to deal with both that fogging his mind and the realization that he isn’t alone in bed…it’s way too much and he definitely wakes you up just kind of trying to not freak out as much as he wants to. He wants to check under the covers to see if he’s naked, but he gets embarrassed because what if you’re naked so he’s slipping his hands under the covers to try to feel if he’s dressed or not and trying to remember what all happened and he’s moving all over the place and just making a general ruckus. If you guys had slept together, no matter if he knew you or not, he’s blushing redder than a tomato and stuttering and stumbling because he just doesn’t know how to react or what to do and he’ll definitely need you to calm him down in the moment.
Jaehee probably is one of the most mature about the situation. She’s embarrassed, of course, but she has a talent for remaining level-headed. Her first step is to look for her clothes and get dressed. Then, it’s coffee. She’ll make coffee for both of you and will wake you up with coffee and Tylenol, just in case you have a hangover like she does. She’ll be very polite and will apologize to you if you seem at all uncomfortable with the previous night or the situation. Because she probably has a lot of work left to do, it’s a good excuse for her to leave an awkward situation and she’ll tell you that she has to be leaving for work but will thank you for your hospitality. If you are a friend and someone she will see, she will request that you keep what happened just between the two of you and will want to act as if it hadn’t happened moving forward.
V’s the other really mature one in this situation. He doesn’t get overly drunk, not to the point where he doesn’t remember what happened at least, so he knows what went on and while he does feel a large amount of shame for his actions, he’s able to remain calm in the situation. If you’re awake, he will say good morning and ask you how you are feeling. He thanks you for sharing the previous night with him and genuinely does want to know what you’re feeling emotionally in regards of what happened. That being said, he’s going to let you down as easy as he can, explaining that he’s just not in the right space to be starting a relationship, even just a sexual one, and that while he appreciates the previous night, he’d like for this to be a one-time thing.
Saeran would not react well to this at all, honestly. He’s hungover and that makes him uncomfortable and already puts him in a bad place mentally and then he feels a lot of self-disgust for having casual sex with someone he either doesn’t know or has a friendship with. There’s just way too much that goes on in his head when he finds himself in that situation and I really thinks he can’t even talk to you, if you are awake, and he’s just laser-focused on getting his clothes on and getting as far away from the situation as fast as he can.
Rika…Rika just sees this as more proof of the darkness inside of her and she fully embraces the situation. Out of all of them, I feel like she’s the one most comfortable in the situation. She’d actually either snuggle up to you closer or would attempt to seduce you all over again, regardless of any hangovers, just because she feels like she can and feels like it’s slightly self-destructive to do so, which is something she is actively seeking.
Vanderwood isn’t too shook up by the situation. It’s happened to him before, probably more than once. He’s either in your apartment or a hotel room, so he doesn’t really have to worry about kicking you out. Truth be told, he’s another one of those who are going to bail with as little follow-up interaction with you as possible.
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natasha-in-space · 7 months
would it be alright to request the rfa + saeran with an MC who’s in school to be a veterinary neurologist? basically brain surgeon but for animals^^ tysm!
I think Yoosung will be pleasantly surprised and very inspired by you. He's in college studying veterinary medicine himself, but, at the point of you joining the RFA, he lost the previous fire he held for his degree. Of course, his issues lie way deeper than simply finding his degree uninteresting or useless, but the point still stands: he feels rather apathetic towards his studies. He feels like nothing he's doing in his university makes any difference, and his expectations for his future are bleak, to say the least. So, to learn that you are studying in the same field as him, all while maintaining the goal you are working towards... it's somewhat inspiring to him. But, there might be some insecurity mixed in there as well. He can't help but compare himself to you - a trait he is, unfortunately, very guilty of - and that never ends well for him. It makes him feel somewhat inadequate to realize that he just doesn't share the same drive and passion you seem to possess for your goal. Of course, he only sees the best parts of your experience, overlooking all the struggles and tribulations you have to deal with on a daily basis as well. But, as you two grow closer, you help him realize that his main problem is not as surface level as he thinks. You motivate him to treat himself kinder, with more genuine care to his needs. And, with time, he will find his drive again. You two will definitely have a ton of study dates together. Who knows, maybe you'll end up even working at the same vet clinic? That wouldn't be out of the question for you guys. It's nice to have someone who understands what you're daily life is like, and you can babble to him all about your study life, without having to go into too much detail. It's like you're a team of two. Needless to say, I think this will make you grow even closer to one another in the long run.
Zen would be very impressed. Having never attended college after running away from home, he has a great deal of admiration for those who are willing to put in the time and effort required to obtain a degree. And, studying to become a veterinary neurologist? That sounds like it takes a whole lot of work! He will immediately feel a good deal of respect towards you once he learns this. He doesn't know much about animals, nor did he ever own a pet of his own (since he spends most of his time at work, and his finances are not as stable as he'd like them to be), but he knows how precious pets can be to people. There is no suspicion in his heart since the first moment you joined the RFA, but even the tiniest bit of it goes out the window with this new fact he learns. Someone who works so hard for such a noble cause cannot be a bad person in his eyes. I think Zen's support will be mostly noticeable on the emotional side of things. He can't understand a word you're speaking most of the time you're sharing some story from your studies, but he does ask you about your day regardless. If you're feeling stressed out or overworked, he's there in a flash. You don't have to worry about a thing when the time comes to study for your exams: he makes sure you're taking breaks, eat tasty and nutritious food, and he keeps your place all neat and clean for you. And, if you're feeling anxious or unsure of yourself? Well, I'm glad to tell you that Zen is the best cheerleader you can get. He's able to put a smile on your face and lift your worries every time you're feeling down. Probably because he knows what's it like to doubt your own abilities, and he knows what you'd like to hear in that moment of vulnerability. Just like he promised you, you two will support one another on your own individual paths in life, giving each other strength when it's needed. And, you bet he'll throw the biggest celebration once you finally graduate. The guy will probably be even more excited for you than you are. He's kind of like a golden retriever in that way. 
I don't think she would have much of a reaction initially. It's just yet another piece of information she'll write down about you, as you slowly start getting to know one another. Jaehee's worldview was heavily influenced by her highly unsupportive environment, and she projects that worldview onto everyone else, unless she is explicitly proven wrong. She went to university and got a job because that's what was expected of her, and because that was the only way she wouldn't get looked down upon by her environment. And, she excelled at both of those things, but, at the end of the day, she holds no spiritual nor emotional attachment to her current job or her time studying. I think she'll be a bit taken aback once she sees that you are genuinely passionate about what you are pursuing. What differentiates her from Yoosung, who feels very insecure about his uncertain future, is that Jaehee has long since accepted that this is all that her life is ever going to be. At least, she thinks she did. She'll be a bit envious of your drive, sure, but there are no comparisons or depressing thoughts in her mind. She'll just conclude that you are different from her, that is all. Now, as your bond grows stronger over time, and you help her find that self-love she was lacking all these past years, things will change. Jaehee finds the inner courage to believe in herself and her dreams, despite what everyone around her may think. She is no longer afraid of being perceived in a negative light. And, with that new fire in her eyes, your passion now starts actively motivating her. It's kind of sweet, really. While your tireless work encourages Jaehee to fight for her dream, Jaehee's newfound boldness in what she does inspires you to do the same. It's like you two are each other's source of motivation when things get tough. While you may not end up working side by side, Jaehee will always make sure to treat you to the best coffee and snacks she can find. Her cafe is a perfect place for you to study in peace, with occasional kisses on the cheek as a bonus.
Jumin will be impressed. We all know how much genuine love and care he possesses for animals, so, needless to say, he holds a lot of respect for those who dedicate their livelihoods to making sure that no animal has to live in pain. I actually think this will make him come to trust you a little bit quicker! This man has a major soft spot for animals, and he even explicitly states that he believes that a person who loves animals cannot be bad. Especially cats. Overall, this wouldn't affect your relationship with him much, but he will be interested in learning more about your studies in detail. I won't be surprised if he's fairly knowledgeable in a lot of things concerning animal health, so you might gain a new companion to discuss these niche things with. Jumin is no stranger to most of the terminology you use, so you don't have to feel awkward about explaining every other word that slips out of you without thinking. And, what he doesn't know, he's more than willing to learn. I think talking with you about these things will make him come to respect you even more. You are clearly passionate about your goal, and he cannot overlook that. When it comes to the already established relationship with him, I'd say he's the proudest partner you can find. Will definitely talk his father's ears off about how lovely he thinks you are, and how hard you're working to reach your goal, and how admirable that is. Reporters will get the same treatment. Jumin Han is in love, and he is not ashamed of showing it on full display.
I don't think he'll have much of a reaction at first. He already knows what you are studying before you have a chance to say it yourself, but, at the beginning, it's just another fact he'll record about you, same as with Jaehee. It's not until you start expressing your personal feelings towards your studies that he first gets intrigued and wants to know more. He'll probably joke around and make some silly memes at the start, as he's fully in his 707 persona at the time. Will probably joke about you being a good example for Yoosung to follow, as he has lost all his motivation for his studies. He'll also pretend to be a sick kitty you have to cure, either on a call with you or in the chat. You know, your usual Seven shenanigans. Now, as you two grow closer, he will form a genuine appreciation and admiration towards you. He already views you as a very good person, so you studying to help animals and owners in need is just another testament to that in his point of view. You are way better than him. Your hands are meant to heal and help, while his are caked in blood and sin. These thoughts keep buzzing at the back of his mind, even as he finds himself grinning widely at you celebrating passing another test in the chatroom. He is genuinely so proud of you and all you do. But, as much as his foolish heart wishes he could be there to celebrate with you in person, he's content to remain in the shadows, where he rightfully belongs. This is something that will add to the conflict you'll have to face in the apartment. But, once that is all behind you, Saeyoung will be your biggest supporter. He gives you a ride to university, always asks about your day, prepares silly little sticky notes to encourage you through your study sessions - he does it all. Meowy will also become your study buddy, as he will program it accordingly to help you out with your work. While he used to admire you afar, now he has nothing to hide. So, be prepared to be doted on and happily twirled around after coming home from your exams.
Saeran has... a very complicated relationship with anything that has to do with medicine. There are many seemingly obvious things that he doesn't know about, and what he does know is often downright wrong or frightening to him. He grew up without any proper healthcare, and Rika has often used hospitals as a scare tactic to him: a place where you get locked up and treated against your will. So, as Ray, he learns so much new information through his research on you. While you are not studying to become a doctor, you are still planning to tie your life to medicine and helping those in need. I think that's what he will focus on mostly. He doesn't understand a lot of things, but he does understand that you have a compassionate heart and a strong spirit. How could he not fall for you? And, as Suit Saeran, he will mock your pursuit in life instead. It won't be that effective, as, yet again, it'll be very painfully obvious that his knowledge of the topic is very limited. But, he will try to spin it in a way that would make you feel bad about yourself. Of course, he will apologize to you and take accountability for his wrongdoings, as he realizes that, in reality, you were always so much brighter and better than him. All Saeran had on his mind was hate and a desire to hurt those beneath him so that nobody could dare lay a hand on him again, while you've put so much effort into becoming someone who will help those who can't help themselves. As GE Saeran, he is the most loving and gentle supporter you can get. Saeran is a pretty clingy partner, but not in a suffocating way, as it could become with Ray. He just wants to be around you, kind of like an affectionate cat. So, while he won't bother you during your study sessions, he will still sit close to you, touching you in one way or another. It could be just your arms touching, or him silently hugging you from behind. The only way this can become a problem for you is the overwhelming urge to cuddle with him instead of focusing on your studies, to which he will chuckle and sheepishly apologize. Saeran will also make sure you're not overworking yourself. He knows better than anyone what's it like to work yourself down to the bone, and he doesn't want that to ever happen to you. So, he'll bring you food, water, and remind you to rest your eyes every so often. Saeran's support is a comforting and quiet one. It makes you feel safe and unafraid of anything, as long as you know you'll have him waiting for you when you return back home.
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mystmesstolemysoul · 5 months
When I got that picture of Zen under the stars I literally gasped
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neonpinkfeels · 5 days
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edgelord-saeran · 2 years
hiiii 💛💛 idk if you take request by any chance but if you do can i request rfa+saeran reaction to MC playing the ssum?? I've been playing for the last few days and i found it so boring all i could think about was what would the boys think of teo
(if you don't take request or you don't want to do it, its okay and i'm sorry if this bothered you <3)
I do take requests!
Yoosung is interested at first, but when it's a slow-paced messenger game, he looses interest. He will help you pick the best answer responses sometimes though.
Zen does get slightly jealous. Why are you focusing on this Teo dude when he's right there? His pout is so distracting that 20 minute breathing breaks don't seem to take as long.
Jaehee quite frankly doesn't get it, but as long as you seem happy, she's happy. She does think that the forum aspects are interesting.
Jumin would pay for your subscription if you asked him. Both of them. He'd consider it a bit of a waste, but if you're enjoying the full experience, it's worth it.
Seven has been shown that he already hacks the app, so I think with your influence, he'd probably go further. Your version is the one with no wait times and no paywalls.
Saeran blocks it from your phone all together. Is he jealous? Yes. Yes, he is. The only mysterious unknown person you should be texting is him.
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planetbass · 1 year
you would not expect a funny otome game to not only have an insane plot but also genuinely some of the most complex multifaceted characters/relationships ive ever had the (dis)pleasure of being mentally ill over and yet somehow mystic messenger does it anyway
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pastelsapphy · 1 year
suit saeran trying to scare MC meanwhile I'm sitting here like, suit, my boy.... i am a brat a bottom and a masochist. your whole Thing is doing the opposite of what you're trying to do
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theofficial606 · 2 years
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hiimawarish · 5 months
My friends had reduced my type of fictional men to
Men in suit
Fatherly figures
Smart men
Now, however, they have reduced it once again to just DADS. They are not wrong, but the call-out seems excessive.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
YOU LIKE V AND WRITE FOR HIM I'M SO EXCITED can I request for more than 1 character for the event? If not then please pick whichever you want to write: Jumin's and V's reactions when finding the reader is covered in self harm scars or V finding out their best friend has betrayed them. I thought the latter would be interesting since we usually see Jumin being betrayed by V, not the other way around.
I love V! I think he’s such an interesting, well conceptualized character and I really don’t think he deserves the hate he does get! I’m always so happy to give him some love! I don’t have character limits, so no worries there, and plan on writing both of these. I am going to stick the self-harm scars headcanons under a cut though, just because I do know that topic can be triggering for some people!
The thing about V is that this man very much has a bad habit of internalizing blame and guilt. No matter what Jumin did to betray him, no matter what form that betrayal took or how secretive or open Jumin was about it, to V, it’s not going to be Jumin’s fault. In V’s mind, Jumin’s not in the wrong. It had to be something that V himself did wrong, some way that he was not enough, that made Jumin betray him.
There’s no anger towards Jumin and he’s forgiven the betrayal pretty easily, because so much of that blame is self-directed in V’s case. I do think that he would feel incredibly guilty and very heartbroken. He’d ask for some time to himself to gather his thoughts because V is also very much someone who processes things best by himself and who doesn’t really enjoy confrontation with another person.
I do think he would be open, after having his time to get his thoughts in order, to having a discussion with Jumin and getting closure about what had happened. He’d want to know what had caused this, how he had caused it to happen, and he would do his best to press for answers, though he would accept if Jumin was unwilling to give him any. I think that, even with the betrayal, V wouldn’t want to cut Jumin out of his life. He has so few true friends that he doesn’t want to lose one, especially when Jumin is so incredibly important in his life. He’d want to know if Jumin is willing to move past this situation, to continue to be in V’s life, and for both of them to mend their friendship.
V probably does accidentally come across their self-harm scars. Maybe a sleeve got pulled up a bit too much or their clothes rumpled up as they slept or stretched or moved. It could even be possible, given how easily V makes people feel at ease, that they could have chosen to show him. Whichever way it plays out, he is going to see them and he will act on what he sees right away. He’ll be so gentle in his actions, but he will gently detain them, keep them right with him so that they can’t run away as he pulls up a sleeve or pulls fabric off a shoulder to better see the scars. Depending on how well he knows the reader, he might even absent-mindedly, not even thinking about what he’s doing, trace over the scars with his fingers.
His words will be soft and hesitant, asking them if they would feel comfortable telling him what happened to them, how they ended up with all these scars. While he’s pretty sure he knows the answer, he doesn’t want to make assumptions, especially when he’s praying he’s wrong. He finds it really hard to keep his eyes from watering when his worst suspicions are proved true.
He will apologize. He knows it’s not his fault, whatever they did before they met him…but he’s still so sorry. He’s sorry they went through that, he’s sorry they ever hurt that much, he’s sorry he never saw the pain they had shouldered. And he is going to let them know he’s there for them, no matter what, and ask them to stop hurting themselves. To promise him that, when they feel like they want to, to please call him and that he’ll be there for them, no matter what, and that he’ll make whatever’s hurting them go away.
Jumin would genuinely stumble across their scars by accident. Most self-harmers do cover their scars out of embarrassment or shame, so I’m assuming that about this reader character. Jumin would honestly have walked in completely accidentally while they were changing or when they had their hoodie off and weren’t expecting anyone to be around and, since he is a very observant man, he is going to notice in the couple of moments he’s there before he excuses himself politely to allow them space and privacy to either finish changing or to get themselves back in a spot where they feel comfortable and properly covered.
I don’t think Jumin will bring up what he saw right away. He does need time to really think about those scars, what they meant, and he’d need to really mentally access and go through his memory to figure out if any of them looked relatively recent. He’d want his thoughts all in order before he talked to them about what he did see, and it will be important to him that he both figures out possible solutions or helpful advice, along with a way to respectfully and tactfully (or as tactfully as he can) broach the subject with them.
I do think that Jumin is going to take a much more practical approach to the situation, because that is how he deals with things best. He’s hesitant and uncomfortable with emotions, but facts and figures and actions…those are his comfort zone. So he will bring up what he saw to them and he will ask if their scars are because of self-harm. He’s going to want to know if this is an ongoing issue and if they are still actively self-harming. Regardless of if they are or not, he needs to know if they have been checked medically for any mental illnesses, if they are seeing a therapist, and what actions they are taking to improve whatever situation is making them want to harm themselves. If they are not taking those steps, he’s leaving them no choice but to do so. He will pay for everything, but they must go seek help or, though he hates to do so, he will have them reported as a danger to themselves or others, just so that they get the help they need.
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whats-it-mean · 6 months
Period cramps? Never fear, the great 707 is here ☆
i just got my period and i am n o t having it and yknow what i want. i want someone to give me blankets and hot chocolate and tea and hsdksjdl. Also the mysmes brainrot is real so why not combine the two !! its a bit short today but im tired so whatcha gonna do
C/W - Reader is suggested to be AFAB (it's a period comfort fic, what did you expect) but no pronouns or specific gender
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── 
Although he ultimately struggled to express it sometimes, Seeing you all bundled up on the couch, face scrunched up in discomfort, he could feel his own mood souring. You had your nose buried in whatever manga you’d wrapped yourself up in this time, but your focus was all over the place with how much your abdomen hurt. There was no way to think straight through the pain, no matter how much you tried to ignore it, and it bothered him almost as much as it bothered you. It had been a bit since he had slipped out through the entryway with a promise to return soon, with the grin on his face that only meant he was up to something, but you still couldn’t bring yourself to pay too much mind to it.
After about a half hour of you sitting on the couch, stomach aching and barely even reading your book anymore, the jingle from the doorway ensuring your boyfriends return had you directing your gaze to the hallway that led to the door, where said red-haired boy poked his head around the corner, watching you for a reaction.
“Seven…?” You asked, confusion evident on your face as you stared at him, manga now forgotten as it lay abandoned at your side.
He smiled at you, eyes closed while he beamed. “I got you a couple things~” He said, reaching out a hand to showcase the full shopping bag that dangled from his arm.
“Eh--? Why did you--”
He strode over to you, sitting down on the floor next to the couch you sat on as he shushed you, before turning to open the bag. He seemed rather proud of himself as he pulled it open, reaching in and handing you a freshly bought, fluffy blanket in your favorite color, offering it to you with the cutest grin on his face.
“I got you a better blanket, some extra supplies, some hot chocolate…” As he spoke, he laid each item out in a pile, eyeing you from time to time to make sure you were watching him and his little performance. “I got you a heating pad too, Jaehee mentioned once that those are useful. Do you want me to make you the hot chocolate now, or wait a bit?”
You stared at him, completely still as you watched him stare right back, puppy dog eyes on full display. “W- What is… Why……?”
He grinned at you as if it was obvious. Leave it to Seven to make you feel stupid even on your period. “You looked uncomfy, so I wanted to help~ Is that okay?”
Well, how are you meant to say no to that?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───  End
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ranartinart · 1 year
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Han Jumin and mafia vibes
Should I make a series with other mysme characters?
If this post gets some reactions I'll make a series with other Mystic Messenger characters
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ryncorrect · 6 months
The Ssum 2 is actually... not that bad?
It has been 14-ish days since The Ssum: Love From Today (or The Ssum Season 2 if we must) was released. We were introduced to a new character named June, a blonde cutie pie that looks kinda sad (?) and fragile (?) and reminds me of Yoosung from the very first picture release. His voice and the way he talks even gives off Yoosung vibe even more. The spoiler stated, “He has ties to someone from Mystic Messenger,” and I was like, OKAY YOOSUNG????? Or perhaps a little far off, RIKA????? Then bam it’s actually—welp if you haven’t played it yet then I’ll let you find it out yourself lol
The revelation received mixed reaction from “wtf” to “WTF??” and I gotta admit I was one of them who was like,,,,, why,,,,, but it didn’t get to make me stop playing June route because:
- The writing in this season actually gets better
Teo route was boring af (spoiler alert?) boi kept doing part time jobs, we got two couple fights that didn’t even make sense, and somehow he ended up getting involved in a cult like ??????? I know they were trying to build a slow pacing relationship that lasted 200 days and added many “realistic” things but fam this aint it. And don’t get me started with the waiting time in between his chats, like 20+ minutes to wait for him climbing a hill, in a bed time chat? Nah fuk u man
Harry route.... god I hate don’t like it very much because 1) he doesn’t make it easy for me at all, 2) some of MC options in the chat are either gold-diggerish, or very jealous, or mean, or ignorant, and I don’t wanna be that kinda person
Don’t get me wrong, Teo and Harry are good characters and their designs are cool but the storytelling... is really all over the place
Since the writer from Cheritz’s previous games including Mysme is making a comeback in this season for June, playing his route now I can really see the difference. June started off falling in love instantly for MC and in only like 5 days I found out he has terminal disease. Nice. Tragic and angsty and very Mysme of you, June
BUT other than that, the conversation flows nicely, not too short and too long, the waiting time is reasonable, and I love how we get to talk about the planets thing in the chat; MC telling June to write in Gratitude Diary, June telling MC that he likes to read stuffs in Root of Desire, Piu-Piu advising us to look around the planets as we wait for June. It makes a huge difference for me. The whole meeting-a-fateful-stranger-in-some-random-app concept feels more realistic, and those planets are now part of the story and not just there to... exist. Though, it does make me wonder if June has this battery thing going on for him too, and if that’s why he doesn’t call us as often as Teo used to (but I’m still on day 10 and he’s currently trying to recover his health, so perhaps he probably just doesn’t get the energy and time to call us often lolol)
AND I KINDA LIKE PIU-PIU HERE. It feels... useful and friendly now. Piu-Piu in Teo route feels like a mean sassy bird and Piu-Piu in Harry route is just weird and likes to invade people’s privacy
- June having ties with Mysme character
Yes, this is also another reason I keep playing. Finding out that this new lovable character has a relationship with one of my favorite characters from one of my favorite games? I’m sold. I don’t care if this is just some way of Cheritz to get Mysme players into The Ssum. They have the right to do so—I mean it’s their game??? Some people are also saying that Cheritz should just release another contents for Mysme rather than doing this with The Ssum, and I think that’s valid. But Mysme has been running for years already, and keeping an otome game around for this long must be very hard. Releasing another content for Mysme means that Cheritz must gather their old writers, old artists, and old voice actors and perhaps they don’t have the resources to do so
Ofc this reason might not be true and Cherits just simply doesn’t want to work on Mysme anymore, and that’s their decision I’d like to respect
Also, if Teo and Harry made me miss Mysme because of their poor writing, June here actually makes me want to play Mysme again because he’s related to ***** and it’s fun being able to see ***** from different perspective
Moreover I’d rather be a gf of June who has half-brother (oops) from Mysme than being Zen’s ex. Wtf was that
And who knows? Maybe we will get another chara who’s related to V next????? Idk tho it might be too much of a stretch but I’m not gonna complain lol
- Cheritz is trying their very best
Them using AI art is wrong, and they have addressed that issue so I won’t repeat it here. I just wanna acknowledge their effort in making a game we would enjoy. They're pretty fast in handling and responding to our complaints, they still give us some battery freebies in the game so people who can't afford batteries or subscription can save them to play, and tbh you don't have to purchase every paid option in the chat too (I know I don't). Some players also share the paid pictures online, so you can decide to pay just for the pictures you wanna keep. We have a friendly and helpful community ;_;
The subscription price is still too much for many players and I myself can’t afford it every month because I have a family to feed, but I try to understand that in the end Cheritz is still an independent company that has to make profit. They have to pay rent, their employees, and people who work with them. I encourage people who can afford to keep supporting them, and those who can’t, I’m sure Cheritz appreciates our support and feedback just as much!
In conclusion, I just love them and I hope they keep up with the hard work
I want to say much more tbh but I’m kinda tired so now I’ll get back to work—while waiting for June for our lunch chat
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onlinekitsune · 4 months
last updated: 12/30/23
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kiss goodnight (saeyoung choi) — mutual confession after a celebratory rfa dinner
let me in (saeyoung choi) — inspired by the events of day six (?) of his route where he accidentally lets out his frustrations on you.
winter with them — winter date drabbles inspired from my winter date headcannons
winter dates with the rfa (including saeran)
rfa’s reaction to mc confessing first (including saeran and jihyun)
ask reqs:
polycule with saeran and jumin
rfa’s reaction to a mc with a strong sensitivity to certain tastes and smells
rfa’s reaction to a mc obsessed with cute mugs (including minor trio)
assigning ricky montgomery songs to the rfa (including saeran, jihyun, and vanderwood)
rfa spotify playlists (including jihyun and rika)
do it for him meme (saeran choi)
let’s take ibuprofen together meme (jihyun kim)
that's not your wife, that's mine meme (saeyoung choi)
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✪ divider credit to cafekitsune ✪
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marshmallowprotection · 2 months
Imagine MC pranking their mysme lover like that >kiss prank< (awwww <3)
Who'd have the best reaction?
You know what, I'm not sure who might have the most vivid reaction. But, I do know that playing a trick like this is bound to put you in a place where Zen, Saeran, and Saeyoung get you back. See, Zen and Saeyoung are the more likely culprits in the sense that they'll be fast to grab you and pull you back in for a kiss. But, with Saeran, you're in for it. You will never know when he's decided to get you back with a much larger display of affection. But, hey, that's love.
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amor-immortalem · 1 year
Okay so I have to hop onto my little soap box here for a second.
as I’m watching some the responses to the news that the og obey me app isn’t getting new lessons come in, I’m starting to see how spoiled, for lack of a better term, some of our fellow fans on twitter are.
User names and icons are blacked out for their privacy. I just wanted to give y’all some examples of twitter’s reaction
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It’s alright to be sad, disappointed or angry even. Some fans have spent up to 3 years with the OG app and put a lot of money into it to get their card collection to where it is today so it’s understandable. (I know I myself have probably dropped a couple grand on this game by time I take into account what I pay for the VIP membership and all the money Ive spent in nighmare) But it’s not okay to behave like these three fans have even if you share their sentiments.
If you think about it, every game stops getting support at some point. (I still remember when MysMes stopped getting new content. It broke my heart and I haven’t opened the app since) and it was inevitable that the OG app would stop getting main story content but hey at least we got another game that starts off in a time period that, according to the devs, has been highly requested to be shown for a while now and on going events to kind of ease us down. (I know events are not everyone’s favorite thing. I’ve only been skimming through the stories that interest me for a while now)
I can see where the outrage is coming from though. Fans are feeling like the devs lied to us back in February when they said the OG app wasn’t shutting down we just didn’t know there was a big ol’ asterisk after that statement at the time. We assumed we’d still get main story content. I think this whole thing would have gone much better if the devs had clarified that we’d only ever be getting events from here on out. no main story content feels like the app is being phased out for Nightbringer and with no way to transfer our cards over, fans are losing all the blood sweat and tears they put into building their collection and- ahh I’m rambling again…
I guess what I’m trying to say is like it or not, at some point we will have to say goodbye to the world of OM! altogether but that doesn’t mean we as fans have to get angry and lash out about it. We could have just been cut off from the world of OM! cold turkey but the devs are giving us a nice little step down with nightbringer.
Alright I’m done on my soap box, I’ll get down now.
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