#shaw 4 electrical services
lovehugsandcandy · 5 years
Who Killed Jason Shaw? Chapter 4: Ximena (RoD, Colt x MC)
Summary: Ximena joins Ellie in scoping the crime scene.
Rating: R (discussions of death)
Pairing: Colt x MC, RoD
Length: ~2200 words
Ellie walked downstairs to the smell of coffee and sound of grease splattering on the range. No nightmares, again; maybe she was turning the corner. She was so sick of Shaw haunting her dreams, taunting her, threatening the people she loved. Maybe his death had freed her too.
She didn’t even need to say hello before her dad turned at her footsteps, plate in his hand. “Time for breakfast with your old man?”
“Always.” She followed him into the dining room to dig into the Ellie Special. “So...how’s work going?”
He raised an eyebrow. “Fine. Busy.”
“Busy with anything in particular?”
“Are you fishing for information?” His eyes narrowed.
She hung her head, contrite. “I wanted to know about Shaw, of course.”
“No news. ME thinks they can have a cause-of-death before the weekend, probably Friday.” Her stomach dropped. Three days. Three days to investigate. “If one of those punks did this, they’re going down.”
“Dad, they didn’t do anything!”
“Really.” Her dad dropped his fork onto the table. “You expect me to believe that a crew of known criminals, thirsty for revenge, didn’t take the opportunity to take him out?”
“They didn’t do it, Dad.” She leaned forward to glare at him; he peered back. She met his eyes head on, not daring to blink.
“Ellie....Have you- You’ve been investigating them, haven’t you.” It wasn’t even a question, a pointed statement that he spit in her direction.
“I have.”
“I told you to stay away from them! What are you think-”
She pushed her plate away, appetite vanishing. “And do you know what I’m finding? A bunch of teenagers who were targeted by a corrupt LAPD, half of them in hid-.”
“The Kaneko kid’s twenty, not a teena-.”
“I know damn well how old Colt is!” She pushed her chair back, the screech of tile loud in the room, and stood, eyes narrowed venomously at her dad.
He stared right back. “Is that where you’ve been going when you’re not here?” She froze. “When you leave when I head out on shift? When you say you’re sleeping over Riya’s?”
Ellie swallowed.
“Dammit, Ellie, he’s a criminal.”
She blinked back the tears behind her eyes. “He didn’t do this.”
“Then who did?”
“Isn’t it your job to actually find out? And not rush to judgement?” She left the rest of her breakfast uneaten as she fled, feet slamming on the stairs, back up to her room.
After her dad had left and she had finished her brooding, she headed out, driving down roads she had only been down a few times before, stopping on a deserted side street. She made sure to lock it and walked the few blocks, passing liquor stores and check cashing services before seeing the dim tattoo parlor, sandwiched in between a wig shop and an abandoned storefront, iron bars rusting in the windows.
Unlike the surroundings, the parlor looked neat and clean as she ducked in, bell cheerfully ringing above her head. “Hello!”
“Hi, sweetie.” A familiar voice called from the back and, after a few seconds, its owner emerged with a wide smile from down the hallway. Ximena was a sight for sore eyes, a towering gentle giant clad in a black tank; it was almost like no time had passed at all and Ellie was still a naive high schooler getting in over her head.
“X.” She couldn’t stop the smile from spreading ear-to-ear as she was bundled into a signature hug. “How are you?”
“I’m great. You? How’s school?”
Ellie could feel the tension in her shoulders lessen. “Good. I’m good.”
“Are those....” Ximena took her palm, carefully rotating her hand in careful fingers. “Are those tatoos?”
“Oh my God, no.” Ellie laughed, pulling her hand back and stuffing it in her pocket. “Temporary. Riya wanted to experiment; I think she’s jealous of the feather you did on me.”
“Ok. Because this is my full-time gig until Colt has the shop is up and running; you know you need to get all your tats from me!”
“I would never cheat on you, I swear.”
“Good.” Ximena’s face dropped in concern. “You know, I talked to Toby. He told me your dad thinks one of us killed Shaw.”
“Yeah.” And, the tension was back, fear creeping into her spine. She wasn’t a naive high schooler after all; a year later, she was in too deep. Again. “X, I’m scared.”
Ximena turned to her, eyes questioning in the bright light of the shop. “Of what?”
“What if-” Ellie let her breath out slowly between clenched teeth. “What if one of the crew goes down for this?”
“Oh Ellie...” She swept Ellie into her arms again, hands running comforting circles down her shoulder blades. “Do you really think one of us did it?”
“No. No no no but...”
“But it’s not the first time the cops lied to you?”
Ellie’s face fell. “Yeah.” She looked out the window, neon lights casting an eerie tinge on the pavement. “Exactly.”
“Do you trust your dad?”
“I trust that he will investigate to the best of his ability.”
“Then I think you need to trust that it will all work out.”
Ellie sighed. “Easier said than done.”
“Have you seen everyone else?”
“Not yet. I saw Colt and Toby already. I’m going to see Mona tomorrow cuz I need to return her car and Logan after that.”
“You borrowed Mona’s car?”
“Yeah, my dad’s crappy-”
The ringing of the phone interrupted the her sentence and Ellie mouthed an apology, grabbing her phone. “Hey, Toby.” 
“Ellie! I am amazing! I am the Aragon of the internet! The Khaleesi of dragoning! The Bruce Wayne of-”
“Huh?” At Ximena’s confusion, she put it on speaker. “Toby, I don’t know what you’re talking about. And X is here.”
“Hi, X! Listen listen listen both of you...I was able to get into Jason’s bank info!!!” 
Damn. Toby could get a spot on the force if he kept this up. “What did you find?”
“Listen, the night he died-” She could hear Colt in the background, voice raised. “The night he died, he was at the Tattle Tale. 
“What? What? time?” 
“Late. Looks like a little after midnight.”
“Police report said the crash was right after that, before 1.”
“Maybe he was drunk? Maybe-” There was a scuffle, a few curses; Ellie grimaced.
When she put the receiver back to her head, it was a new voice on the line. “Hey, El.” 
“Hi, Colt.”
“Listen, you know how expensive drinks are there. There’s no way he was drunk off one beer.”
“I think he was meeting someone.” 
“Are you playing detective again?” She rolled her eyes. “I wanted you to stay out of it.” 
Colt continued. “But if we could find out who he was meeting, then we have a lead.”
“We?” She furrowed her brow. “But you’re not-”
“Ellie, this could be your break! Don’t you want to see what we can dig up at the bar?”
“Urgh. Ok, Detective Kaneko. I’ll let you know if I need backup, partner.” She hung up the phone with a sigh and hung her head; she couldn’t help but feel like she was involving the people she loved further and further into this debacle.
The excited voice in front of her added to the feeling. “We should go check it out!”
“What?”  Ellie’s face fell as she turned to Ximena.
“Let’s go to The Tattle Tale! I can take lunch now and we can head over and look for clues!”
“X, this isn’t a game!” Her voice was harsh, unexpectedly so judging by the way Ximena recoiled. “I feel like everyone isn’t taking this seriously! Someone could go to jail!”
X put her hands up placatingly, then moved closer to rub Elle’s arm. “I know, sweetie, I know. But if no one in the crew did it, then we should try to prove their innocence as best we can.”
Ellie blinked and nodded, slowly. “Ok. Let’s go.”
It was deserted when they pulled into the parking lot of The Tattle Tale and Ellie clambered out of Ximena’s electric car.
“No lights in the parking lot.”
“What?” Ellie looked over at her before glancing around. There were no light poles here though, at midday, it didn’t much matter; the sun shone so blindingly overhead, Ellie needed to shield her eyes to see.
“Well, Toby said he was here at midnight, right? It would have been dark in this parking lot.”
Ellie stared at her, eyes wide.
“Oh come on.” X groaned at her. “It’s not the first time I’ve cased a joint.” She took a few steps away from the car, turning in slow circles to see. “It’s only open for dinner apparently, but he would have come out here to get in his car and then....” She trailed off, looking at the road. “Where did he crash?”
“The 405. North of here.”
“On ramp’s right there.” Ximena pointed, curve of the pavement rising above the ground only blocks away. “So he drove over there, got on the highway, and crashed?”
“I guess?”
Ximena surveyed the ground around them. “When was the crash?”
“Early Monday morning? 1am?”
“Probably nothing left here then. Let’s walk over to the highway.”
“X, we don’t need to do that.” Ellie edged back to the car. “We really don’t need to...”
But Ximena was already heading out of the parking lot, calling out over her shoulder, “What could it hurt?”
Ellie threw her hands in the air before following, breaking into a run to catch up to the long stride. “What in the world are we doing?”
“Humor me.”
“Is everyone trying to be a detective?”
Ximena smirked. “I will if it will keep us out of jail.”
“X...” Ellie took a deep breath. “I have to ask...”
“I didn’t kill Shaw.”
“Do you have an alibi?”
“Sunday night? I was working late at the shop, a complex sleeve on a regular client. It was the third session; he’d vouch for me.”
Ellie’s shoulders dropped in relief as they neared the overpass. One less person for her dad to target.
“Look over here!”
“What?” She followed X as she walked over to the concrete barrier, pale concrete supports of the overpass towering over them. “What is it?”
“Look at this junk!” X stared down. “it’s like everyone who drives by just throws their litter here. Don’t they care about the environment?”
Ellie looked down, skeptically; it was a mountain of trash, an ocean of paper and plastic bags, cascading in waves behind the concrete. “Yeah. Apparently everyone who drives by eats Big Macs.”
“Oh my God!” Ximena grabbed her arm.
“Sorry, I...” X threw her hand to her mouth to cover the giggles. “I saw that black hair and thought it was a dead body. But it’s a wig.”
Ellie blinked. 
“There’s lots of random stuff over here. Lots of trash, ew, needles. Clothes....oh my God, why would there be clothes here?”  Ximena wrinked her nose. “Oh, look, an old stop sign! I can add this to the decor at the shop!” She leaned over, peering intently at the mess.
“How do we know what is pertinent? I feel like this is just junk.”
“I have no idea.”
Ellie raked her eyes over the side of the road before looking up at the overpass, traffic booming overhead, road above her vibrating with the weight of the tractor trailers whizzing by. “You know what is actually pertinent?” X raised an eyebrow. “The LAPD didn’t come by to pick up any of this stuff. It’s not evidence.”
“It’s just trash, isn’t it?”
Ximena laughed. “One person’s trash is another person’s treasure.”
“You’re taking that stop sign, aren’t you?”
Ellie couldn’t help but join her laughter. “You do you, X. You do you.”
By the time they made their way back to Inglewood and Ellie said her goodbyes, a huge hug and promise to visit during summer vacation, it was late afternoon. She sat in her dad���s car for a while, windows open, thinking, watching the sights and sounds of the city from her driver’s seat when the phone rang.
“Hey...” She couldn’t hide the fondness from her voice.
“Hey, troublemaker.”
“How are you?”
“A little disappointed that you have been visiting everyone but me, but I’m good.”
She laughed. “Who have you been talking to?”
“Toby.” His cough was strained over the phone line. “He filled me in. Ellie, you have to know that I didn’t-”
“Stop.” She looked out the window, past the storefronts, barely seeing them. “We shouldn’t talk about this here.”
“Ok but Ellie...you know I have all the motive in the world. But it wasn’t me!”
“I know, Logan. I know.” She brought her hand to her face to gnaw on a fingernail. “I’ll come see you, we can talk in person.”
“Ok...” He sounded dejected. “Stop by the shop on Friday.”
“Will do.”
Once she hung up and was alone with her thoughts, her mind wandered, away from her investigation, away from the detective work, to the past, thinking about all that she had gone through with the crew, all Jason had taken from them, all they had taken back. When she shut her eyes, she could almost see flames licking the sky and had to blink before they consumed her too.
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Pokémon Crash, Beetles & Fox Movies
Hello and welcome to another illuminating episode of fun and frivolity with those goofballs from Nerds Amalgamated. First up we have a story about how Nintendo are crashing Roku devices. That’s right, Nintendo have an issue with Pokémon Sword and Shield that is causing Roku to crash and shut down. Now if you want to know more you will need to listen in and then you can tell us what you think in our Facebook group if you think Buck is being to grumpy.
Next up we have the start of Jurassic Park with a beetle trapped in amber. That’s right, a real beetle trapped in amber. This one in particular is historical due to a few important factors, such as the age of the beetle. Would you believe it was around almost 100 million years ago? That’s right and it played an important part in the local ecology. Want to know how the listen in for our second story and then tell us what was your favourite part of the Jurassic Park movies?
Last up we have those poor people at Disney having to vault movies to try and increase the value and increase the margins. That’s right, since Disney the evil organization seeing world domination have bought Fox media they have begun to reduce access to Fox movies to create a false scarcity. This is only one of the underhanded things that they are doing, if you want to know more you know what to do. Also let us know what you think about these dirty tricks by Disney in our group.
Pokémon Sword and Shield crashing Roku devices - https://www.cnet.com/how-to/pokemon-sword-and-shield-are-making-rokus-crash-nintendo-switch/
A beetle in amber - https://www.futurity.org/beetle-in-amber-first-flower-pollination-2208542-2/
Fox Movies being vaulted by Disney - https://www.vulture.com/2019/10/disney-is-quietly-placing-classic-fox-movies-into-its-vault.html
Games currently playing
– Spyro - https://store.steampowered.com/app/996580/Spyro_Reignited_Trilogy/
Rating – 4.5/5
– Age of Empires Definitive Edition bundle - https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/11831/Age_of_Empires_Definitive_Edition_Bundle/
Rating – 4/5
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18 Nov 1926 - Writer and playwright George Bernard Shaw refused to accept money from the Nobel Prize. Shaw initially wanted to refuse the Nobel Prize in general, in line with his principle of not receiving public recognition, but his wife convinced him to receive the award. - https://history.info/on-this-day/1926-why-did-george-bernard-shaw-refuse-the-money-from-the-nobel-prize/
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18 Nov 2017 - Malcolm Young, Australian musician and songwriter, best known as a co-founder, rhythm guitarist, backing vocalist and songwriter for the hard rock band AC/DC. Except for a brief absence in 1988, he was with the band from its November 1973 beginning until retiring in 2014 due to health reasons. Young and the other members of AC/DC were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2003. Malcolm was described as the driving force and the leader of the band. In 2014, he stated that despite his retirement from the band, AC/DC was determined to continue making music with his blessing. As the rhythm guitarist, he was responsible for the broad sweep of the band's sound, developing many of their guitar riffs and co-writing the band's material with Angus. He died from dementia at the age of 64 in Elizabeth Bay, New South Wales - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malcolm_Young
Famous Birthdays
18 Nov 1939 - Margaret Eleanor Atwood, Canadian poet, novelist, literary critic, essayist, inventor, teacher, and environmental activist. Since 1961, she has published 17 books of poetry, 16 novels, 10 books of non-fiction, eight collections of short fiction, eight children's books, and one graphic novel, as well as a number of small press editions in poetry and fiction. Atwood is also the inventor and developer of the LongPen and associated technologies that facilitate remote robotic writing of documents. Several of her works have been adapted for film and television, increasing her exposure. Atwood's works encompass a variety of themes including gender and identity, religion and myth, the power of language, climate change, and "power politics". Many of her poems are inspired by myths and fairy tales which interested her from a very early age. She was born in Ottawa,Ontario - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Atwood
18 Nov 1953 - Kevin Nealon, American comedian and actor. He was a cast member on Saturday Night Live from 1986 to 1995, acted in several of the Happy Madison films, played Doug Wilson on the Showtime series Weeds, and provided the voice of the title character, Glenn Martin, on Glenn Martin, DDS. He was born in St. Louis, Missouri - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Nealon
18 Nov 1961 - Steven Moffat, Scottish television writer and producer. He is best known for his work as showrunner, writer and executive producer of two BBC One series: the science fiction television series Doctor Who, and the contemporary crime drama television series Sherlock, based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories. In 2015, Moffat was appointed Officer of the Order of the British Empire for his services to drama. He was born in Paisley - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Moffat
Events of Interest
17 Nov 1999 - Sleepy Hollow came out, it earned decent reviews and doing solid business. Burton fanatics who loved his creepy aesthetic were thrilled to finally have a true horror film from the director at last. - https://nerdist.com/article/sleepy-hollow-tim-burton-20th-anniversary/
18 Nov 1865 – Mark Twain's short story "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" is published in the New York Saturday Press where it appeared as "Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog". In it, the narrator retells a story he heard from a bartender, Simon Wheeler, at the Angels Hotel in Angels Camp, California, about the gambler Jim Smiley. The narrator describes him: "If he even seen a straddle bug start to go anywheres, he would bet you how long it would take him to get to wherever he going to, and if you took him up, he would foller that straddle bug to Mexico but what he would find out where he was bound for and how long he was on the road." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Celebrated_Jumping_Frog_of_Calaveras_County
18 Nov 1978 - In Jonestown, Guyana, Jim Jones led his Peoples Temple to a mass murder–suicide that claimed 918 lives in all, 909 of them in Jonestown itself, including over 270 children. Congressman Leo Ryan is murdered by members of the Peoples Temple hours earlier. Jonestown resulted in the largest single loss of American civilian life in a deliberate act until September 11, 2001. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonestown
18 Nov 2015 - "Kangaroo Dundee" wildlife TV series premieres featuring Brolga and Roger the ripped Kangaroo on BBC Two - https://www.onthisday.com/date/2015/november/18
Artist – Goblins from Mars
Song Title – Super Mario - Overworld Theme (GFM Trap Remix)
Song Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GNMe6kF0j0&index=4&list=PLHmTsVREU3Ar1AJWkimkl6Pux3R5PB-QJ
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fabulousfabstuff · 6 years
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ARTISTTitle24 CARAT BLACKGhetto: Misfortune's WealthA TRIBE CALLED QUESTWe Got It From Here…thank You 4 Your ServiceABBEY LINCOLNThat's HimAL GREENLet's Stay TogetherAL GREENI'm Still In Love With YouAL GREENI Can't StopALAIN BASHUNGChattertonALAIN BASHUNGFantaisie MilitaireALAIN BASHUNGL'imprudenceAMY WINEHOUSEBack To BlackANDERSON .PAAKMalibuANDERSON .PAAKOxnardANDREYA TRIANALost Where I BelongANDREYA TRIANAGiantsARETHA FRANKLINAretha ArrivesARETHA FRANKLINLady SoulARNOHuman IncognitoART BLAKEY QUINTETA Night At Birdland, Vol.2ART BLAKEY QUINTETMoanin'ARTO LINDSAY / AMBITIOUS LOVERSEnvyAYOTicket To The WorldBANKSGoddessBARBARA LYNNHere Is Barbara LynnBENJAMIN CLEMENTINEAt Least For NowBENJAMIN CLEMENTINEI Tell A FlyBERNARD WRIGHTMr. WrightBETTY DAVISIs It Love Or DesireBETTY HARRISThe Lost Queen Of New Orleans SoulBETTYE LAVETTENearer To YouBILL EVANS TRIOSunday at The Village VanguardBILL WITHERSBill Withers' Greatest HitsBILLIE HOLIDAYLadyBILLIE HOLIDAYLover ManBILLY COBHAMCrosswindsBILLY COBHAMMagicBILLY COBHAMSpectrumBILLY COBHAMTotal EclipseBILLY OCEANTear Down These WallsBLACK SABBATHBlack SabbathBLOOD ORANGECoastal GroovesBLOOD ORANGECupid DeluxeBLOOD ORANGEFreetown SoundBLOOD ORANGENegro SwanBOBBY WOMACKThe Bravest Man In The UniverseBREAKBOTStill WatersBRIGITTE FONTAINE13 Chansons Décadentes Et FantasmagoriquesCARIBOUOur LoveCARIBOUSwimCHAKA KHANHello HappinessCHARLES BRADLEYChangesCHARLES BRADLEYVictim Of LoveCHARLES BRADLEYNo Time For DreamingCHARLOTTE GAINSBOURGRestCHET BAKERChetCHET BAKERChet Baker SingsCHET BAKERIt Could Happen To YouCHRISTIAN SCOTTStretch MusicCLAUDE LUTERClaude LuterCOMMONLike Water For ChocolateCOURTNEY PINEJourney To The Urge WithinCURTIS MAYFIELDSuperflyCURTIS MAYFIELDCurtisCYMANDECymandeD'ANGELOBrown SugarD'ANGELOVoodooD'ANGELOBlack MessiahDEPECHE MODEDelta MachineDEPECHE MODEExciterDEPECHE MODEPlaying The AngelDEPECHE MODESpiritDIANA ROSSDianaDOMINIQUE A.AuguriDOUNIAH & HIGH JOHNDream BabyEL COCODancing In ParadiseEL MICHELS AFFAIRReturn To The 37th ChamberEL MICHELS AFFAIRSounding Out The CityELLA FITZGERALDLive At The Deutschlandhalle In BerlinELLA FITZGERALD & LOUIS ARMSTRONGElla And LouisELLA MAIElla MaiERIK TRUFFAZMantisERIK TRUFFAZThe MaskERYKAH BADUBaduizmERYKAH BADUNew Amerykah: Part One (4th World War)ERYKAH BADUNew Amerykah Part Two: Return Of The AnkhERYKAH BADUWorldwide UndergroundESPERANZA SPALDINGChamber Music SocietyESPERANZA SPALDINGEmily's D+evolutionESPERANZA SPALDINGJunjoESPERANZA SPALDINGRadio Music SocietyESPERANZA SPALDING12 Little SpellsFATIMAAnd Yet It's All LoveFATIMAYellow MemoriesFEISTMetalsFEISTPleasureFEISTThe ReminderFREDDIE HUBBARDBreaking PointFUGEESThe ScoreGASPARD SOMMERAsking QuestionsGOTYEMaking MirrorsGRACE JONESIsland LifeGREGORY PORTERLiquid SpiritGREGORY PORTERTake Me To The AlleyGREGORY PORTERWaterGURUJazzmatazz, Vol.1HERBIE HANCOCKMaiden VoyageHI-TEKHi-teknologyIBEYIIbeyiIBEYIAshICE-TPowerIGGY POPPost Pop DepressionIGGY POPFreeJ DILLADonutsJACK 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WomanTHE DOORSMorrison HotelTHE DOORSStrange DaysTHE DOORSThe DoorsTHE DOORSWaiting For The SunTHE ISLEY BROTHERSWinner Takes AllTHE PHARCYDEPlain RapTHE ROOTSHow I Got OverTHE S.O.S. BANDDiamonds In The RawTHE STOOGESRare PowerTHE STOOGESThe StoogesTHE YOUNG GODSData Mirage TangramTONY ALLENThe SourceTOWER OF POWERBump CityTROMBONE SHORTYFor TrueWAYNE SHORTERSpeak No EvilWENDY RENEAfter Laughter Comes Tears: Complete Stax & Volt Singles + Rarities 1964-1965WILLIE HUTCHThe MackWU-TANG CLANEnter The Wu-tang (36 Chambers)YELLOTouch YelloYOUN SUN NAHLentoOriginal Sound Track AlbumCLIFF MARTINEZ - DriveOriginal Sound Track AlbumHERBIE HANCOCK - Blow-upOriginal Sound Track AlbumISAAC HAYES - ShaftOriginal Sound Track AlbumJ.J. 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dustedmagazine · 6 years
Dust Vol. 4, Number 11
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Blink and 2018 is just about over, at least in terms of music releases, at least if you don’t follow best ofs, mainstream hip hop or holiday music. As we close in on another year of amazing music—but what year isn’t, really?— Dusted takes a moment to dig through the piles and write some short, mostly positive reviews of albums that might have gotten slept on. As usual, writers follow their interests through expansive drone, transcendental folk, incendiary free-jazz, metal, punk and gospel-tinged Americana. Contributors this time included Ethan Covey, Justin Cober-Lake, Jennifer Kelly, Bill Meyer and Jonathan Shaw.
Bitchin Bajas — Rebajas (Drag City)
Bitchin Bajas are a band made for deep exploration. Their hallucinatory, drone-based excursions are like an old couch — sink in, stretch out and stay a while. Rebajas, released this fall by Drag City, makes that task simple. The seven CD set features most everything the band has released since their debut in 2010: eight full albums and their contribution to various split albums. If you’re dipped into Bitchin Bajas previously, you’ll know what you’re getting. (And if you haven’t there’s little chance this package, or this review of it, is where you’d start.) That said, for those with a long drive, or a monk-like attention span, settling in and tracking the territory of the band’s evolution is rewarding. While the themes — of drone, calm, repeating bass and synth figures — remain constant, the band isn’t a one trick (or one note?) pony. Deep listening uncovers the variety between shorter, bloop-and-hum pieces from Tones/Zones (Disc 1) and the meditative, cycling layers of “2303” from last year’s Bajas Fresh (Disc 7). And there are moments that peek up from the soup: “Bajas Ragas” adds hand percussion and a loping bass line for one of their most engaging concoctions—fit for a slow-motion dance floor in a submerged city of the future. Missing, unfortunately, is their 2016 collaborative album with Bonnie “Prince” Billy, the excellently-titled Epic Jammers And Fortunate Little Ditties. As is this intriguing gem of Rolling Stones covers. Yet, with just shy of seven hours of music, I doubt many will sweat their absence. There’s more than enough to disappear into. And, if this review hasn’t spelled it simply enough, this is quite possibly the trippiest music out there. So, set your intentions and bon voyage.  
Ethan Covey
 Nathan Bowles—Plainly Mistaken (Paradise of Bachelors)
Plainly Mistaken by Nathan Bowles
Nathan Bowles, banjoist, percussionist and citizen of New Weird America, departs from his plain-spoken directness in this fourth album and makes a welcome detour into open-ended psychedelia. Right from the dreamy, drifty “Now If You Remember,” you sense a soft-focus open-ness to otherworldly experience. The cut, written by the seven-year-old Jessica Constable and included on Julie Tippett’s 1976 Sunset Glow, shifts and shimmers in ways that Bowles percussive banjo ditties have rarely done. Yet the album’s transcendental heart comes in “The Road Reversed,” where a pounding, dancing rhythm kicks among long, velvety bowed tones, and banjo notes bend into raga-like half-tones. Folk Americana frolics amid deep-toned Eastern meditation, and where one begins and the other ends is hard to say and, also, beside the point. There are, for sure, some traditional touchpoints—“Elk River Blues” (a tune by Ernie Carpenter that Bowles revisits here), “Fresh and Fairly So” and “Stump Sprout” will all satisfy fans of the twang and the twitch. Yet what lingers, for me, are the ones that stray from past experience, the slow, solo ambiguities of “Umbra,” the shadowy flurries and shifting dissonances of “Girih Tiles.” What Bowles’ well-turned work has lacked till now is mystery, and here it is at last.
Jennifer Kelly
 Mike Farris — Silver & Stone (Compass)
Mike Farris's long, strange career flamed briefly with the alt-rockers Screamin' Cheetah Wheelies in the 1990s. After that, Farris rejected his rock 'n' roll lifestyle and grungy sound in a move toward gospel and soul. The surprise of the transition wasn't the partier-to-Christian story but the discovery of how strong Farris's vocals are. On Silver & Stone, he has less of a gospel focus, but down in some swampy soul music (with bits of brighter pop), he shows off that voice. He's willing to take on Bill Withers (“Hope She'll Be Happier”) and Sam Cooke (“I'll Coming Running Back to You”) — not tasks usually recommended — and he comes out of it just fine.
The album fits a sort of arc for his solo career. It lacks the new-convert punch and joy of Salvation in Lights, but it shifts into more thoughtful reflection. Where he had been celebrating, now he's considering how to live. The explicit religion has mostly disappeared, but Farris's songs still run on hope and a big heart. The sorts of ideas at work on Silver & Stone synthesize on “When Mavis Sings,” a tribute to Mavis Staples and serves as a sort of musical and personal model. Farris, whether in rock or soul, the church or the club, presents a focused vision with enough groove to carry it through.
Justin Cober-Lake
 Tim Feeney — Burrow (Marginal Frequency)
MFCS K | Tim Feeney - Burrow by Marginal Frequency
Burrow can be read as both an explanation and an instruction. Percussionist Tim Feeney begins each of this tape’s four pieces (two per side, and if you purchase a download you’ll get a file of each side, not each piece) in similar fashion, beating out a pattern with minimal variation. As the performance progresses monotony gives way to fascination as Feeney slowly reveals a beat’s potential variations. At a certain point things change. Are you hearing more because he threw something on the drum skin, or because your concentration is unlocking that drum-strike’s secrets, or maybe both? Treat this tape like a meditation guide, one that helps you to dig into the sound and see what treasures you find.
Bill Meyer 
 Forever House — Eaves (Infrequent Seams)
Eaves by Forever House
Forever House makes wildly complicated songs whose improvisatory flights and furies are held together, barely, by Meaghan Burke’s keening, swooping melodies. A lurid aura hangs over these difficult, jarring compositions, witchy incantations invoking freaks, body doubles and spiders. Burke’s voice is velvety dark, draping over odd-shaped rhythms, jutting stabs of violent sound. The drumming is particularly good in an off-putting, against-expectations manner; along with throbs of cello and throes of feedbacked dissonance, it constructs a weird fun house architecture where everything tips and distorts and unsettles.
Forever House’s oddities work because they’re powered by formidable skills – this is a band with a serious NY downtown pedigree. Burke, a cellist and composer, commutes between classical orchestra work and solo material that skitters along the boundary between archaic pop and free-wheeling art song. Both guitarist James Moore and bassist James Illgenfritz have played with John Zorn, as well as other downtown luminaries (in Illgenfritz’s case Anthony Braxton, John Zorn, Elliott Sharp and Pauline Oliveros and others, in Moore’s with the electric guitar quartet Dither). Drummer Pete Wise has left less of an internet trail but seems to have Bang on a Can connections. You get the sense that Forever House is their spooky busman’s holiday, a chance to play against type and raise some unruly ghosts. Boo!
Jennifer Kelly  
 German Army — Kowloon Walled City = (Null Zone)
Kowloon Walled City by German Army
German Army is neither an established military entity nor some reenactment clique, but a low-flying, California-based combo that (according to their Facebook page) “uses art to document disappearing cultures and wildlife while critiquing imperialism in all forms.” Kowloon Walled City certainly qualifies as a disappearing culture, since most of the semi-autonomous, mob-run neighborhood that sat at the edge of Hong Kong’s airport has been cleaned up or knocked down. Since there’s nothing particularly Chinese-sounding about this tape’s perky synth/drum jams and the rare spoken vocals are in distinctly American-accented English, the proclaimed mission may be a failure or just a red herring. But if you need some catchy tunes limned with coded mystery to jam in your old jalopy (if you have tried to get a car stereo with a tape deck in the last ten years, you know what I’m talking about), German Army is at your service.
Bill Meyer
  Gong Gong Gong—Siren (Wharf Cat)
Siren 追逐劇 by Gong Gong Gong 工工工
Two songs from the duo of Joshua Frank and Tom Ng make a case for an intriguing Beijing punk-noise underground. The a-side, “Siren” abstracts the electric blues into a single clattering guitar riff, a zooming, looming roar of bass and a searing call (no response) vocal from Ng, in sing-song-y Chinese. “Something’s Happening” is meatier and more conventionally rock, still built on sharp, stinging guitar clamor, but buzzing with Hendrix-y solo-ry (if Hendrix played the bass). Both tracks employ the minimum number of parts to maximal impact, the construction loose enough for friction, sparks and gnashing aggression.
Jennifer Kelly
 Gerrit Hatcher / Peter Maunu / Julian Kirschner — The Raven and the Dove (JAKI)
The Raven and the Dove by Hatcher/Maunu/Kirshner
Chicago’s built on drained swampland, so when the next wave of free jazz rolls up, it can travel. Certainly this trio, which comprises two younger musicians and one more who seems to be doing exactly what he wants with his retirement, covers a lot of ground. Gerrit Hatcher is an extroverted tenor saxophonist with a raw tone and a willingness to depart from his default setting of muscular tune-grinding into passages of tentative flutter and delicate counterpoint. Good drummers never lack for work, so it’s saying something that you can find Julian Kirschner on a Chicago stage pretty much every week of the year. He comes from a post-free jazz conception of his instrument that favors color, space and movement over pulse or swing. Joining these youngsters is Peter Maunu, whose past life playing fusion and new age music seems quite irrelevant to the unpredictable stream of savage scraping, subliminal humming, and acidic rocking that issues from his guitar, violin and mandolin. This group is brand new, but it won’t be for long; they’ve been touring around the Midwest this fall, so you can expect them to add seasoned rapport to band new promises before long. Catch them if you can, and catch this promising debut if you can’t.
Bill Meyer
 Kidd Jordan / Alvin Fielder / Joel Futterman / Steve Swell — Masters of Improvisation (Valid Records)
Masters of Improvisation by Kidd Jordan, Alvin Fielder, Joel Futterman & Steve Swell
It takes a particular orneriness to be a musician in a musical city and stake your claim to a style that the city has never embraced. You can say a lot of things about New Orleans, but it’s never really been a free jazz town. But that hasn’t stopped tenor saxophonist Kidd Jordan, who has made his crust playing and teaching every style that a jobbing musician must play, from playing a particularly uncompromising variety of free jazz. Two of his accompanists here are long-time partners. Drummer Alvin Fielder, who like Jordan is in his 80s, has likewise carried the free jazz torch in southern environs where the muggy air of indifference would douse a fainter spirit. Pianist Joel Futterman is a decade younger and his darting technique and forays inside the piano imply that his roots are sunk in different turf than his mates, but he’s been playing with them long enough to be able to bring empathy as well as energy to the table. New York-based trombonist Steve Swell is the newcomer, and his ability to shift effortlessly between sere exhalations and brash attacks allows him to complicate the combo’s late-Coltrane vibe without betraying it, and then be equally persuasive when they turn around and wring the last blue drops out of Doc Pomus’ “Lonely Avenue.” This concert recording lingers long on the stormy side; go on, stick your face into the wind, you won’t be sorry.
Bill Meyer
 No Love — Choke on It (Sorry State)
Choke On It by No Love
No Love, from Raleigh, NC, play punk rock that conjures the ragged toughness of the mid-1970s NYC downtown scene and the pace of early-1980s Southern Cali hardcore. It’s a potent mix, and when guitarists Seth Beard and Daniel Lupton make a bit of space for vocalist Elizabeth Lynch, the record really kills it. The record’s title track and “Dogs//Wolves” — released back in 2015 as the A-side of a terrific single — are frantic punk burners that scrap and sizzle, teetering on the brink of perilous chaos. The band manages to channel the energy without disciplining it, like the Heartbreakers in those magical months in 1975. “Back Taxes & Anaphylaxis” is even better, mostly because Lynch takes an aggressive lead on the song, showing what she can do. On “Drama Fever,” she manages to keep pace with the guitars’ slashing intensity, but on some of the other tracks, she’s drowned out by all the frenzied riffage. The raw sound of the record gives it a low-grade charm, but the noise sometimes obscures the tunes, which are pretty great. Still, the band’s vigor and verve are undeniable. More, please.  
Jonathan Shaw
 One Tail, One Head — Worlds Open, Worlds Collide (Terratur Possessions) 
Worlds Open, Worlds Collide by One Tail, One Head
Norway’s One Tail, One Head have been playing black metal since 2006, but this year’s Worlds Open, Worlds Collide is the first full-length record the band has ever released. They’ve made a career on their reputation as a live act, pairing their orthodox blackened sound and songs with a stage show only slightly less theatrical than Watain’s (that’s all stage blood, right guys?). It seems that this first LP will be their last, as One Tail, One Head have announced their intent to call it quits after a tour supporting the record. That sense of finality may have prompted the band to round the stylistic bases, pairing truculent, muscular songs reminiscent of the early demos (“Firebirds” is a good example) with more chaotic, swirling work typical of the recent EPs. Songs in the former mode are more successful here, especially the record’s title track, which thunders and crackles with convincing menace. But One Tail, One Head could have given themselves a better sendoff. Few of these tunes feel fully realized, and none is near the equal of the band’s intense performing presence. It’s too bad — but a wise (or wise-ass) kid from Chicago once observed that “breaking up is an idea that has occurred to far too few groups, sometimes the wrong ones.” Via con Satàn, fellas.  
Jonathan Shaw
 Vanessa Peters — Foxhole Prayers (Idol)
Foxhole Prayers by Vanessa Peters
Singer-songwriter Vanessa Peters could have settled for the smart folk-rock she’s been doing for almost two decades, but on Foxhole Prayers she stretches herself, looking at the cultural landscape without relinquishing her personal lyrics. “Carnival Barker” offers her most direct political track, but “Trolls” is more effective, capturing the patience and perseverance needed to defeat the title characters. The song has personal and political resonances, and it's that dual thinking that drives much of the album. “Fight” takes on extra meaning in the context of the album. Peters unveils her own fears and her own need to press on, but with enough space in the lyrics that she could be speaking to herself, a young artist, or someone afraid of venturing into the public eye in any sense; calls to bravery aren't limited to those on stage and Peters situates her song as someone who knows that.  
As her view expands, so does her music, particularly as she incorporates electronic elements into her sound. The dance-pop influences of “Before it Falls Apart” surprise, but Peters' tasteful use of the new sounds allows everything to fit in naturally with what she does. The album, inspired in part by comparing the world of The Greaty Gatsby with today's political climate, has its roots in crisis, hence the title track, and Peters uses her art to search for something better. 
Justin Cober-Lake
 Shells—Shells 2 (Gingko)
Shells 2 by Shells
The evidence suggests that Shelley Salant is not a loner. She’s been booking shows in Southeast Michigan for a decade. She’s the sort of record store clerk who greets you with a recommendation that you’d best consider. She’s played guitar in Tyvek and Swimsuit. She’s the sort of person who makes communities happen by doing what she does.
But she also has pretty strong instincts about what makes a guitar worth hearing — liquid tone, phrases that are concise unless they need to wander, pithy hooks, gritty noise and reverb for days. She’s got some things to say on her own, and that’s where Shells comes in. Shells 2 contains 14 tracks, each a brief and lucid lesson about one or more of the aforementioned virtues. Some of them comprise layers of loops, some follow a single snaking line, and a couple have been overdubbed into an approximation of a band. Similarity spotters may point out the bits that sound like Link Wray or Roy Montgomery or the Feelies, but that would require looking past all the bits that sound like Shelley Salant rocking essentially.
Bill Meyer
 Various Artists — Chebran Volume 2: French Boogie 1979-1982 (Born Bad)
This superlative collection of funk, disco and proto-rap documents the cross-hybridization of bootleg tapes of Grandmaster Flash, Eurovision-style dance music and sounds from the African and Arabic colonies that bubbled up in working class neighborhoods at the dawn of the 1980s all over France. Here on cuts like Ethnie’s “De Chagrin En Chagrin” synths take up the serpentine non-western melodies, while Bootsy-style funksters slap and pop out the boogie. Likewise, the ponderous stomp of bass and percussion anchors Ganawa’s “Yamna” in present day disco, but its wheeling woodwinds and haunting call and response transport you to sand swept deserts in North Africa. Ettika, both the track name and the artist name for a one-hitter from the early 1980s, nudges a disco synth into twisty arabesques and flits from French to Arabic in its emphatic, female-powered raps. Forget the melting pot, these cuts bubble like sour dough starter, when errant spores of yeast find a home in a dull white flour soup and create something marvelous.
Jennifer Kelly
 Otomo Yoshihide / Paal Nilssen-Love — 19th of May 2016 (PNL)
19th of May 2016 by Otomo Yoshihide & Paal Nilssen-Love
Conventional wisdom holds that when Paal Nilssen-Love gets on stage with an electric guitarist, fillings will loosen. That certainly holds true when he pairs up with Terrie Ex, his preferred six-string slinger of recent years, and there are parts of this encounter with Japanese guitarist Otomo Yoshihide that could be cited as supporting evidence. Otomo brings plenty of volume, distortion and ferocity; there are passages where it sounds like he’s demolishing some metallic structure while Nilssen-Love erects an impregnable surrounding whirlwind. But neither man stays in one gear, and some of the most involving moments come when they drop to a scrape and a shimmer.
Bill Meyer
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The COVID-19 pandemic influenced every individual as well as business around the world. Fluctuations in manufacturing, service provision, and supply were noticed across industry verticals. While certain industries found new and unforeseen opportunities for expansion and increased momentum during the pandemic, others were left helpless by the perplexing social situation created by the COVID-19 pandemic. The research report evaluates both the long- as well as the short- term impacts of the pandemic on the Global Wooden Floor Sales Market. It highlights various challenges faced by participants and the stakeholders in the market along with changes in the consumer engagement and attention in Global Wooden Floor Sales Market. The study examines changes in various processes and operations surrounding the industry and maps the impact of delay in production or distribution in the Global Wooden Floor Sales Market. It also inspects various tactics employed by major vendors to regain their business agility and expand their operations in the Global Wooden Floor Sales Market.
Competitive Analysis; who are the Major Players in Wooden Floor Sales Market?
Armstrong, Mannington, Mohawk, Pergo, Shaw Industries, Anderson Hardwood Floors, Mullican Flooring, Beaulieu International, Kahrs, Nature Home Holding, Bruce, Greenply, Robina Flooring, Timberwolf
Major Type of Wooden Floor Sales Covered in Market Research report:
Hardwood Flooring
Laminate Flooring
Application Segments Covered in Market Research Report
Additionally, the research report on global Wooden Floor Sales Market provides an in depth analysis about market status, market size, revenue share, industry development trends, products’ advantages and disadvantages of the enterprise, enterprise competition pattern, industrial policy and regional industrial layout characteristics. The global Wooden Floor Sales Market report covers recent developments, strategic market growth analysis, area marketplace expanding, product launches, technological innovations and many more. Research report also offers an in-depth analysis about the Agreements, collaboration and partnership among different vendors across the globe. Therefore the report is beneficial for all kinds of clients.
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Wooden Floor Sales Market Regional Analysis Includes:
Asia-Pacific(Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, India, Indonesia, and Australia)
Europe(Turkey, Germany, Russia UK, Italy, France, etc.)
North America (the United States, Mexico, and Canada.)
South America (Brazil etc.)
The Middle East and Africa (GCC Countries and Egypt.)
Global Wooden Floor Sales Market Report 2020 by Key Players, Types, Applications, Countries, Market Size, Forecast to 2027
Chapter 1. Report Overview
Chapter 2. Market Snapshot
2.1 Major Companies Overview 2.2 Wooden Floor Sales Market Concentration 2.3 Six-Year Compound Annual Growth Rate  (CAGR)
Chapter 3.Value Chain of Wooden Floor Sales Market 3.1 Upstream 3.2 Downstream 3.3 Porter’s & Five Forces Analysis and SWOT Analysis
Chapter 4. Players Profiles 4.1 Company Profiles 4.2 Product Introduction 4.3 Production, Revenue (2015-2020) 4.4 SWOT Analysis
Chapter 5. Global Wooden Floor Sales Market Analysis by Regions 5.1 Wooden Floor Sales Market Status and Prospect (2017-2027) 5.2 Wooden Floor Sales Market Size and Growth Rate (2017-2027) 5.3 Wooden Floor Sales Market Local Capacity, Import, Export, Local Consumption Analysis (2017- 2027)
Chapter 6. North America Wooden Floor Sales Market Analysis by Countries
Chapter 7. China Wooden Floor Sales Market Analysis by Countries
Chapter 8. Europe Wooden Floor Sales Market Analysis by Countries
Chapter 9. Asia-Pacific Wooden Floor Sales Market Analysis by Countries
Chapter 10. India Wooden Floor Sales Market Analysis by Countries
Chapter 11. Middle East and Africa Wooden Floor Sales Market Analysis by Countries
Chapter 12. South America Wooden Floor Sales Market Analysis by Countries
Chapter 13. Global Wooden Floor Sales Market Segment by Types
Chapter 14. Global Wooden Floor Sales Market Segment by Applications
Chapter 15. Wooden Floor Sales Market Forecast by Regions (2021-2027)
Chapter 16. Appendix
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Key Highlights of the Table of Contents:
Wooden Floor Sales Market Study Coverage:It includes key market segments, key manufacturers covered, the scope of products offered in the years considered, global Wooden Floor Sales Market and study objectives. Additionally, it touches the segmentation study provided in the report on the basis of the type of product and applications.
Wooden Floor Sales Market Executive summary: This section emphasizes the key studies, market growth rate, competitive landscape, market drivers, trends, and issues in addition to the macroscopic indicators.
Wooden Floor Sales Market Production by Region: The report delivers data related to import and export, revenue, production, and key players of all regional markets studied are covered in this section.
Wooden Floor Sales Market Profile of Manufacturers: Analysis of each market player profiled is detailed in this section. This segment also provides SWOT analysis, products, production, value, capacity, and other vital factors of the individual player.
Inquire More About This Report @ https://www.researchmoz.us/enquiry.php?type=E&repid=3265578
Key insights offered through the professional survey report on Global Wooden Floor Sales Market include:
Major players in Global Wooden Floor Sales Market with largest size and share
Key segments in the market along with their combined and individual performance analysis
Estimated evaluation of Global Wooden Floor Sales Market in 2027 i.e. end of the forecast period
Top regional KW markets with interesting investment opportunities for market players
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on supply chain logistics in Global Wooden Floor Sales Market
Projected CAGR for Global Wooden Floor Sales Market during 2021 to 2027 i.e. the forecast period
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orbemnews · 3 years
Wall Street Rebels Against Exxon The little Engine … Exxon Mobil suffered a stunning loss at its annual shareholder meeting yesterday, as a small new activist investor focused on climate change, Engine No. 1, won at least two seats on its 12-member board. To corporate America, the upset was a clear sign that company boards and leaders need to pay attention to environmental, social and governance issues (known as E.S.G.) — or suffer rebukes. A big splash for a tiny fund. Exxon was the first activist campaign for Engine No. 1, which was founded last year by the energy and tech investor Chris James. Its head of active engagement is Charlie Penner, a veteran hedge fund executive who helped lead campaigns against companies like Apple while at Jana Partners. It was a victory long in the making. Engine No. 1 began agitating against the oil giant in December, calling on the company to diversify away from fossil fuels and reduce its carbon emissions. But it began work on the campaign last March, courting large investors like public pension funds that held far larger stakes in Exxon, and thus had more sway. That’s how it parlayed a stake of just 0.02 percent into seats on the oil giant’s board — a truly remarkable feat. Exxon’s shares rose 1.2 percent yesterday. Sources with knowledge of the matter told DealBook that the fund was betting on a confluence of events, including longstanding investor dissatisfaction with Exxon’s corporate governance and a growing appreciation on Wall Street for E.S.G. In a note explaining why it backed three of Engine No. 1’s board candidates, BlackRock — which owns nearly 7 percent of Exxon — said the company’s directors “need to further assess the company’s strategy and board expertise against the possibility that demand for fossil fuels may decline rapidly in the coming decades.” Exxon largely played down Engine No. 1’s concerns, and pressured the firm to drop its challenge after a much bigger hedge fund, D.E. Shaw, called off a campaign. But Engine No. 1 persisted, and also benefited from timing: It began its campaign while oil prices were still depressed by the pandemic. Had oil not rebounded in recent months, Engine No. 1 executives believe, all four of its directors might have been elected. Big Oil is facing a reckoning. A Dutch court ruled yesterday that Royal Dutch Shell must speed up its efforts to cut its carbon emissions. And Chevron shareholders backed a proposal to compel the company to help customers reduce their own emissions. One question we have: Is Darren Woods, Exxon’s C.E.O., who pushed back forcefully against Engine No. 1, now at risk of losing his job? HERE’S WHAT’S HAPPENING The Justice Department opens an inquiry into Archegos. Prosecutors have asked some of the fund’s lenders for information about its meltdown, Bloomberg reports. The rare blood clots associated with Covid-19 vaccines may have a fixable explanation. German scientists theorize that a feature of the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson shots, one they say could be modified, may be responsible. Russia puts pressure on U.S. tech giants. Moscow’s internet regulator now regularly demands that Facebook, Google and Twitter comply with its content restrictions and data storage requirements, or risk losing access to Russian users. It’s the latest instance of governments squeezing Silicon Valley companies. Ford pours billions more into electric vehicles. The company will increase spending on the technology by a third, to $30 billion. It now expects 40 percent of the vehicles it produces worldwide to be electric by 2030. Purdue Pharma’s restructuring plan is set for a vote. The judge overseeing the OxyContin maker’s bankruptcy case said he would let the company’s proposal — in which it would become a nonprofit, and both it and its founding Sackler family would be shielded from future legal liability — be voted on by 614,000 claimants. A culture of fear at the Gateses’ investment firm Bill Gates’s longtime money manager, Michael Larson, bullied co-workers, made sexually inappropriate comments and engaged in a broad pattern of inappropriate workplace behavior, an investigation by The Times found. For the past 27 years, Larson has run Cascade Investment, also sometimes known as Bill and Melinda Gates Investments (B.M.G.I.), which manages the Gateses’ enormous fortune. Among The Times’s findings: Larson made inappropriate comments about female employees. At a work party in the mid-2000s, he asked male employees which of three female colleagues they would want to have sex with. In another case, he asked an employee who was on a Weight Watchers program, “Are you losing weight for me?” Larson denied making any of the comments. A racist comment from Larson led to an internal investigation. When a Black employee mentioned on Election Day that she had not had to wait in line to vote, Larson replied, “But you live in the ghetto, and everybody knows that Black people don’t vote.” A spokesman for Larson, Chris Giglio, denied that he made the remark. At least one employee reported it to human resources, resulting in an internal investigation. Larson was known for “Larson bombs.” In emails, he sometimes called colleagues “stupid” or their work “garbage.” Some employees were moved to different floors in order to put distance between them and him. “Years ago, earlier in my career, I used harsh language that I would not use today,” Larson said. “I regret this greatly but have done a lot of work to change.” “Any issue raised over the company’s history has been taken seriously and resolved appropriately,” said Bridgitt Arnold, a spokeswoman for Bill Gates. Courtney Wade, a spokeswoman for Melinda French Gates, said, “Melinda unequivocally condemns disrespectful and inappropriate conduct in the workplace. She was unaware of most of these allegations given her lack of ownership of and control over B.M.G.I.” Today in Business Updated  May 26, 2021, 4:06 p.m. ET “During his tenure, Mr. Larson has managed over 380 people, and there have been fewer than five complaints related to him in total,” said Giglio, Larson’s spokesman. “Any complaint was investigated and treated seriously and fully examined, and none merited Mr. Larson’s dismissal.” Overdraft math lessons Yesterday, the Senate Banking Committee held a three-hour hearing with C.E.O.s from the country’s six biggest banks. It lacked much of the heat of sessions in the aftermath of the financial crisis, when Congress routinely castigated Wall Street chiefs. (The C.E.O.s gather again today for a hearing in the House.) The most contentious moment came when Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase felt the wrath of Senator Elizabeth Warren, Democrat of Massachusetts. Warren was a teacher before entering politics; she revealed her roots when she took Dimon and others to task for charging overdraft fees during the pandemic. The four biggest banks took $4 billion in overdraft fees from customers last year, Warren said. She singled out Dimon, asking him how much his bank, the nation’s largest, collected in 2020. “I think your numbers are totally inaccurate,” he countered. Dimon noted that JPMorgan waived fees upon request, didn’t go into overdraft at the Fed (which had waived its fees for banks), and provided $120 million in Covid relief. The senator kept pressing and finally provided the figure herself: “It’s $1.463 billion dollars.” “I did the math for you,” Warren said, calling their claims about stepping up during the pandemic “about $4 billion dollars’ worth of baloney.” When challenged to return the fees, none agreed. She asked Dimon directly twice, and he said “no” twice. Amazon, MGM and the streaming wars Amazon said yesterday that it would acquire the 97-year-old film and television studio MGM for $8.45 billion — about 40 percent more than what other potential buyers, including Apple and Comcast, were willing to pay. The deal reportedly made MGM’s owner, the hedge fund Anchorage Capital, a $2 billion profit. DealBook talked with Brooks Barnes, a reporter at The Times who covers Hollywood, about why Amazon was willing to pay so much and what this means for the streaming wars. Are Amazon’s motives different from other streaming platforms’? Amazon is mostly in the Prime membership business, whereas Netflix wants to sell subscriptions purely to its TV and movies. If you’re Amazon, you want to bolster Prime Video to make people even happier to pay for a Prime membership. Is there a risk that regulators won’t allow the deal? The regulatory scrutiny will be considerable. Representative Ken Buck and Senator Amy Klobuchar, both of whom have important antitrust roles, immediately voiced concern because Amazon is Amazon. But the deal is unlikely to be scuttled because MGM is relatively small and so is Amazon Studios. What does the acquisition mean for the streaming wars? If you’re Apple, you’re probably looking around and thinking, well, we don’t have a library, we don’t have a big franchise of our own. Do we need to go out and buy? People think that it will increase the pressure on other streaming services to bulk up. And that’s becoming harder, right? It’s becoming harder, which is partly, I’m sure, how Amazon justified some of the price. Disney isn’t for sale. Sony has repeatedly said its TV and movie operation is not for sale. It’s also becoming harder in part because the corporate sibling studios are not licensing out as much — they’re supplying their own streaming services. More takes on the deal: Jason Hirschhorn, a former MGM board member, has been thinking out loud on Twitter about the deal, including the intriguing possibility that Amazon could buy out the family that controls MGM’s James Bond franchise, gaining more freedom to expand the Bond “universe.” Brad Stone, the author of the new book “Amazon Unbound,” shared Jeff Bezos’s 12 ingredients for hit shows. MGM owns the rights to “The Apprentice,” including unaired material that some claim contains unflattering footage of the reality show’s former host, Donald Trump. The tapes’ contractual status is unclear, but the notion that they might belong to Bezos, a frequent target of Trump’s ire when he was president, has set tongues wagging. THE SPEED READ Deals HSBC plans to sell or close most of its U.S. retail branches, as it focuses on Asia. (WSJ) Investors in Bill Ackman’s $5 billion SPAC are increasingly worried that it won’t strike a deal. (Institutional Investor) Politics and policy How Covax, the multibillion-dollar global vaccination program backed by governments and drug makers, ran aground. (WSJ) Tech Best of the rest A record number of American workers tested positive for marijuana last year. (Insider) The white woman who called police on a Black bird-watcher in Central Park last year sued her former employer, Franklin Templeton, for firing her over the incident. (NYT) We’d like your feedback! Please email thoughts and suggestions to [email protected]. Source link Orbem News #Exxon #rebels #Street #Wall
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friedtyrantllama · 3 years
What is Carpet Installation Business - How Carpet Manufacturers Is Protecting Their Revenues
 Carpet Installation Business - How Carpet Manufacturers Is Protecting Their Revenues
The carpet market has witnessed a lot of fluctuations over the years and one can safely say that the recent downturn is the most dramatic one in recent history. This has led to a great deal of confusion in terms of what the state of the carpet market is. One way of looking at it is to put it in terms of a percentage of overall market share, which indicates the current state of the carpet market and whether it is showing any signs of recovery.
The carpet market share data for the UK for the last few years can be found out on the Carpet World website. You can also access other important resources such as graphs, product price history, carpet industry news and carpet ratings. While you are doing this, it is important to note that trends can change quickly. The carpet market can either perform strongly or very poorly. So, it is important to take a long term view and not immediately react to short term fluctuations in the market.
There has been much discussion on the subject of the carpet market, so let us take a brief look at some of the facts. First of all, we have to understand that the carpet market is dominated by three carpet manufacturers. That is, if you include Home Depot and Lowes, the number of carpet manufacturers is five. Naturally, there are other smaller carpet manufacturers but they generally produce lower quality carpet.
The fact that there are so many carpet manufacturers means that competition is stiff and there are plenty of opportunities for enterprising newcomers. In fact, just a few years ago the share of carpet manufacturers was so low that new entrants would be regarded as pioneers. However, with the recent consolidation of these carpet manufacturers there has been a sudden rush for new and aggressive strategies which have seen some fantastic gains in recent years.
Now let us take a closer look at how some carpet manufacturers are achieving success. Usually carpet manufacturers will follow a pattern. The carpet market share they achieve is dependent upon the carpet installation cost being minimal, so the business will cut corners wherever possible. For example, overhead costs such as heating, air conditioning, electricity, taxes, property rent etc.
One way that carpet manufacturers can increase their share of the carpet market is to reduce the carpet installation cost. This is achieved by reducing the amount of manpower required to carry out carpet installation. For example, if carpet is to be installed in a multi-story house, rather than one story, installing carpet can be done by just one person, reducing the number of helpers needed. The carpet manufacturer then increases its share of the carpet installation market by attracting more customers who can now do carpet installations themselves. Thus, the carpet manufacturers profits from increased installations rather than from reduced carpet sales.
Another way that carpet manufacturers increase their market share is by offering carpet installation services at an extra price. The carpet installation companies or carpet installation experts provide carpet installation and carpet maintenance services at a reduced fee. Thus, if you install carpet yourself you save a lot of money on the carpet manufacturer's part. But do remember that even if they give you a discount, try to negotiate the carpet installation contract with them.
There are a few carpet manufacturers that still prefer to employ the manual labor in carpet installation business. In fact these carpet manufacturers have very experienced carpet installation technicians who know all the carpet installation tricks. These technicians use more force and less skill to install carpet, which makes their carpet products expensive. If you are thinking about starting a carpet installation business then it is advisable to first reduce the carpet installation costs. You can start small and increase your carpet sales later.
Further key aspects of the report indicate that:
Chapter 1: Research Scope: Product Definition, Type, End-Use & Methodology
Chapter 2: Global Industry Summary
Chapter 3: Market Dynamics
Chapter 4: Global Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 5: North America Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 6: Europe Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 7: Asia-Pacific Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 8: South America Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 9: Middle East and Africa Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use.
Chapter 10: Market Competition by Companies
Chapter 11: Market forecast and environment forecast.
Chapter 12: Industry Summary.
The global Carpet market has the potential to grow with xx million USD with growing CAGR in the forecast period from 2021f to 2026f. Factors driving the market for @@@@@ are the significant development of demand and improvement of COVID-19 and geo-economics.
Based on the type of product, the global Carpet market segmented into
Based on the end-use, the global Carpet market classified into
Automotive & transportation
Based on geography, the global Carpet market segmented into
North America [U.S., Canada, Mexico]
Europe [Germany, UK, France, Italy, Rest of Europe]
Asia-Pacific [China, India, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Australia, Rest of Asia Pacific]
South America [Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America]
Middle East & Africa [GCC, North Africa, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa]
And the major players included in the report are
Arte Espina
Coc Carpet
Dixie Group
Dongsheng Carpet Group
Haima Carpet
Jiangsu Kaili Carpet
Meijili Carpet
Oriental Weavers
Shanhua Carpet
Shaw Industries
Shenzhen Meijili Carpet
Tibetan Sheep Carpet
TY Carpet
Zhejiang Fine Arts Carpet
Zhemei Carpets
Contact us - https://www.reportmines.com/contact-us.php
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pavspatch · 4 years
Hyde Cricket Club — the CLL Years
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I PUBLISHED this retrospective of Hyde Cricket Club’s time in the old Central Lancashire League five years ago. After so long, and given the situation we’re having to endure, maybe it’s worth a second read.
Thanks to my friend and mentor Martyn Torr, I covered Hyde’s fortunes for 14 years. In 2000 I was asked to contribute to Lee Brown’s centenary history of Hyde CC “Station Yer Fielders Down by the Shed”. There wasn’t room for everything I wrote, so here’s the uncut version.
It was originally dedicated to my friend Paul Kennaman who died at the ridiculously early age of 56, and who constantly proved himself one of the CLL’s most reliable opening batsmen. But I think he’d be happy so share it with the one and only Pete Hardman who died last year.
 AS the 1981 season dawned, sport had a prominence in Hyde which it had not enjoyed since the 1950s. Not only was the cricket club about to test its mettle against the giants of the Central Lancashire League but Hyde United had spectacularly emerged from the doldrums.
After 20 years of achieving little they had led the Cheshire League throughout the season, only to have the championship snatched away by Nantwich Town in the last game. Success in the Cheshire Senior Cup eased the pain a little.
The crowds at Ewen Fields got bigger and bigger as the town rediscovered its taste for success. It was in an atmosphere such as this that Hyde CC prepared for its first season in the fast lane of club cricket.
Preparatory work had been going on throughout the winter. Extra seating was added to the Werneth Low ground, more shrubs and trees were planted, and the pavilion and scorebox were repainted. Local businesses backed the club financially, not only for ground improvements, but so that it could meet its new obligations, such as the purchase of grade-A balls.
Hyde’s club’s most important move was to acquire the services of its professional, Kiwi Bruce Edgar, a man who is still remembered with affection and respect. Before the mid-1980s, when the CLL was taken over by West Indies fast bowlers, he dominated the competition, and while it would be wrong to say he won the title single-handedly, he was certainly the key ingredient in Hyde’s success.
Edgar had visited England two years earlier, with the New Zealand Test side, making an immediate impact. The “Complete Who’s Who of Test Cricketers” (1987) said that he “played the rampant England fast bowlers with a cool assurance, a very straight bat, and the timing of high-class player in the making.”
In the months before travelling to Hyde, Edgar had achieved an average of 60.25 against the West Indies, and scored 529 runs in the Shell Trophy for an average of 52.9.
However, Edgar was only was one component in an antipodean line-up which also included fellow Kiwi Peter Holland, a medium-pace bowler, and teenage batting prodigy Errol Harris, a Queenslander who would play for Tasmania.
An air of expectancy hung over the town, yet the first day of the season was a huge anti-climax. Hyde should have been home to Rochdale, on Sunday, April 26, but the entire programme was wiped out by snow and the games had to be replayed a month later. Out of eight matches, play got under way in only one — Castleton Moor and Ashton managing eight overs.
When Hyde finally took the field, the following Saturday (May 3), they issued a clear signal that they would be a force to be reckoned with and defeated Crompton by 52 runs.
Batting first, they were put on the road to victory by Edgar, who carried his bat for 91. Yet the home bowlers had caused problems and Hyde were looking decidedly shaky when Ian Shaw claimed a hat-trick, removing Holland, David Thomasson and Roy Wilde. Suddenly, the visitors has slumped from 81-1 to 87-5. Fortunately, rescue came in the shape of Mike Greaves, who helped Edgar steady the ship. Hyde closed on 146-8.
When Crompton replied they were unable to cope with the bowling of Peter Holland and Alan Berry, and were removed for 94 — giving Hyde all five points.
Crompton v Hyde
HYDE Edgar not out                                91
Harris c Rigby b M. Shaw                8
Marshall st Stanworth b I Shaw     16
Holland b I  Shaw                             3 Thomasson b I Shaw                       0 Wilde st Stanworth b I Shaw            0 Greaves b Jeffries                          22 Hardman lbw b L.Whittle                  0 Berry run out                                   3 Sigley not out                                  0 Extras                                               8 Total (for eight)                            146 Jefferies 13-1-36-1, M Shaw 7-0-20-1, McKune 5-0-13-0, L Whittle 14-8-47-1, I Shaw 9-3-21-4.      CROMPTON Fitton run out                                 15 Turner c Hardman b Ghilks              1 Stanworth c Ghilks b Holland        35 Jefferies c Sigley b Edgar                2 M.Whittle c and b Holland             16 Widdup b Holland                            0 Rigby b Holland                               0 L.Whittle c Ghilks b Berry                1 M.Shaw b Berry                             11 I.Shaw not out                                  6 McKune b Berry                               0 Extras                                               7 Total                                               94
Greaves 1-0-2-0, Ghilks 6-3-13-1, Hardman 5-1-9-0, Berry 17-9-21-3, Edgar 7-2-25-1, Holland 8-1-17-4.
Hyde were off to a winning start and, when they were not being frustrated by bad weather, picked up points on a regular basis. Even so, it was not until the second half of the campaign that they were considered title-challengers. Continually in fourth or fifth place, at the start of August they were nine points adrift of leaders Middleton.
The defining moments of the season came on the weekend of August 22/23, and in the form of pace bowler Gary Wilkinson. Both games were away from home — at Oldham and Heywood respectively — and Wilkinson, a 22-year-old who had not even been in the first team at the start of the season, destroyed both clubs.
At The Pollards, he returned figures of 14.3-4-28-9. The following day, at Heywood, he did even better by returning 9.3-3-27-9. Thanks to his efforts, and the fact that Middleton lost to Walsden, Hyde were suddenly six points clear at the top of the table.
Wilkinson thoroughly deserved his moment in the limelight. He commented: “How can you describe it? It was like a dream. Doing it once was a once-in-a-lifetime thing, but doing it twice is unbelievable. I just don’t know what to put it down to. Before, I had been bowling reasonably but not getting much return. Then, all at once, it came together. When you take three or four wickets you gain half-a-yard of pace. The atmosphere is electric, everyone expects a wicket, and the batsmen are tentative and nervous.”
Hyde won four of their next six games, setting up a title decider on Sunday, September 13, when Middleton visited Werneth Low Road. Whoever won would claim the league championship. Interest in the game was such that around 1,000 people packed into the ground.
Batting first, Hyde were given a good start by Edgar and Harris, who added 81 runs for the first wicket before a great diving catch by Alan Fletcher removed the New Zealander for 32. Play now began to go Middleton’s way, and Somachandra de Silva and Keith Courtney seized the initiative. Peter Holland was out for a duck and it seemed likely Harris might lose his nerve. However, after reaching 50, he moved into a higher gear. Buoyed by his example, the rest of the team rallied, and there were effective contributions from Paul Marshall, Mike Greaves and Roy Wilde before Hyde were all out for 171.
In reply, Middleton were quickly reduced to 13-4 before Rick Purser and Keith Courtney stemmed the tide. Courtney was ultimately run out by Edgar, but Steve Earnshaw and Dave Freeman helped Purser take their side within sight of victory. It was only some very effective bowling by off-spinner Alan Berry that prevented Purser getting enough of the strike to make sure the visitors won.
After five months of cricket, the destination of the title hung on the last ball. Middleton, on 170-8, needed two runs to win. Hyde skipper Peter Hardman put everyone on the boundary — wicketkeeper Andy Swain included. Berry sent down the delivery, Davey was unable to get bat to ball, and Hyde were CLL champions in their first season in the competition. It was a delighted Peter Hardman who received the trophy from league president Mr WL Varty.
Hyde v Middleton
HYDE Harris st Lomax b Courtney         68 Edgar c Fletcher b Courtney        32 Holland lbw De Silva                      0 Marshall st Lomax b Courtney     14 Greaves c Ogden b Davey           11 Brown b Davey                               9 Wilde c Lomax b Courtney           18 Gifford b Davey                               0 Berry b Courtney                             1 Hardman b Davey                           1 Swain not out                                  4 Extras                                            13 Total (all out)                                171 Davey 11.3-1-37-4, De Silva 20-8-54-1, Courtney 16-2-67-5.
MIDDLETON Carnegie c Edgar b Holland             6 Fletcher b Berry                                3 Mooney lbw Holland                         4 De Silva lbw Berry                             0 Courtney run out                              31 Purser not out                                  46 Earnshaw b Holland                         24 Freeman run out                              35 Ogden b Holland                               0 Davey not out                                    2 Extras                                              19 Total (for eight)                               170 Holland 24-6-87-4, Berry 24-6-64-2.
The league’s elite, the clubs around Oldham and Rochdale, were stunned. The status quo had been blown apart by the comers-in from North-East Cheshire. Expressing its surprise at what Hyde had achieved, the Oldham Chronicle summed up the mood of general astonishment by attributing Hyde’s success to the three overseas players, saying Edgar had “strikingly emphasised why he is considered a world-class player.” The newspaper also found room to praise Paul Marshall and Alan Berry, the latter having come very close to selection for the league team. Incredible though it would have seemed at the time, Hyde had already reached their zenith as a Central Lancashire League club. From now on they were on a downward path and, although there would still be the occasional high spot, the club was to become embroiled in a fight for survival.
In some ways, Hyde were victims of their own success. Bruce Edgar was so central to the title-winning side that other clubs began to look for top-notch professionals. However, whereas Edgar was a batsman, the wealthier CLL sides began to look for fast-bowlers — preferably lethal ones from the West Indies. Oldham won the 1982 championship with another batsman, Larry Gomes. But over the next few years players such as Andy Roberts, Carl Rackeman, Neil Phillips, Dirk Tazelaar, Franklyn Stephenson, Joel Garner and Les Lambert were to ply their trade, and to frightening effect.
The destroyer-in-chief was former Glamorgan paceman Ezra Moseley. The diminutive Barbadian made his debut for Littleborough in 1985 and wreaked havoc in the CLL for the next five years. Indeed, during the 1985 season Littleborough were to field a Test-standard attack, with Moseley as pro and Aussie Mike Whitney as overseas amateur.
Success in league cricket began to be a matter of being able to pay out large amounts. The scramble for big-name, big-money players probably reached its peak in 1987 when Rishton signed West Indies legend Sir Viv Richards. Hyde were unable to compete in this spending frenzy. They could not afford star players, and the fast bowling in the CLL was to reach such an intensity that they struggled to recruit talented amateurs.
By the time the 1982 season started, the club had undergone many changes. Peter Hardman had retired as captain — to be replaced by Mike Greaves — and Edgar’s replacement as professional was the big-hitting Jim Allen. Born in Montserrat, Allen was a member of Kerry Packer’s cricket circus, and of the Combined Islands team that won the Sheffield Shield. He had also spent the previous two seasons as a very successful professional for Werneth.
The league had changed its rules to restrict clubs to one overseas amateur, and Hyde’s choice was Sri Lankan spinner Annersley De Silva. Brian O’Reilly moved to Werneth Low from Denton St Lawrence, and a clutch of young players came through — Russ Hamer and Mike Bolger chief among them.
Recognising the difficulties that lay ahead, skipper Greaves commented: “We don’t intend to be rubbing rags for anyone but, realistically, we don’t expect to be among the honours this season. We are going for a younger, home-grown team, but when Jim Allen arrives, anything can happen.”
In fact, Allen was to score more than 1,200 runs, but Hyde were to find the season a struggle. In only their second game, away to Royton, they were all out for 15 runs — the club’s lowest total since the war.
Fortunately, there was a brief spell of success in mid-season, and Hyde managed to avoid finishing bottom of the league. That fate was to befall them the following year.
By that time, Greaves had resigned because of work commitments, and Mervyn Riley returned to Werneth Low Road to assume the captaincy of the first XI. He had spent time playing in the Bolton Association, and two years as pro for Lancashire and Cheshire League side Irlam. Allen was retained as paid man, and Sri Lankan Basil Perreira became overseas amateur. Unfortunately, although Perreira could tweak a ball to great effect, he did not live up to the high hopes places in him. The club suffered another blow when Alan Berry joined Denton St Lawrence.
This time round, Allen managed 790 runs, although he scored two centuries, including an unbeaten 145 in the home defeat by Rochdale. Given the general youth and inexperience of the rest of the side it was not enough of a contribution, and the club finished bottom of the table, nine points adrift of Stockport.
In comparison with the previous two campaigns, 1984 has to be judged a success. Although Hyde were to finish fourth from bottom, they made a good start and, at the end of May, were sixth. Riley remained as captain, but there was a new professional — Rajesh (Radi) Patel who was born in Kenya of Indian parents. A right-hand bat and medium-fast swing bowler, he had played for Lancashire’s second XI, and twice for England under-19s. A former paid man at Friarmere and Atherton, Patel had twice been voted best professional in the Bolton Association.
Errol Harris, the young star of 1981, returned to Werneth Low Road, where the side was further strengthened by the acquisition of opening batsman Paul Kennaman, from Glossop League Newton.
The first few weeks of the season supplied some memorable moments. In the opening game Harris made an unbeaten 108 against Werneth, and on May 19 Tony Ghilks returned figures of five wickets for 16 runs, off 13 overs — including seven maidens — as the club took three points off Royton. The high point of the season came on May 20 when Hyde beat title-favourites Oldham, whose paid man was former Nottinghamshire fast-bowler Franklyn Stephenson. He took 8-55 as Hyde were removed for 155, but was unable to contain Harris, who posted 107. Against the odds Oldham were all out for 149, and other wins were to follow — most notably at Rochdale, on June 9, when Hyde claimed three points as Alan Berry took 4-16 to restrict the home side to 118-8.
Unfortunately, the good form petered out and Hyde began to slip down the table. Harris continued to fire on all cylinders, scoring a third century (107) against Ashton, in early July. He finished the season with 978 runs, finishing top of the amateur batting averages and winning the Sir Frank Worrell Trophy.
Patel became the subject of controversy. As the campaign progressed, a growing number of people began to complain about his style of batting. They said he was too slow — showing more concern for his average rather than the team’s total. Patel’s supporters countered by saying he had to be cautious as Hyde’s batting was very brittle once the first four wickets had fallen.
Despite this, the 1984 season seemed to suggest that the club had something to build on. While Hyde might not have been among the CLL’s elite, they were capable of holding their own. With Harris set to return, joined by fellow Queenslander Trevor “Tank” Barsby as the new professional, there was cause for hope. Yet, all too soon, it would become clear these hopes were misplaced. The 1985 campaign was highly turbulent, and the start of the most traumatic five-year period in the club’s history.
Yet, as the campaign began, the outlook was far from bleak. The line-up had been strengthened, not only by the 21-year-old Barsby — who had scored almost 500 runs in nine games for Queensland, and with whom he was to win the Sheffield Shield, in 1995 and 1997— but also by the acquisition of Glossop all-rounder Andrew Dyson. Pace-bowler David Schofield moved to Werneth Low Road from Denton West, and high-scoring batsman Bill Quinn — four times leading amateur for Saddleworth League Flowery Field — joined Hyde after a record-breaking season in the Glossop League with Mottram. A young Mark Stringer became part of the squad, and the cycle of changes was completed by the appointment of Alan Berry as captain after Merv Riley moved to Stalybridge.
Hyde did not get off to a winning start, but the right-handed Barsby showed himself to be a productive batsman. He scored 76 in the opening game at Norden, and made 57 in the home clash with Rochdale.
With a month of the season gone, it seemed that while Hyde would not be challenging for honours they were capable of a respectable position. But the club was then rocked by the first of a series of crises. Barsby learned that his father was seriously ill, and immediately returned home. Harris was appointed professional in his place, but was to hold the post for only four weeks.
The Harris who returned to Hyde in 1985 no longer commanded the crease as he had done in 1984, or even in 1981. He struggled to find form and by the time he was sacked — following the defeat at Radcliffe on June 22 — had managed only one half-century in 14 games. As the weeks progressed it became clear Harris was no longer happy at Hyde, and even with three months of the season to go, his conversation continually returned to the fact that he was keen to go home.
Even though Harris was not the success everyone had hoped for, it appears that his dismissal came as the result of the way he behaved off the field, rather than on it. This fact was attested to in a statement issued by club chairman Geoff Oldham: “Although Errol has not developed in recent seasons as quickly as the club would have wished, the club’s decision has not turned on the number of runs scored, and the number of wickets taken. Instead, the club has been concerned that the job of professional was not being performed, off the field of play, entirely in accordance with the club’s normal contract.”
In an attempt to plug the gap left by the departure of both overseas players, the Hyde committee brought in Glenn Jackson, a pace bowler and middle-order batsman from Antigua, as the new overseas amateur. Stan Fletcher filled in as paid man as the search began for someone to take the role on a full-time basis.
The choice was John Bell who had come across with Carl Rackeman and played a few games in the second XI at Oldham where Rackeman was pro. An Aussie in the Ken Rosewall mould, Bell had spent 1984 playing in The Netherlands, where he topped the batting averages. He later became Queensland state coach. Prior commitments meant he was only able to stay at Werneth Low Road until mid-August, but he proved popular, and the fact he was in his forties lent some experience to a very young side.
Bell’s best performance came at Milnrow, on July 13, when he scored 145 and took two wickets for 22 runs.
Asif Mohammed was hired for the game at Radcliffe, on August 24, but spent the entire afternoon in the pavilion. Because of rain, only 10 balls were bowled. Then, for the last three games — two of which were wash-outs — Hyde had the services of the man who would be their professional for 1986: Ray Berry. Aged 23, he had been a successful batsman at Blackpool, and had played for the MCC. There was insufficient time for him to make an impact, and Hyde finished bottom of the table. The following year, however, he was to prove a very welcome acquisition, as the club enjoyed a brief respite before it was again beset by problems.
It quickly became apparent that the club had done a very good piece of business in securing Berry’s services. They still struggled to win matches, but Berry could almost always be counted on to do well. While other clubs were paying small fortunes to hire players such as Ezra Moseley or Carl Hooper, Hyde had found a man who was not only good, but “cheap”.
Berry brought with him bowler Dave Newton, who soon hit the headlines by taking eight wickets for 30 runs as Hyde skittled out Castleton Moor for 94, in the third match of the season.
Unfortunately, the visitors had the perfect riposte in R Malumba, who returned figures of 6-48 as Hyde crumbled to 90 all out. Newton was never able to repeat the performance, and began to bowl fewer and fewer overs because of a back injury caused, he said, by having insufficient time to warm up before matches, having travelled from Blackpool.
Dyson also spent a long time injured, after sustaining a badly bruised elbow, and Dave Schofield strained his back. The outcome was that in many games Hyde had to rely on a spin attack of pro Ray Berry and skipper Alan Berry. It did prove costly, but Ray Berry claimed 49 wickets over the season.
Halfway through the campaign, Hyde acquired an overseas amateur. Sohail Babar, an 18-year-old Pakistani leg-spinner was a friend of Anwar Khan, who was then pro at Norden. He made his debut at Royton, on June 28, and as he said he was not much of a batsman, he was put in at number 11. Yet he finished as the team’s highest scorer, making an unbeaten 40. His last-wicket stand with Andy Swain denied Royton full points, and Hyde finished on 133-9 chasing the home side’s total of 145.
The following day, Ray Berry gave his bravest performance of the season, in the face of some extremely hostile bowling by Oldham paid man Les Lambert, who took nine wickets for 45 runs. Chasing 195, Hyde were all out for 106, but the man Lambert could not remove was Berry.
Even after sustaining an injured hand and bruised ribs, Berry made 51, and his 50 was greeted with a standing ovation.
Looking a certainty to break the 1,000 run barrier for the season, Berry suffered a two-game blip in which he was out for five and 11, before making 53 in the final match — a home defeat of Middleton — when he scored 53 to finish on 1,044 runs.
There was general delight at Werneth Low Road that Berry agreed to stay on for 1987 but, as with Errol Harris, two years before, he was not the same player on his return. Possibly he was ill at ease with the captaincy of David Schofield, who had taken over from Alan Berry. There was certainly a clash early in the season when Berry declined to play for the club in a six-a-side competition at Lytham. Whatever the reason, the runs failed to flow and in mid-June Berry asked to be released from his contract.
The club acceded to his request, which chairman Peter Hardman said had come out of the blue, adding: “No one was expecting Ray’s call, and he gave no indication of his reasons for wanting to leave.” However, it was clear that Berry was no longer happy as a Hyde player. In stark contrast to his form of the previous year he had scored only one half-century.
It was a major blow but, within days, it seemed the club had landed on its feet. Two players arrived, asking if they could get a game. Aamer Malik, who was to play for Pakistan against England the following autumn, was taken on as professional. Mansoor Rana, son of umpire Shakoor Rana who was involved in the infamous clash with England skipper Mike Gatting at Faisalabad, in the same series, was named overseas amateur after assuring the club he had played no first-class cricket in the previous 12 months.
The two made their debuts at Norden, on June 20, and it seemed Hyde had made a couple of dream signings. Although Norden were to win the game, Aamer made 75, and Mansoor 43. The day after, it was 88 and 68, respectively, in a four-point home defeat of Stockport. At Royton, the following week, Aamer scored 85 as Hyde took another four points.
People began to believe anything could happen, and they were proved right, although not in the way they expected. A claim was made that Mansoor had turned out in a first-class fixture. It was said he had appeared for the President’s XI against the West Indies — a game in which Norden pro Gus Logie had played. The Central Lancashire League called a meeting to rule on the matter and, despite it being the custom to defer to The Cricketer magazine in deciding what constituted a first-class game, decided Mansoor was ineligible. The player insisted otherwise, saying he was in England for nothing more than a holiday, but to no avail. Mansoor was banned, Hyde lost the eight points won while he was playing, and were fined £5.
It is unclear how badly Aamer was affected by the incident, or by being force to play without his friend, but he failed to reproduce the fireworks and Hyde began to suffer some heavy defeats. After winning at Heywood, on July 4, when John Buckley made an unbeaten 79, despite being up against Curtly Ambrose, Hyde were not to taste victory again.
Against Ashton, chasing 182, the last five batsmen were out for two runs, so that the side closed on 178. Carl Hooper took 8-6 as Hyde were rolled out for 34 against Werneth, and the club managed only 58 runs in the last game of the season, at home to Heywood.
Following Mansoor’s departure, Hyde briefly had the services of Khaled Mahmood, an ex-Lahore City Whites player who was the youngest man to play first-class cricket in Pakistan. He was an off-spinner of undoubted talent but left after a month.
Despite the traumas suffered in 1987, Hyde started the next campaign full of the usual enthusiasm. They had great confidence in new pro Mike Rindel — a left-handed all-rounder from South Africa who had played for Stockport the previous year. Early on, the confidence seemed justified.
At home to Radcliffe, in the first match of the season, Hyde won by 33 runs. Rindel scored 76, and took five wickets for 32. Andrew Marshall — signed from Denton West — made 59. Victory was sealed when Mark Stringer took a superb flying catch to remove Daly and after the game there was general satisfaction that Hyde had completed an effective job on the type of club they had to beat if they were to be a power in the league.
The following week, things got better. Hyde achieved a four-point victory at one of the CLL’s strongest sides — Oldham — and for once it was of no consequence that they were up against a top West Indies player, in this case Collis King. Rain washed out the next day’s game at Walsden, and Hyde were top of the table.
But it was a false dawn. Rindel was taken to hospital with peritonitis and although he returned after only a couple of weeks — when Anton Ferreira substituted — he became another Hyde professional to lose his appetite for the game.
Although a player of great ability, who went on to represent South Africa in one-day internationals, and who is considered unlucky not to have played for the Test side, he became something of a square peg in a round hole. He struggled to fit in with the mood in the dressing-room. He also had problems at home, and as the season drew on it became clear his mind was not focused on the task facing him at Werneth Low Road.
Yet there were some bright spots. Andrew Marshall proved an excellent addition to the squad and made 617 runs. Hyde also enjoyed their best run in the Wood Cup since 1981. They disposed of Stockport and Rochdale to qualify for a semi-final tie at Oldham, and there were high hopes they would go through.
In a rain-affected match, Oldham batted first and made 185-8. Steve Lovatt then teamed up with deputy pro Mansoor Eliah to have Hyde reeling at 18-5 but thanks to overseas amateur Peter Smith they went on to reach a respectable total of 147. Smith, from Geelong in Victoria, was a right-handed fast bowler but, on this occasion, he made good with the bat. Single-handedly stemming the Oldham tide, he hit half-a-dozen fours and a six on his way to making 53. It was an innings which showed Hyde could have won if all sections of the team had performed. Sadly, inconsistency was the club’s trademark during those days.
Smith’s services were lost, soon after, when he had to return home. Hyde finished second-bottom and changes were demanded. Schofield stepped down as captain to be replaced by Marshall. There was also talk of signing West Indies player Jeff Dujon as paid man but when the season began the professional was Scott Hookey. Other new faces in the squad included former Droylsden pro Gordon Chin.
Hookey, a tall, lean batsman, had played Sheffield Shield cricket for New South Wales and the previous season had scored runs for fun playing for Darwen. The overseas amateur was Queenslander Graeme Hogan, an avuncular red-haired Aussie pace bowler who was quite possibly the most popular overseas player to turn out for the club. He had been recommended by Errol Harris and arrived on the Low having taken three wickets for 50 runs from 11-overs in a one-day game for the Queensland Country XI against Pakistan.
It was a very talented squad but as was so often the case at Werneth Low Road the whole was less than the sum of the individual parts. The 1989 season has to be one of the worst ever endured by Hyde CC, who floundered from crisis to crisis.
Hookey, for all his ability, came with a reputation for being difficult to handle, and he lived up to it. Although he scored 976 runs, he would surely have made many more had he not treated the amateur bowlers with such contempt, trying to smash most deliveries out of the ground. He was constantly at odds with skipper Marshall, who clearly found the captaincy to be a much tougher proposition than he had bargained for.
Things got so bad that by the start of July the club resolved to sack Hookey. However, before that could be done, the committee found itself grappling with a much more pressing problem. During the home game with Milnrow, on July 2, Marshall and Mark Stringer almost came to blows on the field. Following David Schofield’s dismissal of Milnrow pro Chetan Sharma, the two players became involved in a tussle and had to be separated. A furious Marshall sent off Stringer, but the matter was far from closed, and the club’s disciplinary committee was convened. The following night, Marshall was banned for one game while, at a separate meeting, Stringer was given an indefinite ban.
Club secretary Albert Hill issued a statement saying: “Mark Stringer will not be considered for selection in any match involving Hyde CC until such time as he can satisfy the club committee with regard to his future conduct.” He was not to play again that season, which was a pity because he could have been a major asset. A highly gifted all-rounder, he had provided some impressive performances since joining the club in 1985, including an 8-27 return against Crompton, in 1987.
Incredibly, Stringer’s dismissal was not the only one in the league at that time. Walsden player Paul Gale was sent off after throwing the ball at Werneth paid man Carl Hooper.
The Hyde dressing room was badly divided and players like Paul Marshall, his brother Andrew J Marshall, and John Buckley, chose to leave. It seemed things could not get any worse but, by the end of July, Hyde were once again hitting the headlines for the wrong reasons. This time the club was hauled before the league for allegedly subjecting Ashton pro Rizwan uz-Zaman to racial abuse, in the Werneth Low game in July. A disciplinary committee exonerated Hyde after both umpires had been consulted, but the club was fined because of an off-the field clash between Peter Hardman and Ashton captain David Lees, after Lees had initially refused to grant Hyde a substitute when Gordon Chin was delayed.
When the season finally ground to a halt, with Hyde bottom of the table, there was a collective sigh of relief. But there had been some high spots among the many lows, many of them supplied by Hogan. Capable with bat and ball, his finest hour came against Radcliffe, on May 28 — a game which has to be one of the most amazing to have involved the club.
There was a suggestion of what might be to come, early on, when Hyde batsman Dave Shaw was hit on the hand, and dropped his bat on the wicket. Incredibly, the handle fell between the stumps, and the bails were undisturbed. Shaw’s shout of “I don’t believe it!” could be heard around the ground.
The Werneth Low side went on to make 211 all out, 98 of the runs being supplied by Hookey — his third half-century in successive games, and comprising five sixes and nine fours. Radcliffe then quickly assumed the whip-hand, and seemed to be cruising to victory when Hogan was recalled to the attack with three overs left.
His response was stunning. He removed Entwistle with his first delivery — caught behind by Andy Swain — and Patel was clean bowled by the next ball. Then, in the penultimate over, he took a catch off Hookey’s bowling to remove Brady.
Radcliffe had lost three wickets in two overs but with another three in the pavilion, and needing only seven runs to win, were very much the favourites as Hogan bowled the final over. Leech and Ashworth managed singles off Hogan’s first four deliveries, and then a two, which meant Radcliffe needed one run for victory. Leech faced, and was clean bowled with the last ball of the game, leaving the scores tied.
The season closed with a shell-shocked Hyde bottom of the CLL table. It had been an extremely difficult campaign, both on and off the field. The established players were failing to come up with the goods, while Hyde’s record, and the prevalence of fast bowlers in the Central Lancashire League, meant it was extremely difficult to attract new players or bring through young talent.
Within little more than two years the club was to decide its future lay beyond the CLL but in 1990 the officials decided to go for broke. In a mood of if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em, the Hyde committee appointed a West Indian fast bowler as pro, the man in question being Barbadian former Gloucestershire man Victor “Vibert”  Green.
Not surprisingly, there was a mood of renewed hope as the season opened. Despite the horrors of the previous year, there was now a belief that the club would able to compete with sides such as Littleborough and Oldham on level terms. But they were to do so without Andrew Marshall as captain. He had quit the club and was replaced by wicket-keeper Andy Swain.
Hyde received an additional boost in the shape of Aussie all-rounder Martin Faull, who was recommended by former Flowery Field professional Rob Zadow. Faull, who played for Zadow’s Tea Tree Gully club, near Adelaide, was to accumulate 779 runs over the season, and later played 30 games for South Australia. He was accompanied to Hyde by his friend David Crouch, who proved a very effective second-team player.
John Buckley and Paul Marshall returned to the Low, and the club was raring to go. Yet the first game — away to Norden — proved a massive anti-climax. Chasing the home side’s total of 191-6, Hyde crumbled to 62 all out, and 41 of these runs were scored by Nick Brown. The destroyer was Australian paid man Peter Gladigau, who took seven wickets for 15 runs.
It seemed that disaster was beckoning but the side gave a much better performance against Werneth who, at one point, were reeling at 26-5 before being rescued by David Ainsworth and Clayton Weems who added 111 runs for the sixth wicket. Hyde took eight points from the next three games and, on June 2, won a four-pointer at Royton.
Queenslander Dean Tuckwell posted 101 as Royton scored 207-4, but Hyde responded with 213-4 — 101 of the runs coming from Faull. After making only 28 from the first 50 balls he faced, the Aussie scored 31 from the next 20, and the entire knock was off 120 deliveries, and contained three sixes and nine boundaries.
The first five-point win came at Crompton, on June 16, and in mid-July Hyde were celebrating their first 10-point weekend since 1981. Ultimately, they were to win four five-pointers on the trot, Green making an unbeaten 104 at Walsden.
Some more good results followed but, when the season ended, Hyde were in no better than eleventh place and with fewer than half the points acquired by champions Rochdale. It had been an enjoyable season, and a most refreshing contrast to the previous campaign, but for many at Werneth Low Road it proved that Hyde were never going to be able to compete with the top sides.
Demands that the club should stop spending money on professionals, and instead devote its resources to youth development, were to become louder and more frequent. Hyde’s days in the CLL were numbered. Within a year, members would vote to join the Cheshire County League.
Hyde kept faith with pace bowling in 1991 by bringing back Peter Smith. In the three years since he had been overseas amateur, he had filled out, developed a mean streak, and begun to figure in Victoria’s Sheffield Shield side. He was, in fact, to play twice for his state, with Tom Moody being his first victim in a game against Western Australia. But his Sheffield Shield career was to be cut short by injury and he took up coaching.
Smith brought with him fellow Victorian Peter Mahon, a competent 31-year-old all-rounder from Melbourne who proved very capable as an overseas amateur. Andrew Swain remained as captain — his last season with the club before emigrating to the USA — and Andrew Marshall came back.
Ironically, just as Hyde were beginning to think of quitting the Central Lancashire League, the other CLL outfits were moving away from their dependence on top names. Fewer West Indians were available because the Test side was touring England. However, a much bigger disincentive was the fact that star players were beginning to ask for £15 to £20,000 a season, which was beyond even the CLL’s wealthiest clubs. The only Test player in the league in 1991 was Ajay Sharma, who had signed for Ashton.
Once again, Hyde were at the wrong end of the table all season, but they did enjoy one afternoon of glory. At Stockport, on May 26, Smith led them single-handedly to victory. After Hyde had managed only 117 runs, he returned the incredible figures of 19 overs, five maidens, nine for 41, to skittle out the home side for 93.
The following autumn, the die was cast. The Cheshire County League announced a plan to expand to two divisions, and a meeting was called to decide whether Hyde should apply. The debate raged back and forth, but it soon became clear that the vast majority of members wanted to leave the CLL.
Overall the club was tired of trying to compete in a league in which professionals had such a pivotal role. Members had had enough of paying out large sums to men who had usually failed to come up with the goods. At that time Hyde were unable to compete with sides like Norden, Oldham and Littleborough, and the feeling was that the money paid to professionals should be invested in youth development and improved facilities. Such moves would once again make Hyde CC a club players wanted to join — a winning outfit rather than one whose name conjured up visions of heavy defeats.
Hyde’s final Central Lancashire League season began on April 26, 1992. Australian bowler Craig Ingram, a 21-year-old who played district cricket for the Collingwood team, and was a member of the Victoria squad, was employed as professional. Peter Mahon returned as overseas amateur and captain. It was a post he held until early July when, disappointed with his form, and the attitude of some players, he resigned. Hyde finished the season led by Peter Hardman — the man who had been skipper in their first season in the CLL.
Yet again, the club finished bottom, but the season proved highly successful for Paul Kennaman who made a succession of high scores, including an unbeaten 100 at Stockport, on August 16, which made him the only English amateur to score a century for Hyde in the Central Lancashire League. Also against Stockport, but in the home fixture, on July 26, Benito Giordano took three wickets for eight runs, off three overs.
Hyde’s last match in the CLL was played at Werneth Low Road on Sunday, September 13. The visitors were Royton, who suffered a 52-run defeat at the hands of a side featuring three players from Hyde’s first Central Lancashire League campaign in 1981 — Peter Hardman, Alan Berry and Mike Greaves.
Hyde v Royton
ROYTON Brierley c C Kennaman b Mahon        42 Daley c and b Berry                             34 Punchard c Torkington b Mahon         25 Webb not out                                       52 Bamford c P Kennaman b Berry            7 Murray b Berry                                     15 Woodward not out                                 2 Extras                                                    1 Total (for five)                                     178 Torkington 5-1-31-0, Giordano 1-0-14-0, Berry 23-4-80-3, Mahon 15-7-28-2, Clarke 4-0-24-0.       HYDE Busby b Daley                                       51 P Kennaman c and b Punchard            65  Clarke run out                                      15   Mahon c Daley b Hopkinson                 28 Marshall not out                                      4 Greaves b Daley                                     0 Giordano c and b Hopkinson                12 Torkington not out                                  2 Extras                                                     3 Total (for six)                                       180
 Daley 13-3-44-2, Hopkinson 13.4-1-48-2, Punchard 11-0-39-1, McCrae 2-0-20-0, Rostron 8-2-28-0.
         Professional                         Overseas Amateur                 Captain 81    Bruce Edgar                          Peter Holland                     Peter Hardman                                                      Errol Harris 82    Jim Allen                                Annersley de Silva?           Mike Greaves 83    Jim Allen                                Basil Perreira                     Merv Riley 84    Radi Patel                              Errol Harris                        Merv Riley 85    Trevor Barsby (Apr-May)       Errol Harris (April-May)      Alan Berry         Errol Harris (May-June 20)    Glenn Jackson         Stan Fletcher (June 30)         John Bell (July-Aug)         Asif Mohammed (Aug 24)         Ray Berry 86    Ray Berry                              Sohail Babar                   Alan Berry                                                      (From June 28) 87    Ray Berry (Apr-June)            Mansoor Rana (June)     David Schofield         Aamer Malik                          Khaled Mahmood (July) 88    Mike Rindel                         Peter Smith                    David Schofield         Anton Ferreira (May 7, 14)   (Apr-July) 89    Scott Hookey                       Graeme Hogan              Andrew Marshall 90    Victor Green                         Martin Faull                    Andrew Swain 91    Peter Smith                          Peter Mahon                  Andrew Swain 92    Craig Ingram                        Peter Mahon                  Peter Mahon
                                                                                          Peter Hardman
CENTURIES Aug  7,  1982      Jim Allen 112no               Milnrow (H) Jul  23,  1983      Jim Allen 109                   Heywood (H) Aug  7,  1983      Jim Allen 145no               Rochdale (H) Apr 29,  1984      Errol Harris 108no           Werneth (A) May 20, 1984      Errol Harris 107               Oldham (H) July   7,  1984     Errol Harris 107               Ashton (A) July 13,  1985     John Bell 145                   Milnrow (H) July 20,  1986      Ray Berry 100                 Walsden (A) July  8,   1989     Scott Hookey 104no       Unsworth (A) June 2,   1990     Martin Faull 101             Royton (A) July 22,  1990      Vibert Green 104no        Walsden (A) Aug 16,  1992      Paul Kennaman 100no   Stockport (A)
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Amazing Glass Light Bulb Cover
Buy products related to ceiling light cover products and see what customers say . It’s small and unobtrusive, but its best feature is virtually unique among ceiling glass diffuser, intended for a ceiling fixture than for use with a lamp shade. (28). Results 1 – 24 of 500 – Wing Clip Post Top Fitter for Lamp Post Globes with 5 Inch to 5.25 Permo Lighting Fixture Replacement Oval Cone Clear Glass Shade. Buy products related to light bulb covers and see what customers say about light bulb . Top Selected Products and Reviews . RAB Lighting GL100 100 Series Vaporproof Threaded Glass Globe, 150W Power, Individually Boxed, Clear. 8182 products – Alibaba.com offers 8182 glass light bulb covers products. About 65% of these . Transparent best price stocked glass bulb cover. US $0.44-0.49 / . Replacement Etched Opal Glass Light Cover for Mercer 52 in. Brushed Nickel Ceiling Fan. Model# G14925. (18). $1700. $1700. Free delivery with $45 order. A new pendant shade can freshen that fixture over the kitchen island. Used as an accent to brighten any room, glass lamp shades can provide a soft light, . Ruffled edge frosted glass light bulb cover replacement fixture shade 2” fitter. $9.96. Buy It Now. or Best Offer. 2 watching; ; 1 sold. Pattern in the glass is molded . Shop Wayfair for all the best Glass Light Shades. . Clip a shade onto any A-shape bulb and instantly add a decorative touch-no wiring or tools are required. 8314 products – Alibaba.com offers 8314 glass light bulb covers products. About 64% of these are led . Chandelier Frosted glass lighting glass light bulb cover. 8576 products – Chandelier Frosted glass lighting glass light bulb cover. US $1.55-1.95 / Piece. 200 Pieces (Min. Order). 3YRS. Yancheng Xinboyuan Glass Co., . 3866 products – About 26% of these are lamp covers & shades, 21% are building glass, and 13% are led bulb lights. A wide variety of frosted glass light cover . European Copper Ceiling lamp light full copper Toolery frosted glass cover Luxury Living Room E27 bulb. Mouse over to zoom in. European Copper Ceiling . European Copper Ceiling lamp light full copper Toolery frosted glass cover Luxury Living Room E27 bulb Home Lighting Fixture. Price: US $171.05 – 237.88 / . European Glass Diamond orridor Ceiling Light Clear Frosted Glass Bronze Top . Ceiling Light 12-inch, Frosted Glass Shade 1-Light Fixture (Frosted Glass). European Resin Relief Peacock Corridor Wall Lamp Striped Frosted Glass Lampshade . Wall Light fixtures Nordic Wall Sconce Lamps Macaron Edison Copper lamp . Modern Wall Lamp Bedroom Sconce with Cylinder Crystal Lamp Shade. Waneway White Feather Ceiling Pendant Light Shade, Non-Electrical Lampshade for . Set of 3 – Beautiful White Frosted Glass Replacement Light Shades. OUOVO European Waterproof Vintage Retro trapezoid-Shape Corridor Wall Lamps Frosted Glass Shade Creative Stair case Wall Lamps Balcony Villa Garden . Sure it’s super easy to change light fixtures, but sometimes you just can’t. If your space is really temporary, like a dorm room or a short term let, or even if you . Check out our glass light cover selection for the very best in unique or custom, . Vintage Light Glass Cover Your Choice Single Bulb Light Fixture Cover . 18 ก.พ. 2558 – Many homeowners like the luxury feel that a chandelier or pendant . Depending on the layout, this might be the fixture used in the middle of . Westinghouse offers a variety of indoor pendant, chandelier, interior ceiling and wall lighting fixtures so you can achieve the look you want in every room. The confidence to take on the next big project? Double-check. From the appropriate chandelier height to cleaning tips, we cover all the lighting basics (and then . Too often lighting a bathroom is low on the list of priorities relative to other GDS: I would avoid fabric shades on fixtures, particularly if you have a Jacuzzi tub. Globe Lighting – with trusted brands and great styles, we offer everything you need from home and business lighting, and outdoor lighting to home decor. . Find the perfect fixture and finishing touch for every room in your home. . Google Map. Take this one for example: Awash in a metallic finish, this fixture boasts a Its three lights are nearly exposed, highlighted by curved, clear glass shades. Once you love your layout, top the tank of a classic porcelain toilet with a row of . Visit our award winning showrooms in Kelowna or Winnipeg. We carry outdoor lighting, ceiling lights for kitchen and bathroom fixtures for vanity lighting and . Shop for lighting at Next.co.uk. Next day delivery . lighting Lighting Accessories Light Spare Shades. Items Per Page. 24 . Sugar Glass Spare Shade · £2.50. Results 1 – 48 of 615 – Buy Replacement Glass Light Shades and get the best deals at the . Lamp Desk Lamp Replacement Glass Shade Cover Fixture UK! Buy Replacement Glass online! Free delivery over £40 to most of UK ✓ Great Selection ✓ Excellent customer service ✓ Find everything for a beautiful home. Lamp Shade IMISI Linen Fabric White Lamp Shade Small 5″ Top Diameter x 9″ . Concept Fits Regular”Edison” bulbs Hardback lamp shade with Fabric Liner Newrays Green Glass Bankers Lamp Shade Replacement Cover,L8.85 W5.3. Accidents happen but don’t worry, we have a range of replacement glass available for our dining table pieces that include glass features. Swarovski Lighting, Ltd. includes two distinct premium consumer lighting brands; Swarovski, with its contemporary aesthetic, and . From Concept to Completion . Product Categories. Chandelier. Pendant. Close to Ceiling. Wall Sconce. Explore our carefully curated collection of Lighting, Rugs and Home Décor. Hundreds of exclusive designs to help you Distinguish Your Style. Home / Technical; Vehicle specific repair tips Vehicle headlamps focus the light beams generated by the light source onto the road. On this page, find out about the structure of headlamps, and what lighting technology concepts and . Conventional cover lenses are generally made of glass. . UNITED KINGDOM German. Ceiling lamp shade I made, inspired by our Orla Kiely duvet cover . New for 2012 Lotus Flower table lamp made from acrylic by UK designer Kirsty Shaw. . Using a beach ball and string – apply this concept to my cheap floor lamps, but . This is what one contented customer wrote of our Foxy lamp: “Excellent product in every respect. Build quality is terrific and the light is very stylish. Attention to . Small lampshade for wine glass. Dóra Szabó · Crafts See more. The Shabby: How to Cover a Lamp Shade with Fabric Nautical Nursery Series Lampshade. Upcycle glass light fixture shades into something beautiful with a few basic supplies in under an hour for less than $10.00! . Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. Garden *The Brambleberry Cottage*: Flea Markets using a light cover for a dessert cloche antique ceiling fan globes used for centerpiece- Foxy Posh Events. Buy products related to light bulb covers and see what customers say about light bulb . This little lamp shade now makes the bare bulb fixture much prettier. . RAB Lighting GL100 100 Series Vaporproof Threaded Glass Globe, 150W Power, . Vintage Crystal Clear , Faceted Glass, Beaded Light Bulb Cover, for Small light Small Oxidized Beaded Light Bulb Cover, Antique Rustic Style Chandelier . Online shopping for Lamp Shades from a great selection at Lighting Store. . Small Modern Grey Polycotton Ceiling Pendant/Table Lamp Drum Light Shade. Foxy went to the long room where the grub was laid out. . He alsohad a glass ortwo of champagne—a beverage he found himself comparing quite favorably . 19 ก.พ. 2561 – Kitchen Remodeling Your Lighting Options Foxy Tips . Ceiling lights are light fixtures that are attached right to the ceiling. . would like to purchase a mini pendant light, a ceiling light, or a mini chandelier kitchen light . if you are looking for a light fixture with a particular design, it may be best to shop online. 6 ธ.ค. 2561 – buy dirt bike. Home · Home Design · Foxy Boys Dirt Bike; buy dirt bike . with deep discounts. Dirt Bike Parts Aftermarket & Replacement . We have all sorts of glass shades for all kinds of light fixtures Glass Lamp . 1-5/8 Center Hole Torchiere Dish Pan Glass Shade Ceiling Dish Pan Glass Shade . We specializes in lamp parts for lamp repair and the restoration of antique lamps and . lamp switch, lamp cord, lamp sockets, candle covers and line switches. Our full selection of replacement glass lampshades can be seen here. Glass shades are arranged by categories and size with hundreds of styles in stock, . Light GLASS and Lamp GLASS available at MyLampParts.com. . expanding interest in restoring antique lamps that has led us to offer a line of specialty glass. Vintage Crystal Clear , Faceted Glass, Beaded Light Bulb Cover, for Regular light Vintage Crystal Covered Candy Dish, Vintage 4 inch diameter bowl with . See more ideas about Glass light shades, Recycling and Repurposed light globes. . made from a vintage light cover Buy products related to ceiling light cover products and see what customers say about . Top Selected Products and Reviews Hard to tell from the photo but this is a slightly concave glass diffuser, intended for a ceiling fixture than for use with a lamp shade. The key thing is that it does not look cheap when it is hung up. Buy products related to light bulb covers and see what customers say about light bulb covers on Amazon.com ✓ FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible . Evelots Ceiling Clip-on Light Bulb Shade-Lamp-Dome-Antique-Diamond Cut-Acrylic · 4.4 out of 5 stars . Find answers in product info, Q&As, reviews. Please make Great solution for a light cover, but very cheap plastic and difficult to fit on bulb. Had to remove . These are acrylic, but glass would be too heavy. So much . Buy products related to ceiling light replacement cover products and see what customers say about . Kichler 340013, Satin Etched Cased Opal Glass Bowl, Satin Etched Cased Opal . Perfect for replacement, cheapest around. Like other reviews stated, updating these to today’s round recessed lights would be a more . 3 มี.ค. 2562 – 5-in H 4.17-in W Seeded Clear Glass Drum Vanity Light Shade. Enter your . Harbor Breeze 3-in H 10-in W Opal Globe Ceiling Fan Light Shade . Display product reviews for White Touch Lamp Control . Shipping & Delivery · Special Orders · Recalls & Product Safety · Protection Plans · Military Discount. Shop for Ceiling Fixtures in Lighting & Light Fixtures. . Choice Products Hanging 4-Light Crystal Beaded Glass Chandelier Pendant Ceiling Lamp Fixture for. Possini Euro Lilypad 30″ Wide Etched Glass Ceiling Light. 112 Reviews . 15 Reviews. $199.95 Sale . Elsa 16″ Wide White Fabric Drum Shade Ceiling Light. Shop Target for Ceiling Lights you will love at great low prices. Spend $35+ . Menlo Small Glass Globe Pendant Ceiling Light Nickel Lamp Only – Project 62. Replacement Etched Opal Glass Light Cover for Mercer 52 in. Brushed Nickel Ceiling Fan. Model# G14925. (18). $1700. $1700. Free delivery with $45 order. The microwave glass light lens protects the light bulb inside the appliance. . I have a hot point over range microwave oven that needs a glass (crystal) light cover. screw. the killer is a day later it was broken again, think the lens can’t handle . Replacement IKEA Rear Oven Cooker Lamp Cover Glass Light Bulb Housing / Casing; Genuine IKEA replacement lamp cover. Fits models: 00094744 . Genuine OEM replacement part; Moffat is a leading supplier in convection oven for the catering industry; Use genuine OEM parts for safety reliability and . GE WB25T10002 Oven Bulb Lens · 4.1 out of 5 . First4Spares Oven Light Lamp Glass Cover & Safe Removal Tool for Bosch Neff & Siemens Cooker. Roll over . Read page 2 of the Seeking help for removing oven light bulb cover . I really think he needs to get the door off the oven to get a better grip on the cover. Shop Lighting and Electrical online at AceHardware.com and get Free Store Pickup at your neighborhood Ace. . light bulb are immediately dangerous to human health and the environment. . chlorine bleach, glass/window cleaners, roach killers, oven cleaners, drain . Eveready 15W Small Screw Cap E14/ SES Oven Light Bulb – Pack of 2. Special Price €3.99 Regular Price €4.99. Add to Basket. Add to Wish List Add to . The Lamp Company stocks 80,000 different light bulbs – so we are confident . dangling pieces of glass or crystal you will want some attractive light bulbs to . Decorative candles therefore come in many shapes and sizes, cap sizes and colours. . Specialist tubes for meat counters, carvery counters, as well as the fly killers. DIY Eames Inspired Bohemian Pendant Lamp {to cover old/ugly ceiling fixtures love this colorful dream catcher style lamp for the kids room– lámpara estilo… 5 Shabby Antique Vtg Czech Glass Beaded Flower Bulb Covers Lamp Shades For other inspiring timber frame homes visit PrecisionCraft Timber Frame Homes. Antique Lamp Czech Colorful Glass Cluster Grapes Fruits Basket Antique . Overnight pendant light- collection of unique copper-plated stained glass lamps made by . DIY Eames inspired -bohemian pendant lamp for ceiling fixtures. Shop Wayfair for all the best Glass Light Shades. . inspiration, while its clear hue allows it to blend easily with a variety of color palettes and aesthetics. . These clip-on shades are a quick and easy way to transform a light bulb into a fixture. . Adorn your hallway or bathroom walls with a stylish wall sconce light cover, . Replacement and optional glass shades for wall sconces, chandeliers, flush mounts, pendants and more. . Nature Inspired Lighting Glass Shades . 241 Results – Rejuvenation offers a wide variety of lamp shades and covers. Create a unique and classic look with painted shades, glass shades and metal lamp . Results 1 – 24 of 500 – Wing Clip Post Top Fitter for Lamp Post Globes with 5 Inch to 5.25 Inch Decorative Fluorescent Light Covers – Stained Glass 11 – Blue . Buy products related to light bulb covers and see what customers say about . RAB Lighting GL100 100 Series Vaporproof Threaded Glass Globe, 150W Power, Individually Boxed, Clear . Moodies Rainbow 6 Pack of Colorful, Heat-safe Silicone Light Bulb Cover for Decorating Happiness Guarantee · Amazon Inspire 6 ส.ค. 2555 – These pendant lamps are a great week-end project. . You could also paint them if you prefer a different color. . MoreINSPIRATION . ribbon on top of one of your initial pieces and repeat until you cover the whole lampshade. Vintage Style Globe Pendant Light – Industrial Ceiling Light Antique Retro Glass Round Fish Bowl Chandelier Edison Bulb Lamp Cafe Restaurant. Explore Suzy Farris’s board “Ceiling light covers” on Pinterest. See more . 8 Ways to Cover Ugly Light Fixtures “Cover_up”, “Ugly”, “dorm”, “temporary”, “DIY”]. Vintage 1940’s Deco CHAMPAGNE Satin Glass Ceiling 3 Light Fixture Antique Crystal Hanging Dome Chandelier w/Beaded Bulb Cover – Beautiful! Vintage Pink Glass Light Cover – FREE SHIPPING. . Vintage PINK Scalloped Edge Glass Ceiling Light Fixture Cover 1950s #vintage #pink For Sale. Shop Wayfair for the best light fixture glass covers. . Thorne 6-Light Glass Shade Foyer Pendant . Lapidge Art Glass Hanging Fixture 6-Light Bell Pendant Blending casual farmhouse style with modern elegance, this lovely luminary will . 6 ก.พ. 2562 – Clear Seeded Glass Chandelier Pendant Replacement Shades Light . Glass Shade Beautiful Pendant Light Glass Shades Chandelier The Best . Of Lamp Globes Ceiling Fan Light Covers Glass Globe Lampshade Wall . 6 ก.พ. 2562 – Glass Chandelier Shades With Lamp Online Teal Shade Light Small . Wall Covers Beautiful Pendant Light Glass Shades Chandelier The Best . Results 1 – 48 of 229 – Vtg antique Art Deco Pink Glass Light Fixture Ceiling Chandelier shade. $28.88 . The matching glass fixture is beautiful and from the 1940s. There are four new Art Deco Pink & Clear Glass Flush Mount Light Cover. Save 20 50% on Charming Ceiling Light Fixture at Bellacor.com! . Oil Rubbed Bronze 10-Inch One-Light Outdoor Ceiling Light with Clear Seedy Glass Shade Trans Globe Lighting Wagoneel Black 9-Inch Outdoor Flush Mount Ceiling Light. Bulb Invention History By Thomas Alva Edison- In Bangla Language. Seduce. You. For. Dinner . . . $9.95. Our divine dinners are $9.95 before 7:00 . of Rego Park, inventor of the light bulb that turns itself off at sundown on Friday. How efficient was the generation of light, and how did it depend on its fuel, age and . and manufacturers ensure consistency in the light bulbs they produced? . The seduction of numerical description compelled wouldbe sciences to adopt the . Electric Light and the Invention of Modern America Ernest Freeberg . urban life for at least two centuries, the new lamps created a change in kind. . While social critics cursed the new technology for encouraging a shallow but seductive. . coincidence of the one-hundredth anniversary of the electric light bulb with that of Albert Einstein’s birth prompts reflection on the ways inventors and scientists . This is a seductive dogma, because if it were socially and politically feasible to . Admittedly, the eureka myth is seductive. Thomas Edison, who usually stressed that invention was the easy bit, forgot his own 1%-inspiration-to-99%-perspiration rule in describing to a newspaper reporter how the incandescent lightbulb came to him as a gift from the gods. 13 ม.ค. 2556 – If I had not become a history teacher, I would be teaching about outer space . Originally, Tesla planned on using GE bulbs but Edison, still miffed, would not . “If evenings at the fair were seductive, the nights were ravishing. The incandescent light bulb, invented by Edison in 1878, the moment when the . During the night, like seductive light boxes, their effect is hypnotic: they offer, . A History of American Studio Craft Janet Koplos, Bruce Metcalf . A noted modeler, he made seductive female figures, portrait busts, and monumental . The lab where Thomas Edison invented the incandescent bulb was nearby, which . Explore OnTime Service’s board “Lighting and Light Bulbs” on Pinterest. . Outstanding lamps and beautiful design objects by Pulpo Ay Illuminate, Bulb Lights, . Forest Homes Products – Etna Hanging Lights – Nature Inspired Lamps #Light Nature decor, Lighting, Golden Spiral String Lights, Beautiful Natural Decor, . Explore NOVA Design Studios’s board “AMAZING LIGHT BULBS” on Pinterest. See more ideas about Lightbulbs, Pendant lighting and Pendant Lights. 19 ต.ค. 2551 – It will only light up whenever you insert coins inside, and the lamp itself . There’s a light bulb inside the supremely awesome metal UFO on top, . 2 ก.ค. 2558 – Do you want to replicate Downton Abbey-style lighting in your home? If so, try an amber-hued bulb to ape period lighting. The striking coil . Results 1 – 24 of 78 – Shop decorative light bulbs at Lumens.com. Guaranteed low prices on all specialty bulbs and unique light bulbs + free shipping on orders . Buy products related to beautiful lamps and see what customers say about . I have not had to change the light bulb even though an extra was provided. Eden Light is a progressive lighting company committed to bringing the best quality, most stylish and affordable light fittings to NZ. #LightBulbInventor #LightConverstionAblation #GlassLightFixtureCovers #LightBulbLanguages #LightBulbLecture
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/amazing-glass-light-bulb-cover
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cessanderson · 5 years
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Project Diary #14 – Entryway, Stairs & Landing Before & After https://ift.tt/2Ym79lg
I’ve been sharing teasers for so long, it’s ABOUT THYME I got to the good stuff! Right?Time for a reveal, room by room of the project I’ve been working on. The main floor is my wellness studio, the upstairs – finally: A luxury AirBnB apartment I’ve nicknamed “Suite Thyme”. Ready? Let’s go! Here’s the before and after when we walk in the door and up the stairs.
The Reveal
Before when you entered, it was old industrial blue carpet, dirty dingy walls and a 2nd floor landing without personality. Now it’s a welcoming, inviting entryway with a place to sit and remove/put on shoes, doors with keypads for guest self check in and keeping the wellness studio off limits, a bookshelf with information on the services offered by the wellness studio as well as information on local attractions. That back door, we call it the “hobbit door”…seriously watch your head, tall people! It’s locked from the inside (it’s access to the wellness studio/back door). 
before – the banister and railing is original, probably at least 100 years old (beautiful!)
Good bye blue carpet.
after – the original pine floors are very scratched, marked up with paint and scuffs too. We’ll add that to the project list for another day and embrace the imperfections for now, okay? It adds character, my friends. lol
before: It seemed that this space and the entire upstairs was used for storage only in the recent past. It feels SO good to give it new life and purpose! 
after: The stair landing is now an indoor porch area/comfy and relaxing reading nook for guests with a huge cozy egg chair, lots of pillows, a salt lamp and water fountain. The perfect spot to ‘getaway’ with a good book, to catch up on social media with friends or to take a little cat nap. There might even be room for two in that chair. The electrical/light switch has since been updated. Oops! Just seeing that I didn’t cut that out of the shot. There’s a new wood beaded flush mount light fixture not shown. It has a very boho vibe and it’s one of my favorite spots in the apartment. Well, to be honest…wait ’til you see the rest. The entire apartment is my favorite spot!
after: so cozy, so fun! A small thrifted basket gallery wall, 
  after: clean and simple!
Share your thoughts! 
What do you think? Notice the wallpaper on the back window wall of the landing?Wallpaper fan? Not your thing? Not your style? Know what I mean when I say I sure loathe the removal? Willing to change your mind and take a risk when you fall in love with a print/pattern and it’s just want you and in mind for adding interest? I felt like this print was less trendy, the design is traditional. How about carpet on the stairs? I partnered with Shaw (see the info HERE) to replace what was there. I love the subtle design and features for it to be a long lasting investment. 
Let’s talk about that chair! It’s the OpalHouse Southport chair from Target. Something I really wanted but outside of the budget. And my entire family knew I wanted that chair. So when Mr. DIY asked what I wanted for Mother’s Day, he immediately knew the answer before I got the words past my lips. lol Then at our Mother’s Day dinner, I said to my girls “guess what I got for Mother’s Day?” and Evangeline “did you get THE chair?”, Alainee: “did he buy you the chair?!” Me: “I got the chair!” It was just like a “He went to Jared’s” tv commercial. Moral of the story: I got the chair. ::love:: And guests renting the AirBnB just might find me hanging out in it! (Just kidding!)
Next up:
One room combination living room/dining area/kitchen with a BIG WOW factor! AHHH! I can’t wait to show you! 
Upstairs apartment door…
Sneak peek looking the other direction from inside of the apartment:
More about #helloredreno
The building has so much historical charm. It’s about one block from our town’s Main Street. The bus stop is literally steps away. There’s a gorgeous Butler, PA Bed & Biscotti across the street called Suite Retreat (how cute is that?!) and an antique shop nearby. There are breweries, the YMCA, shops, restaurants, salons, florists, candy/coffee shop, holiday parades and festivals within walking distance. So fun! If renovation from blah to ahhhhh is your thing, stay tuned!
So subscribe and be reminded of updates as the renovations progress! I’ll share before and after photos, projects underway and updates, plans and design boards, sources and links as they relate as well as fun events going on in and around the downtown area. I’ll be using a specific hashtag on social media to keep things all neat and tidy and organized.
#helloredreno and #suitethyme
I welcome your thoughts and ideas! And as always, thanks for your encouragement and support and for sharing in my joy and vision! 
The #helloredreno project diary:
Project Diary Entry #1 – Hello Red Reno!
Project Diary Entry #2 – Efficiency Apartment
Project Diary Entry #3 Color Passive Paint
Project Diary Entry #4 – Full Bathroom Demo Day
Project Diary Entry #5 – Sealing A Wood Plank / Shiplap Wall
Project Diary Entry #6: Bathroom Flooring
Project Diary Entry #7: Sealing Brick
Project Diary #8: Hardwood Floors
Project Diary #9: Carpeted Stairs
Project Diary #10 Vinyl Floor Tiles
Project Diary #11 – Living Room Before & After
Project Diary #12 – Christmas at the Studio
Project Diary #13 – Wallpaper Mural
Project Diary #14 – Entryway, Stairs & Landing Before & After
https://ift.tt/2MFSgDt Roeshel
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Electronic Toothbrush Market is Predicted to Witness Significant CAGR till 2024
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22 March 2019, Projected to grow at a CAGR of around 4%, Electronic Toothbrush Market is expected to witness a significant growth over the forecast period owing to increasing consciousness of consumers regarding oral hygiene and plague formation problems. Affordability among high disposable income consumers and high purchasing power in developed countries are to drive the market growth over the forecast period..
In addition to high income, consumers in developed countries such as Western Europe view higher priced products as offering better quality and more helpful to dental hygiene. Growth of electronic toothbrushes is also driven by product updates and advanced technology. Procter & Gamble introduced the Oral-B SmartSeries electronic toothbrushes that come with Bluetooth connectivity that sends information such as time spent in brushing to the smartphone. Similarly, Koninklijke Philips launched Philips Sonicare DiamondClean toothbrushes with good design, induction charging glass, five operating modes and two-minute timer that can efficiently clean hard to reach areas. These new product introductions have stimulated consumer interest in dental hygiene and improved cleaning results.
Electronic toothbrushes are easy to travel with since it doesn’t require batteries or charging outlets. Good battery life that can give around 42 cleans once full-charged in advanced electric toothbrushes is to spur the market growth over the forecast period. Manufacturers are offering ceramic-like paint coatings that are non-slip for comfortable brushing. Also, these toothbrushes are available in sleek design and different colors. Toothbrushes for children are also available which has 3D motion sensors that detect how children brush and interactive real-time fun education games which keeps children entertained while teaching them hygiene habits. These product features are to accelerate the market growth over the forecast period. Electronic toothbrushes offer cleaning technology with oscillating action, sonic technology and rotating motion that helps in protection against plague.
Browse Details of Report @ https://www.hexaresearch.com/research-report/electronic-toothbrush-market
However, high cost of these toothbrushes in comparison to manual ones is to hamper the market growth over the forecast period. Dentists recommend their patients to change these toothbrushes after every three months for better cleaning which leads to higher maintenance charges. Consumers in emerging countries rely more on teeth cleaning and whitening via dentists since they find it more affordable than buying electronic toothbrushes. The aforementioned points pose a threat to this market.  Moreover, technology innovation that reduces the time of brushing and internet connectivity that teaches how to brush the teeth are to provide opportunities in this market.
The market can be segmented on the basis of type of action and speed of their movements. On the basis of type of action, the toothbrush market can be categorized into vibration and rotation-oscillation motion. On the basis of speed of their movements, electronic toothbrushes are classified into sonic and ultrasonic toothbrushes. Certain toothbrushes have both ultrasonic and sonic movements.
Western Europe dominates the market currently led by France, Italy and Germany owing to the factors such as high disposable incomes of consumers, advanced technology and premium dental care. Market growth in emerging countries such as India, Brazil, Indonesia and Vietnam remain insignificant on account of increasing sales of affordable manual toothbrushes. The UK market is to witness a significant growth over the forecast period on account of gradual shifting of consumers towards the idea of more effective toothbrushes to maintain dental hygiene.
Key players in this market are Koninklijke Philips N.V., Procter & Gamble, Kolibree, Colgate-Palmolive Company, Panasonic Corporation, Water Pik Inc., Church & Dwight Co., Inc., Conair Corporation, Mouth Watchers, Omron Healthcare, Inc. and Summer Infant. These companies are coming up with innovative technologies in their toothbrushes to increase their market share.
In June 2016, Koninklijke Philips N.V. launched the smart electric toothbrush called Philips Sonicare Flexcare Platinum that can record the brushstrokes and the speed and force of brushing. This data can be then sent to smartfone via Bluetooth that allows seeing the effect of brushing in real time.
Browse Related Category Market Reports @ https://www.hexaresearch.com/research-category/electronic-devices-industry
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Inspiration towards Success: Determination and Passion.
As our tag line says, "The world goes on Business", many business men and women are so eager to reach the top or to be on top. Some made it to the top, some are on their way to it but others failed to do so but they are not giving up that easy, and still pursuing what they really want. And now continue to read this blog and be inspired behind the success of the Top 5 most richest people in the world:
 - Bill Gates, he is the richest person in the world. Bill Gates was born William H. Gates III on October 28,1955 by Mary Maxwell and William H. Gates Sr. Gates began to show an interest in computer programming at the age of 13 at the Lakeside School. He pursued his passion through college. Striking out on his own with his friend and business partner Paul Allen, Gates found himself at the right place at the right time. Through technological innovation, keen business strategy and aggressive business tactics, he built the world's largest software business, Microsoft. In the process, Gates became one of the richest men in the world. In the run, Gates experienced rejection and he also experienced to be sued but he continued his passion in computer and look at where he is now, he own a net worth of USD 85.9 Billion.
 - Jeff Bezos was born on January 12, 1964, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to a teenage mother, Jacklyn Gise Jorgensen, and his biological father, Ted Jorgensen. The Jorgensens were married less than a year, and when Bezos was 4 years old his mother re-married, to Cuban immigrant Mike Bezos. Bezos had an early love of computers and studied computer science and electrical engineering at Princeton University. After graduation he worked on Wall Street, and in 1990 he became the youngest senior vice president at the investment firm D.E. Shaw. Four years later, he quit his  lucrative job to open Amazon.com, a virtual bookstore that became one of the internet's biggest success stories. In 2013, Bezos purchased The Washington Post in a $250 million deal. In 2017, he became the richest person in the world, surpassing Microsoft founder Bill Gates , with a net worth topping $90 billion.
 - Warren Buffett born Warren Edward Buffett on August 30, 1930, in Omaha, Nebraska by Leila Stahl Buffett and Howard Buffett. Warren Buffett demonstrated keen business abilities at a young age. He formed Buffett Partnership Ltd. in 1956, and by 1965 he had assumed control of Berkshire Hathaway. Overseeing the growth of a conglomerate with holdings in the media, insurance, energy and food and beverage industries, Buffett became one of the world's richest men and a celebrated philanthropist. 
 -  Amancio Ortega Gaono is the next. He was born on March 28, 1936 at Busdongo de Arbás, León, Spain to Antonio Ortega Rodríguez and Josefa Gaona Hernández. According to Forbes Magazine , he is currently (2017) the richest person in Europe, and the fourth richest in the world with an estimated net worth of $82 billion. He is also the wealthiest retailer in the world. He started as a shop hand for a local shirtmaker called Gala and then learned to make clothes by hand. In 1972, he founded Confecciones Goa (his initials in reverse), selling quilted bathrobes which Ortega produced using thousands of local women organised into sewing cooperatives. Later on, he and his wife, Rosalia Mera opened their first store which is the Zara. Ortega keeps a very low profile and known for his preference for a simple lifestyle. He didn't show any pictures of him. Until 1999, there's no pictures of Amancio had ever been published. But now, he is known as the fourth richest person in the world. So inspiring, isn't it? 
 - Mark Zuckerberg. Born on May 14, 1984, in White Plains, New York, Mark Zuckerberg co-founded the social-networking website Facebook out of his college dorm room. He left Harvard after his sophomore year to concentrate on the site, the user base of which has grown to more than 250 million people, making Zuckerberg a billionaire. The birth of Facebook was recently portrayed in the film The Social Network. Zuckerberg encountered different ups and downs in his career but he manage to surpassed all. He also undergone criticism. But inspite of all those he experienced, he became the youngest CEO and billionaire. He continue to help others. "With a generation of younger folks who have thrived on the success of their companies, there is a big opportunity for many of us to give back earlier in our lifetime and see the impact of our philanthropic efforts," Zuckerberg said.
 And now, this blog is going to give you some strategies to achieve a successful career especially in business. Well, if you want to become one and if you inspired by the people above. 
 The 6 Strategies that was included in our infographics (that was also posted here) basically show us the 6 major ways to have a successful business especially for the entrepreneurs. 
 The first one is "Study the Competition". It is important for an entrepreneur to know the nature of his business so that he can handle any competition that he might encounter in the future. In this way, he can easily identify the things that he should do in order for his business to stand out from its competitors. 
 Second is, "Conserve cash no matter how good business is". It is always necessary for an entrepreneur to save extra money for him to have something to use when an urgent need came up. No businessman want their business to just shut down because of bankrupcy. So this strategy is somehow needed by every entrepreneur. 
The third in the line is "Research NEW Products and Services". In every business, the owners want their customers to have the satisfaction that they want that's why they always find new products and services that their customers will surely enjoy and patronize. This strategy helps every entrepreneur to make their customers stay with them until the end.
 "Don't tackle huge markets at first" is the fourth one. Beginners always start with small businesses. It serves as their training ground as they slowly climb in the ladder of entrepreneurship. Also, who would risk their business by starting with huge markets? It might just give them problems and worse, end their business immediately. 
 The fifth one is "Listen to customer feedback". In the world of business, customers are the most important people. It is like the business depends on them whether it will continue to take place or just end its purchases and services. Every entrepreneur should always remember that the feedback of their customers will affect the business and that they should open their ears to hear any complains or compliments. 
 Last but definitely not the least, "Respond to Changes". Entrepreneurs must be flexible in order for them to adapt the changes that they may encounter while their business is on-going. It is important to respond in changes in able for them to know what is the next action that they are going to take. This strategies are just few from the things that every entrepreneur can do to have a successful business. But we guarantee you that this 6 things might help every businessmen to have a good start and a great end to their business. 
 Last thing is the quotes. Here are some inspiring quotes and explanation that will definitely makes you inspired to pursue your dream job.
 "The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks." - Mark Zuckerberg
 Business world is an extra ordinary phase that an individual is surely be challenge. You can't identify what's beyond that thing without engaging and taking any risk. Exploration begin when you decide to go outside of your comfort zone. There's lot of possibility that can happen but what you can have, still depends on your action and decision. Being afraid won't bring you to success for you are limiting yourself into what you wish to have. The negativities that you visualize can change quickly into a positive one. Every second you lose on thinking was deducted on you opportunity to grow. A risk taker is not just facing the danger but assuring that he can overcome it without losing hope and positive thoughts.
 "It comes down fo finding something you love to do and then just trying to great at it." - Mark Cuban 
 Engaging in an activity is like researching about what your fashion and in the end of that continue applying on the reality. Same with a plant that should be place in the appropriate state where it can assure to grow and develop. Identify what you really want and wish to do, in that thing you're really devoted and determined to pursue in attaining success on it. It's not just all about future profit but also self improvement and discovery. When you love it, it wouldn't seems to be a work but a hobby that you'll wish to have everytime. Let your name be notable because of your chosen field and your achievement on it.
 "Successful entrepreneurs don't wait for the perfect moment - they create it." -Richard Branson
Time by time changes occur in our world. A successful one is surely has that wild imagination and great decision. There's nothing such as perfect moment for it depends on the one who wish to have it. Every time is a great time for an entrepreneur, as soon as he drew possibilities over that usual thing. Let your mind decide what your business will have and don't wait it's result but make your own consummation. Siting and waiting are words that should be eliminate in someone's mind because doing nothing will guarantee to bring you in failure. Make your own path to success and continue improving it until you end up on the final destination.
Source of other information: Wikipedia, Biography.com (https://www.biography.com/people/bill-gates-9307520), Strategies (https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.entrepreneur.com/amphtml/242573?espv=1)
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dawnjeman · 6 years
Modern Farmhouse with Blue Exterior
  Undoubtedly, modern farmhouse is by far the most popular home style these days. We have seen many modern farmhouses with white exteriors, Joanna Gaines-inspired farmhouses, new-construction modern farmhouses, board and batten modern farmhouses and more recently, a modern farmhouse with black and white interiors, but a modern farmhouse with blue exterior is something new to me, and, just between you and I, it feels very refreshing!
Take notes on this beautiful home built by one of my favorite builders, M House Development (previously featured here), and make sure to pin these inspiring home decor pictures!
  Modern Farmhouse with Blue Exterior
This is the kind of home that makes you turn your head if you’re walking by! What a curb-appeal!!!
Exterior Paint Color
The exterior paint color is Sherwin Williams SW 6230 Rainstorm.
The home combines shingle roof and metal roof. This is a very popular combination for modern farmhouses.
One of my favorite things about this home, besides the stunning architectural details, is the custom “barn door-inspired” shutters.
Exterior Trim
The exterior trim paint color is Benjamin Moore White Dove.
Exterior Lighting: Westinghouse Lighting Outdoor Barn Light
Porch Decor
A front porch always adds so much to the curb-appeal to a home. In fact, I don’t think I ever disliked a home with a front porch.
Similar Rocking Chairs: Here.
Similar Planters: Here.
Front Door
A glass front door with sidelights is flanked by two windows with custom board and batten trim.
Although not completely furnished, this home features many great interior design ideas. Paint color is Sherwin Williams SW 7070 Site White.
Hardwood throughout house: Engineered hardwood, Shaw Floors Fairbanks Maple 5 Gold Dust.
Shiplap was installed, not only on the wall, but also as paneling on the bottom of staircase. This gives a seamless look to the entire space. Shiplap paint color is White Dove OC 17 Benjamin Moore.
Railing and front door ares painted in SW Peppercorn.
This is a great way to design a “two-toned kitchen” while keeping everything neutral.
Backsplash: Beveled Ceramic Wall Tile 3″x6″
Upper Cabinets
The upper cabinets are painted in White Dove OC 17 Benjamin Moore.
Appliance Garage
A well-designed appliance garage is found on the left, just above the bread compartment. This is the ideal place to hide the toaster. Also, notice the electric outlet inside the cabinet.
Lower Cabinets
The lower cabinets are Maple, stained Phantom.
Sink & Faucet
I love how the dark lower cabinets contrast with the white upper cabinetry. The hutch adds interest to the kitchen as well.
Kitchen Faucet: Delta Single handle pull down kitchen faucet.
Sink: Kohler.
Countertop & Hardware
Countertop is Frost White Quartz.
Hardware: Top Knobs Kingsbridge Knobs & Pulls.
Lighting: Industrial Dome Shade Pendant- small – similar here & here.
Kitchen island dimension: 84″x48″
Beautiful Pendants for Every Budget:
(Thank you for shopping through Home Bunch. Please, always check dimensions before ordering.
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Kitchen Paint Color
Paint color is Site White by Sherwin Williams.
Mom’s Office
The kitchen opens to a small area with built-in desk and bookshelves.
Fireplace Paneling
Fireplace Paneling Paint Color: Sherwin Williams SW 7674 Peppercorn.
Similar Marble Scallop Fireplace Tile: Here & Here.
Powder Room
This a way to impress your guests! What a gorgeous powder room! Cabinetry is Red Oak and countertop is Carrara marble.
Faucet: Delta Trinsic.
Sconces: Dldesignworks.
Paint Color
Sherwin Williams SW 6188 Shade Grown.
Hardware: Pottery Barn.
Wall Paint Color
Wall paint color is Sherwin Williams SW 7636 Origami.
Vanity: Home Depot.
Faucet: Moen Gibson two handle faucet.
Floor Tile: White and black basket weave II Porcelain Mosaic.
The upstairs landing features a fun swing chair and a built-in desk for three.
Similar Swing Chair: here, here & here.
Wall Paint Color
Accent Wall Paint Color: Sherwin Williams SW 7674 Peppercorn.
Sconces: Waucoba 1 Light Swing Arm
Son’s Bathroom
This boy’s bathroom features industrial elements and a floating vanity.
Faucet: Kingston Brass Concord wall mount twin cross handles sink faucet.
Lighting: similar here.
Paint Color
Sherwin Williams SW 7014 Eider White.
Cabinetry: Maple stained Ebony.
Floor Tile: Porcelain Tile.
Shower Tile
Shower Tile: Villa Artisan Mist Porcelain Tile (similar here & here). Accent: Dark Blue Multi Penny Porcelain Mosaic (similar here)
Teen Girl’s Bedroom Paint Color
Site White by Sherwin Williams.
Similar Swing Chair: here
Daughter’s Bedroom Paint Color
Sherwin Williams SW 6476 Glimmer.
Carpet Flooring: Dreamweaver Filigree Frostbite
Beaded Chandelier: Joss & Main – on sale for $139.
Bathroom Flooring
Bathroom Floor Tile: Penny White III Porcelain Mosaic
Recommended Wallpaper Sources: Here & Here.
Jack & Jill Paint Color
Jack & Jill Bathroom Paint Color (it can be for boys and girls): Sherwin Williams Glimmer.
Cabinet is Maple painted Benjamin Moore White Dove. Countertop is quartz.
Mirror: Pottery Barn.
Similar Arabesque Tile: Here.
Faucet: Delta with cross handles.
Cabinet Hardware: Anthropologie – similar here.
Shower Tile
Tile: Beveled Tile 3″x6″. Accent: Villa Heirloom Arabesque Porcelain Mosaic.
Interior Door Paint Color
Interior Door Paint Color: Sherwin Williams Peppercorn.
Door Knob: Emtek Modern Crystal.
Master Bathroom Paint Color
Master Bathroom Paint Color: Sherwin Williams SW 6231 Rock Candy.
Cabinetry: Maple, custom-stained.
Bathroom Faucet: Kohler.
Mirrors: Pottery Barn.
Knobs: Emtek.
Tub Surround
The tub is surrounded by 4″x16″ white subway tile. This is an affordable and timeless idea!
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Shower Tile
Wall Tile: Metro White Glossy Ceramic Wall Tile.
Shower Floor Tile: Here (similar)
Tub Filler: Kohler.
Floor Tile
Floor Tile: Merola Tile Twenties Vintage Ceramic Floor and wall tile.
Laundry Room
The laundry room features open space for hampers under the counter.
Mudroom Lockers
Cabinetry: Maple stained Ebony.
Floor Tile: Here.
Paint Color
Paint color is Sherwin Williams SW 7070.
Chandelier: Yanira Antique Black Ironwork Crystal Pendant Chandelier
Floor Tile: Concrete Gray Ceramic Tile – similar here & here.
Similar Chandelier: Here & Here.
The sunroom opens to an inviting brick patio.
This beautiful blue exterior certainly makes this home stand-out!
  Many thanks to the builder for sharing all of the details above!
Builder & Interiors: M House Development (Instagram – Facebook)
Photography: Picture Perfect House.
  Exciting October Sales!
Thank you for shopping through Home Bunch. I would be happy to assist you if you have any questions or are looking for something in particular. Feel free to contact me and always make sure to check dimensions before ordering. Happy shopping!
Serena & Lily: Friends & Family: Get 20% off everything with code: HOMELOVE !!
Joss & Main: Take an extra 20% OFF: Use Code: FORYOU
Wayfair: Up to 70% OFF – Huge Sales on Decor, Furniture & Rugs!!!
New Fall Decor: Joss & Main.
Serena & Lily: Huge Furniture Sale! Up to 60% Off!!!
Pottery Barn: Warehouse Sale – Up to 75% Off
West Elm: Bedroom Sale – Up to 70% Off.
Caitlin Wilson: Beautiful Rugs & Pillows.
Anthropologie: Sale 20% Off Furniture + Decor.
Urban Outfitters: Hip & Affordable Home Decor.
Horchow: High Quality Furniture and Decor. Up to 55% Off!!!
One Kings Lane: New Fall Arrivals!
Williams & Sonoma: New Sales every week.
Nordstrom: Up to 40% OFF!
Neiman Marcus: Designer Sale: Up to 40% OFF.
Pier 1: Big Furniture, Rugs and Fall Decor Sales!
  Posts of the Week:
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Canada.
Black and White Interior Design Ideas.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Lake House.
Bedroom and Bathroom Reno.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram.
Rustic Farmhouse Design.
Neutral Home Interior Ideas.
Florida New-Construction Family Home.
Modern English Tudor Design.
Interior Design: Ideas House Tour.
Southern Beach House with Modern Interiors.
Interior Design Ideas: New Coastal Farmhouse.
Custom Home with Artisan Craftsmanship Interiors.
Traditional Kitchen Reno Ideas.
Interior Design Ideas: New Orleans Home.
Painted Brick Exterior Home Renovation.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram.
You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch
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“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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marlaluster · 6 years
emptying clipboard w items numbered
1. https://www.refugeecouncil.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/RWZ-Coffs-Harbour-3-300x225.png 2. Mooball - Australian Explorer https://www.australianexplorer.com/mooball Mobile · Mooball, a cute town, is a must see when visiting northern New South Wales. It has black and white cow prints painted on the electricity poles throughout this Pacific Highway village. 3. https://www.australianexplorer.com/mooball.htm 4. https://www.australias.guide/nsw/location/mooball/ 5. Mooball is a small New South Wales Locality within the local government area of Tweed, it is located approximately 641kms from the capital Sydney covering an area of 41.77 square kilometers. Mooball has a recorded population of 377 residents and is within the Australian Eastern Daylight Time zone Australia/Sydney. If you are planning a visit to Mooball we’ve put together some of the things nearby that you can see or do while you are here. These include, places to stay, tours and attractions, some upcoming events and places where you can grab a meal. Go ahead, try one of the buttons above. Every destination has something worth seeing so start exploring… If you know Mooball and think we’ve missed something, let us know and we’ll share it here. Read less Friday Today Burringbar 12 clear sky Nearby AccommodationView All The Croft Bed and Breakfast Urliup, Tweed Mooyabil Farm Holidays Mullumbimby Creek, Byron 6. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=iN%2bfY9qf&id=1C36C0488F42D3DFC6747B93D826688D9E0F8762&thid=OIP.iN-fY9qfg9RsQButy9qO0gHaD-&q=mooball&simid=607999704636720577&selectedIndex=81 7. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=iHA2lHIF&id=35390888FD3C4415B35E1B51D5EBE35B450123D0&thid=OIP.iHA2lHIFQpuWi4f9wewGngHaEK&q=mooball&simid=607996028154020733&selectedIndex=125 8. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=S3%2fTG9Qp&id=0B10E04D1AF21DD5A617131E455F975B6EF9DA88&thid=OIP.S3_TG9QpsVxRBxsaxFBFKAHaE8&q=mooball&simid=608004635250983077&selectedIndex=193 9. https://www.australianexplorer.com/ballina.htm 10. Ballina Ballina Information | Ballina Apartments | Ballina Bed and Breakfasts | Ballina Campsites | Ballina Hotels | Ballina Motels |Ballina Villas | Ballina Photos | Ballina Postcards | Ballina Attractions | Ballina Car Rentals | Ballina Restaurants | Ballina Tours | Ballina Transport | Ballina Map | Ballina Weather Ballina has several beaches, with the most popular in the north of the town. Shelly Beach is a patrolled beach, also popular are Lighthouse Beach and the pretty swimming beach at Shaws Bay Lagoon. You can also travel along the river with various trips available. Ballina also has its own market held at the Circus Ground every 3rd Sunday. There are also a number of other things to do and various types of accommodation around Ballina. To travel further along the coast head to the Big Prawn, where the Ballina Transit Centre is. Here most of the main bus companies stop. There are several bus services to Lennox Head and Byron Bay. Where Ballina's name originated from is not entirely certain. Some believe it was named directly after the Irish town of Ballina, although a more likely source is a Bundjalung word, "bullinah", meaning "place of many oysters". One possibility is that the Aboriginal name reminded the predominantly Irish settlers of "Ballina", so the name's origin could be an accidental or deliberate corruption of the Aboriginal form. Have you visited Ballina? Add your own information to the "Ballina" page using the form below: 11. Where Ballina's name originated from is not entirely certain. Some believe it was named directly after the Irish town of Ballina, although a more likely source is a Bundjalung word, "bullinah", meaning "place of many oysters". One possibility is that the Aboriginal name reminded the predominantly Irish settlers of "Ballina", so the name's origin could be an accidental or deliberate corruption of the Aboriginal form. Have you visite 12. Ball 1. Ball - as in let’s play ball, a ball game, a item used in sports like a baseball, basketball, football etc 2. Ball as in dance or celebration where people dance together let’s a “masquerade ball” 3. Ballistic as in upset 4. Ballerina as in dancer that does a formal dance that consists predominantly of the dancer dancing on his or her tip toes  5. Baller is slang for someone that has a lot of money, it may be someone that’s supposed to be good at scheming or something to get money somehow in devil land like through some kind of seeming entrepreneurial kind of work 6. Ball is a slang term also for cry, it’s “balling” I think is usually the form it’s used as, as i was balling my eyes out 7. Ball as in “we had a ball,” a slang phrase for “we had a good time” — 8. Baltic sea a sea somewhere in the world  9. Baltimore as in Baltimore Maryland 10. Balance  11. There may be a word balentine, I have to look it up 12. Baluca is i think a name of something, like Baby Baluca, it may be Baluga 13. Balk is like I think to shun something, a verb, not a formal name of something  14. Balcony is a like porch type thing from a building that is on a floor higher than the first floor n it typically I think has no stairs from it. There is another word for this occurrence I think. It could be patio. It could be terrace. Or another word. 15. Balfor I think is a name of a character I think in the movie called Neverending Story which i think is based on a book. It’s about like dreams n fantasies n things people wish etc being like challenged by something called the Nothing, it’s really the devil that the Nothing, I’d say. — I guess I’ll keep my eye out for more such words. We’ll see. 13. 1. Balloon as in a rubber type item that can be filled w air n used at parties, etc or as in a hot air balloon, or something can balloon out of control. Loon is also an interesting word as in Looney 2. Ballard - there was a girl in elementary school w me named Samantha Ballard. She was very quiet n subdued n seemingly not really ever saying anything. She was mixed race n a bit chubby. -- "Marla wanted to be like her but that's not really [what I'm ableto tell but i have to go," the devil said.] It's not exactly true that i wanted to be like her. But she was not mean or really snobby or anything really. I thought i should be more quiet but i wasn't really trying to be like Samantha exactly. I decided this in fifth grade n carried on w it for some time before giving it up, that is being more quiet. "... But that is not okay that i am not able to be," the devil said just now, its not clear what its referring to. "I have to go," the devil said. 3. There's a movie called Monster's Ball w Halle Berry n a actor that's a white man, i can't remember his name. I think it's like Billy something, it's possibly a white trash seeming name. 4. There's a ball in the the story of Cinderella where she's to meet the Prince 5. Balls as in testicles which I just realized writing the heading here after I wrote below I'd keep counting. Balls can also be referred to as nuts or nutsack. Someone without balls is supposed to be a coward. Someone w balls or big balls is someone that's not afraid, someone that's doing something bold. The Spanish word cajones is a word that can be used for this slang reference, like in place of balls, in other words it's a word known to be used this way. I couldn't remember the word at first as i wrote this item, the devil was probably taking it from my memory. Someone told me the word in my mind though. The word "backbone" is equivalent to the use of the word "balls" in this kind of reference for someone to be brave or stand up for themselves. 6. There's ball as in "Don't drop the ball" as in don't stop a process from continuing. "Thats us. Wanna come here," the city Ballina in North Wales Australia occurred to say in my mind. ---- Still counting, I s'pose. So many ball words. 14. She was mixed race n a bit chubby. – “Marla wanted to be like her but that’s not really [what I’m ableto tell but i have to go,” the devil said.] It’s not exactly true that i wanted to be like her. But she was not mean or really snobby or anything really.  15. 1. Wenis, I mean penis! 2. Wiener 3. Willey 4. Dong 5. Salami 6. Ding dong 7. Ding-a-ling 8. Junk 9. Package 10. Cock-a-doodle doo, cocky, but really the word is cock 11. Dick 12. Magic stick, according to the wrapper Fitty, i mean Fifty Centuries 13. Manhood 14. 16. https://www.refugeecouncil.org.au/getfacts/settlement/citizenship/cultural-orientation/ 17. There are two forms of cultural orientation provided to refugee and humanitarian entrants to Australia – pre-arrival orientation through the AUSCO program, and post-arrival orientation provided as part of settlement programs. 18. Settlement Grants Program (SGP) The Settlement Grants Program (SGP) funds organisations for programs that help people who have come to Australia recently to become independent and participate equally in Australian society. 19. BYRON BAY, INFORMATION BYRON BAY Byron Bay Byron Bay Information | Byron Bay Apartments | Byron Bay Bed and Breakfasts | Byron Bay Campsites |Byron Bay Health Resorts | Byron Bay Hostels | Byron Bay Hotels | Byron Bay Motels | Byron Bay Villas | Byron Bay Photos | Byron Bay Postcards | Byron Bay Attractions | Byron Bay Car Rentals | Byron Bay Restaurants |Byron Bay Tours | Byron Bay Transport| Byron Bay Map | Byron Bay Weather Byron Bay is a beachside town in the state of New South Wales, Australia. It is located 772 kilometres north of Sydney and 165 kilometres south of Brisbane. Aboriginal people called the area 'Cavvanbah'. European history began in 1770, when Captain James Cook found a safe anchorage and named Cape Byron after his navigator, grandfather of the future poet, Lord Byron. It wasn't until the 1880s, when Europeans made more permanent settlement, that the streets were named for other English writers and philosophers. If you are looking for a great surfing spot along the east coast or just a pleasant beach to sit down and relax then Byron Bay could be the place for you. Byron Bay is a unique and colourful town that attracts many visitors to the area. There can be some congestion especially in the summer months, but it is still definitely worth visiting Byron. Byron Bay has plenty of cafes and bars as well as some great music venues. And of course surf shops which sell surf products as well as hire boards and give surfing lessons. If you want a change of scenery then all you have to do is head inland towards the hinterland and nearby bush. There are a wide range of activities to keep you amused. The main highstreet in Byron Bay is Jonson Street which leads into Bangalow Road. Everything is situated along or just off of this street, from shops, cafe, restaurants and accommodation. It even takes you right to the Main Beach. Beaches stretch about 50km, leading you right upto the Gold Coast. West of main beach is Belongil Beach and the nudist Tyagarah Beach. East of Main Beach you will come to Cape Byron. The selection of beaches inbetween these two places can be great for surfing, especially off of The Pass towards the south end of Clarks Beach. You may even catch a glimpse of some dolphins. The beaches include Clarks Beach, Wategos and Little Wategos Beach. Cape Byron itself reaches out to the most easterly point of Australia's mainland. It is the perfect place to watch the sun rise after those long nights out or the beginning of those early relaxing mornings. Captain Cook named Cape Byron after the poet Byron's grandfather who in the 1760's sailed around the world. Once you get to Cape Byron, you will be greeted with the large Byron Bay Lighthouse. You can wander right out to the Cape, and stand at the most Easterly point of Australia. The views are amazing. From the lighthouse you can also take a 3.km trail around the Cape offering more wonderful views and the opportunity to see a range of wildlife. During the whales migrating seasons you may see them passing Cape Byron, so keep your eyes peeled around June/July and September/November. There are some fantastic views along the coast. South of Cape Byron the beaches continue, again offering fabulous surf. Some places can be a bit rocky so beware. Tallow Beach leads from Cape Byron to Broken Head where you will find a selection of nudist beaches. The next beach along the coast is Seven Mile Beach which will take you to Lennox Head. Inland from Broken Head is the Broken Head Nature Reserve which makes a great day out into its beautiful rainforest. There are a couple of tours that take you into the bush and rainforests surrounding Byron Bay. There are also plenty of other things to do in and around Byron. Other than surfing, the waters also attract divers. A great place where you will see an array of marine life is at the marine park at Julian Rocks. If you prefer to be up in the air then why not try out hang-gliding or if you are daring enough have a go on the flying trapeze. An alternative to the thrill and adventure of Byrons activities you can also learn to relax with the help of floatation tanks, massage and healing crystals. Byron Bay hosts numerous alternative therapies that work wonders after a long day. There is also a market in Byron Bay, held along the Butler Street Reserve on the first Sunday of each month. There are plenty of places to stay in Byron Bay, although it can get very busy so book in advance. Accommodation includes mainly camping grounds and hostels, although also offers a selection of motels, hotels and b&b's. They stretch all along the coast around Byron Bay with plenty within walking distance of the main town, so you are sure to find something that suits you. Byron Bay is also not short on places to eat out. There are plenty of takeaway bars serving a range of typical takeaway as well as healthy and vegetarian alternatives. There are also a number of restaurants across a wide price range. Nightlife is also great in Byron Bay. Whatever your style it is here. The Railway Friendly Bar, Beach Hotel and Great Northern Hotel all offer live music on various nights. The Top Hat Bar offer relaxed cabaret night while the Latin offers everything Latin from food and music to dancing. A couple of nightclubs in the area include Cocomangas and the Carpark Nightclub, again offering a selection of music. You will have no problem getting around Byron Bay. The majority of places are within walking distance as long as you are wearing a comfortable pair of shoes. You can also hire bikes or take a local bus. Getting to and from Byron Bay isn't a problem. A train runs in both directions everyday in the evening. Buses run north and south along the coast passing through Byron. It is best to book tickets in advance as otherwise it is first come first served, so you may be disappointed. Featured Byron Bay Activities Maximise your full potential while receiving one-on one instruction. Stand up and ride long waves with confidence as we push you on. We'll then teach you how to paddle and catch your own. If you're su... More Byron Bay Tours Byron Bay Gallery (Visitor Photographs) Want to See Your Photo Here? Enter the Australian Photo Competition. Destinations within Far North Coast 20. https://www.australianexplorer.com/byron_bay.htm
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bzalma · 3 years
Go Directly to Jail – Arson for Profit Fails Posted on
June 7, 2021
Barry Zalma
Setting a Fire and Presenting a Claim for Items Not Burned is Insurance Fraud & Arson
Sherry Lee Lance appealed her convictions for second degree arson, conspiracy to commit second degree arson, and insurance fraud, all stemming from allegations that Lance conspired with her mother to burn down the home they shared and collect insurance proceeds. In State Of North Carolina, v. Sherry Lee Lance, 2021 NCCOA 236, No. COA20-273, Court Of Appeals Of North Carolina (June 1, 2021) Lance’s central argument is that the State could not prove an essential element of the arson charges—that Lance burned the dwelling house of another—because the only other inhabitant of the home was her mother, who allegedly conspired with her to burn the home. The State’s evidence showed that Lance’s mother still lived in the home when the fire occurred, and there was no evidence that Lance’s mother knew when or how the fire would be set.
In September 2016, a house in Fletcher was destroyed by a fire. At the time of the fire, Defendant Sherry Lance and her mother Jonnie Turner lived in the house. They had leased it from the owner for about two years.
After the fire, Fletcher Police Sergeant Ronald Diaz, the town fire chief, the fire marshal, and an SBI agent went to the property to investigate. The SBI agent brought a canine trained to identify accelerants or incendiaries, but the canine did not alert to any.
There was a large hole in the kitchen floor area that the investigators believed was the origin point of the fire a location with no electrical facilities. Sergeant Diaz observed that there was an unusually low number of personal belongings in the home and “not what you would expect in a home that was just lost to a fire.” Sergeant Diaz learned that Lance had obtained a renter’s insurance policy in May 2016, about four months prior to the fire, and had filed a claim for items lost in the fire.
Casey Silvers, a fire investigator hired by the insurance company to investigate the cause of the fire, went to the property to investigate along with a claims adjuster. The claims adjuster also met with Lance to take her recorded statement about the fire. In her recorded statement, Lance explained that she told the landlord about some electrical problems in the home but he would not fix them. Lance explained that she thought the fire was electrical. When asked where she was and what she did on the day of the fire, Lance stated that she had gone “dumpster diving” with her mother, taking their two dogs with them. Lance submitted a “loss inventory list” to the adjuster, listing the items of personal property that she claimed were lost in the fire.
Several months later Sergeant Diaz discovered that Turner had rented a storage unit the day before the fire. After obtaining a search warrant, Sergeant Diaz searched the unit and found a large number of personal belongings and household items, as well as personal financial and legal documents belonging to Lance. Various items that Sergeant Diaz found in the storage unit matched items listed on the loss inventory form Lance submitted to her insurance company. Sergeant Diaz obtained video footage from the storage facility, which showed Lance and Turner accessing the storage unit the day before the fire, moving items into the unit, and later moving items out of the unit after the fire.
The State charged Lance with second degree arson, conspiracy to commit second degree arson, and insurance fraud. The State also presented evidence that Lance made incriminating statements to family members following the fire.
The jury convicted Lance of all three charges. The trial court consolidated the charges and sentenced Lance to a term of 10 to 21 months in prison.
Arson is the wilful and malicious burning of the dwelling house of another person. The essential elements of second-degree arson are:
the willful and malicious burning
of the dwelling (i.e., inhabited) house of another;
which is unoccupied at the time of the burning.
The North Carolina Supreme Court has held that the “arson requirement that the dwelling burned be that of ‘another’ is satisfied by a showing that some other person or persons, together with the defendant, were joint occupants of the same dwelling unit.” State v. Shaw, 305 N.C. 327, 338, 289 S.E.2d 325, 331 (1982).
Lance’s mother lived in the home at the time it was burned. There was a risk that Turner could have been in the home at the time it was burned, even assuming Turner participated in the plan to set the fire.
Knowledge of, or participation in, a plan to commit arson does not remove the danger that the other person could be injured or killed when the burning occurs. In fact, especially with the inexperienced arsonist, someone will be injured or die, including the arsonist herself or any co-conspirators. The State’s evidence established that Turner was a person living in that dwelling who could have been in the home at the time it was burned, and that is all that is required to satisfy this element of the arson offenses in this case.
The trial court heard extensive voir dire testimony from the fire cause and origin expert, Silvers. Silvers testified that he works as a senior fire investigator with a fire investigation firm, where he conducts origin and cause investigations for fires, using the scientific method to determine causation. Silvers’s extensive voir dire testimony covered all three prongs of the Rule 702 reliability test, describing in detail the facts and data he collected in conducting his investigation, the principles and methods he applied in accordance with his training and the guidelines for his profession, and the way he applied those principles and methods to the facts of this case to reach his conclusion that he could not exclude an incendiary cause.
The State’s evidence showed that, following the fire, Lance met with an insurance adjuster to provide a recorded statement for her renter’s insurance claim in which she told the adjuster she thought the fire was “electrical” and provided an inventory of personal property she claimed was destroyed in the fire. The State contended that these statements were false and that Lance set the fire.
Viewed in context, these statements all fell within the scope of the specific misrepresentation alleged in the indictment that her property was destroyed by an accidental fire. The court concluded that there was no error in the trial court’s judgment,
Arson for profit is an evil variation on the crime of insurance fraud. People are often injured or killed in arson fires. Incompetent arsonists like Ms. Lance set fires in places that have no legitimate, or even potential, areas where a fire might accidentally start and takes out all of the valuable contents and places them in storage before the fire so that a claim can be made for items not destroyed and the arsonist can keep the money and still have the property. She was convicted because the criminal activity was obvious, the potential for death or injury to her mother, fire fighters, neighbors or the owner of the dwelling she was renting, could have been injured. Her stay in the gray bar hotel is deserved.
© 2021 – Barry Zalma
Barry Zalma, Esq., CFE, now limits his practice to service as an insurance consultant specializing in insurance coverage, insurance claims handling, insurance bad faith and insurance fraud almost equally for insurers and policyholders. He also serves as an arbitrator or mediator for insurance related disputes. He practiced law in California for more than 44 years as an insurance coverage and claims handling lawyer and more than 52 years in the insurance business. He is available at http://www.zalma.com and [email protected].
Mr. Zalma is the first recipient of the first annual Claims Magazine/ACE Legend Award.
Over the last 53 years Barry Zalma has dedicated his life to insurance, insurance claims and the need to defeat insurance fraud. He has created the following library of books and other materials to make it possible for insurers and their claims staff to become insurance claims professionals.
Go to the podcast Zalma On Insurance at https://anchor.fm/barry-zalma;  Follow Mr. Zalma on Twitter at https://twitter.com/bzalma; Go to Barry Zalma videos at Rumble.com at https://rumble.com/c/c-262921; Go to Barry Zalma on YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCysiZklEtxZsSF9DfC0Expg; Go to the Insurance Claims Library – https://zalma.com/blog/insurance-claims-library/ Read posts from Barry Zalma at https://parler.com/profile/Zalma/posts; and the last two issues of ZIFL at https://zalma.com/zalmas-insurance-fraud-letter-2/  podcast now available at https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/zalma-on-insurance/id1509583809?uo=4
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phgq · 4 years
PNP mobilizes 25,000 police personnel for search and rescue in the aftermath of Typhoon Ulysses
#PHinfo: PNP mobilizes 25,000 police personnel for search and rescue in the aftermath of Typhoon Ulysses
PASIG CITY, Nov. 12 (PIA) --Police disaster response units rescued 806 persons from possible hazards posed by rising flood waters and strong winds spawned by Typhoon Ulysses in Luzon, PNP PIO said.
Reports reaching the PNP Command Center in Camp Crame said, some 301,000 individuals are now housed in 13,526 evacuation centers in different regions where they are temporarily sheltered after forced evacuation was implemented in their communities.
PNP Chief, Police General Debold M. Sinas is monitoring the situation in affected regions to coordinate further deployment of PNP disaster response units thru the PNP Command Center. Ahead of Ulysses’ landfall over Luzon on Wednesday, he has alerted PNP Units in affected regions to preposition disaster response personnel, equipment and resources in threatened areas.
As of 10:00AM Thursday, a total of 5,660 PNP have been deployed for disaster response operations to assist distressed persons in affected areas.
Another reserve contingent of 20,207 police personnel from the Reactionary Standby Support Force and Search and Rescue Units was also mustered and placed on standby for rapid deployment, while 367 personnel are providing security and assistance in evacuation centers.
Situation reports from the PCC indicate 411 flooded areas, 519 areas without electricity, and 104 areas without telecommunication service.
A total of 1,963 vehicles were reported stranded in 104 roads rendered unpassable due to flood, while 96 inter-island remain stranded in seaports while awaiting clearance to sail. Some 78 passengers of seven cancelled flights are also reported stranded at the airport.
PNP reports on flooded areas in Metro Manila
Police units in the Metro Manila reported to the National Headquarters thru PNP Command Center (PCC) on flooded areas affected by Typhoon Ulysses that brought torrential rains and strong winds over 24 hours.
In a consolidated report of PCC, San Lorenzo Street in Sta. Mesa, Manila and Lorenzo St. Cor De La Paz St. in Pandacan are not passable of all types of vehicles due to high-level floods.
At the same time, Quezon City Police also issued advisories to all drivers and motorists not to traverse to following areas:
1. Calamba Street, Don Jose
2. Banaue/Retiro
3. Don Manuel Street
4. Don Jose Retiro
5. Maria Clara/Araneta
6. Don Pepe/Tirad Pass
7. Araneta/Maria Clara
8. West Riverside Barangay Del Monte
9. Col  Mara St, Gen Luna Sta Cruz
10. Mansiga Street, Barangay Katipunan
11. De Vera Street, and San Pedro Street, Barangay Damayan
12. Victory Street, Araneta Avenue
13. Guirayan Street, Barangay Doña Imelda
14. Bayani Street, Barangay Doña Imelda
15. Olong E Rod Infront of Delos Santos, Barangay Damayang Lagi
16. Talanay of Barangay Batasan
17. River View, Barangay Batasan
18. Calderon Street, Barangay Sta Lucia
19. Sitio Uno, Barangay North Fairview
20. Tumana Street, Barangay Bagong Silangan
21. Green Land Street, Barangay Bagong Silangan
22. Tagumpay Street, Barangay Bagong Silangan
23. Don Vicente Street, Barangay Bagong Silangan
Some streets and thoroughfares in cities of San Juan, Mandaluyong, and Pasig are not passable as of this moment such in areas of:
1. Ilujin Mapansa
2. Bautista Street Barangay Sta Lucia
3. M Eusebio Barangay San Miguel
4. West Banil Barangay May Bunga
5. Santos Street Barangay Ugon
6. F. Manalo, N Domingo and San Vinancio Street, Barangay San Perfecto San Juan
7. Balong Bato, San Juan River
8. Batis F Manalo going to N Domingo, Barangay San Perfecto, San Juan
9. Barangay Cabayanan Manalo going to N Domingo, Rita Street
10. May Tuna F Manalo going Blumentritt
11. Barangay Old Saniga, Mandaluyong
12. Leyba Street, Barangay Old Saniga, Mandaluyong
13. Lerma Street, Col Valesteros, Barangay Old Saniga, Mandaluyong
14. N Gonzales Street, Shaw Boulevard, Barangay Daang Bacay, Mandaluyong
In Manila, light vehicles cannot wade to following routes:
1. Aragon, Dimasalang Sta Cruz
2. Along España from Blumentritt Street to Lacson Street Sampaloc, Manila
3. San Lorenzo
4. Dalisay/ Makisig Street Sta Mesa, Manila
5. J. Tuazon, Manila
6. Old Sta Mesa/City Limit Sta Mesa
7. Pat Antonio Street, Barangay 608 Bacood Sta Mesa
8. P. Sanchez/City Limit, Sta Mesa
9. Honradez/Cristobal Street, Sampaloc, Manila
10. N Lopez Boulevard from Jacinto Street/Capulong Street Tondo, Manila
11. Guadal Canal Street/ V Mapa, Sta Mesa, Manila
12. Jas Bambang Street, to Tayuman Street Tondo
13. Along Morga Street, Tondo fronting
In Taguig City, light vehicles are not allowed to pass in areas of: MRT Avenue Hagonoy, Pinamana Street, Barangay Napindan, Chino Roces Ext. Zone 2 Fort Bonifacio, C5 Service Road going PALAR and Commando Bridge, and BCDA Ususan. (PNP-PIO/PIA-NCR)
* Philippine Information Agency. "PNP mobilizes 25,000 police personnel for search and rescue in the aftermath of Typhoon Ulysses." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1058793 (accessed November 12, 2020 at 04:13PM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "PNP mobilizes 25,000 police personnel for search and rescue in the aftermath of Typhoon Ulysses." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1058793 (archived).
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