#shawn mendes maffia au
watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
okaaay so this is a kind fo teaser of this fic idea i’ve been thinking about for days now and im posting it bc i want to see how you’d like the story, if you are interested in it, so please leave feedback on it! im not going into another work with my other WIPs if yall don’t dig the idea, so let me know what you think!
warning: please don’t read this if you can’t handle talking about murders and weapons and all... this is a maffia/mob au, this is literally gonna be filled with all of those lol
maffia/mob au teaser:
Have you ever dreamed about having an arranged marriage on your twentieth birthday with the son of the man who is the head of Toronto’s biggest mob? No? A bunch of bad guys with guns in their belts standing in the room, watching you with hawk eyes, ready to kill anyone any minute, even you as well, because no life matters to these men.
You are wearing a white lace dress that brings out your curves perfectly, makeup on point, hair in an elegant, low bun as you stand a few feet away from the registrar you supposes is about to shit his pants knowing damn well what kind of crowd he is in. Your uncle at the side, excited for this day to come, because he has been planning on it for over a decade. You are being sold to a Mob and quite frankly, you are not even mad about it. You knew this would be your life, you were told at a very young age that this is your destiny and you knew nothing else than this, so you feel even excited because it’s like your fate is finally reaching you… Have you ever dreamed about this? No? That’s a shame, because for me, this is reality.
The sweet taste of revenge in my mouth is intoxicating as my hand is holding onto the ridiculous bouquet in my grip, something we picked up on our way here to make it look like it’s a real wedding, when it’s as far from being normal as it can.
I glance over at Kevin for a second and he nods at me.
We’ve been waiting for this day for a long time, Kid. It’s finally happening. I can almost hear him say it.
The double doors open and I don’t have to think twice about the identity of the man who walks right in with confident steps. Manny “The Scalpel” Mendes is a ruthless criminal and boss, head of the Mob that runs all dark businesses in the city of Toronto. I’ve seen the man only once in real life but his face is burnt into my mind forever. This was the face my parents last saw before they were brutally murdered by the man who is now heading in my direction with a satisfied grin on his face that I want to wipe off with your own fists, but instead, I smile back at him.
“Joana, you look amazing,” he compliments stopping right in front of me, two of his guards standing close behind him.
“Thank you, Sir,” I nod politely.
“Are you ready for your big day?”
“Absolutely,” I nod with a small smile and it’s clear he likes what he sees. An obedient piece of arm candy, just perfect for his son. Wives aren’t really part of the businesses around here, women are seen as objects, pretty decorations, toys in the bedrooms for the men that run everything. Little does Manny know, I will not be the angel I’m appearing to be now.
“In this case, let me introduce you your soon-to-be husband, my son, Shawn Peter Raul Mendes.”
Stepping aside he turns to the door and moving my gaze from his satisfied grin to the entrance I finally see him.
Shawn Mendes definitely inherited the best genes of his parents. The tall, muscular guy I watch walk in is surely the favorite of women and I wonder why he really need an arranged marriage. I can’t imagine him having trouble to get himself a wifey, but it’s a luck to me. The fitted suit must have cost a fortune and I wonder if his hair is the creation of a very talented hairstylist or those curls are just as bouncy in the morning as they are now. He seems focused, maybe a little worried, but he is doing a great job hiding his emotions, only that I’m excellent in reading people. His honey eyes move over to me and as they meet with my glare, my ears start ringing for a moment. It’s the moment I’ve been thinking about every day in the past fourteen years and now that it’s really happening, I can’t help but feel a little overwhelmed. After all, this is my wedding day and he is my future husband.
It’s a bad thing I’m already planning on killing him.
Shawn stands right in front of me, eyes glaring down at my slim figure and for a moment I think he is about to say something, but he remains silent.
Manny orders the registrar to start and I stand next to Shawn in front of him as he say his usual speech, talking about love and uniting two souls for the rest of their lives.
His life is going to be short, I think to myself and almost even smile at the thought, but manage to keep a straight face.
“Now Joana and Shawn, please join hands and face each other,” the officiant croaks out and I can feel all eyes on me as I turn to face Shawn who does the same. He moves his hands and they meet mine in the middle, the warmth of his touch almost causing me to shudder. His eyes are intensely burning down on my face and I wonder what he is thinking about me.
Does he think I’m pretty? Is he mad he has to marry me? I force myself to focus as the officiant continues his speech.
“Joana, do you take Shawn to be your husband?” he asks and I say my answer loud and clear so everyone in the room can hear it.
“I do.”
“Shawn, do you take Joana to be your wife?”
His answer arrives a little slower than mine, for a second I even think that he is about to say he doesn’t, but then he finally speaks up.
“I do.”
The lack of enthusiasm in his answer would be hurtful to any bride, but not to me. I couldn’t care less if he wants to marry me or not. I won’t cry into my pillow all night long because he didn’t seem happy saying I do.
It’s silent in the room as the registrar finishes off his speech, but I could swear I hear a round of relieved sighs following Shawn’s answer.
Shawn pulls a black diamond ring on my finger, the rock so big and heavy I’ll surely feel the weight difference between my hands from now on. Then you put the subtle white gold ring on his finger and sign the papers, making the wedding official.
“And now, you may kiss the bride,” the officiant finishes, but Shawn’s answer comes so fast, I’m sure he has been planning on saying it the whole time during the ceremony.
“No kiss. The ceremony is over.”
His hands let go of mine fast as if I had the plague and he walks away, joining a group of congratulating men, leaving me stand there just a tad bit hurt, but mostly excited that the plan is officially on.
From now on I will be working on making the Mendes family pay for what they did to my parents while they won’t even know who is trying to ruin them from the inside. Because who would be suspicious of a gorgeous, stupid little girl when Toronto’s number one Mob is collapsing right in front of the eyes of the man who has killed so many? That’s right.
No one.
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