#shawn mendes oheshot
welldamnshawn · 7 years
I do care about you // Shawn Mendes
can you write one based off of "Sorry Not Sorry" by Demi Lovato and it's like you and Shawn broke up and you ended up going to the club and it's hella angst pls and thank you :)))) 
Authors note: Its not exactly like the song because I got kind of side tracked and I’m sorry if you hate it and if its nothing like what you requested 
Authors note 2.0: GUESS WHO’S BACK AFTER LIKE 2 WEEKS OF DISAPPEARING?? its me in case you haven’t come to the conclusion. 
“You needed this.” Kylie tells me, holding the door open to the club for me.
“I do?” I ask hesitantly, my mood still in the dumps after my breakup with Shawn around 3 weeks ago.
“Yes,” She nods enthusiastically. “You’ve been moping around our flat for weeks and damn, Y/n, honey, Shawn is a jerk.” She holds my gaze, doing the best she could to cheer me up.
“You don’t need him. You are a strong, independent woman who doesn’t need a man to define who she is. Shawn is going to regret the day he left you. Right now however, you are going to hold your chin up high and walk in this club and find some cute guy and down a couple shots.” I giggle, nodding at her words. She loops her arm with mine and we walk straight to the bar, ordering drinks to start as off.
“Thats it!” Kylie cheers as I finish my first drink. I don’t know whether it was because I hadn’t drunk alcohol in quite a while or because I hadn’t been out the house since the breakup, but I downed the next two without thinking. Usually I was a reserved drinker yet tonight I had the urge to cover my sadness with alcohol.
“Lets dance,” I call to Kylie, dragging her over to the dance floor. The lights were flashing, the music so loud that I just let all my thoughts flow out my head. My mind was completely blank. 
“Thanks for taking me out tonight, you were right I did need this.” I shout to her as we both dance to the current song.
“No problem Y/n, Did I tell you your dress looks amazing? Seriously whoever made you wear that has brilliant taste.” 
I laugh, taking another sip of my drink.
“You were the one who made me wear it.” I roll my eyes jokingly and she raises her eyebrows at me.
“And I’m glad I did- I mean, look at all the attention you’re getting.” Her eyes slide past to behind where I’m standing and I look over my shoulder to see two guys standing against the wall, eyes on us.
“What do I do?” I ask, panic seeping through my words. “I haven’t approached a guy since Shawn and that was two years ago.” I whisper sharply.
“Relax, Honey, just be you. Go fill your drink.” Kylie nudges me to the bar and I stumble over, placing my glass on the counter where the bartender grabs it and begins filling it again. He hands it back to me and I turn back to the dance floor when one of the guys catch my eye, waving me over.
I walk over hesitantly, a blue light illuminating their faces. They’re all sharp jaw lines and high cheekbones. Both wearing all black, I found them alluring. 
“What’s happening?” The man on the left asks me, sending me a wink and even in the dark lighting my cheeks burn.
“Not much, I only just got here.” I reply, my hands slightly shaking from nerves.
“Lucky enough you met us and we,” he nods to his friend. “We are going to make your night so much better.” The right guy tells me, taking a step forward and soon I find myself edging back to the dance floor.
I catch Kylie's eye from across the room and she laughs at my confused expression. I wasn’t expecting two guys to go after me at the same time.
A hand on my chin catches my attention and my gaze flicks from Kylie’s face to dark eyes of one the guys. 
He tilts my chin up and just as it looks like he’s about to kiss me, I’m wrenched out of his grip.
“Hey Sweetie, come on the cab is here.” Shawn nearly growls, sending me a fake smile. Still in shock, I can’t seem to process who’s standing in front of me.
“Bro she said she just got here.” One of the boys tries to step forward but Shawn sends them a menacing glare and he backs off. “Another?” He proposes to the other and they both walk away to the other side of the club. 
“What are you doing?” I ask, voice shrill. Realization has finally sunk in. 
“What am I doing? What are you doing? Two guys Y/n?” Shawn shouts, drawing eyes our way and I feel blood flood my cheeks.
“Can you not say it that loudly? It wasn’t like I was going to do anything.” I look away from his eyes. 
“Say what loudly? That you were going to hook up with two men?” 
“I don’t know what I was going to do.” I glare at the wall, ignoring his gaze.
“Exactly, you don’t know. You didn’t think about how much danger you could have been in.”
“Can you just stop Shawn!” I scream, not that it made that much of a difference in a club. “You’re not my boyfriend anymore, I don’t care what you think about my decisions and you can’t go telling me what I can and can’t do.”
He’s silent. His piercing eyes locked on my face, my rage burning beneath my skin so that my whole body felt hot.
“They could have raped you.” He says quieter. 
“And you would care? So let me get this straight, You can care about me now that we’re broken up but if we were together you wouldn’t give a shit what happened to me?” I hiss at him, gulping the rest of my drink and pressing the cup against Shawn’s chest as I walk past him. He grabs it just as I let go but I’ve already walked away, intent on leaving the now overbearing club. 
“Y/n wait.” He says, the door slamming back open and his voice is loud in the quiet street.
“Don’t talk to me Shawn, you never cared before so why do you care now?” the words felt sharp to say and I felt tears prick my eyes. 
An overwhelming sense of nausea hits me and I’m heading to the side of the street in seconds. 
“Oh baby,” Shawn murmurs, stroking back my hair into a makeshift ponytail as I threw up into the gutter.
“Don’t touch me,” I groan as I wipe my mouth, pushing away from his grip.
‘Y/n, sweetie,” He says softly but I glare at him. 
“I don’t need your help Shawn go home.” As soon as I finish my sentence I’m throwing up and his hands are back holding my hair out of my face.
“Baby let me take you back home.” Shawn pleads, sweeping my hair up into a loose pony tail with a hair tie that was around his wrist- conveniently one of mine that I must have left at his house.
“Fine.” I say, trailing behind him as we walk to his car. He holds the door open for me and I hop in silently. He gets in the drivers seat, turning the engine on.
“Seat belt.” He tells me and I roll my eyes, doing the buckle up.
“Don’t tell me what to do.” I say weakly. 
“Can you stop fighting me for one second, please?” Shawn asks, pulling out onto the street.
“No, I cant.” I say firmly, my eyes starring out the window at the passing buildings.
“I really don’t want our conversati-”
“Can you shut up Shawn?” Venom coats my words, Shawn falling silent immediately. 
It only lasts a minute until he’s talking again.
“Would you really have gone home with those guys?” He sounds vulnerable, scared almost- of my answer. Of course I don’t take any notice.
“You mean go home with two extremely hot fella’s who took an interest in me? Oh yeah.” I tell him, grinning wickedly. I turn away, missing the fallen expression on Shawn’s face. When I look back, its masked.
“I thought so.” He says lowly and I glare. 
“I don’t know how its any of your business. You didn’t care before so why should you now.” 
“Stop saying that Y/n!” Shawn shouts and his voice has more of an affect now that we were in a quiet place. He turns left, the road leading to our old flat- my flat now.
“Saying what? That when we were together you couldn’t give two flips about my life unless it involved you?” I say back just as loud. “’Shawn my mum is on the phone’. What response to I get?” I pause, waiting. “I’m busy, tell her I said hi. Oh but Shawn she really wants to talk to- No I’m busy, go away, this is music stuff.” I imitate the conversation that happened when we were together.
“You know I was under pressure at work.” He whispers, pulling to a stop.
“She’s my Mum Shawn. She’s getting old. She’s not going to be around forever and I only wanted you to have a 5 minute conversation with her. She likes talking to you.” My own tone is soft as well. 
“I’m sorry I missed one phone call with your Mum,” There’s a slight edge to his voice.
“I guess we’re doing this now?” I ask, running my hands over my bare arms to try and keep warm in the chilly air of his car.
“I guess we are.” Shawn mumbles.
“It wasn’t just that Shawn. We would be having dinner and I’d ask you about your day and as soon as you finished you would never ask me about my day and if you finished eating you would leave- even if I’m in the middle of a story.” He doesn’t answer.
“It hurts to feel like your boyfriend doesn’t even care about you.” I whisper, staring out the window, the glass foggy.
“I do care about you Y/n.” Shawn says softly, reaching out for my hand. I let him rest his palm over my hand. I stay still for a moment, reveling in the feel of having Shawn by my side again but I quickly push the feeling down. I pull my hand away from his and open the car door, unbuckling my seat belt and getting out the car.
Just as I’m about to shut the door I meet his hopeful eyes- the hope I’m about to crush. “You only care because I’m not yours anymore.” 
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