#shawn mendes fight
itboytrends · 1 month
Brad Pitt for Rolling Stone Magazine, 1999.
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381 notes · View notes
mossy-fae · 1 year
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stinkrascal · 1 year
They look like shaun mendes with that filter...
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i hate the fact that they kinda look similar oh my god. wow
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monzamash · 1 year
lost in japan — lando norris
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lando norris x you (femreader) | 3.8k summary – a convincing late night call and a flight to japan. warnings – 18+ (sex, coarse language) inspo – ‘i like being close to you. you’re warm’ for the #monzamashspecial and that shawn mendes song – you know the one. masterlist
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“Fly out and see me…”
“You know I can’t, Lando.”
This had been the back and forth for nearly half an hour, like a painfully long rally in tennis and neither one of you wanted to give up the point. Lando had been out in Japan for nearly a week, 5 days and counting and before that, Singapore and before that, Italy for training. He had always been at peace with the time he spent away from home, because up until now it had never really been a problem. Jet-setting across the globe, living out his childhood dream – on top of the world. Chained to nothing and nobody.
But then you showed up in those leather pants; it was all by coincidence and he was in trouble from the very beginning. He liked you. A lot. And you liked him but that one night on a breezy street corner in Melbourne had changed his perspective. Skewed beyond recognition, because now he had someone to miss. Someone who influenced his happiness, his contentedness and that was you. You had snapped up a spot in his cold, precious heart that he had guarded, locked away safely so he didn’t have to wake up to that sinking feeling in his gut, or look at his phone and have his mood drop when he didn't see your name in his notifications.
He was forlorn without you and even though it made him sick that he had ended up like this, he loved it. He took the good with the bad, every chance to hear your voice made it worthwhile and much to your surprise, you felt the same. Infatuated and swept up in this new romance.
“Why not? If you give me a really good answer, I’ll stop asking,” Lando bartered as he trudged around his hotel room, kicking articles of clothing towards his empty suitcase in an attempt to clean up the mess he’d made over the last couple of days.
“Well for starters I have this thing called a job… I have responsibilities and I have my houseplants – you know how much they mean to me.”
A small smirk tugged on the corners of your mouth when Lando rolled his eyes, brow quirked. Even the shaky camera was able to capture his distain for your answer but he quickly bounced back, knowing that he wasn’t completely out of the fight if it was a couple of replaceable pot plants keeping you from dropping everything to see him. Surely he meant more than that.
“You love me way more though.”
“Definitely not,” You scoffed playfully and adjusted the loose, somewhat revealing top you'd been sleeping in before this late night call, “But I do miss you a tiny bit…”
Lando’s frown softened at your confession, one he’d been patiently waiting to hear. I miss you too; he sighed and walked into what looked like a bathroom, carefully balancing the phone on a shelf beside the mirror. 
He was an enigma the night that you met him; a friend of a friend of a friend, someone had said when introducing the two of you at a swanky restaurant in the heart of the city. You had wondered why there was a last minute invite sent your way that afternoon, until your friend explained that her new work friend wanted to show their friend who had just flown in from England a good time. It was a confusing web of acquaintances but you agreed, knowing that whatever she had organised would be worthwhile attending.
Little did you know that the friend would have something to do with why your street was shut down for a week, making your daily commute fifteen minutes longer than normal. But when you looked into those stormy blue, or maybe they were hazel eyes, and grasped the hand he was holding out for you to shake, you didn’t care. In fact, nothing really mattered after the two of you pulled up a seat at the long table and continued chatting, drawn together.
“See something you like? …”
Lando’s tinny voice pulled you out of your daydreaming and snapped your eyes back to your screen. You cleared your throat and tucked a couple of stray hairs behind your ear as you watched him change out of his Phoenix suns shirt; his rippling muscles contracting caught your attention, perfectly sculpted under is sun-kissed skin. Beneath all the boyish charm and dripping sarcasm, he was sexy. And it was taking everything in your power not to give in and book a plane ticket to Japan as soon as possible.
“Nothing in particular but I do like that shirt,” You deflected with a smirk, wanting nothing more than to be crawling your lips all over his skin, tasting the cool mint mouthwash he was swirling and spitting out in quick succession.
“Might have to steal it when I see you next.”
“Which will be…?” Lando teetered off, hoping for sooner rather than later but you simply shrugged and closed your eyes, exhaling so deeply that a whistle rang through your nostrils.   
Lando could tell you were battling internally with the idea, knowing that you wanted to see him just as much as he ached to see you. It’d been too long and with your situationship being so new, so hot – he was desperate to lock in a time or have at least a crumb to cling onto if nothing else. But he needed to be gentle, patient while you worked through all of the metaphorical plates spinning in your head.
“You can steal all of my shirts when you get here,” He sweetly stated, his attention full focused on your solemn expression, “Look, what day suits you the best and I’ll work around that.”
He was serving the ball in your court now, with the promise of taking care of everything else so you didn’t even have to think about it. Make the fleeting decision and the rest will be sorted. Except for the glaringly obvious hurdles you’d have to jump over to get the time off work that you knew Lando wanted you to have.
“Maybe Saturday…”
Lando groaned at your response, “But I’ll be busy all day Saturday.”
“Doing what?” You teased; lip firmly gripped between your front teeth as Lando rolled his eyes and ran his fingers through his messy hair in frustration.
“Ha-ha. Very funny,” He grumbled and titled his head back, chin and jawline tensed as he groaned loudly into the dark bedroom he was sitting in, “Come on – I’m blue-balling out here and you’re not here to help me… It's not fair.”
“Oh, so you just want me for sex?”
Lando’s eyes narrowed and a small smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth as he planned his next move, “No,” He sheepishly whispered, “But also not no… But definitely not just for sex because that would be wildly perverse and disgusting – promise.” Cheeky fucker.
You hummed, “Just so we’re clear, I’d just be coming out for the sex. Nothing more than that – can’t stand you, actually. Absolutely gross.”
Not even a beat passed before Lando's loud, high-pitched laugh filtered through your air pods, hand barely covering his face. The other was in your face, middle finger perfectly framed on your screen while you sat back and enjoyed the sound you’d missed so much; his laugh alone made you chuckle and forget all about your worries.
“Fuck you,” He cheekily retorted, wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, “But what I’m hearing is that you’re coming out… I’m booking you a ticket right now so keep an eye out for the email, baby.”
“Baby?” You asked, eyebrow quirked with intrigue.
“Shit, sorry…” Lando cursed under his breath, cheeks reddening as he clicked away on his phone, “It slipped out. Is it bad?”
You shook your head and balanced your chin on your knuckles, “No, I like it – makes me feel like we’re more than just strangers fucking around.”
“Oh yeah? And is that something you want to feel or?”
Now he was just being cocky.
It was your turn to roll your eyes and scowl, “Don’t push it, baby.”
“You can’t go calling me that with that tone and not be naked in this bed right now… You’re killing me.” His voice was strained, eyes dark.
You simply smiled and winked, “I will be soon.”
“Cannot fucking wait.”
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It was raining in Osaka when you landed; the red eye flight causing your eyes to flutter close as you slumped in the back seat of the cab, silent. Bright headlights from the heavy traffic flashed behind your eyelids as the driver slowly made his way through the city streets, stopping every two seconds for pedestrians. You were in a foreign country; one you’d never visited before but you felt calm, safe to completely relax after the tenuous eleven hour flight.
Lando had messaged you the address to the hotel he was staying at and let you know he’d left his spare key card for you downstairs at reception. You shyly asked the attendant for the card he left, feeling a little dirty at the insinuation that you were there for a good time, not a long time. A thought entirely in your own head as the young lady gave you a polite smile and sent you on your way.
Because of Lando’s efforts to go above and beyond making your journey as stress-free as possible, you hadn’t bothered messaging him when you landed or even checked to make sure he was at the hotel. Only having carry-on gave you the freedom to jump off the plane and into a cab – no time to really think about the logistics that you had been reassured were taken care of. All you could think about was the instinctual pull you felt to get to him as quickly as you could.
Maybe you should’ve messaged. Given him the heads up as you tiptoed through the long hallway, past the large lounge room and kitchen that was bigger than your own back home. It was massive and as expected, exuding luxury. You could tell from the facetime yesterday that he was living large in the penthouse suite, indulging in all the lavish things life as a professional athlete promised. It was too much but you weren’t complaining when you touched the plush robes hung up on the back of the bedroom door or when you saw how huge, and enticing the bed was.
You let your mind wander to the possibility that maybe, just maybe you could get used to this but as soon as that thought emerged, you flicked it away. The gentle sound of running water echoing drew your attention to the door on the other side of the room, closed and most likely locked for privacy, or so you assumed.
Your feet were gliding you towards the sound, hand reaching for the handle before your brain had even registered what you were doing. Impatience and temptation were fuelling all of your movements as you clicked open the door and let out a cloud of steam, warmth instantly hitting your face as you took a couple of steps over the threshold.
“Hello?” You softly called out, not wanting to startle Lando but failing as you heard a shallow gasp from behind the steamed glass. His hand hit the pane and smudged away the moisture obstructing his sight, his narrowed eyes bloodshot from the water but he could see you, wondered for a second if you were a ghost in the fog but grinning when he realised you were here. Really here.
“Holy shit…” He breathed out and pushed open the glass door, thrilled that you were already unzipping your jeans and tugging the tight shirt from your shoulders. He didn't even have to ask.
“You scared the absolute shit out of me.”
He almost giggled as you skirted your underwear down your legs, the cool air sending chills down across your skin, “Let me in, quick!”
Lando moved aside with another chuckle, hands grasping your waist as you searched for warmth, a sigh of relief exhaled when you felt the hot water rushing over your back, eyes closed and skin tingling from the gentle touches trailing down your spine. You fluttered your eyes open; smile etched on your face as you looked up and took in your surroundings. Took in him.
Lando whispered back as you reached out and placed your hands on his chest that was glimmering with water droplets the same size of his birth marks and freckles. Misshapen and lovely. The scent of lemon and sandalwood mingling together filled the air, his skin still slick and soapy from being interrupted mid-shower but he didn't care. Not one bit.
Your fingers danced across his beating heart, tracing small circles on his shoulder before gazing up through your lashes, smile coy.
“I made it…”
“You did… and you’re real,” So real he could feel you and see, for the first time in over a month, how you reacted to his touch.
“How are you real?”
“That’s way too philosophical for my mushy brain so just shut up and kiss me, please,” You teased, tone soft and arms snaking around his waist to bring his body closer; chest stuck perfectly against yours.
“That I can do,” Lando sang back as he grasped your slack jaw in his hands and pulled you in, lips tied in a wistful kiss.
It wasn’t an ordinary kiss. It was a Lando kiss, which up until this point in your life you’d never experienced before now. You felt sparkly, giddy yet set alight, burning with desire – all rolled into one wild emotion. At first you mistook it for lust, merely a physical attraction that would slowly fade away, never felt again. But it was lust disguised when you felt it for the second time and then the third and forth time, the fifth and so on.
The feeling never faded and remained even when you were miles away, kissing through the phone and pretending you were together, touching one another. Chasing that feeling over and over again.
His lips moved so perfectly with yours, in sync and the taste on his tongue reminded you of a warm summers day down on the beach, cocktail in one hand and his fingers intertwined in the other. It was visceral and destined, like you’d kissed him a million times before; but what you were doing with him was all so new, so fresh, so fucking exhilarating that you hadn’t even realised he’d moved his lips to your neck, the soft spot beneath your ear being gently nibbled by his sharp teeth.
“You smell so good... like the first night we fucked,” Lando mumbled against your supple skin, eliciting the tiniest whimper to slip from your parted lips as he brushed the palms of his hands over your perky nipples.
“Hello to you,” He whispered, pressing a soft, smirking kiss to the top of your left boob before moving to the right, “And hello to you.”
“Oh my god,” You groaned at his words, barely slapping his bicep but still making him flinch, as his breathy giggle fanned across your chest, “Such a dork.” 
Lando removed his lips, reluctantly and stood up straight again, slightly towering over your smaller frame, “I remember you saying that you liked that about me…” He defended and suggestively winked, slowly walking you out from underneath the stream of water and towards the shower wall.
“I think it came up when you were touching yourself and moaning my name… Maybe? Can’t quite recall,” He toyed, knowing exactly what had happened last week when you texted him, ‘call me asap’ in the middle of the night.
“You are doing a lot of talking for a guy who replied with ‘I’m watching the new episode of Mandalorian, can’t call’, after I sent you a photo of me literally naked… You know what, maybe I should leave you hanging, now that you’ve so kindly brought it up.”
The whiny protest and strain in Lando’s eyes softened when he felt your hand graze his thigh, fingernails lightly scratching the skin so close to where he had been aching for you. He gasped at the sensation, starved of anyone’s touch besides his own for far too long. Your eyes met in the middle, a humorous smile twitching on the ridge of your mouth when he sucked in a deep breath and his bottom lip with it as you wrapped your hand around him, twisting gently.
Long strokes sent his eyelashes fluttering shut as he pushed you against the wet titled wall; skin slapping as your back made contact. His head was titled back from the pleasure coursing through his veins, somehow still attached to his body as he let out a strangled moan. He couldn’t think straight – the words magnificent and mind-blowing tumbling around his empty head until he heard a squeak and cracked open his eyes to see you turning around, hands pressed against the crimson tiles.
He noticed a hunger burning behind your stare when you glanced over your shoulder, ass brushing over his cock like a woman starved.
“I’ve been dreaming about this ever since I left your place in London,” You confessed as Lando dipped his head and trailed open-mouthed kisses down your back, "Think about it so much."
“Fuuuck,” He grumbled as you rolled your hips steadily, stroking him between your slightly parted thighs with a raspy moan, “Shower sex specifically?”
Lando’s question was punctuated with his tip nudging forward, gliding over your clit before sinking slowly into your warmth with a gruff exhale, “Shiiit.”
A soft giggle slipped from your lips as you leaned forward and rested your forehead against the wall, droplets of water dripping down the ceramic onto your flushed cheeks. Chills crawled down your spine as Lando roughly grasped your hips, fingertips kneading the skin as he slowly fucked into you.
“Shower sex had crossed my mind but honestly, I imagined it all…”
“Did it feel this good?” Lando asked with a knowing smile on his lips as he rocked into you, slow and steady, sensing that the occasion called for something gentle, "Because it didn't in my imagination." You shook your head and grasped his wrist, needing to feel his large hand on your stomach, “Not even close, baby… I want it all.”
Hearing you stake your claim for his heart and hint that maybe you wanted more than just a couple of one night stands strung together sent a surge of serotonin through Lando's hazy mind. It may have started that way; a subtle mention of 'no strings attached' so you could both keep your hearts safe but the countless hours talking on the phone, venting about your day as if you’d known each other for years proved that it was more. The way his touch set every inch of your skin alight proved to you that he was more.
He was the match to your fuse.
A gasp slipped from your lips when he pulled out, the emptiness feeling like a punishment for god knows what but Lando was quick to spin you around and pin your back against the cold wall, “Need to change it up otherwise we’ll be calling it a night very early.”
“Can’t handle the heat?” You teased, hoisting your leg to wrap around his thigh as he stretched you out again; eyes closing for a split second to adjust to his firm thrust.
“Oh, I’m doing great, pretty girl. Dunno about you though...” Lando whispered the last part as his hand skimmed down between your legs, thumb gliding over your sensitive nub ever so lightly – enough to have you hissing in pleasure.
“I am going so good..." You exhaled, trying to keep your cool but the scrunched up brows and slack jaw exposed you and he couldn't help but admire how fucking beautiful you looked meeting his snapping hips, deliciously synchronised .
"Keep touching me like that.”
You unclasped your claws that were digging into Lando's muscular biceps and slung your arms loosely over his shoulders, chest to chest and you could feel his heart beating. It was pumping under the taut skin, thrumming against your own as he rocked his hips into you, long, teasing strokes that were clouding your mind with all sorts of dangerous thoughts.
“I like being this close to you. You’re so warm and soft and god…” He rambled off with a moan and a gritted smile as you opened your eyes and held his face in your hands, smiling back.
“I like it too.”
The words got tangled in your throat as your nails dug into the back of his head, the pace now quickening to a level you’d never really been before with Lando. Sure, you'd had sex but this was different. It was pent up, building to an unparalleled crescendo that was washing over the both of you quicker than expected. Loud moans being swallowed in a desperate kiss, hands fumbling to grab hold of any inch of skin they could to pull you through your earth shattering high. Screams muted by the sound of running water.
And all you could do was ride it out while Lando held you upright, palms shaky and fingertips barely holding on as he dipped his head into the crook of your neck; curls tickling the sultry skin. The air was thick, humidity making everything sticky as your erratic breaths rattled against one another; chests connected, limbs tangled together as you stood under the water.
Wow, was all Lando rasped with no attempt of untangling himself from your embrace until your trembling fingers traced down his back, nails dragging over his supple skin finall brought him into your vision once again. Eyes misty and tired.
“I’m really pruny.” He stated and held up his wrinkling hand; a shy smile appeared on his plush lips as you laced your fingers with his.
You hummed and tucked a couple of the damp curls that had fallen into his face behind his pointy ears, “Shall I suggest continuing this on that massive fucking bed sitting in the middle of a room that’s bigger than my apartment?”
Lando chuckled and ghosted a soft, heart-racing kiss to your pursed lips as he reached for the towel he’d set out for himself, “It’s stupid how massive it is,” He bashfully confessed, wrapping your shivering body up and guiding you out to the warm bedroom.
“It’s… Lavish and maybe a little silly.”
There was comfortable silence as you glanced around the room again, noticing the pile of clothes that Lando had been kicking around on your call yesterday, “Yeah, sorry about the mess. I was gonna clear up but I didn’t expect you to get in so early tonight – I'm bad with time zones and all that shit.”
“Well you have a lot to keep track of with all the travelling so that’s understandable and don’t worry about the clothes, my floor is ten times worse than this.”
There was something familiar in the way you soothed his nerves and made his anxieties melt away with your words. He liked that about you, that no matter what stupid thing he’d said or done, you were either backing him up or affectionately ribbing him before mollifying his worries.
“Can’t wait to see it in person soon,” Lando blurted out, not even thinking about whether that was something you wanted or if your reassuring words warranted that intense of a response.
But you smiled and nodded, again, easing his blushing cheeks that were still burning from his high only minutes ago. There was a comfortable silence as you stood up from the end of the bed and let him bury you in one of the big, fluffy robes you’d noticed on your way in – the gold italic ‘H’ shining under the down lights as you tied the belt up, watching Lando do the same.
“Very soon, I hope.”
You sealed the promise with a kiss to his bottom lip, praying that you could be more than just a stranger he’d met by happenstance. More than an acquaintance who was simply a way to pass the time while he was away from home. Away from his creature comforts.
And if he did need you in his life like you needed him, then you definitely wanted to be his friend. Maybe more.
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a//n – really been feeling the lando bug recently so let me know what you thought of this little one-shot! this will actually be the last of the #monzamashspecial celebrating 700 followers and funnily enough, i just passed 1k this morning, i think? so thank you all so much for the support. i still have a couple of great suggestions that i will get to next so keep an eye for that x masterlist | askbox
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Any Time You’re Ready
After another lousy date, Oliver’s parents remind him that love might be closer than he expects.
Oliver Wood x Fem!Reader
1.7k words
Warnings: none, fluff, kissing, embarrassing parents
A/N: Inspired by the Shawn Mendes song “When You’re Ready” because I’m obsessed with “What if my dad is right/When he says that you're the one”
“Goodnight, Oliver.”
“G’night, Casey.”
The girl stepped into the green flames in the Wood family fireplace, called out her address, and was gone. As soon as the flames resumed their usual orange tint, Oliver turned around and strolled into the kitchen. He found his parents, sharing a slice of cake and sipping tea. Their heads snapped up as he walked in.
“So, what’d you guys think?” Oliver grinned as his parents.
“She seemed nice,” his mom answered with a shrug.
His dad nodded. “Yeah, Cadie seems like a nice girl.”
Oliver’s face fell. “Casey, Dad. Her name’s Casey.”
“Right, right.” His dad took a sip of tea, clearly not embarrassed by his mistake. “But what about-”
“Dad, stop,” Oliver groaned. He already knew what his dad was going to say; he said it every time Oliver showed interest in a new girl.
You and Oliver grew up next door to each other and had been best friends from the time you could walk. Going to Hogwarts only brought you closer together, with all the time you spent together both in and out of the classroom, practically attached at the hip. And both of your parents had been convinced for years that the two of you belonged together.
Oliver’s dad held up his hands in defense. “’m just saying, son. I don’t know why you bother going out with these other girls. You’ve already got a great girl right next door. You’ve been friends since you were born. And everyone knows a friendship like that is the foundation of a solid relationship. Just look at me and your mother.”
“Dad,” Oliver said slowly. “You asked Mum out on your very first day at Hogwarts.”
“Yeah, and we were friends for the whole trip on the Hogwarts Express before that. Good foundation, like I said.”
“Right.” Oliver grabbed a tin of biscuits from the counter. “Well, ’m heading to bed. See you in the morning.” He waved at his parents and headed upstairs, taking the steps two at a time.
He should have been more surprised to find you lying on his bed, reading a book.
“How was your date?” you asked casually, eyes still on your book as he closed the door behind him.
“Fine,” he answered, crossing the room to close the window you had climbed through. He lied down next to you and opened the tin.
You took a cookie and shoved it in your mouth. “What do we think? Potential girlfriend?”
Oliver shrugged, helping himself to a cookie. “Probably not,” he admitted.
“It’s just as well,” you said, closing your book and tossing it on his nightstand. “She’s a bit of a dolt, if you ask me.”
A snort flew out of Oliver’s nose. “I don’t remember asking you.”
You elbowed him. “Well, you should’ve. I could’ve saved you a night of ‘Oh Oliver, you’re soooo funny, let me grab your muscles.’” You let out a fake high-pitched giggle and squeezed Oliver’s arm.
He warmed at your touch. No matter how hard he tried to fight it, he had finally admitted it to himself when he was fourteen: Oliver Wood was in love with you. So for the last two years, he tried to act normal, like he wasn’t thinking about you every second of the day, like you were just his best friend and nothing else.
But laying on his bed with you right next to him made it really hard to pretend.
“You’re so mean,” he laughed, trying to sound even. “Casey’s a nice girl.”
“Yeah, but she’s not right for you.” You wrinkled your nose.
Oliver turned onto his side and propped himself up on his elbow, facing you. “Oh, and you know what’s right for me?” he challenged.
You mirrored his pose, your nose close to his. “Of course I do. That’s what best friends are for.”
He felt a little tug on his stomach at the word friends. “Yeah, sure,” he scoffed, trying to play off the sting he’d felt every time you called him your friend over the last two years. “What about you? Any dates so far this summer?”
“A couple,” you admitted. “Nothing worth mentioning.” You flipped back onto your back, gazing at Oliver’s ceiling. “Why do we have so much trouble dating?”
Oliver stared at your profile, admiring the shape of your adorable nose and your perfect lips. “What d’you mean?”
“Well,” you sighed, “think about it. We’re both very good-looking, popular enough, definitely not idiots. Yet neither of us can get more than a couple dates out of a person. What gives?”
“Mmm.” Oliver thought a moment. He knew why none of his dates panned out, but he couldn’t for the life of him figure out why you, the most beautiful and perfect girl he knew, didn’t have a boyfriend.
Not that he minded.
“It’s not like I don’t have theories,” you continued, ignoring Oliver’s non-response. “Personally, I think you’re just too good for any of the girls at school.” Oliver felt his cheeks go warm again. “As for me, I’m going to go ahead and blame you.” You turned your head and smiled at your best friend.
“Me?” he asked with a dry chuckle. “How do you manage to blame me for your lack of boyfriend?”
You shrugged. “Think about it. Boy, girl. Best friends. Boy is good-looking and could probably beat up most of the boys in our year.” You popped another cookie in your mouth. “So, no one wants to date his girl best friend.”
Oliver stared at you a moment. Despite the fact that he definitely did not want to see you all cozied up with any of the boys at school, he couldn’t help feeling bad. If you wanted a boyfriend, you should have one. He never wanted to get in the way of your happiness.
It was as though you could feel his guilt. “It’s alright though,” you assured him with that sweet smile you usually reserved for Oliver. “Not like any of those boys are worth my time anyways. You’re the only decent boy in our year honestly.”
“Oh really?” he asked in a teasing voice, as though his heart was not hammering. The two of you had been doing this a lot lately: compliments, teasing just this side of flirting, skittering around a line no one was quite willing to cross, playing a game of chicken neither of you was willing to lose.
Tonight, you were the one who broke first. “So what’d your parents think of Casey anyways?” Your eyes were back on the ceiling of Oliver’s room, following the wizards flying around his Puddlemere United poster.
“They thought she was nice,” he answered, following your gaze. “My dad’s just disappointed that she’s not-” Oliver stopped himself, his eyes darting back to you.
You looked at him out of the corner of your eye. “Not what? Smart?” A smirk played on your lips.
Oliver thought a moment. You weren’t a mean girl typically. You were sweet, and you had plenty of girlfriends. The only people you were mean about were… well, the girls Oliver dated. The gears turned in his head as he calculated the risk he was about to take.
“Well, not you,” he finally admitted. “Dad’s disappointed she’s not you.”
“Oh.” You blinked a few times. Oliver could see the rapid thinking behind your expression. “And… what about you?” You sat up and looked down at Oliver, all the playfulness gone from your eyes.
Oliver heaved himself up as well. “I… I mean…” He licked his lips and sighed. Just spit it out, he told himself. “Sometimes I wonder if my dad’s… right?”
“Right about what?” You fidgeted with the hem of your t-shirt, a nervous habit Oliver knew well.
“He…” Oliver cleared his throat and took your hands in his. He saw your eyes flicker to them before meeting his gaze again. “He says that you’re the one.” Oliver winced, preparing himself for rejection and the end of your friendship, the thing he’d been dreading for two years.
“The one?” you echoed, your hands still in Oliver’s.
He nodded. “You know. The one.”
The smirk playing on your lips broke some of the tension between you. “What would that entail? If I was the one, I mean.”
His fears melted slightly at the sight of your small grin. “Well, it would probably start… with this.” Oliver closed his eyes and leaned forward, pressing his lips gently against yours.
Much to his relief, you kissed him back, letting go of his hands and wrapping your arms around his neck while his hands settled on your hips. He could taste your bubblegum flavored Chapstick, the one he borrowed annoyingly often, and you could taste the chocolate from the biscuits that now sat forgotten near the foot of the bed.
When Oliver let go, he didn’t bother trying to play cool; instead, he grinned from ear to ear, not caring how goofy he looked.
Likewise, you couldn’t help the giggle that tumbled out of your mouth, your hands still on Oliver’s shoulders. “Starts with that, huh?”
“Yeah, that’s just the beginning.” Oliver leaned forward again, his mind racing with excitement. He laid back, pulling you on top of him-
“I think you mean that’s the end of the night,” came a voice from the door neither of you noticed opening.
Color rushed to your cheeks as you scrambled to sit back up, pushing Oliver off you. “Hey Mr. Wood,” you managed, as if he caught you making out with his son all the time.
Your best friend’s dad nodded pointedly. “You should probably head back out that window, young lady. I’m sure we’ll see you tomorrow. When you use the front door.”
With one last awkward smile to Oliver, you jumped off the bed and opened the window, clambering out the way you’d done millions of times before. Trying to be a gentleman (especially in front of his dad), Oliver watched carefully as you climbed down the tree by his window, tiptoed across his backyard, through the gate between your houses, and through your first-story window, where you disappeared after a quick wave in his direction. When Oliver turned around with that still dopey smile, his dad was still in the doorway, a smug grin on his face.
“Told ya so, son.”
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Sex on the Beach
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Pairing(s): Shawn Mendes x male reader
Requested: Yes
Word Count: 1K
Warnings: bottom male reader, top Shawn Mendes, Shawn fucks like a feral animal, spanking, some dirty talk, ass eating, and beach sex 
Summary: You and Shawn have steamy sex at a private beach. 
Hello, my 🍓Little Strawberries🍓! I’m not dead! I just lose motivation quickly. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this!
You sigh in comfort, laying down on your stomach as you feel the sun beam down upon half of your body, the other half underneath the shade of an umbrella, and the wind cooling your body as you lay on the soft blanket that covers the hot sand. You could hear seagulls squawking in the background. 
Those creatures are most likely fighting over food. 
Loud ocean waves crash against the nearby rock formations, and the gentle waves crash against the beach sand. 
It was an amazing day to go to the beach. You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard your boyfriend coming close. “M/n!” 
You turn your head to the right as you see Shawn wearing nothing but his swimming shorts. You couldn’t help but admire his body. 
His lean-muscular body had some hair around his pecs and abs. His body glowed in the sunlight. He looked like he came out of a beach scene from a romance movie. You unconsciously licked your lips. 
“You like what you see?” Shawn said as he noticed your long stare. Your face turned red as Shawn chuckled before taking his place next to you. 
“You know, you need sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun! Here, let me help you.” Shawn said, pulling out the cream from the container near the umbrella. 
Shawn squirted some before getting behind you. You could feel his hands and long fingers massaging the cream over your back. 
You moan as Shawn continues massaging the cream, but that changes as you feel Shawn press his crotch against your ass. Smirking deviously, you begin to grind against his crotch. Feeling his cock getting hard.
Shawn freezes as he feels your bubble butt. He growls as his hands move down and grab your ass and knead it like it was dough. You whimpered but continued to tease him. 
“So, you wanna tease me with his fat ass?” Shawn pulls your shorts and begins to slap your ass. He smirks at the recoil and the red hand marks. You moan loudly as Shawn continues his attacks on your ass. 
Suddenly, you felt your lower half pulled up, your ass now in front of Shawn’s mouth. Shawn was salivating at the sight and dived into the canyon. You gripped the blanket tightly as Shawn’s tongue penetrated your hole.
Shawn ravaged your ass like a wild animal. Spreading your asscheeks apart and slapping them. One of his hands slowly begins to stroke your aching cock, already leaking pre-cum from the head. 
Your mind was getting foggy and it felt like your brain was turning into mush as Shawn continued to stroke your cock and eat your ass. Then, Shawn heard a loud moan when his tongue hit a certain part inside you.
‘So, that’s his prostate?’ With the new knowledge, Shawn repeatedly assaulted your prostate. Soon, you were a moaning mess as your cock throbbed in pain, needing a release. Shawn could sense you were close and began to stroke faster.
“Ahh⁓” You moan as your cock throbbed before shooting it load all over Shawn’s hand and the blanket. You were allowed to calm down for a moment before Shawn flipped you over onto your backside. 
Shawn pulled down his shorts along with his striped boxers to reveal his throbbing cock. You were mentally drooling at the sight of the thing.
His cock looked to be 6 inches (15.52cm) with some thickness as well. A prominent vein running down the center along smaller ones, nicely trimmed pubic hair, and nice egg size melons. (Melons - balls.)
“See what you do to me, baby?” He then proceeds to slap his cock against your already hard one. Shawn positions himself right in the middle, putting both of your legs to the side of his waist. 
“Are you ready for me, baby?” Shawn says, aiming his cock to your entrance. You nodded your head. Shawn slowly pushed his cock inside you. His eyes and head rolled back in pleasure as your tight heat swallowed him whole. 
“Shawny⁓” you moaned, gripping the blanket harder and arching your back. You slowly pushed back until swallowing his entire cock. Biting your lips, feeling the large cock throbbing inside. 
“F-fuck…” His nails dug into your hips as he could feel your ass clenching around him. Shawn leaned down to your neck, leaving kisses and hickies. “Fuck me like an animal.” you whispered into his ear. 
Shawn growls before pulling back, leaving only the head, then gives one big thrust. You moaned at the top of your lungs as if all the oxygen was knocked out. Shawn kept repeating the action, his cock always hitting your prostate. 
Your brain was turning into mush, the surrounding area becoming blurry. The constant abuse of your prostate was sending so many signals through your nerve system as if it was about to go into overdrive. 
It felt like you two were the only ones there, it was a private beach so of course you’re gonna be the only ones. You could hear both loud moans and groans along with the wet squelching sound of Shawn pounding your ass like an animal in heat, and skin slapping skin.
Both of your orgasms were close as Shawn thrust harder into you. You could see a small stomach bulge appearing. “I-I’m… close…” Shawn said, pulling and bringing your whole body closer to him.
“Me too!” wrapping your arms around Shawn’s neck. After a few more aggressive thrusts, Shawn gave one final thrust, flooding your insides with white. Cock throbbing inside your tight heat, kept spurting more. 
You also came to an orgasm, your cock spurting load after load onto Shawn’s abdomen, balls tightening and throbbing. 
“We should do this more often.”
A/N: It's been so long since I’ve written smut! I hope this fic was good! Bye, my 🍓Little Strawberries🍓!
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swissboyhisch · 1 year
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Last Call Inspired by "Last Call" by Will Linley.
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My Jersey After a little rain comes sun... And thunder. Thunder in the form of a six-foot five Russian defenseman.
That Scar Hurt By The Way In a world where everyone has a soulmate link, you happened to luck out with a pain link.
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Lost In Japan Inspired by "Lost In Japan" by Shawn Mendes.
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Picasso The perfect family... Mum. Dad. And three dogs. With a touch of fluff and uninformed comment.
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You know I love you right? After bad game, what more could you ask for? Maybe just chinese, Netflix and some good old cuddling.
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I’m Your Favourite, Eh? An All-Star Competition and a married couple with a kiddo. What more could you ask for?
I Brought Too Many Sorry Female issues are always a fun time of month. Even worse... running out of pads in a time of need. Luckily someone comes to the rescue, a little too well.
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Surprise Cheerleader Surprises from one party to another during a big Volleyball game.
All-Star Love The NHL All Star weekend is always fun. But bring in a romance… Then that's when it becomes interesting.
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Hey There Delilah Inspired by "Hey There Delilah" by Plain White T's.
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Thanks For The 20 Kiddos Hosting hockey players was normal. Guys that would become brothers. Until him.
Cupid Cousin First game against his old team for your cousin and he wants you there. Luckily some of his ex-teammates are cute.
The Aussie BBQ Experience You finally got to take Nico home to Australia. He got the true experience of an Aussie BBQ.
The Aussie Easter Experience Nico gets to experience an Aussie Easter after being not making the playoffs.
The Aussie Snack Experience As a marketing idea, you get to feature in a video with Nico trying snacks from your home country.
The Aussie Chrissie Experience Since Nico is injured just before Christmas, you head back to Australia for Nico to experience an Aussie Chrissie.
Sorry But I Really Like Her You head to Newark to see your parents new place after avoiding it like the plague. Maybe this time, something with make you want to come back.
We're Not Naked You just wanted some time alone with your partner. Sadly, your brothers are clingy.
Hughes Siblings Acquired (Part 1) Somehow, the New Jersey Devils acquire a player who will fit in well on the team.
Welcome to New Jersey (Part 2) Quinn arrives to New Jersey and has his first training with his brothers and new team.
The Sugar Fix After opening your cafe and bar, a familiar hockey player comes in opening day. Seems like he remembers you too.
Prom Queen Inspired by "Prom Queen" by Molly Kate Kestner.
Don't Want to Lose You (Part 1) You notice something is wrong with your body. A wrong diagnosis then something you never wanna hear.
Will You Be There When I Wake Up? (Part 2) Two weeks pass and it's time for surgery.
I'd Marry You Tomorrow (Part 3) As a precautionary measure, you follow through with the doctor suggestion to collect eggs. It wasn't as an easy process as you thought.
Home Inspired by "Home" by Phillip Phillips.
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Opening Night For once Mat is your pretty accessory for your big night. Instead of the other way round.
Drunken Mistakes (Part 1) After receiving some bad news, you just wanted to not be alone. After a couple drinks, what most likely is a bad decision, starts to sound too good to miss.
New York Luck (Part 2) After a lovely holiday, your partner breaks up with you and so you turn to your only friend in the city.
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Something In The Orange Inspired by the song "Something In The Orange" by Zach Bryan. Little Miss Klutz Despite you hating your pain link to your soulmate, he had a tendency to look on the brighter side.
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You’re Not Useless Broken bones and being bed bound can affect you more than physically. Fighting words are thrown between the pair.
WAG Meetings After it's confirmed that the boys will go to playoffs for another season, the WAGs have a meeting to discuss the most exciting part. WAG Jackets.
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My Family A pair of friends reunite with a surprise in store for one of them. Oops, it's a baby.
Bad Day = Cuddles After the worst day you have had in a long time, your boyfriend at home was ready to take care of you.
You're My Favouite A visit to your family goes wrong when Auston meets your Aunt.
Halloween Surprise The team's Halloween party seemed like the perfect time to reveal to everyone who you were dating.
God, You’re Amazing A championship game ends up being the best day for multiple people's lives.
Stop Flirting With Marner! A few Leafs spy a figure skater practicing on the ice of the All-Star Arena. After persistent bugging from his friends, one finds himself embarrassing himself to try score a date.
Flirt With Her Tomorrow A day spent at a stable as a team bonding exercise turns out to be a great place to meet people for some.
Never Letting You Go Again Bumping into exes are always fun. But with a little meddling from a sweet cafe owner who's missed her favourite regulars, some truths are revealed.
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Baking Antics A rainy day means baking and dancing in the kitchen.
Kick Ass Your first time back in a competition and your luck charm definitely helped.
Support My Girl The final dance concert comes around and you're lucky to have such a supportive family.
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UPDATED: 9/11/23
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eternalterror · 7 months
masterlist ❤️
check out my feedback tag & then take a look at my rules before requesting!
• hozier’s personality (x)(x)
• james conner personality (x)
• what does jude bellingham think of his fans and the dating rumors about him and some girls?
• shawn mendes love life
• james connor nsfw
• what kind of relationship will shawn mendes and his new girlfriend have?
• kelly oubre jr personality
• is pedro pascal dating at the moment?
• how does travis kelce really feel about taylor swift?
• how does taylor swift really feel about travis kelce?
• kim hongjoong’s ideal type
• what does jaehyun think of winter?
• ateez’ san ideal type
• chenle future spouse
• ateez seonghwa nsfw
• nct haechan’s red flags (x)(x)
• stray kids seungmin future spouse
• what do jaehyun and taeyong think of each other?
• mark lee’s future spouse
• exo chanyeol and baekhyun current dynamic
• babymonster current energy
• blackpink jennie red flags
• san future spouse
• ateez yunho general
• ateez hongjoong nsfw
• the pros and cons of dating seventeen’s mingyu
• ateez honest reactions to fans showing up at the airport
• is ateez san currently dating?
• nct mark lee nsfw
• is nct chenle dating right now?
• the future of blackpink
• riize wonbin as a friend
• are itzy ryujin and aespa karina friends or just pr?
• enhypen jay future spouse
• how do the other riize members feel about sohee being poorer than most trainees? is the person who “outed” sohee for being a poor an ex trainee who thought they were going to debut in riize?
• is itzy lia considering leaving the group?
• does riize wonbin have potential to be an it boy right now?
• will riize’s sohee find success in the future? will his hate campaign affect his future projects significantly?
• are aespa ningning and itzy yuna friends?
• what does nct jaehyun think of aespa karina?
• cha eunwoo ideal type
• is it true aespa has never had fights?
• will blackpink jennie and exo kai get back together?
• what do nct mark and haechan think of each other?
what are your strengths?
non-tarot related questions:
are most idols straight?
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chickawah23 · 6 months
This CNN article was definitely not Taylor’s team. Tree does not “request anonymity.” Tree is not an “associate.” And Tree would not explicitly bring up Shawn Mendes’s sexuality in support of this position. This is not the same as comparing a chart topping male artist to a female artist. This is specifically calling out an artist for their sexual preferences. Tree does not open Taylor up to potential fights with other celebrities that in no way went looking for it.
This is Travis’ team trying to protect the validity of this relationship or it is mrs. Mahomes.
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squadxx4392 · 3 months
Marauders Era Ships as Nostalgic Gacha Songs :
Wolfstar : Freak by Sub Urban and REI AMI
Sunseeker : Teeth by 5 Seconds of Summer
Jily : Señorita by Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes
Jegulily : Partners In Crime by Set It Off and Ash Costello
RedRose(PandaLily) : Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish
MaryLily : Class Fight by Melanie Martinez
MaryPandaLily : Acapella by Karmin
Dorlene : Ain't My Fault by Zara Larsson
RoseKiller : Rumours by NEFFEX
ProngsFoot : EW! by will.i.am and Jimmy Fallon
PartyVan : Play with Fire by Sam Tinnesz and Yacht Money
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carelesslywriting · 2 years
Mercy - Eric Coulter
This is day 3 of 10 for my 10 days of music prompt! There's still some open songs available on my pinned post to choose from if you'd like to request an imagine. Based off of Mercy by Shawn Mendes.
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 1395 Trigger Warnings: death Note: These imagines are my own work and I do not consent to distribution of my work elsewhere!
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"You always do this shit, Y/N! I don't have time to spend with you, you know I work crazy hours and that's not my fault," Eric shouted at you, tightly crossing his arms across his chest as he glared over at you. 
You didn't ask for much from Eric, you know his hours, all you were asking for was some time spent together at the end of the night in some form. It's been what feels like weeks to you where you've only seen glimpses of Eric, and it's been starting to take a toll on you. Why couldn't he understand all you were asking for was 15 minutes of acknowledgment or even just a conversation before he went to bed or started his wind-down routine?
"I'm not asking for a lot, Eric," You retorted, feeling defeated before you even opened your mouth to continue. "This fight is the most interaction I've had with you in weeks! You don't even ask me how my day is. Even though you don't mean to hurt me, you keep tearing me apart," Your voice got quieter towards the end, and you decided to stop speaking there because you didn't want to break down and cry in front of him. 
"Bullshit," Eric responded, rolling his eyes. "Stop being so fucking insecure and maybe try being understanding. I'm so sick of this shit from you when I get home after a long day."
"Eric I'm opening my heart up to you about how I feel and you call me insecure? Why can't you ever be supportive? Why can't you ever just tell me that how I'm feeling isn't crazy, or that you miss me too and want to spend some sort of time with me when you can? I can't take this anymore, would you please have some mercy on me?" You begged, a tear falling from your eye. 
"Mercy? Seriously?" Eric asked, scoffing. "That's so pathetic. I don't have to comfort you for every little thing, that's not my problem." You wiped the tear that fell from your eye, looking down at the ground and taking in Eric's words. Nothing is ever going to change. You sighed, looking back up into Eric's cold eyes. 
"Fine, then I need you to set me free because this isn't fair to me anymore," You spoke, voice shaking, looking for any type of emotion from Eric. 
He stayed silent, just staring at you. After a minute of silence, you decided to walk out the door before he could even say anything. Your pride is all you've got left, and your heart shattered at the thought that Eric could just never take it easy on you or try to understand you. You felt like nothing but a puppet being pulled by its strings whenever you tried communicating anything that hurt you, and you didn't know if you could take any more. He always manipulated and weaponized your feelings against you. 
You took off running towards the chasm, more tears falling from your eyes as you thought of the past year and the relationship with Eric. You gave so much for so little in return, he didn't even care that you left. Lost in your thoughts, you didn't realize how slippery the bridge over the chasm was, or that Eric had followed you. 
"Y/N!" Eric yelled out, taking you by surprise. And snapping you out of your thoughts. 
You whipped around, in shock that he followed, but the next thing you felt was losing your balance due to your foot slipping. You cried out, trying to reach out to anything that could keep you from falling. You heard Eric shout out your name again as you just barely gripped onto the edge of the bridge with the fingertips of one of your hands. A final tear left your eye as you realized you weren't going to be able to hang on. You saw Eric's hand reach for yours to try and grab you, but he was a second too late. His face was the last thing you saw as you fell to your death. 
Eric shouted out for you, looking at the hand that almost had your wrist. It all happened so fast. He looked around frantically, not wanting to believe he had just witnessed you fall. The sound of your body as it hit the ground below was going to be a sound forever pierced into his ears. All the air inside his lungs felt like it had disappeared as he started to hyperventilate. He continued to shout out for you, tears falling from his face down to the bottom of the chasm where you laid. One minute you were together, and the next you were gone, just like that. 
"Y/N, I'm so fucking sorry," Eric cried out to the void. "Come back, fuck, COME BACK! Please Y/N..." 
A crowd began to gather around as Eric continued to call out for you. He hung over the ledge, arm still out like he would be able to save you from the fate you just suffered. Max and Four quickly followed the sound of the commotion and yanked Eric off the ground the moment they saw him leaning over the edge. Both men had to use all their force to wrestle him away from the edge of the chasm and into a more secluded area, away from all the people who ended up gathering around him. 
"Eric, what the hell happened?" Max asked. 
"Y/N.." Eric trailed off, "She slipped, I couldn't grab her in time."
Four's face instantly dropped. Eric fell back down to the ground, head in his hands as he quietly sobbed. He didn't care how weak he looked, he just lost the one thing he loved. He was always prepared to sacrifice his life for you, and instead of him dying, it was you. The pain he felt swelling up in his chest was unlike any type of physical pain he'd ever felt before. He was internally begging for the same mercy you just begged him for. His cold, hard exterior that he'd maintained for his entire life fell the moment you did. If he hadn't yelled at you, hadn't called you names, if he had just listened to what you had to say, if he had asked you to stay.. all the what if's were now running through his head as he silently begged to be woken up from the nightmare he was in. 
Eric jumped out from the seat he was in, breathing heavily as he ripped the wire off his head. He quickly wiped the tears on his face and looked around the room trying to reorientate himself to reality. He got up quickly, pacing the room and trying to ground himself as he kept repeating in his head that it was just his fear landscape and it wasn't real. 
Eric's fear landscape was complicated. When he was originally an initiate, this specific fear was mild. He was never too worried about pushing people away and losing them. However, after he met you, this fear gradually grew and developed into his worst fear. Every time he ran this landscape, it never got easier.  
It's hard to switch the coldness required to do his job off when it comes to you. The love Eric feels for you is complicated because of that. He's petrified of losing you, but he doesn't know how to not be argumentative and defensive when it comes to feelings. While he's been able to manage it for the most part within your relationship now, he's scared that might not be the case in the future. He wants to have that type of mercy for you, he truly doesn't mean to hurt you when he does. That's why he continues to suffer and run this landscape every week until he can figure out how to make it easier and beat it. 
Once Eric felt he had his composure back, he realized he was late for meeting you for a quick lunch. It reminded him of the landscape, how he constantly blew you off and tore you apart that way. With that thought in mind, he quickly hurried out the door to meet you. One small step at a time, Eric was working to be the type of guy he felt you needed.
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abisbookshelf · 2 months
100+ songs that remind me of buddie: the ship between evan "buck" buckley + eddie diaz from 9-1-1 (tv show)
photograph - ed sheeran
sucker - jonas brothers
fix you - coldplay
clarity - zedd & foxes
everybody talks - neon trees
earned it (fifty shades of grey) - the weeknd
cardigan - taylor swift
august - taylor swift
the 30th - billie eilish
sunsetz - cigarettes after sex
sweet - cigarettes after sex
K. - cigarettes after sex
love of my life - harry styles
i wanna be yours - arctic monkeys
the way i loved you (taylor's version) - taylor swift
everything has changed (taylor's version) - taylor swift & ed sheeran
fine line - harry styles
watching him fade away - mac demarco
jealousy, jealousy - olivia rodrigo
apocalypse - cigarettes after sex
sofia - clairo
we fell in love in october - girl in red
ribs - lorde
i love you so - the walters
until i found you - stephen sanchez & em beihold
golden hour - JVKE
crush - cigarettes after sex
karma - taylor swift
bags - clairo
getaway car - taylor swift
don't blame me - taylor swift
issues - julia micheals
heavenly - cigarettes after sex
memories - conan gray
lay all your love on me - ABBA
head over heels - ABBA
ceilings - lizzy mcalpine
all i wanted - paramore
i love you - billie eilish
heather - conan gray
what a time - julia micheals & niall horan
make up your mind - florence + the machine
look after you - the fray
sparks - coldplay
king of my heart - taylor swift
false god - taylor swift
rumour has it - adele
the great war - taylor swift
maroon - taylor swift
gorgeous - taylor swift
lovers rock - TV girl
why'd you only call me when you're high? - arctic monkeys
beautiful boy (darling boy) remastered 2010 - john lennon
daylight - david kushner
halley's comet - billie eilish
can't feel my face - the weeknd
shameless - camila cabello
ME! - taylor swift & brendon urie of panic! at the disco
all too well (10 minute version - taylor's version) - taylor swift
this love (taylor's version) - taylor swift
enchanted (taylor's version) - taylor swift
midnight rain - taylor swift
the 1 - taylor swift
kiss me - ed sheeran
mine (taylor's version) - taylor swift
lavender haze - taylor swift
hits different - taylor swift
afterglow - taylor swift
lover - taylor swift
red (taylor's version) - taylor swift
i don't wanna live forever (fifty shades darker) - ZAYN & taylor swift
style (taylor's version) - taylor swift
"slut!" (taylor's version - from the vault) - taylor swift
daylight - taylor swift
wildest dreams (taylor's version) - taylor swift
how you get the girl (taylor's version) - taylor swift
you are in love (taylor's version) - taylor swift
golden - harry styles
say yes to heaven - lana del rey
lover (remix) - taylor swift & shawn mendes
training wheels - melanie martinez
scott screet - phoebe bridgers
glue song - beabadoobee
kiss me - sixpence none the richer
something just like this - the chainsmokers & coldplay
still into you - paramore
those eyes - new west
can't take my eyes off you - boys town gang
angeleyes - ABBA
because i liked a boy - sabrina carpenter
sleep it off - niki & gabi
never felt so alone - labrinth
chemtrails over the country club - lana del rey
only love can hurt like this - paloma faith
my love mine all mine - mitski
moment in the sun - sunflower bean
you're losing me (from the vault) - taylor swift
paris - taylor swift
the lucky one (taylor's version) - taylor swift
snap out of it - arctic monkeys
labyrinth - taylor swift
starlight (taylor's version) - taylor swift
company - justin bieber
never really over - katy perry
i lived - onerepublic
the night we met - lord huron
heart to heart - mac demarco
rises the moon - liana flores
about you - the 1975
fight or flight - conan gray
deja vu - olivia rodrigo
you found me - the fray
paris - the chainsmokers
murder on the dancefloor - sophie ellis-bextor
want to want me - jason derulo
hands to myself - selena gomez
late night talking - harry styles
astronomy - conan gray
the only exception - paramore
can't help falling in love - elvis presley
the boy is mine - brandy & monica
last dance - scratch massive & maud geffray
ur so pretty - wasia project
34+35 - ariana grande
good days - SZA
falling in love - cigarettes after sex
keep on loving you - cigarettes after sex
marry you - bruno mars
walk me home - p!nk
people help the people - birdy
now that we don't talk (taylor's version - from the vault) - taylor swift
suburban legends (taylor's version - from the vault) - taylor swift
open arms - SZA & travis scott
movies - conan gray
let the light in - lana del rey & father john misty
margaret - lana del rey & bleachers
need you now - lady A
i miss you, i'm sorry - gracie abrams
sex on fire - kings of leon
end of beginning - djo
21 - gracie abrams
only you - cheat codes & little mix
mr. loverman - ricky montgomery
lust for life - lana del rey & the weeknd
saturn - SZA
lover (live from paris) - taylor swift
dress - taylor swift
waiting room - phoebe bridgers
kiss you - one direction
someone to you - BANNERS
little freak - harry styles
i hear a symphony - cody fry
do i wanna know? - arctic monkeys
till forever falls apart - ashe & FINNEAS
1 step forward, 3 steps back - olivia rodrigo
like real people do - hozier
out of my league - fitz and the tantrums
somewhere only we know - keane
when we were young - adele
maps - maroon 5
young and beautiful - lana del rey
touch tank - quinnie
i found - amber run
invisible string - taylor swift
epiphany - taylor swift
daylight - taylor swift
ivy - taylor swift
sign of the times - harry styles
adore you - harry styles
sunflower, vol.6 - harry styles
let me love you (until you learn to love yourself) - glee cast (version)
somewhere only we know - glee cast (version)
yellow - coldplay
pretty boy - the neighbourhood
the beach - the neighbourhood
whatta man - salt n pepa & en vogue
endgame - taylor swift, ed sheeran & future
delicate - taylor swift
break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored - ariana grande
forever winter (taylor's version - from the vault) - taylor swift
wish you were gay - billie eilish
ivy - frank ocean
i like me better - lauv
toothbrush - DNCE
best friend - rex orange county
no control - one direction
here is the link to the playlist on spofity: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7mpIWOTplXGR7vR4gT34Yi
if you have any other recommendations for songs please let me know and they will go straight into the playlist. also, please don't be disrespectful and this is a reminder that these are my opinions, i hope that you enjoy the playlist!! 💌🤍💋
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sunshine--temptress · 11 days
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pregnant-piggy · 1 year
Hi!!! Congrats on 3k and the 3rd anniversary of your blog <33
For the spring festival:
-🍒 bad reputation by Shawn Mendes+ Remus
Thank you!!
this used to be one of my fav songs so thank you for bringing it back to me!🩷
Bad reputation
Remus heard someone come up the stairs and knew it was you before you'd even opened the door. By now he knew how to recognise you anywhere. One look, one sound, he even memorised the scent of your shampoo and the soft hints in your perfume. He knew you better than anyone else.
The door croaked open to reveal your face and a smile spread on Remus' lips. "Hello, love."
You gave a tired smile and when you stepped into the room, Remus immediately knew something wasn't right.
Your tired eyes were not just tired and your shoulders were not sagged from fatigue. No tears had fallen yet but Remus could see their glint behind your eyes.
He scrambled off his bed, arms open as he approached you. "What's wrong?"
But you just shook your head. You threw your arms around Remus' waist and buried your face in his chest. He felt your hot breath through his shirt.
"The world sucks," you said after a while.
Remus chuckled sadly. "It does, I'm afraid."
With you in his arms like that, Remus felt he would fight the entire world just to make you feel better. It wasn't that he was protective of you--because he knew very well you could take care of yourself--but the thought of you hurting made him want to set everything on fire. You had been through enough already.
You stood in his arms for a few minutes, letting your heartbeat synchronise with Remus'. If it was up to him, he stay there with you for the rest of the day, but after a while you pulled back and managed a more convinving smile.
"Better?" Remus asked, trailing his fingers over your face before tucking your hair back.
Something in your face softened as you looked at him. "Yes. Better."
He pressed a kiss to your forehead and then pulled you back with him to the bed. Once you'd settled with your head on his chest and his finger raking through your hair, Remus asked, "Will you tell me what happened?"
You shrugged half-heartedly but Remus wasn't fooled.
"Just people talking," you said eventually.
Remus' chest tightened. "What did they say?"
You were quiet for a beat, then said, "The usual."
"What did they say, love?"
"You know. Just... stuff."
You let out a sigh and deflated on Remus' chest. He brought his hands together on your back, holding you together in his arms. He hated he had to ask it from you, but he knew that if you kept it inside you'd eventually start to believe it was true.
"They said things about... the past years. My behavior. The things I've done. They called me some nasty names." You shook your head, as if shaking off the thoughts. "But it's fine, it wasn't that bad."
"Except it obviously was that bad," Remus scoffed. You gave no answer. "Who?"
"No. Who?"
You looked up, rested your chin on your hands on his chest. You looked at him with an earnest expression.
"I'm not saying." When he huffed, you added, "I'm not letting you get in trouble again, Remus. It's not worth it."
Remus sighed. He knew it was pointless to fight about this, because you wouldn't change your mind. But it bothered him, the way people talked about you because of your past. They didn't know you at all, but they'd given you a bad reputation just the same.
He knew better. He knew about the weight on your shoulder you carried with you everywhere. He knew all the bits you didn't show to others, because he had given you the space to show them.
Just as he knew you hated it when he got into trouble for you.
"Fine," he gave in. He brushed his hand through your hair. "This time. But if someone else talks to you that way..."
"I know. I know. You'll beat them up."
"Oh, that'd be an understatement, love."
You chuckled softly and rested your head back on his chest. "Thank you."
"Any time." He looked down at you, wondering how the world could be so cruel to someone so sweet. "Is there anything I can do?"
You were silent for a long time, but then said, "Just hold me."
So he did. If the world was your enemy, you could forever hide in his arms.
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swtstrwbrris · 1 year
𓆩♡𓆪 when you're ready ; nanase haruka 𓆩♡𓆪
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request: hello! I hope you're doing good!! I'm not sure if I'm doing this right ... I love your work and writing style and I wanna request a soft Haruka nanase fluff, please? where the reader takes care of him when he's sick and he realises that tbh he's really loved and cared for, or something along the lines of that.
summary: neither you or haru were someone who expressed much through words, so the thought that you were dating each other amazed you at times. Regardless, you found other ways to express you admiration for him, even if he struggled to return the feelings. It finally hit him how much love you've been showering him and he wanted to let you know, just how much he was thankful of being loved by someone like you.
pairing: time skip!haruka nanase x female!reader
genre: established relationship, fluff
warning: reader shows motherly figure
a/n: I was listening to When you're ready by Shawn Mendes and suddenly got inspired to write something similar. From all the dramas and anime I've seen, the male is almost always the one expressing their devotion and willingness to wait for the female to express or return their feelings, but what if, the roles are switched?
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"So you're telling me," You opened your door, being greeted by the Kisumi with his cheerful, innocents smile. "you got into a snow fight?" Crossing you arms, you could see Haru hiding behind Kisumi's figure, avoiding your angered eyes.
"It was a just a friendly snowball fight to bring back out childhood days." The bright male shrugged his shoulders, not finding a problem.
You leaned at the door frame. "But I asked Haru to help me get some vegetables for dinner?"
"Oh... He didn't mention anything about that when I asked him." You mentally face palmed. Some times you wonder if you're dealing with a child or young adult when it comes to Kisumi. "He told me he's finding the tree of doom." You froze, trying to make sense of what the salmon pink haired just said. Before you could question him further, he turned around to face Haru, where your eyes almost jumped out of its sockets. He was standing there, shirtless.
"So let me explain what happened." Kisumi read your expression but before he was able to start. You grabbed Haru's arm, pulling him back instead. "Or Haru could do the explaining." You closed the door on Kisumi, yelling a goodbye and thanks as you continued to dragged your nearly frozen lover to the bathroom, running the warm bathwater. His hand was freezing but he remained quiet. He took in your figure, swishing your hand in the water, trying to get the right temperature. You were cooking dinner and wanted to add some vegetables and include some fiber but when you opened his fridge, it there was only fish, canned fish, frozen fish or, well, more fish. You kindly asked if Haru could quickly run to the store to grab some broccoli, which he hesitated at first but gave in, knowing that you've been trying to get him to consume more veggies for his health.
You were more open and vocal compared to Haru which was surprising when he accepted your feeling upon your confession. You were someone that wasn't afraid to speak up, to say what's on your mind and in particular, to let Haru know how much you loved him. Haru was someone who was the complete opposite of you but you didn't mind that from him. You understood his quiet and stoic nature yet regardless, you found yourself falling head over heads for how passionate about his goal and his drive for success. You wanted to do nothing more but to support him and let him know what no matter what happens, you'll always be by his side. Though deep down inside, sometimes you wished that Haru would be more expression or affective but you pushed away that selfish desire, trying to cherish what you have now, and letting Haru decide when he's ready to step out of his comfort zone.
Haru secretly admired your strong mentality and how you carried yourself. You never failed to impress him with the things you do and how determined you are when you have your mind set on things or towards the people you truly cherish and love. Haru had to admit, he was sometimes jealous of you. Jealous of how you can say whatever is on your mind and to his surprised, he sometimes wondered, why did you choose to date him, of all people? But he doesn't dare to ask. Haru was beyond thankful to have you in his life. You never pushed him out his limits or made him change who his is. You’ve always been supporting him, encouraging him to do the best he can be, and no matter what happens, he was always number one in your heart. He tries very hard to be more expressive towards you but unfortunately, all the times he's been practicing in the mirror just isn't enough for him to express it in person as he always end up backing our last minute. You have reminded him multiple times, assuring him that there wasn't any need to push himself to do the things he weren't comfortable with and he wouldn't be more in love with how understanding you are however, it didn't feel right. It didn't feel right that you were always the one giving, and he was only receiving. It didn't feel right that it almost felt one-sided and it most definitely didn't feel right that if Haru didn't say what he's been wanting to say for so long, one day, you might just slip off his fingers.
"Here, the water is at the perfect temperature for you." You swirled your hand in the water, feeling the warmth. You shook off the excess water before wiping it on your apron. Haru quietly steps in, letting out a relieved sigh as he sinks in, closing his lids. You kneeled outside the tub beside him, observing his features and just how handsome he looked. You couldn't help but to trace your fingers over his features, as his eyes slowly open to meet yours. "Haru..." You whispered, his motions underwater almost overlapping your voice. He takes a hold of your wrist, nuzzling his damp cheek against it.
"I'm sorry-"
You cut off his apology. "Trees of doom? Really? Last week you called them veggie farts." You questioned with a soft chuckle. "Haru, you really need to fix this undressing habit of yours. Especially in the winter, when it's like -20C outside! You're going to get sick!" You started your nag. Haru couldn't help but to softly smile at your furrowed brows when you expressed your worries.
"Y/N." He tried to get your attention. "I'm not going to get sick." He reassured.
"If I hadn't dragged you back into the house any faster, you'll freeze up into ice!" You pouted.
"Kisumi started it." He went on explaining how he saw Kisumi and Makoto together to buy gifts for Makoto's younger siblings. In your part, you would say Haru just jealous but you kept quiet, knowing you won't hear the end of it from him. "So yeah, Kisumi provoked me."
You giggled at his angered expression. He truly does cherish the people he loves you thought to yourself. "But that doesn't mean you have to strip half naked." You try to prove your point. "Playing in the snow half naked is just out of the question!" You stood up about to head out back into the kitchen when he got a hold of your arm.
"I told you to not worry." He gave you a peck on the forehead. His lips were still cold. "I'm not going to get sick."
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
You carried a bowl of warm water, placing it on the nightstand as you dipped a towel, twisting away the excess water before gently wiping away the sweat on your feverish lover. "What a surprised. I'm always swimming in cold water and all, how did I caught a cold now?" He had his lids closed as you wiped across his forehead. His voice was soft and weak.
"I'm not surprised. Just a little disappointed." He didn't have to open his eyes to already know the expression you had on your face. Your face was filled with worry the moment you noticed Haru shivering, even after stealing your blankets. "At least your fever is coming down" He tiredly lets out a hum. You kneeled down beside the bed, resting your head on your arm as you stared at his face, wincing time to time from muscle soreness. When Haru gets sick, his whole body almost shuts down. You felt his hand moving, searching for yours as you intertwined your fingers in his, kissing the top of his hand. "You know how worried I get when you're sick Haru." You rubbed your thumb against his skin.
"I know..." He slowly fluttered his eyes opened, turning to face you. His lips were paled and his eyes were filled of tiredness. "I'm sorry, Y/N." You reached for head, gently patting his head.
"Try getting some sleep, alright? I'm going to make some congee for you." You stood up, snuggling him in before you quietly closed the door, heading to the kitchen to start making his meal. Kisumi called to apologize and to check up on Haru to see if he's alright since he also caught a cold. You called his coach to let him know Haru's condition and that he'll need a few days off to recover.
You added to vegetables into the boiling pot before opening the cabinets to see if there's any medication left and too your surprised, you were all out. Tippy toeing back into your shared room, you quietly changed into some warmer clothing before walking back out, quickly glancing at Haru who was peacefully sleeping. You opened the door to a gust of wind and snow blowing into the house. You totally forgot about the snowstorm today but Haru's health was your priority.
You hurried to the convivence store to grab some medication along with snacks that Haru liked before heading home when the smell of something burning alarmed you. You forgot to turn off the stove before you left. You dropped your bag and ran over to the stove, turning off the heat and removing the lid before it overflows when you suddenly felt a shock of pain on your palm. You burnt yourself from the pot lid. Dropped the lid, forgetting that Haru was possibly still sleeping and ran your hand under water, hissing at the contact with the water. You mixed the congee, letting out a sigh that it wasn't burnt. Removing your jacket you went to get the first aid kit to apply some ointment onto your palm before wrapping it. It had a tingling sensation but you needed to make sure Haru eats and takes his medicine. You sliced up some fruit before placing them on a tray, heading to his room when you saw him in the hallway.
"Did something happen?" Haru's complexion looked a lot better after sleeping. His eyes travelled to the tray your holding.
"Oh, it's nothing. Let's go back to the room so you can eat and sleep after."
"I'll eat in the living room. I'm feeling a lot better after sleeping." He takes the tray from you, carrying it to the coffee table before taking a seat on the floor, you sitting beside him. He started eating, letting out a smile as your cooking never fails to impress him. "It's really good."
"Eat more then." You smiled, unconsciously running your hands through his hair. He stops and turns to you.
"What happened to your hand?" He takes a hold of your wrist, eyes widen at they covered palm. You tried pulling it back but his grip was too strong, even for someone who's sick.
"I just burnt myself a little when I was cooking, it's nothing." You tried to reassure him but it doesn't look like it got to him.
"Did you go out?" You followed his eyes behind you to the bag you abandon on the floor when you went to save the congee. "Where did you go in this weather?"
"We were out of medicine so I went to go get some at the convivence store." You stood up to get the bag, taking out the medicine
"Didn't you hear about the snowstorm today?" You looked up to his furrowed brows. "There was even a warning."
"Don't you worry. When it comes to the both of us, you know who dresses more accordingly to the weather." He knew he couldn't disagree, because you were always reminding him to bring a jacket when it's chilly or an umbrella when it rained. "I needed to get you medicine, that's why."
"You could've waited until the storm passes."
"When you're running with a fever and in pain? You know I'll never let that happen." His head dropped in defeat, feeling a little disappointed that you went out in such a horrible weather just to get medication. "Haru, you know how much you mean to me." You held his cheeks, lifting his face so you could look into his ocean blue eyes. "It doesn't matter what time of day, what weather condition, or whatever the problem is, you are always my number one priority." It then hits him. Just how much you cared for him. How much you treasure and adore him. The realization finally comes to Haru, and his heart couldn't stop glowing with love.
"Thank you." He softly smiles. You could feel his cheeks heating up as you automatically felt his forehead.
"Oh no, is your fever coming back again?!" You started to panic but Haru gently places his hand on your lap, trying to get you to calm down.
"Y/N..." He looked to the side, trying to organize his thoughts. "I... You are my number one priority also." You froze, trying to recollect what he just said.
Nervously laughing you gently slapped his shoulder. "Ok Haru, I think this fever is really getting you to. I'm going to get some water so you can eat your medicine. You turn to stand up before landing back on the ground. Haru's arms wrapped you as felt his warmth on your back. Your heart was pounding from his intimate actions. This was definitely something he would not do. Something way out of his comfort zone. "Haru? Are you okay?"
He rests his chin on your shoulder. "You've always been patient with me." You slowly nodded. "You also never failed to let me know how much you love me." His grip around you waist tightens. "If only you knew the amount of times I've tried to do the same." You fingers lightly touch his arm. "I know you told me that you'll wait for when I'm ready. And after all this time, I finally realized something for myself." You quietly waited for him to finished, knowing that he's organizing his thoughts. "I've come to realize just how much I am in love with you."
"Haru you don't-"
"No, Y/N. You don't understand how much I've been wanting to let you know. The amount of times I whispered it to you when you're asleep yet I still can't say it to you face to face frustrated it. The fact that whenever you told me you loved me, I hated myself for not being able to tell you I felt the same." You could hear his voice shaking and turned to face him, gently rubbing his shoulder. He slowly inched closer to your face. "I imagine myself looking to you in the eyes, deeply in love and finally letting all my feelings out for you." You couldn't help but to smile. Maybe this fever of his has him feeling more brave. "Thank you for waiting all this time, Y/N. I love you." He rests his hand on the side of your face, slowly bringing your face closer to his. His eyes staring down at your lips.
As much as you didn't want to ruin this sweet memorable moment, you covered his lips with your palm. "Take your medication and recover." You smirked as his face reddens up from embarrassment. "Then I'll let you finish what you wanted to do." You leaned up to kiss his forehead. "And promise me, no more stripping half naked." He chuckles, nodding his head obediently. You opened your arms for him to gladly fall and snuggle into.
"No matter how long. I'll always be patiently waiting for you."
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morgane-art · 3 months
The vampire Diaries ships as Taylor Swift songs
Delena + Stelena
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"He is sensible and so incredible
And all my single friends are jealous
He says everything I need to hear
And it's like I couldn't ask for anything better
He opens up my door and I get into his car
And he says 'you look beautiful tonight'
And I feel perfectly fine...
But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain,
It's 2 am and I'm cursing your name,
So in love that you act insane
And that's the way I loved you."
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"I never trust a narcissist
But they love me
So I play 'em like a violin
And I make it look, oh, so easy
'Cause for every lie I tell them
They tell me three
This is how the world works
Now all he thinks about is me."
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"I've been breakin' hearts a long time
And toyin' with them older guys
Just playthings for me to use
Something happened for the first time
In the darkest little paradise
Shakin', pacin', I just need you
For you I would cross the line
I would waste my time
I would lose my mind
They say, she's gone too far this time."
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"Church bells ring
Carry me home
Rice on the ground
Looks like snow
Call my bluff
Call you 'babe'
Have my back, yeah, every day
Feels like home
Stay in bed
The whole weekend
It's nice to have a friend."
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"My mind forgets to remind me you're a bad idea
You touch me once and it's really something
You find I'm even better than you imagined I would be
I'm on my guard for the rest of the world, but with you, I know it's no good
And I could wait patiently but I really wish you would
Drop everything now, meet me in the pouring rain
Kiss me on the sidewalk, take away the pain
Cause' I see sparks fly whenever you smile."
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"No matter what you say, I still can't believe
That you would walk away
It don't make sense to me, but
Why would you wanna break a perfectly good heart ?
Why would you wanna take our love and tear it all apart, now ?
Why would you wanna make the very first scar ?"
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"Ladies and gentlemen will you please stand ?
With every guitar string scar on my hand
I take this magnetic force of a man
to be my lover
Look in my eyes they will tell you the truth
The girl in my story has always been you
I'd go down with the Titanic, it's true,
For you."
I wanted to add some 'The Originals' ships but I'm only on season 2 so I'll do a second part when I'll end the series.
Also I had 3 songs in mind for Klaroline it was hard to choose just one lol.
And the song I chose for Bonnie and Enzo was so crystal clear in my mind, when I listen to 'lover' I immediately think about them.
Feel free to tell me what you think !
PS : This post was inspired by a tiktok from @itsariedit who used the song "The way I loved you" for a delena edit and I thought it would be funny to pick a song for each ship of TVD
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