#shawn mendes x muslim!reader
shawnsassymendes · 5 years
Jealous of Aladdin
a/n: i would like to start by thanking @shawncxlvins for helping me brainstorm this idea and for helping me with writing it. and @getalittlebit-nervous for helping out as well. i know this is catered to a small percentage of shawn’s fans here on tumblr but i feel like we all deserve to be represented. this is an arab!reader and im not including religion cuz we all know it gets complicated there. i will be using some arabic though but translation will included. i only know my experiences and my culture so please be kind. dl;dr
synopsis: shawn gets jealous of reader’s costar on the set of aladdin.
wc: 6.5k
{Masterlist in Bio}
You thanked Shawn quietly when he opened the car door for you. Shawn was accompanying you to set today because you were slightly sick. He had come with you once or twice before but he always left early. He cleared his schedule completely to take care of you today.
You trudged onto the set of Aladdin with your hood up and your bag almost dragging behind you on the ground. The most graceful Princess Jasmine there ever was. The first person who came up to you was Naomi Scott, who played your handmaiden in the movie.
“y/n, what’s wrong?” She asked, putting her hand to your forehead.
“She’s got a stomach bug. Refused to stay home. Maybe you can convince her.” Shawn explained as he took the bag you were carrying off your shoulder.
“I’m fine. Besides we’re not filming many scenes with me this week. It’s mostly Mena and Will.” You mumbled.
“I mean, she’s kinda right?” Naomi winced.
“You’re useless.” Shawn scoffed jokingly.
“We’re being let go early today. She’s already here anyways.” Naomi defended herself.
“Mhm, whatever. Michael’s looking for you guys.” Shawn rolled his eyes and pointed to the man in question. “Hey, Will.” Shawn nodded towards Will Smith who was standing nearby. Never in a million years did Shawn think he would be on a first name basis with Will Smith, but there he was.
You and Naomi walked over to the costume designer where Mena was. You said hello to both of them and took the glittery purple vest Michael gave you to try on. Then Shawn saw you start laughing with Mena about something. That’s when things took a turn.
Michael’s station wasn’t too far away from Shawn, so he could hear you and Mena talking. But he understood none of it. 
You and Mena are both Arab. Granted, from different parts of the Middle East, but Arab nonetheless. Shawn hated the fact that you and Mena could connect in a way he never could with you. He winced when he thought of the only word he knew described his feelings. Jealousy. Shawn was jealous of Mena and he hated himself for it.
Will saw the wince and he knew what was going on in Shawn’s mind. “You ok, man?”
“What? Oh, uh yeah I’m fine. Just making sure y/n’s ok. With uh Mena over there.” Shawn motioned to where you were.
“I know them talking arabic together gets annoying at times, but you get used to it. At first whenever they laughed, I thought they were laughing at me.” Will laughed.
Shawn chuckled politely in response, even though he wasn’t really in the mood for jokes. “I just- I don’t know, man. I feel like I can’t compare to him.” Another wince graced Shawn’s features “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. I don’t know why that came out.” Will Smith did not need to know about his insecurities in his relationship.
“Nah man, it’s alright. Talk to me. What’s going on?” Will put a hand on his shoulder reassuringly. That was all Shawn needed to open the floodgates.
“I wish I could be like that for her. She got so excited when she knew Mena was cast. She told me it’s because she could finally have someone who could understand. And I want to be that for her. I want to be able to give her everything she needs. But I can’t do what he does.”
“Shawn, of course you can’t do what he does. What he’s doing for her comes from a background. A culture. A whole different type of living. It’s not something you can provide and will never be something you can provide. But that’s not a bad thing. It’s impossible to be able to give your significant other everything they need. It doesn’t make you a bad partner. What makes a good partner is being there for them when they need you. Sometimes, it’s not you who they need. You understand, son?”
“Yeah, I guess I do.” Shawn shrugged, still not fully convinced. Will could see that his words wouldn’t be able to get to Shawn, but your words might.
“You just need to talk to her. Clear things up between you two.” Will gave Shawn a pat on the shoulder.
“I know. But it’s not the right time. She’s so busy nowadays. Being a Disney princess is harder than it looks.” Shawn chuckled.
Their conversation was cut short by you, Mena, and Naomi coming back towards them.
“Momken meyah, y/n?” Mena asked you with big puppy eyes. You groaned in response.
“Go get your own damn water, boy. Can’t you see she’s sick.” Will snapped at him. Mena’s eyes went wide again as he nodded and ran off to get himself some water.
“I thought you said you get used to it. You never said anything about learning it.” Shawn whispered to Will.
“Is that what I said? Must have been a slip of the tongue.”
You and Naomi were filming a scene in the princess’s bedroom today. You always loved scenes with Naomi because she managed to make you laugh in every scene.
Whenever you looked over to find Shawn, you would see him talking to Mena. They were laughing way too much. At first you were glad they were finally getting along, but now it worried you.
When Guy Ritchie finally yelled cut and let you guys go for 15 minutes, you stalked over to where the two boys were. When they saw you coming towards them, they immediately stopped talking.
“You guys know it’s rude to gossip about someone when they can see you, right?” You raised an eyebrow at them.
“Gossiping? I have no clue what you mean by that.” Mena gasped.
“Yeah, y/n. We were just talking about a mutual friend of ours. I don’t think you know her.” Shawn said, stifling a giggle.
“Oh please do tell, what’s she like?” You said as you took a seat between them on the bench.
“She’s quite shy, I would say.” Shawn started.
“Until you get to know her, obviously. Then she kinda lets loose. Gets a little crazy, if you ask me.” Mena added.
“Very clumsy, too. The other say she tripped over thin air. Remember, Mena?” Shawn laughed and looked over at your costar who let out a howl of laughter.
“I did not! I swear there was a wire. It was the same color as the floor, I just didn’t see it.” You exclaimed.
“And that scene yesterday. When she was supposed jump off the roof.” Mena's laughter made him struggle to get the words out. “She landed face first between the two buildings.”
The scene that was filmed yesterday was of Aladdin and Jasmine as they ran from the guards in the outdoor market place. At one point you were supposed to jump from one roof to the next and end up standing upright next to Mena. You ended up falling face first between the two buildings. Everyone found it incredibly funny. When you filmed the scene again, they asked you to land in Mena’s lap. 
“I’m not going to sit here and be bullied. Excuse me, but I’m going to my trailer.” You huffed and got up to start your walk to the trailer.
“y/n! We were just kidding, come on! Don’t be a baby.” Mena called after you.
“No. I can’t forgive you two. You’ve broken my heart.” You yelled back dramatically, you turned to face them as you kept walking in the direction of your trailer with a hand held to your heart to feign sadness.
When you got out of the bathroom in your trailer, you saw Shawn sitting on your couch scrolling through his phone. You walked over and sat next to him.
“I’m glad you and Mena are getting along.” You smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek.
“He’s not so bad when you get to know him.” He smiled and pulled you onto his lap. You were wearing a dress so it rid up to your thighs in the process. You felt Shawn get hard against you within seconds. Shawn pressed a kiss to your jaw and trailed down the side of your neck. “Even taught me a few words.”
“Oh yeah, like what?”
“Habibti, he said it means my love.” Shawn reached your collarbone and went back up to your lips.
“It’s adorable when you say it.”
He pouted and furrowed his brows. “I was hoping it would be more than adorable.”
“Maybe if you could say it right.” You giggled as you sealed your lips around a spot on his neck and began forming a bruise, immediately shutting down any sort of response he had in mind. “What else did he teach you?”
“Albi. He didn’t tell me what that one meant.”
“It means my heart, it’s a term of endearment. But where I’m from, we say qalbi or galbi. Depends on who you’re talking to.” You explained, trying not to go into detail too much.
“But don’t you both speak arabic? Why is it different?”
“Oh, you know. Dialects and all that. It’s kind of like accents. But some dialects have their own words and stuff. It’s very complicated.”
At that moment, the door to your trailer burst open and Mena jumped inside. He was greeted with the scene of your bare legs wrapped around Shawn’s waist. “y/n, homa me7tagenna- Oh my god! I did not need to see that!” He exclaimed at the sight of you on Shawn’s lap. He jumped back out and shut the door behind him.
“He said they need us.” You turned to Shawn as you heard Mena grumbling outside. “We can take care of this tonight, though.” You smiled innocently, grinding down on his crotch.
“You bet your ass we are.” Shawn smirked.
“But seriously, Shawn. I want you to apologize to Mena.” 
"What? What for?” 
“You know what for. He talked to me the other day. He asked me if you hated him.” You ran your hands through his hair to keep Shawn’s eyes on you.
“And what did you say?”
“I said it’s best if you guys talk about it alone. So please go work things out with him. He really wanted to be friends with you. And you’re giving him a lot of mixed signals.” You gave Shawn a pointed look so he understood you were serious.
Shawn groaned and rolled his eyes. “Fine.”
Another day came where Shawn would come with you to set. The days were coming to an end though. You had merely one week left of filming until the movie would go into post production. Every time you remembered, you would get emotional.
A while ago, you had asked Guy how the musical numbers were to be filmed. You had never been in a movie with such a large production scale, so you wanted to know how to prepare for it. After a while of discussing, you and Guy agreed to do your singing scenes live. Mena had said that he was better off lip syncing his prerecorded songs and you respected his choice. It would be hard and exhausting but the payoff would be amazing. Today, you were filming the ‘Speechless’ scene.
You had been nervous all week long, needing Shawn to calm you down every 20 minutes. He kept reassuring you that you were going to be great, but your anxiety kept getting the best of you. 
You had filmed the scene 3 times so far and you kept asking Guy to do it again. You just felt like this wasn’t your best.
“Guy, please. Just one last time, I feel like I can do so much better.” You pleaded.
Guy took a deep breath and looked at you for a moment before giving you a small nod. “Alright, one last time. Then we’re taking lunch.”
Just as you were beginning the scene again, Shawn began approaching Mena. They were far enough from where the scene was being filmed that they didn’t need to whisper but they could still see and hear you.
Shawn cleared his throat to make his presence known to Mena. “Hey, Mena.”
“Oh, hey Shawn. She’s killing it out there, isn’t she?” Mena motioned to where you were with a nod of his head.
“Yeah, she is. She’s been so worried, but I knew she would be amazing.” Shawn smiled at the thought of how hard you’ve worked for this scene and how it’s paying off. “But uh that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about.” Shawn turned to Mena to give him his full attention.
“Alright, what’s going on?” Mena knew what this was leading to, but he wanted Shawn to approach the subject in a way that was comfortable to him.
“Listen Mena, I know I haven’t been the friendliest to you and I’m sorry. I felt kind of threatened I guess, because you and y/n connected in way that I never can with her. I always wanted to be everything she needed but I know that I can’t really be that. And I’m glad she has someone like you who can understand her.” 
“It’s all good, Shawn. I understand where you’re coming from and I can’t blame you.” Mena nodded.
“It’s really not all that great. I was childish and immature and I really hope you can forgive me.”
“Consider yourself forgiven, then.” Mena gave Shawn a smile. “Hug it out?” 
“Sure, why not?” Shawn chuckled. 
Your musical number was coming to an end at the same time as their conversation was. 
“y/n! That was amazing! I knew you had it in you!” Guy exclaimed as he jumped off his chair to hug you. “That was it. It’s the one. I’m so proud of you!”
“I told you I just needed one more take.” You grinned. You looked around the set to find Shawn only to see him and Mena laughing among themselves. This movie was definitely wrapping up nicely.
The initial movie release was set to be in Paris. You had been counting down the days and it had finally arrived. It honestly felt like a dream come true. 
You would be walking the ‘purple’ carpet with Shawn but you would pose for pictures with Mena as well. You were wearing a white shirt that somewhat resembled sportswear with a large white skirt. Mena was decked out in a Givenchy suit and Shawn was wearing a classic black tux by Armani. 
You walked the length of the carpet with Shawn, stopping every once in a while for the cameras. Shawn obviously knew what he was doing, but you weren’t the most familiar with these types of events, this movie only being your second big acting gig. Shawn knew that and he tried his best to make you feel comfortable. 
You reached the last part of the carpet and saw Mena. “Mena! Hey!” You smiled as he ran up to hug you. “How are you?” You asked as you straightened out his collar.
“I’m so excited! You?” He smiled, his excitement was obvious to you before he even mentioned it.
“I’m good, a little nervous. It’s the first showing. Can’t help it really.” You shrugged.
“They’re going to love it. And you look amazing, by the way. White totally suits you.” Mena winked. “Maybe I’ll see you in a different kind of white dress soon.” He said casually as he turned to smile at the cameras. He put his arm around your waist and pulled you closer.
“Shut up.” You laughed. “We haven’t talked about getting married. I don’t know if he even wants to get married, let alone to me.”
“Enti ‘3abiya wala eh? Of course he wants to get married! Have you heard any of his songs? And there’s no doubt that you’re the one he wants to get married to.” 
“Don’t call me stupid.” You grumbled. “Did he tell you that?” You asked, surprised Shawn would bring up that topic with Mena.
“No, but I have eyes.”
“Alright, if you think so. A3zmik 3al 3rs, la t5af.” You patted him on the shoulder.
His eyes went big as he grinned. “Really? You would have me at your wedding?”
“Of course, you’re a close friend, Mena. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Aww, y/n I’m gonna cry.” He sniffled, bringing his hand up to wipe away his fake tears.
“If you cry, I’m gonna cry.” 
Mena leaned up and placed a kiss on your forehead. “Come on, no crying. We gotta finish this carpet first.”
“I can’t stand you, Mena. All because of a white dress.” You rolled your eyes and continued walking the carpet with him.
Shawn was taking pictures with Will Smith and his family when you reached him. “You ready to go inside? I asked them to get some salt popcorn and chocolate ready for you, so you can do the thing you like.”
Mena looked at you and raised his eyebrows. He was standing behind Shawn so he pointed at him and gave you a thumbs up. You scoffed and waved him away.
“Shukran, 7ubi.” You smiled at Shawn and gave him a peck on the cheek. 
“That means thank you, my love.” Mena supplied Shawn with the translation. Shawn’s face turned a light pink after he noticed Mena was listening. He turned to face him and gave him a tight lipped smile in thanks. Then Mena’s face lit up and he leaned up and whispered something in Shawn’s ear. Shawn smiled and nodded in return. 
“Mn iyuni ilthntain.” Shawn said, struggling with the pronunciation.
You and Mena burst out laughing. Shawn’s cheeks turned red as he got flustered. “What did I just say?” He groaned.
“You said ‘from both of my eyes’. It’s like saying your welcome. But it’s the way you said it. You can’t say 3yuni.” Mena chuckled.
“I was trying!” Shawn exclaimed.
“It’s alright, my love. I know what you meant.”
You were getting ready for your first interview after the release of the movie when you heard your phone go off in the bedroom. And it didn’t go off just once. Someone was sending text after text and you only knew one person who did that.
“Shawn, can you answer Mena please?” You rolled your eyes as you adjusted your earring.
“Sure.” Shawn unlocked your phone to see what Mena was sending.
mena mas3oud: 
y/n e7na yalla 2btadena hat2a5arena (we started come on you’re gonna make us late)
ya 7maraaa (you donkeyyy/ass)
enti fein???? (where are you???)
bahazar ma2btadenash bas ana downstairs (I lied we didn’t start but I’m downstairs)
bl3arabeya (in the car)
hamawetek (I’m gonna kill you)
“y/n, its the number thing I don’t understand any of this.” Shawn said as he scrolled through the texts. “Wait, I know he called you a donkey. And he wrote downstairs, so I’m guessing that’s where he is.”
Your face scrunched up in confusion. “He’s downstairs?” You walked out of the bathroom towards Shawn on the bed. You weren’t needed downstairs for another half hour.
“I thought I was taking you to the interview?” He asked. 
You took the phone out of his hand and read Mena’s texts. “I thought so too?” You pressed the voice note button as you began looking around your room for your shoes. “Mena, why are you downstairs? It doesn’t start until an hour from now. And Shawn was gonna take me anyways. He wanted ina ikun m3ay for il-interview.”
You found your heels and put your phone on the desk that was near the door. “I told him that you wanted to be with me for the interview.” You said before Shawn would ask you to translate. You were strapping your heels on when you heard a notification. Shawn played the voice note Mena sent.
“Tell him to come with. The more the merrier. 27na fi nafs il hotel anyways. 3arabeya 27san mn 3arabeyetein.”
“What does the not english part mean?” 
You were inspecting your make up in the mirror as you explained. “It means we’re in the same hotel anyways, might as well go together. One car is better than two, so two birds one stone.”
“Ah, ok. You ready to go?” Shawn asked as he put your phone in your clutch.
"Yup, just need my bag.” Shawn handed you the clutch he was holding and opened the door for you. “Thank you.” You chuckled.
“After you, Princess.” 
The elevator opened up to the lobby where you saw Mena sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone. “I thought you said you were waiting in the car?” You asked as you came to stand in front of him.
“Uh, about that.” Mena gave you a sheepish smile.
You tsked at him and rolled your eyes. “Ilkazab fein broo7?” You asked, trying to mimic his Egyptian accent.
“Oh, shut it.” Mena groaned. “I needed you to come down quickly, I don’t wanna be late.”
“What did you say to him?” Shawn asked as you walked out of the lobby.
“It’s this thing people say. Where does the liar go? The response is hell. It’s not as serious as it sounds, I promise.” You chuckled.
The car ride was pretty short because the hotel booked for you was close to everywhere important for press, including interview destinations.
This interviewer wanted to interview you and Mena separately. So you waited with Shawn as Mena was interviewed. The interviewer didn’t take long with Mena, so you hoped he would do the same with you.
You sat down in the chair opposite the man who introduced himself as Turner Bernstein. 
“Alright, we’ll get right into it then, shall we?” He smiled as he straightened out the papers he had in hand.
“Of course, it’s what I’m here for, isn’t it?” You smiled. He asked you some basic questions about the audition, the experience on set, the wardrobe, and everything in between. 
“So you and Mena, was there a connection?” Turner asked.
“Yes, from the first time we met each other. He is just wonderful and a dream to work with. And an amazing actor, just watching him in his element was an honor.” You smiled and looked over at Mena.
“Was there any connection off screen?” You realized where Turner was taking this and you hoped you could safely steer it into the other direction.
“We are such great friends. And Mena and Shawn, my boyfriend, get along great together as well.” You hoped he understood to step off the Mena questions, but he either didn’t get the hint or chose to ignore it.
“And you’re both of Arab background, isn’t that correct?” 
“Uh yeah, it was nice working on set with someone who can understand me. Even with the difference in dialect and specific traditions and cultures, we still connected over our shared backgrounds.”
“There was no alone time spent together? Just the two of you? You know what I mean.” Turner snickered.
“I’m not sure what you mean by that.” You knew exactly what he meant by that, but no way in hell were you going to give that man what he wanted.
“And what about the kiss you shared at the Paris premiere?”
“The what we shared?” Turner motioned to the small screen beside you that showcased a picture of Mena kissing your forehead. “Oh, that kiss. Forehead kisses are a sign of respect in our culture. Maybe respect isn’t as important to you as it is to us. It doesn’t seem to be.”  
Even with all the hints you were dropping, he seemed to not want to move on from the subject.
You were trying to stare at Mena hard enough that he would feel someone watching him, but he didn’t seem to notice.
Shawn saw you staring and knew that something wasn’t right. “Hey Mena, is it just me or is y/n staring a hole into your face?”
“Huh?” Mena looked up from his phone to see your distressed face. “Let me go see whats going on. I’ll be back in a sec.”
“No, I’ll go.” 
You saw Shawn approaching and you let out a sigh of relief. “Shawn, I was just talking about you.” Shawn grabbed a chair and pulled it up next to you.
“Uh, this is an individual interview with y/n l/n, Mr. Mendes.” Turner began to stutter.
“Oh don’t worry, I won’t interfere. Go on with the interview, I’ll just be here.” Shawn smiled pleasantly at the interviewer, but his eyes were as threatening as ever.
Turner didn’t bring up Mena for the rest of the interview.
You were glad beyond words when the interview came to an end. You didn’t bother giving Turner a second glance as you walked away to the couch Mena was sitting on.
“What was going on over there?” Mena asked as soon as you and Shawn sat down.
“That creep was being incredibly rude. Kept insinuating that you and I were a thing. Even asked if I cheated on Shawn with you!” Your face was heating up and you were sure your cheeks were bright red. Shawn took a hold of your hand and gently squeezed, telling you to calm down.
“He said that?” Mena was getting mad too, understandably so.
“Not like that, just indirectly. Asked if we had any ‘alone time together’. Asshole.” You scoffed. “Whatever, it’s over now. I need some air. I’ll meet you in the car in 10.” You got up and walked to the stairs to go outside for a bit.
“Is she gonna be alright?” Mena asked Shawn.
“She’ll be fine. Just needs some air, like she said.” Shawn nodded,
“Shawn, you know y/n and I would never-” Shawn didn’t even let Mena finish.
“What? Of course I do, Mena. You’re my friend. I trust you. I would never even think that. I’m just worried about her. She hates being accused of something she’d never do.” Shawn looked out the window to see you pacing the grass in front lawn of the building.
“Yeah, she got really heated up about that. I’m going to talk to that Turner guy. Maybe Sam can talk to his management.” Mena said as he got up.
“You would do that?” Shawn asked.
“I’d do anything for her. And you, for that matter.” Mena smiled. 
Shawn grinned. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Should I be regretting the fact that I said that?”
“Mm, maybe.”
You and Mena were settling into your seats for another interview. It had been a week since your interview with the creepy Turner guy and you were finally over it. All other interviewers since then have been warned and have been respectful.
This interviewer was one you had met before when you were working on your last film, which was also your first. You greeted Mikaela, the interviewer, with a hug before you sat down.
“It’s nice to see you again, y/n. Good to see you’ve been moving on to bigger and better things. I mean, Disney is huge! So proud of you for that.” She sent a warm smile your way.
“Thank you, I know. It’s insane. I literally went into the casting call for fun. I had told my agent that they were obviously not going to cast me, but here we are!” You giggled and sent Mena a warm smile. “Princess Jasmine and Aladdin.”
“What was your first interaction with Mena like?” Mikaela began, all business no chit chat.
You and Mena argued for a minute, both claiming your story was when you two first met even though they were two different instances.
Mikaela went on to ask the usual questions you’ve been asked in these interviews. How you felt when you got the call, what it’s like to work with Mena and Will, the basics.
“And was Aladdin your favorite Disney movie growing up?”
“I think I speak for the both of us when I say it definitely was. It was one of the rare few western movies that represented us and our culture growing up.” Mena said, placing a hand on yours.
“Oh yes, definitely. Princess Jasmine was always a favorite.” You agreed with your costar.
“And Mena, your natural hair is obviously not like it was in the movie. Did you want to straighten your hair for the movie?”
“I didn’t mind. But Mindy, the hairstylist, asked if we could chemically straighten it and I just agreed not knowing what that was. So when I took a shower afterwards and found my hair still straight I freaked out. It was the only way to go by it without straightening it every day though, because Middle Eastern hair is very stubborn.” Mena chuckled.
“I can definitely attest to that.” You laughed along with him.
“The Whole New World sequence was definitely long awaited, wouldn’t you say? How was filming that?”
“So fun. Actually, we got stuck while filming, remember Mena?” You laughed, turning to Mena.
“Yeah, we did! So the carpet in real life was a green board with a small bit of carpet attached to the front. And you’re strapped in because it’s attached to a crane thing that swooshes you around. The crane got stuck and we were stuck up there for like half an hour.” Mena explained, hands very much involved in the conversation as they were moving around nonstop.
“And they strap you in weird, like you’re kneeling. So it wasn’t the most comfortable position to be stuck in for that long. But we couldn’t stop laughing the entire time.”
“And how excited were you to recreate the rest of the songs?” Mikaela smiled.
“Incredibly so. At first I thought I was going to just lip sync the song because I thought they would never in a million years let me sing it. But they did, and it was insane! My agent actually sent the casting directors a recording of me and my boyfriend singing ‘A Whole New World’. Like I said, I didn’t think I would be cast so I didn’t think much of it. So when they asked me to go with Mena to a recording studio, I was shocked.” You explained, motioning to Mena when you mentioned him.
“Pfft, she says boyfriend like her boyfriend isn’t The Shawn Mendes.” Mena rolled his eyes.
You immediately blushed at the mention of Shawn’s name. “I forget sometimes. He’s not The Shawn Mendes to me. He’s just my Shawn.” You looked behind Mikaela to see Shawn smirking at you and you smiled in response. He mouthed ‘I love you’ from across the room and you felt your ears turn scarlet and rolled your eyes at him.
Mikaela smiled at your small interaction with Shawn. “Yes, I was going to touch on that. How was Shawn with all of this? Did he come with you to set with you? How was it?” 
“Shawn is always so incredibly supportive. He was almost always on set with me towards the end of filming. He helped me practice my lines and my songs. He’s just the best. Him and Mena hit it off really great, too.” You grinned.
“Did he mind the kissing scenes? Because Jasmine and Aladdin kiss twice in the movie. Was he around for those days on set?”
“I honestly don’t remember if he was there on those days. Was he?” You turned to ask Mena.
“I think he was. Wasn’t that the same day we shot the scene were you fell between the buildings?” Mena asked through his chuckles.
You rolled your eyes as you remembered. “Yeah, I remember now. He was there, but no he didn’t mind. I mean, it’s my job and he understands that. Shawn himself had to kiss someone for a music video once. We both work in the entertainment business, so we both understand when it comes to our jobs.”
“And you mentioned a recording of you and him singing ‘A Whole New World’. Have you been dabbling in music?” Mikaela smiled, knowing your answer.
In the last interview she gave you, you and her talked about you venturing into the music industry.
“I have, I have. Shawn’s been so great with letting me tag along to studio visits and writing sessions. It’s been amazing to learn from him and his team. I’ve written a few songs and recorded some. But I don’t know if they’ll ever go out or anything like that.” You shrugged.
Mena put a hand up and shook his head at you. “They will, and if they don’t I will leak them. y/n is an amazing singer, trust me. The world needs to know what she has to offer. Her performances in Aladdin weren’t even scratching the surface of her talent.”
“You’ve heard the songs?” Mikaela asked.
“Yes, and they’re amazing. y/n is a very talented musician and she’s going to be big.” Mena explained, making you blush even more.
“Oh stop it, you’re making me blush.” You said, causing all three of you to laugh.
“And the duet you and Shawn recorded, would you ever be willing to the post that?” Mikaela asked, bringing up the cover of ‘A Whole New World’ you mentioned earlier.
“I don’t know, we’ll see.”
When the interview was over, you were pulled to the side by Shawn. “Hey there. You listened?” You asked, placing your hands on his chest.
“Mhm, I hated the part about the carpet.” Shawn mumbled. “We never got to get on it ourselves, just you and me.” 
You pouted and put your hand up to his face. “I know, baby. You know they said we couldn’t get on the crane again. I wish we could have. I really wanted to go on a magic carpet ride with you.” You smirked, hoping to elicit a laugh from your boyfriend and succeeding. 
“We’re gonna do it, though.” He said, very much determined.
“Oh, yeah? How so?” 
“Do you trust me?” Shawn laughed, quoting Mena as Aladdin.
“Oh, shut up.” You laughed, making sure to watch out for what Shawn had up his sleeve.
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@shawnmendes: cover of a whole new world with princess jasmine herself 💜i’m so glad i can call you mine @y/n.l/n
@shawn-mendes-muffins: when is y/n going to be on an album shawn!!!
@menamassoud: couple goals ❤️
@naomigscott: even better than @menamassoud imo 😉
          @menamassound: @naomigscott i’m choosing to ignore your opinion    
@princess.y/n.fans: my fav song from the movie 😍
@y/n.l/n: i love you with all my heart ❤️
          @shawnmendes: @y/n.l/n habibti 😘
You stumbled around God knows where with Shawn leading the way. You itched under the blindfold Shawn refused to leave without putting on you. 
“Don’t take it off!” Shawn scolded.
“I’m won’t, I won’t. Shawn, where the hell are we?” You giggled.
“You’ll see. Just a little more. Come on, this way.” Shawn dropped your hand from his and your heard him opening a large door.
You heard Shawn flip a switch and large industrial type lights could be heard as they turned on. A very familiar sound to you.
“Shawn?” Your arms flailed around you as you tried to get his hand back in yours.
“Yes, y/n?” You could hear the smirk in Shawn’s voice as he replied.
“Are we- are we on a set?” Your arms were still stuck straight out, looking for him.
“Mhm.” You felt him wrap you up in his arms from behind.
“Why?” You leaned back and nuzzled into his forearm.
“Take off your blindfold.” You immediately took off the scratchy material and let your eyes adjust to the light.
When your eyes finally took in what was in front of you, you were confused. There was a fake sandy cliff set up in the middle of a desert like set. On the cliff was a familiar piece from the Aladdin set. You walked forward to look closer.
“Is that the magic carpet? Shawn, what’s going on?” You turned to see Shawn holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers, the rosiest blush dusting his cheeks.
The speakers starting playing the starting notes of ‘A Whole New World’ and you realized what was going on.
The day you and Mena were filming the carpet scene was when Shawn began showing his dislike for Mena. You guys ended up being stuck on the green board that would later be turned into the magic carpet. The crane that was holding up the green board malfunctioned. You and Mena were stuck there for a short amount of time. But it was enough for Shawn to get into his head.
"I told you, I want to take you on a magic carpet ride.” Shawn shrugged, taking your hand and leading you to the small cliff. The steps carved into the back of the cliff were sprinkled with rose petals and strategically placed candles.
You sat gingerly on the carpet where Shawn had set up a picnic of chocolate covered strawberries and small baked goods. “This is too much, my love.”
“Everything in the world wouldn’t be to much if it’s for you, princess.”
“How did you get all this done?” You asked, your curiosity getting the best of you.
“Someone said they’d do anything for me. I took them up on that offer.” Shawn smiled and looked up to the control room across the set.
In the control room was Mena, he grinned incredibly wide and sent you a thumbs up. He dimmed the lights and made the backdrop behind you move so it looked like you were flying.
Laughter bubbled up your throat at how cliche everything was. “You find this funny?”
“A little. But in a good way. I love it, Shawn. Thank you.” You picked up a strawberry and leaned over to give it to Shawn. “Ugh, the cliche is killing me here.” 
Suddenly, you heard the shutter of a camera beneath the cliff. You peered over and saw Josiah smirking at you. 
“Is that Josiah? Shawn, you’re taking out all the stops here.” You chuckled.
Shawn opened the basket and shuffled through the items to find something. “You haven’t seen everything yet.” From the basket he produced the hat Prince Ali wore in the musical number by the same name and Jasmine’s blue headpiece. “I can’t take you on a magic carpet ride without being the prince himself, you know that.”
“Oh of course, I’m sorry.” You chuckled. You took the head piece from Shawn and placed it on your head. Shawn leaned over and fixed the blue plastic jewel’s position on your forehead. He leaned back and grinned to himself. “Shawn this is ridiculous.”
“Hey, let me live out this fantasy. I just wanna have some strawberries with my princess. On a magic carpet." 
“And the have most ridiculous photos ever taken of us?” You said, looking over to see Josiah still clicking away at his camera. You made a face at him and heard him laugh quietly, probably at the picture he got of it.
thankyou for reading, my loves. i hope you appreciate the hard work i put into this. so much of my soul is in this piece and it has the most special place in my heart. i hope it means as much as it does to me to you. idk if thats grammatically correct but whatever. as always, feedback means the world to me. maybe send me your favorite line from the fic?
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gentlemanmendes · 6 years
A/n: I just thought it would be cool to write something about Ramadan and maybe give others an insigt of what it’s about. 
Warning: Shawn x Muslim read, mentions of starving and not eating so might be a trigger to some. Also not proof read
“I can’t.” Was y/n’s simple response when Shawn had suggested they go and get lunch before he had to begin the meet and greet as well as sound check.
Not being able to contain his frustration anymore Shawn let’s out a heavy sigh as he allowed his face to contour as he frowned to himself.
Over the past week he had noticed that y/n hadn’t been eating and he wanted to know why. Instead of joining them for breakfast every morning she would choose to stay in bed, when Shawn brought her a coffee she hadn’t touched it, at lunch y/n would find any excuse to skip out on that as well and the only time he would notice her eating was dinner. Was y/n going through something emotional? Did she not like the way she looked and thought she needed to loose weight? Shawn thought he had done everything in his power to make sure y/n knew just how beautiful she is but now he was beginning to second guess himself.
“I’m going back to the hotel.” Y/n informed ashamed as she gathered the few belongings she had brought along with her. “I have some work I need to do but I’ll see you tonight.”  She stepped up to him giving him a peck on the lips as she hoisted her bag up on her shoulder. Shawn knew that this was just an excuse to be left alone making it easier for y/n to starve herself but he didn’t know how to handle the situation. If he said something wrong he could risk only making matters worse which was the last thing he wanted. He wanted y/n to trust him and come to him when things were wrong, he didn’t want to probe her into telling him.
“That was a great show as always!” Y/n praised as Shawn ran off of the stage.
“Thanks.” He smile sheepishly as he walked side by side with his girlfriend backstage.
“Now can we please go get something to eat? I’m starving!” Y/n laughed as she rubbed fast circles on her tummy causing Shawn to frown to himself. However he didn’t question it glad that his girlfriend wanted to eat. Maybe it had been a small phase and she was now over it.
“Yeah is the hotel restaurant okay? I’m not really in the mood to go out.” Shawn admitted causing y/n to nod in agreement.
Another few days had passed and Shawn had realised that y/n’s habits hadn’t changed. She would go all day without food and then when dinner time came around she would eat a small amount.
She didn’t seem to realise that Shawn had picked up on her bad habit and continued to play it off coolly.
“I’m going to get some lunch, does anyone want me to bring them anything?” Geoff offers as he gets up from the couch and makes his way to the door. Shawn agrees but y/n shakes her head in dismiss, no surprise to Shawn. As soon as Geoff has left shawn realised that this had gone on for way too long and it was time that he did something about it.
Watching y/n search through her bag attempting to look for something Shawn takes this as he chance.
“You know you are beautiful just the way you are.” Her actions stop at Shawn’s words she couldn’t help but give a sheepish grin as attempted to hide her face behind her hair. It still surprised her that Shawn’s sweet nothings still had such an affect on her after all this time.
He always complimented and praised her and each time it managed to bring butterflies to her stomach. Shawn had a way of constantly making y/n feel confident and beautiful, she wasn’t sure if it was the confidence that radiated from him that affected her or of it was his compliments but she didn’t care, all she knew was that she loved the feeling.
“And you don’t have to change a thing about yourself.” Being too consumed in her own thoughts y/n hadn’t realised that Shawn had made his way towards her until his arms were wrapped around her waist holding her against him causing her to let out a giggle in surprise.
“I know. I don’t want to change anything abut myself anyway. I’m me and that good enough.” Y/n added as she stared up at Shawn giving him a reassuring smile.
“Then why the hell won’t you eat?” Shawn huffed in irritation, y/n’s contradicting words frustrating him. Frowning slightly to herself, y/n  stepped out of shawn grip confused by his sudden change in mood. “Do you honestly think I haven’t noticed y/n? It’s kind of obvious.” He began letting out his frustration. “You don’t eat at all during the day and then at dinner you only eat a little.”
Shawn realised that letting his temper get the best of him wasn’t a good idea and attempted to compose himself before continuing.
“Y/n there are better ways to loose weight, healthier and more lasting ways. You don’t need to starve yourself. Please think of the people that care about you and how this might affect them.” Shawn’s words were spoken softly as he attempted to show y/n just how harmful her actions could be.
For a moment y/n stayed silent her frown still in place but as she began to put it all together she couldn’t help but burst out into a fit of laughter. This only confused Shawn completely, making him feel like somewhat of an idiot. Had he missed something? What was so funny that had made y/n burst out into a fit of laughter.
“Shawn, I’m not starving myself. I’m sorry I thought you already knew.” Y/n continued to laugh only confusing Shawn more.
“Knew what?”
“It’s the month of Ramadan.” Y/n shrugged off like it was common sense. However Shawn’s deepening frown til her he was only left more clueless by her statement.
Sighing she made her way to the edge of the bed and gestured for Shawn to come and sit next to her which he did.
“So you know how I’m Muslim,” y/n began causing Shawn to nod. He had always been respectful of y/n’s religious beliefs which was a comfort to her. Having not been with a Muslim guy had brought up some conflict with her family but Shawn’s respect was enough to calm her parents a little. “ well we follow the Luna calendar and in the ninth month we have our holy month of Ramadan. It was the month the Quran was sent to the prophet Muhammed. So for a whole month from dawn until sunset we can’t  eat, drink, smoke, or have sex. We also need to take this chance to focus on bettering ourselves as people as in no lying, fighting, cursing, and practising more religion like reflecting on the Quran and bettering ourselves as human beings.” Y/n began to explain watching as realisation washed over Shawn’s confused features. “The reason why, it’s because fasting is said to redirect the heart away from worldly activities, think of it as a cleanse for the soul. It also teaches us more self-discipline, self-control, sacrifice, and empathy for the less fortunate who have to go through this on a daily basis.” Y/n continued watching as the spark of curiosity lit up on Shawn’s face.
He paused for a moment taking in what she had said as he nodded to himself in agreement.
“Well now I kind of feel stupid.” Shawn admitted sheepishly causing y/n to laugh.
“Don’t feel stupid, I should have told you sooner. I just thought you already knew.” She shrugged to herself.
“Well why are you only eating a little at dinner? You should be eating more then what you’ve been eating.” Shawn noted causing y/n to shrug to herself.
“I guess my stomach shrunk.” She admitted only now realising that she hadn’t been eating as much as she probably should have.
“Well it’s not healthy! From now on I’m picking out your dinner and making sure you get enough food in you.” Shawn declared causing y/n to let out a sigh.
“Great I’m going to be the first person in history who manages to put on weight in Ramadan.” She sarcastically sighed causing Shawn to grin to himself.
He tsked teasingly causing y/n to frown.
“Your supposed to be bettering yourself as a human being, no sarcasm for you missy.” Shawn noted causing y/n to roll her eyes.
“Good to see your learning fast.” Y/n added rhetorically.
“Shit, I told Geoff to get you a sandwich anyway. Now I’m going to have to eat it.” Shawn noted causing y/n to laugh.
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