#shawn mended fluff
mendesblurb · 6 months
We were staying in Paris
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Shawn Mendes x female reader
Warning ⚠️: mostly fluff, maybe grammar error and maybe some punctuation errors
Word count:~500
A/N: The story idea and concept are classic and predictable; your girl just couldn’t help but write something inspired by this picture. Also, it’s three weeks late; better late than never? And this is my first story in 2024? 🙈 P.S. Should I write a longer and maybe some more steamy story with this picture? 🤪
In the heart of Paris, in a hotel room with a balcony overlooking the city that served as the backdrop for a love story as it was unfolding in the early hours of dawn. You lay nestled in the warmth of the bed beside your boyfriend as your fingers intertwined with his. As the first tendrils of sunlight filtered through the curtains, Shawn stirred awake, his eyes blinking open to the soft glow of morning. 
He savoured the moment's stillness a little while before gently extricating himself from the embrace, slipping out of bed, and heading to the bathroom. The cool floor beneath his bare feet offers a refreshing contrast to the warmth of the bed. He was going to return to bed, but instead, he made his way to the balcony, drawn by the promise of a tranquil morning amidst the bustling city below.
As he leaned against the railing, taking in the breathtaking view before him, he couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the Parisian skyline bathed in the soft hues of dawn. The Eiffel Tower stood tall and majestic in the distance, a precious sight. Lost in thought, he reached for a cigarette, the flame casting a flickering glow on his face as he took a contemplative drag.
Unbeknownst to him, you had stirred awake in his absence, your gaze lingering on the spot where he had once laid.
There you were, quietly making your way to the balcony, and you found him lost in reverie with the smoke curling around him like a halo in the morning light. With a soft throat clearing, you announced your presence, a playful glint dancing in your eyes.
"Good morning, stranger," You greeted, voice laced with amusement as you wrapped your arms around him from behind.
A little startled, he turned to find you standing before him, a radiant smile lighting up her features as he leaned in for a kiss.
"Good morning, ma chÃrie," He greeted back before discarding his cigarette and nestling closer. It didn’t take long for his eyes to linger around you, and eventually falling upon the shirt you were wearing, a mischievous twinkle lighting up his gaze, “I believe that’s my shirt.” 
"Oh yeah, I hope you don't mind," You began, fingers tracing the fabric of the shirt, "I may have borrowed this from you,” You continued slyly as your lips curled into a grin as he took in the sight of you wearing his shirt, the fabric draping over your frame in a way that seemed almost too perfect.
"Shirt stealer," he remarked, his voice tinged with sincerity as he reached out to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
Moments later, as the sun continued its ascent, casting a golden glow over the city, you both remained on the balcony, lost in each other's embrace and the beauty of the Parisian sunrise. 
"By the way, I'm never returning this shirt,” You added, breaking the silence with a mischievous grin. 
In response, Shawn just chuckled, his eyes sparkling with affection, “Thank you for letting me know," he replied, pulling  you closer than before, “But It looks better on you anyway."
Thank you for reading guys... feel free to like, reblog, follow my account, leave a comment and my chat is always open for random chats or requests... appreciate every single one of you... ❤️
Taglist (open) : @monikamendes @holland-styles @bvttercupbby @lonelyreputation @badreputationlove @shawn-is-my-giant-jellybean @benito-mi-vida @swiftmendeshoran @yournameoneverypage @shawn-is-bruh @mendesbhraanth @perfectlywrongformendes @imaginashawnn @smendes-forever @nervousmendes @whenyoureadyholland @shawn-youth @myboyshawn @camilalewiss @camilalewisss @theregoesmyherojd @nanijaac1 @shawnieeboyy @silverswallow @inlovewithmendes-blog @mendeslola-blog @mendesx123 @23kofmendes @jellyloml @chipofmendes @poohofmendes @wutheringmendes @shawnmendesbuddy @chocochipcookie305 @shiningshawns
Story Code:05042409
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iamgonnagetyouback · 4 days
HEYYY BAE HOW ARE YOU soo i got request about Shawn Mendes and like it like him in an interview saying how most of his lyrics is about reader or memory with her and they are dating AND THANK YOUU
♡ ︎ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: The way Shawn talked about you in his interview made your heart flutter.
♡ ︎ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: None
♡ ︎ꜱʜɪᴘ: Shawn Mendes x Reader
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You sat on the couch with a cozy blanket wrapped around you, sipping a cup of tea as the familiar face of your boyfriend appeared on the TV screen. The interviewer smiled brightly, introducing Shawn and his latest album, and you couldn't help but feel a swell of pride in your chest. He had been working so hard, pouring his heart and soul into every song, and now the world was about to hear his story.
"And, of course, we have to talk about these lyrics," the interviewer began, pulling out a card with a smirk. "Fans have been speculating—who is the muse behind the songs? Especially the one that goes, 'I'm a couple hundred miles from Japan, and I was thinking I could fly to your hotel tonight.'"
You knew that song. Your heart raced as you remembered the day Shawn had written it. He had been on tour, far away, missing you like crazy. He'd called you late at night, voice soft and full of longing as he spoke about how much he wanted to be with you, no matter the distance. And now here it was, out in the world for everyone to hear.
Shawn chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck, a telltale sign he was about to get shy. "Yeah, that one’s… well, it’s about my girlfriend," he admitted, his cheeks slightly pink. "A lot of my songs are, actually."
You felt your heart do a little flip. Hearing him say that on national television was surreal.
The interviewer leaned forward, intrigued. "So, most of your lyrics are about her?"
"Yeah," Shawn nodded with a soft smile, his eyes lighting up as he thought about you. "She's... she's incredible. I mean, we’ve been together for a while now, and every time I’m with her, it’s just..." He paused, his voice lowering as if he was only speaking to you. "Every night I’m with her, I fall more in love. You know? Like in the song—‘Now I’m laying by your side, everything feels right since you came along.’”
Your breath caught in your throat. You weren’t expecting him to quote those lyrics on air, let alone say it with such raw emotion.
The interviewer smiled, clearly touched by Shawn’s sincerity. "That's beautiful, Shawn. Fans are going to be so jealous of her."
Shawn laughed, but his gaze softened. "I’m the lucky one. She makes everything better. And, you know, sometimes when I'm far away—like on tour in Japan or wherever—I'm just thinking about how I can get back to her as soon as possible."
You felt tears prick the corners of your eyes. The love he was describing, the way he spoke about you with such reverence, made your heart swell.
Back on the screen, the interview wrapped up, and Shawn waved to the camera before they cut to commercial. As soon as the show ended, your phone buzzed with a text.
Shawn: Did you watch it? You: I did. You’re so cheesy. Shawn: Only for you ;)
You smiled, typing quickly.
You: It was perfect. You were perfect. I miss you. Shawn: Miss you more. I’ll be home soon. Promise.
You curled back into the couch, heart warm and full. Shawn had a way of making you feel like the center of his universe, whether he was a couple hundred miles away or right there by your side. And knowing that so many of the lyrics that touched millions of hearts were about you? It was a feeling you’d never get used to—but you cherished every second of it.
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thank you so much for the request!! ps. i am doing great
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riptidewaters · 1 month
(Harry Potter x fem! Reader! (NAMED)
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Charlotte scribbled random lyrics on the parchment she had gotten, the quite of the library comforted her,
‘Ladies and gentlemen will you please stand?
With every guitar string scar on my hand,
I take this magnetic force of a man to be my,
She hummed slightly, making up her own tune, ‘Charlotte!’ Her head shot up, looking at her friend, ‘You coming? We have transfiguration in 10.’ Nodding and getting up hastily, Charlotte gathered her things, not noticing the parchment she had been writing on, had been left behind.
‘Sod off Ron.’ Harry said, declining him having a crush on Ginny, he entered the library and shot a slight smile to the librarian. He walked towards a desk and sat down taking his books and parchment out of his book bag and placing them in front of him, when he noticed a piece of slightly yellowed parchment innocently sitting on the desk, pulling the piece of paper towards him and glanced at the hastily scribbled writing on the paper, smiling and reading the lyrics he jotted down his own, adding the words under the previously written verse,
‘Look in my eyes, They will tell you the truth,
The girl in my story will always be you,
I’d go down with the titanic it’s true,
For you…..Lover’
He smiled to himself, leaving the parchment where he found it, not knowing who the original writer was but feeling a strange connection to them.
Charlotte came back to the library later, realizing she’d left her lyrics behind. She was surprised to find someone had added to them, and the new lines felt like they were meant just for her. Her friends, noticing her excitement, started teasing her.
“Looks like you’ve got a secret admirer!” one of them joked.
“Your perfect match, writing love songs for you,” another chimed in.
Blushing, but intrigued, Charlotte decided to add another verse, leaving the parchment on the desk again.
The next day, Harry returned to the library, surprised but pleased to find the parchment still there. And now, there was more:
Harry’s heart raced as he added his own lines beneath hers.
Feeling bold, he grabbed another piece of parchment and wrote:
“Are you real, or am I just dreaming? Leave me another verse, and maybe one day we’ll meet. – Your Songmate”
He left the two parchments together on the desk, hoping whoever wrote the first part would respond.
Days passed, and Charlotte and Harry continued their secret exchange through the parchment, each adding verses and little notes, never revealing their identities. Charlotte found herself thinking more and more about her mystery songmate, while Harry couldn’t stop wondering who the girl behind the lyrics was. His friends started noticing how lost in thought he’d become.
“Harry, what’s got you smiling like that all the time?” Ron asked, nudging him.
“Yeah, you’ve been really happy lately,” Hermione added, her brow furrowed.
But Harry just shrugged them off, keeping his secret.
One day, Harry was walking through the corridor when he spotted a notebook lying on the floor. He picked it up, and when he opened it, his breath caught. The handwriting was the same as the one on the parchment—the same lyrics that had been keeping him up at night.
Just then, Charlotte came hurrying down the hall, eyes wide as she saw him holding her notebook.
“Thank you, Harry,” she said, a little breathless as she took it from him.
He watched her walk away, his mind spinning. Now he knew—his mystery girl, the one he’d been writing songs with, was Charlotte.
After that, Harry couldn't help but watch Charlotte a little more closely, noticing the way she hummed to herself, or how her eyes lit up when she was deep in thought. He still hadn’t told her he knew, but there was something comforting about knowing that the girl who had captured his heart through music was right there, within reach.
Charlotte’s heart was racing as she walked away from Harry in the hallway. She could feel his eyes on her, and a part of her wanted to turn around, to see if he knew. But she couldn’t. Not yet.
Over the next few days, the song exchanges stopped. Harry couldn’t bring himself to add anything new, not when he already knew the truth. Charlotte noticed the silence, and it started to gnaw at her. Had her mystery songmate lost interest? Or had she been too late to figure out who he was?
She was about to give up when one day, she found another piece of parchment tucked into her Transfiguration book. It wasn’t the usual lyrics they’d been sharing. This one was different.
*Harry's Note:*
“I think it’s time we met.
Tonight by the lake, after everyone’s gone to bed.
If you’re real, if you’re the one I’ve been writing with,
I’ll be there, waiting.
– H”
Charlotte stared at the note, her heart pounding. She knew who “H” was, of course. But did he really know it was her? She folded the parchment and tucked it into her robe, her mind made up. She’d go. She had to know.
That night, Charlotte slipped out of the castle, her heart hammering with each step toward the lake. The moon was high, casting a silver glow over the water. She saw him then, standing by the edge, his back to her. Harry.
For a moment, she hesitated, her nerves threatening to get the best of her. But then she remembered the words they’d shared, the connection that had grown between them, and she knew she had to go through with this.
“Harry,” she called out softly.
He turned, and their eyes met. For a second, neither of them moved, the air thick with everything unsaid. Then Harry smiled, that familiar, lopsided grin that made her feel like everything would be okay.
“So it’s you,” he said, stepping closer. “I had a feeling it might be.”
Charlotte let out a shaky laugh. “You’re not disappointed, are you?”
“Disappointed?” Harry shook his head, taking her hands in his. “Not even close. You’re the one I’ve been writing with, the one who’s been in my head, in my heart, all this time.”
“I can’t believe it was you,” Charlotte whispered, feeling the warmth of his hands. “I thought I was just dreaming.”
“Me too,” Harry said, his voice soft. “But this is real. We’re real.”
For a moment, they just stood there, hands intertwined, the night wrapping around them like a blanket. It felt like they were the only two people in the world.
Then, almost without thinking, Charlotte started to sing the last verse of the song they’d been writing together.
And you'll save all your
dirtiest jokes for me
And at every table, I'll save you
a seat, lover (Save you a seat)
Harry smiled, his voice joining hers as they sang the final lines together.
“Can I go where you go?
(Can I go where you go, baby?)
Can we always be this
close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take
me home (Forever and ever)
You're my, my, my, my
Oh, you're my, my, my, my
Darling, you're my, my, my, my lover”
As the last note hung in the air, Harry leaned in, pressing his forehead against hers. “This is just the beginning,” he whispered, his breath warm against her skin.
Charlotte smiled, closing her eyes. “Yeah. It is.”
And so, what started as scribbles on a forgotten piece of parchment became something more—a song that brought two hearts together, a story that was only just beginning. For Charlotte and Harry, the song would always be theirs, a reminder of the night they found each other, and the love that had been there all along.
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harrywavycurly · 2 months
I’m sad WWS is over I need to hear Harry’s convo with Shawn like the whole thing Sarah please I know he was mean🤤🙃🫠
Hiii lovey!! I’m sad it’s over as well but you can always come into my inbox and check in on them and see how they’re doing! I will happily give you Harry’s phone call with Shawn😂💖
-find all things Where We Started here✨
A/N: Harry has to let Shawn know to leave you alone but poor Shawn doesn’t even know what he’s talking about, enjoy Harry being mean but not too mean ✨
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“Hello?” “Hello Shawn…” “Uh…hey…Harry what’s…up?” “I’m going to get right down to it…I know you and I have some mutual friends one of them being Niall and the other being my….my bestfriend.” “Yeah…yeah we have some friends in common-” “I know she asked you about a marriage pact when you’re fifty and if you’re both single you two will get married and-” “a marriage pact? I wasn’t asked to marry her-” “Don’t interrupt Shawn it’s rude…now just know you won’t be marrying her when you’re fifty or really at any age because if you so much as try to even date her…well you’ll have to deal with me and I know I’m all about treating people with kindness but for you I’ll make an exception…so if I were you..I wouldn’t even flirt with her a little too hard around me and before you try to say you don’t flirt with her please don’t try to take me for an idiot because I’ve seen you two together…so just maybe stick to being her friend and you’ll be fine…understand?” “Uh…I think…I think so yeah?…but Harry I really don’t have a marriage pact or anything with her…and as for the flirting I mean…we’re just friendly that’s it.” “God I really can’t stand you…I just said don’t try to deny it didn’t I? And here you are denying it? I get it…I understand why you flirt with her she’s easy to be flirty and fun with…but just know it ends now okay? No more…because I don’t want to make her upset and if I see you flirting or trying to get closer to her than a normal friendship…well I’ll do something that will very much make her upset.” “Like what?…Harry are you threatening me?” “No…not at all why would I have to threaten you?” “Because you think I’m going to make a move on your bestfriend?” “Well tell me Shawn…are you going to make a move on her?” “No.” “Then no…I’m not threatening you…but this was a lovely chat…hope we don’t have to have another one.” “Yeah…great talking to you Harry…same…hope you don’t have to call me like this again.” “That’ll be up to you now won’t it?…but bye Shawn see you at Niall’s little party next month.” “Bye Harry…”
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evnovaa · 27 days
- Meet Evnovaa. ⭐
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" my actions only matter in the present ion care bout' the past "
☆ hey! my name is nova and i'm your new fav writer <3
☆ i'm a black writer & i literally write whatever peaks my interest and what i be fucking with the most!!!!!!
☆ expect mainly fluff & angst ;)
☆ i'll be writing about: matt & chris sturniolo, duke dennis, shawn mendes, vinnie hacker, playboi carti, ken carson, dominic fike, rich amiri, destroy lonely, autumn wick, + a few kpop idols ;)
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   .
౨ৎ feel free to req!
౨ৎ do not expect smut anytime soon lmao.
౨ৎ everyone is welcome to read, but some stories will be from a poc pov!
౨ৎ lastly, enjoy stars!!!!
🎧 works
coming soon ⭐
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   .
ps. reqs are open!
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cashmeremars · 1 year
𝐚 𝐜𝐮𝐩 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐞... 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 || 𝐬.𝐦
pairing: shawn mendes x reader
summary: shawn stumbles upon a coffee shop while on tour and becomes infatuated with the waitress
word count: 1.7k+
a/n: this has been in my drafts for so long... but i promise you’re in for a surprise... 
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The heat of Amsterdam was relentless as Shawn continued to roam the unfamiliar streets of the city. Crossing bridges and tripping over loose rubble, Shawn sighed as his eyes scanned the stores lining the streets, hoping to find a place to settle down before heading back to his tour bus. He watched as a bicycle rider rode past him before slowing down and stopping at what seemed to be a cafe. He adjusted his jacket before reaching for his phone and checking the time. He had around 2 hours before he was expected to be back on the tour bus. Shawn smiled to himself as he followed the path the bicycle rider had just taken to get to the cafe down the street. 
As Shawn approached the front door of the cafe, he snapped a quick picture of the shop name just in case he needed to send his location to his manager. A mellow bell rang throughout the cafe as he pushed the door open. The smell of cinnamon and warm coffee danced through the air as he inhaled. The cafe was quaint, with landscape paintings lining the walls. Jazz music whispered under the sound of clanking dishes. 
Shawn sighed as he sat himself down at a booth nearest to the corner of the cafe, to ensure that no potential fans could spot him. The cafe was quite empty, as it was 2 pm on a weekday. A stained menu on the side of the table caught his eye. He reached over with a sigh, grabbing the corners of the menu to avoid touching the brown stains. A frown etched itself on his forehead as he flipped through the menu, the words splattering the page were close enough to English to follow along, but not enough to fully comprehend. Dutch, Shawn whispered to himself. He was in Amsterdam after all.
Shawn dropped the menu, opting to fiddle with the slightly tattered fabric of the booth, watching silhouettes walk past the cafe window. He closed his eyes, bopping his head along to the music flooding the cafe. 
“Are you new here?” A voice intruded Shawn’s entrancement.
“Uh, yeah,” Shawn spoke. He felt his breath constrict as he made eye contact with you. He’d truly never seen anyone as beautiful. “How could you tell?” Shawn spoke with a soft smile. He felt his heartbeat begin to pick up. 
“I’ve never seen you around here before, and you also looked a little clueless,” You point out with a laugh. 
“Oh, uh, sorry. I’m just here on tour. I’m a singer,” Shawn explains. 
“That’s cool,” you reply, raising your eyebrows. 
“Yeah. Grammy-nominated,” Shawn stammered. You nod, and his face flushed as he acknowledged his failed attempt at boasting. 
“Right,” you smile before pulling out a notepad and pen from your waist apron, “So, what would you like to order?” you say after a beat of silence. 
“Right. Right, of course.” Shawn stammered, “I don’t really know what’s good here, and I can’t really read the menu,” He says, scratching the back of his neck. 
“Ahh. I’m assuming you want me to tell you?” you question. 
“If that’s what you want, then sure. Tell me what’s good here.” Shawn spoke as he leaned forward on the table, leaning his head on his hand. He watched as you twirled the pen between your fingers. You were mesmerizing to him. You had an aura that was carefree yet so captivating. 
“What do you like?” you ask, quirking an eyebrow. 
“Something sweet,” Shawn spoke, “like you,” he continued with a speck of confidence.
“Oh. I see.” You hesitate to laugh. 
“Sorry, was that a bit much?” He asked as his confidence crumbled. 
“Yeah, it was a little cheesy,” You reply, tapping the notepad with your pen. 
“Right.” Shawn’s could feel the blood rushing to his cheeks. 
“You still want something sweet?” You asked. He perked up as he sensed remnants of a flirty subtext.  “On the menu, I mean.” You clarify, now just as flustered as Shawn was just a moment ago. 
“Yeah for sure. Maybe a brownie?” he fumbled with the menu once more, hoping that he’d ordered something that was an actual option. 
“Anything else?” You ask keeping your eyes on the notepad as you scribble Shawn’s order. 
“A cup of coffee,” Shawn took a deep breath in, “And your number?” he exhaled, squinting slightly to gauge your reaction. Your pen halts as your eyes pan to his. 
“Uh, coming right up.” You tilt your head before making your way back to the counter.  
Shawn sighed deeply once you were out of sight. He hadn’t realized that he wasn’t breathing properly until you’d left, leaving him to stew in his own embarrassment. He’d never behaved so awkwardly in his life, and yet you didn’t seem to mind in the slightest. He could’ve chalked it up to your food service hospitality, but he sensed a glint of something unfamiliar in your eyes. She was charmed, he thought to himself.  
“Your order, sir.” You carefully place the coffee in front of Shawn before positioning the brownie a bit off to the side. The smell of fresh cocoa from the brownie melted his senses as he eyed the careful foam art floating on top of his coffee. He’d definitely have to visit again. 
“Shawn,” he said, “Mendes. Shawn Mendes.” He continued, placing his hand on his chest briefly. He watched her carefully in hopes that she’d recognized his name. 
“Already skipping the formalities?” You say as you wipe your hands on your apron. 
“Sure are.” He replies, “You don’t have a name tag?” He asked, eyeing the spot on your shirt where your name tag should be. 
“Yeah,” You took a quick look down at your uniform and shrugged, “It keeps me mysterious,” You continued. 
“Mysterious. That’s cool.” Shawn nods once, pursing his lips.  
“Very,” you reply, glancing around the cafe briefly. 
“Do I get to know your name?” Shawn said as you began to walk away. 
“But then what would happen to the mystery?” You quipped before disappearing behind the counter once again. 
The soft music tangled with the saccharine aroma of the coffee. He closed his eyes, as he revelled in the serene atmosphere of the empty cafe. There were no fans to bombard him, and no cameras to observe him. Nobody to perform for, or to pretend for. Just him, a cup of coffee, a brownie, and a girl who made his heart spring. 
Shawn scrolled through his phone as he gradually made his way through the honeyed meal. He watched his DMs flood full of Instagram models and influencers, but none of them compared to the waitress whose name he didn’t even know. 
“Here’s your bill, Shawn.” You lay the piece of paper in front of Shawn’s empty cup, and crumb-filled plate. 
“Thank you.” He looks up with a smile that crinkles the corners of his eyes, “So, when can I get your number?” He asks. 
“It’ll be a surprise.” you shrug.
“So, are you always working here?” Shawn asks as you’re about to walk away once again. 
“I work on weekends if that’s what you’re asking” you reply, “Is there a reason why you need to know, Shawn?” you asked.
“Well, I’m only here this week for my concert, so-”
“You’re gonna try to woo me over during the short period of time you’re here?” You squint your eyes at him.
“Precisely,” He quipped.
“Well, you’re very persistent, Shawn.”
“I usually am.” Shawn knew that wasn’t true. Truthfully, he was always nervous whenever he had to speak to a girl he was fond of. He was already quite introverted as is, and speaking to you made him feel like he had frogs in his throat. 
“Charming. Well, we’ll see how your quest goes,” you laugh.
“When do you get off work?” he asked.
“Later tonight,” you said. 
“Then, I’ll be waiting right here.” Shawn folds his hands together, placing them on the table.
“Of course, you will, Prince Charming,” you raise your eyebrows in amusement as you lean over to collect the empty cup and plate.
“Does that make you my Cinderella?” he asked.
“I see the wooing has begun. Too bad I have to get back to my shift,” you turn, leaving him with the bill. 
Shawn grabbed his wallet from his back pocket, paying for the bill before texting his manager that he might be back a little later than expected.
“Excuse me? Are you Shawn?” A man with bulky glasses and a thick accent approached the table with a stone-cold expression. 
“Yes, I am.” Shawn’s back straightened instinctively as he felt himself start to tense.
“Well, I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” He gestures to the door and sends a single nod of his head in Shawn’s direction. 
“Pardon?” Shawn locks his phone, placing it on the table. 
“Well, it seems that your excessive flirting with one of our employees has made her quite uncomfortable, to say the least,” The man explains. Shawn looks down and notices the similarities between the man uniform and the waitress’s uniform. He also notices the name tag sitting neatly on the man’s black shirt. 
“What?” Shawn’s eyebrows furrow together. He was hoping that he’d misheard due to the man’s accent.
“You asked for her number, what days she worked, what time she gets off, and then said that you would stay until she was done working. I mean, that’s a bit much don’t you think, sir?” The man folded his arms as his face remained stoic. 
“I was just trying to-” Shawn hesitates to explain. He knew that he was awkward and nervous at times, but he didn’t expect that he could misread a situation so incorrectly. 
“It doesn’t matter what you were trying to do. It very clearly did not work,” The man said. His gaze bores into Shawn’s. The longer the man stared, the more Shawn felt his own composure falter. “Will you be leaving?” The man asked. Shawn snaps out of his fear-induced trance, scrambling for his phone as he shoves his wallet into his back pocket.
“Oh, sorry. Yeah, I’ll get going. Tell her I’m sorry about all of that.” Shawn’s hands flail wildly as he tries to explain while struggling to get out of his seat. 
“Thank you for visiting our coffee shop. You probably shouldn’t come back.” The man pats Shawn’s back as he escorts him out of the cafe. 
“Yeah, uh… yeah, thank you for the experience,” He mumbled. 
Shawn left the shop with a belly full of coffee, a half-eaten brownie, and the urge to throw it all up.
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fic recs
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shawnsturns · 10 months
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I sit on the bed in the guest room across from Shawn's room and his friends rooms down the corridor at 1am, watching TikTok on my phone. I have so much horny shit on my for you page of Shawn right now and not gonna lie it turns me kinda on.
I watch another 10 minutes and have enough of it. There are so many edits. I’m so horny now. I can’t help it. I don’t want to masturbate though I just wanna hear this sounds from a boy right now. And there I am, standing in front of Shawn’s door. I don‘t know why I’m even here. We’re only friends but I never was this horny in my life. I knock on the door, hoping he’s awake. I only here a „yeah?“ and open the door.
He watches up from his phone, into my eyes. He sits on the edge of the bed, phone in his hand and purple LED‘s on. I just stand in the door, looking at him.
„What do you want at 1am?“ he chuckled slightly. I go over to him, so I’m standing right in front of his face. He looks up at me, confused. „What are you-“ „stay still.“ I cut him off and go on my knees unbutton his pants. „doing..“ he ends his sentence after he realises what I’m going to do and slightly spreads his legs for me. Before he could say something, I shove his pants down and his boxers follow. Honestly his dick is bigger than I thought. He’s half-hard now, so I go up to his face, looking him in the eyes. With wide eyes he looks at me, still don’t know why I’m doing this. „I-uhm-“ he doesn’t know what he should say. I go to his neck, sucking on him.
He lets out a quiet gasp, turning me on a little more. I go to his earlobe, licking and sucking on it too. He slightly whimpers at that, cuts it off by clearing his throat. ‚okay, that’s what he likes’ I thought. I give his earlobe one last suck, then going down to his dick again, what is fully hard now.
I give it a small lick, making him gasp louder. Without warning, I take his whole length in my mouth, making him moan. „Fuck y/n..“ i go up again, putting my tongue in his slit. He whimpers and tugs his hand in my hair. I go down again, and he tightens the grip on my hair, making me groan slightly. I give him a few more sucks, hands on his thighs. He is moaning louder now, giving me the hint he’s close. „F-fu-uck, please. You’re so good at this” he tried not to let out a whimper during the sentence. He’s so close now, pre-cum already all over my tongue.
I swallow it, making my throat tighten, and he groans at that. He moves his hips up, trying to put more of him in my mouth even if I already have his whole length in my throat. “Fuck! I’m gonna-“ he cuts himself off. I go off of his dick “you gonna what? Tell me.” He looks down at me. He looks so good in this angle oh god. “I-I can’t.“ he has a red face, embarrassed to say it. I stroke him with my hand slowly, making him throw his head back and whimper. „You’re not gonna cum until you say it.“
„Shit. I- I’m gonna - cum. I’m gonna cum for you.“ he finally says. „good boy.” I tell him before I put my mouth around him again. He moans a little louder that he should at this. His roommates are at home but I think he doesn’t care at all right now. He moaned a few more times, god I can hear this sounds all the time. “mmmhh that feels good..” “I’m gonna cum.. oh my god” he gasps. I go down again, and he shoots his load in my mouth, making me moan because of his taste. Oh, the flavour of him tastes so fucking good. He whines moans and gasps when he comes. I love his sounds. I slowly go off of his dick, making him whine one more time. I stand up and go to his face. Without warning I smash my lips into his. He’s shocked at first but then kisses me back.
I put my tongue in when he slightly opens his mouth. He moans when I put my tongue deeper in his mouth. I moan back, then break the kiss. He then opens his eyes and looks at me a little embarrassed. „Like the taste of you?“ I smirk at him and he nods slightly. „I'm gonna go back to my room, good night“ I say and smile at him. „Goodnight“ he said and smiled back. I go out of his room, back into the guest room. God, how I loved the sounds he made. We’re still friends and I don‘t know what will happen in the morning, if it will be embarrassing, but I don’t care right now. We will see.
this is so bad my apologies honestly i cannot write fanfics
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lesbewriting · 7 months
[ Shawn Mendes x GN!Reader ] [928 words]
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SUMMARY: After a rough day, Shawn manages to comfort you and make you feel better.
WARNINGS: hint of angst, but mostly fluff
A-N: Already edited two of my old mcyt fics I deleted. This one, then a sapnap one. Also, again, this is based on a personal experience of mine.
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The curtains remained closed over the large window, stopping the sunlight from seeping into the room. You had closed them to make it appear as dark as possible inside with your only light source coming from a small candle on the night-stand. You were currently lying bundled up underneath the doona covers of your bed. 
H/c locks of hair spread out atop the pillow that your head currently rests on, and your phone neatly settled in your hand, switched on as you stared at it sadly. You felt like shit if you were being completely honest, with tear-filled eyes and slight red tinted cheeks. 
The constant feeling of jealousy rested in the pit of your stomach as you scrolled through instagram, photos of your old best-friend filling up the brightened phone screen as she stood with her new friends and boyfriend, each with a large smile on their faces.
Why did life have to be so difficult? How could it be so cruel? Making you regret every shitty decision you'd made in the past. It was simply a routine for you now, where at least every few or so weeks you'd find yourself crying your heart out at the constant reminder of your friend. At the horrible reminder that you hardly talked anymore to each other.
A sob escaped your mouth, not bothering to cover it with your hand. Your boyfriend was out, he wasn't home at the moment. 
You didn't want to burden him with your problems, especially if he was too focussed on his music without having to worry about you. Instead, you kept it to yourself and allowed the sad emotions to wash over when you were in private, when you were home alone.
It could have been at least one or two hours later with you just lying there in the same position, bawling. You couldn't really tell how long it'd been, though. 
That you had eventually not heard the quiet footsteps of Shawn heading towards the bedroom, nor could you hear the sound of the door opening as he walked inside. His eyes briefly glanced around the medium-sized room until they finally landed on your figure, where your soft sobs and small sniffles could be heard. 
"Y/n? Are you ok?" Shawn asked, the feeling of worry already managing to appear onto his features as he shut the door behind him. He felt like his heart cracked a little at hearing you cry, as he hated when he saw you do it. All he wanted was to be able to make you a little happier. 
"Y-yes?" Your voice felt a tad too hoarse, and it stuttered a bit from how much you'd been crying today. 
You didn't trust yourself to say anything else, as to not let anymore of the sadness you felt become even more evident to him. So biting your lip to suppress more sobs, then shaking your head briefly, you turned onto your side, facing away from Shawn and setting your phone down upon the bedside table. 
You were tired of looking at the exact same images that swarmed your instagram feed. It only ever made you sadder every time. 
Shawn, noticing you didn't want to talk much, carefully ran a hand through this short brown hair and carefully moved himself closer to the bed where you resided. He gently kicked off the shoes he had on and situated himself nearest to where you lay on your side. 
He wanted to pull you into a hug. He wanted to distract you from whatever was making you feel like this. He just wanted you to be happy and your usual self. The man felt himself slip underneath the covers now, turned to face your back, wrapped his strong arms around you, and tugged you gently back into his chest. 
You were surprised at first by this sudden action but eventually managed to relax into his warm and comforting embrace. Turning around in his arms, you buried your head into Shawn's chest. Your eyes felt puffy and red from crying as you let a few more tears slip down onto your cheeks and slightly dampened the cotton of your boyfriend's shirt. 
"A-are you ok?" Shawn hesitated at first before asking again. His hand came to run through the soft and gentle tresses of your hair, with a worried feeling still swimming in those eyes you always managed to get lost in somehow. He wanted you to be ok, but he knew right now you were far from it.
You shook your head, burying your head further into Shawn's hard chest, as his arms wrapped a little tighter around you as if to tell you everything was going to be ok. You could feel his gaze locked onto your smaller figure, as you still struggled to stop the tears from falling down your face at every thought of your old friend. 
How you weren't entirely sure if everything would be fine. You did know, however, that as long as Shawn was in your life, and he was willingly ready to comfort you, then you would be perfectly okay. At least you hoped you would.
And with those last lingering thoughts, you felt yourself distracted once again, as you managed to comfortably fall into a peaceful slumber, surrounded by the warmth of your boyfriend's familiar embrace.
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yournameoneverypage · 2 years
Aw, Nuts
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NSFW 18+ / Minors, please DNI…
Word Count: ~4.8k
Notes: I had fun with this one, until I didn't, and then again when I did. 😜 Some angst, smut, and some fluff. Didn’t stick to the request exactly. Let’s be honest, no sexy time for three months? None at all? Come on, it’s Shawn. 😝 I haven’t written present tense for awhile, so please forgive any mistakes you might see... Might be a bit before I get to another request. I’ve been neglecting my OC series, so I’m going to try to finish the next part of that before I sift through my asks again. As always, likes are wonderful, but reblogs are better, and comments are cherished. 💕
* ❤️ *
You scrutinize yourself in your full length mirror.
You’re wearing a blush colored, lace bodycon dress and the most comfortable of the cutest heels you own for a night out with your boyfriend.
You screw your face and huff, “Am I not attractive? Am I not sexy?”
“Of course you are, darling,” your best friend, JJ, hums distractedly.
“You would fuck me if you were straight, wouldn’t you?”
“In a heartbeat, Sweetie,” he mumbles.
You glance over your shoulder. The other occupant of your apartment is sideways in the plush armchair in the corner of your bedroom, his eyes not on you, but his phone screen.
His inattention further frustrates you. “Bitch, enough with the damn phone. I’m in the middle of a crisis here! I need your attention more than whatever sugar daddy you’re flirting with on Grindr.” You stomp across the room and yank his phone from his hands.
“What the hell?!” He snatches his phone back but wisely shoves it in his pocket and sits up properly. “All right. You have my undivided attention. What’s the goddamn crisis?”
JJ raises an eyebrow. “Shawn?”
You pout. “We’ve been dating for three months and we still haven’t had sex.”
“Wait, what??” JJ thought you were keeping your sex life private for Shawn’s sake, being who he is; he hadn’t ever thought there might not be a sex life to talk about.
“What am I doing wrong? What’s wrong with me?”
“Nothing. He is wild about you. He looks at you like you hung the moon, and the stars.”
“Well then, what the hell?” you grumble.
“You’re not usually shy in taking what you want. Direct the outcome.”
“You think I haven’t tried? You do know that my boyfriend is one of the hottest men in the world, right?”
“Well aware, thank you,” JJ snickers. “Are you getting any kind of action? Come on, spill.”
“We have really hot makeout sessions.”
“Yes, I’ve seen the marks left behind,” he mutters.
“He loves my tits.”
“You do have phenomenal tits.”
‘We’ve gotten really good at second base… But when I try to stick my hand down his pants, he puts the brakes on.”
“I think the better question is, what’s wrong with him?”
You give JJ a little shove, by his face, and chuckle softly before you sigh again. “I miss sex. I really, really like sex.”
“For fuck’s sake, just tell him to dick you down already.”
That’s the moment you hear a knock on your apartment door. Shawn has already charmed the entirety of the front desk staff; they don’t even call you anymore for consent to let him upstairs.
You swing open the door and Shawn’s eyes brighten. “Baby,” he murmurs, his smile even more brilliant.
He draws you to him to give you an enthusiastic kiss hello. You can’t help but react; this boy is your kryptonite.
When you ease away from each other his eyes caress you from head to toe. Deliberately. He rumbles, “You look gorgeous.”
“So do you,” you breathe, cheeks pink, despite your frustration with him.
He’s wearing navy, low-rise, straight-leg pants that hug his ass in the most perfect way, his Bode, white lace, long-sleeve shirt you both love so much, and his go-to black Chelsea boots.
Your man is a fucking model. (No, really. Signed with Wilhemina and everything, with campaigns for Armani, Calvin Klein, and Tommy Hilfiger under his belt.) He is magnificently built, tall and broad, with skin reflecting his half-Portuguese heritage due to an abundance of vitamin D from the summer sun, and dark curls at the exact length you favor.
“I have half a mind to say fuck it and stay in tonight,” he smirks.
“Can we? I’d be all right with that.”
“But then I can’t show my girl off,” he grins. “I want people to turn their heads when we walk by and think to themselves, what a lucky bastard.”
Where normally his boasting and praise would light you up and have you floating on air, head held high, proud to be his girl, tonight it rubs you the wrong way.
Shawn offers you his arm and smiles. “Ready, baby?”
After your first few dates, you and Shawn had taken to sitting side by side at restaurants instead of across from each other, so his first inkling that something is off is when you choose the seat opposite the cushy side where you would usually sit together.
Despite his bemusement, he pulls your chair out for you like the gentleman he has always been.
The second indication is how you aren’t as engaging or flirtatious as usual. In truth, it’s the first time he has ever felt that he has dominated the conversation. There had always been an equal push and pull between you; it was what made all of your conversations so effervescent.
Worry begins to prickle beneath his skin.
Halfway through dinner he’s bothered enough to reach for your hand and draw you from your chair to sit beside him. You huff softly but still go willingly. You hate how you’re feeling upset with him at all.
He drapes his arm across the back of the bench behind you. It’s reassuring that you lean into him. After he leaves a trail of little kisses along your jawline he asks, “What’s going on in that beautiful mind of yours? We always sit together. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Everything is fine.” You try to smile genuinely, but all Shawn can see is disquiet in your eyes. You haven't ever been a good liar.
He catches the attention of your waitress and motions for the check.
“But we aren’t done with dinner,” you contend.
“Honey, you’ve barely touched your entree,” he gently argues, stroking the soft skin of your back with gentle fingertips.
You reach for his other hand and entwine your fingers with his. “I'm fine, babe. Let’s order dessert and have another glass of wine.”
He slides his Amex card into the check presenter and hands it back to the waitress. He kisses you once she walks away and murmurs against your lips, “Let’s go. This place is overrated anyway.”
The plan had been to go on to a speakeasy after dinner to meet some of your friends, have a few drinks, and listen to some live music. So, when you realize Shawn is taking you in the direction of his place instead, you feel terrible for ruining more than dinner.
“No, baby. Let’s just go on to the bar,” you insist. “Our friends are waiting.”
He places his hand on your thigh and draws shapes against your skin. He glances at you and smiles affectionately, even though now you can see the disquiet in his eyes.
“Another time. I’ve decided I want my girl all to myself tonight. They’ll forgive us.”
You love Shawn’s place, simply for the way it smells. It’s everything Shawn, with little nuances of you. You spend more time at his place than yours because there’s more privacy. He has no roommate to crash your movie nights or cuddle sessions like JJ too often does. It has begun to feel more like home than your own apartment.
You slip out of your heels and start toward Shawn’s room to steal one of his shirts so you can get out of your dress, but before you can go too far, Shawn reaches for your hand, causing you to pause and turn back to him.
He wastes no time in trying to fix whatever seems to be fracturing. He asks quietly, “Are you going to tell me what’s up?”
You return to him, slip your arms around him, and inhale his very essence. You fit perfectly in his arms and it’s the closest he’s felt to you all night.
You have only been together for three months; it's safe to say he may not yet know all of your moods. Maybe this is just another piece of you he has to learn.
You rise onto your tiptoes and brush your lips against his, encouraging him to kiss you. He gets caught up in you as quickly and as easily as he always does, his hands slipping into your hair, the pads of his thumbs stroking your face, as your kisses turn from soft to fervent.
Your hands reach for him, and fingers fumble to undo his pants.
You normally get much further than this before he stops you. But you still haven’t told him why you haven’t been yourself tonight and his brain takes over sooner than it usually would.
“Honey?” He pauses your hands and eases away, rezipping and refastening his pants, despite the fact that they’re too tight now and quite uncomfortable.
Your frustration finally boils over, and with an irritated sigh you push him away with hands against his chest. He stumbles one step back.
You immediately, apologetically rub your hands down the front of his shirt and then reach up to cup his face. He covers your hands with his and breathes your name, - an urge to help him understand.
“You tell me I’m beautiful all the time, and we make out until our lips are numb, and we get here, to this point, and so, so close to so much more, and just when I think, finally…”
You take two steps back, quickly wiping a tear from the corner of your eye, asking meekly, “Do you not want to have sex with me?”
“Oh my God,” Shawn gasps. It’s as if the floor opens beneath his feet and swallows him whole. “Sweetheart.” He feels like the biggest son of a bitch for making you cry, for making you doubt your appeal when, to him, you are the most beautiful woman in the world, or feel insecure in any way.
“Fuck,” he groans. “You can't imagine the things I've wanted to do to you since the first moment I laid my eyes on you.”
“I don’t understand,” you whisper.
“Come’ere.” He reaches out to take your hands again in his and draws you close. “I just… I wanted to take it slow.”
“This isn’t three dates or three weeks, Shawn, we’ve been together for three months.”
“Can- can I be honest?” he exhales shakily, cheeks pinking.
“Always. You know that.”
He gently squeezes your hands. “I wanted to take it slow… a- at first because… My God, honey, you’re perfect, and I like you, like, a lot, you know? Hell, I- I more than like you,” he confesses, blushing even darker. “And I didn’t want to fuck anything up before I had the chance to make you mine…
“I was afraid to move too fast, because I usually do, and then it always ends as quickly as it starts. And I want things to work out this time, more than I’ve ever wanted things to work out with anyone else.”
“Shawn,” you wheeze, easing your hands from his to run down his chest. You bite your lip to try to keep yourself from smiling like a fool.
“I know once we…” He rubs the back of his neck. “You know…”
Fuck, was he the most adorable thing ever sometimes. “Have sex?” you smirk.
His eyes meet yours and he licks and bites his lips in that way he does that makes you crazy. “Once I really get between your legs, I know I’ll never be able to get enough of you.”
“’cause you like me, like, a lot?” you grin, even as your face flames. “I like you, like, a lot, too, Shawn… And I don’t know, never leaving bed sounds pretty fucking amazing to me.” You tug on his hand, - a request to follow you to his room.
He stays firmly grounded. “Wait.”
You groan with a flare of new frustration. “You’re really trying my patience, babe.”
He has to close his eyes for his next admission and his face burns hot. “I’m having some… performance anxiety.”
You rise on your tiptoes and murmur against the shell of his ear as your hand brushes across the significant bulge at the front of his pants. “Sure doesn’t feel like it to me.”
“That’s not-” he hums, wetting his lips, “the problem.” He guides your hand back to where it had just been because he really wants it there.
You gently palm him through his pants. “Then what’s the problem, baby?”
“I haven’t had sex with- with anyone for awhile. Just- just my own hand. And when- when I…”
His stuttering is positively endearing.
“When you…?” you encourage, coyly. You know what he’s alluding to, but you want to hear him say it.
“I think about you when my hand is on my cock,” he murmurs, “dreamin’ it’s yours.”
Wetness immediately pools between your thighs thinking about how hot it would be to watch him get himself off.
“And I come embarrassingly fast. Like a damn twelve-year-old boy who just discovered his dick. So… when you try to put your hand in my pants…”
“What? Think I’ll be unimpressed with your size?” you tease. “It’s all about how you use it.”
“You’re impossible,” he laughs, pulling you against him and palming your ass like you had just been palming his crotch.
“I already know that is not going to be an issue,” you murmur, increasing the pressure of your stroke.
It's almost too much. “You gotta stop now, baby,” he groans, easing away from your caress. “I want to last more than seven seconds,” he puffs and nervously runs a hand through his hair. “And that- that’s what I worry about. I don’t want you to be… disappointed. And then I get… stuck in my fucking head.”
“Could never be disappointed, babe.” You cup his face and kiss him tenderly. “I wish you would’ve told me all of this sooner.”
“I'm an idiot,” he states. “I’m so sorry, Sweetheart. I wasn’t thinking about how my anxieties were affecting you, and I should have. I never meant to make you feel undesirable, or that I didn’t want to shove my cock in you every fucking chance I had. Shit, baby.”
“Aw, you say the most romantic things,” you intone amusingly.
He hooks his fingers beneath the straps of your dress, murmuring, “I want to make love with you…” He slides the straps off your shoulders. “…every second of every day. Is that better?” he hums.
“No, no, right now shoving your cock in me, - that works,” you say breathily,  again unbuttoning and unzipping his pants. He doesn’t stop you this time. You grip the open waistband to sharply tug him closer.
He exhales with a suppressed grunt that has you begging. “I’m fucking horny, Shawn. I need it,” you whine. “I need you.”
He has quickly located and unfastened every tie or zipper keeping your dress on your body. “Been dying to get you outta this dress all fucking night,” he groans, as it flutters to the floor.
His eyes caress the swells of your breasts almost spilling out of your strapless bra. Your nipples are visible through the sheer material. He cups your breasts and drags the pads of his thumbs over your taut peaks. “Fucking flawless,” he groans.
You begin to walk both of you towards the sofa while unbuttoning the only three buttons on his shirt and sliding it off his broad shoulders. The backs of his calves find your mark.
Before he can even catch up, you’ve pushed his pants over his hips and have gently shoved him down onto the sofa. You’re in his lap the next moment, straddling him, your lace-covered core pressing against his cotton-encased hardness.
“Shit,” he curses. His hands can’t decide if they want to be on your hips or your ass.
One of your hands curls around the back of his neck, the other tangles in his curls. You trail tiny kisses from his chin up along his jawline.
You start rocking your hips and touch the tip of your tongue to the lobe of his ear. “You feel good, baby,” you purr. 
His grip tightens on your hips and you hear a tiny rumble at the back of his throat. He places open-mouthed kisses along your collarbone and over the swells of your breasts.
Your hips roll and speed up. The friction is divine and you think you might come, just like this, but your own pleasure is second to Shawn’s. You want him to get out of his head; you don’t want him thinking at all, just feeling.
You start to grind your hips against his. “Oh God-” he exhales. You’re soaking the lace of your panties and you can feel how you’re making a mess of his boxer briefs as well, where his cockhead is straining.
It’s not how he wants things to go, but it feels too good. His protestations are weak.
You take his earlobe between your lips and gently suck and lick it. With the tip of your tongue, you trace the contours of his ear.
He grabs your ass and squeezes, trying to still your hips, as your lips return to his earlobe and gently nibble on it. “Baby- baby- stop stop stop-” he gasps, lips against your skin. “You’re gonna make me-”
His orgasm washes over him and he nuts with a shuddering groan as wetness coats the inside of his underwear. Like a twelve-year-old boy.
You release his ear and slow your hips, trying to edge yourself away from your own climax, while his cock continues to throb and jerk.
His hand grips the back of your head, forcing your lips to his. His tongue delves deep into your mouth. He grunts as your lips part. He tries to scowl but he can’t stop from laughing instead. “You did that on purpose.”
“Mhm,” you smirk. “Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, you’ll last longer next time.”
He has you under him on the sofa before you can do anything but squeal and laugh.
“You’re asking for it,” he laughs, deep and throaty, hurriedly, roughly dragging the already saturated lace of your panties over your hips, down, and off. “And for the record,” he smirks, gripping his half hard cock through his boxers. “I’m above average, and I know how to use it.”
You hook your finger in the waistband and start to draw it down. “Prove it.”
Shawn pushes his boxer briefs down, freeing his cock. You lick your lips, thinking just how badly you want to get your mouth on him.
It’s as if he can read your thoughts. “Nuh-uh. My turn.” Hovering over you, he brings his lips to your ear and growls, purrs, “I know how to use my tongue, too.”
The way he kisses is enough to confirm that, but knowing he is about to bury his face between your thighs sends a fresh wave of desire throughout your body, and makes your pussy throb.
Thank fuck for the size of his sofa, as he pushes your legs open.
You gasp and groan, your back arching, when he lowers and closes his mouth around your center.
You bite on your lower lip, hand immediately tangling in his hair, as you rock against his face. You moan, hips moving instinctively against him, “Shawn… hmm… yes, baby, yes...”
His tongue is on your clit, first and middle fingers dipping inside you. He quickly finds that magic sweet spot, crooks his fingers, and laves and flicks and sucks your button, and you’re levitating off the sofa.
It’s too much and also not enough. One hand is in his hair, tugging, the other is twisted in the sofa’s slipcover beside you. You try to close your legs, but can’t with his broadness in the way. “Shawnshawnshawn,” you wheeze. “OhGod-”
His fingers are soaked with your juices. He’s fully hard again from the scent of your arousal, the moans and groans he’s drawing from you, how you’re rippling against him, and the friction of his cock rubbing against the sofa.
He knows you’re close; his fingers slip from you and you whine, tightening your grip in his curls, but he wants to prolong your ascension and he needs to taste you again.
“Please,” you beg, breathlessly.
He licks away the wetness you’ve already released and then his tongue is where his fingers just were.
Everything about him is long; his limbs, his fingers, his cock, his tongue. Your taste is addictive, and he feasts, humming and rumbling, urging you to take your pleasure by pushing against his mouth.
You’re near your zenith; he can tell by the way your hand in his hair tugs and how your moan changes. Your body begins to quiver and again he withdraws.
“Nonono,” you gasp, whimper, “pleasepleaseplease.”
But he’s only removed his mouth to sink two fingers back into you.
“That’s it. Come for me, Sweetheart,” he murmurs, watching his fingers pump in and out of you, each time brushing against that tight bundle of nerves. You clench around him, moaning, chasing the release you might die if you don’t get rightthefucknow.
With one more firm crook of his fingers, and just the right amount of pressure from his thumb on your clit, you climax, shatter, and cry out as your orgasm fully claims you.
“Gorgeous,” Shawn purrs as he softly kisses and caresses you through every twitch and tremble and wave, until you’re blissed out and hypersensitive to his touch.
You are loose and pliant and flush and utterly exquisite beneath him. Shawn has never been more tempted to slide into a pussy unprotected, but it’s too big of a risk that he’d find himself wanting to stay buried within you when he came. He wouldn’t dare ask you to compromise yourself that way. 
He is swiftly on his feet, practically dashing for his bedroom, calling out, “Condom!”
You watch his bare ass, that you will absolutely sink your teeth in at some point, disappear from the living room. You yell after him, giggling, still in that post-orgasm haze and giddy, “After tonight you’re stashing condoms within easy reach of every room of this condo!”
He’s back and on his knees between your legs moments later, with the small foil in his hand.
You rise, and reach for it, asking softly, “Can I?”
His breath hitches. “Y- yeah.”
“Will you show me how?”
“Fuck.” He grips the base of his shaft and squeezes gently, just enough to take the edge off.
He guides your hands with the exact sensation and pressure he likes as he helps you slide it down his length.
You wrap your hand around his girth, and give his cock a gentle tug. He grunts and pushes into your palm. You relax again against the sofa cushions, taking him with you, and line him up with your opening.
“Shit,” he curses in anticipation. As desperate as he is to bury himself balls deep within you, he stills you with a gentle, “Y- you’re ready?”
He’s a big boy, but he prepped you quite well with those long and marvelous fingers while eating you out, and you are still wet from your climax. You kiss him in response.
Temples pressed together, eyes down, you both watch as he slowly, gently begins to push into you.
The burn and stretch is intense in a way that makes you lightheaded with pleasure and you moan softly while you adjust to the way he fills you.
“OhmyGod,” he gasps. You feel like heaven around him.
You gently trail your fingertips from where you’re intimately connected, up, along the lines of his abdomen and chest. You place your hands around his face. Your eyes stay locked with his until he bottoms out.
You slide your arms around his neck. You gasp when the pebbled nubs of your breasts brush against his chest. 
He licks into your mouth, curls his tongue around yours. You gently bite and tug at his lower lip. You wrap one of your legs around his hip and roll your pelvis, urging him to start moving.
He needs no further encouragement, easing back, pushing in. You whimper as you find your rhythm together, fingernails denting crescent marks in the tight, broad muscles of his upper back.
He latches onto your shoulder with his teeth and moans deep in his throat. He withdraws, slides in, brings his mouth to suck bruises in the crook of your neck before soothing them with his tongue.
You murmur his name. He hums yours with every withdrawal and thrust.
Your back arches and you moan again when he lowers his mouth to your breasts. He licks and tugs and sucks each taut, dusky pink nipple until they’re too sensitive and you draw his lips to yours.
“Fuck,” he grunts into your mouth. “You feel so good.” His pupils are blown wide. “Baby,” he groans. He needs to be deeper.
He swiftly shifts onto his knees and you both cry out at the new angle. He grips the outsides of your thighs, pushes up, driving his cock deep, hitting your g-spot. Your little gasps and whimpers are the music that drives him. He moans with every rock into you.
The position you’re in allows easy access to your clit and your hand falls between you.
“That’s it, baby,” he hums, grins, rumbles, “Look at you…”
You start to tremble. Needy sounds and words without meaning tumble from your lips, and you tip your head up.
His teeth nip against the length of your neck. “Wanna see you fall apart again,” he whispers against your pulse.
You cry out his name as his cocktip finds your sweet spot again, and again. “That’s it, Sweetheart.”
Your fingers over your clit begin to move faster. Your hips rise, your back bends, and your breath catches. Your orgasm sweeps over you swiftly, unexpectedly, sharply. You don’t even have the chance to find your voice as your other hand screws tight and stars explode behind your eyes.
Your chest lifts and falls rapidly. Your hands grip his ass and you pull him against you.
He grunts. His eyes close and his mouth slackens as he chases his own pleasure. His pace begins to speed up, and then falter. The sounds dripping from his lips are sinful.
He pulls back, almost slipping out of you. He’s on the edge. His balls are heavy and tight and already drawing up close to the base of his dick. He moans as he slides back in.
You swivel your hips just right and rock down as he rocks up, meeting his thrust. He snaps his hips once, twice. “yesyesbabyyes-” You clench around him, again, and his orgasm creeps up from every part of his body until he’s both desperate for it to stop and to continue forever.
“holyfuck,” he wheezes, gasps. He stutters, stills, and unravels buried deep within you with a satisfying groan of your name.
You tighten your legs around his waist and rock your hips, again clenching your inner walls around him while you coast the aftershocks. You both finally still, breath heaving, giggling softly. His hands slide along the length of your arms and he trails little nips up along your jawline.
You melt into the sofa. “Mm… you were worried for nothing,” you purr, a small smile on your lips.
Once he was out of his head and in the moment, it had been a non-issue. All he had been fixated on was how to make you cry his name. His grin is smug upon hearing the absolute satisfaction in your voice, knowing he is responsible for making you feel so good.
You kiss him, you don't want to stop kissing him, but he detaches his lips from yours with a chuckle.
His hand moves between your bodies to hold onto the condom, and he carefully pulls out. You whimper with the loss
He reaches for a few tissues from the box on the coffee table and wraps the condom within them, placing the mess in the nearby decorative bowl. That'd do for now; he'd dispose of it properly later.
He moves back into your embrace and hovers above you for a few moments longer, returning his lips to yours.
“We might want to move this to the bedroom,” he smirks, mischief dancing in his eyes, guiding your hand to his cock, already hardening again.
“You’re insatiable,” you giggle, tightening your leg around his waist and your hand around his dick.
He hums and rocks his hips just a little. “Warned you,” he smirks.
“Just wanna stay right here,” you murmur, pulling him down atop you. “Just for a minute.”
“Imma crush you.”
“Won’t let you.” You can still breathe, and his weight on top of you is intimate and comforting. He relaxes, sinking into you, resting his head on your chest.
You run your fingers soothingly through his curls. “Shawn?” you whisper.
“Yeah baby?” he breathes, just as softly.
“I ‘more than like you’, too.”
~ * ~
@mendesblurb @benito-mi-vida @monikamendes @mendesficsxbombay @pamelagramm @chocochipcookie305 @misti-ka @fallinallinshawn
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itsamendesmadness · 2 years
Thinking of you
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Shawn Mendes x Female reader 
Summary: The reader receives a gift from Shawn while he is away on a guy's trip. 
a/n: I had so much fun writing this piece. I think it's my best work so far. Remember to reblog if you want to see more stuff like this. Don’t be afraid to comment. 🫶✨
The constant ringing of your phone wakes you up. You disconnect it from its charger and roll to the other side of the bed. You have two missed calls from Shawn and decide to call him back. Just in case something happened. 
*Phone rings*
“Good. You’re awake” a brisk voice answers the phone. Causing you to instantly blush of how excited he sounded just to hear back from you. “Hey babe, is everything alright?” you respond to the cheerful guy. “Yes. Everything is alright. I just got a little anxious going into the airport, but I felt better when Mike arrived.” You could tell he was trying to mask how anxious he really got. “Airports are anxiety inducing. I totally get it.” you say trying to validate his feelings. “Yeah. Thank you, y/n. Anyways, I ordered a little something for you. It should be at the door any minute now.” he says. “Mmm… I wonder what it could be.” you respond jokingly. 
After a little while of talking on the phone with Shawn. You get an alert on your phone from the outdoor security camera detecting movement. “It's here” you tell Shawn who is still on the phone with you. You proceed to put him on speaker and head to the door. When you opened it you didn't expect what you were seeing. It was a picnic basket with a bouquet of red carnations wrapped in brown kraft paper. Inside laid a beautiful plate of chocolate waffles with strawberries on top and just beside it there was a small pink bag with sparkly tissue paper. 
You struggle getting the basket inside without it tumbling to the ground. Shawn is laughing at the sound of you grunting trying to lift the basket onto the kitchen counter. “Babe, stop laughing. If you make me laugh my arms get even more weak.” you comment laughing. “I’ll stop. Damn… I really miss you.” you could tell he was telling the truth from the change in his tone. “Do you see a little bag?” he asks. “Yes. I am opening it now.” The tissue paper ruffles as you take it out of the bag revealing the inside. “Omg! Shawn!” you scream. 
You take the item out. You feel your face getting instantly red. “I wish I could see your face right now.” He responds playfully. You’ve never owned a toy before of any shape or form…not even vibrating panties. Well, there is clearly a first time for everything. 
“Umm… Should I put them on?” you ask him nervously. “Yes, but first I am switching to FaceTime.” The phone rings changing into FaceTime. You answer the phone and place it leaning on a vase in your kitchen counter. This way Shawn could get a good view of everything. The black laced fabric tickles your soft skin as you put them on. “Oh- they look so good on you.” he says as he comes into view. His hands flew to rest on his head. “I love how you look with just a top and panties.” he says, biting his lip. 
You feel so good when he talks that way about you. You love when he reassures you. 
“Doesn't this need a remote?” you ask him. “Yes, I have it…It’s an app on my phone so I can control it at anytime, anywhere. Saying this, I want you to wear them all day.”  he responds with a smirk on his face. “You are so bad” you respond. “Look, I have to go now, but please don’t take them off, okay?” he says. “Okay. Bye. I love you” you respond. “I love you.” he says as he hangs up. 
The fact of having to wear this all day knowing that it could go off at any given moment gave you massive anxiety. You needed to get some stuff done for the apartment before Shawn came back from the guy’s trip, so you went to the grocery store. You threw on some sweatpants and one of his baggy white shirts to try and disguise the fact that there is a bullet sized vibrator inside your panties.  
Arriving at the grocery store everything is running smoothly. He still hasn't activated it. At this point you thought it was all a joke and he really wasn't going to do anything. He probably wanted you to die of anticipation or embarrassment. You proceed to cross things off your list. This was going to take a while because you took the shopping cart with the bad wheel. Every movement you made a squeak followed.
 You found yourself at the cereal aisle when a subtle buzz started coming from your pants. “Oh- fuck.” you said out loud. The old lady next to you stared at you with a serious face. “These prices are crazy right?” you said to her trying to hide that your man was having a field day in your pants. Shawn was going crazy with the buttons, alternating from slow to fast. You can’t deny it felt so good, but this can’t be happening right now. Not at the grocery store. You grab the cereal and sprint to the cash register to pay for the few items you crossed off. 
Luckily there weren't a lot of people in line. You crossed your legs and acted like you really needed to pee. Hopefully, this would help you distract yourself. 
You finally paid for everything, grabbed the bags and fast walked to your car. “God. Fuck.” you screamed getting into your car. You rested your head on the steering wheel to hide your face from the people walking up and down the parking lot as you came in your panties. “Wtf?!” you said laughing. You grabbed your phone to text Shawn.
Phone messages read:
Shawn: How was it? 
y/n: I came in my car at the grocery store parking lot. 
Shawn: Baby, you are so bad. 
y/n: Shut up! I love you.
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mendessimp · 2 years
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he's a sculptured greek god
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mendesblurb · 10 months
Happy Canada Day Rai!
May I request a blurb where reader x shawn watch the sunrise together ♥️
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Shawn Mendes x female reader
Word Count: ~275
Warning ⚠️: fluff,maybe grammar error and maybe some punctuation errors.
A/N: I didn’t really edit this, I’m so sorry anon, it took me forever to finish this too and also sorry that it’s short 🥺
You sat down on the cozy blanket as Shawn sat behind you with his arms and legs draped around you, holding you close,” It’s nice here,” He sighed, shaping the words against your skin, and his breath felt hot on your neck.
“Mhmm,” You hummed, cradling yourself more to him.
Together you enjoy the sight of the sun rising as it casts an orange reflection on the water. At the same time, Shawn would occasionally nuzzle his head against your neck and gently kiss along the exposed skin in his reach while trailing along the backside of your ear and leaning down to your shoulder to drag his lips along it gently.
This time you and Shawn were very determined to actually watch the sunrise and not fall asleep like the last time.
You let yourself soak in his kisses and the beauty around you for a moment longer, just watching as the light painted the sky a brand new color before turning to him, “I have a wild idea.”
He sighed, already knowing what you mean and starts shaking his head at the thought of it, “Oh no,no, No!”
“Cmon...,Please!” You pleaded as you stood up, choosing to still slip your dress straps off your shoulders and letting them slide down and pool around your ankles.
“Y/N...” He muttered, looking around him to see if anyone was nearby.
“Baby, relax; we’re in the middle of nowhere,” You drag him closer to the water, “No one will see us,” You grin widely again before silencing his further protests with a kiss on his lips, “I promise that.”
Shawn let himself melt into the kiss before agreeing to strip out of his clothes and join you for a swim.
Thank you for reading guys... feel free to like, reblog, follow my account, leave a comment and my chat is always open for random chats or requests... appreciate every single one of you... ❤️
Taglist (open) : @monikamendes @holland-styles @bvttercupbby @lonelyreputation @badreputationlove @shawn-is-my-giant-jellybean @benito-mi-vida @swiftmendeshoran @yournameoneverypage @shawn-is-bruh @mendesbhraanth @perfectlywrongsm @imaginashawnn @smendes-forever @nervousmendes @whenyoureadyholland @shawn-youth @myboyshawn @camilalewiss @camilalewisss @theregoesmyherojd @nanijaac1 @shawnieeboyy @silverswallow @inlovewithmendes-blog @mendeslola-blog @mendesx123 @23kofmendes @jellyloml @chipofmendes @poohmendes @wutheringmendes @shawnmendesbuddy​ @chocochipcookie305
Story Code: 06122345
101 notes · View notes
Famous People
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Harry Styles
Elevator Meet-Cute
Birthday wishes
Henry Cavill
Sit still, look pretty
Yours again
Shawn Mendes
Not good enough
Not doing okay
If it isn’t you
Aaron Taylor-Johnson
If he wanted me so bad
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I want to request a Shawn angst imagine, please.
Something about sylvie or someone from his team talking about the reader behind her/they back and she/they feeling angry and telling shawn but he didn't believe it and having a fight but then he heard them talking bad about the reader again and trying to apologize, you decide if the end.
Only if you're comfortable to do it, love the work! Keep going!
Thanks for the request, honey!!!!!
I'm sorry if this is not that good, but I really hope u like it~
Big Deal | Shawn Mendes
Warning: Angst, fights, cursing.
Containing: boyfriend!Shawn, girlfriend!reader, Jerk!Shawn, Artist!Reader
pairing: You and shawn mendes
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You loved Shawn so much. You have been his girlfriend for 19 months now and now as you remembered how you had met, you laughed hysterically. You met him at an art exhibition, where he came, disguised in a black hoodie, a cap, and a mask. You had run into him while staring at the paintings on the wall, and almost screamed when you saw him like that. At first, you thought he was a thief or something, and seeing you freak out, he thought you had recognized him. So he had quickly pulled you aside and made you calm down.
You remembered the way you were so confused when he said that you knew who he was and he begged you to not tell anybody. But seeing your confused face, he pulled down his mask-making your mouth shut and your eyes wide. Honestly, you weren't a big fan of him back at that time, you never liked pop so you never even knew him as such. But you had heard of him from your friends and knew very well just who he was and why he had pulled you aside. When you had figured out just what had happened and the misunderstanding, you laughed out loud. Too loud.
He had raised his eyebrows and stared at you as you held your stomach as you laughed, which you knew was a not-so-beautiful sight. "What? Are you those insane kinds?" He had asked to which you stopped laughing and shook your head, looking at him disapprovingly. He didn't have a right to call people insane or judge them like that. So you gave him a piece of your mind and left him staring at you like an antelope in headlights. When you were looking at a mind-blowing piece of painting, he stood beside you, his disguise intact. He had said something clever and cocky and then after a small pause, apologized to you. You smiled at his sweet apology and the small smile he had delivered you. You were suddenly feeling this weird feeling in your chest.
And well, that's when you started hanging out more. After two coffees, a walk to the library, and a guitar session he had finally kissed you and asked you out. You were so happy, and till now everything was going great.
Well now...
You were a bit concerned about Shawn. He had been a bit distant and had canceled your last three dates. You already knew the obstacles that were going to come along with dating a celebrity such as him. You knew he was busy with his album and he had been getting a lot of hate, and you understood that he needed space. But you just wanted him to know that you were there for him.
You were waiting for him at your home, watching another episode of B99, and drinking coffee. When you heard the door opening, your head quickly turned, and you got up, slowly walking towards the door. There he was, your Shawn, coming in hanging his keys and hanging his coat. He looked so exhausted.
You sighed and walked towards him, taking his face in your hands as a yawn came across his lips. He quickly shook it off as he felt your soft hands caressing his cheeks. "Oh hi." He said and gave you a lop-sided and a sleepy smile. "You're still awake?" He said, his brows scrunching. You chuckled softly and brought his face towards yours and gave him a peck. "I missed you," You said softly, "and I hadn't seen you in a few days."
"What?" He said, his voice laced with a bit of aggravation. "We just had breakfast yesterday, together." You sighed a bit and stepped away from me. "You know what I mean,"
"No I don't!"
"Well, a bite of toast, a kiss to my forehead, and telling me you're going to be late and getting out of the house in less than 30 seconds, when I made bacon and pancakes for you is not having breakfast together."
Shawn groaned and stormed off, making your blood boil. You breathed in sharply and walked after him, "What the hell Shawn!?" Shawn rolled his eyes and plopped down on your couch, a small smirk passing his face for a second when he heard the title track of B99 playing on the TV. "You can't just walk away like that!"
"Well, guess what? I did!"
Your teeth gritted and you gave him a murderous look. You didn't like how Shawn was behaving with you, this is not how he acted with you. And you hated it. Didn't he realize that he was hurting you? "You know what? Fuck you." You stormed off to your bedroom, and took his pillow and his quilt and threw it across the room in the hall. "HEY!" You slammed the bedroom door and groaned out loudly.
You did not plan your night to go this way.
You sat on the bed, looking at the light that came from the living room through the small space between the door and the floor.
You sighed, your chest thudding loudly. Hugging your knees close to your chest, and you let out a shuddering breath, as a tear fell from your eye. You shook your head at your ridiculousness, and wiped your tear. It was confusing to you why you were being so emotional over this fight. It seemed small, didn't it?
But it wasn't.
This wasn't how you wanted your fights to go, fights that would lead you both to drift apart, and eventually, your relationship would fall apart...
The thoughts made you feel that your heart was being pulled apart. You looked at the light that escaped the small gap. Why did your relationship suddenly feel like that? Darkness had surrounded you, and the escaped light was really close but too far away to engulf you into happiness again. That light was Shawn. And it was almost as if he had forgotten to engulf you. And it was slowly killing you.
Before you know it, sleep had consumed you, with those burning thoughts still fresh in your mind.
"Hey, honey."
You hugged your coat over your chest and spared Shawn a glance. You had woken up to a cold and empty bed, disappointing you. You didn't think Shawn would stretch it till the morning. That was until you smelled the sweet scent of maple syrup and pancakes. Realizing Shawn's plan to lure you into forgiving him, you rolled your eyes. If he thought that pancakes was going to make you ease up, then he was miserably mistaken.
He knew that you never liked fights left like this, with so much tension in the air that it pressured your heart. He knew that you preferred to talk it out and apologize to each other, and not leave it just like that. You had sighed and got up, freshened up.
You heard Shawn sigh and groan slightly as you went through your mail. You saw one addressed to Shawn. You looked up, looking at the creases on Shawn's forehead. "You have mail." You said, monotonously. You walked towards him, and he looked at you hopefully.
But you didn't give in, not just yet. You were too angry at him but didn't want to give him attention. You still wanted to hit him and scream at him because of last night and what he made you feel. And yeah, you also wanted to get the argument over with and just hug him. But you didn't.
Shawn didn't know if he was right or if he was wrong. What he did was fully flawed, and he didn't realize it. You had always been a bit touchy. It was your way of receiving and giving love. Through physical touch. Unfortunately, it was one of your insecurities as well. You had been brushed off as annoying so many times because of your habits, it hurt you. So you had given Shawn a warning, no let me scratch that. So many warnings.
This fight wasn't exactly related to that, but it still made the insecurities and that same unsafe or lets say, not belonging feeling around you.
Shawn hadn't forgotten that, but he wasn't sure if it was exactly his fault. I mean, you did know how busy he gets. So after a busy day, he might want a bit space, didn't he?
But he didn't want this fight to last this long, either. He was keeping a party at their house, tomorrow night. He didn't want anybody to talk about your relationship or its problems. He didn't want anything new to stir up. "I'm sorry." He whispered.
You looked up, your expression was something he couldn't decipher.
"I'm sorry." He said, loud and clear. "It was wrong of me, what I did last night. And I know I have been bailing on you for a long time, and you have been so understanding. I'm sorry,"
You nodded at him. "Just don't do it again." You said, gently. Shawn didn't really understand why your voice sounded so afraid. It wasn't that big of a deal, was it?
"Anyway," Shawn smiled at you and brought up two plates of hot pancakes. "I'm keeping a party tomorrow night, if that's alright with you?" You smiled at him. "Yeah, no problem. Who's coming?"
"You know the usual, the team. Niall, Taylor etc. We wanted to celebrate all the work we've done for the new album."
"Ooh, when are you releasing it?"
"Next month. It's not completed it, but we're very proud of what it has become until now." You looked at him with a proud expression. You were so happy for him. You loved how hard-working he was.
"Okay then," You smiled at him. "You going to the studio, now?" He nodded, "I'll be back by 8. We can binge B99 if you want. Or maybe watch Avengers, since you're so fond of Tom Hiddleston," You giggled and blushed. "And RDJ." You pointed out, and he scoffed, smiling.
He kissed your forehead as you both finished your breakfast, and took your plates putting them in the dishwasher.
After getting ready, he went out the door, giving you your goodbyes and kisses. Still as he stepped out the door, you felt disappointment arousing in the pit of your stomach.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and stared at your outfit. You smiled and adored the slight foxy eyeshadow you had done. You took a deep breath and stepped outside your bedroom door. The party music was roaring down, and you slowly stepped down the stairs. As you stepped onto the second last step, you tried to find Shawn, and spotted him having a drink with two of his friends from the team. You smiled at him as he stared at you. You walked towards him, and noticed him still staring at you. "What?" You asked. "Does this not look good?" You turned your waist, "Should I change?" But he just grinned at you, and pulled in for a kiss.
He left you breathless and smiled at you. "You look fucking stunning, honey."
You blushed under his gaze and hid your face in his chest as it rumbled because of his chuckles. "Such lovebirds." Someone muttered and you looked up to see Niall. "Niall!!" You squeaked and hugged him. "How are you?"
"Perfect, love." He said and smiled at how you had wrapped your hands around his waist. "How are you both?" He asked cheekily.
"Same." Shawn said and kissed your cheek.
"I'm glad."
You looked around and sighed at the crowd. As much as you were proud of Shawn and no matter how many launch parties you go to with him, you never get used to the crowd. It gets overwhelming and makes you anxious. That's why you never actually like coming to these parties yet you did, only for Shawn. You tried not to always stick to him, but always made sure that he was in your eye sight, to make you feel calm and safe.
If he wasn't, then you would look for Niall, Taylor, or one of the other people with whom you were really good friends.
But mostly, it was Shawn.
You were thirsty and wanted to get a drink, so you went to the bar, promising Shawn to meet him at the dance floor.
But when you came back, he wasn't there. You couldn't find him. You looked around the crowd but couldn't spot him. When you looked back at the bar, you saw him with one of his team members. You recognized her immediately. Sylvie.
She had helped Shawn a lot, and you appreciated her for that. But sometimes you felt that maybe she didn't really like you, you tried to tell Shawn but he dismissed you, saying that you're being paranoid and that you haven't just spent that much time.
You sighed as you walked over to him.
"Shawn!" He looked back and saw you. He smiled at you and waved you to come over. You walked towards him with relief on your face. You got close to him and wrapped your arm around his. "Sylvie! How are you?" You asked politely. She smiled grimly, not so excited to see you, and replied, "Great! We're just waiting for the album to be complete and released, aren't we?" She smiled at Shawn and rubbed his arm. You felt extremely uncomfortable as you saw he look at Shawn like that. Your insecurities got up. "I'm so proud of you guys!"
"Yeah, I'm sure you are." She mumbled and scoffed. "Did you say something?" You asked her but Shawn squeezed your hand. "Weren't we going to the dance floor? I'm sorry Sylvie, we'll see you later." He said and smiled at her. She nodded and he grabbed you and you both walked towards the dance floor. "That wasn't polite, Shawn."
"I know."
You both danced calmly into each other's arms. "Shawn, was it just me, or was she rolling her eyes at me?"
He mumbled something under his breath and then looked back at you. "No, sweetheart. She is just in a bad mood, her boyfriend and she got into a fight before coming here." You nodded. You looked up at him and sighed as you saw his beautiful brown eyes.
You sighed and kept your head on his chest as you both swayed from side to side to the soft rhythm of the music. "I love you." You whispered gently as comfort laced you both like a graceful ribbon. Shawn kissed your forehead, his lips lingering over the crown of your head. "I love you the most.." He breathed, as the scent of your hair reached him. His eyes fluttered shut and he pulled you even close, If that was possible.
You took deep breaths as you found yourself finally in your beloved's arms. It was rare. Very rare. And you wanted to make the most out of this moment. An unsettling feeling had rested in your chest, that any moment this is going to be ripped from you. He is going to be ripped apart from you. And you will be crushed again.
You entwined your hand into his' as the music ended and he was obliged to go and meet more guests. He gave you an apologetic smile, but you weren't going to leave him. You went along with him even if exhaustion had taken over your legs. You felt so much safer with him. His cheering voice always comforted you, it kept your anxiety at bay.
You both walked towards the bar again. You smiled at him and left his hand. You wanted to pee. So you stepped across but as soon as you closed your stall, some voices started speaking. Familiar voices.
"I mean did you see her tonight?"
"Fuckin whore, can't even dress properly."
You tried to restrain your gasp as you recognized the voice. Sylvie.
"Poor Shawn, he must've had to deal with her."
"I know right? She's so useless. Always clinging to him like a puppy."
"She's only with him for clout. Clingy bitch."
"God, Shawn deserves so much better."
"Someone like you, Sylvie?"
"Oh shut up." She giggled. "Maybe."
Your blood boiled as you heard all those words, but your heart ached. Tears started to spill out of your eyes as you tried to keep your breath calm. Shawn deserves so much better. Was it true? Were you that clingy?
You heard the door close shut and that's when you broke down. Tears started to pour down your eyes, rolling down your cheeks. You held your forearms as your chest shuddered at thought of Shawn leaving you. You tried to keep your cries in but your ears started to hurt and your throat started to dry as you gasped for breath.
Your head was aching and your dress felt too tight now. Why was this happening to you? You wanted to yell for Shawn but then you thought about you being a burden to him.
And besides, you looked like a fucking disaster. You didn't want to ruin Shawn's rep like that.
Shawn was a bit frustrated with you. You still doubted Sylvie, and it bothered him. She was such a sweet person and a great colleague. Why did you always seem to dislike her? It always annoyed him- you trying to point out some imaginary things about her. Sylvie was rolling her eyes at me; she was giving me a weird look; I think she doesn't like me; Your complaints were endless.
Niall furrowed his eyebrows at the crowd, and then looked back towards Shawn. "Shawn?" Shawn stirred his drink. "Yeah?"
"Where's Y/n?"
"Bathroom. Why?"
"Don't you think its been a long time?"
"Shawn you know what happens during these parties don't you?"
"Yes but-"
"Shawn go check on her or I will burst into the girl's washroom and sing Stitches."
"Ok, ok! Fine." Shawn breathed and looked around the crowd again. He breathed when he realized it had been a long time since you came. He got up and walked through the crowd, just to make sure that you weren't locked in the crowd. But you were nowhere to be seen. Shawn's heart rate started to increase. He was marching up to the ladies washroom.
Just as he went forward, trying not to bump into more drunk people- Shawn halted as a person came right in front of him. "Hi, Shawn~" He looked down to see Sylvie standing with a drink in her hand, a giddy expression on her face. "How are you?" She asked in a squeaky voice. She caressed his shoulder, going to his bicep. But Shawn was in a hurry to even process what she was doing.
"Oh, I love it when you say my name." She said, breathily. Shawn gave her a weird look and then looked at the washrooms, they seemed so far away. "Sylvie, I have to go-"
"No please wait-" She held onto his hand. But Shawn twisted his hand out of her grasp and ran out of there. He burst into the washroom and heard small gasps and soft sobs. Shawn's heart broke; He took quick steps toward the stall and knocked. He heard a sharp gasp-- "Y/n? Honey?"
"Hello?" You squeaked out, keeping a small hope that it wasn't Shawn. "Sweetie, please open the door. For me?" You sighed and your breath shuddered. It was undoubtedly him. This was perfect- you felt even worse. You couldn't hide and you didn't have a mirror to fix yourself.
You wanted to dig a hole and die.
But you didn't have a choice now. Shawn looked up as the door clicked and you stepped out. Shawn cupped your face and studied it- you were an absolute mess.
Shawn shushed you and wiped the tears on your cheeks and kissed the red skin right under your eyes. You shivered as his cold lips touched your cheeks, and you closed your eyes as he pulled away.
"Why were you crying?" He asked directly. And you looked at the ground- You really didn't want to tell him, and lying wasn't an option because he could tell your tell on your fourth date. "Um,
I was in the stall- when some girls came into the bathroom. They started to talk- and um," You looked around uncomfortably. "I realized it was Sylvie and her friends. They said some things about me."
Shawn raised his eyebrows, "oh? What kind of things?"
"She called me a whore, and said that I was a clingy bitch and never left your side. She said that you must be," you took a deep breath. "Miserable with me." Shawn ran his hands through his hair. He couldn't believe that Sylvie would say this.
He couldn't believe that you were making these accusations.
"Are you sure it was her?" He asked. You furrowed your eyebrows. "Of course, I recognized her voice."
"But you didn't see her, did you?"
"No! Why did you always try to convince me that Sylvie hates you?"
You were completely taken back. How could he ask you this?
"You always try to tell me how bad she is-"
"I never told you that!" You shouted.
"But weren't you trying to? Weren't you? Why do you dislike her? She is one of the sweetest people I have ever met- can't you at least try to like her? At least to support me! I mean you have been nothing but unsupportive recently!" He spat at you. Your blood boiled as you heard his words. Unsupportive? "And that you bring Sylvie into all of this? God, y/n."
"Unsupportive?" You breathed. "Did you just call me unsupportive? How could you- I've always been supportive of you! I never complained when you come home so late and never texted me- I never got angry at you when you would ignore me- I always supported you through your tantrums-"
"What the fuck do you mean??"
"I'm your fucking girlfriend Shawn! I'm not your punching bag or your booty call! That whenever you want me I'll be there for you~ But it's not the way around. I always understand that your career can't always make you available, but I can't always be like this! I can't take it anymore!"
"And the fact that you don't believe me and don't fucking trust me is just-"
"God, you're such an ordinary girl," he mumbled under his breath. You looked at him, betrayal laced in your eyes. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" You asked him quietly. "You're such an ordinary girl!"
You were taken aback by his statement. An ordinary girl?
But you stayed quiet, that was your harshest answer. You were exhausted. You were tired by his actions, his expectations, and what you have faced. You couldn't do it anymore.
"If you can't handle this ordinary girl, then maybe you shouldn't be with her." You said with unshed tears in your eyes. "Maybe you should be with someone like Sylvie."
"It will be easy. She wants to be with you anyway." You said.
"What the fuck do you mean?"
You just shook your head and got out of there.
Shawn was aggravated, how could you accuse Sylvie of saying such things? Shawn stormed off from the washroom after you did. His head wasn't straight at the time. Anger and frustration was running through his veins like poison. And what did you mean by that last thing you said?
"She wants to be with you anyway."
Alcohol was affecting his mind as the echo of your words ran through his ears. His head was getting dizzy. Shawn looked at the crowd and didn't find you. He panicked for awhile then remembered that you must've gone back home. Shawn wanted to ease off tonight, he had been working hard week after week. So many sleepless nights without you in his arms and he missed you so much.
But all of those sleepless nights had caught up on him and he just wanted to rest when he came back home. He didn't expect to get into that fight with you- and all that anger just wanted to be vented off.
So well, maybe Shawn realized that he had acted a bit inconsiderate.
And maybe cruel.
But she would forgive him wouldn't she?
Shawn somehow got engulfed in the crowd and was getting bumped constantly by the dancing cluster of people. He heard weird voices and someone very familiar trying to talk to him. "Shawn, buddy? Where is y/n? Are you okay?"
Shawn dismissed them and tried dancing off. Suddenly, he got pulled by someone and they started dancing with him. "Hey, Shawn." He heard someone say flirtatiously. He felt his cheeks being caressed. "Sylvie?"
"Hi silly, come on dance with me!" She said and took Shawn's hands and placed it them on her waist. "What are you doing?" Shawn asked, drunkenly. "Dancing with you, sweetie." She whispered in his ear. Shawn felt disgusted but he couldn't tell her that. He didn't want to dance with her, he wanted to dance with you. "Wait, Sylvie- I need to find y/n."
But she kept a hold on his hands. "Why? I'm here, aren't I? Anyway she left you alone." She said bitterly. "What do you mean? We just had a fight- and she said some bizarre things."
"She thought that you wanted to be with me! That's so absurd. You don't like me do you?"
Sylvie stayed silent which made Shawn panic. "Sylvi-"
She pulled him closer and whispered against his lips. "What if I do?"
Suddenly Shawn's new song started playing. It was supposed to be a surprise for you.
i wonder if you're real
Do i speak the truth or do i filter how i feel?
I wonder, wouldn't it be nice
To live inside a world that isn't black and white?
Shawn felt Sylvie's cold lips against the corner of his mouth and his whole body filled with disgust and shame. It felt wrong. It felt so wrong.
He wrote this song for you, he wanted to dance on this song with you. But you weren't here and it was all his fault. He hated himself because these words were written for you, were supposed be adored by you right now. Yet they were getting betrayed.
His heart shattered as he realized what was happening. His mind sobered up and he pushed Sylvie away with utter horror. He ran away to find you. Hoping you were home.
You weren't though.
You were walking down the quiet streets, getting drenched in rain. Tears were pouring down your face. You were so thankful that because of the rain nobody could distinguish whether the drops of water on your face were either raindrops or salty tears.
In the middle of this rain, that once you would've called so beautiful, your heart had been crushed and now fear had built. Was this the end? Were you and Shawn over?
You didn't want to think of that. But how could you not? He had totally disregarded you, over and over again. And you realized that a half-assed apology wouldn't work this time. You loved him so much.
Oh, you loved him dearly, but you had dignity and self-respect. And you were not going to let Shawn's cruel actions and your love for him to get between your self-dignity.
You sat down on one of the benches. Your sobbing wasn't stopping and you had given up now. You looked up and glanced around- The streetlights were lit, rain was dancing on the ground, and everything else was quiet.
You would've loved this. It would've been so romantic- but right now you felt empty.
Suddenly, you heard panting. Your eyes widened and you tried not to be frantic. What was it? A wild dog? "Thank god, I couldn't find you anywhere."
Your throat tightened. Shawn.
"That was the motive, Shawn." You said coldly. You didn't want to look at him. So you didn't realize that even he was crying.
"Please look at me, baby."
"What do you want?"
"You, back. Please." You stayed silent. "Love, I- When you left I got drunker and Sylvie danced with me. She-She tried to kiss me-"
Your eyes filled with tears once again. "I- You were right, baby. When she tried to kiss me, my song started to play. A new song, that I wrote for you- I didn't realize that I was hurting you and then I realized that I couldn't lose you. Those words, that-that music was composed for you, and all I wanted was you there, to be with me, in my arms to dance to that song. You're all I ever wanted, a-and I'm so sorry that I have been a total jerk to you, and I understand that you have been so patient with me and I have been taking you for granted."
"Glad you realized that."
"I'm so sorry, honey. Please give me another chance."
You stayed quiet. What he said melted your heart but you were stronger than that. You took in a deep breath albeit shaky. Restraining yourself from crying you got up, your knees weak. "Shawn, I-"
"I cannot forgive you." And because of the silence, both of your hearts shattering were audibly clear. "Just yet."
"I need time, Shawn. What you did- You didn't trust me! Your own girlfriend. I cannot forgive you just yet, and neither can I make myself trust you again. Not just like that. If you expected me to come back into your arms instantly then you were mistaken, Shawn." You said softly.
"I need time to think. And its better for now if you don't contact me for a few days." You slowly turned around. "It's best if you go back. Please take care of yourself." You said and walked away with a heavy heart.
Shawn watched as you walked away. He knew the damage he had done. He loved you so much, and he wasn't strong enough to pay the price. To stay away from you.
But he had to.
Thanks to-
who wanted to be tagged in every one of my fics!
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lnfours · 2 years
summer loving (four) ⎸ t.h
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⌙ summary: your mom and tom’s mom grew up together, swearing that their kids would be life long friends. and it was true, the holland boys were a special part of your life. but on the annual trip to their beach house this summer, everything feels different. and that’s because it is.
⌙ au:  based on the book and tv show ‘the summer i turned pretty’ by jenny han. childhood friends to lovers
⌙ wc: 3k
⌙ warnings: swearing, some angst, fluffy as hell towards the end, some light drinking (nothing crazy), SHAWN BEING THE BEST BF EVER!!!!!!! but also tom being jealous AF, oh and shirtless tom, poor baby sam swooning but having no balls to say anything :(
⌙ pairing: tom holland x fem!reader with a lil bit of shawn mendes x fem!reader 
masterlist ⎸ chapter three ⎸ chapter five ⎸ listen
                                ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
tom was losing his absolute mind. 
sure, it was no secret that tom was in love with you. anyone with eyes and brain cells would be able to tell just by spending 2 minutes in a room with the two of you.
however, he felt as though he wasn’t good enough. like there was someone who would be way better for you. someone who could be your knight in shining armor, show you their vulnerable side, be everything you desperately wanted tom to be.
so, when he found out that you had went to shawn’s gig, part of him was relieved that you had moved on from his chaos, the way he pulled you in one minute and the next he was pushing you away in fear of letting someone get close to him again. but, he couldn’t deny that part of him ached, part of him broke at the sight of shawn walking you to the front door. 
and what really sealed the deal was when you leaned in with a smile on your face as you kissed shawn on the lips. 
that’s when he knew for sure that he was just a thought all the way in the back of your head. 
the next morning, everyone sat in the kitchen while eating breakfast, making small talk. everyone mostly asking about how your date went, which caused a the heat to creep onto your cheeks. however, it made his blood boil at the fact that shawn was everything you wanted. everything you tom wanted to be for you, but couldn’t. 
“it was good,” you smiled, poking at the eggs on your plate that sam had made for you, “he’s really sweet. i think you guys would like him.”
“we should have him for dinner tonight,” nikki smiled, “i know the mendes family pretty well, all of them are lovely.”
“yeah, sounds like a great idea.” your mom agreed.
“meeting the guy that my sister made out with on the front porch, no thanks.” austin joked, causing everyone to roll their eyes.
“gonna have to agree with austin on that one,” harry joked, “they’re gonna make kissy-faces at each other the whole time.”
you flung a piece of pancake at the boy, hitting him right in the center of his forehead. paddy giggled next to you, giving you a high five, “nice aim!”
“listen, let’s just give him a shot, yeah?” sam said, “if he makes y/n happy, then it’s worth meeting him.”
tom hadn’t said a word, eyes suddenly interested in his plate. your eyes fell onto his figure, your lips meeting the edge of the mug, speaking before taking a sip of coffee. 
“what do you think, tom?”
you watched as he looked up at you, his normally warm, brown eyes suddenly cold. you raised an eyebrow as you watched him put down his fork.
“doesn’t matter to me.” he shrugged, getting up from the table as he cleared his plate. you turned to look at him.
“maybe alicia can come too, might as well make it a whole thing.” you said, smirking into your mug as he gave you ‘shut the fuck up’ look. 
“who’s alicia?” nikki asked, turning to the oldest boy.
“no one.”
“mhm, she’s no one alright.” harry chuckled.
“wait, alicia garnett?” your brother asked.
“since when?” it was paddy’s turn to look confused.
“you know she’s kind of a whore, right?” 
tom rolled his eyes at your brothers words, you turning around and smacking him in the forehead, “ow!”
“you’re an ass.”
“it’s true!”
“well, you don’t have to call her a whore.”
“i mean, she’s slept with half the town.”
you rolled your eyes, letting nikki take the floor, “if you’d like to invite her, you can. i’d like to meet her, you know.”
“me too,” your mom smiled, “and who’s to say she isn’t what everyone thinks she is.”
she eyed your brother and he raised his hands in fake surrender, “i’m just telling you what i’ve heard.”
“yeah, well, we don’t need to hear about it.” you mumbled.
tom nodded, sighing, “alright, alright, i’ll see if she wants to come.”
you cleared your plate, putting the dishes in the sink before making your way upstairs. you squeaked as someone grabbed your arm, pulling you into a bedroom before the door shut behind you. 
“are you proud of yourself or something?” it was tom’s voice.
you crossed your arms, “why would it matter if she’s more than just a fuck buddy to you?”
he groaned, “because… i don’t know how i feel about her yet.”
“guess you better figure it out.” you shrugged, going to reach for the door handle but tom stepped in front of you,
“can i go? i have to make sure kat can come in this weekend.”
“not until you talk to me about what’s going on.”
you scoffed, rolling your eyes in complete annoyance, “nothing’s going on, tom.”
“you sure?”
you huffed, “look, you’re the one who tried to kiss me on the beach just to move on the next day. i’m sorry, but whatever kind of emotional rollercoaster this is,” you motioned back and forth between the two of you, “i don’t want it. i’ve got a guy who’s sweet, treats me like a fucking princess, and is actually clear with what he wants, which is me. if you can’t accept the fact that i moved on from you and your bullshit, that sounds like a personal issue.”
he stared at you blankly as you pushed past him, reaching for the door, “until then, worry about your own relationship and i’ll worry about mine.”
he flinched as his door slammed shut behind him, making him groan as he plopped down onto the bed. he knew you were right, you had every reason in the book to hate him right now. he knew he played with your emotions, he knew that he fucked up big time, but he didn’t know how to make it right. he didn’t know how to get you back. 
your phone buzzed as you got a text from kat.
kat any updates? 
y/n nothing much other than tom’s an asshole and i think i really like shawn
kat good. if tom can’t get his priorities straight and realize that it’s been you this entire time, then you shouldn’t have to wait around for him.  also shawn’s a cutie, who wouldn’t like him 😉
you looked up as there was a soft knock on your door, meeting sam’s eyes as he softly smiled, “up for the beach?”
you nodded, “yeah, just give me a second.”
he nodded back at you, walking out of the door and leaving it cracked open the tiniest bit. 
y/n you’re right.  i’ll check in with you later after shawn comes for dinner, gonna go catch some waves with sam. 
kat sam 😏 ya know, i’ve always been team sam
y/n 🙄 goodbye, katarina <3
kat goodbye y/n 🥰
you locked your phone and threw it down on the bed before picking out a bathing suit. you grabbed a bathing suit from your bag, throwing on a big t-shirt overtop. you met sam downstairs, the two of you heading out to the beach. 
you two talked amongst yourselves, giggling and having a good time. sam always knew how to get your mind off of things.
“you excited for everyone to meet shawn?” he asked and you shrugged. 
“i don’t know,” you bit down on your bottom lip, “i just don’t know how tom’s going to react.”
“yeah, didn’t seem too happy about it earlier.”
you nodded, “i know.”
“which, sounds like his problem.”
you shot him a confused look, an eyebrow raised, “not that i don’t disagree, but what do you mean?”
“please, it’s not like we all don’t know he’s had a thing for you for years,” he laughed, “plus, mom did say that you were destined for one of us, minus paddy.”
you smiled, remembering when nikki told you that, “yeah, well, i guess destiny isn’t mine and tom’s thing.”
he chuckled again, “doesn’t really seem like it, huh?”
“whatever, it’s his loss,” you shrugged, “if he can’t tell me what he wants then why should i wait around for him to tell me? i deserve better than that.”
he nodded, “you deserve the best.”
you smiled, “thanks, sam.”
he nodded, looking towards the house as the sun shone down on you. your hair was falling perfectly around your face, your eyes glistening in the sunlight. the way the water droplets fell from your skin was mesmerizing. 
he was in awe. 
“i guess i should head back soon, i gotta get ready for dinner and make sure shawn’s still coming.”
he nodded, “yeah, sure thing. i’ll probably be out here for a little while longer and then head in.”
you smiled before paddling to shore on your board, “see you back at the house!”
you made your way inside, running up the steps. you gathered your things to take a shower, walking into the hallway only to bump into someone who was shirtless and dripping wet. 
your cheeks burned as you realized it was tom. 
“sorry,” he apologized, moving around you, “didn’t mean to bump into you.”
you couldn’t help it, your eyes followed the way his abs dipped and curved, the way the towel sat lowly on his hips, his dripping wet curls hanging over his forehead. he smirked as your eyes traveled his body, watching you contently. 
“just watch where you’re going next time.” your voice was laced with sarcasm. 
“watch where your eyes wander next time.”
you rolled your eyes, refusing to let him believe that you were still somewhat into him. yeah, shawn was great and everything you wanted, but tom was always going to be in the back of your mind. like an annoying, nagging feeling that won’t leave you alone no matter how hard you try. 
after your shower, you made your way back to your room. you decided to facetime shawn, just to make sure he was still able to come tonight. 
he picked up after a few rings, smiling into the camera as he laid in bed, “hey,”
“hi,” you smiled back, “sorry if i interrupted anything.”
he shook his head, rustling coming from his side of the call as he situated himself to sit up, “‘s okay, everything alright?” 
you nodded, “just wanted to make sure you were still coming tonight.”
“of course, wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
you smiled, a blush forming on your cheeks, “nikki wants to know if you like seafood.”
he nodded, “not my favorite, but i’ll eat it,” he smiled, “i’m sure anything she cooks is good.”
you laughed, “it is, actually.”
“sounds great,” he ran his fingers through his hair, “should i bring anything?”
“just yourself.” you smiled.
“okay, i’ll bring a bottle of rosé.”
you smiled, “if you insist.”
“i do, i refuse to come empty handed, my mom taught me better than that,” he smiled back at you, “also, what’s nikki and your moms favorite flowers?”
you scrunched your nose, thinking about it, “for nikki it’s probably daisies and my mom is simple, she likes white roses.”
he nodded, “alright, i got a few stops to make in town and then i’ll be over.”
you watched as he slipped a shirt over his head, his keys jingling in the microphone shortly after, “take your time.”
“well, i don’t want to keep you waiting.”
you smiled, “i don’t mind.”
he smirked down into the camera, “i’ll remember this.”
you laughed, “drive safe, i’ll see you soon.”
“see you soon, beautiful.”
you smiled before ending the call, squealing quietly to yourself before quickly clicking onto kat’s contact. she picked up almost right away.
“long time no see,” she smiled, “what’s up?”
“it’s confirmed,” you smiled, “i really like shawn.”
                               ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
the doorbell rang as you ran down the steps, “i’ll get it!”
you opened the door and smiled as shawn held up three bouquets of flowers and a bottle of rosé. you smiled, taking the bottle from him to help him carry things inside, “what’s all this?”
“a good first impression,” he smiled, kissing your cheek softly, “these are for your mom and nikki.”
you smiled, your heart beating quickly as you closed the door behind him, “you’re so sweet. c’mon, i’ll introduce you.”
he followed you into the kitchen where nikki, your mom, austin, paddy and harry were sitting. everyone was quick to say hello, shawn shaking hands with the boys and offering the flowers to the moms. they both smiled and accepted them, also mentioning how it was a sweet gesture. you left the boys to talk as you followed your mom and nikki into the kitchen to open the bottle of wine. 
“he’s handsome,” your mom smirked, rubbing her shoulder against yours, giggling, “and respectful.”
“he’s great, y/n. a 10 in my book.”
you laughed at both of the women in front of you, shaking your head as you grabbed two wine glasses, “you two are insufferable.”
“c’mon! if i were you, i'd be all over that.” your mom laughed and you scrunched your nose, letting out a chuckle as you shook your head. 
“gross, don’t ever say that again,” you laughed with the other two, walking back into the dining room with the two wine glasses. you handed one to shawn, him smiling and thanking you as you sat down in the chair next to him. 
“so, you’ve played guitar your whole life?” harry asked. shawn nodded. 
“yeah, pretty much,” he smiled, “i learned from watching youtube videos on how to play ed sheeran songs.”
“i wish i was good at playing an instrument,” paddy sighed, “i tried piano, but i wasn’t good so i gave up.”
“that’s what practice is for,” shawn said, pulling the glass away from his lips, “if you want, i could teach you how to play, show you a few pointers.”
“really?” paddy’s face lit up, “that’s awesome! thanks, mate.”
shawn nodded and smiled back. you smiled at him as he made eye contact. 
“so, is the infamous katarina coming next weekend?” he asked. 
“yeah, she is,” you smiled, “and she’s really excited to meet you.”
he widened his eyes a little, “guess i gotta make a really good impression.”
“shouldn’t be too hard.” you smiled, biting down on your bottom lip to try to contain it. 
“i don’t know, seems like a big deal.”
“please, if you can make it through this dinner, you should be able to handle kat.”
you heard sam as he entered the room, “that’s a lie, kat is like a hurricane. she’s kinda crazy.”
you rolled your eyes playfully at sam, “she’s not crazy, she’s just… a concerned friend.”
sam scoffed, “yeah, we can say that,” he smiled as he shook shawn’s hand, “sam, by the way. nice to meet you.”
“nice to meet you, too.” shawn smiled. you watched as tom was the last one to sit down at the table, nodding his head towards shawn.
“hey, mate.”
“hey, man. what’s up,” he greeted back, reaching to shake tom’s hand, “shawn.”
tom shook his hand, “tom.”
you watched as tom’s eyes locked with yours for a split second, the warm brown eyes once again cold as he saw you with shawn. he clenched his jaw as he sat down, not wanting to sit across from you and the guy who was everything he couldn’t be for you. 
nikki and your mom, thankfully, came out with the food in their hands as they placed everything down on the table, “who’s hungry.”
you felt shawn’s nerves from his seat next to you, giving his hand a squeeze under the table. he squeezed back, smiling as you made eye contact. 
the dinner talk consisted of everyone getting to know shawn a little better and talking about everyone’s favorite summer activities. but, of course, austin had to ruin the moment with an embarrassing story from when you were younger. 
that’s when you grabbed shawn’s hand, leaving the table as you led him up the stairs, “okay, i’m done with this conversation. you all have fun.”
everyone laughed as harry called out to you, “oh, come on! at least leave shawn!” 
you two laughed, “over my dead body, holland.”
you made your way into your room, closing the door behind you, “sorry, they get to be a little much.”
he waved you off, “it’s alright, i get it.”
you sat down on the bed, gesturing to the room, “this is me. not much, but that’s what i like about it.”
“that and this view,” shawn said as he looked out the large window, “i’d never leave this room.” 
you smiled, getting up and wrapping your arms around him from behind, resting your cheek on his back, “that’s another favorite part.”
he smiled, turning around as his arms wrapped around your torso this time, “i can’t deny a great view when i see one.”
you blushed softly, “me either.”
he smiled as his hand reached up and cupped your cheek into his hand softly, leaning down slowly as his nose pressed up against yours, “can i ask you something?”
you nodded, biting down softly on your lower lip as he continued, “i know it hasn’t been very long, but i really really like you and i was just wondering if you’d wanna be official, like be my… girlfriend?”
you smiled, “i really like you, too. and yes, i’d love to be your girlfriend.”
he smiled, leaning down and softly pressing his lips to yours. you both smiled into the kiss, breaking apart after a little while. you led him to bed bed, the both of you laying down. he grabbed the stuffed bear from under his back, laughing softly as you grabbed your tv remote from the nightstand. 
“who’s this?”
you chuckled, “that’s beary.”
“beary? you couldn’t have come up with a better name?” he joked and you laughed, snatching the brown stuffed bear from his hands. 
“i was 4! leave me alone.”
he laughed, pulling you so you were laying on top of him, both legs on either side of his hips. you smiled as you braced yourself, hands resting against his chest as his landed on your hips. 
he giggled, “poor beary. he’s stuck dealing with the worst name in history.”
you rolled your eyes, laughing as you smacked him playfully with the pillow, “shut up!”
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violetsandfluff · 1 year
Can I have Shawn Mendes and Y/N with
Translation: fluff with fiancé!shawn with morning kisses on a date night/anniversary, “when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while…” and playing with each others’ hair.
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A/n: if it’s okay with you I’m going to make the special occasion Shawn’s birthday 🥰 thanks for utilizing my concept café!
A/n 2.0: I forgot to post this last week :| so oops
“Mmm, ten more minutes,” Shawn hummed with an adorably lopsided smile, his morning voice low and groggy, as he swatted your hand away from his head. With his eyes still closed against the early morning light, he pulled you close to his chest.
You felt his chest vibrate with the chuckle that escaped from his lips, causing you to giggle as you continued to pepper his face and neck with kisses. “I thought I told you to wake me up,” you reminded him, your eyebrows arched playfully.
“I thought you told me to sleep in as long as I wanted,” he retorted, adding, “Plus, it’s no fun if I don’t get to wake up to this pretty face.” He reached out and squished your face gently in his hands.
You squished his, too, not wanting him to get the final squish, and sank back into the pillows behind you as a contented blush flooded your cheeks.
Your fiancé shook his head playfully as he reached over your shoulder and tugged on your ponytail lightly. “If I could, I would drink that smile right off your mouth.”
Only one silent moment later your peace was disturbed by a persistent poking at your ribs. “Baby. Babe. Baby. YYYYY/NNNNN.”
“Look over there,” Shawn pointed, and like putty in his hands, your head swiveled right into his hands. Before you could think, your lips were being smothered in sloppy, affectionate kisses.
“Shawn.” you feigned annoyance at his behavior, but he responded only with a smirk and a shrug. “Baby, you have to let me get up and ready now since you were too busy obeying me to obey me.”
“Fine,” he replied, pouting slightly as he lifted up the covers to let you get up. “I’ll be in the studio until you’re ready for me. Gimme one last kiss before you go.”
You leaned down and wrapped an arm around his shoulders as you blessed his lips with a warm, heartfelt kiss. “Happy birthday, Shawnie.”
“One more,” he called just as you’d turned around. “I don’t think the last one took.”
You shook your head wordlessly as you leaned down to kiss his lips once again.
As soon as you pulled away, his mouth opened to ask for one more, but he stopped when he saw the expression on your face; eyebrows arched, lips pursed, adoring glitter dancing in your eyes.
“You… are… exasperating,” you mumbled between pecks.
The soft strumming of Shawn’s guitar drew you into his home studio once you’d finished putting together his last-minute birthday surprise.
He looked up when you entered the room, but didn’t stop playing, although the chords he strummed out changed ever so slightly. He began singing softly and sweetly as you squeezed into the bucket chair beside him. You recognized the song as the first song you had slow danced to as a couple.
“When you smile,” he began, “the whole world stops and stares for a while because you’re amazing just the way you are.”
“Aww,” you cooed, letting your head rest in the warm, smooth area between your fiancé’s neck and head, blinking fast and acting chipper to distract your eyes from welling up. “Good job, baby.”
A/n 2.1 i sat on how to end this for way too long, so my apologies if it was abrupt 🙃 it’s not my finest work but I haven’t written fanfiction in forever, so excuse the quality
taglist: @chocochipcookie305 @fishingirl12 @monikamendes @sonder444 @yournameoneverypage
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