#shawnkyr nuruodu
POV for the no excuses writing meme?
Sooooo I've only posted one partial scene from my Star Wars Legends modern au buttttt I thought it would be fun to go back and rewrite that scene from Anakin Solo's perspective...so here you go!!
“Little Brother!”
Tahiri’s holler echoed across the open scrapyard, easily reaching where Anakin lay on his back under Lowie’s rusty old pickup. With a sigh, he shoved against the vehicle and rolled out from its underbelly, wincing as his wrench clanged against the metal. She’d used his code name; that meant whoever had shown up wasn’t one of their regulars. “What!” he yelled back.
Well, he’d figured that part out. Rolling his eyes, Anakin hopped up and grabbed the rag he’d left hanging over the truck’s open window. He pushed the sweaty hair back from his forehead, squinting in the bright Arizona sun, but of course couldn’t see into the dark garage from this distance.
The cool air of the shadowed garage washed over him as he stepped inside, a welcome relief from the heat. Tahiri was back on her favorite perch atop Tionne’s old Volkswagon bus. Absently wiping his hands on the rag, Anakin scanned the pair of potential customers: a severe-looking woman with dark skin and black hair in a tight ponytail, and a paler man with dark hair cropped short in a military fashion and a jagged scar through one eyebrow. A shock of white hair marked where the scar presumably continued upwards. Both wore function but nondescript clothing and had the stance and air of law enforcement or military officers, which sent a quiet alarm through Anakin’s mind; Mom should have given him a heads up if that was the case.
“You guys having car trouble?” he asked warily.
“Not exactly,” the woman said. She and her companion reached into their jackets, and Anakin tensed, Tahiri stilling in the corner of his eye, but they only pulled out badges, claiming them to be Agent Shawnkyr Nuruodo and Agent Jagged Fel. “We’re with Interpol.”
Anakin’s eyebrows rose. All the way out in the middle of Bumfuck Nowhere, Arizona, and people were still tracking him down to try to get shady details into his mom’s administration. “Are you serious?”
“One of your frequent fliers witnessed an…incident last month that we’re investigating,” the man, Agent Fel, said. “We just want to ask them some questions, and were told you might know how to find them, Mr …?”
So . . . maybe not anything to do with intrigue or politics, after all?
Anakin rubbed a hand over his face. That was totally the family luck at work, actually. “Mom’s not going to believe this,” he muttered to himself, then dropped his hand to look up at the agents. “Little Brother is fine. That’s what everyone here calls me.” If they didn’t know who he was, he certainly wasn’t going to tell them. It wasn’t any of their business.
Agent Fel, however, was frowning at him slightly. “Anyone ever tell you you look like Han Solo?”
Anakin just stared at him. The question seemed genuine. “I have to admit they do,” he said finally.
“He gets that allllllll the time,” Tahiri piped up cheekily, and simply giggled when Anakin shot her his best glare.
“Who are you looking for?” he sighed, turning back to the agents. He wasn’t going to rat out any of his customers or friends, but he could probably come up with some satisfyingly vague answers.
“We don’t know their name,” Agent Nuruodo said, “but we have a photo of their bike from the scene.” She glanced at her partner, who pulled out his phone, who had the picture ready to go.
And because nothing in Anakin’s life was ever easy, it clearly showed a very distinctive pale violet motorcycle with a stylized komodo dragon painted on the flanks.
He stared at it for a moment, disbelieving. This was not what he’d meant when he said he’d wanted his sister’s bike back in his garage. “That’s Twin One,” he blurted before he could stop himself. Tahiri gasped, scrambling down and shoving past Agent Nuruodo to see for herself.
Jaina, what did you do now?
from this wip ask game!
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My turn!
YESSSSSS okay here's a snippet from my Star Wars modern AU featuring Young Jedi Knights/New Jedi Order era characters!!
But for all the signs of activity, the sole occupant of the garage was a single scrawny girl with a mess of blond curls perched on top of the ancient volkswagen bus. Her bare feet dangled over the side, kicking lazily, but her striking green eyes watched them warily. “Can I help you?”
“We’re looking for the proprietor of this establishment,” Shawnkyr said calmly, unperturbed by needing to crane her neck to make eye contact with the girl. “Are they around?”
The girl jerked her chin towards the back door. “He’s out back. Want me to call him?”
“That won’t be necessary,” Jag began, “we can—”
But the girl, startling both agents, launched herself from her perch straight towards the floor. She executed a frankly admirable tuck-and-roll before popping up like she’d simply hopped off a child’s swing and dashed lightly over towards the door, heedless of her bare feet on the grimy garage floor.
Jag let his hand fall from where he’d instinctively reached for his holstered gun. At his side, Shawnkyr swore under her breath.
The blonde flung the door open and hollered, “Little Brother!”
Jag caught his partner’s eye. She raised an eyebrow, and he shrugged.
A distant clang sounded from beyond. “What!”
“Customers!” With that pronouncement, she left the door open and made her way back to the volkswagen, shimmying back up to her seat with practiced ease.
A moment later, a lanky boy stepped through the door, wiping his hands on a greasy towel and sweating from the Arizona sun. Despite what the girl had called him he was clearly several years her senior, seventeen or eighteen if Jag had to guess, but still younger than he would have expected for the owner of a mechanic business. Intense electric blue eyes frowned at them from beneath unruly brown hair, and Jag had a nagging feeling he’d seen that expression before. “You guys having car trouble?”
“Not exactly,” Shawnkyr said, and she and Jag flashed their badges. “We’re with Interpol.”
The boy’s eyebrows rose almost to his hairline, and the nagging feeling in the back of Jag's mind only grew. “Are you serious?”
“One of your frequent fliers witnessed an…incident last month that we’re investigating,” Jag said. “We just want to ask them some questions, and were told you might know how to find them, Mr . . .?”
The boy rubbed a hand over his face, muttering something that sounded like “Mom’s not going to believe this.” Dropping his hands, he said, “Little Brother is fine. That’s what everyone here calls me.” He caught Jag’s eye, as if daring him to push.
And suddenly, it clicked. After spending almost a week in D.C. working closely with President Organa and her administration, including her husband, it really shouldn’t have taken this long.
“Anyone ever tell you you look like Han Solo?” Jag asked, trying to ease the tension in the room.
The kid just looked at him for a minute, like he wasn’t sure if Jag was trying to make a joke. “I have to admit they do,” he said finally.
“He gets that allllllll the time,” the girl piped up brightly.
The boy tossed a scowl up at her that made him look even more like the First Husband, but she just giggled. “Who are you looking for?” he sighed, turning back towards the agents.
“We don’t know their name,” Shawnkyr said, “but we have a photo of their bike from the scene.” Jag pulled up the photo on his phone, showing him the pale violet motorcycle with the stylized komodo dragon painted on the flanks.
The kid blinked. “That’s Twin One,” he said, sounding surprised. The girl stifled a gasp, then scrambled down and pushed past an irked Shawnkyr to take a look herself.
“So you do know the biker?” Jag asked. Finally.
No matter what universe they're in, if there's trouble to be found, a Solo will be involved...
From this wip ask game
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