#shay x american!even
muldermuse · 2 months
An Unlikely Hero (ex boyfriend!Billy Butcher x reader)
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this is going to be a multi part series!!! i love exboyfriend!butcher and he is on my mind constantly. if u would like to read more about him here’s some more posts! if you wanna talk about him pls send me your thoughts ❤️ dividers by @saradika ❤️
part one: the first date
the first time you meet Billy Butcher
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You swore to yourself that this was the last Tinder date you’d subject yourself to. Last week, you matched and met with Jack who had a Homelander sleeve tattoo and cried to you about how hard it was to be a ‘true American’ nowadays.  The week before that, it was Shay who seemed sweet but kept trying to ply you with drinks and invite you back to his place (he bragged that his ‘folks were out of town’, which would be impressive if you were a hell of a lot younger than you actually are). This week’s date is named Harry and he’s just not right for you. You thought it over texts but as soon as you sat down with him tonight; it was confirmed. It’s not even like you have a great previous relationship as a point for comparison, all romantic love has been fleeting and, with how things are going currently, you imagine it always will be.
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It's a few hours later and Harry’s suddenly a lot drunker than you. You’ve moved from the overpriced restaurant to your favourite bar. The drinks are questionable in that they’re both incredibly cheap and very strong. You grab two stools at the bar which is overwise empty, apart from one man nursing a whiskey. You’re sure Harry’s drunker than you because he’s currently sobbing into his craft beer about how he hasn’t felt a connection with anyone since his ex-girlfriend, who left him 3 months ago for a co-worker.
“Like, you’re nice y’know. You seem like a nice girl” you try not to recoil at the phrase “but my ex? She was great. There’s no one else who’s ev-hic-ever been like her and there never will be”. The guy sat next to you at the bar mutters a “fuckin’ ell” under his breath as he gestures towards the bartender for another neat whiskey. His accent is completely out of place in this local dive bar; he sounds European. No trace of an american accent so you consider that he could be a tourist who’s wandered into a bar looking for a cold drink and some respite.
You try not to smirk at the utterance and tune back into what Harry’s saying, “I think we’ve both just gone through the motions tonight, don’t you agree? I can tell you’re not really into me and to be honest, I’m not into you”. You kind of admire his candor because he’s right, you’re not into him in the slightest but the next thing out of his mouth quickly dispels any misplaced respect you held for him. “I’ve been real lonely since she left though…maybe you could come back to my place-hic-she’s uh…some of her stuff is still there but there’s not a lot of it in the bedroom”. He’s that plastered that what he assumed would be a casual hand slide up your thigh becomes a full push, hurtling you into the whiskey sipping man next to you. You fall into his chest, it’s strong and kind of feels like slamming into a wall. 
“Right, tha’s fuckin’ it” the potential tourist speaks and it’s only when he stands up that you realise how broad he is. He’s tall with thick black hair and the beard to match. His outfit is seemingly prepared for a spectrum of weathers with a Hawaiian shirt clashing with a thick overcoat. He’s older than you, definitely older but absolutely attractive. More attractive than anyone you’d seen on Tinder or, probably, ever in your life. “You alright there darlin’?” his dark eyes bore into yours as you nod and cough out a meek ‘yes’. You silently curse yourself, the first thing you say to this strong man makes you sound like a small frightened mouse.
“’M jus’ gonna get rid of your little pal there and then I’ll buy ya a drink- alright?” his hand rubs your bare arm and sends a flurry of goosebumps across your skin. The whole interaction feels more charged than anything you’ve had before with another human, you wonder if he’s feeling it too and pray that he is.
“Oh nice one man, I’ll have uh…another craft” Harry gestures towards the tap, completely oblivious to the situation in front of him
“All you’re fuckin’ gettin’ cunt is a helpin’ hand out that fuckin’ door. Now, I’ll ask ya politely one last fuckin’ time…fuck off” he elongates the 3 letter word. A comically confused look spreads across Harry’s face. “’M on a fucking date here man and she’s coming back to mine, aren’t you?”
“No” you quickly deadpan, shaking your head at the still unnamed man.
“There’s your answer then cunt, off ya fuck” 
“Butcher- no fuckin’ blood on my bar this time man” the bartender shouts whilst idly checking his phone. Butcher? Is that the guy’s name? 
Harry stands up, pushing out his chest which, if anything, only exaggerates how small he is in comparison. “I’ve bought her meal, paid for her drink and I’m go-hic-gonna take her back to my place and fuck her”. He finishes his sentence in Butcher’s face. Whilst you see a flicker of fear cross Harry’s expression; Butcher’s look borders on hysterical. 
“Alright then big fella, I’ll tell ya what’s gonna happen” he slams his hand down on Harry’s shoulder, his eyes now boring into his. “You’re gonna fuck off back to your shitty little home, grab some lube, cry and wank to ya heart’s content about your ex who is probably ridin’ some big fat fuckin’ dick right now-yeah?” Butcher nods as if Harry’s going to agree with him.
Your date goes to interrupt but Butcher presses a finger to his quaking lips before he can start, “what’s not gonna happen, my sad little mate, is that you’re going to fuck her. She’s hadta listen to your fuckin’ whinin’ about your ex all night whilst you’ve fuckin’ insulted this gorgeous woman. So, get out before I throw ya through the fuckin’ window”. Harry’s lost for words, he doesn’t make eye contact with you as you stand silently behind Butcher. You see tears brimming in his eyes as he smacks $20 on the bar top. 
“Fuckin’ old asshole” Harry spits as he shoves past the pair of you.
Butcher smirks at the remark, watching the door swing shut behind Harry before turning to you. “Right darlin’, whatcha havin’?” 
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It’s the best date you’ve ever been on and it’s not even a real date. You finally got his full name. Billy Butcher. Your heart races just to say it. He’s from London but has been in the States for a while. He asks all about you and you surprisingly find you’ve got a lot in common. He’s funny, charming and really fucking exciting- you have to admit. By the third drink, the chat goes from conversational to more flirty. 
“The bartender said ‘this time’, do you do this a lot? Love saving a damsel in distress? Are you a hero, Billy Butcher?” you smirk at him and he returns it back to you. There’s lust in his eyes and you see him take your appearance in for what feels like the upteenth time since you sat down.
As he goes to speak, the bell rings for last orders and he takes your hand to help you off the bar stool. You down the remnants of your drink together and he puts his arm around you and escorts you out of the bar.
You don’t want it to end, he lights a cigarette and you thank any higher deity for the extra thinking seconds it gives you. He speaks before you get chance, “Will ya let me walk you home darlin’? Swear on my mum’s life I won’t try any funny business”. He holds his hand out like he’s making a scouts honour. Honestly, you do anything to spend a bit more time with him so you smile, link your arm with his and pull him down the quiet streets.
The air makes you feel drunker than you are. If you were sober, there is no way you’d be giggling like a school girl at everything this man is saying, yet here you are. Your arms are linked and you’re resting your head on his shoulders as you tell him about your horrific dating history. Everytime he laughs and accuses you of exaggerating you say, “Billy Butcher, I would never ever lie to you”. You say it because his name feels so fun sliding off your tongue. You barely see anyone on your walk home and the sound of your shared laughter fills the empty streets.
As you turn down your street, you wish you lived miles away so you could keep walking together for hours. Your stomach drops at the thought that you’ll never see him again. Which, you completely realise, is fucking stupid. This stranger threatened your date to leave but he also made you feel safe and laugh harder than you have in months. You pull his stride to a stop outside your house. It feels like some awful hallmark romcom or trashy romance novel.
You thank him for escorting you home and he turns down a nightcap in your house as “it’s not gentlemanly on the first date”. He shoots you a wicked grin again as he says, “my mum would be spinnin’ in her grave darlin’”.
You try not to let the heartbreak from that sentence show on your expression. “You’re a gentleman, Billy Butcher?”
“The best one around darlin’. I’ll prove it tomorrow when I take ya out for lunch”
A brief flare of anger hits you, “yeah, I hear that all the fucking time. The lunch never happens, I don’t see you again but then we bump into each other at the store and you apologise and say you’ll be in touch which, of course, you never will be”. You regret it as soon as you stop speaking.
Before you can apologise, he grabs a sharpie out of his coat pocket, takes your hand and scribbles down his number. “There, alright? You call me at any time gorgeous and I swear, I’ll fuckin’ answer and come runnin’”
His kiss to your cheek is soft yet restrained. “You’ll forget about me Billy Butcher, I know it”.
“S’not fuckin’ possible, darlin’”. He says goodnight and walks down your street. A plume of cigarette smoke trailing after him.
He keeps his word.
40 minutes later, and after one final glass of wine, you call him.
He answers on the first ring and says your name. He tells you where to meet tomorrow and what time to get there.
You hope he can always keep his promises.
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allieebobo · 9 months
Merry Crisis—Cast of characters
Romance-focused x Slice-of-life x Queer x Non-Euro-centric x Character-based
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Credit: The wonderful amazing INSANELY talented @dumplingcatho made these STUNNING character portraits!! I am still reeling from how dang good she is. I swear she probably made a deal with the devil for this talent but I shall not question it.
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Nat [M/F]
The soulmate/ex/best friend.
Your ex. Your parents never approved of them, but you suppose it doesn’t matter anymore. Despite the breakup, you’re still friends, and worse still - you still live with them in a tiny shoebox apartment. New York rent, man—it's hard to say no even though you know you should be moving on, and moving out.
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Height: 6′2 (M) | 5′11 (F)
Nationality & race: African-American
Occupation: Post-doc fellow, working towards becoming a tenure-track professor.
Warm, twinkling eyes, and big, infectious laugh. Can swing from nerdy charm to extreme goofyness at the drop of a pin.
Loving, thoughtful, and kind to a fault. Relaxed, gentle demeanour
The kind of friend—and partner—you can trust with your life.
An incurable optimist.
Loves people, art/movies (especially talking about them with friends), food/cooking, their two dogs. 
Nat's dogs
Kiho [M]
Breed: Cairn Terrier
Age: 8
Description: Proud, small, intelligent, standoffish, with a stern grandpa energy. Apparently, a reader/player told me long ago that Kiho means "big boss" in Finnish colloquial slang and that was so perfect that it stuck. If Kiho were human he'd wear an old patagonia vest and spend his weekends fishing (not very adeptly).
Liz [F]
Breed: Border collie
Age: 3 (adopted when MC and Nat were already together.)
Description: Not exactly literal golden retriever energy but... close enough. A ray of sunshine, playful, easygoing, happy-go-lucky and a voracious eater (she eats everything), loves playing in puddles and has a special love for chewed up tennis balls.
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Qiu [M/F]
The estranged first love / soulmates.
Your first-love (or platonic soulmate), from junior college. You’d not kept in touch, and now, they’re ridiculously successful. But, according to your intel, still…single.
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Height: 5′8 (M) | 5′4 (F)
Nationality & race: Chinese Singaporean
Occupation: Public prosecutor
Extremely intelligent, with a sharp, cutting wit.
Ambitious, determined, and a bit cynical / jaded.
Dark, piercing gaze, with a completely unreadable expression.
Formal, a little bit stiff, and always impeccably dressed.
Aloof, almost intimidating presence despite their relatively average height/slim build.
Loves a job well done, being useful, stimulating conversation, and solving problems. Peace and quiet.
Shay [M/F]
The charismatic stranger.
Your neighbour (Auntie Pearl)'s new tenant. Sexy, confident, and unabashedly unconventional. Your mother definitely does not approve, but you might not be able to resist their roguish charms.
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Height: 5′10 (M) | 5′6 (F)
Nationality & race: Chinese (Peranakan) Singaporean
Occupation: Lead singer & guitarist in a rock band
Thick, sweeping eyebrows, expressive eyes that twinkle at the edges, and a permanent roguish half-grin.
Tan, athletic, with an undeniable swagger to their walk. Has a penchant for sleeveless muscle tees. Good with their hands (and... possibly other parts of their body).
Adventurous, resilient, unflinchingly honest, and uncompromisingly true to themselves / the people they love.
Loves the outdoors (and constant motion), music (especially rock, reggae and soul), dancing, soccer, nature/plants (including gardening).
Other asks
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chelseacatgirl · 1 year
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I just came to announce that I finally got all 11 Endings in Brok the InvestiGator, I got the following endings in order, starting with the 10 non-canon endings:
Drumer *Second favorite ending even though it was bittersweet*
Till the End of Time *The ending where poor Ott died, it really made me cry*
Fight Together
Broken Detective *A bad ending*
Diary *A very emotional ending*
Out of Loop *Least favorite ending*
Cynical *A hilarious joke ending featuring characters from a previous COWCATGames title Demetrios - The BIG Cynical Adventure*
I got the Canonical Ending last, the ending itself is very bittersweet and tragic, started with Brok and Graff's heated argument about the former's past actions that he can't remember and the latter's future being shattered, then afterwards, after Brok got a farewell letter from Graff that left him devastated, he then solved clues from Shay's envelope before going to her garage and discovered her time machine and uses it to go back 5 years ago, a week before the fire in an attempt to prevent Lia's death that will also fix Brok's past mistakes, he be doing it for his stepson Graff because he loves him. This I hope would come true.
Inspired by that ending and to celebrate this occasion, I drew this fanart about how Brok misses Graff and hoped how the altered timeline be like if he did prevent Lia's death. Oh, this is also inspired by the song "Somewhere Out There" from one of the Don Bluth films I grew up with "An American Tail".
Meanwhile, I could imagine Brok and Graff singing this song:
Somewhere out there beneath the pale moonlight
Someone's thinking of me and loving me tonight
Somewhere out there someone's saying a prayer
That we'll find one another in that big somewhere out there
And even though I know how very far apart we are
It helps to think we might be wishin' on the same bright star
And when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome lullaby
It helps to think we're sleeping underneath the same big sky
Brok and Graff:
Somewhere out there, if love can see us through
Then we'll be together somewhere out there
Out where dreams come true
Oh, here's the song itself from An American Tail:
Here's the Ending Credits version:
Meanwhile it is my first time drawing Lia.
Still, I'm looking forward to what the future of Brok the InvestiGator has to offer, while I hope one day, my fanart would appear in the game itself. Thanks COWCATGames for this really good game.😺
Drawn on ibisPaint X on my Samsung Galaxy Tab A.
Brok, Graff, and Lia (c) @cowcatgames
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90363462 · 2 years
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Denver Sean
Here Are All of the 2022 American Music Awards Winners
November 20, 2022 8:05 PM PST
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The American Music Awards took place Sunday evening live from Los Angeles’ Microsoft Theater.
Check out the full list of winners below.
New artist of the year Dove Cameron — WINNER Gayle Latto Måneskin Steve Lacy
Collaboration of the year Carolina Gaitán, Mauro Castillo, Adassa, Rhenzy Feliz, Diane Guerrero, Stephanie Beatriz & Encanto Cast, “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” Elton John & Dua Lipa, “Cold Heart – PNAU Remix” — WINNER Future ft. Drake & Tems, “Wait For U” Lil Nas X ft. Jack Harlow, “Industry Baby” The Kid LAROI & Justin Bieber, “Stay”
Favorite touring artist Bad Bunny Coldplay — WINNER Ed Sheeran Elton John The Rolling Stones
Favorite music video Adele, “Easy on Me” Bad Bunny ft. Chencho Corleone, “Me Porto Bonito” Harry Styles, “As It Was” Lil Nas X ft. Jack Harlow, “Industry Baby” Taylor Swift, “All Too Well (Taylor’s Version)” — WINNER
Favorite male pop artist Bad Bunny Drake Ed Sheeran Harry Styles — WINNER The Weeknd
Favorite female pop artist Adele Beyoncé Doja Cat Lizzo Taylor Swift — WINNER
Favorite pop duo or group BTS — WINNER Coldplay Imagine Dragons Måneskin OneRepublic
Favorite pop album Adele, 30 Bad Bunny, Un Verano Sin Ti Beyoncé, Renaissance Harry Styles, Harry’s House Taylor Swift, Red (Taylor’s Version) — WINNER The Weeknd, Dawn FM
Favorite pop song Adele, “Easy on Me” Carolina Gaitán, Mauro Castillo, Adassa, Rhenzy Feliz, Diane Guerrero, Stephanie Beatriz & Encanto Cast, “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” Harry Styles, “As It Was” — WINNER Lizzo, “About Damn Time” The Kid LAROI & Justin Bieber, “Stay”
Favorite male country artist Chris Stapleton Cody Johnson Luke Combs Morgan Wallen — WINNER Walker Hayes
Favorite female country artist Carrie Underwood Lainey Wilson Maren Morris Miranda Lambert Taylor Swift — WINNER
Favorite country duo or group Dan + Shay — WINNER Lady A Old Dominion Parmalee Zac Brown Band
Favorite country album Carrie Underwood, Denim & Rhinestones Luke Combs, Growin’ Up Cody Johnson, Human: The Double Album Taylor Swift, Red (Taylor’s Version) — WINNER Walker Hayes, Country Stuff: The Album
Favorite country song Chris Stapleton, “You Should Probably Leave” Cody Johnson, “’Til You Can’t” Dustin Lynch ft. MacKenzie Porter, “Thinking ‘Bout You” Jordan Davis ft. Luke Bryan, “Buy Dirt” Morgan Wallen, “Wasted on You” — WINNER
Favorite male hip-hop artist Drake Future Kendrick Lamar — WINNER Lil Baby Lil Durk
Favorite female hip-hop artist Cardi B GloRilla Latto Megan Thee Stallion Nicki Minaj — WINNER
Favorite hip-hop album Future, I Never Liked You Gunna, DS4EVER Kendrick Lamar, Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers — WINNER Lil Durk, 7220 Polo G, Hall of Fame 2.0
Favorite hip-hop song Future ft. Drake & Tems, “Wait For U” — WINNER Jack Harlow, “First Class” Kodak Black, “Super Gremlin” Latto, “Big Energy” Lil Nas X ft. Jack Harlow, “Industry Baby”
Favorite male R&B artist Brent Faiyaz Chris Brown — WINNER Giv?on Lucky Daye The Weeknd
Favorite female R&B artist Beyoncé — WINNER Doja Cat Muni Long Summer Walker SZA
Favorite R&B album Beyoncé, Renaissance — WINNER Drake, Honestly, Nevermind Silk Sonic (Bruno Mars & Anderson .Paak), An Evening with Silk Sonic Summer Walker, Still Over It The Weeknd, Dawn FM
Favorite R&B song Beyoncé, “Break My Soul” — WINNER Muni Long, “Hrs And Hrs” Silk Sonic (Bruno Mars & Anderson .Paak), “Smokin Out The Window” SZA, “I Hate U” Wizkid ft. Tems, “Essence”
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Favorite male Latin artist Bad Bunny — WINNER Farruko J Balvin Jhayco Rauw Alejandro
Favorite female Latin artist Anitta — WINNER Becky G Kali Uchis Karol G Rosalía
Favorite Latin duo or group Banda MS de Sergio Lizárraga Calibre 50 Eslabon Armado Grupo Firme Yahritza Y Su Esencia — WINNER
Favorite Latin album Bad Bunny, Un Verano Sin Ti — WINNER Farruko, La 167 J Balvin, Jose Rauw Alejandro, Vice Versa Rosalía, Motomami
Favorite Latin song Bad Bunny ft. Chencho Corleone, “Me Porto Bonito” Becky G x Karol G, “MAMIII” Karol G, “Provenza” Rauw Alejandro, “Todo de Ti” Sebastián Yatra, “Dos Oruguitas” — WINNER
Favorite rock artist Imagine Dragons Machine Gun Kelly — WINNER Måneskin Red Hot Chili Peppers The Lumineers
Favorite rock song Foo Fighters, “Love Dies Young” Imagine Dragons x JID, “Enemy” Kate Bush, “Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)” Måneskin, “Beggin’” — WINNER Red Hot Chili Peppers, “Black Summer”
Favorite rock album Coldplay, Music of the Spheres Ghost, Impera — WINNER Imagine Dragons, Mercury – Act 1 Machine Gun Kelly, mainstream sellout Red Hot Chili Peppers, Unlimited Love
Favorite inspirational artist Anne Wilson for King & Country — WINNER Katy Nichole Matthew West Phil Wickham
Favorite gospel artist CeCe Winans DOE E. Dewey Smith Maverick City Music Tamela Mann — WINNER
Favorite dance/electronic artist Diplo Marshmello — WINNER Swedish House Mafia The Chainsmokers Tiësto
Favorite soundtrack ELVIS — WINNER Encanto Sing 2 Stranger Things: Soundtrack from the Netflix Series, Season 4 Top Gun: Maverick
Favorite Afrobeats artist Burna Boy CKay Fireboy DML Tems Wizkid — WINNER
Favorite K-pop artist Blackpink BTS — WINNER Seventeen Tomorrow X Together Twice
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sissysprouse · 5 years
i did not watch two seasons for nothing!!
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robbeijzerman · 5 years
if we don’t get to see shay serenading american!even, i’m suing for emotional distress
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shaykeijser · 5 years
so like...does anyone have a shay x american!even spotify playlist??
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soritesparadox · 5 years
Shay’s season soundtrack
Upper West Side by King Princess - Shay sees American Even for the first time
Crush by Tessa Violet - while Shay google her and looks at pictures and shit
1950 by King Princess - hang out in e2
Blush by Rizha - Shay takes the Am I Gay quiz, song would be at 1:45
He’ll Never Love You by Hayley Kiyoko - call your girlfriend scene. Their eyes would meet just as Hayley sings the chorus whew imagine the tension
say anything by girl in red - I feel like this would be good played softly in the background of the almost kiss scene and Even would tell Shay about some movie to watch as it plays....listen to the lyrics
Came in Close by Pale Waves - I imagine cfgc playing a cover at a show in e4 and Shay makes eye contact with American Even the whole time
You by The 1975 - play the first part when they’re running to wherever they’re gonna kiss. And then when they actually kiss play the second part, that starts around 7:35 after the silence
Out Like a Light by The Honeysticks - if they play this during the cuddling scene…..
She by Pale Waves - play this while Shay breaks down at the end of e5
We’re Not Just Friends by Parks, Squares and Alleys - first hell week clip
Gravel to Tempo by Hayley Kiyoko - I have a very specific scene in mind. So maybe on Sunday in episode 6 Tyler can message Shay saying how people are talking about her because someone outed her while the beginning plays towards the end of the clip and then it transitions into the clip of Shay walking into school alone just as the chorus starts. The shot would mimic Hayley’s music video
21 Questions by Waterparks - Shay singing this angrily at a show during e6…
Floral and Fading by PTV - hell week
Crush by Cigarettes After Sex - hell week
Talia by King Princess - hell week
Words by Naaz - when Shay finds the drawing
Mercy/Gatekeeper by Hayley Kiyoko - for when Shay runs into her at school
Like Real Poeple Do by Hozier - reunion
Yam Yam by No Vacation - a cute park date…
Holy by King Princess - hotel scene
dead girl in the pool by girl in red - I just want this to be on here. During e9
Home by One Direction - not to shove this down your throat but O Helga Natt…
Watch Over You by Alter Bridge - this is such a soft song literally imagine Shay waking up in episode 10 to this song and walking outside to see American Even in the kitchen just as the chorus starts
Pussy is God by King Princess - this IS American Even’s 5 Fine Frøkner !!!
NFWMB by Hozier - Shay serenades her
Happily by One Direction - this song is so gay pls I just want this at some point in e10 when they’re happy
girls by girl in red - this IS Shay’s birthday video song and you know it
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shaydixons · 5 years
kitchen scene but it’s american even singing along to hyphy and shay gets all embarrassed and american even is like wtf this song is amazing... the drummer is really hot....
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schreichters · 6 years
like american even is definitely going to lure shay in with her cool taste in rap and indie electronica, then hit her with that “taylor swift’s 10 gayest songs” listicle
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Fun fact(s) about me
I'll never stop shipping Meg and Shay
I already love American Even no matter who it ends up being
My favorite color is yellow
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ok ok. so it's established that american even is the truest clotie of them all but what if at first she's quite shy about it and doesn't want to scare off shay, so she just casually starts quoting clout from grandma's closet lyrics when suitable. Like at first it's subtle - things like 'i just wanna have some fun' and shay doesn't notice it (she just thinks it's quite random) and then in the cuddle scene us!even says 'can we stay here till the sun's up and the world shuts down' and that's when shay realises.. and starts teasing her about it (but she's actually so flattered) and yeah from then on it becomes a running joke where us!even just starts blurring out random cfgc lyrics out of nowhere
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katistry · 5 years
shay listens to strangers by halsey during hell week
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livsoulsecrets · 5 years
She keeps me warm
Hey, after today’s clip, I got inspired to write about Shay and her Even so this came to be. It’s just fluff with Shay being happy, very simple. American Even is named Evanna here because I have no creativity, hope you like it! ❤️
— Might I ask why there’s Doritos everywhere? — Evanna asks, a smile fighting to break into her face. She is standing at Shay’s door, entertained by the rather hilarious scene of Shay and her friends sitting at the floor, surrounded by Doritos. Shay smiles fondly at her despite it all.
— No. — Shay replies, a sarcastic smile taking over her face while she pushes Tyler aside to get to her girlfriend. He complains a bit, but quickly shuts up when Marlon throws yet another Doritos at his face.
— Oh, so I should just drop the fact your whole room looks like it was teared apart by a seven years old sleepover party? — Evanna insists, getting a laugh out of Marlon.
— Yeah, that’s exactly what you should do. To be honest, those two are not that different from seven years old boys, baby. — Shay jokes, kissing her quickly while the boys chuckled in the background, their quarrel still going strong.
— I can see that. — Evanna agrees, pointing at the two of them who somehow manage to compose themselves after some seconds.
— Okay, okay, we know when to recognize our defeat. — Tyler announces, kicking Marlon on the leg and putting his hands up while Shay turns to watch him, her arm around Evanna’s waist.
— We’re leaving, don’t worry! We have not interest in third wheeling. — Marlon complies, shaking the Doritos off his clothes while Shay rolls her eyes at their drama.
— Bye! Nice to see you, Ev. Show up at the rehearsal tomorrow. — Tyler says while he and Marlon are leaving Shay’s room.
— I will, thanks! — Ev answers, waving them goodbye. Shay does her best to fix up her bed before they sit down while Evanna just rolls her eyes.
— What? I’m trying! — Shay complies, laughing while she pushes Ev down, their bodies colliding on the bed.
— Oh, I can tell. Come on, let me guess: The three of you had a Doritos war over a stupid argument and that’s what you’re trying to keep from me? — Ev asks while Shay covers her jaw with little kisses.
— What? No! — Shay freezes, enthusiastically denying what Ev just said.
— Yes.
— No.
— Yes.
Shay stops for a second, staring at her before smiling shyly.
— Damn it, girl, you’re good at this. — She gives in, hiding her face on Ev’s neck.
They laugh together until a comfortable silence is reached, Evanna caressing Shay’s hair and holding the girl close to her chest.
Shay loves those moments. The moments where they are alone together. She still remembers how Evanna once believed she was truly alone.
Shay hopes with all of her heart she doesn’t feel like that anymore. She hopes that this girl knows she’ll never be alone again, that Shay wouldn’t want to be anywhere else, that she wouldn’t want anyone else. God, sometimes it scares her just how much she loves Evanna. It scares her because it’s real, like it never was with Nick or anyone else.
It’s real and wonderful and overwhelming and so, so beautiful. And that’s why she loves the moments where Evanna holds her tight, where she can feel her breath and listen to her heartbeat.
Shay never thought she could actually feel at peace. She never thought she could have a home, nonetheless that this home could be a single person, and, still, here she is. She’s being held by the girl she loves and that loves her back.
— We should really clean this up, I can’t stand this Doritos’ smell. — Evanna complains, moving to get up, but Shay holds her still. — What?
— I just... I really love you. — Shay says, feeling Evanna melting under her touch. It’s not the first time she says those words, but it still feels special, touching.
— I really love you too. — Evanna bonds down a bit to kiss her, but she clearly miscalculated the movement because she slips out of bed, pulling Shay down to the floor with her.
They fall down with a loud sound, tangled into one another. A few seconds of silence follow the accident until Shay bursts into laughter while Evanna barely controls herself not to do the same.
— This is all your fault, you can’t just randomly say things like that, you know I get emotional, idiot. — Evanna complains, but even her playful tone carries so much affection it makes Shay’s heart turns on her chest.
Evanna attempts to get up, but Shay’s body is still on top of her and she doesn’t really have the willpower to move.
— You say the sweetest things, Ev. — Shay jokes, kissing her before she can answer. Evanna holds onto her neck, quickly deepening the kiss while Shay holds her waist. — Now we can go and clean this mess. — Shay whispers when they break apart, Evanna’s eyes staring right back at hers.
— You made me fall out of bed! You should just clean up on your own. — Evanna replies, letting out a little laugh while Shay helps her to stand up.
— But then you would just stare disapprovingly at me while I mess it up and do it all again yourself. — Shay argues, knowing Evanna can’t fight that logic.
— You’re so lucky I love you. — Evanna answers, admitting she’s right after some hesitant seconds. Shay knows she’s joking, but the words still have a deeper meaning to her. She’s still getting used to the fact Evanna actually trusts her enough to show so much love casually, freely.
She stays back a bit while Ev walks out of the bedroom in search of a groom.
— You have no idea of how much. — She lets out, more to herself than to anyone else, feeling a bit stupid for smiling like an idiot because of that.
— Are you coming? — Evanna calls, snapping Shay out of her thoughts.
— Always. — She answers, knowing it’s the absolute truth.
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Mark my words I am GOING to write a Shay x American!Even Estéros AU once we get a name. Mark my fucking words.
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lesbian-rights · 6 years
ok i made a country playlist for shay and her future gf because we all know american even is a yeehaw lesbian
listen here lol https://open.spotify.com/user/zsdiezy9zmnb1xt5qej3ryscv/playlist/58bh8SPK4eJTe5X1y8ywFs?si=wqYerRAcRv2vbta9IqBRaA
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