#she ate with that one heart exploding line tho i’ll give her that
ummmyum · 2 months
i always forget that my tumblr is not private like my twitter is and i am nearly too quick to share my thoughts on things that would get me eaten alive by ppl who don’t know me and care more than i do
sorry abt the egregiously long tags. i have feelings abt the title track
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imjaebeomtrash · 7 years
Turbulence in LA Experience
I’M SORRY THIS IS SO LATE. At this point, I’m just writing it to keep it for memory. Where do I even begin?! Honestly it was such an amazing experience I got post concert depression before the boys even left the stage loool I’m gonna split up the posts with this one being about the concert and the other one being about the hi-touch and everything after because girl, that is a whole other story!! 
For those interested in Part 2, you can read it here!
♥ ♥ ♥  If you don’t care then just keep scrolling but I hope whoever reads this enjoys it  ♥ ♥ ♥
♥ My friend and I came from SF and basically chilled all of Friday and went to K-Town and ate at Quarters for dinner. 10/10 recommend eating there, you guys, it’s so good! Then we went to Tokyo Table and our host kept making us drink and I literally wanted to die lol. Then he wanted us to take one last shot and I was like noooo but he said “for got7!” And I was like fuck it I have to do it HAHA let’s not talk about what happened after tho..
♥ On Saturday my friend and I went to Venice Beach for brunch and then to The Grove to get our outfits for the fanmeet LOL we were so last minute. We got our outfits at Topshop and we both ended up wearing denim so that was cool! Hard Carry feels ya know~ For dinner I really wanted to eat tepanyaki but changed my mind and GUESS WHO WAS AT THE PLACE I WANTED TO GO TO. I was sad when I found out the boys were there but whateva I got boba after haha
♥ CONCERT DAAAAY!! We got up super early and went to the farmer's market for fun! Then we got ready at like 12 because we knew we would take forever and we honestly took like 4 hours HAHA It was already packed when we got to the venue but they were still giving out banners so we got some~ We also met some really sweet girls while we were waiting and they kept us company
♥ Right before doors opened one of the boys (apparently) had their phone sticking out from behind the curtain from one of the windows upstairs and everyone ran like crazy to see who it was but tbh I didn’t see anyone. One of the SubK staff, Kevin, and the MC, Danny, came up from behind us and started talking to us and they were super friendly! They let us cut in line because we didn’t realize how long the line was- bless them- and then we went in and got merch!!
♥ After touching up in the bathroom we went to our seats and they were so close, bless my sister honestly *-* My friend and I had aisle seats so we were ready to run to the stage if we wanted to haha While we were waiting, two girls came and said we had their seats and I swear I was gonna swing cause I was like no honey these are my seats but turns out they were supposed to be upstairs so I was just like??
♥ The show started and I was freakin out cause it was my first time seeing them but you guys, they are just as handsome in real life <333 I was dancing and singing like crazy but I felt kind of bad because the girls around us were rather quiet and super calm which was super confusing to me because how can you stay calm when Got7 is right there?!
♥ The show goes on and while Danny was introducing the games, Yugyeom looked over to me and my friend and we waved at him and he waved back!! My friend died because he’s her bias and he was laughing because she held a hand to her heart and was being dramatic af LOL Yugyeom and Bambam kept looking at us and it was prob because we were being extra af
♥ During “Guess that Song” Jaebum came to our side of the stage and he sang a bit of a song (I forgot which one) while looking at us and my heart literally exploded. RIP Stephanie!! 
♥ We didn’t get picked for games because our ticket numbers started with “9″ but everyone they called started with “2″ and we were like wtf!! The boys were really cute and super super funny and they looked like they had a lot of fun which made me happy. Mark carried his partner, Jackson was being posessive of his partner, Bambam called his partner his queen, Yugyeom almost killed his partner, Jaebum was being soft af, and Jinyoung and Youngjae were just perfeeect
♥ The concert goes on and I finally got to see “If You Do” live and that was on my list of things to see before I die and I was so hyped everyone around us was probably annoyed lol sorry not sorry~
♥ Towards the end people were able to run to the stage but my friend and I were too slow to react so we just stayed where we were and the show ended <333
LOL so this is the first part! Hope y’all enjoyed it and I’ll have the hi-touch part up soon!
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