#she do she dooooo💕💕💕
thsc-confessions · 1 year
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"Ellie deserves all the hugs and kisses" submitted by @thenightmare1924
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lowcallyfruity · 4 months
hiii i love you. i need to interact with someone otherwise i’ll die. do you have any headcanons about sebek’s parents? 💕
Mostly appearance wise- and I haven’t really thought much on personality 😔
In my HEART. And in my SOUL. Sebek’s mom is TALL and very strong/muscular…. And also a bit chubby….. like….. a bit like strong woman bod yknow?
She looks VERY intimidating, but she’s really kind and caring! And also very energetic! And loud too….
She’s like if a mom was a dad but is a mom 🙏
Ermmm for the dad I haven’t decided on his appearance? Currently I’m thinking… dark brown hair… glasses…. Maybe has a dad bod? Idk… he just… looks very much like a dad.
He’s a very sweet guy, always trying his best for his children. He wants to fit in but it’s a bit of a struggle. Luckily his family is understanding.
He doesn’t mind being ‘the odd one out’ but he does wishes he could fit in better so he can relate to his children better…
Anyways in my heart he’s just really sweet and idk he’s very “:) 👍” AND OSSKAHAJAISHAJAKAHDHXIH. ALSO he’s short. Well. Short compared to his wife. And his children.
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panzershrike-pretz · 9 months
pretz. my friend. do you have any headcanons about sirius/micheal's relationship because i LOVE THEM AND I NEED MORE FLUFF FROM THEM AAAAAAAAAA
I love my babies!! 🥺💕💕 there'll be some Jeremy sprinkled in there sometimes but since you asked for Micah/Sirius, i'll keep it mostly between them :]
(This got so fucking long and all over the place so apologies xD)
- OKEY- so. Michael and Sirius actually met LONG before Blithe, thru Sirius' uncle, Alphard (bless him)
- Basically Alphard found Michael struggling after a Not Good Werewolf Night and brought him home to help and Sirius was living there at the time and the two immediately became friends
- Sirius is wild- but he was even wilder at the time (yk, all the high of wanting to piss off his family as much as possible) and Michael to this day does not have a clue of what the fuck he saw on the Long Boy but oh well
- Sirius was the first to fall, actually (tbh he kind of dropped from a cliff over Micah). This man doesn't have clue on how to be subtle at all. Man was head over heels- his luck is that Micah is fucking blind so they're two oblivious shitheads
- Neither of them had a proper relationship until they met so they had no clue on how it was supposed to work- it was Hard to figure it out (Andy to the rescue!! Best aunt)
- Anyway yeah, they both decided to leave Alphard be and went to spend sometime with Andy, around the same time she developed cancer so they were there to help her and Ted around the farm. It made them grow closer and understand each other better (especially Sirius learning how to deal with Michael's Lycanthropy and loosing his fear)
- Sirius is practically Andy's baby and she was the first to know he wanted to ask Michael out (woman was Tired but ayyyyyyy gotta bake a cake for themmmmmm fuck the disease cake time)
- Their first date was shit. They loved it. They got stuck in the barn because of a fucking storm but heyyy. They spent the whole night talking and by the morning they were together
- Rudy was there mooing away and they spent the whole night awake because of the fucker. Not a fun morning (Blackie and Johnny, the dogs, kept company tho, so that's cool)
- "let's sleep on the hay" "yeah, sounds good"
- Rudy:
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- They're very very open with each other. They comunicate their feelings and wants all the time, to make sure they're on the same page (mostly- )
- Sirius is too protective- he gets really emotional when Micah has troubles with people because of the Lycanthropy
- (yes it means that Sirius went to jail more than once because of thatKAKAKAKAK)
- Michael loves to dance; sometimes he just likes to grab Sirius by the hand to dance (in the rain? In complete silence? Blasting music? He doesn't care. He just loves to dance. Wherever, whenever)
- Micah suffers from chronic pains thanks to Lycanthropy. Tho his injuries and wounds do get better quicker than usual, he has many pains and they just tend to worsen during winter, when is a battle to do the simplest things.
- Sirius doesn't have a winter coat due to his genetics, but he still tries to cuddle around Micah to warm him up. Sirius also brings him tons of chocolate
- Siri has a lactose intolerance and everyone in Blithe gets some chocolate to keep spirits up every now and then, so he just stocks up his share to give them to Micah when he needs it.
- Sirius has tattoos of Michael and Jeremy all over his body, which he completely loves. (When he appeared with the first one Micah wanted to smack him in the face for being so stupid-)
- Sirius was the one to help Micah feel more confortable in his own skin. Michael was always too perfect for his own good so breaking from the mold was very hard for him
- Sirius, on the other hand, was always one of the family's black sheep. He was different - he liked to be different from that royal-ish persona (Andy and Alphard are GREAT inflences). His personality and love for being different inspired Micah to accept his condition more.
- To Michael, Sirius' enormous family is extremely overwhelming. He knows both of them are not welcomed, although some events require them having to interact
- Sirius and Jeremy help Micah with manic attacks during those; he's fully aware that he's a lowlife only allowed between the high people because of his husbands, both from big and poweful families
- Michael has endured a lot of gossip in high society about him only being with Sirius and Jerry because of their families' money, so he can use them to not be just a poor bitch
- (Untrue. But yes, people got punched over this.)
- Ok so- of all the three, the only who has a mom is Jeremy. Sirius' is dead and Micah's doesn't exist, because he was simply ✨️created✨️. Both Sirius and Micah are Euphemia's babies
- Yeah she's very likely to stand by them if they both fight with her son because she knows he's stupid :3
- Euph is one of the official chocolate providers
- (Michael and Sirius were the ones who convinced her that pirates are not that bad) (and that it was okay for her son to love two men)
- Micah does love the good side of Sirius' family tho! Hydra is his best friend, Andy and Ted are like parents for him and Rodion is like a fucked up brother as well (together with his wife and kids?? Lots of people), and Alphard the weird uncle nobody quite knows what's going on with- but he's very helpful
- And then there's Hugh, their adoptive son :] Hugh's mom was their friend back in 1928 when he was born and she had to give him up to adoption so the two took him in
- Hugh did run away from home to fight in the war and was promptly taken in by Miss Seagull after he was wounded, so he spent what? Some 70 years away from his dads, stuck in her time loop? At least Fiona was there
- They did get him back tho- fucked up lil' man. One day he disappeared then came back 70 years later with a girlfriend and one leg less. All good 👍
- Anyway Micah and Sirius just love love love their weird little family very much.
- Sirius is best uncle (ask Olive and Kanna. They'll agree)
- When time rolls around for the Full Moon, Micah's health starts to decline. He gets tired, sensitive to light, snaps more easily, has more pains and all that. Medications and potions don't really have any effect, so he has to just Deal With It(tm)
- Sirius never leaves his side during those times, as dangerous as it is. He was bitten already, more than once, and knows very well the side effects are not cool, but he doesn't care
- No way he'll let Mike feel alone during those times
- He and Jeremy will also spend the night with him in one of Blithe's prisoner cells when he transforms (both in animal form, so he won't mindlessly attack them).
- Michael feels very very scared during those times, so it's very good for him to have company
- Tho he fears A LOT that one day he'll turn back in the morning covered in blood that's not his and with two bodies next to him
- Micha made them both promise they'll fight him off if he ever attacks any of them or somehow goes loose on the ship-
- They agreedand just to be sure Pax is left with them with orders to protect the ship if Micah goes loose
- They have this little inside joke where Sirius will turn into a dog and Michael will act like he's his owner- (yes Sirius uses this for his own gain. He does tricks no dog should do for money)
- But also, Micah loves to see people desperate to understand what is fucking wrong with that fucking dog
- Sirius can't cook for shit. If it all depends on him, they'll starve to death (thank Gods Michael learned)
- Michael loves to play instruments. He got Sirius to teach him piano when they lived with Andy amd he managed to get classes on saxophone as well.
- Sirius rarely get's sick but when he does, Micah play's music for him to feel better.
- The three of them like to sneak off alone when they can, using the Loops, so they can go on dates far from everyone else.
- Sirius favorite places to go are lakes; Michael's are forests, trails and libraries; Jeremy loves to be on the beach. Everytime they want to spend time together, they sort a place and go be happy
Hummmm yeah I think that's it(?)
Again, sorry for it being so long xD I couldn't stop writing after I started KAKAKAKAK
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loudamy · 5 years
6 and 15 for the writing asks!
Do you outline or not?
I dooooo, but they tend to be really ugly scrappy word docs that are meaningless to anyone but me and have more typos than actual words. and I deviate from them all the time. but I can’t deal with blank pages for some reason so having some sort of outline even if it’s nonsensical is a must
Do you let people read your rough drafts?
love this q no I don’t lol!! I don’t even let people irl read the finished fic like only my best friend @ uni knows I write for b99 and she hasn’t read any of my stuff bc I just feel fanfic is so personal?? but I let my friends read my original fic...(she says despite having not written any in like 3289432 years)
thank u sm! 💕
send me writing asks!!✨
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