#she doesn't have any real tag so i'll just... placeholder
rottendeadpan · 2 months
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hello! I'm saving up art to post something that isn't just scribbles, but until then I wanted to (finally) share this little Tagalong I'd drawn/designed a bit ago
She's a will-be-adopted white bunny girl twisted off Tagalong from Robin Hood that comes into Deuce & Faure's life when they're much older. Say... 'would have been on post-school career path for a couple years to stabilize as adults', years older. I won't be using her much (especially since I still haven't chosen a Proper name yet), but I wanted to introduce here about as properly as I could given what details are missing. In these pictures, she'd be 7 or 8
Small facts! - Was set up for foster care when she was super little, and she was happy just Spadepiano Foster until she decided for herself this is her Family now - Still in touch with birth family and on good terms; she was the youngest baby who her mom needed extra help with. Spade's soft heart for single moms had him stepping in before he could fully work out How they were gonna do this (Faure was 100% okay with it, nonblood families are commonplace with him) - She has a very Strong personality, and tries to be the leader of most situations. Despite wanting to be leader, she's quick to "let" others do things for her instead. In a spooky situation, she'd be the type to say "Yeah lets do it! You go first." - Her bunny-bag is designed after a softtoy her birthmother gave her as a baby. The original plush still exists in her bedroom, the purse is just a custom the Chantelles had made for her. - Dylla has not stopped being excited that of any child her son could've adopted, he managed to land on a White Rabbit. - Kind of a copycat; she'll watch the older kids or her parents/parents' friends do things and try to mimic it. It makes her great at the dinner table, as long as her tablemate has manners, but it can also be a problem if one of those friends happens to do something 'dangerous', cause she'll still want to follow right along.
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macabremoons · 1 year
15 questions tag
Thank you to @ashen-crest for tagging me!! I'll be answering for Menodora since I know her the most LOL
1 - Are you named after anyone?
She wouldn't know considering she was adopted at the age of four, but she'd guess no.
2 - When was the last time you cried?
Depends on how you define crying. (Recently, though she doesn't cry a lot.)
3 - Do you have any kids?
She is 17, so no.
4 - Do you use sarcasm?
She can, but she's more witty than snarky.
5 - What's the first thing you notice about people?
Species and threat level.
6 - What is your eye color?
The eye color of every human nowadays: brown. Though her eyes can have speckles of orange from time to time.
7 - Scary movies or happy endings?
She has no preference, though she isn't sensitive to any gory subject matter.
8 - Any special talents?
She's very flexible. Some species don't really train in flexibility because they value strength more, so it'd kinda uncommon to see someone who can do chain backflips and cartwheels.
9 - Where were you born?
In a small human village that I have not named. It is, however, in the area ruled by vampires with the placeholder name Forquine
10 - What are your hobbies?
Piano and reading. More of a nonfiction girlie. Will read a medical book front and back and find it interesting. She just likes learning stuff.
11 - Do you have any pets?
She has a couple of birds that follow her during the book series, but she doesn't have any real pets
12 - What sports do you or have you played?
None. Did do dance in her past though.
13 - How tall are you?
5'7! This makes her too tall in a lot of human societies and too short in a lot of non human societies. Girl is winning/sar
14 - Favorite subject in school?
Probably music class. It was the one semi relaxing thing she could do that she was good at.
15 - Dream job?
Being a dancer or being a pianist. Doesn't really think that will happen though.
Tagging @serenanymph and anyone else who wants to join! this was fun!!
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