#she is a seven year old bengal named siren
pseudospectre · 11 months
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Everyone look at my new kitty
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elsirasonlibrary · 3 years
Darkness will descend on the Seven Marine Kingdoms
and the Light that illuminates them
will inevitably fade.
The Pearls of Destiny must come together
and find the Realms of Life, so their colors will glow and bring peace…
and they'll let the Light shine again.
«Hey Nimue, what are you up to? Still closed between your old shells of knowledge?»
The jovial voice made the old mermaid's hand, that was holding the shell with the recording of an old prophecy, away from her ear. «You're just like Liam!»
The gaze of the silvery-haired mermaid settled on the face of her sweet heir, causing her lips to stretch in a maternal smile: «Like mother like son, they say.»
The younger one took the shell and put it at its place among the others, not paying too much attention of what it said.
With a sunny laugh, she gently took the hand full of wrinkles. «Come on, come out of this place! The ceremony will start soon, aren't you excited?»
The old siren replied by widening her smile and letting herself be helped to get up. The two swam side by side through the illuminated corridors of the castle, the soon new Queen who kept up with her predecessor, who, despite the more than seven centuries that she had on her shoulders, was still lucid and able to move quite independently.
Halfway down the corridor, adorned with marine flowers, fluorescent colored mosses and corals, the two sovereigns saw a merman coming towards them, both of whom they knew well. Smiles of different nature went to paint on the faces of the two.
«Mother, let me help you.»
Nimue didn't give Liam much attention, instead she placed her eyes on the face of her successor. One thing that had never been successful in Hena was to hide her emotions; Nimue had scolded her several times and the young mermaid managed to control herself better in public, but when it came to Liam, there was never anything to do about it.
The old mermaid shook her head with a slight sigh and stopped shortly before reaching the threshold of the room, behind which the celebrations were just waiting for the three of them to start, earning two pairs of perplexed eyes looking at her. Without saying anything, she gently took the hands of the two young lovers and made their fingers intertwine in front of her, her eyes fixed on the union. «This is your moment. My time is over and you two must definitely take over the kingdom by now. You don't need me anymore.»
Hena's eyes became worried, but soon that feeling was thrown into oblivion, thanks to her partner's grip on her hand, being replaced by positive emotions as soon as her blue eyes met with his honey-colored ones. A now confident and grateful smile spread her face, while together the two entered the Hall of Ceremonies, let the guards announce them and went towards the two thrones that dominated the huge room.
Nimue remained to observe the two young lovers so dear to her while they took their rightful place within the Marine High Society. Affectionate and pride mixed in her heart, creating a harmony of emotions she had the joy to feel just few times with such purity, despite her long life. Life which was about to die out, but she wasn't worried about it at all: her heir, Hena, the mermaid not even 150 years old by her son's side, was more than ready to reign without needing her help anymore.
She still took some time before entering the room and letting herself be taken by the etiquette that High Society claimed with such fervor, observing what was shown to her just outside the castle. She observed the coral gardens that surrounded the perimeter of her house, the expanses of nacre that guided guests inside like a trail of diamonds, the sea creatures of all species and sizes who enjoyed playing with each other. But her gaze didn't stop at the surroundings of her castle, no: it wandered further, towards the rest of her home, Atlantis. From the illuminated palace, she could see her whole city, circularly arranged around the castle.
She wished she could devote a little more to that moment for herself, but the guards came to call her: she was needed to continue the ceremony. The Coronation was a special event, it marked the beginning of new eras for the marine world, and this could not have taken place if the previous queen did not physically pass the crown to the new one.
For more than a century, Hena had been at Nimue's side and had gradually learned everything she needed to reign over the Seven Seas, exactly like the queen she expected from her to be. Of course, she never expected that such a deep love would blossom between her son and her heir, but Nimue loved life for this reason too: it was full of unexpected events. She had been very happy for the two of them, she had long considered Hena to be like a daughter and had been thrilled when they had talked to her about them with so much transport and honesty from the beginning. She truly hoped, deep in her heart, that the two could continue and support each other on that arduous path that was, not only the life of a ruler, but also the marriage.
Nimue took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a brief moment, then headed for the hall, escorted by the guards. While swimming towards his successor, she crossed the sovereigns of the Seven Marine Kingdoms, who handed over to the two guards who escorted her their offer in honor of the new Queen.
«Our species lives in water. The element of water has always been intertwined with the female image, so traditions want: Arctic Ocean, North Pacific Ocean, South Pacific Ocean, North Atlantic Ocean, South Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Antarctic Ocean. Each of the Seven Seas has its own sovereign, which governs as she best wishes on her kingdom. I now, Seven Sovereigns, ask you if you agree with the coronation of the present Hena of the Aegean waters as the new Queen of the Seas. Are you ready to follow her, refer to her guidelines and indications for your Oceans, thus starting the new Marine Era?»
The seven mermaids stood side by side in front of the thrones, each bowing reverently in front of the sovereigns while making their oath.
«I, Dyra of the Barentes waters, ruler of the marine kingdom of the Arctic Ocean, swear absolute loyalty on my part and on my people to the new Queen of the Seas, Hena.»
«I, Kaylin of the Bering waters, ruler of the marine kingdom of the North Pacific Ocean, swear absolute loyalty on my part and on my people to the new Queen of the Seas, Hena.»
«I, Kalei of the Apomila waters, ruler of the marine kingdom of the South Pacific Ocean, swear absolute loyalty on my part and on my people to the new Queen of the Seas, Hena.»
«I, Victoria of the Biscay waters, ruler of the marine kingdom of the North Atlantic Ocean, swear absolute loyalty on my part and on my people to the new Queen of the Seas, Hena.»
«I, Madison of the Ocracoke waters, ruler of the marine kingdom of the South Atlantic Ocean, swear absolute loyalty on my part and on my people to the new Queen of the Seas, Hena.»
«I, Priyanka of the Bengal waters, ruler of the marine kingdom of the Indian Ocean, swear absolute loyalty on my part and on my people to the new Queen of the Seas, Hena.»
«I, Hania of the Ross waters, ruler of the marine kingdom of the Antarctic Ocean, swear absolute loyalty on my part and on my people to the new Queen of the Seas, Hena.»
Nimue turned to her own heir, who was facing the bowed heads of the rulers of the Seven Marine Kingdoms, a true reigning look in her eyes. The blue eyes of the young mermaid met at that moment with the silvery ones of the old one and only after a few seconds she bowed and pronounced her oath: «I, Hena of the Aegean waters, agree to abandon my name and become the Queen of the Seven Seas. I swear absolute loyalty to my vassals and agree to provide them with service and assistance, making me their humble servant and sovereign. I swear loyalty and collaboration to the current rulers of the Seven Seas, who will be my right arms in the administration of the Seven Marine Kingdoms. I will keep the traditions of our people alive, honoring the Gods and Ancestors and accepting their judgment, humbly asking for their guidance and willingly accepting their punishments, praying that they will fall on me, just me.»
«From this moment, I, Nimue of Atlantis, name you, Hena of the Aegean waters, Hena of Atlantis and Queen of the Seas.» An almost unreal silence dominated the room at that moment, while the Queen took off her crown and rested it on that of the new regent. «From this day forward, a new Era begins for the marine world. The Era of Hena of Atlantis.» Only then Hena did open her eyes, lift her head and stand up, letting the room fall under her gaze. «Make sure yours is a just and peaceful era, Queen Hena.»
A single chorus of voices spread across the room, perfectly united as if it were only one: «Long live Queen Hena!» Every single merman and mermaid inside the hall at that time was bowed, eyelids lowered, lower tails, palms of hands and foreheads brushing against the precious nacre floor.
Only two figures stood out in that harmonious reverence: Hena of Atlantis and the guard who stood by her side, but the new queen was too enraptured by the set of emotions she felt at that moment to notice the latter. Just as she failed to recognize the movement of the water that would have warned her of the weapon being stripped from its sheath.
Her eyes barely had time to settle on the blade that was extracted from her belly, causing a slight involuntary jolt of kickback, before everything became dark and she could no longer perceive anything.
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fmkyuri · 7 years
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stage name: rin ( 린 ) birth name: baek kyu ri ( 백규리 ) position: nyx’s leader, lead dancer & lead vocalist birthday: april 19, 1997 zodiac: aries place of birth: seoul, south korea height: 173 cm weight: 44 kg blood type: ab
she was a part of the original lineup for nyx back in 2013 ( which had a different name ) as their maknae, lead dancer & vocalist.
she took gymnastics since she was five years old, and competed internationally up until the age of fifteen.
she has a twin brother and is the youngest in her family.
she signed with wonder records in 2012 and has been a trainee for five years and seven months.
kyuri is a fan of pandora, scarlet, electra, phoenix and sirens.
she likes working out or doing yoga in her spare time.
her nickname is “ice princess”.
she is known for wearing a lot of expensive brands and lots of jewelry.
she attended and graduated from school of the performing arts seoul.
kyuri’s biggest fears are snakes and heights.
during her vlive introduction kyuri said she plans to keep her blonde hair for as long as the company allows her to.
in the same vlive, she admitted her english name is victoria.
she doesn’t like doing aegyo and is apparently bad at trying to be cute.
she has a bengal cat named iris.
kyuri is a black belt ( 2nd dan ) in taekwondo but stopped practicing before she could get her 3rd or 4th.
she is left-handed.
kyuri appeared in legend’s “rush” mv, smoke & mirrors’ mvs for “congratulations” and “you were beautiful”.
ideal type: someone who is passionate in what they love and works hard for what they want; someone who will put in 100% in everything they do.
one. who are your role models?
“i love beyoncé, boa and janet jackson. they’re stellar performers and artists — they’re legends, and i hope i could perform even half as well as them one day.”
two. do you have any nicknames? if so, what do your friends and family call you?
“other than rin, i don’t have a lot of nicknames as my name is already short, but one of my friends calls me ‘kyuyomi’.” ( gwiyomi “cute” + kyuri = kyuyomi )
three. what are your favorite foods? what would you recommend to fans?
“bulgogi japchae, tteokbokki and nakji bokkeum are favorites to cook and eat.”
four. what are some places you would like to go but haven’t been to yet?
“i would like to go to italy, vancouver, mexico and sweden a lot; i’ve been to quite a few places growing up already, so the list doesn’t seem long. i want to go to sweden most, because i want to try their chocolate and go skiing.”
five. what would you say to a fan who is struggling?
"you are strong, and everything will be okay soon. handle everything at your own pace and remember there will always be someone willing to listen to you and your worries. keep fighting and know you’re loved.”
six. are there any languages you speak besides your native tongue? what other languages would you like to learn?
“i can speak and understand english and a little bit of japanese. i’m learning how to do sign and hopefully i’ll learn mandarin or french one day.”
seven. what are your three favorite songs at the moment?
“sza’s the weekend, boa-sunbae’s camo and dua lipa’s idgaf. as bonuses, dua’s blow your mind ( mwah ) and exid-sunbae’s ddd are also great.”
eight. did you always know you wanted to be famous as a child? was your family supportive?
"not at all, i actually wanted to be someone completely different. my parents were shocked i wanted to pursue this lifestyle, but there were supportive. they liked that i was happy.”
nine. why did you decide to become a trainee?
"i was approached after a gymnastic competition and given a card too. i had no experience with singing beforehand so i was hesitant, but i think i wanted a new experience, something to add to a list of accomplishments. i didn’t really want to be an idol until i actually began training.”
ten. where do you see yourself in 10 years from now?
“as nyx’s leader, i would love for nyx to still be going strong in the industry; releasing music together, just being who we are and having fun. i hope that we’d be closer than ever despite so much time together, as they’re my sisters and i love them. as a personal goal, i think i’d like to try dabbling with something completely new for me. i’m not sure what it is yet, but i love new experiences.”
eleven. what is something no one knows about you?
“i didn’t get into kpop until i became a trainee. i was used to listening whatever was on the radio, and wasn’t really a fan of a certain group or artist other than boa-sunbae. when i first became a trainee, i didn’t know who my seniors were and it was embarrassing back then.”
twelve. describe your family. who are the members in your family?
“i have an older twin brother and two more older brothers, making me the only girl and the youngest. there’s also my two parents, which make six of us in total.”
thirteen. how was your childhood? what was it like?
"i spent a lot of it training to be a gymnast while being homeschooled, so i don’t think it was very different from what i’m experiencing now. i was really competitive as a kid, and always tried my best to stay on top of just about everything. the only difference was that i didn’t have as many friends as i do now back then.”
fourteen. if you weren’t pursuing the path to fame, where do you think you would be?
"i am confident that i would be on the south korean olympics team for gymnastics and win a gold medal ! i was really close to joining the olympic team, so i like to think that had i not become a trainee and continued being a gymnast, i might’ve been able to achieve that goal or something close to it. either way, it’d be a blessing.”
fifteen. write a message to your fans — what would you like to say to them?
"it has been eight years since electra debuted, and since then there have been no other girl group to debut under wonder records so i’d like to thank you for waiting for us and anticipating for our debut since 2013. thank you for supporting us through all of the changes, and thank you for keeping faith in us. we hope to show you all of our charms & talents that have been kept in the dark, and live up to expectations. we will work hard to show you something to be proud of. thank you so much and we love you very much.”
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