#she is very very self-loathing in not having been able to do anything for catherine and she hates her family for 'making' her join anne's
fideidefenswhore · 8 months
Who is your most hated Seymour? For me, it's John, Thomas, Edward and Jane.
roflmao, tbf, i know intellectually that there's not enough there there to justify hating john seymour, but he does give me bad vibes...whatever happened with catherine fillol was weird and i do get the sense he was involved even if not in the rumored way. and also, when siblings hate each other to such an extent, it's often bcus they were pit against each other by their parents, so i get the sense he was not a good father (there's some debate on whether he died late 1536 or 1535, tbf, but if it was the former it's strange that none of children seemed to mourn his death, that he wasn't mourned at court as the queen's father, etc) . margery doesn't have enough about her known for me to judge; it's sort of weird to me that this stereotype has fallen she and jane had a bad relationship and her favorite child/daughter was elizabeth (this occurs in like...several...novels). we don't have an equivalent positive remark to 'next to mine own mother, no woman alive i know better' (AB, about her own, and to bridget wingfield), nor any records of them often being in each other's company during significant events or eras, but we don't have anything negative either. i get you have to make choices in fiction and 'neutral' is not an interesting one but like...damn.
what's interesting about edward and thomas is that, even before their sister becomes queen, edward is not spoken of well by his contemporaries. very early (iirc, 1535) on, his 'small conscience' is decried, and he becomes such an avaricious figure that cromwell and the king have to interfere in his attempts to manipulate and loophole property laws to his own advantage and the impoverishment of others (and, not usually in his favor, despite him being a royal in-law). thomas, however, seems like he's better liked in the 1530s, although this can maybe be attributed to him being more of a nonentity (a comparative example is some tudor authors insisting GB was 'better liked' than his sister anne-- not true, it seems-- or more often, that their sister mary was...which is probably true, but also probably more indicative of relative lack of power and positions and leverage than 'kinder' personality)...it's not until the 1540s that we get comments of the same genre ("somewhat empty of manner"). thomas thus seems more like a figure of gradual corruption, his arrogance was increased by his nephew becoming king, it seems, and resentment brought out an ugly side of his character (arguably, the same with edward, just earlier on).
it's extremely unpopular to say this on here, but yeah, jane is definitely not a favourite of mine, either. but i don't think my reasons for this are really common...i don't care if she slept with henry before marriage, i don't care if she didn't, i just find her biographers weirdly contradictory in their judgements of her character, the nature of her rise, and her own beliefs. there's also like, this sense of historic illiteracy from some of her defenders...joining a royal household (as far as the most prestigious positions, that is) was not the equivalent of serfdom (as in, they could leave at any time). jane's supporters were courtiers who hated anne, so it's reasonable to assume she did, as well. so, there's this sort of moral hypocrisy about jane as a figure and her advancement and how she came to her position that has always prevented me from warming to her as a figure. 'she hated anne and all she stood for' explains her involvement in her downfall, but not her securing the position in her household in the first place. and by virtue of her close proximity to anne as queen, she also knew that it was nigh impossible that she was actually guilty of the accusations of adultery.
what else...her defenders insist that the oaths of supremacy and succession were anathema to her moral compass, yet she likely did have to have had taken them herself, just as a subject, and if not that then definitely as a member of anne's household. this wouldn't have martyred/imperiled her life, althought it probably would have her career (elizabeth darrell never took these, so i wonder if the penalty for women was different...? barton is often cited as an example but this was not in her indictment. princess mary seems to almost have been a victim of this, but it might've been more that her signing was more important since she was a rallying point for dissenters).
and even if jane never took these, the presence of noblewomen serving anne as queen lent to her greater image of royal legitimacy. she had to have known that, and if she didn't believe her position was legitimate...then why be part of that tapestry? there's not an equivalent to her predecessor to be made here, not when anne left her own predecessor's household and began her own as soon as she came to believe catherine was not legitimately queen or henry's wife. any credulousness towards contemporary report of this time would suggest anne was extremely hostile towards her rival, but there is a difference between declaring that you'd sooner watch your rival hanged before revering them and, well...actually doing that (...effectively, if not literally).
actually, i don't think there's actually much to suggest jane was set against the religious supremacy unless you make some suppositional leaps (the dissolution wasn't so explicitly connected here, her support of mary as princess, even if rather cosmetic, could be seen as support for her decision not to take those oaths herself for nigh on two years...). nor against succession acts as brought by parliament, since the same illegitimized any potential rivals to her future children, and she seemed to make a point in one of her only pieces of writing we have in emphasizing edward's legitimacy (implicitly, at the expense of her stepdaughters).
the narrative fiction i probably dislike about jane the most is this idea that she was so reverent of catherine's memory, it's really fucking weird, honestly... it bothers me because i know it's embellished to increase reader/viewer (the tudors comes to mind) sympathy and somehow for me it does the opposite, lol. there's something about the concept of her trading on the memory of this beloved woman (who, herself, probably didn't even remember jane, there's nothing to suggest any kind of friendship between them) who was exiled, this woman whom jane did not a single thing for (not even abstaining from joining the household of her rival), that just really grosses me out. henry was the one who was her husband, and obviously he was a fucking asshole to and about her, but there's at least something more...direct, in his attempted erasure of her memory. it's always bothered me that it's never acknowledged that the antecedent (which was carried on throughout) to jane's queenship was the erasure of both her predecessors, the illegitimization of both their daughters, both of them being subordinated, and, more or less (mary present for christmas, elizabeth not, but both there during the rebellions) equally expelled from court.
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janeyseymour · 4 years
Never Enough
Jane angst: “Why am I never enough?” 
TW: Blood. Just a bloody nose, but blood. 
~2170 Words
Most of the time, Jane felt like a failure. She knew she couldn’t just fix Anne and Kat’s nightmares. She wished she could, but she couldn’t. She knew she couldn’t fix the way that Aragon, Anne, Cathy, and herself missed their children. She would do anything in her power to bring their babies back to them, but she knew she couldn’t. She knew she couldn’t help Cleves when she went into her rounds of self-loathing because He said something about her appearances. She could try, but she couldn’t convince her. Logically, she knew all of this. But that didn’t stop her from feeling like she was failing her family. 
The queens had just gotten off stage, and tonight hit all of them particularly hard. It wasn’t going to be an easy night for any of them- Jane knew that much. She would be up half the night talking with Aragon, Anne, and Cathy about the children they had left behind. The other half of the night would be spent checking on Cleves, who would no doubt ignore her problems and tell Jane she was fine, and trying to calm down Anne and Kat from the nightmares they were bound to have. 
Jane wasn’t wrong. As soon as the gang had piled through the door to their home, Cleves ran to her room claiming she was going to get to sleep early. There was no truth to this statement. All of the queens saw right through her. Instead, she would spend most of her night staring at herself in the mirror before she finally would give in to sleep. Anne dragged herself to her room, announcing she was “in need of some beauty sleep”. Aragon and Cathy had wandered into the kitchen to make tea, but not before telling Jane they would be back to discuss a few things with her. Kat had sat down on the couch, motioning for Jane to sit with her. And Jane? Well, Jane wanted to run to her room and cry. She knew she was going to finish this night sobbing, feeling like she failed her family again. But she didn’t. Instead, she went and sat down on the couch next to her dear Kat, who curled into her warmth. 
The two in the kitchen had returned with mugs of tea for themselves and Jane and a mug of hot chocolate for Kat. They had settled in and began to reminisce. Sometime after they had begun talking, Kat had laid her head down in Jane’s lap. Jane, absentmindedly stroking her hair, sent the girl into a deep sleep. It wasn’t until hours later that Jane had looked at the clock and realized just how late it had gotten. 
“It’s two in the morning ladies. I’m calling it a night. Thank you for staying up to talk Catherine. I would say thank you to you Cathy for staying up, but we all know you would still be up regardless.” Aragon’s smile faltered slightly, making Jane feel guilty, but she knew that the other queens needed their sleep, and she had to coax Kat into going to her room. Jane shifted Kat off of her lap as gently as she could before picking up the four, now empty, mugs and dropping them in the sink.
“You should do them tonight,” Jane scolded herself. Tiredness had taken over though, so she walked away and back into their living room, smiling softly as she laid her eyes on Kat sleeping peacefully. 
This had happened before. Jane and Kat would fall asleep watching a television show. The blonde queen would wake up with a sore neck and gently guide the youngest queen to bed. 
Sighing, the third queen quietly walked over to the fifth queen and shook her gently. 
“Kitty dear? It’s time to go to our rooms and get some proper shut eye.” What happened next was something Jane wasn’t expecting. 
“Jane what the hell?” Kat jumped up from the couch. “I was finally getting some peaceful sleep- something I did not think I would be getting tonight, and you just had to wake me!” The pink haired queen stormed up the steps, leaving a stunned Jane alone. The woman took a few deep breaths before trudging up the stairs.
Jane walked by Anna’s room, hesitant to check up on her. God forbid she upset Anna after she upset her Kat. She would be devastated. That’s when Jane heard muffled sobs coming from the red queen’s room. Against her better judgement, she knocked on the door. The quiet crying quickly turned into silence, and before Jane knew what she was doing, she was turning the knob and letting herself into Anna’s room. 
“Jane! Get out of here! I didn’t tell you to come in,” Anna shut the door in her face before muttering, “You can’t fix me Jane. Stop trying.” 
The blonde let her head drop. She really couldn’t do anything right today, could she? She was so close to locking herself into her room when she heard screams coming from down the hall. Anne’s screams. 
The blonde rushed to her room. Whipping the door open, she was met with Anne flailing about in her bed, sweat beading at her forehead. Jane quickly walked over to the second queen, shaking her gently. 
“Anne? Anne, love. It’s Jane. You need to wake up.” This didn’t work, and Anne’s fist collided with her nose. Jane’s nose began to gush blood, but she didn’t have time to react before Anne’s voice rang out through the room.
“Get away from her Henry! Wasn’t it enough beheading me?” Anne screamed in her sleep. “Do NOT touch her!” 
The tired blonde restricted the girl’s limbs before shaking her violently. Anne jolted up from her nightmare, the two queens crashing heads. 
“Anne, honey. You’re in the twenty-first century with all of the queens. You’re safe,” Jane tried to soothe her but to no avail. 
“No- no! You’re wrong! You’re dead!” Anne squeaked out between sobs. Jane wrapped the girl in her arms, instructing her breathing. Slowly, the green queen’s breathing began to level out, and she turned to look at Jane. 
“Oh my God! Jane, Jane y-you’re bleeding!” Anne’s breathing began to quicken again.
“Sweetheart, it’s fine. It’s nothing I can’t fix. But you need to-” But Jane hadn’t been able to see herself. Unbeknownst to her, her nose was still pouring blood. There was blood all down her face at this point, and it was starting to drip down her neck. 
“Jane! Oh my- Oh my God! Jane!” Anne just continued to shriek. A few seconds later, Anne’s door flung open, revealing what looked to be like a very stressed out Kat running to Anne and engulfing her in a hug. 
“Just get out. Haven’t you done enough tonight?” The iciness in Kat’s voice pierced straight through Jane’s heart of stone. 
Jane was stunned to say the least. Kat, her Kat, never spoke to anyone like that. Before the tears that had welled up in her eyes had time to fall, she bolted out of the room whispering her apologies. 
The blonde, and now bloody, queen quietly padded into the bathroom and glanced at herself in the mirror. She understood why Anne had begun to freak out. Blood always reminded her of the past. 
Quickly and quietly getting the blood to stop flowing, she cleaned herself up and got a better look at her nose- it was already bruising. Surely, she was going to have to make a doctor’s appointment just to ensure that nothing was broken. Now that her mind was on her nose, she noticed that it was throbbing. It hurt more than she had realized. 
“Oh dear lord...” Jane muttered to herself. No wonder Anne had flipped out. The queen made her way to her room as quietly as possible and had barely shut the door before she slunk down to the floor and broke down in sobs. 
“Why am I never enough?” She cried, looking up at the sky. “What have I done wrong in this life that I deserve to feel like this?” 
Eventually, she picked herself up, seating herself at the desk she had gotten. Jane wasn’t usually one to write, but she knew she had to get all of her feelings out. Picking up a pen with her shaky hand, she began to write. 
Why am I never, ever good enough? I walked through my last life feeling like I was never good enough, and when I finally did the one thing I’ve ever done right, I had to die. I gave birth to the one legitimate son for Henry, and I wasn’t even able to be there to see him grow. I couldn’t even be a mother to my son. That’s the biggest failure of all. And from what I’ve read, he didn’t even live to see what his life would turn out to be before he joined me among the dead. 
And then why the hell heck was I chosen to be reincarnated? I understand why the rest of them were. Aragon is so outspoken and graceful. She’s teaching all of the young girls and women in our audiences every night to use their voices. Anne is a ball of light, even if she does cause trouble once in a while- but the world needs Anne Boleyn and all of her spunk. Anna is teaching all of our audiences to be unapologetic for being themselves. Kat needs her story told, and she’s the only one who can do it justice. And Cathy is the one who was able to put all of our stories together. I mean, for heaven’s sake, she wrote our dialogue for the show! But me? Why? I was the boring and devoted wife. I did nothing except die. From what I’ve read, in my reign, I never even said one thing that anybody bothered to write down to remember. It’s almost as if- if I wasn’t H- his wife, it’s like I wouldn’t have even existed. 
All of the queens have adapted to this strange modern world we’re living in. Even Aragon has come to understand most things. And I- for the life of me- can’t even turn on the television or the computer without having to ask Katherine for help. Gosh, she probably gets so annoyed that I can’t do anything in this modern world right. Although, I suppose it makes sense right? Since I couldn’t do anything right in my last life either. Funny how that worked out.
Jane laughed bitterly at what she had written. She didn’t even bother to wipe her tears. They flowed freely onto the paper, smudging what she had written. That didn’t stop her from continuing to write.
Jesus Christ Jane. You can’t even write a paper without messing it and smudging everything because you can’t do anything right. 
Tonight was one of the worst shows that we, as a group, have collectively put on. Everybody got hit hard with emotion tonight, making some awkward silences at the parts where we were supposed to get laughs. I barely even got through “Heart of Stone”. I mean what was I meant to do? 
It only got worse as the night went on. Talking with the moms of the group definitely helped at first, but when I called it a night, I saw Catherine’s face drop. She wanted to keep talking, and of course I ended it. Then I didn’t clean the mugs like I should have. I’ll just have to get up early tomorrow to do them I guess. And then Kat happened. And then Anna. She’s never pushed me out of her room. And then Anne. I caused poor Bo to panic because I didn’t think. And gosh- my nose. IT HURTS. 
But what really broke me was Kat. Katherine. I have never seen or heard her so- harsh before. My Kitty. I can’t believe I caused that. As if my waking her up wasn’t enough, she has to handle Anne now while I sit here pathetically writing this note. (*Reminder: rip this to shreds. Burn it. Do not let anyone else see this. They’ll only think I’m more pathetic than they already do.) The way she stormed away. I mean, Kat has gotten upset with me before, but never mad. And when she walked into Anne’s room, the way she asked me “Haven’t you done enough tonight?”. 
I doubt any of the queens know this, but I would quite literally go through everything I did all those years ago to ensure that they were happy, healthy, and safe. I spend every waking minute of this life trying to protect them, and give them everything that they deserve in this world, and yet it still isn’t enough. What am I supposed to do at this point? I’m not even quite sure. 
The woman set down the pen, and read back what she wrote. Pathetic, she thought. 
Jane cried herself to sleep that night.
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sinclairmilos · 4 years
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( charlie heaton / cis male ) MILO SINCLAIR is 21 years old and is a JUNIOR at thales university. HE is majoring in LITERATURE and is known for being THE LOST SOUL as HE can be CREATIVE and PERSUASIVE as well as TEMPERAMENTAL and CLOSED OFF. every time i see HIM, HE reminds me of broken mirrors, the sound of rain hitting the pavement and unsaid words. ( ooc ina / 23 / she/they / gmt-3 )
hola hola, ina here (she/they) harry styles with long is something that can be so personal, you know? you can learn more about my son down here!
triger warnings: mentions of depression, suicide and drug abuse
Milo is the second and youngest son of Catherine and Edmund Sinclair. He was born and raised in Abeerden, Scottland. Milo was a mamma’s boy, Catherine was always welcoming and warm, whereas his father was of a cold nature and distant towards both his mother and both his children. When Milo was ten his grandfather, on his mother side passed away. Catherine was very close with his father and was never able to recover from his loss, in time she became depressed and her husband’s lack of interest in her well being only made things worse. When Milo was twelve she took her own life by drowning herself in the lake just a few miles away from the family’s summer home. Milo and his brother, Amos, were the ones who found the body. Amos and Milo have a very complicated relationship, and they fight everytime they’re in the same room.
He has a terrible, almost non existent, relationship with his father. Edmund cares very little for his children, he only shows interests when he wants something or when he’s showing his kids off in front of his colleagues. As Milo would describe him, he’s a very charming man who has been charming things way from him ever since he was a kid. Despite everything, Milo is a lot like his father, he can be very calculating and cold hearted when he wants something.
Milo has an addiction problem that started when he was 16. He started by taking whatever pills he could find in the house and in time no he couldn’t go without them. His father knew of this but only acted when Milo crashed one of his dinner parties completly high, he was then obligated to attend group therapy, but never once did he stop using. When he was 18 he stopped going to the meetings. He’s tried just about anything you can think of, but he prefers pills over any other drug. Milo uses sex and drugs as a way to try the void inside of him.
He doesn’t know how to do things in moderation, it’s all or nothing for him. 
They were each other’s secret hookup, Nana pretended not to know milo whenever they encountered each other on the university’s halls or library. Milo wasn’t bothered by this, all the opposite, it was rather amusing to him. 
Milo is incredibly bored with life. He’s interest in things and people for short periods of time, he likes everything but nothing holds him. Which is he’s always doing stupid shit, whatever that can entertain him for a little while, until it bores him and moves onto the next stupid thing.
He doesn’t like seeing his reflection in mirrors and so he tends to cover them with whatever he has nearby, clothes, sheets, ripped out pages of books.
He once went to class in nothing but a silk bathrobe and got kicked out.
God complex vs self loathing.
He’s always at a party, even if he’s not a party physically, he’s there mentally.
He’s a writter, he goes through periods of time where he doesn’t write anything at all and periods where it’s the only thing he does. His mood changes very quickly. He can go from being at the top of the world to not leaving his bed for days.
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diveronarpg · 4 years
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Congratulations, RACHEL! You’ve been accepted for the role of GONERIL with an FC change to Katie McGrath. Admin Rosey: There are so many nuances to Grace that I think are difficult to capture -- her voice, her mannerisms are so unique to her but in the span of a single application you’ve been able to give us all that and more. Your plot points make me so excited for what is to come, while your paragraph sample had me head over heels for the Grace that you put in front of us. Veronesi, we finally have our Daly sisters gathered together and we’re ready for them to wreak havoc! Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Alias | Rachel
Age | 21
Preferred Pronouns | she/her
Activity Level | Probably a 7/10? I’m on my computer a lot but it sometimes does take me a while to get through replies because I am a bit of a perfectionist. Inspiration comes in fits so there will definitely times when I rip through a ton of writing and others where is just isn’t coming as fast.
Timezone | PST
How did you find the rp?  | I’m pretty sure I saw a teaser for this when y’all were first starting/again when you revamped but I was not in a place where I had the time/energy to write as much as I wanted so I filed it away and then forgot about it until now, when I finally have the desire to get back into writing!
Current/Past RP Accounts | Whiskey Bishop (past)
Character | Goneril / Grace Daly
What drew you to this character? | Grace wasn’t the character that first caught my eye, but boy did she keep it. I’m a sucker for bull-headed women and Grace’s self-centeredness and bloodlust really drew me in. Goneril canonically is kind of a righteous bitch, played much more one-dimensionally than I’d like; this is where I think the shades of Grace’s character really grab me. She’s ruthless but not reckless, cold not from an absence of love but from too much - Louis Daly’s principessa, first born, beloved, spoiled like milk left too long in the sun of her parents’ affection. This is what intrigues me most, and what I think will be the most difficult part of her to work through for me as a writer. I’ve written characters that are hardened because they had to be, but none that truly chose wickedness simply because they could…. I hope to draw out Grace’s self-confidence and self-centeredness and see how far personal gain can really get her. She’s very calculating but also impulsive; the second she sees an opportunity that benefits her and determines the ends justify the means, she’s all over it. It’s dichotomies like this that really capture me and I think it’ll be interesting to work out all the ways she’s human, despite her seeming attempts not to be.
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? | These turned into more of little character studies and possible engagements to further Grace’s character than specific plots - I’ve tried to condense the ideas at the start into more specific playable beats that could become direct interactions!
DOMINION: Playing the long game, working her way up to a power grab that consolidates to herself - what is step one? After all, everyone must start from the beginning…
There are three things Grace Daly is sure of: she was born, she will (eventually) die, and that she alone dictates her life. She’ll take direction, sure, but she knows what she wants. There is always, always something bigger, something better, just out of her reach, something she wants desperately to have. Maybe it’s a fault in how she was raised, never wanting for anything, but now - now she burns with righteous fire for that which is denied her: control. Grace is power-hungry and doesn’t care who knows it. She sold her soul to one devil and sold it again right out from under them when a better price arose. Traitor is too harsh of a word; call her opportunistic. If they look down on her now, well. Let that teach them to underestimate.
There will come a day when Grace will rule - not as a right hand, not as the shadow behind the throne - but as her own. This was a right she was born into, and one that she will claim. Her time with the Capulets was merely a step towards this goal, for how better to know your enemy than to have been amidst them? Now, one step forward, she aims her sights higher, looking to rise beyond that which has been set for her. She starts slow. First step: usurp her captain - a thing she sees as inevitable, with his penchant for drink and her particular brand of determination. She’ll do the grunt work, get her hands dirty like the rest - she will continue to do so even as captain, as advisor, as underboss, as boss herself. Henry is but a minor bump, easily smoothed over, easily moved beyond. She knows there is more for her in the Montagues than simply obeying him, and she will take her future with both hands.
FAMILY: What blood really stands between the sisters? How far is she willing to go - what acts against her own kin can she truly justify?
However much she claims indifference towards her sisters, they are her foils, in some ways. The blood shared between them is a regretful thing, nothing that compels her towards compassion, least of all love - still, Grace is reluctantly connected to them in name and in action. In some ways, the three sisters together make one whole person - Grace’s ruthlessness tempered by Catherine’s compassion; Regina’s apathy filled by Grace’s overconfidence; Catherine’s timidity balanced by Regina’s ability to get shit done. They compliment each other and highlight the others’ flaws in equal measure. Each is a product of the other and their shared home, however much they may want to distance themselves from it.
I would love to see Grade engaging with Regina and Catherine, as each draws out a different side of her. Regina inspires a jealousy in Grace that she is loathe to name - they inhabited in the same spaces, took to the life of the mob in equal footing, yet somehow Regina has pulled ahead of Grace, received recognition even without recognition - it infuriates her. Regina is a machine, dispassionate where Grace is cunning, engaged, though they both get the same results. Grace wants to be noticed, to be known, but there is a seductive quality to Regina’s invisibility, her strange innate ability to act just beyond everyone’s view. They are so similar - it seems like they are the same but Grace got oversaturated while Regina got drained. I can almost imagine them as children, Grace acting twice as large and loud to make up for her sister’s quiet nature, a feedback loop that kept them going on divergent paths to where they are now.
Catherine, on the other hand, seems like Grace’s polar opposite, yet they too are so similar. They operate on their own personal moral codes, though the ends their aim for are differing. Grace acts selfishly, Catherine selflessly - both aggressive in their approach, adamant in their own righteousness. Grace wanted a companion once she found Regina too quiet, saw her fire echoed in Catherine, but where she herself grew bottle sick on her parent’s love, Catherine drew it wholeheartedly into herself. I would love to draw out where their codes of personal honor clash, especially as it relates to Grace’s abdication to the Montagues - Catherine’s engagement with the Capulets rests on her sense of familial honor, but what is that worth now that her sister has (to many - never to Grace) dragged her name through the mud? How far does familial love stretch, for both of them?
If it came down to it, would Grace balk at enacting violence against her sisters? Would she be able to watch them die? Could she kill them herself, if it was asked of her? She talks a big game of disconnect, but I think that there is something about both of her sisters that tugs on a long buried part of her self-dedication, one that would make her question just what the means to an end entailed.
BLAME: Shouldering glory is easy, comfortable - what will happen when she has to take on the mantle of blame?
While external interpretations of honor mean almost nothing to Grace, she absolutely must stay well respected for her ability to get results. What would happen if she majorly messed up a job, or let herself be compromised, or something of the sort? If she causes unintended ruin that does not further her own goals? She doesn’t care about anyone’s trust (is there anyone that merits having hers?), but having fallen out of whatever trust is associated with getting results would, I think, really rattle her. Having to prove herself again, and again, and again, because of a stupid mistake, or consideration for an action ceased just a moment too soon - it would infuriate her. Would it turn her to a self-distrusting, indecisive figure (which she’s seen all too clearly in Henry)? Likely not, but it certainly would heighten her scrupulous calculation for her actions. She still acts on instinct, but with an extra second or two of hesitation that wasn’t there before, moments that could serve as the killing blow to all that she’s worked for.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | Yes! Grace has totally made some enemies and I’d honestly be surprised if nobody tried to hurt her.
In-Character Para Sample:
When one wants a job done, one comes to Grace Daly. Her hands are dirty, drenched in years of sin she will never - needs never - absolve. She looked death in the face years ago and smiled, sharp, welcoming the inevitable as violence settled itself around her shoulders like a cloak. A weight that to some seems unbearable, crushing them down, is to her an extension of herself, something always meant to compliment whatever goodness was passed to her from her parents. Like civet balances the sweetness of perfume, so blood fortified Grace’s bright resolve.
She cannot complain about her work for the Montagues - being the muscle is fun, in a sickening way, acting enforcer of the laws of the streets. Even as she rose above simple soldier, Grace was not averse to dipping her hands back into the muck. If you need something done, do it yourself.
Disturbances in the ranks, a supplier stepping too far over the line - who better to quash it than the turncoat herself? Her reputation precedes her, in many ways, and more often than not she can beat out the kinks without much trouble.
[ For every few jobs done right, there is one that goes wrong. No, nothing is every truly wrong, irredeemably broken, just more difficult, the wrong sort of spectre arriving before her to the scene. ]
The man before her had spat at her - traitor, puttana crudele, perché dovrei ascoltarti? - so confident in her degradation that he presumed a rank above that simply was not there. What choice did Grace have but to put him in his place, then? This was why she had been sent to him, after all - one too many missteps, just enough hubris to be considered insubordination. A shipping contact, a nobody, someone that never should have registered beyond the receipt of goods on time. He fancied himself something more, and in doing so outstepped his utility. When an ox can no longer pull the plough, carry what is required of it, the farmer does not coddle it in its useless state. Why then should anything else be expected for such a pawn as this? When something no longer works, it is gotten rid of.
                                              Put down.
She spares him no moment for negotiation - what little regard she could have had was dissipated from the start with the smoke from the bridges his words burnt. She does not draw it out. He does not deserve her time, though there is no want for effort. Just as he did not respect her status, he does not expect such savagery from so small a person, let alone a fallen woman, too blinded by his overconfidence to see that she is the knife up the sleeve that slides, smooth, between your ribs. Her first blow changes his tune, but she is better than him in all ways and makes it clear.
Broken, bloodied, he lies crumpled at her feet, a swift dispatching of rightful vengeance turned his words from barbs to pleas, begging for one last chance, empty promises of a return to clean ranks and subordination. To her, these mean nothing. Perhaps words of supplication may work on a lesser man, but this was how Grace Daly gained her name. Ruthless, frigid, no words cracked her polished exterior. Her hands were stained, bloody, and she did not bother to clean them.
One final kick in the ribs. He turns his face to her, hands rising to beg, and something in her eyes stills him. Her patience is wearing thin. His judgement has been meted out, to be executed at her hand. This - suddenly, terribly - the man knows.
She smiles as his frantic murmurs turn to prayer, the last plea of a dying man.Desperately calling to a god that would not hear, spilling the name of the one present. Ave Maria, gratia plena -
Her smile was a slow, twisted thing, sharp and cruel and tight, measured like the raising of a gun -                                     gratia plena                                                           - like the pulling of a trigger.
                                    - Gratia -
In the sudden silence she stands, angel of death come to collect. They will get their absolution, she thinks, turning away. But who said this god was kind?
Character tag
Aesthetics: sunsets like a bruise, the glow of a cigarette cherry in a dark alley, meticulously organized desks, chrome, red lipstick, steel-toed boots, blood oranges and ruby red grapefruits, stilettos (the dagger and the shoes), silk slips and leather overlay, amber, teeth bloody from a split lip, lily of the valley perfume, to-do lists, silver jewelry, fingernails clipped short.
*I’d also like to request here a FC change to either Katie McGrath or Crystal Reed - I know they have more resources than Valeriia (though her face is very striking!) & also I think they both (Katie especially) look more like the actresses that are faces for Regina and Catherine… I’m happy to chat about this, or have y'all pick between the two for who you’d like to see most on the dash, whichever is best!
7 notes · View notes
fortheheavenssake · 5 years
💜💜 PG MM Anon 💜💜 Interpretation Collection - 7
Anon said:
You go PG!!! 😊😊😊🌸🌸🌹🐼🐼🐝🐝👍👍👍💖💖💖🌻🌻🌼🌼🌼😊😊😍😍💜💜🌹🌹🌹🌺🌺🌺💙💙💙🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌹🌹🌹❤❤❤👍👍👍👍 Violets 🌼
Anon said:
💗🌲🌞😺 hi Skippy this is for PG and JG🏡🌲🥰🥰🧚‍♀️👑👑🐱🐰🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🐥🌺🌹🌼🌸💐🐿
MM Anon
MM ANON (DISCLOSURES)…… A presidential doe in the head-lights/sound/ camera …… POC ?……we’re just-ice wild about Harry…… 🎼 O Island in the second son 🎼…… NO’ there’s bigger fish …… “We’re gonna need a deeper hole”………the royal black-mail…… a reluctant Mantis …… “but it’s non-bloody-profit”…… fishing for chips ……… “For the greater good dear”…… disclosure beckons.
We have an additional word today, Disclosures….is that meaning big news and the end is nearer? We have thought quite a few times the end was near. I think due the historical nature of all that has happened, continue to happen, there may be several different ‘endings’ at different times. For example we haven’t seen mm in public for quite some time, yet her PR churns out gruel as if from a Dickens novel!
A presidential doe in the head-lights/sound/ camera
Doe in the headlights Is someone caught in a state of paralyzing surprise, fear, or bewilderment. Likened to the tendency of deer to freeze in place in front of an oncoming vehicle. So the phrase lights/sound/camera are filming words, lights/camera/action. So who is the presidential doe??? MM ANON could have said deer in the headlights which is most common but she said doe as in female. Someone’s female partner has become privy to some very startling videos in which she sees her presidential partner in , l won’t say further, we all know what l am talking about. Who is the presidential person??? I am not even giving initials, l don’t want a lawsuit thank you, or worse.
Person of Color, not colour, this is the American spelling. Is this direct part of the previous clue? Than it’s blatantly obvious who is being referred to! My, oh my!
we’re just-ice wild about Harry
Old song l’m just wild about Harry, Harry’s wild about me, LOVE old songs and films! In this case, play on words is justice. In Harry working covertly overtly, my fave phrase l coined lol a few riddles ago. Or has he fallen in with the dark side and will be in criminal trouble like the rest. I believe he would never betray his granny, HMTQ. I think he has been and continues to work hard on the side of justice! He needs a red cape to fly? SuperHarry!
🎼 O Island in the second son 🎼
Dolly and Kenny, love this song too Islands in the Stream….great song and collaboration! Second Son" is a short story featuring Jack Reacher, a fictional character created by British author Jim Grant. JE brother ME is a year and a half younger therefore second son, he now inherits the Island and all its horrors. Who would want it? Bulldoze it and leave it to nature. Harry is also the second son, he has no involvement in JE, however the backers that set him up and paid for mm may well have been.
NO’ there’s bigger fish
So, PA will be left to be, there are bigger fish to fry as the phrase goes. My goodness , l can’t get the actual use of presidential doe, out of my head. Rumours for years but what all is coming to light regarding public officials, politicians, people with immense wealth?!
“We’re gonna need a deeper hole”
Again with the JAWS reference. Bigger hole to bury all the filth they are uncovering. I don’t think this is meant literally, it’s to give us an idea of just the reality of the world tilting on its axis a bit once all names are public. But even then, l am sure some will remain undisclosed.
the royal black-mail
The Royal Mail is the official post, as ours in Canada Post. So here we have it, attempts to blackmail the BRF! This all started planning years ago. Go take another peak at the photos from IG, where mm, dr and ma present Harry with news. It’s obvious in those photos! There is also yet here another colour reference, was that intentional??
a reluctant Mantis
Mantises are insects with elongated bodies may or may not have wings, but all have forelegs that are greatly enlarged and adapted for catching and gripping prey; their upright posture, while remaining stationary with forearms folded, has led to the common name praying mantis.
Mantises were considered to have supernatural powers by early civilizations, including Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt, and Assyria. A cultural trope popular in cartoonsimagines the female mantis as a femme fatale. Mantises are among the insects most commonly kept as pets.
Well we know who our femme fatale is, however she is anything but reluctant. Who is the reluctant Mantis??
“but it’s non-bloody-profit
This is PP, anytime l see the word bloody l think of him😄. This is PP definitely referring to the Sussex Foundation and that Foundations and any link with work the royals do, is NOT FOR BLOODY OR OTHERWISE PROFIT,,
fishing for chips
🎣 fishing for chips, poker chips, microchips? Whose doing the fishing or is it Phishing?
“For the greater good dear”
Decisions and choices must be made for the greater good of the Monarchy even if it means family members pay deep deep consequences for behaviour. ?PA ?PH depending what happens.
disclosure beckons
Disclosure will soon be forthcoming, if l read all these clues right, this may well all be out before Prince Harry’s birthday on the 15th. The sell by date has long past, the truth all of it needs to come forth!
Fantastic PG…I would like to point out PA is also a second son. This is really interesting…thank you PG! So appreciate you doing this!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
Sorry it’s so late we had massive t storm at night and hail. Just able to get online a wee while ago.
MM Anon
MM ANON … a trending treasure …… “ how many bloody grey suits does one need”…… “ read this babe ,and try to sound sincere “… SS will delete the mistake …… “What do think? I’m calling it ‘A royal Pregnancy ‘…… “Yes, with Brad and Leo” George is directing …… Push commercial!!!…… “Just do it Harry!!!”……… “first f#@ing day at school” Ahhhhhh!!…… “£#@ Balmoral,and £#@& Sandringham.” 💄💋👄👠👜💍🥑🍹🍾……… tabloid revenge
A trending treasure
First day of school, DandDOC took Prince George and Princess Charlotte to school, he returning, for her, it was her very first day. My what a handsome family, Catherine looked beautiful with new haircut and colour. Our Charlotte is really growing up, her face has matured. She is a beautiful young lady, George is handsome, as we used to say, they will be heartbreakers few years from now. The photos are stunning and we thank William and Catherine so much!! For sharing this beautiful moment with the world 💜😊💜
how many bloody grey suits does one need?
We have all noticed the trend by now, old dim grey suit for any non-official appearance and well put together suit for official appearance. It’s more than a coincidence, it’s definitely PH screaming at us take note! Take note!Harry, please know we have taken note! We believe in you! We know you are covert! We love 💜🙏🏻 and pray for you!
“ read this babe ,and try to sound sincere “…
This is mm writing the script with instructions on how she wants him to read it/sound.
SS will delete the mistake
SS, Sunshine Sachs, PR company covers ills using worse ills. She is relying on them to make it all better voila. Them , using methods they allegedly employ, scare me beyond belief. Dark just got darker, and l am not referring to skin tone!
What do think? I’m calling it ‘A royal Pregnancy ‘
Oh my, has she plans for another ‘royal tour fakenancy? Oh, l couldn’t stand another sight of bump cradling, I will go stark raving mad!
“Yes, with Brad and Leo” George is directing
What is this now? She in a film role with the above named? Is this true? Or more of her fairy dust. Brad has been to rehab and has returned from the hell, that was his life with AJ, another fauxmanitarian, birthing his children and adopting in third world countries. Mm in a film with these, believe it when l don’t see it because well,@ l can’t go to movies because of my health 🤣, but seriously l wouldn’t pay a penny for that film. Will never happen.
Push commercial!!!
Pushing in the papers how much commercial flying PH actually does, this is all a distraction, every issue like this is noise, look over here, not there…please let’s look there, see what evil machinations she has continued with. SS of all , again as l said yesterday, the Nazis had an SS as well
“Just do it Harry!!!”
People want him to end it, assuming he is in charge.PH will continue until the need is no longer there, he is serving HMTQ! Remember what l said yesterday about his wedding ring, that’s no ordinary ring. Most British men, royals and friends l have there, men don’t wear wedding bands. So why does Harry? Think about it, remember what l said yesterday about that ring, it’s no ordinary ring folks!
“first f#@ing day at school” Ahhhhhh!!
Self pitying woman, jealous of a beautiful family and children, something she will never have. Catherine turned up with gorgeous new hair, looking gorgeous at 8 a.m. WOW!we love them, but how she loathes them love wins💜💜❤️💜💜
“£#@ Balmoral,and £#@& Sandringham.”
This is her opinion of these two private homes of HMTQ. These are privately owned homes, by HMTQ. This is her exact opinion because SHE HAS NEVER NOR WILL BE invited into HMTQ private residences! Full stop!
All gussied up and nowhere to go, what we used to say. Is this popping champagne et al getting ready for an African tour? She has no clue. Is she having a surprise interview with Ellen to air on tv?
tabloid revenge.
Tabloids and main newspapers have stopped any use of Duchess title, she is mm. There have been countless stories but SS and the behind the scenes Hollywood scheming is huge news and no amount of SS is going to make this go away. If she was hated before, oh to quote MMANON “ you ain’t seen nothing yet!”
Fantastic job PG….thank you so very much…..😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Ask Skippy submission
25 notes
Sep 5th, 2019
This late afternoon when l finally got moving l read incredulous things. I think we are finding things never thought and by an unforced on HRC’s behalf. Why come out of the shadows and tweet unveiling herself?? Thank you MM ANON and LG for your never ending work on behalf of HMTQ and British solidarity. I sense as Brexit gets closer more bizarre unexpected names will rise from the depths of the mire. God bless and keep you 🙏🏻🙏🏻💜
MM Anon
MM ANON … Bumbling along …… “( no Ice in my coke”)…… embrace the crowd …… they love me…… TV ‘ it’s a cake walk …… I’m not a royal pawn…… that’s what nanny is for …… the coverage darling,the coverage. …… F#@£ those small minded Brits…… while I’m in control ……… “ But! Nobody knew …… tell SS to put out a denial …… Di knew we’re the bodies were buried ‘ and so do I!! ……🎼 welcome to the Hotel… 🎼
Bumbling along
Bumbling is acting in a confused or ineffectual way; incompetent manner. Is this how they want us to see Harry? Certainly there has been a very domineering intense effort to role switch, she as the royal , he as the plus one. Let’s be certain, Harry is not bumbling, he is in , quite literally the fight of his life, the fight for the Monarchy. The bumble dating app has aligned with Smart Works. $$$$£££££€€€for who?..
“( no Ice in my coke”)
Flying first class commercial, can’t use any substances. Playing on words to flight attendant. Poor pet, that was one major reasyfor flying private but was never given publicly as an excuse. But we’re dumb Brits/Commonwealth we would never think that!WRONG😡 not only do l think it, l know and believe it!
embrace the crowd
Oh embrace the millions of Americans who adore her and will be lining the streets to welcome her home and praise her for all her hard work! 🦗 crickets do l hear 🦗 crickets? Yep no cheers only 🦗 crickets.
they love me
She is so delusional, she really truly believes she is loved and adored in America. Most people there don’t have a clue who she is. Nor do the care.
TV ‘ it’s a cake walk
Oh my, l hope this isn’t a reference to the interview with Ellen rumour. Maybe hoping to meet with her team tonight. Now which team OS that hmmm??? HRC lives in Westchester, NY.
I’m not a royal pawn
She feels that doing anything royal, which was her chosen duty when she married , she is being used. She wants nothing to do with royalty except the fun parts with diamonds, private jets, Givenchy etc.
that’s what nanny is for
Any questions leaving amw, as he is too young and fragile to fly to Balmoral, the nanny can look after him while she is in America.
the coverage darling,the coverage.
The coverage she will get, tv camera will be on her not Serena. Tennis players as are stage actors, notoriously superstitious! I think since Serena lost the last time madam was present, l would assume the last thing she wants is a repeat of that. She has also made a very public concerted effort to remove herself from the friendship. Ie when asked what baby advice she had…you remember that if you saw that. It would not surprise me at all, if madam did this without any consultation with her ‘bestie’ or her managers.
F#@£ those small minded Brits
Her, AND HER BACKERS!!!! Have exactly that attitude about each and every British citizen and by extension Commonwealth citizen. Folks, this is way way deeper of a plot and goes to levels once thought implausible, but that tweet today, that sent it over the edge.
while I’m in control
She seems to think she has the power and control. LG is giving her a few more inches of wiggle room, let her show , l do think the tweet today brought out in public a backer no one could ever have thought. What is going on? If a foreign national marries and tries to undermine the politics of the country she is not a citizen, that is tantamount to treason.
“ But! Nobody knew
Here l shall say, nobody knew HRC was a backer. I have a strong hunch HMTQ and LG and his team know every backer. But as far as l know, nobody had even mentioned her as a possible, her husband involved with JE. Something always thought odd, how such a woman of power stood by a man who so publicly humiliated her. I still can’t, but their mutual lust for power and control supersedes anything.
tell SS to put out a denial
Is this the whole anti-nanny thing? Have them deny that? Why? When there are a zillion other issues , PR lies, just in the last week!
Di knew we’re the bodies were buried ‘ and so do I!!
She still feels she has secret info on the royal family, and maybe she does, but whatever, she is wielding it like a hammer to get her way. Let’s reassure ourselves, this is LG, working with the worlds elite services, they do not suffers fools lightly, HMTQ as well.
🎼 welcome to the Hotel… 🎼
From The Eagles Hotel California, where you can never leave, like the mob, it’s for life. The ship she has tethered herself to, is a lifetime deal, and she has been so blinded by desire for fame, she has become infamous and she will have to answer to her backers because she changed the agenda!! For selfish reasons!!
Thank you so much PG! Fantastic! And the bubbling app and Smartworks.? Wow! 🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
I’m going to say it…I am…a dating app? I’m guessing goes deep into all kinds of things…
Ask Skippy submission
Sep 6th, 2019
Sept. 7
MM Anon
MM ANON … Jorges@ros… Thestarchamber… the puppet master maker…the puppet master … the puppet … the strings of PR……A Supreme Monarchy …… A future family … an American sidewinder…🎼”start spreading the news”🎼…… 🎾🎾🎾😱😱😱…… “WHAT!! Bloody New York”…… “September is a wicked month”…… hidden beneath a dress uniform.… BRIDGE-OF SIGHS.
This l can only find a fellow who works for IBM Cloud services. Might this relate to the Bumble app that our girl and her pals are so vested in!? I really do not know l am sorry.
1983 film Judge Steven Hardin is discouraged by the failures of the legal system after seeing hardened criminals go free on technicalities. Acknowledging Hardin’s perspective, his peer, Benjamin Caulfield introduces him to the Star Chamber, a secret organization that condones vigilante action in cases where justice has not been served. However, when the cabal sentences two criminals to death, and Hardin finds them falsely accused, he clashes with the powerful group.
We have long believe a cabal is behind the whole planting of mm and the plan was but she took it much further ie child, merching etc. HRC Instagram revealed her as a part of this group of backers. I feel like l am repeating myself but it’s important! We did not know this until yesterday!
the puppet master maker…the puppet master … the puppet
So what was the impetus for this sudden trip to NYC? Tennis? REALLY. SW has been publicly distancing herself and lost the last time she attended. Not a good thing. The puppet, mm, puppet master? MA,Puppet master maker HRC, GC,RB,LR? I am certain this trip suddenly was arranged by SS, l don’t believe she flew commercial because no one saw her, no photos, didn’t happen. The purpose of the trip on the surface is tennis so she will attend that. She will have had either in person, FaceTime meetings with likely, SS, lawyers, agents, her backers for Sure!!! All under the guise of watching her friend lose again. Oops!😮Hey l’m 🇨🇦,l am rooting for our girl!! The extra benefits of this trip is the recreation, sniff sniff, gulp gulp, etc you get the idea!
the strings of PR
SS is now on board. If you believed no PR before, for sure believe none now! It’s going to get really down and dirty. I pray to a God they don’t go after the Cambridges and their family!!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻. Be prepared for public misinformation, manipulating, lies like never before.
A Supreme Monarchy
The Monarchy has reigned supreme for over 1200 years and wants to stay that way. There is a well long planned effort to manipulate and possibly destroy it. We must stand firm in our unwavering support of HMTQ. PLease support her and her family, LG and his team in prayer.🙏🏻
A future family
Talking about adopting an African child, but l truly wonder since she did that bump cradling might she do that on this tour as well. Or might she use morning sickness as excuse to get out of an unglamorous tour?
an American sidewinder
🐍 This is definitely the Instagram by HRC yesterday revealing herself publicly as a backer. The nerve of encouraging a foreign national to interfere in the country’s political and upset the Royal procedure. The utter nerve!! The person who represents U.S. interests in the U.K. is the official U.S. Ambassador. What is she playing at. More information for LG, however he probably already knew. They are far ahead of us, knowledge wise of the facts, we know that
🎼”start spreading the news”🎼
The song New York,New York is where she is. Supposedly flew commercial, no photos or reports that l could see in scan of the paper.Did she really fly commercial? Or did SS arrange something more private? That’s just me being suspicious because l believe nothing she puts out.
Surprise at the U.S. Open. How will she present? I am guessing perfect hair, designer clothes etc etc. SS is on board now. Her public appearance will be vastly different now,,no more rats nest hair style. IMHO.
“WHAT!! Bloody New York”
Utter shock by HMTQ and PP that she has done this flight to New York. She continues to defy everything.
“September is a wicked month”
MM ANON has used this previously, sort of. August is a Wicked Month is a novel by Edna O’Brien. If you recall it’s about a woman so dissatisfied with her husband and life that she leaves for a different city. Will our madam leave be the same? No way, she is staying ‘royal’ $$$$$€€€€£££££ were it a regular person, the IRS would have been waiting and a return to the U.K. without a visa would never be allowed re-entry to the 🇬🇧. They are looking to hook bigger fish, she is a small minnow despite the damage amount she has wrought .
hidden beneath a dress uniform
Dress uniform? Whose dress uniform? I don’t recall seeing Harry or William recently. Is this reference to the kilts at Balmoral and the Highland Games?
Is this reference to SW uniform at the tennis? I just am not certain at this point what this means.
The Bridge of sighs is a bridge in Venice, Italy. The enclosed bridge is made of white limestone, has windows with stone bars, passes over the Rio di Palazzo, and connects the New Prison (Prigioni Nuove) to the interrogation rooms in the Palace. The view from the Bridge of Sighs was the last view of Venice that convicts saw before their imprisonment. The bridge’s English name was from the suggestion that prisoners would sigh at their final view of beautiful Venice through the window .
Why all upper case? Will there or has there been a lot of interrogation? Or has there been a chase since HRC unforced error of that Instagram post. Certainly obviously, this woman/situation has caused a lot of sighs, frustration, tears, anger etc.
I wonder if our Cambridges are very stressed and sighing as well. Didn’t they look splendid on the first day of school?,
Thank you so very much. Great job! 🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
18 notes
Sep 7th, 2019
💜💜💜💜💜 PG Special 💜💜💜💜💜 from Julie
Sept. 7
Anonymous asked:
Skip, Julie here. PG you have the biggest heart and an amazing ability to break down the riddles. We are truely in awe of what you give us because hopefully some of us look at the unravelled riddle and it’s like minestrone soup. Means something but where do I start. PG you look at it and go OK I can see this or that. Every clue has several ways of looking at it. Courts of law wouldn’t exist if we all interpreted the same. You get us to think and debate. You have an amazing skill we are in awe.
I have no idea what PG is apologizing for, but PG is a big reason I enjoy your site, Skippy. PG, I love your analyses. If anyone made you feel you had to apologize for anything you wrote here, I am sorry. You brighten my days. Cheers and thank you!
Dear, sweet PG: You are wonderful and smart (not whip smart, since you’re no heidiho). 😉 Thank you for all you do! Never complain; never explain. 😎 💕…Songbird
For PG 💜💜💜
You are amazing. The riddles are mostly in a fog for me, but I read your solution, and have an “ oh of course” moment. You make it so easy for the rest of us, and we know it’s a struggle for you, with your health, and love and appreciate you being here to help.
I never ever understand the riddles without your pulling them together.
With much love from the UK.💜💜💜
PG!!! No apologies necessary, ever! You do so much more than most of us here with the deciphering and you are top notch. Speaking for myself (and I’m sure others), I am always so happy that you tackle these and am amazed at your knowledge. Keep going – we look forward to your interpretations! xo
MM ANON …… pg ‘ darling girl stop with the beating yourself up 💜💜💜💜💜💜we love you pg …… LOVE YOU OK. …… your Bletchley Park top code breaker. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦Much love. MM anon.
💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜PG ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCKS !! Pg we mortals love you doing what we can’t …… crack the MM ANON riddles …… so thank you for giving us a chance to go ……… OF COURSE!!! Bless 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
PG - message
PG, I’m always impressed by the connections you make or the specifics of things that I know about but in a much more general way.
Thank you.
You do a great job.
You have nothing to be apologize about in my book.
And Skippy, thank you for this. Wow, Things I never thought of.
For you dear PG! You have mail!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
PG you rock!
Sounds like I don’t need to be here…..😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
41 notes
💜💜💜💜💜 PG Special 💜💜💜💜💜 from PG
Sept. 7
💜💜🙏🏻Thank you all🙏🏻💜💜
Wow l am overwhelmed. No one said anything bad, it’s just me being self critical when after it’s done, l see mistakes in spelling or oh l should have seen that it’s so obvious now,
Tumblr media
MM Anon
MM ANON …… Bloomsbury NY. ……MADISON AV. …no after party …… 🎼” I’m sitting at the railway station”🎼…… “ missed you,Thank you Markus darling”……… I’m trapped …… Him!!! ‘he’s pale and stale”…… I’ll be back ‘SOON!! …… “This isn’t Downton Bloody Abbey”…… “let her stew, old thing”…… LG gave me the SP…… Duck all in a row ‘ sort off?…… “Him!!!! He’s in the $h!t”… no going back now!!
Bloomsbury NY
BLoomsbury is a part of West End London, Coventry Garden also. However it is a major publishing house, in America. I wonder if she had a meeting regarding the children’s book there had been some talk of a while ago. I also wonder if she is being offered a book deal on a more personal level, then l would think the company would be one that could afford her price tag for a book of that sort.
The main advertising businesses , PR firms run along this street in NYC,NY.
Were there meetings or representatives while she was there?
no after party
She certainly was not at all welcomed at the tennis yesterday. In fact it appeared no one spoke to her, she looked completely alone, sadly alone. When she attempted to talk to Serena’s mum she was completely ignored. They didn’t want her there, bad luck and she was. At times near tears, at times talking to herself, sad, sad. Certainly no invitations to after party since Serena lost, and l doubt she felt like a party and l especially doubt she felt like doing it with a jinx who she has been trying to extricate from friendship for some time now.
🎼” I’m sitting at the railway station”🎼
Homeward Bound, Simon &Garfunkel,, you know it, endless one nighters, performer who just wants to go home. Is she finally, seeing a bit of reality? She looked so sad and pathetic yesterday, certainly different than her last visit to New York.No half million dollar party, designers clothes, surrounded by wealthy friends etc etc. She looked a pitiful soul, unkempt hair, alone, l am sure she had security but nothing like we have seen. Does she just want to dump it all and go home? Well it’s far far too late now.
“ missed you,Thank you Markus darling”
No show, she didn’t see him at all. I don’t know if he was even in NYC. Nothing in the paper l read about MA, JM, LR, PCJ, any of her usual besties for a NYC party. I do have a feeling though, because of the massive negative results of the billion dollar baby shower, she saw friends of the down low, oh that word again, l feel twenty years ago when we said that all the time 🤣🤣🤣🤣 even abbreviated to dl , how old am L?😗😗😗😁😂😂😂😂. I am certain 110% even without photos, she saw him, or someone close at Soho, for sniff sniff sniff, gulp, gulp, gulp, aah aah aah😮😮😮😮😮😮😮. I hope that translates!
I’m trapped
She is trapped! But of her own greed and volition. She has made many many poor life choices. This one due to greed and she went beyond the original agenda. Let’s see how her return to the U.K. goes. Will she have a VISA. of course she has magical visas.
Him!!! ‘he’s pale and stale”
She wanted British male, pale and stale with£££££££££££? This reference, SORRY SIR , is DEFINITELY her reference to LG, she does not like being controlled or having rules because she thinks she’s above that. LG SIR, please continue, carry on.😁
I’ll be back ‘SOON!!
She insinuating return to America ? Or quick return to London with fresh six month VISA in hand ready to hit the ground running in SA. Oh l can hardly wait to see her on thatbtour🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂, if yesterday was any indication kids we are in for some great fun. SpongeMeg get ready!!!
“This isn’t Downton Bloody Abbey”
British Royal life is NOT Downton Abbey. Well it probably was at the time early 20th century. But we are 2019, expectations are there? This again given the tone and wordage comes from dear dear PP.
“let her stew, old thing”
No sympathy, no ££££€€€€$$$, she is not part of the BRF. Let her lay in the bed she made, feel the consequences of her decisions.
LG gave me the SP
LG has given the scoop , on the dl, the crack, whatever slang, Scotland we said the crack🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Memories 🙃. So who did he give it to mm? Or MM ANON to share with us? Hey l am doing my best and today l won’t cry if l get something wrong🤨 or forget something.
Duck all in a row ‘ sort off?
So all is arranged, almost, God please🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 be she gone by Harry’s birthday the 15 th. But more importantly, let them have every duck in a perfect rom so charges stick, there is a conviction!! Or another idea, given the extremely detailed SA itinerary, which seems unusually detailed and written at this stage, maybe this means the SA tour . But l hope the first is the right answer!
“Him!!!! He’s in the $h!t”
PH, poor dear, he’s getting lots of blow back from the media. It’s all the role he’s playing, service to the Realm, HMTQ, so in that he bears the negative criticism. Let’s do remember to pray for him and HMTQ.🙏🏻
no going back now!!
We are all a product of the choices we make in our lives to most regards barring illness etc. But we all know so much that she has done, and has done since the marriage ish day. There is no turning back ever. She has danced with the devil, still is, and trying to make money and changing the agenda is a very very dangerous dance!
Amazing job! Thank you dear PG!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
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Sep 8th, 2019
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aceticvgina23 · 5 years
Scary (ending it with a  Narc):
I have lived with a narcissist my entire life.  I was raised by one, and only through the benefit of the police, family court system (namely, restraining orders) and lots and lots of counseling, have I been able to survive, thrive and life my own life.  That said watching Harry and Meghan, I can say that all Narcissists basically follow the same script, the same behaviors, and thus far, Markle has followed them all to a T.
We have seen the love bombing stage prior to marriage, shortly followed by the devaluing stage when she didn’t receive the adoration she felt entitled  to, namely that she wasn’t as held in high esteem as Catherine, who will be queen someday,  and now that the fact has finally hit her that she and Harry will NEVER be equals to his brother and wife, in fact actually losing status as time goes on, it appears she has now moved on to the discarding phase.  It stuck out to me that through her entire scripted documentary, she referred to their married relationship in the past tense, all the way through.  The thing with narcissists though is that they never go easy, and they never give up without a fight.
Narcissist Rage is a very real thing.  Narcissists do not have the ability to feel empathy for others and they are never fully pleased/ satisfied. They are always looking for their next fix of Narcissistic Supply, much as an addict craves their next fix.   This is why they can easily suck the personality and self esteem from their victims.  They NEED this fix.  They are truly emotional vampires. They derive all of their feelings of self worth off making their victim feel bad about them selves.  It is air to them and their life force and what they live for:  destroying others to keep themselves going.  This is what makes them so completely dangerous.
When a Narc does not get their supply, what they want or what they need, they will fly into something called a Narcissistic Rage.  This is not a normal anger where a person gets upset, gets over it and solves their problem.  A Narc rage consumes them, it eats at the person, burning inside until it is the only thing they can focus on.  The punishment for the perceived crime against a narc is always disproportionate and usually quite evil.  They go way overboard out of justification that they were wronged and they have no bottom.  Think of young Greta  with her “how DARE you” admonishment, and multiply that by 1,000, with vengeful actions thrown in.  That is a Narc in a Rage.  The greater the embarrassment they feel, the greater the rage.  Remember, to a Narcissist, how they feel they are perceived is everything.  It’s always all about them, and the slightest perceived humiliation will set them off, right down to if they feel you have asked them a question in the wrong way.  Even more so if this is done in the public eye.
Now I have been following this relationship since before the engagement, as many of you have, and know that many of you have experienced your own dealings with a narcissist in their lives, not all malignant, but at least to some extent.  What I can tell you about a narc is the next step, after the love bombing and idealization, the subsequent devalue and discarding inevitably come, which we are seeing now, comes the end.  But not before the very last, and WORST stage of a relationship with a Narcissist, the time when they know you will no longer be around for them to victimize, and that is the “Going Desperate” phase.  This is truly the worst, where they will pull every last trick to suck every last bit of lifeforce out of you.  Hauling you into court, smear campaigns, employing their flying monkeys to threaten, harass and intimidate you, playing the death card: ”I won’t be around long/ forever” “You’ll never be able to live without me”, “I won’t let you live without me” right into “I will make you wish you were not alive/ never born”  And boy oh boy do they mean it!  They will destroy property, stalk you, have others threaten you, have you tailed, post embarrassing photos/ videos, leak your innermost secrets, take (or try) your children, turn people against you.  You name it and they will do it.  No bottom is too low for these people.  They will destroy you physically, emotionally and financially.  ANY way they can, to hurt you as hard as they can.
This is what will be happening to Harry next.  What worries me is that I’m not sure his family have a clue as to the dark monster that is coming for ALL of them.  Because to a Narc, destroying you is never enough, they have to destroy everything you love, everything you stand for, your family friends, any relationship you have, right along with you.  This includes children, especially children, if allowed to do so.  They are nothing but a pawn to a narcissist, just another means of getting what they want, and the reasons they make such horrible parents, especially if it’s a Malignant Narc with Sociopathic tendencies, the most dangerous subgroup..  
As an American I have always admired the queen as a role model, her commitment to her country, her duty, the pride in her nation and most of all her work ethic which she performs flawlessly thanks to her stiff upper lip, never complaining, never explaining.  I don’t think she has ever encountered someone like Markle and i certainly hope she never does again in her remaining time with us here on earth.  I have not always cared for her sons, particularly Charles and Andy, for various reasons, however she is a 93 year old Head of State who has always had the respect of the world, love her or hate her.  She commands respect.  I have never seen anyone dare disrespect her the way Meghan Markle has.  When you think of the sheer gall, it is actually downright scary.  The queen has been said to have met over a million people in her life, even despots and not one has dared disrespect her the way Markle has.  I don’t think either she, nor her family have a clue as to what is about to hit them.  She doesn’t seem to realize that yes, Meghan Markle has the absolute power to destroy everything she has worked her entire life to build....Harry obviously, but also her entire family,  their lives, their children, the Crown.   God only knows what ammunition her gullible grandson has given Markle during pillow talk when he naively believed she was ever on his side.  A wide awakening is about to come to this family, and when she should be living her final years in peace happiness and pride, it’s going to devastate them all.  This is not an “if” but a “when?”
I cannot stress just how bad it is truly going to be.  She will use everything in her arsenal, everything she has heard them say, seen them do, all their secrets, anything and everything to hurt them and bring them down.  Feeling embarrassed to a Narcissist is the gravest sin committed upon them.  Right now, Markle is probably the most loathed woman in the world, and despite her own actions being the cause of her social demise, she faults them, the press and more importantly the royals.  She is on a tear and since she is so disliked, has nothing and I mean nothing to lose, no friends, no family, no support, no loved ones. Possibly the most desperate Malignant Narc ever.  She is now infamous and hated. She knows she has no future now, is a social pariah on the likes not seen since Casey Anthony, and it’s going to be a vile take down of those she feels have wronged her in her not being able to achieve her goals.  Again, she has been at this a very long time, lazer focused and has NOTHING left to lose.  For the UK’s sake, for the family's sake and mainly for the queen, William, his wife and children’s sake, and even Harry’s sake, I hope they realize just what they are headed for and I truly hope they can solve this problem before this happens.  They are in grave danger as things stand now, and that is no exaggeration.
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korrhaphi-blog · 7 years
arthur’s modern relationship with sophia.
they meet shortly after arthur’s move to oxford and the start of term. they don’t share any classes but frequent the same establishments / have the same crowd.
sophia is sweet and funny and kind and beautiful and it doesn’t take arthur long to fall for her. the relationship starts a couple months after them first meeting and it surprises zero people.
at first, everything seems perfect. arthur has a smile on his face constantly, he speaks of her with a spark in his eyes — he’s completely and utterly in love with her and it seems to be returned. everyone on campus can see it.
but slowly things start to shift but it’s a very subtle change that no one sees. sophia starts to be more demanding for things or for certain words; she makes arthur stay away from other girls through manipulation, making him think it’s his choice ( using the excuse of it hurting her self esteem, phrases such as ‘ they’re prettier than me. ‘ and ‘ you look happy when you talk to them. i can’t make you happy like that. ‘ are common in those instances ), she antagonizes those around him she doesn’t like with subtlety, making him completely oblivious to the manipulations, resulting in arthur being more and more isolated and relying more and more on her for his social needs.
after a while, arthur also starts to change his behaviour — just a little, subtlety but there if someone cared to look for it. at first, it’s being constantly on his phone, texting her, then it’s leaving class or other places / gatherings to pick up the phone ( he can’t not take a call from her because strangely every time he does, something important / bad happens ). his usually imposing and confident presence is dimmed even though he’s good at keeping up his usual persona. he seems more tired everyday too, drinking more and more coffee, his eyebags getting worse as time goes by and becoming more and more irritable and distrustful of others. he picks up new habits too: always picking up everyone’s stuff after dinner / lunch to clean up, texting every time he goes somewhere / changes his plans / has something to do, scratching at the back of his hand, cutting his hair for it to be the same exact hairstyle for the duration of the relationship.
after a couple months, arthur brings sophia to london to meet his father. the two get on swimmingly which delights him. what he doesn’t realize is how they both make subtle, under the table comments about him that reinforces his self esteem issues and feeling of inadequacy. both sophia and uther find him ‘lacking’ in some aspects and do not hesitate to voice it, encourage the other in the abuse and laugh about it.
the relationships with his sisters are very severely affected by his relationship with sophia. catherine is worried for him and wants to help but arthur’s mental state / sophia’s manipulations makes it very difficult. morgana is of course worried too but she also is very vocal about her dislike of sophia / her thoughts on the relationships and arthur has been conditioned to get extremely defensive of both which leads to many fights. they don’t talk for almost six months ( until the relationship with sophia starts to break ). catherine is saved from this fate because of the stronger bond she shares with him.
by the time they reach the six months mark, arthur is completely submissive in the relationship. he is constantly feeling guilty, inadequate and weak and no matter how many times they fight, he can never get away because he still loves her. he is always made to be the guilty party during those fights which makes him compensate for his ( supposed ) shortcomings in any way she wants. at times, the fighting gets a little physical ( him grabbing her so she can’t leave, her scratching his forearms specially to make him let go or her slapping him pretty brutally ) which makes arthur feel even more guilt. usually, the conflicts are never truly resolved. arthur is just made to feel guilty enough to drop the issue ( until it resurfaces some time later ) and they usually make up in the bedroom ( where sophia has a tendency to let herself “brand” him with scratches to the back of his neck and back. arthur does not like it but is incapable of saying so ).
arthur barely passes his first semester — too busy being wrapped up in sophia and his relationship to properly study ( despite him actually loving his courses and learning in general ). his overall grades fall, his presence in class is sporadic at best, he has to lie to get more days to work on essays because he can’t finish them up on time. it’s a big mess and his father is putting additional pressure on him for it.
after eight months, they move in together and believe it or not, it gets worse. arthur is in a permanent state of anxiety about doing things right. he is the one paying for rent, the groceries, the internet, everything but she picked the flat. he moved in pretty much on his own ( missing a week of classes for it ) but never sees anything wrong with that ( i’m the guy, i’m the one who has to do physical stuff ). he does most of the cleaning up, laundry, too ( even though he loathes it and has been accustomed to having a maid or not having much to clean up in his dorm room ). he is exhausted but does his best not to let it show. he’s also starting to have dissociative episodes because of his mental state and exhaustion.
around their ten months mark, arthur finds sophia with another man in their flat. it’s the start of the downfall of their relationship. they have a very intense fight about it where sophia manages to somewhat downplay the whole thing and make arthur forgive her but slowly, he starts to be more aware of things, especially after he confides in his sisters about it. however, it takes a further month for him to be able to completely break free from her. after that, he throws himself into his studies, pulling his grades back up but also burying all the events away. unless he has a very close relationship with someone else  which is verse dependent ), he never truly copes with it.
the aftermath of it is pretty severe. arthur’s trust in women in a romantic sense is severely affected while still being extremely vulnerable. he has a hard time trusting again. he also experiences severe anxiety and self-doubt. he blames himself for the failure of the relationship or rather, his inability to have been strong enough.
the following phrases or situations may trigger a heavy emotional response ( spawning from anxiety to anger outbursts ) for a while after the break up:
where were you ? why didn’t you reply to my text / answer my call ? who was that ? / why were you talking with them ? what did you do ? / did you do that ? / why did you do that ? petnames
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salemspoint-blog · 7 years
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❝ I’m sorry to tell you this but you failed the test, you’re not a psychopath after all. ❞
» Catherine Black » Thirty-six (655) » Vampire » History Professor at the University » Kelly Reilly
Physical Appearance —
Catherine’s style is both timeless and eye catching, she’s never without her sky high Louboutins and trademark pencil skirts and blouses. When she does don pants they’re skin tight and pressed, she knows she’s got a body some would kill for and isn’t afraid to show it off. She’s always put together even if it means making others fashionably late.
She moves as if she’s floating and acts as if she’s better than everyone else in the room, head held back high and barely giving those she doesn’t seem worthy the time of day. She’s soft spoken but careful with her words and uses her melodic tones to sooth others into a false sense of security before taking advantage of their trusting natures.
Personality Traits —
♦ Loyal, witty and perceptive ♢ Stuck up, stubborn and an asshole
Biography —
Catherine Black was born in 1383 in England during a time that could today be commonly referred to as a disastrous period in English history, which it was. Rebellion in Wales, Scottish monarchies and the War of Independence for Scotland were only some of the highlights of the last quarter of the 13th century. The Black Death was another thing sitting upon young Pamela’s head throughout her growing years, claiming two of her siblings and her mother when she was very young.
But as difficult as things were back then, the period between the Black Death of 1348 and 1485 was, among other things, a golden age for women. War and depopulation allowed them to contribute much more effectively and influentially to society. After being married off to a young man, Damian “Ian” Hamilton, Catherine became a governess at 15 for a wealthy family in London and it was while under their care that she encountered the man who would later become her Vampiric Sire although she didn’t know this at the time.
Catherine loved her job, she enjoyed learning and passing along that wealth of knowledge onto the children under her charge and more than anything, she loved Caroline. An incredibly improper thing for a lady of not only her time but of her gender, from the first few weeks in her care, Catherine seemed to calm the vivacious Caroline with a tenderness that none had shown the girl previously. Despite being 6 years her senior, the two got along as thick as thieves and Pamela did her best to coach the younger girl on how to behave like a proper lady which is what her parents wanted for her.
She was employed with the family for 6 years until Caroline’s 10th birthday, upon which her family had decided that they no longer needed a governess. She had been planning on leaving the family to start her own two years prior, but at Caroline’s insistence remained. Catherine hated to leave the girl behind but promised to keep in touch and have her and her future husband for dinner as much as she could after Caroline was wed. Catherine gave birth to her first daughter at 23 and a son the following year. Her employment with the wealthy family afforded Catherine places in society she had only heard about in whispers and as time wore on she couldn’t imagine going back, it was only nature she got swept up in it.
Caroline remained a constant in Catherine’s life as she grew, often sneaking away from her family or her fiance to spend the afternoon walking the gardens with Pamela or making love in the lake near Pamela’s home and Pamela did her best to keep her two lives separate although they had one or two very close encounters over the years. She knew it was morally and spiritually wrong to be with the girl, felt it in her bones every time they were together but when Caroline was with her it didn’t feel wrong. Catherine always felt right when she was around.
At a time where living to 30 was practically unheard of, somehow Catherine Hamilton had made it. However the joy behind it was short lived when a tall, handsome Lord friend of the family attended her celebration and drugged her drink with pure Absinthe, which caused the woman to hallucinate and pass out in a lone corner of her garden. He drained Catherine of the blood in her body and exchanged it with his own, leaving her dead in marriage bed and retrieving her body the morning after her burial.
Catherine struggled greatly at first with the change, having spent so long teaching and loving people that she couldn’t bare to kill them so senselessly. But eventually with time, like many great changes throughout the ages, it became a part of her. Although she had been forbidden to reclaim her former life by her Sire, it didn’t stop her from trying to keep an eye on those who had meant the most to her in life from a distance, she wasn’t just going to abandon them in death too.
Caroline died not a few years later in childbirth and it took all of her restraint, and that of her Sire, Charles, to keep her from saving the girl and adopting the child as her own. It would have been the least she could do for someone who had meant so much to her.. But she couldn’t.
Eventually as the years rolled on, Catherine went back to her maiden name and left for France, where she spent many years learning the culture, the language and more importantly the men and women. When she returned to England, a sordid tale of debauchery followed but Catherine tried to pay it no mind. She remained in England for centuries, constantly reinventing herself as a relative of her former self, settling herself at the height of society and wealth as she went: hosting balls and dinners, parties and far far more.
Catherine’s station within the English court during the reign of Henry the VIII remain some of the most cherished times in her life even though they ended far bloodier than they had begun. Catherine’s sire Charles was highly influential with Henry’s council and helped them eventually charge Queen Anne with treason and witchcraft, due to Catherine’s refusal to assist Charles in helping return Catherine of Aragon to the throne.
Her sire had also wasted no time in trying to frame her as an accomplice in the wrongdoings against the crown, something Catherine would never have done. A royalist to the bone, she did her best to convince Henry and fix things but failed. Not being able to stop Anne and George’s execution haunts her. She had to go on the run for a time after that, her good name sullied for many years and despite being stronger and older than they were, it got to her, and it continued to both her for many years.
Her friends were endless, her lovers timeless and connections vast. She commanded the room when she entered it, all eyes and hearts on her wherever she went. Catherine herself even served as an inspiration for Jane Austin’s character of Caroline Bingley, her home as a setting for the Bingley household in Austin’s novel Pride and Prejudice, a feat which tickles her to no end, even today. She loves the character, defends her tirelessly, and a personally signed copy of the finished piece sits tucked away in her home library for all time. A beautiful memory of a past life. She was Caroline Bingley for many years of her life, and she’ll never be ashamed of that no matter how many people loathe the fictional woman.
Victorian London remains her favorite point in her life, so many new inventions and turning points that were bound to be burned into her skin forever: Catherine met John, a doctor in the army who would go on to conspire with her to kill her Sire and free herself of him forever. They would later marry. She made her first vampire, Esme, a beautiful young girl she had taken under her wing to bring into society and whom Catherine became completely enchanted by. She and John would respectively go on to be the inspirations for Arthur Conan Doyle’s John and Mary Watson, a character also very dear to her heart. They soon began a whirlwind romance that spanned a few decades before they parted. She penned her first novel, a feat done by few women of the time, and finally, she made her first journey to America. A place that would change everything for her.
600 plus years have passed since her life first began and more than a hundred years since arriving in America, Catherine had never been more tired. She continues to spend her days and her nights with children, now young adults of their own, teaching classes at the University. During her years she also became both a doctor and a nurse and continued to write Gothic romance novels under her first married name. More than anything she spent her days and her nights curled around her little vampire who had recently returned to her after decades away.
Catherine longs to return to England, where although things have certainly changed if she chose to go home she could reclaim old estates, return to the highest of society and sleep herself into complete boredom if she opted to. But her little one loved America, and Catherine loved her little one. After so long apart she couldn’t bring herself to up and leave her behind, it was both lovely and tragic all wrapped into one. She could admit to adoring teaching to some degree, many of her students could be brilliant if they put their minds to it. Her female students showed such promise as opposed to their counterparts, how the times had changed.
Part of that role reversal was what Catherine loved about America, that women wanted more than what had been expected of them for so dreadfully long. She constantly challenged her fellow scholars, using her intimate knowledge and grace against them. It amused her to no end to see them fluster about after throwing a wrench in their discussions and texts, honestly she could do that part of it forever.
Over the years Catherine’s morals haven’t changed all that much, she was very neutral in life and has remained mostly the same in death. However as she came to advise and council others over the years she has taken on a more lawful stance on things but at the same time understands that chaos is sometimes needed for the greater outcome. She isn’t afraid to get down and dirty if she has to and even enjoys it more often than she would ever admit to. Letting her hair down is a past time she too little indulges in. Catherine favors her own and while she goes out of her way to tease and make things difficult for the new ones, she does it in hopes they learn from their mistakes. She’s of the belief that not all vampires deserve to live and that sometimes it should be okay to help end their lives if asked. Something that some of the Original’s would love, even if it’s something they can never have.
Catherine’s maternal instinct in life has left her wanting to care for the younger community in Salem in death, even though sometimes it gets in the way. Catherine likes them because they listen, they trusts easily because they’re looking for someone to care for them. Catherine is only too happy to oblige.
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