salemspoint-blog · 7 years
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❝ I'm wearing bigger heels than the thing you have dangling in your pants. ❞
» Emily Vera Ainsworth » Twenty-eight » Vampire » Advocate » Jenna Dewan Tatum
Physical Appearance —
Every girl loves to dress up, do they not? Emily is no expectations to this, ever since she was a small girl she dreamt of wearing big extravagant dresses like a queen. As she got older, that was one habit that never changed. Dressing to impress became a policy of hers, if a person could remember what you wore at a particular day then you’ve known you left a lasting impact, and thats how she saw it. Usually dark colors was more of her thing, black to be exact. Her hair is mid length, black, and almost always straight. Her lips as always stained and you can’t catch her in anything else on her feet expect heels.
Good posture was something Emily worked on, being the only girl in the family, she tried her best to stay away from their bad habits. She could be mistaken for a model, by her grace and the way she could move across the floor.
Personality Traits —
♦ Loyal, affectionate and chary ♢ Impulsive, arrogant and flamboyant
Biography —
They say the youngest sibling is always the baby of the family? Are they not? And what if that baby was a girl? Then nothing and no one could hurt her, she was the apple of everyone’s eye. Emily Vera Ainsworth is the youngest Ainsworth, out of the three and the only girl. She loved both of her brothers dearly although they would have a different definition of her love for them. As a young girl, Emily took note of her father’s habits, she never really got to know the man, and when she did their time was brief. But during the time she was able to spend with her father, he was surrounded by work. Sitting on his lap, she admire the man she called dad, and was always curious to know more about him. She never doubted that he loved her because in her mind she knew that he did. But what she didn’t know was that he loved his work more, his work on making the Ainsworth family the most powerful family in town. Being a daddy’s girl wasn’t in her books because her father never had that time, like other dads did in town, neither did she get to play with him. Therefore the young girl looked up to her brothers, the only other two male figures in the home whom she could get away with murder with from their mother. Emily’s mother was a sweet individual, and if anything Emily looked up to her and hoped to be like her someday when she had her own family. As she began to develop into a young women, Emily spent a lot of time with her brothers, if not all her time with them. Emily was probably the most mischievous because of her playful ways. She then began to understand the sense of family then, vowing that she was always and forever be by her brother’s side no matter what.
As young Ainsworth got older, it wasn’t hard to see the strain between her two brothers, the oldest wanting to fulfill their father’s desire, and had more of a power-lust then their dad. Jeremiah on the other hand had his mind set on more of a simpler life, as he rather worked the farm that they had. Emily was torn and at this time she had no idea what to do, or how to bring her brother’s together. Before Emily could do anything about it, their oldest brother convinced her to join his side, attempted to show her what their lives would have been like. That she would be an actual real life princess, something she wanted since she was a child. Their oldest brother pulling on her memory of how she used to play dress up. After an hour of discussing, Emily still decided that she would rather stay with Jeremiah. She even mentioned to him on how he tried to manipulate her into taking his side. While Jeremiah went off to lawyer school, Emily herself went, trying to at least follow in the footsteps of her brother.
Soon after Emily went off the grids, after a frantic message from the oldest Ainsworth, Emily left without a word something she would later regret as she went to the oldest Ainsworth’s aid. But Emily was not alone, at the time she was dating a noble young Sargent. Running in blind Emily soon came to realize that her brother tricked her to get her away from Jeremiah but when he realized that his younger sister had a mate that was when the oldest Ainsworth revealed to them what he had become. A scared Emily ran across the room, as her boyfriend tried to protect her, instead she watched him die in front of her eyes a brutal death, blood splattering everywhere one could imagine, even on her. Emily cried, and begged on her knees for him to let her go, but he didn’t. She even promised to stay in hopes that he wouldn’t hurt her, that gave her some time. Human for just a few months later, Emily fell into the same habit, then again falling in love with another male, her jealous older brother once again killing him. It happened more times that she could count. It wasn’t until she secretly began to see another male, during this time she tried writing Jeremiah a letter in hopes that he would receive it and come to know of their older brother’s nature. But the oldest Ainsworth was too smart, he followed Emily carefully and even found it humorous of how she covered her tracks. Valentine’s Day, the day she snuck out to see her lover, was the day of her death.
Now that her brother had changed her into the monster that she was, all of Emily’s dreams, plans and desires were shattered. She was nothing but her brother’s puppet, nothing could save her now, not even god. Emily loathed her oldest brother, she hated him not only for all the things he did but for taking away her life when she didn’t even get to live. She had plans on marrying the Sargent, who had the intention of asking for Emily’s hand. As a new vampire, the brunette girl picked up on her brother’s habits. Eventually adapting to her new life style, so much so that even she began to like what she had become. Being a vampire grew on Emily, the power she now possessed had her feeling on cloud nine, the only trouble she had was feeding. This was because she knew it was wrong to hurt another person but here she was, feeding with her brother on the same individual, and she knew he only did that because he didn’t want her lose her.
Emily for the most part had no idea of her brother’s plans, unless he told her. When he mentioned that they were going to visit Jeremiah, the young Ainsworth’s was most happy. After all this time she was now going to see her other brother, what she did not know was her brother’s intentions. She watched as he stalked him, and she even tried to interrupt him from his plans but when push came to shove he always dangled the stake in front of her eyes, reminding her of who called the shots. She couldn’t do anything when her oldest brother killed Jeremiah, nothing but watch from afar, crying. It wasn’t hard to know that she wasn’t the only one to loathe their brother. When Jeremiah ran off Emily stood by the oldest Ainsworth for as long as he could, even when he abused and used her to the extent of his will. The young Ainsworth sought so many ways and opportunities to run away, and she knew the only one that could help her was their brother Jeremiah. But would he help her? This was something she contemplated night after night.
Running away herself, Emily ran off in search for Jeremiah, when she came to find him things did not go down as expected. When she asked for help, she was denied it even when she showed him evidence of how much she was abused, but still it didn’t budge the other Ainsworth. Angry, the young brunette exchanged words that she never meant in return for her brother’s help before running back because she knew her brother would find her wherever she went.
When questioned as to where she went, Emily response was to take a toll on the concerns the resident’s had in town. Being a town Advocate wasn’t easy, there were many concerns to be addressed. Those concerns that didn’t have any interest only resulted in that individual who brought it up to being dinner that night. An angry Emily became careless, she became more of a monster then her brother, who at the time sat back and enjoyed the show, but he wasn’t stupid he knew something triggered her to go off the rails. Emily would expose herself to a room full of people and then kill them off as quickly as she could before anyone could escape to get help. All the while the oldest Ainsworth sat there recording her time, keeping a log of how fast she became. Residents were concerned to come to know to the death toll in which Emily would then reveal that there was an animal attack, preying on the residents of the town. With her new attitude Emily came to take advantage of manipulating the opposite sex to fulfill her needs sometimes disposing of a few whom she felt wasn’t adventurous enough for her. Things then began to lighten up between the oldest Ainsworth and Emily, both saw eye to eye. All the while her brother still disturbed about his sister’s actions after she returned, when it was revealed that her she went to see her Jeremiah for help. Her conspiracy yet once again only revealed that Emily was not going to change, she never wanted the eternal life that she was granted and yet here she was calling for help from a brother who wanted nothing to do with her. Her brother had staged her death and compelled the town to watch her die, she didn’t know how Jeremiah came to know but all she knew was that he was there, unaware if to help her or watch her die. Emily herself was compelled by her oldest brother, tears streamed down her face as she waited for death to come. The stake pierced her and she could feel herself being cut off from whatever source of life she was running on. Everything else was a blur until she woke up in the arms of Jeremiah who brushed her hair behind her ear, only for her to mutter two words, “your here.”
Jeremiah had sold his soul to the devil himself, and Emily hated that she was the cause of it. She had a soft spot for her brothers, Jeremiah more then the other but she was granted her freedom, while he became their brother’s new puppet. Emily saw this as a chance to fall in love without a consequence but more importantly trying to see a way to save her brother. In a game of chess there isn’t a winner until there is a checkmate, but who will be the victor? Emily now making her appearance in Salem’s Point, to apologize to her brother, but more importantly now taking the decision to kill the oldest Ainsworth for all that he had done. The problem is, would Jeremiah come to her aid one last time so that they could be free together?
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gear-project · 7 years
Guilty Gear Pop Quiz VII
30 Questions, Only 30 Answers. Test your GG Knowledge, and maybe, just maybe, you'll Rock.
01.Which Villain is the most active in the Guilty Gear Series? A."That Man" (Asuka R. Kreutz) B.Justice C.I-No D.Crow Kuruwaba
02.Where does Johnny get his sense of "style" from? A.Unchou Hirufumi B.Zorro C.His Father D.May
03.Frederick wields an Axe because: A.It feels comfortable to him for some reason. B.It was the weapon he had before he build the Junkyard Dog. C.It was from a Fire Emergency Glass Case. D.It was the sharpest thing he could find to kill Asuka with.
04.What did Justice inherit from Aria? A.Her emotions. B.Her intelligence. C.Her memories. D.Her personality.
05.What exactly are the Phalanx Nine? A.Swiss Guards who became Opus Gears under Ariels. B.Loyal Knights of Illyria C.Valentines D.Japanese
06.Which name references the Greek God of the Sun? A.Sol Badguy B.Amaterasu Unit C.Tyrant Rave D.Sinusoidal Helios
07.Valkyrie A.R.C. is 'what' exactly? A.A reference to ARC System Works. B.A trap attack Justice uses. C.An OutRage D.Only A and B.
08.I-No's "Treasured Item" is a Candle with a Question mark, why? A.She's a masochist. B.It's a deliberate mystery and secret. C.It's a reference to her voice actress who is "Forever 17". D.No one knows.
09.What is Answer's worst Nightmare? A.Being put on hold. B.Chasing after Chipp when he runs away. C.Stealing to survive to provide for his family. D.Paperwork.
10.What is Johnny's "codename" on Airship Radio frequencies? A.Bravo B.The J C.Perfect D.Sexy
11.Who is not guilty of eating "the pudding"!? A.Daryl B.Alexis C.Zappa D.Ellsworth
12.2Cave couldn't outsmart Robo-Ky because: A.His acting was poor. B.His subordinates gave his intentions away. C.Venom figured out his goal. D.Robo-Ky could read his heartrate.
13.What is Ky Kiske most afraid of? A.Sol becoming his Father-in-Law. B.Being ousted as King to leave his royal position. C.Losing his friends and family to War. D.Breaking his priceless Teacup collection.
14.What's the heaviest thing Potemkin has ever thrown? A.Himself B.Leopaldon C.A building D.An Anti-matter Gear
15.What was Jack-O's complaint about Johnny's airship? A.It wasn't moving fast enough. B.They didn't serve Candy on the flight. C.The Rocket Boosters were old technology. D.It wasn't her favorite color.
16.What is it that Anji knows that Baiken doesn't? A.The real person who destroyed Japan. B.The real person who raided their old village. C.The real person who started the Crusades. D.The real person who attacked Baiken.
17.There is another Jack-O'... who are they? A.Ramlethal Valentine B.Happy Chaos C.Elphelt Valentine D.Aria
18.Which attacks do the most damage? A.Instant Kills B.Blitz Attacks C.Burst Overdrives D.Mortal Counters
19.What attack types are there? A.Normal, Special, Overdrives, Projectiles B.Physical, Elemental Projectiles, Slash Attacks, Ground, and Aerial Attacks C.Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. D.The kind that hit and the kind that miss.
20.What is Bedman's ultimate goal? A.Restore the world back to the way it was. B.Rescue his Sister Delilah from the Backyard. C.Go back in time to save his Girlfriend. D.Use the Absolute World to change this world's rules and obtain a normal life for himself and his sister.
21.What is Answer's hobby between missions and travelling? A.Buying gifts for co-workers. B.Memorizing good Tourist spots. C.Reading more books. D.Learning Japanese to outwit Chipp.
22.What character design aesthetics most resemble that of Guilty Gear? A.Darkstalkers/Vampire Savior B.Warzard/Red Earth C.Samurai Showdown D.Bloody Roar/Beastorizer
23.When is the best time to use your Instant Kill? A.When an opponent is mashing buttons. B.When you have Full Tension during the last round of a match and can Gold IK Cancel. C.When an opponent is dizzy from consecutive stun attacks. D.During a Ground Dust Combo.
24.When is the best time to use your Blue Psyche Burst "defensively"? A.When your Health is very low. B.When your opponent knocks you in the air. C.On wakeup when you're in the corner. D.After your opponent uses a Roman Cancel to extend their combo.
25.When is the best time to use your Gold Psyche Burst "offensively"? A.In the middle of a combo. B.Right before your opponent can reach and hit you. C.At the beginning of a match. D.When your Health is very low.
26.Blitz Shield is best used: A.When you have Full Tension. B.When you're cornered by projectiles. C.When your opponent doesn't have Tension. D.At the end of a match.
27.What is the oldest name for Guilty Gear's Meter Gauge? A.Tension Gauge B.KCATTATTACK C.Chaos Gauge D.SHOWTIME!
28.Dizzy's Grove stage is a reference to what Anime? A.Saint Seiya B.Phoenix C.Vampire Hunter D D.Guyver
29.What Hero in Guilty Gear is most famous for quelling an Uprising? A.Chimaki B.Slayer C.Chipp Zanuff D.Kliff Undersn
30.ON A GOOD GROOVE, TENSION'S SO HIGH, ASK NO MORE QUESTIONS, HEY! A.Woh-Oh we are PAIN BITERS! B.Yippee-Ki-Yay, there's no SAFE INTOXICATION! C.Don't miss the Bus, it's the Last Ride outta Town! D.I wanna Breathe...
--------------------- Okay, folks!  Here are the Answers!
1>B, 2>C, 3>C, 4>C, 5>A, 6>D, 7>D, 8>C, 9>C, 10>B 11>C, 12>D, 13>C, 14>D, 15>C, 16>B, 17>B, 18>C, 19>B, 20>D 21>B, 22>C, 23>B, 24>D, 25>B, 26>C, 27>D, 28>C, 29>A, 30>D
If you scored: 5/30: Let's just say you need to listen to the Music more. 10/30: Better read the Music score and study up! 15/30: Halfway there, you have a "beat" going at least! 20/30: Not bad, could use some Tuning though. 25/30: Now you're starting to sound like METAL. \m/ 30/30: Heaven or Hell, YOU ROCK!
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salemspoint-blog · 7 years
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❝ When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. ❞
» Aurora Valentine » Twenty-three (1000+) » Original Vampire » Owner of Enigma Art Gallery & Studio » Carlson Young
Physical Appearance —
Aurora has long, beautiful golden hair that reaches down to her rib cage, the velvety consistency and color of her locks similar in appearance to the golden string spun from Sleeping Beauty’s spindle. Her face is soft and perfectly rounded, all of her facial features radiating a gentleness that is translated in her personality as well. Typically, she wears very little to no makeup unless she’s at work, in which she normally only wears a clear, shiny gloss or a soft, pink lip color. Her hair remains down for the most part, unless she’s hunting or having one of her off days. Her sense of style is simple, casual, and, when she’s working, business chic. On a normal day, you can find her in a pair of jeans and a blouse, and during work hours, she’ll don a skirt and blouse combo or a nice, office-worthy dress. While the other Valentines find happiness in the finer things, Aurora doesn’t necessarily care what she wears–you can find her wearing Saks one day and Forever 21 the next.
Aurora stands at an average height of five foot seven, although her slender frame often makes her looks a tad taller. She has a slinky walk, with long, elegant strides, as though she’s walking on air, rather than the ever-changing ground. Despite her regal walk and mystifying air, she’s not as put together as everyone expects her to be. Unlike her older siblings, she was taught from an early age to emulate grace and sophistication, but as the centuries passed, and Aurora found herself resenting her never ending life a little more, her concern with how she presented herself lessened significantly. At times, you can find her poise slacking, whether it be her strides turning sluggish or her posture turning limp and slouched. Around her family, however, she always makes a point to keep up the appearance of being perfectly put together, but she has her off days, and she wears it on her face and in her varying attitudes.
Personality Traits —
♦ Empathetic, loyal and clever ♢ Self-loathing, private and solemn
Biography —
From the day she was born, the Valentines knew that their youngest child, a daughter whom they named Aurora, was different from the rest of her siblings. As a child, she was exploratory and easily excitable, as a child typically is. As she grew, however, she seemed to flicker between different personalities as if she were trying them on like different outfits–likely to keep up with her older siblings, her parents presumed. Where the rest of the Valentines has defined, original personalities, she didn’t seem to feel very confident in any one role she took on, and that didn’t change as she blossomed into womanhood.
Albeit her flip flopping personalities, she was reminded by the actions of her elder siblings and her parents that, as a young woman in a small, traditional village, she had a path in life to follow, even if she didn’t know who to be, nevertheless what she wanted to do. But it was never about what she, or anyone else wanted to do–it was about what they needed to in order to survive. And so, she was married just after her twentieth birthday, long after the majority of the other women in their village were wed. In the three years between her marriage and the curse that would change her life forever, Aurora tried and tried again to provide her parents with a brood of grandchildren, but every time she should have found herself with child, she came up with nothing. She was barren and fruitless, and, aside from the disappointment it brought her parents, it brought a new, dangerous dynamic to the already strained marriage she’d been practically forced into. Her husband, furious that she wasn’t trying hard enough to birth him a son, accused her of sabotaging her own pregnancies and rose his hand to her more an more frequently.
Aurora, at that point, had fallen into a permanent personality of her own. The black sheep of the Valentine family, she was not as strong (mentally or physically) as her older sisters and brothers, and no longer felt the motivation to try an match their intensity and power. She was timid and broken and, by the time the Delore Witch enacted her plot for revenge against her family and the Gautiers, had been nearly ready to give up on life entirely.
If only she’d known what was to come.
With their curse, and their new power, came certain strengths, but aside from the gains to her physical strength and agility, came a terrible, unquenchable thirst as well. The first few hours of trying to fight the curse were unbearable, with her insides tearing her apart from within, and finally, as her husband made the decision to raise his hand to her (for the final time), she fed. And after that, she fed, and she fed, and she wouldn’t stop feeding.
She left home, tearing through villages for years, hating herself and what she’d become under the Delore Witch’s curse. It took her two centuries to calm her undeniable hunger, and another three before she was able to train herself to feed on animals, rather than humans. Five hundred years of innocent blood shed weighed on her humanity, and unlike the others of her species, she couldn’t brush it off as survival of the fittest. For the next few hundred years of her life, she did everything she could to repent for her sins–throwing herself into various activism and conservation roles, and when that didn’t ease her guilt ridden soul (which she questioned whether or not actually existed still), she made every effort she could to seamlessly blend into life around her.
She moved from town to town, but ultimately stayed in one place until she was forced to move on, for one reason or another. She tried her hand at multiple different means of employment and picked up various hobbies along the way, but nothing fulfilled her. She was alone and miserable in the world, which, even considering her family’s difference in opinion regarding their immortal curse, was what caused her to return home to Salem’s Point a week ago. In the short time she’s been home, she’s compelled her way into a new home, and into a lush job as the owner of the local art gallery, and is looking for the right way to ease herself back into the remaining Valentine’s lives–because even if they don’t see eye to eye, they’re still blood, and all Aurora has left in the world.
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salemspoint-blog · 7 years
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❝ You never turn your back on family. ❞
» Clyde Valentine » Thirty-two » Vampire » Chemistry professor at Salem's Point University » Jensen Ackles
Physical Appearance —
Clyde is athletically built with piercing green eyes. His hair is cut short, slightly spiked on the top just because that’s how his hair works and he is usually very clean shaven. He has broad shoulders, a strong jaw and stands at 1.86m He mostly wears casual clothes, but can easily scrub up. He is used to getting down and dirty, preferring to get things done for himself. A suit is just impractical. He wears jeans but still he looks put together. He doesn’t look dirty or messy, he’d just rather be more comfortable.
Clyde carries himself with a lot of pride. His posture is incredibly good due to his training when he was younger. He has a slower yet long stride when he walks. Moving with power and purpose. It is hard to read his expression as he keeps a rather stoic façade. His voice comes from deep in his chest and is smooth, almost seductive.
Personality Traits —
♦ Intelligent, confident and protective ♢ Damaged, brazen and withheld
Biography —
Being born as the eldest son to the Valentine family he carried so much responsibility on his shoulders to make sure that his family remained safe. As a young Viking boy he trained in various styles of combat, becoming an expert in swords play and quite good at archery. He had always been incredibly loyal and loving towards his family. Not wanting anything bad to happen to them. He was always so worried about making sure they were alright that he put their needs above his. Watching his siblings growing up strong made him happy.
Eventually once his siblings seemed to be doing alright for themselves he did get married. To a beautiful woman, firey red hair, bright blue eyes and freckles that covered her entire face. She was a petite woman and he loved her very much. Then it happened. His body became cold and he felt hungry. Hunger he had never felt before, a need for something he never thought he would crave. No matter what he tried he couldn’t sedate the hunger. In his madness he lost what made him. Late one night, a few days after the need developed he did the unthinkable. He took a life. The next morning he came to, the hunger subsided momentarily. To his horror he woke up covered in blood, looked next to him and realized why he was no longer hungry. He had killed his wife. Horrified he ran. Far from his home village. Flashes from the night before came back to him. He ran for miles, not getting tired before he stopped and dropped to his knees.
Since that day, Clyde practices self-control. Killing the woman he loved left a hole in him and nothing he did filled the hole. He moved from town to town, not able to stay in one place long out of fear of developing connections with people and hurting them. Eventually the constant moving was almost too much for him and he found a home close to his siblings. They gave him some more purpose and felt like he could at least do well by them. Though his experiences made him more protective over them than ever.
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salemspoint-blog · 7 years
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❝ If socrates can make a career out of telling people that they’re stupid then so can I. ❞
» Jeremiah Ainsworth » Thirty-one (900+) » Vampire » Lawyer » DJ Cotrona
Physical Appearance —
Jeremiah tends to be well dressed all the time. When he is working he is always dressed professional and is in a suit, he prepares himself well for his days when he is in the firm and when he is in Court. He takes pride in how he dresses but isn’t really a huge fan of it. Which is why he tends to be himself when he is working the farm in jeans and a simple shirt. His movenments are delivered with full confidence and no second guessing is ever done. He never gives too much of himself to anyone else and just reacts to them. Mostly he does his best just to irk other people, pushing buttons is a hobby of his. He can be diplomatic if he has to be but tends to avoid that most of the time. He says what he means all the time unless there is something else that is more valeuable.
Personality Traits —
♦ Loyal, authenticity and conscientiousness ♢ Callous, machiavellian and secretive
Biography —
Even angels have their demons that had been what Jeremiah’s mother had always told him. It was a justification for their father’s cold nature – something to make Jeremiah not hate him. All the daddy issues managed to fall onto his older brother and younger sister. Jeremiah never really cared for the man. All he knew was that he had a duty to be there for his parents. To provide for them because their father lacked in that department. Jeremiah grew up with the idea that he had a father but never really saw that being played out. His father would come and go on trips that were supposedly important. Their father was obsessed with raising their social standards – to right the wrong that had once occurred to their family decades ago when the ruling family had been the Ainsworth in town till his father’s older brother was murdered by the current family in place. Jeremiah’s siblings always felt like they had been robbed of their lives – Jeremiah didn’t mind being dirt poor. He enjoyed working the land and being able to read instead of attending governmental meetings with idiots that thought they knew what they were doing. His father had always hoped that Jeremiah and his brother would take back the family’s rightful place but realized with time that Jeremiah didn’t care nor have the passion for it.
In the start, Jeremiah and his siblings were close as thieves. They worked the farm together during the day and would go out at night to run the town. Jeremiah looked up to his brother – he wanted to be just like him when he was younger. Those were the simpler times. His sister coming along was the best thing to ever happen to the family. She brought the grace and delicate element that the Ainsworth family lacked. Then things started to change when they entered their teenage years. Where Jeremiah proved that he had no intention of turning the town that he had grown up upside down just to create a power change. His brother, on the other hand, had a different plan. Jeremiah had thought that perhaps with time his brother would see reason and join him with just letting go of this family feud when he went off to law school. His sister was under his wing and he always took care of her. Jeremiah always provided safety for his family in ways that didn’t require another war.
He should’ve known that he was going to fail when he started to fall in love with Isabella, the daughter of his father’s enemy. The two had hated each other – they had been taught to hate each other. Then just like that, they started to both realize neither of them really disliked each other. The two would constantly bicker and neither thought it would become nothing more than a friendship – but the more time they spent the more they realized they bother shared the same dreams. Dreams of getting out of town and traveling the world. Getting the chance to see everything and help those that needed the help. Isabella wanted to be a teacher and Jeremiah had wanted to just farm a land and be able to feel the poor without the skyrocket taxes. Isabella’s father had nothing against Jeremiah, instead saw him as a wild card that he could use against his arch enemy, Jeremiah’s father. Jeremiah wasn’t an idiot he knew the political plays that would come out if he did go public with Isabella, so he denied her this. Instead, he publically broke up with her in front of the entire town. That was the first time that he was able to see a preview of how cruel he could be.
For years both of them kept their friendship hidden from everywhere. The woman told Jeremiah she couldn’t be in a secret relationship. Though both knew they couldn’t be together it didn’t stop the feelings from being there. Jeremiah was devoted to Isabella completely – even when other females tried they never came close to her. Isabella ended up putting her dream of being a teacher on hold and stayed in town for Jeremiah. Jeremiah started to push the political ladder as a local politican – his community started to stand behind him. The Ainsworth farm became successful and his relationship with his parents – including his father – improved. His sister was in love and was going to marry above as well. The Ainsworth family started to have a meaning once again and it was not some pitiful family or a reminder of what they had once been. His older brother ended up coming back in town and enjoyed the changes. He was proud that Jeremiah had seen the light and was devoted to moving up the social ladder. What he didn’t know – what no one knew – was that Jeremiah was doing this with the sole purpose to marry Isabella. The change was slow though – too slow for their older brother and what Jeremiah didn’t know was that his brother had died.
The man that had come back was a vampire. The supernatural was not something that Jeremiah had ever wanted to join. Even when his brother stood in front of him and demonstrated him all his new abilities and the new concept of living forever, didn’t interest him. Jeremiah refused his brother’s offer and told him that he was not his brother anymore. The man took him off his life. Jeremiah then proceeded to propose to Isabella and planning a life away from this entire town and its madness. Oh if only it would’ve ended there because what happened next ended up changing the man that Jeremiah became. His brother took their younger sister and turned her. His older brother could be an amazing manipulative son of a bitch – not to mention that their relationship of siblings had always been twisted. The next memory that Jeremiah had was waking up in a blood pool of his parents. His first visage composed of siblings standing tall in front of him as he pushed himself up the ground holding Isabella. They had managed to find the letters that the two had written to each other.
Jeremiah ended up getting his nightmare served to him – he didn’t end up taking over the town. Nor made any political moves. No – Jeremiah ended up becoming his brother’s slave. He was turned and completely sired to his brother from the start. Isabella was kept as a good faith bargaining chip. The three ended up taking over the town and Jeremiah ended up as the victor with everything being his. His sister was fiercely loyal to their brother, even when their brother was abusive towards her. Jeremiah’s learned to resent his siblings making them completely enemies in his eyes. Once his brother realized that the political power was not enough to satisfy his ego, he moved his agenda to a bigger scale and a plan that involved more blood spillage. Through the years the only thing that kept him anchor with who he used to be was Isabella, and his brother knew that. Which was one day why he turned Isabella into a vampire giving Jeremiah the choice to keep her alive meaning that he was going to be selfish because Isabella had always said she never wanted to be a vampire or give her what she wanted and kill her and lose that part of himself forever – Jeremiah picked the latter. He drove a stake through Isabella’s heart, while at the same time losing his morals completely. He knew that the only way to win against his brother was going to be by playing like him. During this time he found time to attend law school since he needed a job to get by with humans.
The vampire became ruthless and more homicidal than ever. He started to mimic his brother’s tendencies and at times even go further. The trio managed to cause havoc and during that time he managed to get his freedom granted via his brother. Jeremiah ran away from his siblings and never looked back. After the betrayals and the lies he never wanted to go back. However, any time he got word that his siblings were getting themselves into deep shit Jeremiah always ended up showing up and helped to keep them safe. During this time he became close friends with Alina and Callista – the only other two that actually ever got Jeremiah to demonstrate any slight of loyalty. Jeremiah no longer is the man he used to be. He is driven by his most selfish desires and takes great pleasure in taking someone’s life away. Salem has managed to provide him everything he has ever wanted. The freedom to do whatever he wants and no ties to anyone. At least he had thought so till he managed to run into Elena who ended up being somewhat of a person he never saw himself caring but ended up becoming friends with her.
There there was Cait – someone that Jeremiah should’ve just killed or enjoyed toying with. After all, she was another vampire that was just a baby. Not to mention the self-loathing managed to drive him insane and yet she got under his skin. Got him to actually open up and think about a relationship, though he kept his relationship close to his heart. Not letting a word out nor ever telling anyone anything. His sister managed to show up one day out of the blue to have a showdown with him. The two exchanged brutal words about the lack of relationship there was. It was disclosed to Jeremiah for the first time that their older brother had abused her but Jeremiah refused to show any sign of weakness so he told her to go to hell. Jeremiah did everything but hand over the keys for her to get lost. But she promised Jeremiah that he would regret his cold nature towards her and that Cait might end up being the one to pay the price. This ended up causing friction between Cait and Jeremiah as he tried to push her away and get her to see that he could have a better life without him. However, things managed to change and he ended up allowing himself to enjoy the bliss with Cait – but knowing that Emilia, her creator was another obstacle that they would have to face.
The price that his sister had predicted came early. Or perhaps Jeremiah was looking for an excuse. There was word that his sister had managed to fall trap into their brother’s games. The vampire hesitated between actually going and aiding his sister and letting her just die. Jeremiah had a good thing in Salem but the thing was that ever since the showdown and the harsh words of his sister he never was able to be okay with how things were handled. So he got up and left town. Taking care of his sister – only it was not as easy as that. His brother had gone back home and taken full reign. Going back home was like the prodigal son returning home, only Jeremiah didn’t get a party in his honor. Instead, he got himself into a contract with the devil himself. The sight of his sister dagger was enough to get Jeremiah to sign himself over to his brother in exchange of his sister’s freedom. Jeremiah was going to honor his contract till his brother betrayed him and killed Jeremiah’s long time red headed friend, that was when Jeremiah did his scheme and killed ½ of his team and ran back to Salem.
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salemspoint-blog · 7 years
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❝ Love is deaf. You can't just tell someone you love them. You have to show it. ❞
» Carlos Diaz » Twenty-four (35) » Vampire » Police officer » Alberto Rosende
Physical Appearance —
Carlos doesn’t have just one style, he wears practically everything, from leather jackets to blazers. He also enjoys a lot geek stuff, so he had some star wars and super heroes shirts, belts too. He never cared much about fashion, so he doesn’t dress in a very fashionable way, at least not on purpose anyway. He has a really good physique, an athletic one, he doesn’t need to work out, because he is a vampire, but he does it anyway, because makes him feel good, three times per week, and jog every morning. He started to shave his body when he turned fifteen because he was joined the swimming team, when he graduated high school, and wasn’t anymore, he stopped it, he doesn’t have much body hair though, just a little on his chest, almost not noticeable, his legs has some, but it’s not much either, his arms have no hair, the only thing he shaves is the one part of his body that is covered by his underwear. His face is without a beard, his hair is not too long, but long enough to be able to do a tuft, it is also dark brown and his eyes are brown, his height is 5 feet 11 inches. He stands in a really slouch way, walks too, in a relaxed way, except when he is nervous, he tends to move his leg a lot when that is the case, he can’t stop it, and play with his fingers as well, as well as biting his lip. People like to have him around because he is friendly and is really soft spoken.
Personality Traits —
♦ Sweet, caring and selfless ♢ Clumsy, insecure and shy
Biography —
Carlos was born and raised in Columbia, but not by his biological parents, his mom died when she gave him birth, and after her death, his dead changed completely, he got involved with drugs, and had an alcoholism problem, he also started to be really violent. His dad was a caring and sweet guy, until his mom’s death destroyed him completely, it was due to the alcohol and drugs, that he got really violent, and started to abuse his son. He stayed with his dad until he turned two, it was then that child service took him away, and took him to a foster home, a couple would take care of him, but it was no ordinary family. The two of them were not humans, they both were vampires, and only were able to have him as their foster son, because they knew someone in the foster system. The vampires were both women, and it was no secret that society was homophobic, which is why was hard for them to be able to adopt the boy. They were just a foster family, but they loved him so much that they decided to adopt him, it was hard, because again, the society was homophobic, but they finally were able to, after so much trying.
He grew up not knowing about the supernatural world, he went to school normally, he was part of the swimming team, he was really clumsy, so not even if he wanted, he would be able to be part of a team where the sport had to do with him holding a ball, or throwing a ball, or hitting a ball, he wasn’t good in them, he would drop them all the time and not be able to throw or hit the ball. Besides, he also enjoyed swimming more than all the other sports, he wasn’t the biggest fan of normal sports, when it came to that, extreme sports were his thing. Everyone always got surprised when he said he enjoyed extreme sports, because he was a geeky, he loved superhero, video games, star wars, and all things related to that. In their mind geeky guys, couldn’t be that “badass” as they usually put it, nor they were buffed, like he was, so they always got surprised when they found out those things about Carlos.
The two women adopted other two kids, the process of the boy was hard, but of the girl wasn’t, because the girl’s parents were their friend, when they passed away, they left the girl for the vampires to take of, they trusted them very much, they were almost siblings to her parents, the other boy was a human, until a werewolf turned him in a full moon, the girl was a Fae, so they were all very different. At some point, the older sibling was the only one that didn’t know about that world, he just found out when he started to notice his moms weren’t getting old, they were 50 (or so he thought), and looked like a thirty year old. They hesitated at first to tell him, when he asked them about it, but he was already twenty years old, he was old enough to know, so they told him. At first he thought they were joking and after when he saw that they were being serious, he had a hard time to believe them, he stayed in denial for hours. Until he finally faced it, they weren’t lying, why would they lie? They had left him alone in his room, so he could think about it, when he was ready, he would go talk to them, and that’s what he did, he walked into their room and started to ask them questions, it was then that they told him what was their real age, one of his moms were 234 years old, the other was 345 years old, they told him too that his siblings weren’t humans either, among everything about the supernatural world.
When he turned 24, his moms turned him into a vampire, they were planning to keep him a human, but he was stabbed and the only way to save him, was if they turned him, so they did. Carlos wasn’t angry with them when he found out, he understood it, besides, he had two moms that were vampires as well and that would be able to teach him all they knew, and also knew a witch that would be able to make him the special ring that would allow him to be under the sun, just like the one that they had it too. In that same year, they moved away, because people were starting to notice his moms weren’t getting old, they moved to New York, then 11 years later, they moved again, this time they moved because they were feeling so drawn by this town called Salem’s Point, they visited it once and felt like it was calling them, so they couldn’t help but want to live there.
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salemspoint-blog · 7 years
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❝ I’m sorry to tell you this but you failed the test, you’re not a psychopath after all. ❞
» Catherine Black » Thirty-six (655) » Vampire » History Professor at the University » Kelly Reilly
Physical Appearance —
Catherine’s style is both timeless and eye catching, she’s never without her sky high Louboutins and trademark pencil skirts and blouses. When she does don pants they’re skin tight and pressed, she knows she’s got a body some would kill for and isn’t afraid to show it off. She’s always put together even if it means making others fashionably late.
She moves as if she’s floating and acts as if she’s better than everyone else in the room, head held back high and barely giving those she doesn’t seem worthy the time of day. She’s soft spoken but careful with her words and uses her melodic tones to sooth others into a false sense of security before taking advantage of their trusting natures.
Personality Traits —
♦ Loyal, witty and perceptive ♢ Stuck up, stubborn and an asshole
Biography —
Catherine Black was born in 1383 in England during a time that could today be commonly referred to as a disastrous period in English history, which it was. Rebellion in Wales, Scottish monarchies and the War of Independence for Scotland were only some of the highlights of the last quarter of the 13th century. The Black Death was another thing sitting upon young Pamela’s head throughout her growing years, claiming two of her siblings and her mother when she was very young.
But as difficult as things were back then, the period between the Black Death of 1348 and 1485 was, among other things, a golden age for women. War and depopulation allowed them to contribute much more effectively and influentially to society. After being married off to a young man, Damian “Ian” Hamilton, Catherine became a governess at 15 for a wealthy family in London and it was while under their care that she encountered the man who would later become her Vampiric Sire although she didn’t know this at the time.
Catherine loved her job, she enjoyed learning and passing along that wealth of knowledge onto the children under her charge and more than anything, she loved Caroline. An incredibly improper thing for a lady of not only her time but of her gender, from the first few weeks in her care, Catherine seemed to calm the vivacious Caroline with a tenderness that none had shown the girl previously. Despite being 6 years her senior, the two got along as thick as thieves and Pamela did her best to coach the younger girl on how to behave like a proper lady which is what her parents wanted for her.
She was employed with the family for 6 years until Caroline’s 10th birthday, upon which her family had decided that they no longer needed a governess. She had been planning on leaving the family to start her own two years prior, but at Caroline’s insistence remained. Catherine hated to leave the girl behind but promised to keep in touch and have her and her future husband for dinner as much as she could after Caroline was wed. Catherine gave birth to her first daughter at 23 and a son the following year. Her employment with the wealthy family afforded Catherine places in society she had only heard about in whispers and as time wore on she couldn’t imagine going back, it was only nature she got swept up in it.
Caroline remained a constant in Catherine’s life as she grew, often sneaking away from her family or her fiance to spend the afternoon walking the gardens with Pamela or making love in the lake near Pamela’s home and Pamela did her best to keep her two lives separate although they had one or two very close encounters over the years. She knew it was morally and spiritually wrong to be with the girl, felt it in her bones every time they were together but when Caroline was with her it didn’t feel wrong. Catherine always felt right when she was around.
At a time where living to 30 was practically unheard of, somehow Catherine Hamilton had made it. However the joy behind it was short lived when a tall, handsome Lord friend of the family attended her celebration and drugged her drink with pure Absinthe, which caused the woman to hallucinate and pass out in a lone corner of her garden. He drained Catherine of the blood in her body and exchanged it with his own, leaving her dead in marriage bed and retrieving her body the morning after her burial.
Catherine struggled greatly at first with the change, having spent so long teaching and loving people that she couldn’t bare to kill them so senselessly. But eventually with time, like many great changes throughout the ages, it became a part of her. Although she had been forbidden to reclaim her former life by her Sire, it didn’t stop her from trying to keep an eye on those who had meant the most to her in life from a distance, she wasn’t just going to abandon them in death too.
Caroline died not a few years later in childbirth and it took all of her restraint, and that of her Sire, Charles, to keep her from saving the girl and adopting the child as her own. It would have been the least she could do for someone who had meant so much to her.. But she couldn’t.
Eventually as the years rolled on, Catherine went back to her maiden name and left for France, where she spent many years learning the culture, the language and more importantly the men and women. When she returned to England, a sordid tale of debauchery followed but Catherine tried to pay it no mind. She remained in England for centuries, constantly reinventing herself as a relative of her former self, settling herself at the height of society and wealth as she went: hosting balls and dinners, parties and far far more.
Catherine’s station within the English court during the reign of Henry the VIII remain some of the most cherished times in her life even though they ended far bloodier than they had begun. Catherine’s sire Charles was highly influential with Henry’s council and helped them eventually charge Queen Anne with treason and witchcraft, due to Catherine’s refusal to assist Charles in helping return Catherine of Aragon to the throne.
Her sire had also wasted no time in trying to frame her as an accomplice in the wrongdoings against the crown, something Catherine would never have done. A royalist to the bone, she did her best to convince Henry and fix things but failed. Not being able to stop Anne and George’s execution haunts her. She had to go on the run for a time after that, her good name sullied for many years and despite being stronger and older than they were, it got to her, and it continued to both her for many years.
Her friends were endless, her lovers timeless and connections vast. She commanded the room when she entered it, all eyes and hearts on her wherever she went. Catherine herself even served as an inspiration for Jane Austin’s character of Caroline Bingley, her home as a setting for the Bingley household in Austin’s novel Pride and Prejudice, a feat which tickles her to no end, even today. She loves the character, defends her tirelessly, and a personally signed copy of the finished piece sits tucked away in her home library for all time. A beautiful memory of a past life. She was Caroline Bingley for many years of her life, and she’ll never be ashamed of that no matter how many people loathe the fictional woman.
Victorian London remains her favorite point in her life, so many new inventions and turning points that were bound to be burned into her skin forever: Catherine met John, a doctor in the army who would go on to conspire with her to kill her Sire and free herself of him forever. They would later marry. She made her first vampire, Esme, a beautiful young girl she had taken under her wing to bring into society and whom Catherine became completely enchanted by. She and John would respectively go on to be the inspirations for Arthur Conan Doyle’s John and Mary Watson, a character also very dear to her heart. They soon began a whirlwind romance that spanned a few decades before they parted. She penned her first novel, a feat done by few women of the time, and finally, she made her first journey to America. A place that would change everything for her.
600 plus years have passed since her life first began and more than a hundred years since arriving in America, Catherine had never been more tired. She continues to spend her days and her nights with children, now young adults of their own, teaching classes at the University. During her years she also became both a doctor and a nurse and continued to write Gothic romance novels under her first married name. More than anything she spent her days and her nights curled around her little vampire who had recently returned to her after decades away.
Catherine longs to return to England, where although things have certainly changed if she chose to go home she could reclaim old estates, return to the highest of society and sleep herself into complete boredom if she opted to. But her little one loved America, and Catherine loved her little one. After so long apart she couldn’t bring herself to up and leave her behind, it was both lovely and tragic all wrapped into one. She could admit to adoring teaching to some degree, many of her students could be brilliant if they put their minds to it. Her female students showed such promise as opposed to their counterparts, how the times had changed.
Part of that role reversal was what Catherine loved about America, that women wanted more than what had been expected of them for so dreadfully long. She constantly challenged her fellow scholars, using her intimate knowledge and grace against them. It amused her to no end to see them fluster about after throwing a wrench in their discussions and texts, honestly she could do that part of it forever.
Over the years Catherine’s morals haven’t changed all that much, she was very neutral in life and has remained mostly the same in death. However as she came to advise and council others over the years she has taken on a more lawful stance on things but at the same time understands that chaos is sometimes needed for the greater outcome. She isn’t afraid to get down and dirty if she has to and even enjoys it more often than she would ever admit to. Letting her hair down is a past time she too little indulges in. Catherine favors her own and while she goes out of her way to tease and make things difficult for the new ones, she does it in hopes they learn from their mistakes. She’s of the belief that not all vampires deserve to live and that sometimes it should be okay to help end their lives if asked. Something that some of the Original’s would love, even if it’s something they can never have.
Catherine’s maternal instinct in life has left her wanting to care for the younger community in Salem in death, even though sometimes it gets in the way. Catherine likes them because they listen, they trusts easily because they’re looking for someone to care for them. Catherine is only too happy to oblige.
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salemspoint-blog · 7 years
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❝ I used to punch walls until my knuckles bled because I was filled with rage and anger, now I punch walls until they bleed just to fucking feel something, or to at least try. ❞
» Sawyer King » Twenty-nine » Vampire (ex-hunter) » Mechanic » Charlie Hunnam
Physical Appearance —
There is nothing special about the appearance of Sawyer King. He does not own any clothes that would be considered expensive or name brand. He purchases his white t-shirts in bundles at the local discount clothing store, and wears the same old blue jeans that he always has. The occasional black or navy blue jacket will be seen covering the same white t-shirt, or swapped out for a leather jacket if he’s taking a ride on his motorcycle. His dirty blonde hair is typically seen lying where it falls after he has taken his shower, or slicked back if he’s feeling up to bothering with it. The stubble on his face matches perfectly with his hair, and Sawyer only cares to keep it cleaned up due to the job that he has. Otherwise, he wouldn’t bother messing with it until it became a problem.
At times, Sawyer can walk with an arrogance to match his overly sized ego. He’s been known to sway when he walks, especially if he is walking with a purpose. Typically, one hand will be seen in front of his body, fingers curled around the top of his jeans to hold them in place. When standing, he tends to slouch, his shoulders drooped down instead of standing tall like his mother had always instructed him to. This is mainly due to years spent on the back of a motorcycle, and the arrogance that he doesn’t need to be ready for a fight. As far as speaking goes, Sawyer talks with a heavy Southern accent, noticed instantly by those that overhear him. And boy will they overhear him; he has no idea what level means when it comes to talking. He will be loud, he will be crude, and there will always be some form of a swear word mixed in with the rest.
Personality Traits —
♦ Determined, challenging, and protective ♢ Reactionary, impulsive, and cold
Biography —
Sawyer Thomas King was a mess of a young boy; he was reckless, he was fearless, but above all else, he wanted to prove that he was just as good as his older brother. The pair of boys were separated in age by five years, leaving Elijah as the one that always got to do anything and everything first. He had learned how to play sports first, he had learned how to drive a car first, and most importantly, he had learned how to shoot a gun first. Growing up, Sawyer had always been in the shadow of his older brother, though he had tried time and time again to step out of that, to show that he was just as good, if not better. No matter how many times their mother expressed that they were not the same, that Sawyer was and always would be his own person; the young boy hadn’t quite seen it that way.
The King family had been granted with three handsome sons; Elijah, being the eldest; Sawyer, being the middle; and Parker, coming along two years after Sawyer. The boys were all fairly close in age, though the small gap between Elijah and Sawyer, and this brought on more competition than either Mason or Emma King had realized. Elijah was the first to learn of the supernatural world, and boy did it seem like he rubbed it in Sawyer’s face the day he learned shortly after his sixth birthday. You see, the King family had always been a well-known bunch of hunters, making something of a name for themselves in the small town of Ada, Oklahoma. Mason was not only a particularly friendly young man, but he was also quite the sharpshooter; and Emma had a habit of lending a hand when another hunter came in with a nasty wound or a sprained ankle.
It was no surprise when Sawyer wanted to follow in the footsteps of not only his father, but of Elijah, as well. He spent hours upon hours learning how to shoot, perfecting his aim, and deciphering between which gun is which and how each one should be used. He was seen more often at the gun range than he was in a classroom or his own home. And if he wasn’t seen at the gun range, he was liking sat somewhere in his family home, reading up on all things supernatural, figuring out which species had which weakness and attaining that information for later use. He wanted to not only prove to his parents that he was capable of becoming a hunter like them, but that he was just as good at it as Elijah was.
It was shortly after his thirteenth birthday that Sawyer was finally given the hunter’s blessing, like Elijah had been given before him, and his father before that. He would become a part of the King family tradition, and it was not long after he was blessed that he joined both Elijah and his father on his very first hunt. It was a small coven of vampires, holed up in a local abandoned farmhouse, said to be holding young child against their will to be used as blood bags when needed. It was meant to be an easy job; go in, take care of the vampires, and rescue the children. However, Sawyer hadn’t quite been prepared for exactly what a first hunt entitled. He’d frozen in the face of the first vampire, only to have Elijah save him at the last minute. It only added to the necessity to prove that he was just as good, to prove that he didn’t always need his older brother to protect him.
The following years were spent tracking down every supernatural he could with his father or brothers, tugging Parker along when everyone else was busy doing their own thing. The two brothers were more in sync than anyone else in the family, and that was likely due to the close proximity of ages, along with the multitude of time that they had spent together. This continued for several years until Sawyer dropped out of high school just shy of ending his junior year, intending to focus on hunting and making a name for himself. It was some time after his eighteenth birthday that he decided he needed to leave his family home behind, that he needed to get out in the world and deal with supernatural creatures in whichever town he stumbled onto next.
Town after town, city after city; Sawyer went wherever his motorcycle could take him. He crossed paths with new hunters in nearly every city he went to, frequented more bars than he could rightfully count, and slept with woman whose names he would likely never remember. He never settled in one town for too long, always finding a reason to leave or an excuse to split town before things got too complicated. That is — until he found himself in Salem’s Point. It was a city that thrived on the supernatural aspect of the world, even being the home to several of the original and founding families. It was a city that Sawyer would need to keep on his radar, especially when he found himself taking an interest in one of the very original families he needed to be cautious of.
Cassidy Gautier was a force to be reckoned with, matching him shot for shot, crude comment for crude comment. She had been nothing more than an occasional tryst in the local motel room that he had been staying at, especially given that she was one of the very creatures that he had promised to do away with in the world should the time come. Of course, he couldn’t very well kill her given the immortality; but he soon found himself not even considering the possibility. He found that he liked having her around, especially when she battled his own arrogance with her own.
It was a call that he had never hoped to receive that finally pulled him away from Salem’s Point; Elijah had gone after a pack of werewolves on his own. Sawyer had found his brother deep in the woods, not far from the city he had grown accustomed to. The wolves had left his brother for dead, only after they had quite literally torn him to shreds. The sight of Elijah, eyes wide open, lying in the middle of the forest had caused something to snap within him. He had spent the next several days, weeks, and nearly months tracking down every werewolf that had been responsible for his brother’s death and ended them in the most gruesome way he could think of. It was some time after Elijah’s funeral, after he had spent some time with his parents that Sawyer returned to Salem’s Point. There was nothing in the city that called to him, except that it was the last place he’d seen his brother alive, and it was the possibility of seeing one Cassidy Gautier that had him stepping back into the city limits.
The following year was a whirlwind for Sawyer King; from befriending local hunters, to figuring out exactly what he was doing with the original werewolf, to making a name for himself in the new city. There were more ups and downs in that year than he had ever seen on a roller-coaster, the hunter being thrown through so many hoops that he had lost count long ago. It was the relationship he formed with Cassidy that kept him stable, that kept him grounded despite all the curve-balls that he was thrown. Except, there would be one curve-ball that Sawyer King would likely not find himself getting over too soon.
The hunter had returned to his family’s home, after having not seen his parents since Elijah’s funeral, since he’d laid his brother to rest. He’d spent a few days with them, intending to stay longer until he was called back to Salem’s Point, an issue involving Cassidy needing his immediate return. If he hadn’t have found himself falling in love with the original werewolf, if he hadn’t of valued their relationship above many others, perhaps Sawyer wouldn’t have returned when he had, and perhaps he wouldn’t have run into that vampire the very night he’d made it back to town.
The woman in red; that was all he could remember of the vampire who’d forced her blood into his mouth, down his throat and into his system. He remembered her fangs sinking into his neck after the blood was in his system, draining him until he collapsed onto the forest floor. He then remembered waking up to her wicked smile, though the features of her face were not something he could conjure up in his head, could not match to any vampire he had met in the town.
And Sawyer King remembered the following days of trying to put a stake in his chest, but being unable to do what needed to be done. He remembered completing the transition by feeding from the very vein of another hunter, one who he had considered his best friend, his brother. It had taken less than a day for Sawyer to complete his transition, for him to become one of the very things he hated about the world and sought to end; a vampire.
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