#she knew raven couldnt win
the-pinstriped-hood · 2 years
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This is the last of my Trio of Christmas Fics, and this one has been a long time coming. Are you prepared?
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Slowly closing one book and setting it next to the previous one, there was only one book left.
Pinstripe smiles. "This little love story has been a long time coming. Filled with strife and hardship, give and take but has always been with it.
It takes a lot to put up with a man like Bo Sinclair. Hard headed, loud, angry, a murderer and a sex drive to rival that of the Greek god, Zeus. But you dig into all of that and you find he's scared. He's lonely. He has his flaws but his virtues as well. He's very protective of his family, doing whatever it takes to keep them safe. A beautiful singer, good with his hands, an amazing cook and a remarkable lover.
So when Miss Percy Jones walked into his life it was nothing special. Over time however, they both found they're practically a mirror image of the other. Hurt, scared, protective, loving. And this, ladies and gentlemen drew them to each other. The Eldest of the Sinclair's and the Eldest of the Angels, joining forces to protect those younger than them, keeping their town hidden and safe from harm. A King finding his Queen. Today was Dec. 24. Percy's 33rd Birthday. Bo was determined to make it one she wouldn't forget.
The Eldest Sinclair hadn’t been able to sleep. The ring burning in the back of his mind, today was the day.
All his planning. He hoped today was going to all go according to plan. It was stark white outside, every tree covered in snow. He looked over at Percy, asleep and blissfully unaware of what her southerner had in mind. The soft raven curls falling over her bare shoulders from the night's usual sensual debauchery.
Making his way out to the kitchen, careful not to wake any of the others who were still just as quiet in their beds and starting up the coffee maker just like Percy had shown him, turning things over in his mind and sipping his usual black coffee. He was unusually silent this month. Some chalked it up to the newfound stress of the holidays, only it was Ava who knew what was really going on.
Proposing was never an easy task. The nerves even reached the alway smug, ever confident Bo Sinclair. Not even his southern charm could easily win her over like he always could. He was scared. Scared that Percy would hate the ring or say no. If she said no, what then?
His mind raced down that rabbit hole so loudly that he didn't hear Percy walk into the kitchen and gently wrap her arms around his waist. He jumped.
“Oh! Sorry darlin did I wake you?”
Percy shook her head. “I smelled coffee and you weren't in bed.” she gazed up at him, lazily. That look always brought a soft smile to his face, a sort of ‘how in the world was I so lucky to get him?’ kind of wonder in her gorgeous blue eyes. The pair embraced, Bo setting his coffee mug down on the counter. “Happy Birthday, Darlin’” Bo drawled, planting a kiss on her forehead. “One year older and gettin’ so much more beautiful.”
The Novelist snuggled into her Mechanic’s chest and sighed lovingly. “Its been a year and so much has happened.”
Bo nodded, everyday had held something new this year and it all started when she appeared. When he accidentally hit her with his truck, back then it was so easy. She was just going to be another victim, another wax figure. But the curiosity of Bo had gotten the better of him with her writing and in exchange for a place to stay in Ambrose he asked for some of her books. Finding out she was a well off Novelist wasn't a shock, she was very good with her writing.
And then she created Johnathan Halloran who bore a striking resemblance to his own. He couldnt help but feel excited someone wanted him to be their muse for once. A grizzled detective in a 1920's noir novel with gorgeous blue eyes and a syrupy southern accent. Midnight Papertrail trail had been a hit. And it was all thanks to Her.
The pair gently pulled themselves apart, her smaller hand in his larger one. They were going to spend the whole day together. "Now, I got you a present. But, I ain't gonna give it to you until later tonight, alright?"
Percy nodded. "You tease."
Both of them chuckled, silently flirting with one another, heading into the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day. Bo was unusually attentive to Percy this morning, gently washing her himself claiming that. "The birthday girl ain't gonna do nothin' today." In reality he was memorizing the way her gorgeous body curved, how her hair smelled with her favorite shampoo and conditioner. He loved her so much, if this was going to be their last morning together if she said no, he wanted to commit her body to memory.
The way her raven hair fell in the softest curls that would put satin to shame. How her beautiful blue eyes reflected in her cute secretary glasses. How well she looked wearing his flannel. Bo didn't want to do anything today. All he wanted was Percy. To spend as much time with her as he could. He made her lunch, spent time with her in Ellie's garden under the Peach tree she loved so much. Today was all about her.
Finally the sun set and the snow came down, getting colder as the pair went home. It was time.
Their Future or his Oblivion.
Percy got dressed in her nicest winter clothes, waiting downstairs as Bo got ready. He opened the box with the ring, staring at the pearl skull and it's adorned blood crown. A few short deep breaths and he shut it, stuffing it into his coat pocket.
He put on a brave face and went downstairs, taking Percys hand and out the door. His heart raced in it's chest as he drove her to the snow covered Magnolia tree on the hill.
Percy wondered what all of this was about. She knew of the tree. This one had their initials carved into it when Bo asked Percy to be his girlfriend.
Bo opened her door and helped her out, leading her to the top of the hill. His mind raced. His heart beat. He could turn back now it would be so easy! But his heart persisted.
Finally at the top of the hill, they sat together under the tree, on the blanket that they shared when she first told him about Halloran. Bo was quiet.
"Bo? You planned this little venture for me?"
Bo nodded quietly. The ring burning itself in his coat. His voice was shaky.
"Darlin' you an' I have known each other for a long time, w-we've killed together, protected each other…" he ran his gloves through his hair. He took a deep breath. Now or Never. "Darlin'- Percy I wanted to ask if you would, s-spend the rest of your life w-with me…" as he pulled out the ring box and opened it. Percy's eyes filled with tears at the sight of the ring, her mouth split into a surprised grin. "Bo-its Beautiful! Yes!"
Bo looked at her. "Y-y'will?!?"
"Of course I'll marry you, Bo Sinclair!!"
Bo hugged her, shaking from the nerves. They didn't let go for a while Bo lifting Percy onto his lap as she gave her his hand to slip the ring onto as they kissed. "Bo this is gorgeous! Where did you find it?"
Bo chuckled, his nerves being overridden by elation and joy. "I had Ava make it. Couldn't think of nobody better'n her."
Percy smiled, admiring her ring. "Persephone Adriana Sinclair."
It practically made Bo melt to hear that from her own lips.
"Happy Birthday Darlin'."
Tag: @rottent33th @slaasherslut @damien-mlm @bluecoolr-main @probably-a-plant-thing @texaschainsawslvt @kalid-raven @allthingsblood @angxlslasher
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bridgyrose · 3 years
what if, for whatever reason, Weiss was raised by Raven or otherwise joined her group prior to beacon.
Weiss whimpered in her binds as she was shoved to the ground in front of Raven. Three days ago, she was sitting in her bedroom, trying to practice with her glyphs to be like Winter when someone broke in through her window. She remembered a bit of gas, suddenly feeling dizzy, and then waking up on an unfamiliar airship. Now, she was face to face with someone wearing a mask that looked like a nevermore, scaring the ten year old. 
Raven circled around the girl, using her foot to push her over as if she was a small animal. “And you brought me a Schnee, why?” 
“For a ransom,” responded one of the bandits. “You know our tribe isnt doing all that well and resources are a bit thin. And this is the heir to the Schnee Dust Company. Her father will pay handsomely to get her back safe and sound.” 
Raven paused for a moment, looking down at the girl. “And so you decided to take the initiative and take her?” 
“Exactly! I knew you’d-” 
Raven didnt wait for the bandit to finish his sentence, using her blade to cut through him. “This should serve as a lesson for all of you. Taking initiative before asking me is going to get us all killed. The Schnees wont care about one child going missing.” She looked down at the child again after putting her blade away. “You’ll make a fine addition to our tribe.” 
Once her binds were cut, Weiss pulled away from her captors, huddling in a corner of the tent. As far as she was concerned, she shouldnt be here. She should be back at home with mother and father, celebrating her birthday. 
Raven took her mask off and knelt down, looking to Weiss. “I will protect you. Seeing as your family wont come looking for you, I’ll raise you as if you’re my own.” She smirked a bit as she realized the irony of her own words. She had left her own kid and ran off when she realized she wasnt ready to raise a child. Although, she did check in on her family from time to time, seeing that they seemed happier without her. “I promise.” 
Weiss hesitated for a moment before standing up, looking Raven over. “You will?” 
Raven nodded, standing up and looking down at Weiss. “I will.” 
Weiss quickly used a glyph to block one of Vernal’s strikes, giving her time to move around and press her sword to the girl’s back. “I win.” 
Vernal rolled her eyes and turned to face Weiss, giving her a solid punch in the jaw. “That’s for cheating.” 
Weiss fell over from the punch, rubbing her jaw. “You never said semblances couldnt be used.” 
“I never said they could be either.” Vernal sighed and offered a hand to Weiss. “But you’re learning fast. I’m impressed.” 
Weiss took Vernal’s hand and smiled at her. “Was that a compliment from you? Its a shame I didnt have my scroll to record that.” 
“You know what, I take that back. I’m not impressed anymore.” 
Weiss shook her head and made her way to the wash basin, checking her reflection in the water. It had been a long seven years since she had been brought here, and she had changed so much. Her once long hair was now cut short, braided, and shaved on her sides. The scar over her eye was tattooed with ice dust, giving it a blue shine in the light. She cupped her hands in the water and splashed her face to try to get rid of a bit of the blood from her cheek. “You know, you hit hard.” 
“Comes with the practice.” Vernal turned to look at Weiss. “So, you’re leaving soon, arent you?” 
“I am.” Weiss paused for a moment at the thought of going to a hunter’s academy. “Raven says its for the best. Just like her, I’ll go and learn how to fight this next generation of hunters so I can teach all of you when I get back. And she thinks it’ll help me with my-” 
“I know, but still, things wont be the same without you. Who else am I supposed to beat in practice each day while you’re gone?” 
Weiss chuckled a bit. “I’m only going to be gone for a year or two. I’m not actually going to graduate. Just… get enough information to learn weaknesses. Maybe gain an ally or two that I can use.” 
“Arent you worried that your family will try to come find you?” 
Weiss shook her head, pulling out her rapier and looking it over. “If they havent been looking for me now, I dont think they ever will. And if they do, I’ll be ready for them.” 
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raven1aris · 8 years
Rifty through the AU's chapter one part one
Rifty was heading towards Diamond Valley where she had planned to meet up with her good friend Raven Aris. Raven hadnt mentioned why, but nonetheless, the white mare was headed there anyways, her empty eyesockets drawing slight attention from other ponies on the path. She didnt have eyes anymore, but that didnt mean she couldnt see. Maguc had allowed her to still see perfectly fine, although due to that, the side effect of her eyes constantly bleeding had developed. Rifty continued onwards, and as she got closer, she could hear the sounds of fighting. Puzzled, she became slightly wary. But when she heard a scream, the scream of her best friend, she broke into a run. “Raven!” She screamed in her light voice, as loud as she could. She soon got to the valley, and what she saw appalled her. Her friend was a pegasus with white fur and a black mane, with five earrings on each ear. But right now, one of Raven’s wings had been torn off, and a ruby red dragon stood over the pegasus’ white and trembling form, the torn wing laying dejected and tossed to the side. Raven turned to see her. “Rifty! You, you need to get out of here, youll die!” “No, i wont leave you!” Rifty ran at the dragon, her hooves pounding the earth. She was the fastest pony in all of Equestria, she wasnt going to sit by and watch her friend die. She was a blur of white, orange, and teal blue as she charged the beast. Electricity began to spark as she ran, something that always happened when she went as fast as she could. She barreled into the creature, causing it to stumble back, but in doing so, its tail slammed into Raven, causing the pegasus to scream as she was thrown into one wall of the valley. Raven fell down to the ground, a stain of blood left where she had hit, blood pooling around her limp form. Rifty ran over to her friend. “Raven! Stay with me, dont you dare die!” She pleaded, laying next to her dying friend. The pegasus mare chuckled, reaching a hoof delicately up to Rifty’s empty eyes, where blood and tears still dripped down the earth mare’s face. “Rifty,” she breathed weakly, “im sorry. Take two of my earrings, remember me.” Raven took two earring off her ears, leaving four on each ear instead of five. She placed the gold loops into one of Rifty’s hooves. “Now, Rift Fire, take care of yourself, dont, dont……for….get……….me….” and Raven’s icy blue eyes went dull, her breathing stopped, and she moved no more. “No…” breathed Rifty, more tears dripping down her face. “No….” The dragon had regained its position and it roared to catch the pony’s attention. Rifty knew she couldnt fight it, that she couldnt win. She looked around, for any way to escape, finally catching sight of a strange portal. Had that always been there? She didnt care, making a mad dash for it, her friend’s earrings in hoof. She jumped through the portal. Weird strange colors swirled around her, making her feel dizzy. Magic seemed to move around and try to get her to go thousands of different directions all at once. Rifty was getting extremely confused. She didnt know where she wanted to go, so she felt through the magic for somewhere that felt safe, safer than home, and that felt welcoming. The portal spit her out into a bank of snow, small flakes being kicked up into the frigid air as it happened. Her head popped up, out of the snowy bank, her mane covered in small flakes. She shook her head to get them off, looking around. It was snowing. She looked up, she was, wait. Underground?!? How in Equestria was it snowing then? She stood up, putting the earrings on each ear quickly so she wouldnt lose them. She shook out her fur, shivering slightly from the cold. It had been summer back home, and she wasnt exactly prepared for this sort of weather. She heard the sounds of talking, and so decided to follow it. “Papyrus! Stop making awful puns!” Came a somewhat deep and energetic sounding voice. “Aw, but bro, i think they are real ribticklers!” Answered a slightly more shrill but laidback voice, followed by chuckles from that same voice and groans of annoyance from the other. “Argh! Be serious Papyrus! A human might come through here today! The other voice, Papyrus, chuckled again. “Alright fine, ill stop being a lazybones.” “Argh!!! No more puns!!” Rifty listened more, following the source of the voices, thinking to herself. Humans? Hadnt they been dead for more than a couple thousand years? So why was anyone even on the lookout for them. Not paying attention, she accidentally stepped on a branch. The voices stopped bickering. “What was that?” Came the first, deeper voice. “I dunno.” “Maybe it was a human!!” Said the first one excitedly, and footsteps began to head in her direction. Rifty looked up, unsure of who was going to come through the underbrush of the forest towards her. She was surprised to see a skeleton, upright and walking on two legs, in front of her. He, for it seemed like a he, was dressed in a light blue scarf, combat boots, grey pants, a t shirt and shoulder pads. “Youre not a human…” he said. “And ive never seen you before either.” The skeleton seemed shocked, most likely from her eyes, they did tend to draw a lot of attention to her. He kept staring at her. “Does, that, uh, um, hurt?” He asked her. “Not really,” she answered. “And i can see just fine. Who are you?” “Thats what we should be asking,” said the other voice, this one belonging to a taller skeleton, wearing an orange hoodie, shorts, tennis shoes, and smoking a cigarette. “So, who are you?” “Im Rift Fire, but you can call me Rifty, now who are you?” The shorter skeleton spoke first. “Im the Magnificent Sans! This is my brother Papyrus! It is nice to meet you Rifty!”
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