#she later awakens magical girl powers and goes to college to major in Magical Girl Studies
I need more Destiny Chainsaw in my life
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day 285
heres babby destiny!! pre-catgirlification, pre-vampirism, pre-magical girl college. just a lil guy! trying out the blue hair for the first time, too.
gamer from birth tho. gba sp my beloved
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iimmcrtalis-archive · 7 years
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     A life begins when you first take a breath, they say. You take a breath, and scream life into the world. You mark the world with your voice and then,  you slowly quiet.
  Sometimes, however, you do not make your mark till later. You didn't cry when you were born, and you aren't crying now. But the world can feel you crawling back. Clawing, etching, your name into the spine of everyone regardless if they know you are not. It is not because of who you are. But what you've done; Survived death for six months.
   This is how she came to be. No memory of who she was. That was the deal. No memories of who she had been. Only of what made her. Dying. Death. Life a new. Death would follow her, threaded through her bones. Threaded through the scar on her throat, knitting together her organs and the wound that let them spill. She would never truly be alive again.
  The snow melted. Hands bloodied. Clothes stained and torn to shreds. She was a corpse walking. Wandering. Lost. But a woman, Eludysia, found her. She spoke with confidence, like a woman that knew everything. Took her away, to the other side of the country. A Grandmother she never knew, apparently. A mentor that would help her truly deal with her magic. But first, they would have to work through how death stuck to her. Work through the questions that rose as she fell into memories of what happened reached her. But that would be years. Years of self destruction. Years that she struggled to think beyond what she had become. A heavy thing to process, until she had a heartbeat. And then she breathed. And the world shifted.
  Nearly dying again had struck fear into her chest. A flash of bleeding, bloodied, lost. A memory replaying in her head shook her to her core. Near death experiences tend to do that, of course. Make you crave life. It turned her around, guided her back to living to live instead of exist.
  She sought after knowledge, and power. Made a web of people she knew, connected over things she had interest in. Plays the role her grandmother hoped her to. Not a pawn, not truly. But as her right hand. The Heir to being a Watcher. Meant the world was her playground and she'd have to explore it at the behest of Eludysia.
So she does.
  She travels, place to place. Under the guise of it being a teaching job, or studying plants and what not. Good thing, her doctorate, covers for a lot
Name: Revas Ramsey Nicknames: Vas, Little Witch, Witchy Bitch. Titles: Death Seer Age: 27 Birthday:March 19th Gender: DMAB. Trans-Woman. She/Her pronouns only. Sexuality: Pansexual │ demiromantic Birthplace: Unknown. Residence: California Relatives:                 Eludysia Ramsey [ Grandmother ] (alive)                 Jacob Feldt [ Father ] ( Alive )                 Rani Feldt  [ mother ] ( Alive )                 Miriam Feldt [ sister ] ( alive )                 Jacob Feldt Jr [ brother ] ( alive )
Height: 5'2" Weight: 140lbs Character’s body build: Curved, muscular. Eye Color: Emerald green. Hair Color: Dark red. Type of hair: Very thick. Hairstyle: Usually in a long braid or high tight ponytail. Hair down will go past her calves.  Complexion and skin tone: Freckled & light brown Scars: Multiple facial scars. Deep scar across her throat. Mannerisms: Revas used to stumble a bit while she was nervous. Now she speaks very cooly, and tends to have her arms crossed; a sign of being closed off. Usual Body Posture: Warm. Usually bouncing or inviting to others. Or cold and shut off. Tattoos:
Black work wings on her back
Hebrew for Freedom on her wrist.
Galaxy sleeves.
Class/race: Witch. Half-fae.
Powers & Abilities:
Offensive Magic:
Magic Attacks
Magic Combat
Power Absorption
Defensive Magic:
Force-Field Generation
Healing Magical
Energy Absorption
Miscellaneous Abilities
Elemental Manipulation
Magic Aura
Magic Detection
Magic Generation
Magical Constructs
Magical Energy Manipulation
Magically Enhanced Physiology
Personal Domain
Potion Creation - for various purposes (i.e. explosive, healing)
Spell Casting        • Spell Amplification        • Spell Creation        • Spell Destabilization        • Spell Mixture        • Spell Negation
Precognition:  perceive future events before they happen
Retrocognition: to discern events of the past
Death Sense: To detect who was going to die and when their death will occur, but may not be able to prevent it.
Divination: Gain insight of future events by the use of occult ritual.
Clairvoyance:  gain a direct visual information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the user's physical sight and allows them to act when they are unable to use their eyes and allows them to hear things at distances.    can sense/see/hear spiritual/psychic beings and other person's presence and perceive emotions, thoughts and memories of others. Some users can project themselves onto the spiritual world.
Empathic: To receive precognitive flashes of the future when exposed to extreme emotion.
Flash: To see things seconds or minutes before they happen.
Dreaming: To perceive future in dreams, whether symbolic, direct or from the perspective of another being.           • Can also alter and manipulate the dreams of others. Usually has       to be in close proximity to the other person ( same house will work best. ) 
Dream Scrying: to dream actual ongoing far-off events.
Psychic Navigation: to locate people/objects or create a mental map of an area.
Psychometry: to perceive the residual information of an object and/or person. This ability isn’t one of her major ones, thus it’s usually only when she focuses on an object/person. 
Shared Vision: to view another user of clairvoyance sight.
Visual Linking: to link one’s vision to others.
Teen: Tag    Takes place between the age of 14 to 18. Mostly your standard highschool au yo.
College: Tag    19 to 26. Standard college au dude. College buds. Hell ye. Watch my girl earn her doctorate.
Future: Tag   45 to whatever age. She's pretty much immortal y'all. Ngl here. So your muse future shit? Older revas time.
Inquisition Related:
    •  Companion: Post │ Tag     Left clan Lavellan at 12. Became a first for another clan. Murdered two people. Left that clan. Became a traveling Keeper. Hung out in Kirkwall for awhile. Went back to being a keeper for a while. Then ya know. Sky explodes. 
  • Advisor: Tag        Instead of a companion the Inquisitor can make her an advisor. She acts more as an ambassador for the dalish and often consults with the mages so their voices have a say in how shit goes. Shit stays relatively the same. just more stress :))
  •    Inquisitor: Post │ Tag   Sort of the same deal. But instead of just leaving for another clan bc too many mages, she used blood magic to try and keep her parents alive post a darkspawn attack. Then all the other shit happened. In Trespasser she's no longer a devotee to Mythal but to Falon'din. 
  • Grey Warden:  Post │ Page │ Codex       Tag ( awakening ) │ Tag ( da2 & dai ) │ Suledin Tag │ Rosal’nan tag   After killing two clan members, she travels Fereldan for three years. After the Blight she joins the wardens. Variants are based on the Wardens choices made by her. Or default if no choices are made.
  •   Specific Talen ( svcraficed ) Warden AU: Tag │ Shora Tag  Plucked outta the woods, half dead and injured, the Warden took her under his wing. Finding him a part of her new family, she takes the name Shora. 
  • Commander  of The Inquisition Forces AU: Tag          Based on a dire need with @desiderrium‘s Cullen to have him actually fucking not be in charge so Revas takes his place. Why is she qualified, you might ask. Well, for the same reason people say that Merrill is. She’s lead people and is trained to lead people, to command and protect her people. Also she’s like. strong as heck so. why not. 
DC: Post │ Tag     What do you do after you've been murdered but aren't dead dead? Ya get the fuck outta dodge. Except it leaves an impact. So you become a goddamn vigilante.             • Side AU: Blue Lantern verse where Revas is chosen to be a blue Lantern.
Fallout: Post │ Tag    Primarily between Fallout 3, NV & 4.       • Standard: Revas is a former Courser turned Gunner, turned Mercenary. Her age is unknown. Her Identity as a Synth even more so. She travels with Faron, a sniper.        • Other one: Instead of being a synth, she's a Psyker with seer abilities & telepathy.
Overwatch: Post │ Tag    All I know is that she died. Got really fucked up. I'm thinking Nanobots to control plants & shit ya know. We'll see I think. Just know shes dead. Dead ish. Like genji “””dead” but also Reaper dead. Cybernetic nanobot cloud of fuck you. Tho she's melee af yo.
Mass Effect Trilogy:  Post │ Tag    Still debating if Revas is gonna be a Quarian or just a Jewish woman from Earth. Who knows. Probably human bc its easier lbh. Powerful af Biotic human who's a badass merc w/ her pal Faron. Y'all catching a pattern?
Mass Effect: Andromeda: Post │ Tag   Human Biotic. Came to Andromeda because she wanted to get away from bad shit. She studied botany and agriculture so ya know early release to help with food but. She sided against the Initiative and fucked off to Kadara.
Elder Scrolls: Post │ Tag   Wood elf magic user who is sort of a cannibal and eats general kills. Because religious reasons. Stumbles into Skyrim w/ Faron bc she wants to travel and help her people everywhere.
The Raven Cycle:  Post │ Tag      Crossover with her normal verse. Revas works at Aglionby Academy as a history teacher. Her involvement in the series is up to You. 
Murder Mom:  Post  │ Tag        The verse post is Graphic. Tw for abuse ( childhood sexual abuse ), rape implied, murder, violence, death, & murder.      A Modern Conversion of her Inquisitor verse. Revas’s parents are murdered when she’s twelve. She gets taken in by an abusive family that sort of planned it all. Ends up murdered. Comes back and fucks their shit up. She’s an extremely powerful witch in this AU, as well as a CEO of her grandmothers company. She’s not afraid to kill. 
No Death: Tag     Based on this drabble. Not extremely explicit but does have mentions & implications of abuse, sexual abuse, trauma, depression, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempted, cancer, & family death.        In this AU, it’s a case of if Revas didn’t die at all. Instead of dying, her magic lashed out and killed her attackers. & she forced herself to stay alive because of hope and wanting to. Her magic sort of hit an awoken state that gave her high abilities in healing magic, usually on herself. Thus keeping her alive even when the guilt from murder got too much. In her early 20′s and late teen years, her parents passed away and she was left with her younger siblings, twin toddlers. Took a deal with a shady grandmother for money & immortality, mainly the money. & now still lives in a brownstone in New York, studying history working two jobs & trying to be a good mom for her siblings. 
general • about • isms • face • aesthetics • abilities • ic 
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maurasworld · 5 years
Bachelorette party, #35
Almost everyone you grew up with is married and your last friend of friend group #1, who isn’t,
is now engaged. She invites you to - not be in the wedding party - but to be in charge of her bachelorette party. I mean, you are a rocking party thrower, obvi, and you’ve known these girls since middle school, so it should be a no brainer… regardless that you’re a working mom, remodeling your kitchen and already booked to the nines.
The party weekend includes drinks, which is kind of a mixed bag during the pregnant years of friendship, but everyone makes due at cocktail hour. You’re in a major city where more fun is to be had, once everyone is on board to hop into the LYFTS and go across town. But then one friend says she’s tired, and another feels blah, the other misses her kid and suddenly, no one is going across town. The magic that you were in charge of causing, not only fizzles out, but it bares the question – were you ever in charge?  You rally, engage, paint scenarios of adventure to “here she goes again,” looks that reflect a quip against you, seeming to say that you always try to “have fun!” when others want to pack it in.
And why not?
Flash forward to three weekends later and you’re in Vegas baby. Admittedly, not super excited, because of said schedule from above but you are in charge again of the fun so, here goes. Only this is an entirely different group of friends. They are from your college years. When you say “drink up” they say, “how high?” AND SO MUCH FUN IS HAD. It’s not the drinking, it’s the “yes!” in their eyes and the trust in their hearts that “we are here to play together.” That there will be a safe space to be however any one of you need to be. This is what makes the memories of a weekend, the group pictures, because you all know,“We gotta remember this!”
The differences between the two weekends on the surface were minimal. You went out of your comfort zones in each, which is supposed to make for adventure, but the first weekend was just all in all, more effort. It was almost a fight to stay up for or eager to remain in the moment.
Why are these two groups so not the same? And why do you care? Well if you’re like me, or my sister or my daughter… it’s because you are the ven-diagram of friendship. Your willingness to have multiple friend groups, your ability to connect them and overlap them is what grows a web of awesome, around everyone. Without this, your friend wouldn’t know your other friend and have married that other friend – or that one we all helped today? Who know, you could be that one in need tomorrow. We, the we that is you and me, we know this and because of it, we suffer when it’s not in full function.
Often, it’s us who are the outcast one, especially if we voice a concern. If we share a reality of fun that could exist if everyone was aligned. Suddenly, instead of the arbiters of fun we become the harbingers of disdain. No one wants what we want and everyone goes to their rooms, leaving us thinking, “what just happened?” and “what a waste of a night!” Don’t get me wrong, this is not about being the life of the party, or taking it to an eleven. I’m saying— IT’S ONLY ELEVEN! YOU DON’T HAVE TO WAKE UP TOMORROW FOR ANYONE BUT THIS GROUP! Stay with us! Be up with us. Fall asleep with us. Remain a part of us.
When the group is operating in full harmony, there is bliss, protection, unity, an open yet impenetrable field of love.
This is tribal stuff. We are hard wired for it.
In the words and research of Saul Levine M.D., is Professor Emeritus in Psychiatry at the University of California at San Diego, studies this experience in his book: Human Resilience; The "Four B's: Being, Belonging, Believing and Benevolence", or how we authentically evaluate our own lives; the capacity of humans to be compassionate, inspiring, benevolent, loving, and, unfortunately our darker tendencies of aggression, hate and violence. 
He writes in his Psychology Today piece, “A sense of Belonging is a cornerstone of "The Four B's” (including Being, Believing and Benevolence), the criteria we use to evaluate the quality of our lives. Belonging is the extent to which we feel appreciated, respected and cared for as a member of a group of close people. These groups vary widely and might comprise family, friends, colleagues, teammates, coworkers, congregationalists or platoons. When we belong in these groups, we share values, rituals and attitudes, we experience feelings of warmth and welcome, and our lives are enriched. Studies show that a sense of Belonging is related to feelings of well-being and better health.”
RIGHT? This is why we care so much! As intuitive people we know that harmony is best… but then we become who is turned against when we seek it for the group and then this happens….
He alerts us, “Conversely, lonelinessis known to be detrimental to one’s physical and mental health. But while we value the importance of Belonging, dangers lurk when there is an absence of Benevolence. Excessive group cohesiveness and feelings of superiority breed mistrust and dislike of others and can prevent or destroy caring relationships.
Estrangement can easily beget prejudice, nativism, and extremism. These are the very hallmarks of zealous Tribalism which has fueled bloodshed and wars over the millennia.” 
~ or ~
Are you at fault here? Is this a group that you are meant to leave? Is this a group that only makes plans that end at 10? Is this a group that needs healing?
Pulling in all the things we know to evaluate self is a good first step.
Are you, in your observation of weekend one, friend group #1, in violation of any of don Miguel Ruiz’s Four Agreements? Are you being your best self with those friends?
1. Be Impeccable with your Word
Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the Word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your Word in the direction of truth and love.
2. Don’t Take Anything Personally Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering. 3. Don’t Make Assumptions Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.
4. Always Do Your Best Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.
Yeah, get back to me after that exploration.
Let’s assume you’re awesome. Let’s wonder though, is something wrong here? Or has this group always been like this and you are simply awakening to their already always way of beingand it’s no longer tenable to you right now? If so, is it simply a group to break up with, for a while? If they are all here in agreement to be exactly as they are and you are in agreement to be here exactly as you are… what is the love inside that?
It’s for you to decide. As group dynamic creator of fun, what is there for you to explore? Do you plan different activities that are sure to delight? Do you ask less of them? That might look like smaller parties, where they are super comfortable. Maybe you are not the one in charge. (I heard you, then nothing but a backyard bar-b-que would happen.)  What if you eliminate stressors for them – like, how about you pay for all the fun? Oh my Gawd, is it worth it?
Here’s what I know is true: If you went through the four agreements and nothing popped up, like you don’t need to call any one of the girls to say something, and if you feel that a backyard bar-b-que is as untenable as a backyard brawl, it may be time to grab one or two of the “yes” people from that group and invite them to party #2. But don’t leave the group. This group is family, you know it and they know it. For better or worse, they hold your history… even if some of that is, a little tight in the bud.
Plus, Pope Francis went on a #Family frenzy this week on twitter, saying, “We must protect the #Family. Our future depends on it. The #Family is where hope is forged. The #Family is the cradle of life and the school of love and acceptance. It is a window thrown open to the mystery of God.” And you know, they know, your God.So be it. As it is.
Okay, admittedly, the nagging sensation that they are missing something over there in group #1 could be an ancient wisdom speaking to you, which may stay with you for a while. Best to grapple with it and release the judgment it could inherently bring. The Greek’s believe that there are multiple ways to love and the one most aligned with a weekend of memories is Ludus.Ludusis playful or uncommitted love. It can involve activities such as teasing and dancing, or more overt flirting, seducing, and conjugating. The focus is on fun, and sometimes also on conquest, with no strings attached. Ludusrelationships are casual, undemanding, and uncomplicated but, for all that, can be very long-lasting. Ludusworks best when both parties are mature and self-sufficient. (https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/hide-and-seek/201606/these-are-the-7-types-love The seven types of love discussed below are loosely based on classical readings, especially of Plato and Aristotle, and on J.A. Lee’s 1973 book Colours of Love. )
I believe that groups can have the Ludus Love and if that requires, by definition, maturity and self-sufficiency, which group #2 so clearly has, then by omission, the fear is that group #1, doesn’t.
And there in lies the rub. It’s why we care. We care because it matters.
The Dalai Lama writes today: “As a human being, I’m aware that we are all physically, mentally and emotionally the same and we all want to live a happy life. Scientists say our basic nature is compassionate. It’s clear that love and affection bring people together.”
We have group #1 and #2 because there is love and affection between the people in each group, with you in the center. And from the center, maybe you can see that group #1 is doing it’s best right now, growing in maturity… and that you’re peer groupis #2, where you have more self-sufficiency. That’s what I can see, over here, for you and for me.
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