#she lost weight during their miserable story arc and died at the end of it because of her illness
1v31182m5 · 4 months
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Beerus and Champa's mom
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pvremichigan · 3 years
Keep Moving Forward. [Hell Arc Drabble Final]
Mich had been in hell for a month now in real time, but in hell time... It had been about 3 or 6. She couldn’t keep track. She knows it’s been too long... Trying to keep track of time in real time, but being confused by hell time. It’s a wreck. This is a mess.
There was an army of beasts behind her, screaming... Screeching... Shrieking... Chasing her down. There had to be well over 1,000 of them all behind her. She was entirely grateful she was able to outrun them. This time around, she hasn’t gotten caught yet.
Her soul grew louder and louder the closer the exit became. Mich had so desperately looked all around to see if she could spot anything for reference, having no idea what to look for until she looked up. There was a tear in the sky... A very unnatural tear. The only way to get up to it was to scale one of the skyscrapers. This was going to be hard... But she had to try.
The woman leapt through one of the glass entrance doors, not having the time to correctly open it. As she fell, she rolled with the fall to keep her momentum as she very difficultly escalated the stairs. The horde of demonic beasts behind her ran into a problem. They all tried to fit in the narrow stairwell, which caused a lot of blockage. Even though they got stuck, many of them trampled through the blockade and still went after her, so there was no time to slow down, even for a moment. The climb was agonizing, getting clawed and scratched quite a few times during the escalation. The staircase felt like it went on for eternity... Level after level, maybe this was hell’s final obstacle that would finally take her down and prove this mission to be a failure after all in the end. This wasn’t looking good... She took only a second to glance up the middle of the staircase only to realize that she didn’t see an end to the stairs at all. From outside, the building couldn’t have been more than 20 stories! This was bad... There was seemingly no end to this. She was going to have to run up the stairs forever.
The dread set in, hell finally getting to her. Her risks, her fruitless chances ending with fruitless results. Her soul felt differently though, urging her mind to treat it like a dream. Though at this point it would be a nightmare...
No, that’s not what it meant...
After spending about an hour of ruthless running up infinite levels of stairs, the back of her legs getting torn apart by the beasts tailing her... The pain was so miserable that her legs nearly gave out at times. She couldn’t handle this anymore, shutting her eyes tightly as she ran. She just tried to imagine what it would be like if there was an end, if there was a top, if there was hope... What the breeze would feel like against her skin after being stuck in this stuffy staircase for this long, running herself nearly to death from these horrors chasing her... What would the roof even look like...
Then she opened her eyes.
Looking around, the air was open, the gray atmosphere surrounding yet again. The echoes of the stair stomping completely gone, instead met with the rustling of roof gravel beneath their feet. She never stopped running for a second, though confused on how she got there until she realized...
‘Treat it like a dream.’
The edge of the roof was there, right under her feet. In that moment, time in her mind stopped as soon as she instinctively leapt off of the ledge towards the opening.
How could she have been so stupid... It was too far away. That leap wasn’t enough, the portal was just out of her reach... It hit her right then that she should’ve known from the start. She was too cocky and stubborn to believe it...
She can’t get out by herself.
Wide forest green eyes struck with regret and defeat, hand nearly going limp near the portal as gravity began to yank her down. She was falling... descending slowly as the failure chilled her blood to the point of giving up. Behind her the beasts leapt after her, nearly grabbing her - a few of them - as they too plummeted to the concrete below. Some died on impact, some survived. Those who survived would surely be waiting for her at the bottom. Nothing she wants to look forward to.
This is it. This is the end.
A hand extended out of the portal from the other side, lunging in gripping her forearm tightly, like her life depended on it - which it did. Mich was startled by this action, unable to recognize this hand as it caught her and held on, not letting her fall. There was no reaction she could give other than a wide eyed look of confusion and shock. Before any reaction could come out, the strange hand yanked her in as hard as it could - not to harm her - to pull her through successfully. Through the portal... That same blinding light from before at the house engulfed her. Right as she was pulled through, the portal reluctantly closed behind her, the screams of the beasts slowly being silenced was the last thing she heard from hell.
She was out.
The sound of leaves rustling through the wind was the first thing the redhead heard as she came to. There she stood in the middle of a narrow but well kept street. The trees were a very deep but vibrant green. Really a breath of fresh air after the dreary... Dull gray she dealt with in hell. The surroundings were full of color. She could tell just from the view that she was indeed in Michigan. But... Where... Definitely no where near home. The woman wasn’t going to stop... Not yet... Not yet, there was no rest until... She was home...
So she began walking. Slowly... Weakly... Stumbling on almost.
The woman was by far weaker than she’s ever been, barely able to hold up her own weight. Everything that held her down was gone... She walked, no clothes to hide under. Cleansed of the weight of the past... Stripped away of everything that weighed her down. This was her... The fresh air refilling her lungs, washing her out. She was too out of it mentally to be able to panic about being in the nude... It didn’t even come to mind.
Change is always scary... Doesn’t mean we avoid it.
Change isn’t going to be comfortable...
But it’ll be worth it when it’s over.
Mich kept dragging on, in one direction hopefully getting somewhere. Not once since she had appeared on this road did she look back. She wasn’t planning on looking behind her. There was no point. She just has to keep moving forward... For miles.
And so she did.
For miles...
Keep... Moving... F...
The woman collapsed forwards on the blacktop of the road, lying face down as she slowly lost consciousness from exhaustion. Her breathing was very slow... But never stopping. Even when she’s unconscious... She never gives up. For now... She needs to rest.
She’s been through enough.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CF0XnxxTuvA] [This song captures the energy of the ending, play it and read along if you’d like!]
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