#thus making her look both like champa and beerus at the start and end of the story
1v31182m5 · 1 month
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Beerus and Champa's mom
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staerplatinum · 3 years
DBZ, rewritten
while i was brainstorming about my own main au, "From Eden", i was also thinking about a rewritten version of db, another AU i'd like to write someday but for now i just summarized it. you can read it under the divisor!
premise: there aren't ocs or too many headcanons of mine, just some ideas i thought they would've been cool to see instead of the plot we have now. i removed some things but i also inserted some new things i thought they would've been interesting. i didn't add moro or granola's sagas for some reasons i'll explain better later. hope you like it!
Until Frieza Saga, DB-DBZ stays as it is. But, from Chapter 330 of the manga things start changing. Mecha Frieza doesn’t exist, Future Trunks only comes (with a mask on his face) to warn Goku about the heart virus, then goes back to the future.
Although the warning, Goku carelessly dies anyway. Piccolo still trains Gohan and lives with him, the Ox King and ChiChi, who’s pregnant. After the Androids defeat, Piccolo trains Gohan at the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, making him transform into Super Saiyan for the first time. Thus, as in canon, Gohan transforms into Super Saiyan 2 and defeats Cell.
For the 25th World Tournament (and so Majin Buu saga) Goku comes back to Earth for 24 hours and meets Goten for the first time. Goku tries to fight against Majin Buu, but he doesn’t stand a chance against him and is defeated. Goku and Piccolo train Goten and Trunks to make them fuse into Gotenks who, with Vegito’s help, tries to defeat Super Buu, but they get absorbed in the process. All of this happens while Gohan is trained by Shin and Old Kai, who awakens his potential and thus gains a part of Godly Ki. Shin and Kibito use their Potara earring to fuse into Kibitoshin, and helps Gohan to defeat Kid Buu. All the lives get resurrected, Gohan chooses to train with Shin on the Sacred World of Kai, becoming a Supreme Kai apprentice next to Kibito. Yet, still lives on Earth and marries Videl.
At Age 778, Bulma organizes her birthday party. At the same time, Beerus wakes up after his 39 years of slumber to look for the Super Saiyan God. After knowing there is a Saiyan with a glimpse of Godly Ki, he travels to the Sacred World of Kai, looking for Gohan. He isn’t there, so Kibitoshin tells him he shouldn’t disturb his apprentice while he’s on Earth—but Beerus goes there anyway. Vegeta tries to stop him, but he, along with Android 18, Piccolo and Gotenks, is defeated. Beerus only wants to fight Gohan, thus he chooses to try to fight him only with his Unlocked Potential. At a certain point of their fight, Gohan is able to transform into Super Saiyan God, leaving Kibitoshin speechless. After their fight ends in a tie, the birthday party continues and Gohan acknowledges he will be a father.
For formal reasons, Kibitoshin decides to unfuse and Shin continues to work as Supreme Kai, still having Gohan as his student. Since ChiChi has a lot of potential because of her demon origins, Shin chooses to train her, as well as Whis decides to help Gohan with his training too. During Gohan’s training, Vados and Champa pay Beerus a visit. Vados finds out Universe 6’s Earthlings are extinct, thus Champa wants Universe 7’s Earth for himself. They decide to do a Tournament between Universe 6 and Universe 7, where Gohan meets Hit and Cabba for the first time. Gohan doesn’t need to transform into Super Saiyan God, until he fights against Hit and reaches Super Saiyan Blue, leaving Beerus and Shin surprised. Universe 7 wins and, like in canon, Beerus wishes for Universe 6’s Earthlings to be alive. In the same period, Gohan knows Zen’Oh due to one of the gods’ reunions.
At Age 780, Gohan realizes his daughter is starting to mysteriously develop some Ki alone and when he asks Shin to check her, he says she has definitely taken it from him. Gowasu and Zamasu pay Shin a visit and Gohan sees Kibito training with Zamasu for the first time. Zamasu, though, notices Gohan and thinks he’s even more powerful than Kibito--when he sees ChiChi being trained by Shin as well, he starts despising mortals even more and tries to attack ChiChi in front of Gowasu. When Gohan surprisingly blocks him, they start a battle that ends in a tie because both Gowasu and Shin forcibly stop them. When they return to Universe 10, like in canon, Gowasu makes Zamasu see the Babarian population from afar, but Zamasu kills one of them and his master tells him not to do it anymore as they return back home. A new Time Ring is created and when Shin notices it, Gohan starts wondering if it’s because of Zamasu like he previously thought when ChiChi was attacked. Gowasu returns to Universe 7, telling Shin that Zamasu disappeared. In fact, Whis finds out Zamasu has collected all the Super Dragon Balls to wish his body to be immortal. Piccolo and Dende confirm Zamasu is coming back and plans to destroy all humans. Gohan prepares for the fight, as well as Gotenks, while Bulma, Whis and Beerus watch them. During the fight, Gotenks is seriously wounded and Gohan’s Super Saiyan God transformation fades, while Zamasu’s body starts corrupting due to an overcharge of energy. Shin teleports both Gowasu and ChiChi with him, she surprisingly attacks him with the Z-Sword--that only Gohan was able to wield. Zamasu is finally wounded, but with Bulma’s plan, Beerus is able to kill him with his Hakai.
In the meantime, Dende tells Goku about Uub. So Goku teleports to the Sacred World of Kai to tell Shin about him. When Shin acknowledges Uub is actually Kid Buu’s reincarnation, he first thinks he could be a menace--but probably isn’t since he’s good. Gohan brings him to Mr. Satan’s house and meets Majin Buu, who apparently can take the form of the Grand Supreme Kai. Both Shin and the Grand Supreme Kai travel to find Uub, who’s currently training with King Chappa. Shin offers to fight Uub, and surprisingly finds out the child has a great potential. The Grand Supreme Kai is aware of the fact Uub is holding part of his power and suggests him to train with the two deities.
Twelve years later, Pan is thirteen years old and follows the same training as Gohan, who’s now the new Supreme (Demi)Kai. Shin, having now the rank of Grand Supreme Kai, is watching them through the training and Beerus wonders if Pan will ever be as strong as her father, Shin thinks the same about Bra, since she’s trained by Beerus and Whis. Bulma kept the Dragon Balls for another birthday party, but when she and the rest of the group summon Shenlong, a black dragon appears to explain the Dragon Balls have been overused, so they now have a negative energy within them. The Dragon Balls separate into several deities, thus Beerus suggests to send Pan, Bra and Uub to defeat the Shadow Dragons and recover the Dragon Balls in their normal state. Bra is the one who drives the ship, so she decides where to go first. The dragons are all pretty much the same as in canon, but the trio will fight against the last three evil dragons, Uub fights against San Shenlong, Bra against Shu Shenlong, while Pan fights against Omega Shenlong, unlocking her potential as her father did. Once they defeat the dragons, the Dragon Balls return back to normal. Shenlong asks Pan if she wants to train with him, but she refuses and says she soon wants to become Supreme Kai as Gohan did.
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Dragon Ball Super: Champa Arc Review:
 Previously on Dragon Ball Super: Frieza was totally killed for good, and definitely isn't coming back guys we promise-
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 Hello everybody, my name is JoyofCrimeArt and this week we're not just continuing Deviant-cember, but we're also continuing my massive Dragon Ball Super Retrospect as well. And we're finally out of movie recaps! It's a Deviant-cember miracle!    That's right, it's finally time to get into the real meat of Dragon Ball Super and Talk about the "Champa" Arc. (Or the Universe Six Arc, or the "God of Destruction Champa Arc", or whatever it's called this week.) Just like in my first two reviews I will mostly be talking about the dubbed version of this arc. Also if you haven't read my reviews of the Dragon Ball Super: Battle of Gods Arc REVIEW: and the Dragon Ball Super: Resurrection 'F' Arc REVIEW: yet, you might want to do so before continuing. It's obviously not one hundred percent necessary to enjoy this review, but it might help give this review some context. But to briefly recap, I thought that the Battle of Gods arc was okay, but didn't quite live up to the movie due mostly to poor pacing and overall padding out of the story. The Resurrection 'F' arc meanwhile I actually was in the minority opinion and found more enjoyable that both the Battle of Gods arc and The Resurrection 'F' movie. I enjoyed how the arc fleshing out some of the movie's plot holes, expanded on the side characters roles, and was clinched by Chris Ayers amazing performance as Frieza. Though I do acknowledge the arc's flaws, like a lack of overall tension and a fairly rushed ending. But how does this arc compare to the first two? How will Super fair now that it's creating it's own original story? Well let's dive in and find out.    So the story begins with Goku and Vegeta continuing there training with Whis on Beerus's planet when all of a sudden something comes crashing down from the sky. They all go to investigate the cause of the crash, only to discover that the thing that was crashing down was none other that Beerus's twin brother Champa and Whis's older sister Vados, who have stopped by for a surprise visit.
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 If I had to describe Champa in terms of personality, it would be all of the comedic elements of Beerus, but pushed to the nth degree and without any of Beerus's more intimidating attributes. Like Beerus, Champa enjoys eating, sleeping, and being a general dick. However is is portrayed as being much more bumbling that his twin brother is, and is even more petty. Meanwhile Vados is also a lot like her brother, Whis. She serves Champa in the same way that Whis serves Beerus, and acts as the straight man to his antics. Overall there both pretty good characters and are introduced really well. My only nitpick is that in a lot of ways they seem maybe a bit to similar one another. Whis and Vados in particular.  Beerus is very unhappy to see Champa show up unannounced and we start to see the dynamic between the two. They act very much like  two bickering kid brothers. They start to get into a fight but are stopped by Whis and Vados, because Beerus and Champa are so powerful, they can't actually physically fight each other. If they do, it would be too destructive for the universe to handle. So they have to find more creative ways to fight each other.  We then get some exposition from Whis. We learn that the universe that we've seen up to this point isn't the only universe out there. Rather it is but one of twelve different universes. Each universe has it's own God of Destruction and Champa is the God of Destruction for the sixth universe, while Beerus is the God of Destruction for the seventh. Each universe also has a "twin universe" of sorts. Universe one is the twin universe of universe twelve. Universe two is the twin of universe eleven, and so on. Thus universe six and seven are also twin universe. Twin universe have a tendency to have more similar to each other.  Since they can't physically fight one another Beerus and Champa decide to compete with each other through a food competition, with each of them bringing that tastiest food from there respective universes. Beerus is able to win because of the Ramen that Vegeta had brought in the last arc. Champa is jealous because his universe doesn't have an Earth, as it was destroyed by centuries of war, and thus has no way of getting all of the delicious Earth food that Beerus has.    And then they learn why Champa and Vados are in universe seven in the first place. They are currently looking for what is known as the super dragon balls. These dragon balls, which are roughly the size of planets, are the dragon balls that the gods use to make wishes. These dragon balls are capable of granted any wish, without limitation. The only catch is that once the wish is granted, they get scattered across both there universes. Ha! Take that GT. You just got outdone!
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Champa has already collected six dragon balls, and decides that he wants to use his wish to have the Earth to be in universe six instead of seven, that way he can have all of the food. Beerus is outraged by this, and refuses to let Champa get the last super dragon ball from his universe. But after some discussion they decide to have a bet. They will have a tournament, with five warriors each to fight on there behalf. If Beerus's team wins then Champa will give him all six of his dragon balls, and if Champa's team wins then Beerus will let Champa search for the dragon balls in peace. While Beerus does want a wish (though we don't know what this wish is yet.) he also really wants to show up his brother. Vegeta also insists that there should be a basic IQ test taken by all of the tournament's fighters, to make sure that no lumbering brutes are allowed in the tournament. And honestly...it feels very out of character and forced. But we'll get back to that later.  As for right now, I just briefly want to say that I really like the idea of this arc. Tournaments we're always a big part of Dragon Ball, and it's been a while since we had a traditional style tournament without some kind of interruptions or things like that. (I'm not counting the Cell Game's cause that was only a "tournament" in a very lose sense.) I also like the rules of the tournament, as it is different from the traditional bracket system. Basically you just keep fighting until you're defeated or knocked out of the ring. They don't take turns fighting unless they are defeated. This means that, theoretically, one person could win the entire tournament for there team without anybody else needing to fight. It's an interesting rule, and honestly if you're going to have as many tournament arcs as Dragon Ball does then you need to find ways to change up the rules.  I also want to touch up on is the tone of this arc. It's a lot lighter in tone then the other arcs, and honestly I think that it's a good thing. Champa, who's the closest thing we have to a main villain, is a lot sillier than other villains we've seen in past arcs. There's also relatively lower stakes compared to other arcs, too. If our heroes lose the tournament the world won't be destroyed or anything, just moved to another universe. In the grand scheme of things it won't be that bad. I think it's good to have an arc like this sandwiched between the Resurrection 'F' arc and the really dark "Future Trunks" arc, as it acts as a bit of a breather arc, which is nice.  Beerus and Whis drop Goku and Vegeta back on Earth. Beerus claims to know of a fighter who would be perfect for this tournament. A fighter even stronger than Goku. Goku wants to meat this new fighter, but Beerus just tells him not to worry about it and to go find two more fighters to fill out the roster. They go off to go recruit some new members...  And then we get a recap episode!
 Why? Why are we doing this. Right as the arc is starting to go into full swing, we get a recap episode. A recap episode, recapping the last two arcs which themselves were recaps of the movies! This is recap-ception, and I am not a fan of it personally.  They go to Piccolo and Gohan to ask them if they want to compete in the tournament. Piccolo agrees, but Gohan refuses because he has a business meeting to go to the same day. I know this ticked off a lot of people, because they wanted to see Gohan in the tournament but honestly I don't really mind it that much. Gohan JUST started training with Piccolo again, and it makes sense to me that he wouldn't be strong enough yet to really compete with the likes of Goku and Vegeta just yet. Plus it shows that Gohan cares about balancing his life as a scholar and his life as a fighter, and I think that is kinda interesting to see. So I don't really mind having Gohan not compete.  Since they still need one more fighter, they decide to ask Buu if he wants to join. Buu agree's after they promise to give him the wish on the super dragon balls if he competes. (Which is totally not there decision to make, by the way.) Mr. Satan wants to make sure that Buu's won't wish for something dangerous. But Buu tells him that he's going to give the wish to him, because Mr. Satan's already given Buu everything he could ever want.
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 *Sniff* I'm not crying. You're crying! I take back everything I said about this recap episode, it's the best episode we've had to date!  With the roster filled, Champa and Vados begin constructing the arena on some nameless planet. Meanwhile Bulma starts to get worried about what Beerus will wish for, and wants to find the last super dragon ball before he does. See this is why I like Bulma. She's the only character in this show who is proactive. She and Jaco go on a one episode long mini adventure where they go talk to an all knowing  alien oracle named Zuno in order to try to find the location of the last super dragon ball. Unfortunately they end up wasting there questions and don't get the answer there looking for. This episode is fun fluff, but the reason I'm talking about it is because this is actually setting up plot points for the next arc, and it's clever how they work it in.  Goku and Vegeta decide to start training for the tournament by spending three days in the hyperbolic time chamber! Which is...just total overkill! Especially given the comparably small stakes of this tournament.  When the day of the tournament arrives everybody (and I do mean, like, everybody) shows up to go to the nameless planet to watch the tournament. We even get some interesting arrivals, like the Galactic King, Jaco's boss. He's a giant green jelly fish with a french accent who...is there. Yeah, he isn't that interesting. Heck, even the characters don't seem that impressed by him, finding the king of just one galaxy unimpressive compared to the likes of a God. They all travel in a weird space cube that Whis has and arrive at the nameless planet. We even see Shin again, who is no longer a fusion thanks to the Namekian dragon balls. Because between this and Piccolo's resurrection last arc I guess all wishes with the Namekian dragon balls must be made off screen.  Huh, y'know the Namekian dragon balls do grant three wishes. Do you think these two wishes were done on the same go around? That would be an interesting side story.  We also meet the mysterious fighter that Beerus picked out. His name is Monaka, and his gimmick is that he has big nipples. You waited twenty years for this stuff folks...
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So with everybody arrived to watch the tournament, it's finally time where we meet the contestants from universe six.
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We got a bear wearing a singlet, Frieza's Super Smash Bros palette swap, A very robot looking alien, new Tarble, and a purple guy with a trench coat that may or may not be a part of his body. Overall a pretty dangerous team I say.  The team are forced to take that IQ test thing that Vegeta brought up earlier, and Buu actually ends up falling asleep. Just like the last arc! Dang it, Super! That's twice! Because of this Buu is disqualified right off the bat, and frankly I feel this is a wasted opportunity. It would of been cool to see Buu fight on the side of the good guys after his redemption arc. Plus by having him fall asleep it kinda hurts the touching scene of Buu offering Mr. Satan his wish. All it does is create some forced tension by making universe seven the underdogs, and honestly the IQ test thing just seemed forced in the first place. I feel this is a major misstep.  Anyway, the tournament officially begins with Goku going up against the bear, named Botamo. Unfortunately Botamo is not that interesting of a character, and we don't really get much of his personality. He does have an interesting power though, as he has the ability to be unharmed by all attacks. This sounds amazing but Goku is able to defeat Po the Kung Fu Panda by just tossing him out of the ring. The fight only takes up half an episode and Goku doesn't even go Super Saiyan, let alone Super Saiyan Blue.  Since Goku won he get's to advance to the next round and fights Frost, the Frieza looking guy who everyone is suspicious of simply because he's the same race as Frieza. And honestly it's pretty racist to be honest. I mean just because he's the same race as Frieza doesn't mean that he is Frieza y'know. #JUSTICEFOR...UM...FRIEZASRACE?  Crap, this species doesn't have a name does it. This is kinda hurting my point a bit...  Actually though, in a bit of a twist, Frost actually seems like an okay guy. He's apparently a peace leader in his universe, who goes around ending wars and helping the refugees. Frost says that the only reason he agreed to fight in the tournament was because Champa promised that if he won, he'd use his godly powers to help stop wars all over the universe.
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Awww, How can you hate that face! ...Easily.  But Goku doesn't give a fu*k about this whole "universal peace" shit and is still determined to beat Frost anyway. Cause hey, Goku's kinda a prick. Goku powers up to Super Saiyan and Frost goes to his final form. They start fighting when all of a sudden Goku suddenly passes out, despite Frost not landing a hit on him. Everyone is confused, but Champa chooses not to question it and the ref (Oh, there's a ref by the way) declares Frost the winner of the match.  Beerus is suspicious but there's nothing he can really do about it. It's Piccolo's turn to fight Frost, and unfortunately he just isn't able to match Frost in pure strength alone. However Piccolo does have the advantage in strategy. Piccolo is starting to get the edge, but then Piccolo is mysteriously knocked out as well. Only this time Jaco, who apparently has the power of amazing eyesight (hey, he's an alien, I'll buy it.) is able to see what's going on. Frost is actually using a needle tipped with poison to temporarily knock out his opponents. Then Frost decides to go full Bond villain and explains that he is in fact evil. He's not actually a peacekeeper, he actually starts wars so people can charge him to fix them. And honestly, this feels like another misstep. Like, I know that a good member of Frieza's race is kinda "fan fic-y" but I think that it would be interesting. But instead we just get Frieza lite. The only difference between Frost and Frieza is that Frost isn't as powerful as he boast he is, while Frieza is. It feels like another wasted opportunity.  The ref is about to disqualify Frost, but Vegeta wants to fight Frost. Or rather, he wants to kick the crap out of anybody who reminds him of Frieza. So, in a completely nonsensical and rambling brokering of the rules Frost isn't disqualified, Vegeta get's to fight Frost, Piccolo drops out of the tournament for illogical and out of characters reasons, (Seriously Piccolo, this is the second tournament in a row you end up dropping out of. Aren't you suppose to be the proud warrior guy?) Frost is allowed to kill Vegeta if he wants to, and Goku is back in the tournament because he only lost because of Frost cheated. Look, I get it. A lot of people were mad that Goku got to kill Frieza in the last arc instead of Vegeta, but when you have to jump through THIS many hoops in order to get this make this fight happen, I think it's time to cut your loses!  Vegeta goes Super Saiyan and defeats Frost in one punch.
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Hope that was worth eliminating one of your teammates Vegeta. The second teammate that is eliminated because of you!  If you can't tell, I think this is really stupid.  Frost is sent crashing through the protective dome surrounding the audience, and is eliminated. Champa decides to put a new protective barrier around specifically the arena to prevent the dome being broken again. We learn that Champa apparently also offered the winner of the tournament a large pile of treasure, in addition to whatever there personal request was. Frost plans on stealing the treasure and using Vados's space cube to make his escape. But then Hit, the purple fighter we saw earlier, shows up. Hit was apparently promised the space cube if he wins, and thus isn't going to let Frost take it.  Let's talk about Hit for a minute. He's the best thing in this arc. He's the stoic bad ass assassin guy, and he is the epitome of coolness! He rarely talks, is super strong, and isn't about to take no guff from Frost. Hit attacks Frost, seemingly without even moving at all, and just curb stomps him without breaking a sweat. And then returns to his seat with the knocked out Frost like nothing even happened. This guy couldn't get any cooler, right?  WRONG! Because he's voiced by Matthew Mercer! That's right, in addition to all of the stuff I just said, he's also frickin' Jotaro Kujo! It's really quite-HEY, WAIT A MINUTE!
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That pose...is this some kind of...Jojo's reference?!  Goku is also well aware of Hit's unwavering swag, and knows that he will be the most dangerous fighter in the tournament. But Goku has a trump card should he need it...but we'll see what that trump card is later.  It is now Vegeta's turn to fight the giant robot man named Magetta. A lot of people complain about Magetta's dub voice, which is an online text to speech program, but I honestly think that it's kinda neat. Magetta, personality wise, is also kinda bland as a character, but like Botamo he has some interesting powers. One, despite being a giant robot, he's actually pretty fast. He also has the power to shoot magma and steam from his body. He and Vegeta spar for a bit, but it turns out that the new barrier that Champa designed was created for a specific purpose other than just protecting the audience. Since the new barrier is so much smaller than the last one, it traps most of the heat in and also limits Vegeta's areal movement. It's actually pretty cool, and I like the use of strategy. It's something we see a bit more in Super overall and I think it's a welcomed change. Vegeta goes Super Saiyan but Megetta is able to withstand both the Gallic Gun and the Big Bang Attack. These final attacks cause the protective barrier to shatter, sending glass towards everybody. Whis and Vados protects the audience, except Hit who just catches the glass before it can hit him.
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Man it feels so good to be a gangsta...  Vegeta get's angry and begins to insult Megetta and Megetta ends up falling out of the ring, because apparently the secret weakness of Megetta's race is that they're very sensitive and can't handle insults. Sure.  Vegeta advances and battles the Sayian Cabba. The universe six Sayians are apparently protectors of their universe, instead of horrible space pirates. And since universe six doesn't have a Frieza, they're all still alive. They also don't have any tails and seemingly can't go Super Saiyan. Vegeta and Cabba begin to fight and I actually really want to raise the choreography in the first part of the fight. I like how the fight is just a simple fist fight. No flashy moves or transformations, just a normal martial arts. It's actually pretty refreshing. But of course that doesn't last long and Vegeta powers up to Super Saiyan. Vegeta begins beating the crap out of Cabba until Cabba tries to surrender. This makes Vegeta furious. Seeing a Saiyan surrender his pride that quickly. He refuses to relent his attack, and says that if Cabba doesn't give him a proper challenge he will go to universe six, find Cabba's home planet, and blow it up. But not before tracking down Cabba's family and killing them. Everybody is shocked, but this is actually all part of Vegeta's plan as all of this anger and hopelessness from inside Cabba boils up and he becomes a Super Saiyan. I also really want to praise both Chris Sabet and Clifford Chapin. They both give really amazing voice performances here, and I don't think the scene would work nearly as well in lesser hands.  Cabba and Vegeta begin fighting for a bit, until Vegeta powers up to Super Saiyan Blue and explains that, as Price of the Siayans, he can't stand a Saiyan to give up his pride. Vegeta tells Cabba that if he want to become stronger, he needs to hold on to his anger. And that if he does he will be able to become Super Sayian Blue too one day. He tells Cabba that he wants him to surpass him, before knocking him out in one punch.
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I'm starting to think that THREE years training for this tournament...wasn't really needed. See everybody, Vegeta's great at helping people as long as he can do it by punching and threatening them!  For real though, it's actually really good development for Vegeta as a character. He's gone from a selfish asshole who just wants to be the strongest, to a selfless asshole who wants to help others get stronger, realize there potential, and even surpass him. I like the master student dynamic of Vegeta and Cabba's relationship. It's actually kinda sweet. Sort of. A little.  Universe Six is down to one fighter left, while Universe Seven still has three. Though we the audience learn that Monaka isn't actually strong at all. Rather it was all a lie that Beerus made that up in order to motivate Goku into becoming stronger. And this is another thing that I find to be a missed opportunity. The plan honestly doesn't make much sense at all. Goku always wants to become stronger. That's what Goku does. He doesn't need a person to motivate him to surpass his limits. Plus he already has somebody like that, and it's Beerus. Beerus already fills the role that Monaka is suppose to fill! Why risk having a worthless fighter just for that? Plus I liked the idea of this really weird looking stoic guy being one of the universes strongest warriors. It would have been the closest thing we would ever get to having Saitama in Dragon Ball! But with the twist that he's really week, he basically becomes alien Mr. Satan. It seems like such a waste. Anyway, Vegeta advances to the next round. Now while Hit isn't really evil per say, more of just a rival really, he is the closest thing this arc has to a main antagonist other than Champa. And as we know, every time Vegeta fights the arc's main antagonist, it-it usually goes really well for him, so we shouldn't have anything to worry about-
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Well, at least Vegeta didn't die. That's more than can be said about some of his encounters.  Hit was able to easily beat Vegeta because of his ability, the time skip. With it it allows him to jump forward one tenth of a second further in time, and while it may seem small, any e-sports player could tell you how much of a difference that can make. Goku learns this and goes up to fight. With Vegeta out and Monaka being a worthless character, he's there last shot. Goku is able to counter this by predicting Hit's moves before he makes them, and counter appropriately. However, Hit is able to counter back by just kinda...willing his time skip to last longer, up to half a second. There's also some interesting character development for Hit here. Hit starts the fight all stoic and mostly uninterested, but as the fight continues he get's more and more into it. We learn that Hit is one thousand years old, and that's when the gears start clicking together. Hit is the most powerful mortal in his universe, and he's bored. But fighting Goku, he finally has a challenge. He finally has a reason to improve his techniques. He starts to treat Goku with respect, and Goku does so likewise. But eventually Goku is on the ropes, and it's time for him to use his trump card that he talked about earlier. He powers up, and then activates the kaio-ken. You see, Goku can't combine the kaio-ken and Super Saiyan normally because the strain on his body would be to great, but since Super Sayian Blue is all about zen and energy control, he's able to do it. I think it is a cool twist, as it's nice to bring back the kaio-ken after all this time. My only gripe with it is that they don't foreshadow it to much before hand. I mean they foreshadow it about as much as Super Saiyan Blue, but a little more would of been nice.
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 Also, can we talk about how awesome it looks! It would of been so easy to just combine the Super Saiyan Blue with the kaio-ken's red and just make Super Saiyan Purple. But they really come up with a creative look for it, and I love the multiple auras. It creates some great opportunities for some fantastic lighting effects. This design coupled with the concept of the form being more than just "like the old form but stronger" and we've got what might be one of my favorite forms in the whole series personally. Though, people on the internet are right, it does look like a bomb-pop.  Goku uses the kaio-ken times ten and charges Hit, but even so Hit is able to keep up with it and...oh my God, there not. Are there? Oh my God they are, there playing the opening theme song. AKA: THE INSTANT ANIME HYPE BUTTON! There's only so much awesome I can handle at once God damn it!-
The fight continues, but Goku isn't satisfied yet. He ask Beerus and Champa if they can remove the no killing rule from the tournament. Since Hit is an assassin Goku knows that he's holding back in order to make sure he doesn't kill him, and thus isn't fighting at his full potential. Champa is fine with it, but Beerus isn't. They start arguing, and Hit and Goku both realize that there just pawns in there game, at least for now. Goku, choosing not to be a pawn, jumps out of the arena once he realizes that he won't be getting the fight that he wants. Yeah, screw the Earth! Beerus is beyond upset and it's time for Hit to fight Monaka. However Hit, in an act of solidarity with Goku, jumps out of the ring too, crowning Beerus the winner of the tournament.  Champa is very angry about this, and decides that he's going to just straight up murder all of them for there insolence. But right before he can, a literal Dues Ex Machina shows up in the form of The Omni-King Zeno. The king of all twelve universes and the strongest being in the Dragon Ball multiverse. Even Beerus and Champa are terrified of his presents. Omni-King personality can be summed up as a little child with the powers of an all powerful god. i.e) innocent, playful, a total sociopath, and dumb as a brick. Also he looks like a battery.
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If you're surprised that this is what the strongest being in the Dragon Ball Universe looks like, you havn't been paying enough attention to Monaka.  He showed up because he noticed that Beerus and Champa weren't doing there jobs, but then he got distracted by the tournament. He liked watching the fights, and says that he wants to hold another tournament with ALL of the universes. He then meets Goku and they seem to hit it off pretty well despite how informal Goku is to the god king and he leaves. Champa, wanting to make sure that he wins the next tournament, decides to spare all of his teams lives and they head out.  But twist, it turns out that the last super dragon ball was the planet they were fighting on this whole time! Whis summons the dragon, Super Shenron Oh my God, why isn't this on the side of a van like, now!
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Also, Super Shenron. A+ on the creative name, guys.  Beerus makes his wish and while our heroes don't know what the wish is, but we the audience know. Beerus wished back the Earth from Champa's universe, because once you look past the mass genocide, Beerus isn't that bad of a guy. Everybody returns home and the arc comes to an close.  So that's the "Champa" arc of Dragon Ball Super. How does it hold up? The arc definitely takes a while to get interesting. The parts where there preparing for the tournament and the first couple of fights start kinda dull. And like the Resurrection 'F' one of the arc's biggest flaws is the lack of tension. Because Goku and Vegeta basically won the tournament single handily. They try throwing in things like Buu and Monaka not being able to compete in order to add tension, but it all comes across as forced. Vegeta and Goku spend almost the entire arc in base or Super Saiyan form, and I maybe it's because they weren't sure how people would respond to the Blue forms, but it really does hurt the stakes of the arc. We know at any time they could go Super Saiyan Two or Three or Blue and win easily. Hit seems like the only character who is at all a challenge, and is so much stronger then the rest of his team it makes you wonder why everybody else is even there.  So by me saying that, it might sound like I hate this arc though, right? Well that's not really true. I do have a problem with everything I said above, but there are a lot of good things I like about this arc to. I like most of the new characters, like Champa, Cabba, and especially Hit. There all really interesting character who are ripe with future story potential. I like how the fights are kinda more strategy based than we typically have seen before. And I love the kaio-ken Blue form. One of the best things that saves this arc though is the heart. Things like Vegeta mentoring Cabba, Goku befriending Hit, and Beerus helping his brother but refusing to admit it. These little character moments really hep make this arc into something great.  I'd say that every arc of Super is getting better and better, though just a little bit at a time. Resurrection 'F' was a little better than Battle of Gods, and the Champa arc is a little bit better than that. There's an air of fun in this arc. A lighter tone that is very enjoyable. Overall I do say it is a good arc, just with some flaws that could of been fixed without to much difficulty, but what are you going to do?  So that's my review of the Dragon Ball Super Champa arc. What did you think of the arc? Tell me in the comments down bellow, I'd love to hear your thoughts, even if they differ from mine. Please fav, follow, and comment down bellow if you liked the review or if you have any suggestions for something else for me to review. If it sounds interesting I might just do it. Have a great day and see you all next week, as Deviant-cember continues. (I do not own any of the images or videos in this review. All credit goes to there original owners.)
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