#she moved out and in with her new gf and I've since lost contact
doberbutts · 1 year
Friend: yeah idk if you can eat/like Indian food but this particular dish is really yummy
Me: I mean I don't eat Indian often but I think you're forgetting the time that [Indian trans woman friend] was staying at my place? I wasn't charging her rent so she just cooked for us every day while we were either asleep or at work whether we wanted her to or not
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ryejifics · 1 year
hii 🥺
can i please request more reader x chaeryeong fluff? something where the chaeryeong confesses to the reader after spending all day together?
I like you, don't you get it?
Type: fluff
Chaeryeong x reader
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"No no no! Only 10 minutes and my crush will be here! I don't even have my makeup on!" You panic as you rush getting ready, perfecting your house for the prettiest girl you've ever laid eyes on to come over.
You fell for the girl about 5 months ago. It all started with a math class. You were new to the area and you just joined a new college, she happened to be in your math class and you fell in love. Her red hair, cute face, the way she dresses, her voice, she also happened to be very sweet with everyone. One day you tripped in the hall, dropping all your books and you hear a soft voice saying, "Oh my god I'm so sorry! Let me get that for you." She bent down and grabbed the books and when you made eye contact its like the whole world stopped. You quickly thanked her and blushed all the way to your next class. Next thing you know a few months later you're besties and she's on her way to your house. Today wasn't just any hangout day though. You planned on confessing to her. You were nervous as you planned it all out. You were gonna bake cookies and before she leaves you planned to take out the chocolate covered strawberries you made with frosting on top spelling out "will u be my gf?" All you hoped for was that she would say yes. You've gotten close to her and you both have so much in common.
You got lost in your thoughts when you heard a knock on the door, and you almost ran to go get it. "Chaer!" You exclaimed as you ran to hug her. "You ready to bake cookies?" You smiled and led her to the kitchen where you laid out all the ingredients. You two talked for a while as you rolled out the dough and even had a little play fight with the flour. Her smile as she tasted the jelly. It was all so perfect. All you could hope for is that she felt the same way.
After you put the cookies in the oven you both decided to watch a movie while you wait. You put on her favorite movie and shared a blanket on the couch. You decided to make a move so you reached for her hand. Holding it in yours you sighed in relief that she happily took it. After a while you two ate the cookies and as she was about to say goodbye you almost yelled "wait!" You pulled out the strawberries and said "one more thing" you nervously opened the box to reveal them and she read them gasping in shock. She took a minute to think and process what just happened but ended up saying "yes y/n!! Of course I'll be your girlfriend I've been waiting for this since day one!" She ran to hug you and kiss your cheek. Now you could relax knowing she said yes and you finally have the girl of your dreams. She decided to stay and you two had a sleepover for the night. From this day forward you'd be known as Lee Chaeryeong's girlfriend.
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