#she moves to my lap (im sitting crosslegged)
fakeloveaskblog · 2 years
(Hi, me again)
Okay V, I’ll give you some space. Let me know if you need anything and I’ll be right with you. Goodbye to you to Bela. Keep him safe for me okay.
Hiya folks I’m back. How’s everything going?
Glow Eyes
(No proofreading bc im sick again. also calling Virgil for V sounds very cute for some reason)
"Welcome back!" Patty greeted "Perfect timing. I saved a sandwich for you"
She held the sandiwhc out into the air until you materalized a pair of hands to grab it. The group was sitting around on whatever chairs they had found in the lobby of the art house. Logan had brought coffee and his wife had brought hot chcolate.
"According to my schedule we should be finished by the end of today" Logan said while checking his neat notebook. Patty took his pen to doodle tiny frogs in the margins.
Remus had already finished his lunch and was sitting crosslegged on a bench with his face smoshed up against his friend- uhm- partner- no-.... With his face smoshed up against Janus' upper arm. The fuzzy fabric of their sweater tickled his nose as he touched the edges of their fingertips.
"Jannie y'know you can talk to me if there is anything" Remus mumbled out "I know me and Remy can let out brains explode and splatter everywhere sometimes. So y'know just a reminder"
"Thanks deary, I am aware though. This might be hard to believe but I don't have anything to whine about right now" They let their fingers entangle with his "I feel quite at peace"
Remus bonked his nose even further into their sweater "Just wanted to make sure"
"Dukey, the time" Rowan interrupted "The posters aren't going to prinst themself. We don't got any magic candelaber....sadly"
"Ah shit! Right! Uhhh the store was just like 5 minutes away right?"
"50 bro if you're going to walk" His twin rolled her eyes while patting his back "I can drive. I'm much more used to dealing with posters anyhow" She also patted her own back.
Remus hesitated before giving Janus a quick hug and the tiniest of kisses to the cheek before getting up "See you later fucker!" Rowan jokingly blew a kiss to Patty before leaving with her twin.
There was the sound of a door opening before loud chattering erupted for a bit before more door moving. Janus was already gearing up some sarcastic comment about how quick the trip had gone as soon as he saw the entrance door opening again but shut up when he saw it was Remy.
"Hiii" They were leaning heavily on their cane and let out deep breathe as they sat down next to Janus.
Patty and Logan greeted back at them and Janus kissed them before whispering out a question if the therapy had gone good. They whispered back something about how it had gone good but it had thrown all their spoons out the window.
"Who is throwing spoons out the window?" Logan asked while peering around at the nearest windows.
"It's a metaphor darling"
Patty got up and dusted her long skirt off "I haven't seen the paintings on the upper floor does anyone want to go take a peek?" Logan immediately stood up and took her hand.
Janus could see that Remy was in too much pain to even get to the elevator right now so he waved it off "I'll stay here for a while. Steal all of the coffee muhaha"
As soon as the other two had gone upstairs Remy let themself collapse onto their partner so their head laid in janus' lap. Their hair had gotten just about long enough so he could try to make tiny braids out of it.
"Girl it's like such a heavy day today. Like My brain won't shut up 'bout relapsing" Remy muttered out. Their breathing slowing down and their body relaxing as they felt their partner's warmth.
"Anything in particular wrong?"
"Nah nah don't worry babe. Just y'know. It feels kinda scary to feel happy. Feels like everything's gonna go to shit so it just like feels safer to be high and like disappear before anything instead y'know?"
Janus leant down to press a kiss to their temple "I know. I'm glad you came here instead of dealing with it on your own"
Remy smiled smugly and spoke in a sort of joking cutesy voice "Aww I was wjust wmissing wmy partner" They did some kissy noises.
A while later Patty and Logan came back from looking at the art "It'S So SAD LOGIE!!" She exclaimed with her eyes still on the brink of tears.
Logan had a look on his face that could only mean that this sort of thing happened every single time they went to look at art. He patted her hand and let her sniffle into his shirt.
"What you helped with looks great too deary" She added.
"Thanks love"
The group spent the next hour doing wordle before everyone except for Remy banded together to finish the crossword in the newspaper laying in the reception. Remy had assigned themself to be the cheerleader so all they did was play 'supportive' music.
Once the twins got back they had five or so posters with them and a few brochures. The kind of brochures you get in the reception of an art exhibition where the artist got to write a few sentences about what had inspired them to make the art.
Everyone went to help set up the posters on the outside of the building except for Remus and Remy because the Rems wanted Rem time. Remus was accidentally blabbering about the brochure while pointing out every little thing.
He turned it over onto the back where the credits were for the people who had worked on the exhibition. Of course Remus name was written along with Logan as a researcher and Remy.
"Why's my name there?"
"Becaaauuuseee you're my museeee" Remus jokingly nudged his head against theirs "Just kidding. It's cause of that embrodiery you made! Don't worry! Your name isn't on the poster! No one will know you were part of this except for the people coming"
"I didn't think the embrodiery was such a big thing- ah shit! I've been forgetting to give your sis the skirts I re sewed for her"
"It was a big thing for my heart! My rotten lil soul!!!"
"Your soul is worth 5 cents at best" Remy replied to which Remus gasped.
"Evil! Vile! Such insults! And to your dear boyfriend as well!!!"
"Are you???"
"I'M NOT???"
"WELL- YeAH- But uh girl sorry yeah like" Their face went red for once "I wasn't like ready for it"
Remus blurted out a flustered "That's what she said"
"Your arm is like getting hairyer by the way" Remy said because they loved the look on their boyfriend's face whenever a wave of gender euphoria hit him.
"Really? I thought so too but I didn't wanna assume!! Soon enough I'm getting that fucking mustache!! I can almost taste it!!"
Remy cupped his cheek "You're voice is gonna sound so fucking pretty when it like drops like any minute now. Kiss?"
"Yesh please"
The sun had started to lowed in the sky and all of the posters had been hung up. The exhibition was ready to open. There was just one more night till it was time.
Logan, Patty and Rowan had already booked a reservation for a karaoke restaurant (Logan had only agreed to go because it was trivia night) so the trio left soon after.
The room was quiet for a bit between the remaining three before Remus finally blurted out "Uhh I think I got knives in my stomach"
Janus clasped their hands together "All right does anyone wanna have a sleep over. Can't be nervous over an art show if you're nervous about one of the two of us stabbing you in your sleep!"
Remus nodded while looking like a soggy puppy.
"Any specific place you wanna stay at? Mine or yours?"
Remus shrugged. Remy did too.
"Alright. Ghost's choice then. If only everyone could have a ghost around. No one would ever have to toss a coin ever again"
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bytedykes · 2 years
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hollyhomburg · 5 years
I'd have to agree that Empireverse is a yes please. Not that I don't love the others. But Empireverse sounds really interesting to me. And with the way you write, it's like my brain is just ready to EXPLODE. Just thinking of it. Sorry not sorry. Love you, bear.
my only fear is that once we start getting into it I just won’t. be. able. to. stop. but I’ll try to explain a little her- also- note- that for this section of Packtan au Tae is the only beta, yoongi is an alpha in this version of the au. also there is shifting. there are also like- a fuck ton of triggers in this au, i will note them in the paragraphs before they come up but i probably won’t get that far in this ask, since I’m going to limit myself to like 1000 words. 
the trigger warnings for this au are as follows: non-graphic mentions of rape (all i say is that it happened, im never going to go into detail). Miscarriage, and probably some illusions to suicidal thoughts, severe post-traumatic stress disorder, non-verbal main character. 
so basically, Packtan is mostly complete minus jimin (who will come in later) and packtan is like royalty- they’re the ruling body over some kingdom composed of a bunch of different packs with namjoon, Hoseok, and yoongi, as the three main rulers. I have this really elaborate like title system- where like- Namjoon is called “the high silver alpha” because he runs most of the governing bodies- and oversees the general laws that get made- as well as having the final say in most matters. while Hoseok is known as “the high beta of gold” as he oversees most of the agricultural and industrial aspects of their kingdom. whereas yoongi is “the high bronze alpha” and is the lead commander of their armies. 
with Seokjin as technically “the diamond omega” meaning he runs the day to day affairs of the capital city. and Taehyung as an untitled beta, and Jungkook as an untitled alpha (neither of them have distinguished themselves enough to earn a title- and are mostly sheltered by their Hyung’s from the bulk of responsibility- though Jungkook is like- absolutely smitten with yoongi in this au and trails after him and is his apprentice on the war council- as well as is the leader of the assassins guild (will probably win him the title of the shadow alpha- eventually, but he can’t be officially titled until he has his first rut)
but anyway- getting to like- the main part of the story. 
basically all of Packtan are in love with each other. I have this whole tragic backstory for her- like she was the daughter of a lower noble family that namjoon and yoongi stumbled upon bathing while they were on a hunt once- and after the initial embarrassment. both of them apologize and immediately started courting her and inviting her to stay at the royal palace for the upcoming mating season- which features the works- like balls and outings and a verry ritualistic declaration ceremony. 
None of them were titled at this point yet- their parents are still technically the rulers of the kingdom, but they were already a pack and as Seokjin and namjoon where also pups from the last royal pack- it was understood that eventually whomever they chose to be apart of their pack would eventually be the ruling pack over the kingdom. 
Basically- Packtan courts the reader, she accepts and becomes the packs omega (cue smutty times). they’re all happy for a few blissful months- she rubs Yoongi’s shoulders when he gets back from a campaign and lavishes both him and Jungkook with a rub down of healing salve. Makeing sure they know to be safe every time they leave to attend to their military duties, Jungkook keeps one of her silk sashes tied around his wrist, a red string of fate to remind him that he has to come home to her- no matter the battle or struggle. 
And sometimes- on the nights when namjoon has to stay up late writing new legislation or an Interpack agreement that will go into place over the next few weeks. she’ll tug her bed mat close to his desk just to hold his hand or lean her forehead against his thigh, picture one of those old fashion ones in the studio ghibli films where like- he’s sitting crosslegged (also kinda based off of that one scene in as the wind rises) and he’ll look down fondly at her and run his knuckles gently over her cheek, and when he’s done he’ll quietly pick her up and bring her to the big bed (ie- nest) where all the others sleep if they’re there currently at the royal palace- though they all have their own private rooms for when they need it) 
on the days when Hoseok can’t possibly deal with any more drama from the lords and ladies of the city- she’ll prompt him to join her in her private garden- set in the middle of the inner ring of the palace where they all live, and he’ll spend the day resting and recharging with his head in her lap, listening to her read to him until he falls asleep. Seokjin will lavish her with the finest silks and the rest of them with the sweetest whines and thickest armor. Making sure everyone in the pack is well taken care of and looked after- not only by him but by the carefully chosen staff that have known Seokjins family for generations. 
but then, just after the old royal pack steps down and moves to one of the summer palaces (customary in their culture once the younger pack is well established and all of age with at least one member of each sub gender, the royal family will step down and allow a new one to take it’s place) war breaks out with the neighboring kingdom. 
thats like- the start of what happens/the start of the plot. i hope you guys can be patient for when jimin gets here because it’s going to be a little while. 
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