#she probably would’ve called me a bimbo if she saw me bc of this 😭😭 too funny
menalez · 11 months
if anything petal woman from that meme reminds me of annoying orange lol. that bi girl going at you was so full of shit. i think osa women get mad being reminded most of them are conforming for men i think many lie about it on here too. radblr is so dishonest about what normie and millions of women are like. rfs make up absolutely nothing in numbers compared but they love to act like it.
she even said those conforming and hyper-feminine women should be welcomed to rf so what are you mad about? the annoying flower hetfem? it reeks of “this is heterophobia!” but calling it misogyny bc she did a good job about derailing what the whole meme was about, the very thing she supports rfs being w men tho it isn’t radical feminism.
she was trying her hardest to find sth to call misogynistic and it showed lmao, when in reality she seems more misogynistic bc she saw lip gloss and lashes and thought “brainless bimbo” (her words not mine).. anyways yeah it was interesting how she was so offended but in actuality she supports pointless identity politics in which women wearing makeup and being hyperfeminine and dating men can be radfems
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